HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-5-1, Page 3UNINSURED
WedilesdaY, May 1st, 1949
• Accident' happen In a flash. u yea are not to.
oared, repayment t*1y colt you your home, your
savings or mouths of income. Let us explain Pilot
Automobile insurance to you. It sous so little.
We write Pilot Insurance to rover selected risks
la Automobile, Fire, Personal Property Floater,
Burglary, Plate Glass, Public Liability and other
general insurance.
Rev, W. .A. and Mrs, 41'illiama
visited with their ;laughter Mrs
Stuart McNair and 11r. WA.1IanI.
will attend Synod In Kincardine.
Walter and Mrs, Ar;:wv have re-
turned to their home in Welland,
They were here 0ttending he
funeral of Sir. Brunt''., aunt, 91118.
Matt. Cameron on \\'c (lac .day tem.
Mrs. Win. McNair Jr., 9th ran,
WAS operated ant In Soafm'th henidal
fast week a'11 a speedy recovery i
hoped for.
We congratulate Merles and lira.
Fischer, lith con. on the arrival o1' a
baby girl on April 111 in \'-Irghu•n1
Morgan Cameron ho liven mend-
ing a week with his brother n' •d
sisters in London.
School reopeeed 11.-, oe-letelt,•
with quite 0 'limbo; elee'ut owing
to sickness.
The public I, le ratted, •1
weekly Thursday half 1m1141ny of
Places or btl inrll: heel' line this
week 9iny 2 and their co-operation is
hoped tor.
Will. end. Mrs. liolTat of ('Inion
were Sunday visitors with Wil. and
Mrs. Smalldon,
Mrs. Lloyd Porter of Walton spent
a few days at the hone of her
slaughter Mrs. Cliff Kernaghnn.
Lots of water and good grass.
Mrs. Tedford Sellers, Bhievale
Phone 39-r-23, Brussels,
along with J. FL. Kinkead, public
At the beghn114 g of the Lester school 0 speetol.
rac•a l:oln (11e Township School Board
or Morris Township completed its
' t-'.ei of administering the
eleven schools with'n the township,
1'110 township school area Plan
vn< 5)149'ed by the township coup.
ell !tis! June and the nee truster.'
w�•re nominated at the municipal
ierele,.!ion niveling In November.
• -'• seri r:ug o the board are:
.11!: an W. Il. t'toldice, Harvey
Rob:. MrMuraay, T,
i' -n, Teeter. Ralph Shaw
' • .,.d 110 1s the secretary-treas-
f the board.
Iis hoard plans_ to improve, the
41! -unithent the township.
titin. uer extol ave
n ;r,• being planned
1115. It is intended to
111.' 1- •tr'rlor of some
I0u:risk wine with new
r. -'al '.o pat en any
'. 1:' 111 st term the
board has accou14011whed mach,
'rlr;' have 1:',,'c'hau,ed supplies Inv
11;+' s^11:.o1s Snell as work -books,
,• :. ewe, L•'1(, il-er.11s. They
entered all the e,ehnolo in the
13olgravo echclol fair and the
mus'ca1 festival which is correct-
ed with the school fair. Au insur-
ance plan to cover injuries, to chile
dreg at scihool has been adopted.
It is the intention of the board
to visit the schools annually, The
s' .visit 111 March
Farewell Party
On Friday evening rhe -friends and
neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. T. Ryan
met at the home or E. Cudmore,
to bid farewell to 'this esteemed
n ••rte ro the'r departure from the
rbe evening wss: "aetally spent in
cards and after a tasty hutch, Mr.
and Ml's, Ryan were called forward
1' ',Sited with gifts, the address
being read by Mrs. john Sprain
Though taken complleteiy by sur
prise Mrs. Ryan made a very nice
reply, bidding ore and all to their
new home in Brussels.
o ^"neeng 1P 11144 address•:
Mr, and Mrs. T. Ryan Sr,,
"e with much regret we hear of
y"":• d
'par, ere mom our neighbor -
e•' .1 I4/1'-s'ha'b1 111`85 you both and.
0- "'r" NU' 1059- is P 1111 n'l!' else's
' e We ate glad you will e1111
he near us and that we shall be able
to vieft you from time to time.
Ar'1 we k'iow you will feel that
r'• • re ... env. ys noel to you.
Wo ask you to ar•eept these gifts
and as you use them to think of the
neighbors you left.
"' errl ' on behalf of your neighbors
',1^end Mrs. D, S9liels, 9'ia'. and Mrs.
J. .Speirs, Mrs. and Mies Elliott, Mr.
and Mrs. C. Lake, Mr, and M•rs, K.
S2mrrie, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thuell,
4". onsl Mrs.. E. Cludmuore.
Notice to Creditors
In 1110 SP tall, of ROBERT RAE
I-WINTON tate of the 'Pownsbip
or (trey in 'ho ('oun'y of Huron,
farmer, who duel el] or u11011t, the
twenty-fifth t;r,y or. Ja.inu,a('y, A.A.
'PAiC11, NUT, U1at all parties
having violins or denuula> against
Ole PSIa11' of the. above rieceased
must mail pa;tie'11ars and przof o1
saute to the undcrsi:, lc'1 executors
,•• or '1lore 1:1. 1!rtaan!11 (ley of
Muy, A,D. 1946, upon which dale
rc ex'xa1lwt•,5 will proceed to
01,tribuic ,::e ne,tes with g:u'd
wily to those ctuiute watch theY
:,:i.:11 thou have eecalved.
11At'ED at Brussels this sixteenth
'lay of alpt'il, A 1). 1946
Margaret casun Ilousten
Donald Rao 710-lstoa, executors
by their solicit.tr R. S. HETI•LERING-
PON, K.C, 13:ussol•s, Ontario.
