HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-5-1, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday. May 1st, 1»40 tr FOR CA 'S TOUR:,1ST S6NESS MILLIONS OF AMERICAN VISITORS are expected to come to Canada during 1946 for their post-war vacation. It won't always be easy to accommodate them. We still have our crowding and shortages. We are still in the aftermath of war. This is the very reason we should all take special care to be courteous and considerate to our guests this summer. This year, of all years, we must maintain the reputation we have won for true hospitality. YOU MAY NEVER SEE A TOURIST, BUT ago liol- tourist dollars flow to you. The grocer, the garage man, the farmer, the office worker—every- body benefits directly or indirectly from tourist spending, and the extra work and income it creates. Last year, tourists in Canada spent more than one hundred and fifty million dollars. In the years ahead, as our ability to handle tourist traffic grows, who is to say how big this business may become? For Canada is in an enviable position—a natural vacation land nest door to the most travel -minded nation in the world. This is an all-important year! It may be difficult in many ways yet it holds great promise for the future. THEY'LL BE TALKING ABOUT US... We want them to come again. We want them to tell their friends: "We had a marvellous time in Canada!" By making them truly welcome, we can win millions of enthusiastic salesmen for Canada—"satisfied cus- tomers" who will pass on to many times their number the story of Canadian hospitality and of Canada's unlimited attractions as a vacation land. Last Rites For W. Henry Largely Attended One of the most largely attended funerals in this city marked the last rites for William George Harry on Thur -day. April 4. at o'clock in the Drited Church Elder Alvin Fisher. �tinnin' citieiuted. James D. McRae I,re=ttI d at the organ. The death of Mr, Henry occurred at the residence Moeda," night. April eWEt"4SANAD44Gd TIME11 Tookfiluixt,243 Bwitnal CANADIAN GOVERNMENT TRAVEL, BUREAU Department of Trade & Commerce, Ottawa i. in h's 69th y.`ar. Widely known an auctioneer he had hone' „readed it the Rossendale district d :ctain':•d an interest in farming ter:,.rehout 1i:e life. .\•cava in civic Hfe he had erred as council:or In :h North .\oriolk 01,,:!icipality for 1:• years. toilks men, - of :he :iia -..trio U:'d,:, t;r:&l e 1.;;dge and Elks Lodge. A crucible =e.rv:ce was conducted by tie Masonic Temple, No. 49..1, F. ,' A. M„ MacGregor, with George Lewin, Worshipful Master, in charge, assited by J. L. Lamb. Pallbearers were; 0. H.:nry, Arthur Caper, Hagh Henry, Sam- uel Henry, Ernest Aitkens, and Jas.. English. Honorary pallbearers were: Ed- ward Meighen, H. Montgomery, Samuel Duff, Dr, 5, W. Arthur, Jas. Brydon, Thomas Curtis, Thomas 1''el'guso:, William Moffat. David Olassitied Ads FOR SALE— A young Jersey cow, springing. Phone 24-r-12 Dan McKinnon FOR SALE— A kitchen range, cheap. Phone 71-1.-10 Ed. Pollard FOR SALE— Dry hardwood. Phone 51x•-17 ,Jas, Stevenson. FOR SALE— ] young Poll -Hereford Bull about 700 lbs. plume 35-r-5 Quest Dobson RAWLEIGH DISTRICT—. Available at once. Good oportunitY• I Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept., No. ML -152-105-D., Montreal, Que. PASSENGERS WANTED— Going to Toronto 'Tuesday noon, can accommodate two pasergers, I Apply at. The Post ! LOST— On Saturday, a costume jewellery pin in pint: shade, Finder please leave at the Prost printing office, —Reward. LOST— I 1946 Automobile Licence Plate No. 433x7, Finder please leave at Brus- sels Post or contact Rev. I D. Mao- Ivor, phone 5.2-r-11, WANTED— — A god reliable delivery boy that is anxious to learn the butcher busi- ness, phone 0 Baeker Bros. xemaista.„.