The Brussels Post, 1946-6-12, Page 1°'OST PUBLISHING HOUSE amilacizatrelf tiecrialliee• lug*111:10RT,....2a* The Brussels Lions Club Presents the ssels Town r+Jg hoe 15t Front S ILO le O'clock Admissio Adults 40c, Children 20c Dance to Follow - Adinksitn 25c FOOTBALL at Victoria Park on Thursday, June 13 St. Columban vs Brussels Game called for 7.30 p.m. sharp Admission 25c and 10c Come and enjoy yourself and Suppori your team. East Huron Agricultural Society DANCE in Brussels Town Hall FRIDAY, JUNE 21st Music by Ken. Wilbee's Orchestra Dancing from 10 to 2. Admission 50c Lunch Booth Come and enjoy yourself and support your Fair Board. "Lord, what a change within us one short hour spent In Thy Presence will avail to make!" viiiillsda•Maila.11•1••••••••••••••••Maiali..••• Melville church Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A. 10 a. m. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a. ne "Is Your Mind Closed?" 7 p. m. "Get Thee Out." Louis 13, Thompsol, organdat and Choirmaster to.mig0 mokatt..traise.tattoottm.toott The United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson 11 A. M. Morning Worship Rev. William Malt, Thames Road Mission Band 12 Church School and Bible Class 7 P. M. Evening Praise "Christ Will Come In." Everyone Cordially Welcome. 0.0etammumteasa0m..........mwer ...a0.40.tts Church of England Rector Rev. J. H. Kerr Parish of Brussels Trinty Sunday, June 16, 1946 St. George's Church,. Walton - 11 A. M. Morning Prayer and Semen St. David's Church, Henfry6- 2.30 P. M. Evening Prayer and Sermon St. John's Church, BIllateiS-.. 10 a. m. Sunday Soh661 1.30 R. M. t vening Prayer And Oddfellows Service Rev. M. F. Oldham will dedicate a braes alms.basln, the gift of M. and Mrs. Ben Whitford In Memory of the& son floss who gave his life in the cause 6f freedom on July 21, 1044, * * * WE, KNOW * * * Donald McRae, Toronto, spent the week end with his mother Mrs. T. T. McRae. Misses Margaret and Russell, London were week visitors at their home here. ot • Miss Elizabeth Ba.eker, Lontion, spent the week end with her pareets Mr. and Mr. J. C. Meeker. • * • Mr. Berle Cunningham. Palmer ston, was a Sunday visitor with .',Ii' and Mrs. D. R. Cunningham. Hannah end Mrs. L. McCauley and- son, St Mary's, are spending a few days 1' the hoine of her father, C, R Davidson. • et * Congratulations aro being extend ed to Donald Speir, son of ITternel aid Mrs. Spelt,. 12th con. 0 'ay on sacceesfule pe.:sing eie firs: year !seams of his dt-g:cc course at the 0 A.C,, enelph. '0 o • Mr. and Mrs, W. C. McKinnon of Srurnia, and Miss M. McKay of Este - van, Sask„ and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spence and Mr, and Mrs. Sohn Me Tavish all of l3luevale, were Sunday visitors with Mr, Duncan McKinnon, • Annual I. 0. O. F. Church Service The Annual Church Service of Western Star I. 0. 0. le and Mornills Star Rebekah lodges will be held at St. John's Anglican Church on Sunday, June 16th at 7.30 Pen. Members and visitors to meet et the lodge rooms at 7.00 pan, Ton are urgently requested to be Present, H. Jacklin, W. Cameron, Noble Grand Recording -See Dogs Not Allowed To Run At Large Owners of dogs in the Village of Brussels- are asked to keep thele dogs at home during the entenner months of June, July and Augnst when gardens and flowers are destroyed by dogs runniee at large Brussels Council R'E(ENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ord Now Showing - Thur,, Fri., Sat. June 1344.16 Bing Crosby Bob Hope Road To Utopia Crosby and Hope prove a howl In comedy. Mon., Tees., Wed., June 17.18.19 Charles Boyer Lauren Bacall Confidential Agent • A suspenseful melodrama full of robust action. Wechlc,F.