HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-4-24, Page 1'OST PUBLISHING HOUSE ,mmvrti,..r w„wmm..� -' uw,.Vu�a�uuwu -- ....s. �� � ,s.� •Ernsse18 Lions Club t' t t'.lzatie,• Night Banquet Over two hunered Moue and guests sot down to the Charter The Cogy Theatre ._ )pusiis Now Showing • Thursday, Friday and Saturday First Show 7.30 p. m. — Second Show 9.30 p. rn. Saturday Matinee 3 p. ln. "k Turned Out Nice Again" Starring George Formby Coming - "Sign of the Wulf This theatre open Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only. DANCE in Brussels Town Hall to the music of CLIFF GORDON and his 10 -piece orchestra Friday, April 26th Dancing from 10 to 1 Lunch served after the dance Proceeds for Brussels Midget Hockey Team Gentlemen $1.00 Ladies 50c • AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture and Mason's Toots to be held at the residence of Miss M. Baker, William St., Brussels. on SATURDAY, APRIL 27th Euchre Box Social & Dance in Morris Twp. Hall Friday, April 26th Proceeds to go to Cancer Fund. Ladies with boxes free. • DANCE In ld'r issels Town Hall Sponsored by Brussels Intermediate Hockey Club Tuesday, April 30th Music by Ken Wilbee Orchestra Dancing from 10 till 2 Rain Checks redeemed at the dance from Erussels' - Gorrie Hockey Match. Admission -- — 50c Dect• ?exist: Lunch Booth at 12;30 p.en. Sharp TERMS CASH Complete bill is the property of 'ells Proprietress and no out<ttle nrt'.cles shall be included. MISS MADELENE BAKER, Prop, ROBT, BOWMAN and ROST. PATRICK, Clerks LEWIS ROWLAND Auctioneer REGENT THEATRE Seaf or t, Ont, Now Showing -- Thur , Fri., Sat., April 25.26.27 Double Bili Lost Show 8:45 p.m. Two Features ' Wally Brown Alan Carney Radio Stan en Parade I Also Pat O'hrlen Adolhe Menjou Mare Alive Mon., Tues., Wed., April 29.30, May 1 I Shady Lady • Charles Coburn Ginny Simms Extremely Entertaining film full of 1 chuckles and smiles plus the singing , of Ginny Simms. Thur., Lri„ Sat„ May 2.3.1 The Spanish Main (In Technicolor) Paul Henreid Maureen O'Hara COMING— Double Bill Babes on Swing Street and That Night With You "He shall not fall nor be discouraged till he have set judgement on the earth." _'��•.}vChurch Minister Rev G. A. Milne, M. A. 10 a. m. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a, m. "The Road Hog." 7 p. m. "The Duty of Edification." Louis D. Thompeoa, Organist and Choirmaster. The United Church OF CANADA Minster Ri. Hugh C. WiisSn 11 A. M. Morning Worship "Members Of One Body" Junior Congregation 12 Church Settee! and Bible Class 7 P. M. Evening Praise "He That Receiveth Me." Man of Four Glasses, •Everyone Cordially We•oome. Church of England 1f. John* libussmttw^- 10 A. M. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 A, M. Morning Prayer and bermen , • FOUND— eek Apidy 1• 'I'11T•C,. FARM TO RENT FOR GRASS— Lott of teeter midi' good geese. 'r11;'ei 1 „11„0•, t''et.\ )le 011m1 •..','t.r-20. Brussels. • PASTURE FARM TO R;?riT_ Lot eS, NI:. Cm3, 5 Aiorr. °. .,111 (Li( kV at lc nr rent t�'1 111(• :4 [71111 ['ii ll' t1AWL.EIGH DISTRICT—. ' ... T,•,10•• ..1 11111. O00F1 op1)ritll 140-,. Write el once. liawL•lrll's Dept.. Nn, 9[T, -152.1077-D„ einntrea 1. Que. LOST- 1ete .