HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-6-29, Page 2WINS AIR AWARD: Grant W. Ct
1VIcOonachie, general manager of Can -
iodise Pecifio Air Lines for western linos,
and a pioneer in Far North aviation,
who has been awarded the McTeo
'trophy for 1945, for his outstanding
contribution to commercial flying in
Mon is
• ax conum 7
You are the best judge. TPe t
That's why we try our best to
But more people are making
than ever before — even
score now than in the war
We are building new
equipment and Settingitin-
to service us sa8t as we can.
But right new there's often
raoe•e trafirie thanwe, can take
care of the way we'd like,
and delays d.a occur.
We'd appreciate your help
a little while longer. This
eurnrier, especially, please
Contin;:e to ask yourself:
"Is this Long Distance
';all necessary?"
hink every call is important.
put it through quickly.
more Long Distance calls
a Long Distance Call..;
FIRST, give operator the
name of tho distant city ...
THEN, the telephone number
of your party .. .
THEN, when the operator asks
it, your own telephone
If you don't know the distant
telephone number, please make
a note of it for future use when
you hear the operator repeat it.
•Flax m
M:1=0 ata,az
ii ll ic,r n e
toil about F ° ? ; i• r -1 fill the pa el t.
Ven..... t t. . r. ::u v, t l ,rt n 1'aek the
1 r week -end ill ra Mites.
Wood. c:clt 3t has: the r .-u
tatfo: boss• L'..u.cll`.ut; keit
and ererythine; :,,ady t1, i:':'P="'
come ga.rdon precinct, tar the
Locker. They have been stor'ng as-
paragus, strawberries, peas, beans
and corn for -year: — and in large
quantities. She says it's wonderful
to grow a plot of Thomas Laxton
and Telephone peas and put away
50 or 60 cartons in record time, She
'9 tried other varieties, but the
g kinds are listed in Professor i,
tscott's book on Peparation of
ezen Food. This valuable folder
available at the 0. Guelph,
and Agrieutural Representative
^ ' `+ uvv` 1' i t ir' d „ti?.
, 140 Hybrid pullets ready to lay.
reset and Hamp,
p,tn:tld l ue ie Phone 19-•-14.
e1 pi ready }-o _wear
1 ',.42-r49 • t t., rge 'slake
A quantity of cedar
lade• Wilson Phone 23.5
Seed Iinskwheat.
George Taylor R. R. 1 Walton
Frame building 60 x 25 ft., heavy
timber .apply to J. C. McNeil, Belmore
or apply at the Brussels Post,
' M. H. Hay Loader, drop head, also
5 ft. Cockshntt Binder, nearly new.
Carl Jacklin Phone 21-r9,
1 lleht wagon, 1 open buggy, 1
wooden cart. 1 cutter.
Apply to ,Toe Wilton.
1 Int 29, Con, 9. Morris 1 Deet lag
Mower 5 ft_ cut and 1-10 ft. dump
rake Gilbert McCallum, Phone 18-r.9
Choice mixed hay by the acre buyer
' to pay 505, at time of sale and had-
• once before cutting.
Chas. A, Lamont, Lot 10 Con, 7.
Grey Twp,•
Electric motors rewound and re-
paired. Expert workmanship, Mod-
prices. Lloyd M. Bettger,
ATonkton, Ont. :;in i:du tred So_;m<:,1,l. Mies
— i Margaret Curtis, Miss Emma Johtt-
FOR SALE —_� ; stow. 51r,. Cha.rle, Annie=_ and Mrs,
1 McCiormick Deering 7 ft. Grain Carl Johnston attended `ha distlet
Pinder. nearly new in perfect con- annual meeting of East Hann WO -
dation. 1 heavy duty rubber tired men's Institute at Gerrie ou Thurs-
wagon. day- when Mr:- Mu -tilers was elect
TR a'C� T6 ES
give your
trucks com-
mand over all
types of roads
under an wea-
ther conditions
with money-
All -Weather
truck tires .. .
the tires with
the non-skid
diamond safety
YOURDOD rt",_r .F
Ont.' t n. ,
with datives at Mitchell; Mrs.