•:Fay, .harte 12th, 1946 3,a1 11. McAlleeer a ' .11 In, Aftee Tii.soNliVRO. May. 1111-Deete r ceremony a reeeption was hem at moved a highly respected citizen of the 1,(4,111of the bride's parents. Tillsoubure wl1'n Russel 1!. 31r• Mr. and Mrs. Bletelunore left by motor for Georgian Bay and other points, the bircle travelling In a sue of aqua blue gaberdine with touching hat and wearing the groom's gift, a Russian squirrel neek.piere, The yotme couple will reside at 311 'Weimer road, Toronto Mr. 131a.ckmore is a divinity student at Emmanuel College and will aselei Rev. A. Met -leery in community work at Woodereen Petted Church, Allister passed away at hie borne 00 Elgin sereel in his (Mb ye er, Born in the Township of Grey, near Lietowel, Ile had lived in Tilton - here for several years. Surviving besides his widow are two (laugh - tete and Iwo SOILS, Mrs. Ronald liewitins, Tillsorburge Sylvia, at home; Lawrence. of Halifax, and JaetSon, at home: four brothers, William and Jack McAllister, of VrineoliVer: 7:1 liOtt MeAl deter, of New Westminster. B.C., and Dr, T. H. McAllister, of Portland, Ore.; three sisters, Mrs. A. Pe, MeTeenzie, of London: Mrs. J. R. Gray, of Nel- son. RC., and Mre.11. C. 13anenrd. of New Vifestininster, B.C. The body is reeibie at the Ti, A. Os- trander and Son funeral bnme, Till- ennberee until Monday et 2:30 p.m., when services will he ranclected by John C. MeCormack, Int ernient well be in Tillsonburg Cemetery. n "! 1 N cultiton — Nolan A quiet wedding, was solemnized on June loth at 01101 am. in St. Martin's Roman Catholic Church in London when Margaret Mary Nolan daughter of the late Mr. and Mee. T. W. Nolan. Tiruseele, became the bride of Norbert Anthony Clulliton, Youngest son of Mrs. George Culliton of Stratford anti the late Mr. Cullitnn. The bride was given in marriage ly bee brethee, Mr. James Nolan. Bressele. Mtge Mary Phelan, Myth. conal' of the bride was bridesmaid. Me. Keith •Stratford was his unete's 0r00111,Plan. Rev. Father William 'J. Phelan, P.P., .St. Martin's Church, Londe, cousin of the bride. performed the wedding ceremony and sang the nuptial Mess. Mre Cleary provided the wedding. 111t1s10. After a wedding brealtraet Mr. and Mrs. Culliton left on a motor trip to the Niagara District and the Georgian 138y area. On their return they will reside at Stratford, R.R. 1. Henry - McGill TILYTTI-A quiet but pretty wed- ding was solemnized by Rev. A Sinclair at the 'United Church manse when Marion Frances, younger claugliter of Mr, and Mrs. Walter eleell II, was united in mar - lenge to Wililam Raison Henry younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Malt land 'Henry, Blyth, The bride wove a street -length dress of lime green with brown accesories and carried a rescade bouquet of Delight roses. Miss Wilma Staples. Blyth, was bridesmaid. Her dress els° was street length, rose with brown SR: cessories, She wore a cars -age ot white carnations, Murray Mc- Dowellcousin of the bridegroom, was best man. Following the wed- ding Rev. A. Sinclair performed baptismel services for Sheila Mari- lyn. little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry, niece of heth bride and bridegroom A reception was teed at the home of tbe bride's Perorate. The couple left by motor on a short honeymoon and cm tbeir Tobin will vesicle at 164 Central ave., London. Next Thur., FH., Sat, Jtne 20-21-22 Greg MoLure Linda Darnell The Great ,.1fdltul.. the ups The downs of the otte-time heavy weight king mixed with touches of drama end sontlwient. 