-\ntnn r dlr Liceueo Plate No, please 1"ave a' Brus- sels Post er contact Rev, I, D. Mae - leer. phone 52-r-11. W0.I'TEO TO BUY— - Panel T rielc. P31111on Wagon. on Am- hnlance, or ITearsr. State fill part- iculars to C. Fereuson, 161 Binning - leen St„ Stratford, FOR SALE— Kit-hen Rene "Happy Thought" 1n good condition, also a Taylor - Forbes" lawn mower almost new. ,T, H, Bt•yans Phone 51-r-6. READY CASH— Tn•1,nre your cash income this year by growing encumbers, TTighcst prices paid in history. A moat attractive contract is offered. trncic pleb -up at gate. it interested contact Libby, R'ta Neill er Libby, Dnblin, Phone 30-r-3 FOR SALE— Order Kitchener 131g-4 Chicks now for April or May delivery. Fast start, Met•kets will Intro all Canadians can ]11'(18uee. Don't leave yourself shot. We'll nnote prices, hook you oiler. Agent Ti, S. Warwick, Hill Top Ranch Brussels, FOR SALE— A number of 100 acre terms price *3000,00 up; A number of 300 pore farms price *6,000.00 1114; 1 200 -acre bush Farm *3000,00; a number et 50 -acre farms $2000,00 -up; 3 good grass farms with water. Write or phone J, C. LONG, Real Estate Broker, phone 84, Brussels, (int. __._ WANTED— l:stahiishe.d Rural Watkins District available. T1 you a^e ngreeelve, and between ti a ages of 25 and 15 -- have or can secure travel outfit, 111113 is year npp', •funity to get estahltshe4 in v profitable bus. •lneoo of ynnr OW11, :icor full partied- , 'tars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, rept 0.13.4 2177 Maason St., Montreal, Qua, FOR SALE -- BARRED ROCt%S, Gov't, .Approved chinks from inspected :ilozEn bred for production, heart}; and vigour. Breeders blood tested for standard and variant types o', pulloram, We Offer mixed olilake vexed Pullets and cookerels at reasauable prices. Book your order now for spring de. livery. Dor Welts, quell" for Inter Provfnolal shipment, J.sketlold Chick hatchery, Lakefteld, Oat. Order. tram Lawless, tlsal4h4'. Phone 104,46 eteixeis. '. f u 1' h1 banquet of the newly fornted Brussels Lions Club, The banquet was served in the Sunday School room of Melville Church on Wednesday, April 17th. The room. was decorated i11 Lions colors aril emblems and the tables were bright with daffodils. Guests Included Int, Counsellor Nelson Hill, Goderich; int, Counsel- lor Wm, Carroll, Mitchell; District Governo, W. D. Higgs, St. Thomas; Dep. Gov„ Fred Spry, Wingham; D,D.C., 1L. Ed}phofler, Mitchali; District Secretary. Bruce Malcolm, Toronto and visiting Loins and ladies from St. Marys, Stratford, Exeter, Mitchell, Godericb, Clinton, Seaforth, Milverton, Wingham, }lowish, Blyth, Palmerston, Arthur, 1 Mt. Forest and IIarriston. I '0410 Charter was presented by D,G., W. D. Higgs and accepted by President, Rr,y Craisiu,;. installation • of Ciol' Officers 10415 roolhicled by Int. Counsellor Wm. Carrel assisted by Dep. Gov., Fred Spry. i Presentation of gilts of club equip - meat to Cho rcwly io•nted Brussels club, nude) the direction of Dist. Sec., I31'uce Malcolm, wan made as follows:- Seaforth—Bell and gavel and high- way sign. Godoricll—Framed picture if the King, Clinton Pre rode of elhic0. .11,1 -!") anter1 aims and objects, 1, er ic.l--.'.mo. ,t flag. .1-11 ford-1'nion Jack, 11. , v,;. Pi'-,• 11410. 3, i•,• irr• --. Pr, ,a+t •ul's jewelled 11001 ballot. 1):,r;•' duel 1 07'1: lapel button. Pl.•ti-staunt book, P:,'m0134'•1, Arthur. \It, Forest and (1000'5 en--S'•t ,f 411 dinner badges. 1 .,:i",! the 1.4)181' of the eventrg •n11-1, wee Provided by the United r•eneeh• ',rrhr••tra;sin..^,iii: was led be Lem Tamer li Lay -cock with Lion L. D. Thompson at the piano; male nutr'lette Exeter. Toler:mins of congratulations and good wishes were read from W. C. 401.11pr, Diro" or of L'011e Inter-. t'uti alnl and . the Secretary General '( Tains iteeriationah Lion Hazelwnml extended n vote '4 thank:• to the Minister and session of -•t•l•Tie rimer)) and to the ladies :'ar the Apletulid banquet .served in the chureb. Lion 177. 