HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-3-27, Page 4r- 113 Go{ : d Values And enders 4 Square Floor Wax, large tin — — 50c Cocoanut Oil Shampoo — — — 30c AA A Pablum a precooked baby cereal — 45c Easter Cards — 5c, 10c and 15c each Gillette Blue Blades — — 25c pkg. Durham Duplex Blades — 50c pkg. Fatal Apple Lip Sticks Nail Polish Saccharin Tablets, save sugar — 65c 50c 25c Vials Genuine Nylon Tooth Brushes — 33c Rexall Blood Purifier, large bottle $1.00 50c bottles Bronchial Syrup Dichloricide Moth Crystals — -- 115 A F 4 es 60c ; Multiple Capsules, 25 day treatment $1.10 F. It SMITH EVFLUGGL5t and -a�:�',;rlk STATIONER TF1 FPHONE NO. 62 -- TELEPHONE NO. 62 A Dublin Produce Co. A. KOSTEK ( SON Registered Egg Grading Machines Used Highest Cash !''rices Paid For Eggs and Poultry Phon 1 Dublin 50 .101•01.61M11.11111e1194111Mw House For Sale SITUATED ON WILLIAM STREET IN THE TOWN OF BRUSSELS. An eight room two storey house complete with modern three piece bath room, running water, hard and soft. Attractive interior decorations. Exterior painted last year. Apply in person to Miss Madelene Baker on the premises, from 7 p. m. April 4th to 2 p.m. April 6th. astiMallo PURINA HYBRID SEED CORN THE BEST OR IT WOULDN'T BE IN THE CHECKERBOARD BAG! FOR SALE AT BRUSSELS CREAMERY i *ER 11PP. Good Ff r Ail Kinds of Baking SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT IA►EKER BROS. THE BRUSSELS POST ar;, LOSSES : Attributed to Warble flies in Canada amount to nearly $14,000,000 annually. DAMAGES: Gadding of cattle during the summer, reduction in milk flow, loss in flesh, wastage of meat in infected carcasses, injured hides. CONTROL : Destroyed most easily in grub stage after hav- ing reached the backs of cattle by application of rotenone wash usually procurable at drug stores and spray companies, wlith directions for using. Quantity required approximately one pound of powder for twenty cattle for three treatments. WHEN TO TREAT: Early in spring when grubs commence dropping. Repeat twice at monthly intervals. HOW TO TREAT : Apply material with stiff brush and rub in well. COST ; Per animal, per treatment should not exceed 2 cents. SAVINGS : As much as $5 dollars per animal. NOTICE McGee. Tender's will be received till Saturday. April Mb at 2 o'clock P.M. for crit hin.g and hauling 6000 or more rub!: yar.is of Gravel in season of 1946. Tenders received calls for crushed to 1" square or 3/4." round and %," square or IA" round. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Security will be required. J. H. Fear, Clerk, Ethel, Ont. BELGRAVE The congregation of Brick United Church, East Wawanosh, gathered in No. 11 school Friday evening in honor of three more of the returned men—Pte. Kenneth Mason, Cfn. Lloyd Mason, and Sgn. Henry Patti- son. An address was read by James Irwin, and the veterans were pre• seated with club brushes by Jack &hien, Elmer Shiell and George Progresslive crokinole was played, with high honors won by Mrs M. M1R4chie and Roy Patti- son. ., ling -song was also enjoyed with Miss Jean Leaver at the piano, Lurch was served. The Anglican Young People's As- sociation of Trinity Church were entertained at the rectory in Blyth by Rev, and Mrs. J. L, H. Hender- son, Friday evening. The regular sleeting was held, with the scrip- ture 1055011 read by Norma Brydges. Fern Nether)" reading 111e log book and a trio sung by Mrs. C. H. Wade, Nora VanClanap, and Doro- thy Wade, Ganges were conducted by Nora VanCamp and Dorothy Wade and refreshments were -caved by the hostess. Personals: Robert Michie re• turned home from \Vingbann l:ospi• tat Thursday following an appen• dec.tonly; Mos, .7. A, Brandon and Mrs W. J. Cole have returned from London, where they spent. the win :et, with relatives. RENEWAL OF UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS To 411 Employers: All Unemployment Insurance Books for the year ending March 31st, 1946, must be exchanged for new books. - New Insurance Books for the fiscal year 1946-47 will be exchanged by the Local National Employ- ment Office in your area for expired Insurance Books K r, Protect the benefit rights of yoar employees by sending in their expired books properly com- pleted on March 31st. There are severe penalties for failing to make Unemployment Insurance contributions for your insured employees and for failure to renew the Insurance Books as required. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION urc–,w Grass Seed We have a good assortment of Grass Seed, Alfalfa, Red, Yellow Clover also mixtures. We have a special permanent pasture mixture for long term pastures, or we can supply Brome Grass, Orchard Crass, Meadow Fescue, Canadian Blue, Kentucky Blue, Ladina Clover in your required amounts. For your fence supplies we have the famous Lundy, Fence complete lines, post and etc., also steel gates in 12 ft. 14 ft. asd 16ft. lengths. We carry complete line of Martin.Senour Paints also cheaper line in Atlantic Brand. We can supply you with a new stove. Leave your order for Radios, Refrigerators and etc. A. J. Pearson Phone 2244 Ethel, Ont. Letter to the Editor tell home on J:uluray 4111, and travelled via ('. N. R. to Winnipeg ,11111 on to Vancouver. I renewed tic•civaintance with Many old frlenIte, into were well known In your viein- !y, among them Della iV1c'Ilee of Ethel, Bob Lowe formerly of Brus- sels and his wife, Arthur Lamont and wife the former 'Viola Turnbull, Archie Macdonald of the second concession of Grey all of these in \\'innipeg. Travelling on to Regina 1 visited 21r. and 2lrs. 