101.11.0•00.1.01M, DOMINO - She WoultInst Say lies Brussels Football F4,•os Offirers The football club met nn nieht with following* officere reeetelent-Rev. G. A. Milne. Vice President -Dr. (". 21. Meyers, 'Hon. President -R. J. MeLattehlin 991n50)''-Tfrirry Bowler eeeem-eas.-Tetteh Pearson Equipment Mgr -Gordon Stevenson rnmmittee-Halliert 'Keifer, 11111 Stevenson. Olive Riley rentain--13111 Ring * * s Group standing Won Loat Tied Pointe gi, Calumban .. 2 0 0 4 Petteerie .. 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 Walton Pellet 0 1 0 0 Sone -nee n 1 ft 0 O 4. w em Mender Meet lest the Pine - Psis limes played host to the Walton eirch errline, in a 0pe-511 tie. etrneeele opened the genre with 5 balanced pnssirg play to font Tennis in goal enslly bet a few minutes later Walton tied it rip with n lined shot from close in. Tine Stephenson merited for Tbuseels and 'Rennie Bennett for Welter, No genre in the last linlf with the eame endine,1 the last helf with the game ensline in 1-1 all tie, Although 131 11 Rene made some brilliant tries in the lest half be was unrewarded. • Th Unit.ci Church "Power to choose" was the subject of the mornirg sermon in the United Church. The morning an them was "How lovely are thy dwell- ings" by Reyser. Solo parts were taken by Mise Hingston and Mr. Lloyd Wheeler. The Baptism cere• mony that was to have been °beery - el was postponed until Sunday morrine, June 20, 711 the evening the choir sang "He thnt dwelleth in tbe secret place," by Marsb. Miss Ruth Wilson took the solo part, The minister spoke On the "Righteonsness that exreeds," Announeement was made at both services of the campaign to be carried on locally to raise our mints of the 'United Church Pension Fund. Members of the committee to raise 110 ford are Messrs William Legal, (nehmen: R. 13. Cousins, Secretary. Treasurer and Mar Shaw. TENDERS WANTED Club CORNER STONES Itev, George A. Milne, 'M.A.. Personal Principies.-(4) Mar.attc64 BRUSSELS, (01'4f.A1111 National Clothing Drive Hon. Geo. A. Drew To Open Field Day Thr eitizene of een...tet. :ael ,nre niunitir are to have their ..-tei .. 1e 110-otire111, Geoefee A. Omer. - helping the needy of other Jan& not Prentiee of ()Merit) will offical/ so west as our own. Plans have wee Baron County'e big Field Omer and quickly -that te the goal toward collection hi 1111,,sel.. Mends erei 1.1e P.M., W, enesday, June 19072., already bee, made for an erganized in (lettere:1 itew Comintetity Park at To do a thing promptly, effieiently, will delay our progress toward that Grey ey from June 17th to June 29th, en The Directors of Huron Counter which we' should all strive. Nothing ,e - that we may all make our temtri- Federation of Agrleulture trust Wee goal MVP surely than letting others perform the many duties which we ea n and should do ourselves. Civilization has almost reaebed that point where no-eme takes care of himself any mere. We demand -and cross Seel, ty will sort tied 1(8111 the tion All everete on the prograrnmee obtain a leateered ministries from elothes. InforMation regarding thinee with tete exception of a few toes" - may hew. a daily newsPaper men ann required will be found elsewhere in ship competitions ere epee to the. nntv. IT thi51101181Field Tes78807'others. Earh one of them involves someone else in labour. That we this lesee. Watch for portieulars en regarding the pollee; Ion in this ran be the means .0 cemerffterig PaPer next week. button