HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-5-15, Page 4r• - -- ""� ris �+c,1K+euScK+a+eurs+elaw'£+61ctC.ele+rw�mc��. A A vg A Iii ° _''---- , ;' fn —1, - I' tura ! i`.....„. THE NEW PATTERNS ARE HERE After there kFi' N New Patterns for most of the war years, it is specialty Interest'ng now to see the post war creations. You will like them, and want to do some decorating. KEEP THE MOTHS AWAY Elkay's Moth Killer and Control Liquid Spray 75c Red Cedar Flakes with Napthaleine 30c Moth Proof Garment Bags 39e and 98c FOR PAINTING IN DOORS Choose from these Neu-G1os — In New Colors — A Medium Gloss Interior Satin Gloss Enamel Neu -Tone A Washable Flat Finish Oil Paint I. Multi -Use — A High Gloss Quick Drying Enamel F. R, SMITH tsailiGGta a and ,it0116 STATIONER TELEPHONE NO. 62 --- TELEPHONE NO. 62 A 35 l35 e5 au da 35 35 35 asz A ttr aStaDasannlnear . —____ _ num THE W. C. WOOD CO. LTD. - GUELPH, ONT. Manufacturers of Electrical Farm Equipment Grain Grinders, Milk Coolers, Milking Machines, Electric Fences, Oat Rollers, Feed Mixers and Farm Refrigeration. Local Agent— Stanley Machan R. R. 3, Brussels, Ont. Phone 26-r-8 PURINA CHOWS BRUSSEL; CREAMERY E. Richards & S n, Ethel TRACTORS AND FARM EQUIPMENT OVERHAULED FOR SALE — RUBBER TIRED WAGONS Agent for Otaco Farm Equipment as,� ^ - rass We have a good assortment of GrassSeed, Alfalfa, Yellow Clover also mixtures. y We have a special permanent pasture mixture for ong;te • pastures, or we ,can supply Brome Grass, Orchard Gra, , i. -allow Fescue, Canadian Blue, Kentucky Blue, La'";,,. er in your required amounts. . your fence supplies we have the famous Lundy, Feud sfom tete lines, post and at., also steel gates in 12 ft. 14 > t.'asil Oft: lengths. . We carry complete line of Martin-$enour Paints also cheaper line in Atlantic Brandy We can suliply you with a new stove. Leave your order fo'r Radios, Refrigerators and etc. l Certifed Seed Potates GreenMounbain—Irish Coblers w fi e Choiceteria, Chick Starter ChoiceteriaCrowing Mash g 1 ash CiieeteriaLaying ' .. lfW lith' .n., .:c. Ste• t tYi=_I'i:.u^S' m AAoiir, s a Rose Brad Broiler Mash 1 `V -4 IMade lhy Watt's of Palmerston I rCat l35irNE:'t.ri»i5 Used and sA,%:'id by. _._.: Walter Rose Poultry Farm USSELS, ONT. , 41...••••„•••••=414••• TN ORDER to strengthen the arm of the Church and enable it to meet the challenge of postwar needs with intensified effort at home and abroad, members of the Church of England in Canada are asked to provide the sum of $4,300,000. This money is urgently needed to carry on the Church's educational and social work in Canada. To meet Diocesan and general synod needs as well as the expenses of organization and administration. To carry on missionary work at home and abroad, to assist the Mother ',Church in England and the Churches of Europe in their work of rehabilitation. To strengthen the pension fund for missionary clergy. The money will be allotted in the following way: Pension Fund - - _ e a : $1,300,000 Missionary Work - _ e e e 1,400,000 Educational Work 100,000 Social Work 55,000 Church in Britain - _ 100,000 Churches in Europe 90,000 General Synod Administration s 205,000 Extension of Church House - _ 50,000 Diocesan Needs 800,000 Organization and Administration - 200,000 Spiritual re -dedication must bear fruit in self-sacrificing practical endeavour if the Church is to meet its Christian obligations. Be prepared to lend YOUR support to the limit of your ability when the Visitor calls during the week of May 12th to 19th, or mail your offering to your Diocesan Head- quarters. 1 A-46 Mr.C. G. Middleton, Chairman Huron Deanery ,AC= -`Samir- ^w Have Y 'u Renewed Your Subscription? WALTON An audience of 1731 attended t.11e. present !tion In Walton community hall Wednesday night of talo Play, "The Life of Reilly," 111 ,1 00 by mem- her, of the Vow.); n i„ h; p '.- foie» , Walton United Church The sum of 315 20 was QM:Rood from admissions. \1!mthets 00 the east of the three - r.•1 play were Marjorie 111(1)1011, lir D011)01as Lawless. Phyllis C'ni• hill, 1-41 Williamson, Doris Dalton, Maa•;(1 Bonnett. Campbell \Vey, William Leeming, Gordon Ilazlo- wood, Earl Celitis. The play was di - reefed by Douglas Lawless; ticket - takers were Shirley Bennett and Dori—en Collets. Refreshment wore isetvrd after the performance for those taking part and assisting. A large congregation attended the sperisl Mother's Day service held in Duff's United Church, Walton, on Sul day morning. The front of the church was nicely decorated with flowers. The choir sang the anthem "0, T-Tappy Home." Rev. 1'Tnztewood preached an appropriate sermon on the duties of Parents. The sacra- ment of Baptism was adaninisterecl to the following eight children: Brenda Catherine, daughter of 111 and Mrs. Rae Houston; Brian Scott. son