1.. S. Jamieson presented n "'ft er apprr^iation to D.74,11 l.r1i 1131181 1'm• his assistance in the ' r•:rllrtn of the club. St. John's Church Rev. J. Kerr. newly appointed rector of St. John's Church was ie. ..hare" of the A1'19t01' srr1'110 and delivered c splendid 581'11100 011 the Easter Theme, Special Easter music u is sung by the choir. A number of t7. Sunday School children attended lAry aeric•" 111 n 110)17• and their Teeth n Boxes were reeelved, CARD OF THANKS 1 wish 4.0 express • my ;%loose thanks to all those who visited me and who sent flowers fruit and ether gifte else those who sent me letters mud verde 861111g shy long stay in Minter Public Hospital. They were all very meet appreciated. W. J, Procter CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our deep a.ppre.cinli111 for the'nary acts of kindness shown 11n1't11 the illness and since the posing of husband and father, Year sympathy and though- fulnrss hove helped to temper our loss aril will always be remembered. The McDowell Family, BORN BONE—In Win;gham hospital on April 15411, 1546, to Mr, and Mrs. Rttssell Rene --a Poo, -Gerald Keith, * M ,p L01,00I Y ---in Private Patients Pavil- llon. Termite Genera} Hnspit-s1, on Mouday, April 22, to M:', and Mrs lTc•Cnrcly L0Wly--a son, * e m PERRY ---At St. Joseph's TTospital, Loudon an April 2118. 19.16, to Mr. aid Mrs. luau Penny (nee Lets T•ivfi't:-tn111'1—a daughter, Gloria Tlian.e. - NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The contract of cleaning out the Magee Main in Morris Twp. will be let by 11111110 [melon at George Fowler's on May 3rd, 1946 at 2pen, George Martin, Clerk CLEARING AUCTION SALE Farm Stock, implements and Household Effects At Lot 18, Con. 7, Mol'ris Twp. 2/I miles south of Brussels and 3 miles west. TUESDAY, MAY 7th Sale commences at 12180 TERMS CASH Everything will be sold as prop, has sold the farm. SIM'PSON MOALL—.Prep, r kc HARP jACI4$'ON—Auotit a O. P.FY—Clerk WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24th, 1946 Leghorn Pullet 'Lays Huge Egg .1 c c t lin Leghorn pull ,, on farm of Roy Patrick Sra,oi 111, must. have heard of the food shortage 00 was trying to contribute something 1111114111141 in the way of Master Eggs The egg measures 8 inches by 0(4 filches, ill weighs over 6 011)1)•es and contains 3 yolks. It is on display in the window of the N. Chapman harness shop and is well worth seeing. The pullet which laved this amazing egg is a product of The Walter Rose Poultry Farm, Brussels. Melville Church Sunday morning the minister preach. We read In newspaper reports, "Lack At a largely attended sel'vlre on untrue also; and yet how often do ed on the Easter theme, "11011 away of parental, oouW'ol," Decay of home 'that stone." In the sermon coil- life," "General want of , discipline," part/ton was made- between Christian• "Absence of religious education; and ity and several other religions with all the rest. We Clave read them eo special. reference to that point in 011"11 that we have came to regard ' which they were in agreement them ad incurable, of else we shift namely, the immortality of the soul, the blame on to others and cease to 'The choir rendered the Faster be it:Lerested. Too many people are anthems, "Ring et Kings,' by like the little gh'l who, an being Simper, and, "They have taken away severely scolded for some Inlsde- my Lord," by Stainer. mealtime, quietly remarked, "1 link Prior to the evening service 41r, mei .,bange 11e subject, 'cos it's not Lois DThompson gave an organ st,y interesthlg," recital o,f Easter music. ;.e' us Late one or the criticisms-- The peening service look the lack of parental control. Psyc•holo- form of a Festival of Easter nluri", gists tell us that a cidids life pro - The subject of til) adrireee 000 P. grosses 1n successive periods of. "Behold the Place." 