to the National Clothing Cole -ohm Reeve R. 0, Cousies 114 elutirman of the 8041 committee. The Lions Club members will make the eollection and members of the Red 11111 nential evert will develop into es - truly Portray affair; levering hater level nett urben populations alteette Hipon is .etrietly a meal county; without any large contest of pewee, have to work all night. Others have Ito rise and toll while we are asleep in order that we might have benne Mmulay i and milk at breakfast. Of mune elected: it is not an evil thing that moiety has hermits, a mesh of interloeked serviees. The evit :wises when wetllow * einetnirts ant:0 sth ptne,11.),,ieeetieMs Pn r outthte,r47. 1.? Mrs James Cerrlee 141(4 (I,10! r'14h3114'Itt'4 Wholesale depedenee nn the servicer nete•rie, ji) the person nf Mrs. of others tends to mnkr. us thought- eeme,, emefe. ,e,eey 1 111" less and selfish. Our perecnue prin. 1',',n, beep on Fridnv. Nen7 1T1 einles 140e deteriorate when we fish eeed year. Born in Nertit En,thete. e be! other people to do for ne all sorts? of 1 ,reee„. ene erre. me. 111hqingst7 atnIlfi fairt ?1 he betrteleran1f0ozr ('Ilrdiff 111 iqqn, Th"v on ('011'Parlance she was married +0 lime:: 0n'$ sewn hnote is re gond exer'lee• esiou 13 of Grey TeweshiP fer eerel far the morals, good for the fifty retire, retire: twerty-eevee ienderneath every PVP', duty lies the meetal indolenee which Blackmore -Elliott BIATIDVALF, - wedding was solemnized in Knox Presbyterian Church when Rev. Leland C. Jor- genson united in marriage Lois tvelyn Ross, Ileg.N„ only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Raymond 13111011. and William P. Blackmore, RA., son of' Mr. end Mrs, Cecil Blackmore, Iletemsville. Mrs, Donald Robert - erne church organise'. PleYed the eyeddire music. The bride entered on the arm nf her father in a full. slcieted princess gown of 1VOTy faille taffete. 1 -Ter fingertip veil fell from a halo outlined with seed pearle. She carried Alneeican Beatty yowl and gardening. Mists Mabel Mee- Donald4 itou.N., maid nf 90 -or, ehoae powder blue faille taffeta- and carried twoet pees and gartioniere 'Phe junior bridesmaids, T3etty Messer, (‚01(1111(‚01(1111of tbe bride, and Jean Blaremore, sieter of the groom, Were gowned silka to petal pink taffeta and carried 0050135-750050135-75 of 'roses, snapdtragnoe arid sweetpeas. Dalton Illackinore, was grocensmen ter lita brother. Diming the signing of the register InspJ Lareon Rapp, Lietowel, comet Of the gem tang, Harry Meek. more, semnorme, brother dt ebe Poem, Med Jack Oke, Weodetock, Tenders will be received by the undersigned till 8 o'cloek Perle Friday, June 14th for the work of repair and improvement of the Tietreeliamp Creek Drain and its South Branch. Beauchamp - Estimate ........ -20,000.00 South Branch - elstintate ,. 2.700,00 Plans and Spectecationst may he I seen at the Clerk's. Oflice at Ethel. The lowest or any tender not neces- eerily accepted, Security will be required.a Fear, Clerk, Ethel, OM, • 0 • a Itt Obi'var v * • • * * frienely rseatione in nor commeareite ties. a great deal whll 'have reseele , ancomplished. e • 1111411 111141141141 hle as been dlepyetit in the (minty pesay ennteet OpFAT 10 ell Publie Sehool and man'? 4, a onr yonng students have skew= ,"'1541r111911',"'1541r111911'rkebte literary abiltty. 