'Feil But trey, Mrs. S. B. Lamont, formerly; hiss Shannon, Reg. Neale and wife, who Lizzie Kerr or Ethel. 1 traveled to Mile- stone and spent a couple days with Will and liugh NIWar tney, old neighbors. Going north to Saskatoon I found the third teacher of Dunce's school where I attended. in the person of (;cone Dobson, the other two being Alf. 'Knight and Jack Menzies, I c1lcld on Will McQuarrie, secretary of the Retail Merchants' Association, zits() Margaret Osborne ;Me's \Nilson) of Ethel. 1 spent several dal':. i!1 Vegt•eville, visiting my slst, r \I •s. Fleaness, and was plea;. ,1 to meet their very pnpnlar at.d :e'..gr,ssive young preacher Hartford Cantelon, whose forbearers the Canlelons and Den - bows resided at Brussels. "See Reid and See Right" { gra Thou on to Eclnnontclt where 1 called m1 His Worship (C.C.F.) ;Mayor Harry Ainley, son or Watson Ainley. It was reported to me that settling a bet, Harry and his father were measured, scoring a tie, etch being six foot three. 1 was also entertained at the Monte of Charlie and Mrs. Love and their daughter Edith (urs. Loudfoot) and at the home or Myrtle McKee, now Mrs. Ralph Harvey. Edmonton is a fast growing city and one of the centres of air activity. On visiting the stockyards 1 visit- ed a. horse processing plant where they expect to kill a h11 1110(1 horses a day far shipment to Europe. This would mace George 13ntchison's and John Wilson's plant look rather insignificant. Prom then on I traversed new territory, crossing the Rockies, 112 011gh jasper. past the immense Mount Robson and Edith Cavell and on to Vancouver. 1 spent some time 1 115r at the home of my brother Captain Bob. lately retired. In nearby New Westminster I visited a former merchant of Ethel and his wife 33ugh and Mrs, Mc- Allister. Both are well over eighty DOW and look wall. Out of their family of ten, nine are living, most of thein in B.C. Among others 1 visited were John McCrae, son of Rev, D. B. McCrae, Mrs. Ned1 Laird Campbell, Mrs, Dick Davis and daughter Mrs (Dr,) Parrot. Alvin Barg, Fred Mason, ]slily Mason (Mrs, R. J. Stott), John Lindsay and his wife former Barbara. Patrick., Andrew, Fred and Theresa Keller (Mrs. 220 Moore) also Berl McKee, Vancouvr is growing at an im- mense rate, houses going up by •hundreds and the lumber business along the Fraser River is enormous, the lumbelsr of course being made form their tall Douglas firs, the intense B.C. cedar and sortie pines. I fount the weather very 111111 in comparison with the intense cold I shivered .1n, in Winnipeg, Regina and Saskatoon. i crossed to Victoria, a trip by boat of a few houa•s, visited the parliament which was in session. On my way balk I also attended a session in Edmonton, hut. missed horsing Premier 1V110n11iug spea.i. T ant still in sunny Alberta and it is living up to its title at Present with the roads In this Vermilion valley impassible in some plaees frons the melting snow and black soil, nand lust now. After a few calls. and a trip or two from the 1110111 Line, I Hope to be basic !n old Ontario. ,john 111, Pearson HART High Pressure OIL BURNER 114 Low First Cost ig Engineered Quality Banked By 20 Years Of Exclusive 00 Burner Manufacturing Manufactured Exclusively In Canada By The SIMPLEX MACHINE COMi11ANY 298 Brunswick Ave Toronto, Ont, For further information see your local agent: --- WILLIAM SPEIR Phone 6x Brussels, Ont, A. REID Eyesight Specialist of Stratford Announces that he will resume regular visits to Brussels on ednesday, April 3rd Eyes Exa;,; tined, Glasses Fatted Office — Miss Hingston's Store from 1:30 p. m. to 5 p, m. E. Richards & Scan, Ethel TRACTORS AND FARM EQUIPMENT OVERHAULED FOR SALE — RUBBER TIRED WAGONS Agent for Otaco Farm Equipment Misses' Spun Rayon Spring Dresses, sizes 12 to 20, $4.95 Women's Spun Rayon Dresses, sizes 38 to 52, $4.95 and $5.95 Women's and Misses' Jersey Flowered Dresses, sizes 11 to 44, one and two-piece $14.95 Girls Alpaca Jumper Dresses sizes 2 to 6x,. $2.98 Misses Blouses, 7 to 12 years $1.49 Infants Blouses, 2 to 6 years, $1.39 up GC.,.,. — Women's and Misses' Sheer Blouses sizes 12 to 44, $2.98 to $4.95 Misses Broadcloth Sport Blouses sizes 12 to 20, $1.25 up Misses Alpaca Skirts, pleated all around $2.98 Misses Alpaca Slack Suits sizes 12 to 20, $10.95 up to $14,95 New Spring Shoes for the Whole Family mocoviroatteavemovetwoomaitravwcavencenipnemeneemmee Don't forget to ask for your sale slips --For $10,00 worth of these we give you A War -Savings Stamps Free. wrimiewommeftwompospewegiarrontiorepomeraimmoumui TH 'ARCADE STORE Phone 61 -- .Brussel, Ont. Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family