--esseemie-ossiseasea FOR SALE— One Durham -Jersey cow 7 years old calf at foot; One Durham cow ;t years old to freshen: middle of May. Apply to Joe Wilton WANTED TO BUY— — .~--- Panel Truck, Station Wagon, Am- ntlance, or Hearse. State frill part - 'rulers to C. Ferguson, 161 Birming- ham St., Stratford. Culvert, Kenneth Crocker, George Charlton and D. Lyttle. Flewer bearers were: Robert Cul- bert,- Frank English, Robert Moffat, ai ew,u't Skinner, John Nichol and Leonard Faber. Burial was in the family plot in t dgle cemetery, Rea's funeral dome was in charge. Mr. Henry was born in Brusesls, ., uncle of Thomas John .Ellis ,`,n rsslcu 4, Morris township. n • y GOVERNOR GENERAL "AN EXCELLENT ENGINEER!, VVIirCanada's new Governor x General, I+ield. Marshall the Right Honorable Viscount Alexander of Tunis, stepped down the rump off the 5.5. Aqui tania at Halifax, a Cana- dian National Railways' special train was waiting at dockside to take him direct to Ottawa, Picked crews o£ men who Sail distinguished them- selves in the C.N,1L's service were at their posts. The superintendent of each division rode the train over the territory under his jurisdiction, ac- companied by his master mechanic. Two of the crew chosen for the honor were Inst who had served Their Majesticn, the 'ting and Queen on the entire 5,900 -mile rail toter o` Canada and the 'United Stator in 1039. They woro Steward William Notley, of Ottawa, and Chef Fred Cnrnway, of Montreal. *Lord and Lady Alexander are Shown, upper left, with their three children, Brian, Shane and Rose, standing on the rear platform of the special train as they were leaving 1 alifo.x. At Mont Joli the Governor- General, donning cap and coveralls, cl'mbed into the eab and slid into the engineer's seat. He drove, the train for 20 miles. Throttle in hand, 110 is shown, upper right, waiting for the conductor's sinal, The man behind him is Canadian Iv`'ational Hallways master mt c hanic W, A. Bonlay, of Csrnpphollton, N.B., who described Excellency a5 an "excellent en - ginner", The photograph lowor centre shows Viscount Alexander at the end of the ran signing the train order shoat which is shown at loft. On the right Honorable Roso Alexander, the Governor -General's daughter, with her friend flenriotta Scott, is paying ono of the many visists she made during the trip to the baggage ear to see her pot sheep dogs, READY CASH— insure your cash income this year by growing cucumbers. Highest prices paid in history. A most attractive contract is offered, track pick-up at gate. If interested contact Libby, McNeill & Libby., Dublin. Phone 30-r-3 FOR SALE— While we're into May, the Kitchen - el' Hatchery can fill orders for Big -4 Chucks, in fairly wide range breeds and cross breeds. They advise no de- lay ordering, however. Agent R. S. Warwick, Hill Top Ranch. Brussels, sxk MARIAN 9' Iewelit W. PRESIDENT 21 Wrote 4308 CORONET 17 I,w.le 54 541. aetf 55750 (;t r LEACH CH rruussels, Ont. e r a*.. * a s PEOP1Lii WE KNOW Mrs, J .C. Backer, who was in Clinton hospital, has returned home. * s M Mr. W. S. Scott, who suffered a hemorrhage on Saturday is im- proving. ✓ T * Mrs, Robert Pearson of Peter- borough, visited last week end with Mrs. D. Denman, Mr. Pearson is president of the Faruler's Co - Operative. FOR SALE— BARRED ROCKS. Gov't, Approved chicks from inspvted gnat* brut for production, health and vi;c',r. Breeders blood tested for standard and variant types o" pulloram. Wo offer mixed chscks sexed pullets and cockerels at '01srnahla pre^"s. Book roar order at) a- for spring da• livery. Car chicks qualify for Inter Provincial. shipment, Lakefiaid Chick Hatchery, Lakefield, Ont, Order tram D. Lawless, Weitt•* Phone 10-r-16 Brussels. AN OPPORTUNITY— lahlishrd Rural 'G4ntkMs Dis- trict available, If you are aggressive artl between the ages of 25 and 55— hs•-r Or can secure travel outfit, this is your