''Morelos Walker is a patient in Vie -
torte Hospital where she underwent
np,m:ttton: she was accompcutted
r•: her tether, Arthur Wheeler,
q at a m 4 ,0 4 VII
r'*fr"_ F Wnt%F .NOW
a .e ,. a , m a :.
+,•. c1; s,• Lott. Hamilton, le a
TiiNnr with Miss Mary Lott.
t,. a -:d Mrs D. C. Warwiek.:
(wen Sound, were week end guests i
emit r•-lettbe. here,
ss •C A+
-r.. and Mrs. !as. Davis and
"amity and Mrs, Geo. Davis were
visitors in Goderivcb last Thursday,
Mary Helen Ecktnier of Flint,
erich.. spent the week end with
' her parents, L. W. and Mrs,
4. *
'errs. 17. A. Grammage, St. Cathar-
ine: and Mr. and Mrs. Thee.
c ammo ge visited en Werineadav
of lest week at the home of Mr,
n"4 Mes, Geo. Davis.
a o *Robinson
etieeec Margaret and
Bette' Currie spent Tuesday at
Tt+nsham attending tits Pell Tele-
phone C;enference.
r e m
Mr. neo Mrs. Lorne Santiford and
Peter nett Mrs. Kilforrl of Toronto
t-isit'd Ids. and Airs. Clea. IIaeicer
ave the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Tiarnld Carrie and
son W,rren of Westdale Hamilton,
-a• nut the we"k end with Mr. and
ITrs, Ruse 1 Cntrie,
4 t
BL UFV.LL Ttrnssels caclet:s who left Monday
1.lovd Alcock Phone 23-r-14 Brussels 4 p.. sitient of 1M:' 413 t'rr, �Sne-'McKay
— ceoding Mrs. Everitt Soarers of
FOR SALE— Gorrie-
I Harold Elliott :ted his bride (for
Ki'ehene;• IIig-4 Chick? are
in spend ten days at cadet camp
et Tpperwasb wern .Tohn Wilson,
Mac Spear. Duncan .Tam'leson, Bill
Rana and Jim Bowman.
•n 4 s
1 'Mr. Ind Aire. R. McKay and
rinnxhtena. He"en end Shirley or
I Buffalo, N.Y., lee holidaying at the
-'.hems of his mother Mrs. Chas,
4 -•valla1le in most breeds for delivery reely Miss 'ttl,rl 1 ticr-:lnl) vele : J \r, 1-• r .1 1^r„ -t tveo;,,,r
h •ire l..i pack them her, t , 11 Pn these find of his h,otbet, l0 ren, l
tele- mouth, dayold or started. Sum- t'rr• z*nc L of hero? et I rat. er Inc i -ii r_ ar the home
mer prices are in effect: you ;u the vennninity 11,11 on We nes
d v evenirg. A rn'lnii•nnl.'y afl•:'home this week,
full tamping the chicks. Agent R. S. Warwick, Hill
vr+._..''s in the 1 Ton Ranch. Brussels,
.c ear •easnnat e r
fine 1 temente
v ,y. 1ne -
The containers should be liquid -
t, or sealed in cellophane with
a h„t iron.
Storage should be at zero or even
What .about the new electic
Home Freezers? They are just
what. the homemaker requires. This
preservation unit does an Al job.
The method of preparing food for
the able is economical, time -saving
and simple and the results are good.
