HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-6-29, Page 3, i' ��,, f 'icor il,!:rElff,,, ,,r` iiv r6 u +,n t7 orisro ar :'rrS Coaopo- THE BRUSSELS POST W. dnesday, June 26th, 1342 VO tit' 4I1 4;,:7 3't NA, H SU U Ni 3 Founded and developed on the basis of helpfulness to the farmer, the implement industry is entirely dependent on the prosperity of agriculture for its own success. Through the years, the implement maker has, with quality of product and genuinely helpful service, won the high regard and goodwill of the users of his product. There are few farmers who do not value sincerely the service of the implement company. The farmer and the implement maker have mutual interests in the welfare of agriculture and its progress towards higher standards and improved methods. Work- ing for the common cause both have contributed much to the betterment of fanning in general. In the past, new developments in equipment have enabled the farmer to do his work in less time and at less cost. Such equipment has helped the farmer offset adverse conditions such as drouth and soil drifting, to combat insect pests and other types of crop destroyers, and to replace manpower in times of labour shortage. The self -binder, the tractor and power farming machines, the one-way disc and the• pull -type combine, each in its time has helped the farmer in making his efforts successful and profitable. Achievements in the past have been notable and fruitful. Setbacks from time to time delayed but did not prevent the onward march of agriculture. And the future will bring advances in farming, too. The self-propelled combine, perfected by Massey - Harris prior to the war, has opened up new fields of possibilities in implement engineering, and other new machine developments assure that, in his efforts to further improve agriculture, there will be available to the farmer equipment that will offer greater advantages in saving time, labour and expense. Massey -Harris is proud of its long association with the farmers of Canada in promoting the welfare of agriculture. it !Y! iII LEADERS IN THE IMPLEME AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects John Sanders, Thomas St„ Brussels On Saturday, July 6th Sale Commences at 1 P. M. TERMS CASH. John W. Sanders, Proprietor. , Thomas Miller, Clerk. Charles T. Davidson, Treasurer, -Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer, Sr�ky T INDUSTRY $INCE 1847 The Farmer Seeks A Wife When twice d:verced Arthur Bern, etci al, a Oran abuts. 11'ieeoneln, farrier, wanted a wife, he wrote to his Congressman, Repe;entatiye, Al, to 13. O Konski. The Cu' gi e: a- : 'r''t the :L.wspapers who told ;the women, and 2,000 of them wrote back, "Yes+'I Read in The American Weekly with this Sunday's. (June 30) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times what happened next, MODELS IN "MOCK-UP" SHOW NEW TRAVEL COMFORTS I tunas: new first class passenger Tears, which will include many novel features to provide additional comforts, are being built for the Canadian National Railways. They will be longer and wider than those ,now in use, but will have fewer seats. A glass partition will divide each oar into two main sections, one seating 32 non-smokers and the other 28 smokers. There will be lounge rooms at Dither end of the cars, one for men and one for women, equipped with double wash basins and dental bowls. Thermostats will control heat in each section and room of the cars. Now illuminated drinking fountains will be operated by an air pressure system. Before the order for the new day coaches was placed with the Canadian Car and Foundry Company, Mont- real, a mock-up was made in the C.N.R,'s Point St. Charles Shops. Every detail was inspected and tried out by executive officers and oar designing engineers and architects so that not a single feature would be overlooked which might add to the comfort and convenience of the travelling public. In these photographs of the mock- up, models are shown demonstrating some of the novel features that will be included in the new cars. Above, a four -passenger section at one end of the car shows the large double -plate, armoured glass window, the new type baggage rank with lights over each of the more comfortable, rotating and reclining seats, the removable tables which will bo available in coaches for the first time, and the bright appear- ance of the interior decoration to give a highly pleasing, restful effect. Be- low, the ladies fonnge room, shows a new design dressing table with ad-. justable seat, Aurae shelf and new type overhead lights, and the wide window with venetian blind oppotite the new lounge seat. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects John Sanders, Thomas St., Brussels On Snturday, July 6th Sale Commences at 1 p, m. D.L.S.T. 3 led 'rms atilt,, 3 pieces 2 h, 1 girii C:.. .' mattresses l,itrhrn chairs 2 rucking chairs 1 extrnaton table folk! u- loaves 1 luirfot,•,giass, oak 2 laws .•hairs 1 chart rip Lamp with cord and rltade 1 1'oneeir+unl rug O ft, x 12 ft. 1 lawn house 1 step ladder 12 ft. 1 fur coat 1 swat chopper 1 grindstone window curtains Table, covers, Table napkins A comber of quilts pll4orvs aol blankets Door and window drapes Bed spread Some dishes and other small articles too numerous to mention, TERMS CASH Everything must he sold, sale with- out reserve. John W. Sanders, Proprietor, Thomas Miller, Clerk. Chas, T. Davidson, Treasurer. Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer. Wartime '.price and Trade Board Information * * Questions and Answers * a, * Q:—T am doing house work and would like to l, -new how many sugar roupons my employers can take from my ration book every month. Should T give them my ration book? A:—If you are taking your meals in this hone yon ahnulrl surrender i CA . 014001C PIPE l''OB__�- O CRANBROOK. At the nl,:rniug .tiarvi,'r' lu Knox Church Rev. I. 1'). 11:elver ehn.0, a- s0l,jet "The Dosolo;;y'• ba,ed on the 100th Psalm. Muriel and Ken• neth MacDonald sang a duet. The congregation at Cranbrook 11111 unite with that of the United Church at Pinion for the months of July and dogrel and the services will be held alternately in the two churches, the •.ra•rire nn Jely 7 being held in the Cranbrook church at 11 o'clock with Rev. Brenton in charge. Mrs. Whitfield is a visitor with her (Ile iier, Mi' Florence Michel. (lenge Brown. Atwood. assisted by Lynn Evans are engng,,1 in painting the m•,nse and church these days. Cancra tutat111119 a rine three of the pupils of an entrance class of eight in pas-ing without having to n -rite off the exams being held in Brussels Thursday and Friday of this week ETHEL your ration hook to your employers On Monday, Snip 22nd Ethel com- as long as yon are in their employ. munity is planning to hold a Sports The ration allowance for sugar is Day. There wiil he a giant parade, two coupons each month. 1including the ever popular clowns. a * hall games. etc,, and a street dance Q:—T would appreciate it if you at night. Watch for further an - would tell me where T can get a i nonneement, priority for a new bathtub, T a returned. discharged serviceman. A:—Priorities in connection with building material areessories are AUCTION SALE handled between offices of Depart- Form Stock, Implements and Household Effects remit of Veterans Affairs and Prior- i Lot 30, Concession 4, Morris Twp. Mee Offices Ottawa. World advise !a. mile North of Brussels von to contact the nearest D.V.A. SATURDAY, JUNE 29th councillor,I Sale commences at 12.30 p.m., D.L,S,T CATTLE A " ft 6 year-old heifers (,Tersey-Durham. Q: ire are planning on having :1 Reg, Jersey Bull, 10 menthe old a large wedding reception, Where River Rower Oxford Design 111834 will we he able to obtain extra ° Je1•sey Cows rations of sugar and butter? ( Jersey Heifer TY A; --Sorry, but no allowance in ( 200 or more Prp ready to lay, Hybrid made, under present ration regula- tions, for such parties and re- IMPLEMENTS reptions, 1 rubber tired wagon and rack 1`turnip drill 1 scnffier 1 one horse wagon 1 one horse sleigh 1 h:arrow 4 -section 1 one horse plow 1 walking plow 1 die° 1 one horse rake 1 pulper 1 cutting box • • * Q:—Is it true that shirt manu- fecturers must obtain permits before they may export goods to other countries? A:—Yes Every shirt manufacturer must cbtein a pemlt from the De- partment of Trade and Commerce 1 wagon box with seat wheel barrow 1 lawn roller before he may send shirts