'The following roughly seven years—the infant— con trihutiola 1001.8 made by the Jnr :1,1)841 child—mud the adolescent. choir nod members of the choir; "In '1•I, ,t rum(• thr 1nn1o1' 114.194,80 of the Carden" by Miles, Solo, Duet :,:1 fit life culminating in old age; and Chorus, uitth cels)? 1.nn McFa••• • ,t ..t tint 4rsan' to remember that lane, and Mat stet Cardiff. "What tf ., :448. 11) meant Koine -life as a are these" by Stainer, rendered by school we must include ourselves -the the choir. "My Task" by Ashford. parents—as pupils in development Solo by Mr, Wm. Spear. Other and growth ull the time, Home musical items were also ine..luded, should be a. school where Christian CORNER STONES 11, v. U,augo ,1. 31)1)4", The Christian Home—(2) 11. the first artiste 10 this dories we tuuugin of the Christian Home es 0 Schaal. She headmaster of a school 01100 roue:wisest, "Uf all the people least tittcd to have children, commend me to parents." Perhaps it was the same man Who wrote in one boy's report, "This boy Is well,meaning, but 14tupid; he should make a good Parent." There 15 an uncomfortable gist of te•uth In these phrases, and Were they untrue the popular criti- cisms of t0•day's home life would be i t it el ti,jl a tr a! e weaned by the older members of the family and taught lovingly In th,! (71)11drrn 00010 their earliest years. Where acooperate' I- i.. 1 - 1 1. t,o n t the a n I I..line and tearh1ng, they Will 1 0,1.1 re in turn what the children have to give and teach. I ' United Church Easter Services Splendid Easter music utarked the celebration of this festival ie. the United Church. let the meriting the anthem "The Golden GlowingMorn- ing by Stunts was sung the soprano solo being capably taken by Mrs. Harold Campbell. A trio composed of Misses Thelma Brothers, Dorothy Dennis and, Ruth Wilson was heard With great appreciation. The more- ing sermon subject was "Light for a 'Dark World." The members of the congregation renewed their vows as the following persons were received irto the church on Profession of Ii'aitb.; Madalon Ryan. Mae Arm- slrong, Winuifred Mitchell, Doreen Stephenson, Betty Cousins, Winni- fred- Miller, Glen Jardine, Wilfred Spivey, John Spivey and Douglas Shaw. The following were received by :e0tilicald iron the Ethel Charge: Mr. and 1! line 41law and Mr. and ,ll,s. Wilfred I3oy, ,-oil I:'I! ,set intik 1 solo pa; t, very acceptably, in the r (41111' anthem 11.11 1411 30)48', "111y 1,7•41,11 or t••lr••y' by Lorenz. The (.0 coin;; 4I'r11 '.41' o11 ties icti are yours' Tram first C0linthians. After the sermon Mrs. R. B. Cousins sang "Day of Days" by Van de Walter, in excellent voice, a*e-:aurasn::��:.�a�:a::Ursax-,-��:;xr.�..e�s�m-e:,�s..•:•..:,,: _:„��;�:e.•�scya r �.,:u�?�- ..n.::.:,�: A11) BRUSSELS, Obi TARE i Pageant Cantata At Melville Church A pageantpageantcantatatlta entitled, Fafr- cit Lod Jesus, was held at Melville 11)10111 on Thursday, April 18t11. A east of nineteen in Biblical costume t 13,, 11 very 11110 1101011111011.18 in 4115 dtrn:renl parts assigned to them The stage was constructed and decorated to give the best passible biOkxround for the pageant. The choir gave an excellent rendering cri' at.i rhe Jungian) items, Skilful manipulation of the lighting system made the production extremely realiseie. Extra parts contributed by members of the choir were, "Jesu, Son of God" by Maty Lou McFarlane and Margaret Cardiff. Anthem, `God eo loved the world," by the choir, "In the Garden," duet, solo, and chorus, with Mary Lou McFarlane and Margaret Cardiff, and the choir chorus. Solo, "The