7840 in this rontest will he presented with their prizes by 'Fete Premier of Onterin at the 010110 78117 et 1.45 P.M. aporneimetely, fele fee- winnere of the County jueeelmr 111"i0111' en11-10gt 86411 004164'0*their award" at this titre, elr. terns, Fret. Prineipel of 901'40' f'+9 ('l'01-'6414,lleeeeee ler. E. 1. Firees., Principal of Clinton Onleleinte, reed 11' )101'1'1 e Cle le et t Pei r eipaI uf Blyth Continuation gehoel, teetee. ltinely creso0.l-Pd to net e; 31)111)111'fee the lezetre Contese. Te- re the 1, 09" te.eets 111 Wes'e...e. reeterie will ernvide re' rirtetiele---lece--eeet See e 0. v-- St 1'ft-eel Te eh,. eee.-- Tee 1,-e:hire Preritr. ereet-. Me. e erect deal ef -:emtmeet in the (eee'e 411)43ii 0 1410111".'l .-yee "0!1,e eett foree. A eelare eeeee le feellees" Conteei show ee.eete ietreee..e many worth While eyelets will be or eierley. 13143074ee events with m 1 , valeable r wrn he the chl,f source of !me r, yenneer nf year. 41111 and 'Mal:the' 'heir 11414:n. "1 11•110C4k when-, l•pfuf 4es to do the required thing at 77,7'"tw77,7:the proem. time. Try shirking perse-7,1,1,1,n,1-771- al gem -lees we render oureelves 7'4eeeecame" resettled eel, helpless in the 90111 Of enterCeney in lit, ee411 the and ,14(1 it le our duty tn ourselves and onr 'ho her nefetliene rheereereee nsefulness fn lenrn seleelseipline degree hereelf lo n bast or frumae. and accretive the imbit of nehievement She ie eo„.leoe by enc., and aerompliehertent cin hale 'v111 seer come to the man who is tot aeltamed t' do lee nwn ehnres To persist in the peenes. of heino foe. peer "pressed for time' es little moor, than an 44301741 for feeler oreanlea tion and faulty apportioning of one's time Having instiffirient time Or, perform some small hot at the Mlle time reressary elute eaten -illy means that too mum time has been given to some other lees important duty. If time is th,r all. important factor in nue work then let us take care of our time rather it'll take nor time. NOTICE - Ni -911 the party who borrowed my pipe wrench return It at once, also any other tools. IT 1 am good enough to lend surely 7011 can be good enough to return them. 1 find that in future T will have to Tfuee to lend tools, Joe. Thuell Notice— The contracts of cleaning. the following portions of the Blyth Creek Drain in Morris- Twp., will he let by Public notion em ,Tune 21st. Approximately 100 rods in Lots 15 and 16, can. 8, at Joseph MeCaughey's at 2 p.m. and apProxi- nudely 25 rods in Lot 24, Con. 8, at Joseph 13ewley's at 0 p,m. George Martin, Clerk DIED BALLANTYNE-In Clinton Hospital otk Tuesday, June 11th, 1946, Robert Ballantyne, in his 8Brd year. Funeral will take plane from the Walker Pelee -eel Home on Thursday, June 13t1). Service, at 2 11. ne In- terment in Wingham Centetery. winorn•rmreraZ¢Tsnme*.e.,4,mm gen 5 Utliia S h !!! At n'i'llirSOCAS Town [Ha Th ;1. TS rf4 a June 20th At 0.45 W. S. le, Tex nepper in ee, "Tex Rides with Boy Scouts" ADDED ATTRACTION Bing Crosby in "Blues of the Night" Including Comedy, News and Cartoons. Admission 35c and 20e nn 110 linineetene and three danehters. Mrs. R. F. Tenv,-etre rnediff and Mee. Waller Williamson (Teterel: also two erandelangliters. Mrs: Teen. T0P0T1111,1 Herold parenbei and three great-grandebildren, B11110, reviebt and Nervy ranmeell 4311 of Brussels. The funeral service was held en le t‘111 'Ten?' of `Ile 50101) 10)0, June 18 and WaS cendected Th" r'n"n*--" by Rev. H. C. nf the milted h,r, ',earns will provide a tournament, neriely-either Sharron Deze.e. ("beech, assisted by Rey. A. W. norkeo of, ememate, 91!.' Carrie enee. Walton and Wroteleld, vreett te, firet game sebeeelee far 10.50 Tleneeton sang "Asleep In Jesus." A M. and the ,yeend for ie The pall -hearers were Elstom I is coutideetee hoped that this Cerdiff, Albert C'ardiff, Ernie till prove the bieree,t and bereft Cardiff, Mac Careiff, Mark Clardift Fe, tt Day e• 1,1111 in Ilarees and Herb Sullivan. 