The manufacturers have sent us
their instruction books and these
include splendid suggestions for
satisfaction, By the way, the Home
Freezer consists of a freeze com-
partment and storage compart-
ments, Foods to be frozen are first
placed in the freeze section and
when frozen are moved to the stor-
age space, The freeziug division
can also be used to store food and
to freeze Cooked foods including
stews, roneted fowl, unbaked pantry
and baked pies (all these "ire thor•
oughiy cooled first) Eggs as well
as other perishables may he ure-
served by freezing. These electric
units are valuable devices for those
who are long-sighted in the busi-
ness of homemadciitg and we, in
our Canadian homes. have every
right to he,
Watch closely the maturity of
such vegetables as beans and peas
and harvest them for freezing at
Peak maturity, that le when they
are best for eating. In order to re-
tain the fresh flavour freeze them
as soon as possible after harvesting:
The variety of vegetables: hen a
good deal to do with the colour of
the fiuozen product, 13e sure to
select those vegetables having in•
tense colour.
Quick blanching (dipping in boil-
ing water for a few seconds) and
proper packaging are two important
laotere affeeting the keeping gnarl-
ilgyt _ J
5lrs. T. W. asks whether it is
necessary to pack fruit in sugar or
syrup for freezing storage?
Answer: Packing in sugar helps
maintain good colour, texture and
flavour during freezing but it is
not necessary.
Mrs, B. P, asks: Do you suggest
dry sugar or syrup for packing
fruit for freezing?
Answer: Dry sugar draws some
moisture from !fruit and may shrink
it, but this Is seldom important,
especially If fruit is to 'be cooked,
Fruits keep their size and shape
;better in syrup than in dry sugar
but they aro more difficult to pack
and freeze,
Mrs, S. M, asks; What happens
f you pack fruit without sugar?
Answer: Fruit may darken, To
prevent darkening, light-coloured
fruits may be blanched or dipped in
sodium bisulphate or the commer-
cial preservative tablet. Fruit
treated with bisulphate is not suit-
able for eating uncooked but may
he cooked as stewed fruits, sauces
and in pies,
Mrs. T. B. Bays: Crushed fruit is
more attractive for shortcakes if a
few whole pieces are put in. Crush -
ea fruit stores well in freezing
Anne Allan invites you to write
to her in care of The Post, Send
In Your suggestion on homemaking
Problems and- watch this column
for replies.
Meat Dealers
Heavily Fined
At Walkerton reen'tiy, fines total-
ling $1300 were levied In police court
on two wholesalers for infractions of
WPTB meat regulations, W. Spring -
ay of Rundalk paid a fine of $300 for
slaughtering in excess of his quoin.
llvidenee disclosed that a portion of
this meat was shipped to the Toronto
market, On five •charges, whten
included slaughtering in excess e1
quota and holding hack coupons,
Theodere Binder of Paisley was
fined a total of $1500,
Teacher for S. S. No. 11 Twp. of
Grey, Ethel, state experience and
salary expected.
Wm, T. Spence, seely: treas,
Ethel, Ont.
To purchase pullets Barred Rocks,
p'ew Hampshires, White Leghorns
any age from eight weeks up to lay-
ing. Good prices paid. Apply to
Tweddle Chicks Hatcheries Limited,
Fergus, Ontario.
1 rubber tire wagon with good
16-600 tires,
1 hay fork and 50 feet trip rope.
1 electric fence, battery new last
1 large kitchen cupboard,
1 kitchen table, 8 window blinds,
1 nickle tea kettle, 1 rocking chair,
Wm, Spear Phone 6x
2 -100 acre farms, bush, hydro and
near school with good buildings,
1.—+200 acre farm good buildings,
price $4500,00.
Brick house, barn 2 acres land sit-
uated outside of good tows on high-
way, price $2000,00.
J, C. Long, Real Estate Broker,
Brussels, Ont.
Bargains in Barred Rook and
Assorted Heavy Breed chicks tor
this week and next, Barred Rocks:
non -sexed 9,95, pullets 11,91, cock-
erels 9.75. Assorted Heavy Breeds
Non -sexed 8.9 5, pullets 10.95, cock-
erels 9.50 per hundred. This adver-
'tisement must accompany your order
,to receive special prices, Shipped
,C. 0. D, anywhere.
Top Notch Ohickeries, Guelph, Ont.