Notice to Creditors
In the estate of AL1PR11'D W. S. 1
COCIHHRAA'E late of the Township
of Morris, In the County of Huron,
falm.el% who died on or about the
twenty-seventh day of March, A.D. ,
TAKE gOTICE Haat all parties
having claims or demands against
the estate of the above deceased
must mail particulars and proof of
sante to the undersigned executors
on or before the twenty»second day
of April, A.D. 1946, upon w'hlch date
the said executors will proceed to
distribute the assets with regard
only to those claims which they
shall then have received.
DATED at Brussels this twenty-
fifth day of April A.D. 1946.
Cecil Bono and Howard Smith
by their Soloeitor 11'. S. I-ILTHER-
ING'i'ON, K. C., 'Brnsesis, Ontario.
Terror Hn The After-
. .. By Peter Levin
Alone with an invisible killer, with
no .way to attack, no way to escape.
Nine survivors of a triple murder
faced the situation on a. sailing
vessel. One of the nine was the
killler but WHO? Read America's
most blood -chilling sea ,mystery, with
this Sunday's (May 5 issue- of The
Detroit Sunday Times.
ONTA I - , in a geographical sense only, may be said
to be sharply divided ... a natural division into north country
and south country that emphasises the province's variety of
climate—of industry—of character. Northward, Ontario extends
to the semi -arctic region of Hudson .Bay ... Southward, to the
semi -tropic fruit belt of the Niagara Peninsula ... "The
Garden of Canada" ... a blossom land overflowing with nature's
gifts, where peaches, plums, pears, grapes and cherries come
richly in their seasons. Fruit farming is but one of the untold
opportunities off'er'ed by the four hundred thousand squaremiles,
and more, that are Ontario ... a veritable empire of resources.
90% of the acreage devoted to the oiilti-
vetion of
in the Province of Ontario centres in the
rich Niagara district which produces 91%
of the province's total yield.
Whoq the Ontario fruit
bolt's two million poach
trees, Seven million grape
vines and hundreds of thou-
sands of other fruit trees
bear their abundance, armies
of workers are on hand to
gather it.
Let Us Help You
With Your Panding � d
Your MARTIN-SENOUR dealer will be pleased to help you with your painting.
He is a trained, experienced man who has full knowledge of the paint business.
That's why he recommends high-quality MARTIN-SENOUR paints, varnishes
and enamels.
MARTIN-SENOUR paints are made of rugged materials, and their protecdve
qualities enable them to stand up and take a lot of punishment. They last longer,
too, and are very economical to use.
Whether you plan to paint the outside of your home, redecorate the living room,
or brighten up a few kitchen chairs — your MARTIN-SBNOUR dealer has a
paint to give you lasting satisfaction for your money. Before you paint, consult
your MARTIN-SBNOUR dealer.
F. R, Smith - Brussels.
Wartime Price and Trade
Board information
, • •
Questions and Answers
• * M
Q.—My son recently home from
overseas wants to buy a new or
good used car. Can you tell me
what price he would have to pay for
A:—The ceiling prices of used
cars are set forth in schedules to the
order on used cars. If you apply to
the nearest office of the Wartime
Prices and Trade Board giving
details of the model, the model year
and accessories information regard-
ing the correct ceiling price will be
ceiling prices on new cars.
• • *
Q. How long must a visitor to
Canada remain before he is given a
temporary ration card
A:—A visitor to Canada may be
given the temporary ration card
j imediately following his application
to the Local Ration Board, provided
he intends to remain at (east seven
days in Oanstcla.
O 0 0
Q;—My grocer would give me
only one quarter of a pound of butter
because he said he didn't have very
much. However, he tool: a coupon,
Ts he permitted to do this
A:—Under regulations of the
Board retailers resorting to :this
practice are liable to prosecution,
Your dealer should give you the
full eight ounces or no butter.
e e 0
Q:—I ate a dealer and some of
my customers insist on tearing out
coupons and sending them to 111e
when they order rationed foods.
May I acept these coupons?
A:—No. This practice is illegal
for both con,seim.ers and retailers and
there is an added danger in that
retailers accepting loose coupons run
the risk of receiving counterfeits.
• * a
91—I rent a cottage which is
badly in need of ;mule repairs, I
think the rent charged is too thigh.
Trow oat 1 tied out if I man paying
more than tate right rental?
A; Apply to the nearest rentals
office of the Wartime Prices and
Trade Boatel if your landlord cannot
give you definite information on the
coiling price,
Qi -1 don't use maltsmile but
my dealer insists on my buying It
before he will sell nue ketchup. Re
says he ha,s to buy the settee to get
the ketchup and t must do the some.
I've been told this is illegal.
4:---4t is illegal. No dealer, either
wholesaler, retailer or manufacturer
may force any customer to buy some-
thing he doesn't need is order to
obtain something he wants.
Q:—I want to slaughter cattle for
11y own oonanmrnption. I understand
I must have a slaughtering permit.
It this true?
A:—If you are going to slaughter
F. F. Hornuth
"Western Ontario's Most
Modern Eye Service'
Phone 118, Harrgston
two animals or less you must get
permission, from the Board. If you
intend slaughtering you must have a
permit authorizing you 'to do so.
"NEM,. 1921111V
adv t•,euriewe41
- . vw
iLleoss S•.toitary t.::.r3.- 'hor coifed..
' e 't;:ie
Highest Prices Paid
Honest Grade Assured
Before you sell any poultry phone the
Export - Packers. We will call at your
place for any quantity or you can bring
them to us.
Export Packers
*ma Aimommottlumimimmillemeleimaillimimot