Oates of the Temple' by June Work. The pageant cantata was arranged by Rev. G. A. Milne, with Mr. Louis D. Thompson as Musical Director, Tliere was an attendance of three hundred. Prier to the pageant cantata, Mr. Louis D. Thompson gave a special organ recital. Nati:;x— D. N. McDonald Welber yard will 00111)4')) eloped every Thursday owing tri 41t:• 10 -hour it week until further rotiee,• MORRIS 31r. and Mrs. R'e ley Mei-lutaheon, Ea „0• S>t[1 : 01,.2,005; at the 41, .,,,: „t- George end Mrs. Davis: Mr, 1,1"11 0000 '10hn TT: and To Tomlinson Marion and of Aurora; Mrs. en of Clinton. a 310 ttlies There is a world-wide shortage of sugar. Last year world sugar production was twenty-five percent below 1939. Reasons for the decrease are; ® Destruction of the sugar industries in Java and the Philippines. 83 Shortages of labour and fertilizers in many suger.producing countries. ® Last year's drought in the Caribbean area, especially Cuba. O Damage to European sugar beet fields, World sugar supplies are pooled for the benefit of the United Nations. Canada, the United States and Great Britain are allotted en equal share of sugar according to population. Available supplies trust also be shared with other countries. This year's canning sugar allowance is ten pounds per person —the same as last year. Instead of special canning sugar coupons, ten additional green "5" coupons are being made available for the purchase of canning sugar. SB to S12 inclusive become valid on May 2nd; 517 to S21 inclusive on July 4th. Each coupon is good for the purchase of one pound of sugar. The ten "S" coupons for canning sugar are in addition to SLIZA PER POMO) the "5" coupons which regularly become valid each month for the purchase of sugar and preserves. Those who do not wish to do home canning may use the extra coupons to buy commercially packed, jams, jellies, canned fruit, etc., or sugar to supplement the regular ration. The ten "S" coupons for canning sugar need not be used immediately they become valid. You will be given ample notice of their expiry date, OUR "5" COUP "S", eaa�aar3s.~� G75 EXT Any valid `*581 Coupon, including those shown here, may be used to purchase sugar for eau- ning, or the amount stated Below of preserves. The green "5" coupons 88 to S12 and 817 to S21 are fn addition to the "S" coupons which regularly become valid each month for the purchase of sugar and preserves. They are validated to make available enough sugar for home canning or for other household uses, VALID JULY 4 COUPON CAL8N®AR ALTERNATIVE VALUE OF ALL 1"S" COUPON nht 4th Apra . . . S5 lath April . 56 and 57 2n1 May . 58 to 512 16th May . 113 and 814 20th Jeoe . 515 and 516 48 July 117 to S21 lath July . 522 5)d 523 15th August , 524 end 525 1 113. of sugar 011 4115. heavy OR 216e. harry butter co se46 fl. oz. maned fruit 08 24 fl. as. juin, jelly, marmalade 08 41bs. maple sugar Oa 30 Eat. mnpla syrup until Mey31, after Mal 31, 48 if. az. OR 205.0101555es On 30 ff. 01. Heeded table, cm)a or corn syrup m:yrrs.' .sscrmZI,:! ic•.Taaesneerc.4ra .irl Sac.PMMIi,.,.,M=TATE man asr+cRIe72147MMtL: AMOUNT OF 31)04411 USED Isar CANNING Each housewife may use her canning sugar to fit the needs of her particular household. A 01111111a0/1 method is to allow .e" lb. sugar for each quest sealer of canned fruit; and 1 e' lbs. sugar for each quart of jam or jelly. SUGARLESS ft.lifl7LIOO 011 CANNING 11311917 Many home economists recommend the sugarless method of canning fruit. Sugar can be added during the winter as the fruit is used. If you have not a copy already, write the Depart- ment al Agriculture, Ottawa, for "Wartime Canning" pamphlet. 13