Established Rural Watkins District
available. If you are aggressive,
and between the ages of 25 and 56--
have or can secure travel outfit, this
is your opportunity to get establish-
stablished in a profitable business of your
own, For hill particulars write tte
clay to The S. it, Watkins Company,
Dept, 0.B.4, dki' 7 Mastent - St..
Montreal, (4ue,
these •tan road by 01 k ••,hatpin.'
end :t rhesterrlelrl end re tt' were
peretinted. i.unch was served and
flaming woe enjoyed to mete sup
1 idled by W. Dietmall, Floyd Fel-
leer, and Harold Grant.
Personals: Misses Ethel end Flor-
ence Beattie. Seaforth, with their
cousin, Miss Scott; Mrs. ,T. 3, Sel-
les has returned home after spend -
mg two months at Waubaushene;
Mrs. Sellers was accompanied home
by her sister, Miss Lillian Garniss,
Detroit, and her two grandsons,
Jim and Donald McLean, Waubau-
Ideal weather conditions added to
the success of the anniversary
services held at Knox Presbyterian
Church here on Sunday. Rev, 3, R.
Greig, 'Collingwood, a former
minister, was 'the guest speaker at
the morning service, 1 -Is based his
message on 'Pe must he born again'
and pointed nut that if a nation or a
lchurch is to he reborn, the process
must start with the individual
In the evening he spoke on Paul's
return from a missionary journey
end the hardships and difficulties
he hall encountered and how he
faced them with courage, faith and
Special music was provided by
the choir, which was assisted at
the evening service by Bob and
Marjory Salvers, Wingham. White
and pint peonies and pyrethrum
formed the decorations,
Mr, and Mrs, Greig and Mrs, D.
.7, Sutton were guests 'at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, 'Gordon Grote over
Stmday; Rev, L, C, and Mrs. ,Ior-
eensen spent the weak end at 001-
lirgwood, where Mr, Jorgensen
supplied for Mr. Greig,
Personals; Mr. and Mrs, W. L.
Spier, Brussels, with Mr. and Mrs.
W. H, McKinney; Vire. Reynold,'
fomerly Miss May Powell, with
her Meter, Mrs., Eimer Hastings;
M,r, and Mrs. William Savage,
Washington, U.S„ with his. twin sis-
ter Mrs. John Garniss, and other
relatives here; me, and Mrs,
Thomas Garniss Brussels, with Mr,
and. Mrs, Burns Moffatt; Mr:
and Mrs. James I4, Smith and son',
Roes, and Me, and Mrs, Art Edgar
with Mr. and Mrs, A, .p, ,amilli;
"pence McKinnon, Waterloo, with
his parents, Mr, and Mrs, R, H.
McKinnon; Spence McKinnon has
been transferred to the Canadian
Bank of Commerce, Georgetown,
and took over MS new duties on
Monday; Mr. and Mrs. 1/at'oid Pette -
ter, Mrs, Ja0ep11 Curtis, Mre, IJanra
r IFit'ton and Mies Margaret Curtis
Wednesday, June 20th, 1349
e invite farmers to discuss
with us their financial requirements.
Your particular case may call for
a loan with special terms and
arrangements. Many requirements
can be met by Farm Improvement
Loans. Ask us for the details.
Brussels Branch— T. L. prest, Manager
•. -s`y�.'`ri' yr••,'.}rr�i:Y,
appreciation of your seinen. 1r:
find the esteem in whielt yeti .ire
+1„1d tr0 would adz you 'o accept
these gifts and hope they trill remind
you of the many hapnv 1•0:1 ss
with us 1n your years or enjoern hire
We wish you health, prosperity
end hapnieess in the 1•nenre mud
hope you will often return to grace
our 'tomes with your pleasing
Signed on behalf of S.S. No. 1,
Mrs. Wm. Evans, Mrs. N. Hoover,
Mrs, D. Hemingway. Jimmie Perrie,
Rally Alcock, Ruth T-Ietningway, Lena
Daring the address Mrs, D Hem-
ingway and Mrs. N. Hoover pre-
sented Miss S'hortreed with a walnut
order, table and Jimmie Perrie.