0)111 ty. The beautifnl floral tributes were carried by Phyllis Ruth 'Phonies. 'Ruth Wilson. Thenelda Willis. June Week and Mareeret Cardiff. Among thnee attentline. the feneral from a distance were 'Rev. A. W. and Mrs. Barker. Highgate: Mr. and Mrs, H. Marshal, 'Mtge ,TeSSie. Mr, G. Ward, Mies 'Ma Forhee. elese jeer Ferbee and Mr. 341mee wny. all of Steatfartl: 'Mr. Jack Oakville: Mr. and Mrs. W Hee. Tarn: Mr. tied 'Mrs. Fenwick Iluneart. Tetkesitie: Mr. sni Mrs, James lVfeLeuretilie. Lender, and Mrs, Alex Bryans. Wine:ham l.n•tiies'Al Tim Ladiee' Aid of Melville Pres. byterine (There?) beld its :erne meet- ine at the home of 'Mrs. Jerk GibSon. The president. eTrs. Clarke Mettle - Pen. WAS in the rbair and there were 21 menthere present. The Scripture reading was given by Mrs. Joe Mar. tin. The secretary's report was read by Mrs. William Little and the treasurer's by 'Mrs. :ranee Arm - stemma'. The following wire appetrt- ed es the 111111 flOWer eemmittert: Mrs. W.D.S. jetniesen end Mee. .T, Peelcer. Mrs, John Meadows. lire. ,Toe Martin. Mrs, L. W. Pleb - mire. Mrs. Gordon eTcDowell, Mrs, :in ni es Arms t eor end Mrs. .713 011 Cerecren Were appointed as a cone mutes, to eater Int the Lions supper 01) efendey evening. At the close nf the meettng n. eneinl 'hoer 07A0 epent and lurch was eerved. The eerne meeting Of the W.M.S. wee heel in Melville Church end was in charge of the Home Helpers with Mee. Harold Streit. and Mlle Sack Work as convenors. The presi- dent, MTS. 11, H. C,ardiff, presided. The secretary's report was given by Mrs, Little, assistatt eecretary, and the teeestrer's by Mrs. Robert Thomson. The greet speakey was Mrs, Methire01 1 of 1Violesevorth. Leech was seeted. Notice -a Tinning June, 33107 and Anglia the Library 'Will be open only Wednesday and Saturday nt the , wand hetet. For 14 at Goderich Pensions Approved Eighteen applications for OV Pensions were considered 117 C. Age T'enseee, 01111 Yftltht,re noes Board tor Huron County reenler meeting en Thereday. Of these. 14 were reeonamentlea for a fell pension; throe far 11141' 19'' investientinnand mei ler 3)115'- 11a1 pension. of the hmlel present. were: William Archibald, nee - men. Se:iforth: 71. J. Boweetere. 11 1.1.1 sset, Jelin L. Meelliertee. eteex:,ter: eir5. N W. Tre Weer the, Cliremi: Mrs. Fe R. Redellte Gaeta - ere :be ,:eeretere. 91. W. Rederich. 0.1clirlik Church Preaching on the subject est "Pentecost" at the morning servIce- on Seteleythe minister ereeeeete the significance of Pentecost ' life of the Chureh. He etresst oed Ter n Pentecostal exper1.1 the lives of rho peoele of to -dee. A quartet, witli Miss+ June eerovre... The, Me ree ret Cardiff, W111, 'King and (herald Gibson, rendered, ete Hners"nrranged by lez Wilson. sermon ettbiert a the evening* service west, "Earth's Preen Empire*" 00 1110 eortraet was drawn betweeZ. the kingdoms of the earth and taw K tucciom of God. Football Schedule St. Calunthan 51 Ilettesels-.Tene lidtt Brussels et. Ethel -lune 17th w aucn al at. Columban-Jutle tette Ethel at Brussels -lime 24151 Waltob at Seriforth-leme net Walton at 11t1101-june 24th Seatorth at St. 01o1urnhan-,Tune 24t6o Vittelton at BrusSele---Stine 2101111 St. Columben Itt Seerorib---,Tune /Site Tereseele let Seaforth-elitlY let St. Colunibtin at Walton -Silly IStle. Ethel et Senforth-Suly 5011 Bt Eolumban ittEthel-July 'Att. Sinifenin at Walton -Silly 10411 hithe, at waiton-luly 18th