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The Brussels Post, 1946-5-15, Page 3
t1. Lel OF ta� THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday. May 22nd 1040 Mrs. Mason's husband gets his pay in cash. Since he's working all day, his wife banks it for him, and she says she's always jittery 'til she gets it safely there. And her brother, who runs a store, says he worries too about the money from the cash register! Safeguarding your money is one of the prime services ren- dered by your bank. hat a relief it is when you have deposited your money in the bank! No more worry lest it should be Iost or stolen! You need only keep a little ready cash in your pocket or in the house. Bills can be paid by cheque and your cancelled cheque is your receipt. Whet the teller hands you your pass book, you glance at the balance and know to a cent how much money you have: You are so accustomed to your bank's accuracy that you seldom bother to check the figures. The very fact that you—and some 5,000,000 others—take all these conveniences as a matter of course is a daily demonstration of your confidence in the dependability and efficiency of your bank. This Advertisement is Sponsored by your Bank Grant $3,000 To Cancer +tesearcn The Warden's Committee of Huron County Council has authorized a grant of -3,00 to the Canker Re- search Society, - ° The committee also approved the leasing of Port Albert Airport to the Huron County Ploughmen's Associa• tion for the International Ploughing Match to be held there in October, Reeve B. Tuckey of Exeter, chair- man of the committee, and Warden R. E. Shaddick were .appointed to arrange for a monthly broadcast of bite Department of Highway's safety campaign. READY CASH— Insure your cash income this year by growing auouinbers. Highest prices paid in history. A most attractive contract is offered, truck pick-up at gate. If interested contact Libby, McNeill & Libby, Dublin. Phone 30-t-3 Notice to Creditors In iho eMta e 10otii.tiT It A.93 lit t'tT0N li.ie rf• the '1'uwin:441p of Urcy In 'he. Cou!J y of Huron, furuurr, win, died on n :thou. Ih,. twarly•tifth w;',/ q: Ja,luna'•y, A 1:. 194d. T,1lt'; NOT; .''•l th.0 till lutrtie:. havin;x 0101!as or d;r:nua.t miu•!I must snail pa ::i• •,; kir e.nd pr ! ,f of :;,tie co Ali^ n,q^ :;nc1 ,_c,wh,rs ,.. or 1::,;4' d:!y t,f May, A,D. 1046, upon which date ro.i4 e: eel) ter, will p1.o1,3 A to iwhibu c ::+• -•r's with g.rrd only to those (Mint; c IIUI they a;!all then have reg->ived. RATED at Brussels this sixteenth d., er .April, A 0. Margaret i'..uaatt Roust Banald Rae tie viten, ex•..eutors 1.13, -their solieitir R. S, HEl'HLItINC- T()N, N,C,, B:!,r;:eli, Unta:;o. Notice to Creditors In the estate of AL PILED W. S. COCI E1ANE] late of the Township of Morris in the County of Iiuron, farmer, who died on or about the twenty-seventh day of March, A.D. 1946. ' TAKE NOTICE that all patties having claims or demands against . the estate of the above deceased must mall particulars and proof of same to the undersigred executors on or before the twenty-second day of May, A, D. 1946. upon which date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets with regard only to those claims which they shall' then have received. DATED at Brussels this twenty- fifth day of April A.D. 1946. Cecil Bone and George Smith Executors by their soiocitor H. S. HErHER- INGTON, K. C., Brusesls, Ontario. NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION The Court of Revision of the Asses- sment of the Village of Brussels will he held on Tuesday. June 4th, at 8 p.m. All persons having any complaints should notify the clerk at once, R. S. Warwick, Clerk KEFFER'S MACHINE SHOP fof Acetylene and Electric Welding Our shop is eduipped to do First Class Welding And Lathe Work Your Patronage Solicited. Good Service Assured. taSe- I) • T RE ON A T Anki AIN ti Been aboard a Canadian National train lately? If not, there's a pleasant experience in store for you. With equip- ment coming back into civilian use, rail travel is much less congested . c u more like old times. You !are invited to re- discover, this summer, how nice it is to travel by train again. LET C®f 4'ISLP PLAN YOUR TRIP The pleasure begins before you set foot on the train. Any Canadian National ticket office will arrange itineraries, and can also supply practically any information you need about anywhere in Canada. Make your holiday or business trip really worth -while; talk it over with Canadian National first. ANADIAN ATIONAL TO EVERYWHERE its CANADA CANADA'S FIRST POST. -WAR SHIPS LAUNCHED Wartime Write and Trade Board Information 4 0 tl! Questions and Answers wpm Mrs, R. C. Vaughan, wife VV of the pr. esident of the Canadian National Railways and