opporhuhtty to get hi'. -heed in a profitable business cf your own. For 01)11 particulars ort ite today 11) the The 3. R. Watkins Company, 'Dept, 0-B-4, 2177 Masson :41., Montreal, Que. —photo by ICareh SEEKS CLOTHING --Rodverse V. Pratt, executive director of the National Clothing Collection• for overseas relief, to be held June 17-29 under the auspices of Can- adian Allied Relief. Mr. Pratt, who took an active part in the 1945 clothing drive, is on loan from the Dominion Department of Labor and is busy now organizing committees throughout Canada for this nation- wide effort to aid the distressed peoples of war -devastated Burope. 9r 9 * aW Mr. W. .J Procter, who was con- fined .to Clinton. hospital for almost seven months, was able to return to his home ]sere on the 15th of April. He is now able to get about the house some and his friends hope that before long he will be able to get about much more easily. * * m Rev. Mr. Farr of St. Paul's Angli- can Church, Stratford, was in Brusesls on Tuesday night. He met with several members of the local Anglican Church and discussed with them the Anglican Advance Appeal which is under way throughout Canada. - ■ m * Mrs. J. H. Galbraith returned borne Tuesday after being away tor a month when she onjojyed a vacation in New York.' To Our Subscribers The mailing list of "The Brussels y Post" has been corrected. Will sub- scribers kh'elly see if their label is eorerct, if not notify us at once that all errors ntay be rectified, We ask all those who have paid their subscription in advance to accept ear thanks. Will those who have not yet paid theirs give this matter their immediate attention FOR SALE— A number of 100 acre farms Price $3000.00 up; A number of 200 acre farms price $6,000.00 up; 1 200 -acre bush farm $3000,00; a number of 50 -acre farms $2000.00 up; 3 good grass farms with water. Write or i phone J. C. LONG, Real Estate Broker, phone 84, Brussels, Ont. BUSINF CARDS C A. MYERS, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON WiIlism St. Phone 4. l3russek, Ont. Allan A. Lamont Agent for—Fire, Windstorra, and Automobile Insures,* Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy for fanner,. Queen St. Brussels 'Phew) 667 W. D. S. Jamiraon, M.D., C.M., LM,C,C, Physician and Surgeon (Coroner) Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 8 p.m. Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. Sundays—Emergencies and by appointment only. Home calls in ft:r enoons and 4 - 6 p.ra. R. S. HETHERINGTON, K. C. — BARRISTER, ETC. WINGHAM and BRUSSELS AT BRUSSELS Tuesday and Saturday all day — Office oven every day. Phone 20x Successor to E. D. Bell Chas. T. Davidson insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Autolnobik and Fire !Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurances Cas, PHONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ONT. RESIDENCE 57-'4 Harold Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES For Information, etc., write or phone Harold Jae: on phone 12 on 650 Seelorth R.R. 1, Brtuoatald Make ar"anpen•cots mt The Bruoeolo Post or Elmer D. Bell, Etcrrleter Office, Brussels. Rann & Johnson Furniture FUNERAL ,%ND AMBULANCE SEW/WE. Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer 8b' " p� �• PHONE 3t's or BRUSSELS, ONT, Lewis R owl and (Lloenecc For Huron Cm inty) SATISFACTION GIJAF1ANTEED -- PRICES RIEA6I1f4At9L5t For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" 0tA'1 thcep tg005 be !Doke(' after Immeddaltoly Per Information, eto., w rte or phone Low. Rowland NW 91 Ira Besforth; :r write MR. 15, Welton W. S, Donaldson -- Licensed AILlitakillaCIP Phone 38--r-13 --- Atwood, Ont. for the Counties of ih roe gut el Osr6fe Ail sales promptly attended to -- Cluttwei dtlil Wort o For Eegegexnente photae 31 "rue iii NioPPowill Oleg will he locked alter