of Mr, and Mrs. Herb Traviss; Valerie Ann, slaughter of Mr• and Mrs. Moody Holland; Douglas Mac- Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Murray; Jean Pauline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Timmer; Robert Grant, son of Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Kirkby; William Joseph, son of Mr, and Mrs. Mark Hamilton; and Dorothy Dianne, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. D. Lawless. Three cer- tificates fol' Life Membership in the Mission Band of the United Church were presented to 1-Ielen J. Bryans, Brerda C. Houston and Lane Hazle- wood A number of Young People attend- ed the Huron Presbytery Young People's Convention at Belgr•avo on Monday night. Mr. R. Lawless was elected president of the Presbytery Young People's Union, succeeding 1_.� Mr. Benson Sutter of Clinton. Miss -' WednesnloY, May 22nd, 1996 rd V,2 cls + ca3 11E3 dal { " lJ Car Alta. Hard Lump Coal Car Stove Anthracite Coal • All Coal is Strictly Cash. All coal accounts must be paid before receiving more coal. Order at once if you want coal. Limited amount�pto'��each customer. ddeDO L --- WILLIAM T. SPENCE Eetate Agent Conveyances and Commissioner GENERAL INSURANCE OFFIC :. 'MAIN STREET, — — ErEIE.L, ONT. "See Reid and See Right" .A EI Eyesight Specialist of Stratford Will be at his Brussels Office — Miss Hingston's Store from 1:30 p. m. to 5 p. m. Wednesday, June 5th Eyes Exa hied, Glasses Fitted Complete Eyesight Service. Doreen Coutts was elected Citizen- ship Convenor. Rev. R. G. Hazel- uood, Chairman of Presbytery, in- stalled the new slate of officers for the coming year, The regular meeting of Walton W.M.,S. was held on May 8 with a good attendance. The delegates who had been to the meeting in Wingham in April brought back exceilent re- , Ports. The program was under the auspices of the 8th of Morris group, Their topic was "The Christian Horne" and the needs of the child's early Christian training were dis- cussed under many 'headings. It was stated that we should try to bring God into every phase of our ever yday life, The meeting closed with the benediction. Noted Churchman To Visit Brussels Rev. Professor bavid H. Hay, M.A., of the Chair of Systematic Theology at Knox College, Toronto, is to visit Brusesls an Sunday, June 2nd, to conduct Anniversary Services at Melville Presbyterian Church. Rev. Professor Hay is one of Canada's moat outstanding church- men, and his visit to Brussels will definitely be a. red-letter day in the church life of the district, Pro- £eeeor Hay spent his early years in Capetown, South Africa, and then paoceeded to Scotland, home of his parents, for his education. He graduated from Edinburgh Univesity and received his Divinity training at New College, Edinburgh, For seven years he held the charge of St. Margaret's, Dunfermline, and then, at the outbreak of the Second World War, enlisted in His Majesty's Forces. His army seilvice was spent partly with the Highland Light Infantry, but principally with the Scots Guards in England and Italy. In 1944 lie was appointed to the chair of .Systematic Theology at Knox College, Toronto. People of Pifeshire descent will be interested to lcnow that Mrea Hay is the daugh- ter of Sir Charles Reid, chairman of the Reid Coal Committee, and for many years general manager of the Fife Coal Company, It is expected that Mrs. Hay will accompany Pro- fessor IIay 10 Brussels, No Fish Story —Weighed 5% lbs. Jack Wright and Ralph (Memel') Mcladden landed the prize trout for this season, or any season, In local waters over the week -end, It was a beautifully marked brown trout, 23 infores long and weighed 5% Bounds when ought, This is not a fish story, as the trout was on exhibition in Christie's Meat Market on Monday and Tuesday of this, week, —Huron. Expositor, Sonforbli 60 yards of Net Curtain Material A large assortment of GIRLS' DRESSES Ginghams, Seersuckers, Prints and Crepes 1-3 years 2-6 and 8 to 12 years Women's and Misses' Cotton Dresses sizes 12 to 52, $4.95 up Children's Rain Coats in red, green and blue $3.95 up Men's Heavy Rubber Rain Coats sizes 36 to 46, $6.95 and $7.95 10 New Style Growing Girls 5 Summer Sandals 6 sizes 3 to 8, $2.98 4 33 Large assortment of Men's Work Shirts There are still a few sizes left in Men's Genuine Army Issue Work Boots released by the government Don't miss this opportunity at this low price sizes 8 to 10 only, $6.45 Mens, Boys and Youth Camp Shoes New Spring Shoes and Running Shoes For the whole family. mostewavvezeavermacuppainsurwaszepormamicaponswaiw Don't forget to ask for your sale slips—For $10.00 worth of these we give you A War -Savings Stamps Free. papeenovevemocumwetoomoviitermaiseeepeeeemeeeiserm THF in STORE ��� 1eRtt✓• Phone 61 Store Wide Bargains for the mole Family --- -- Brussels, Ont. i