out of 1 Cream separator 1 steel roller Canada colony ,house 11' x 10' 1 horse blanket • ' • Poultry equipment— drinking dishes, have tenant© who are he- feed hoppers, hen crates, egg crate*, hind In tb.. paym ott of rentals. i etc, have elven them a notice to vacate but they won't move out. They say they don't uavt to. Are they correct syr can I scat I*c:n vacate the house? A:—When tenants do not pay their rent and are more then 16 days in ar- rears„ they are no longer protected by the Wartime choices and Trade Board regulations or the rental laws 1 Electric brooder (Jamesway) Broder stoves 1 Quebec heater 1 wood stove 2 iron kettles 1 ladder 1 pump and pipes Few cords of summer wood Numerous other articles 100 feet of snow fence HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 1 small white table 1 12 -burner) Coleman gas stove 1 (2 -butter) Coleman camp stove 1 'Princess Beth Haa•riston cook In the province in which they reside. Stovo4 ereartrt enamel and nicker We would adbise you to see your trims with reservoir lawyer reveling this matter. 1 pair of p111oW:s tiled with duck feathers • • . 1 goose feather mattress for single Any questions relating to rationing bed you should contact the Department if referred to the Information Branch, Wartime Prices and Trade Board, London, Ontario. GETS HIGH POST: J. W I•Iughes, of Toronto, who has been named neral electrical engineer of the Oansxlian Pacific Railway With headquar'ter's at Montreal. „ 'Western Ottmatioets met Thirty -nitre years with the C.P.R.'adorn Eye 's he has electrical engineer for eastern linea shine 1918. Phone 118. H trristort 1 stretcher or day bed 1 corner cupboard 1 black robe Coal oil hasps 1 bottle capper Some quilts, pictures and dashes 3 rocking chairs 1 wicker chair 1 arm chair 2 small tables, 1 Victor radio 2 dresears 1 wash stand 1 white wash stand 1 white iron bed (single) springs and mattress 2 kitchen tables, with drawers t 1 electric washing machine (wooden tub) 2 wardrobes 1 kitchen stool 1 congoleum tug 0 x 12 ft, 1 organ stool 1 auto knitter • Other art c.Tes too numerous to mention. 1 lawn mower with grass ratchet. 1 Singer s*Wing machine (drop bead) 1 card tab,e 1 copper b)„er 1 hot plate (e1'at`f°) 1 large rinse 'ni' rtnd wash board 1 3-plece toilet set TERMS CASH ALEC WOODitoW, Prop, HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer F4 F. 14aimuth Regrstered Optometrist "I have been healed by Christian Science” Such statements as this appear each week in verified testirnonieri of healing in the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SENTINEL A Christian Science Sunday Service will ba broadcast over .Serous mut et 11 a.m. Sunday, June 23rd. Please send me copy of the Sendtael. Nemo,..,.....».......... ..,- ;©.:.-....,-...- street City _.... «.. .... "reeks* — WILLIAM T. SPENCE i e ste Agent Conveyance:' and Cazaminsionce GENERAL INSURANCE OlFPX% 19t1AE4 STREET, -- EIrgFia$T. 1.41-,-11MV".1, ..cam_ a®ua.... - =aueY UARTE ' R@uoto S OP GOOD going from 12.00 noon, June 28th, until 2.00 p.m. Monday, July 1st, 1946. Return: Leave destination apt later than midnight Tuesday, July 2nd, 1946. Tunes shown are Standard For fares and further information apply to your nearest Ticket Agent 'N AL YOUR BUSIMESS o No bonir:rlr-a can aced to Urso risks which should be eovered by insure once. Let us analyse your needs, exploit* bow insurance can protect your business, from lose in many ways and arrange plan- ned Pilot policies to cover all eventualities. We write Pilot Insurance to cover sel- ected risks in Automobile, Fire, Personal Property Floater, Burglary, Ca, -co, Eleva- tor, Teams, Plate Glass, General and Pub- lic Liability, Fidelity and Surety Bonds, WALTER SCOTT — BRUSSELS Representing PILOT INSURANCE caMPaNY la a DEAD or DISABLED ,)aickfy removed in Clean Sanitary track... Plume collect ls2 BRUSSELS ik Mann $tone Sons Limited Immenemeramassmahomeara The Egg Dep rt ,fi It;n Is No lien Highest Prices Paid Honest Grade Assured TF LIVE HENS AND CHICKENS also GEESE and DUCK FEATHERS BEST PRICES PAID Before you sell any poultry phone the Export Packers. We will call at year place for any quantity or you can bring them to us. xport PHONE 70x c ers BRUSSELS