Rilty Alcoek, Ruth Hemingway and
Lena Milder presented her with a
bedroom chair.
- Mies Sltortreed made a favourable
A tt t Pleasant afternoon was 1
0• 1 -drool grounds of S S.
No, 1 Gtet when the commun`;Y
1 pt,ni!• •t d presertati.•n .1
the honour of their teacher Miss M.
•••1,,'rt,•trewtl w•1,,1 le leaving at the end
of Juno. The first part of the after
noon was spent in playing a fast
and furious game or softball, ;eater
everyone joined in the shorts which
were arranged for young and old
some of which caused much laughter
and amusement, On account of the
weather being too cool to sit outside
all retired to the classroom and
were seated for lunch, Miss Short -
reed was given a seat of honour et
the front and Mrs. Wm. Evans read
the following address: -
Dear Miss Sltortreed,
We have learned with deep regret
of your 1'esigration as teacher of our
school and have filet to have a last
somal time together and to bid fare-
well before your departure from ns:
We who are your pupils. appreciate
your kindness and generosity as you
have guided us along the flowery
paths of lcnowledge, We 'hope you
will forgive us if at times we have
appeared -indolent and nnattentive in
our studies. We who are parents
admire yawn courage and ability as
a teacher and your fats' and just
discipline in the classroom and on
the grounds. We who are your
friends have enjoyed Risley hamm);.
hours with you in our homes and
in all our associations together. Wo
will miss you very much from our
midst. As a small tokn of our
.,c t` 1n4
(tidy 1lrink'n, tlism for their gifts
aria hoping they would give their
new teacher the splendid support
.ed ‚--(9:1inn they had given her.
Mrs, D. Hemingway went to the
1,1:9110 1,11(1 everyone Joined in singing
For She's n Jolly Good Fellow,” Lunch
w,: titan ar•t•r, 3 by the hosts and
hostesses and the picnic was brought
to n happy close.
1947 Markers
Black, Silver
Toronto,—The color scheme for
Ontario's 1947 auto license plates
will be black numerals against an
aluminum background, the first time
the Highways Department has used
this combination, it was learned.
The wartime practice of issuing only
one rear marker for each vehicle will
be continued.
C A. MYERS, M. D., L. M. C. C.
William St. Phone 4. Brew els Ont.
Allan A. Lamont
Agent for ---Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Itionzs,eai
Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy for
Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 087
W. D. S. Jamieson, M.D., C.M., L.M,C,C,
Physician and Surgeon
Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 8 p.m.
Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible.
Saturday evenings until 10 p.m.
Sundays- LEmergencies and by appointment cub.
Horne calls in forenoons and 4 - 6 pm.
Tuesday and Saturday all day — Office open every day.
Phone 20x Successor to E. D. Bell
Chas. T. Davidson
Insurance Agent For
Automobile;, and Fire insurance
Accident and SIclmess
Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co.
Harold Jackson
For information, eto., write or phone Harold Jaokeo+t,
phone 12 on 65a Seaforth R.R. 1, truo+felr
Make ar'•anpan•eet, at The Brussel, hat or
Elmer D. Bell, Barr$stsr Of oe, Brussels,
Rann & Johnson
Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer
PHONE 38 or 85 *"..— ^ BRU34id.5, ONT.
Lewis Rowland
(Licensed Flier Huron County)
For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Pest" and they
be looked after tmmadidMty
,nor Informatlon, etc., w its or phone Lew. Rowaand ellee e414 m
Beaterth; sr snit* R.R. S, Welton.
W. S. Donaldson -- Licensed Auctioneer
Phone 3 13 -- Atwood, Ont.
for the Comities of Ham and Pail
sales promptly attended to Chargas ie lNBA&
For engagements phisile 91 ,`"[Jae lltwigl. Pose awl !LN
will he looked Adler immulakily..