Canadian National (West Indies) Steamships, snipped the white ribbon and the traditional bottle of champagne smashed against the towering prow of the Canadian Cruiser, the first postwar ship built in the Dominion for Canada's merchant marine slid down the ways into the St. Lawrence River at Montreal. Two days later, a sister ship, the Canadian Con- structor (inset, left) was launched at Vancouver. A third, the Canadian Challenger, is being built at Quebec. All three will enter the Canadian National service to the West Indies. In the photograph above the launch- ing at Montreal is shown. At the extreme left is Mr. Vaughan. Next him is J. E. Labelle, I6.C., president of Canadian Vickers Limited. Mrs. Vaughan is in the centre. Capt. R. A. Clarke, general manager, Canadian National Steamships, is standing in the background. The three vessels will be operaNd d by 6,000 horsepower diesel engines and will have a seaspeed of 16 knots. Each will have a carrying capacity of 7,500 tons and accommodation for 12 passengers. of the Anglican Advance Appeal and 4 make certain that the Church of England in Canada be equipped spiritually and financially for the work of the peace -making years Q:—The usual seasonal price of ahead of us. butter during the war was 30 to 39 At this same Synod, a resolution Ce]1ta a pound in 0111' town, Last was passed approving of the Angli- November the price was raised one can Advance request to the Diocese cent. In January it was raised of Huron for the raising of a fund another cent. We now pay 45 cents Did the WPTB allow an Increase of four or six cents: A: --Prior to the four cent a pound increase recently allowed for butter the maximum price ,at which any F. F. H'':revsutth Reglst'ered Optometrist "Western Ontario's Mast ,en,inie within the Diocese for the Advance programme of the whole church. THERE 15.`-- NO OTHER', TOBACCO,.. OLD CHUMJ dealer might sell at retail was 42 Modern Eye Service's t MI 01 a ants. The soaxinnmm retail price RONANY0, OWN now is 46 cents. I Phone 118, Hurristorl N i • - I Q:—How much notice to vacate niust I give a boarder? A1-008 week's notice to vacate is sm0fielent. 5 !b +r Q:—What is the present ceiling price of a peck of potatoes? A:—ICeiling prices in Western On. 4ario' may vary, In Loudon the ceiling on domestic old potatoes is 5Gc per peck for Canada No. 1, and 75 cents "for new potatoes, The Latter price effective to July 18. o e w Q; ---I understand the ceiling price of oranges has changed during the past few weeps. Can you tell me the ceiling now? A:—There was a. revision in ceiling prices of California oranges due "to changes in prices in the t3rited States. If yen will let us knew the size of the oranges in question we will give you the correct coiling price. Sizes are !narked where the oranges are 'offered for sale. h+ 5 n Q;—flow can I find out if I am paying the right price for beef? A; --Since you are evidently a housewife you may easily determine the proper prices of various beef cuts from the chart which must be posted in your butches shop. This chart gives the ceiling prices for various numbered cuts which can be compared with cutting charrt which must also be displayed. 5 s * Questions regarding rationing and price regulations of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board will be an- swered if referred to the Infomation Bauch, WPTB, Teedal Building, I London. Ax„ }'OE n DISABLED ,,yasiekly rensomeai m Comic Sataitary ta•txsti.. Phostt collect, 71 BRUSSELS m Stone Sees Limited ed (�l ER 00044 K ri BROS. Phone 6 • G©4 or Emkizig SOLD IN BRUSSELS A.T Butcher Shop Brussels, ..,..:,rex,.,, M7M7C siteY^llt9'=+ mcb •n-. cTetacc=zsez 111--.:R:7; a The Archbishop of Huron Appeals To His People The Archbishop of - Huron, the Most Rev, C. A. Seager, D,D,, LLD, opened the Synod of Iiuron held this 1 week in Cronyn Hall, St, Paul's Cathedral, London, with a call to all the Anglican Wren and women of II the Diocese of Huron to taco reality and realize tlia.t they are living in a changing world, and that in such a world the Church of ,Tesus Christ must be en the alert and abreast with the thought and treed of the times, He stated that the ultimate tragedy \Mild be a Church that is out-of-date and behind -the - times in a world that desperately needs the stiirltttal heritage whteh the Church can share. The Arch- bishop called an all his people within the Diocese to setts the orportunity T e Egg Depar �7 k ispe Highest Prices Paid Honest Grade Assured 1 rat MUUMUU LIVE HENS AND CHICKENS also GEESE and DUCK FEATHERS` BEST PRICES PAID Before you sell any poultry- phone the Export Packers. We will call at your place for any quantity or you can bring them to us. Export Packers PHONE 70x BRUSSELS