HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-3-27, Page 3You'll enjoy our Orange Pekoe Blend Wartime Price and Trade Board Information Questions and Answers Q. --I am a veteran and ate acquainted with 'rental regulations which went Into effect after I went overseas. I returned about six months ago and rented 11 house. Now I find out that I have been paying more than the selling rent. What should I do? A.—You shunld consult the rentals officer in your nearest Wartime Prices and Trade Board office re- garding this platter. Give then) the full facts and they will direct you as to the proper procedure. Q.—To settle an argument will you please tell me what is meant by saying that the price ceiling on certain goods and services has heel) suspended. A.—It means that price regulation) have been removed frau) these goods and services but 10 the ]rices show too high an increase without regu- lations, these will he reimposed. m m * Q.—I and a farmer and will have staple syrup this year. How shall I know what price to ask for it? A.—Ceiling prices on maple syrup are determined according to grade. Grades are ste by the department 00000,000000000.000.. of a:selculture and not by the War ! rr 1'1111 8'11 Trade Board How• v r. 1 •, ::1 ofticos of the Board will „ ..i.•, t ,aid you may have the grade of your syrup determined t -..11'l 1.t -ph the colorimeter, * * * Q.--11uw 1111'11 Canadian butter is exported overseas? A.—Canadian butter is not being serf -'rd. The eleetage is duo to a erne in production. * * r)---1 ne'glrbor of mine gave me .no snv sir 1. •upons because she o1)s•e ',testi then and my grocer •• lose. to take them. He says Pm I,.,,,kbtg the law just by having them. Is 91e right? A. Yes. The possesison of loose (snood.; +• Illegal and no deader may them, if yolrr neighbor does not require •her coupons she should destroy them. Questions on any regulation of the Ws eine Prises anti Trade Tloarrl will be answered if sub- m't>ed to the Information Branch, Wartime Prices and Trade Board, Federal (;u . r a, London, Ontario. ••4'enr husband seems to be a man of rare gifts:" "I'11 .say he is — he hasn't given MP one since we were married," , Vu may borrow from us on special Loans Act, for the purchasunder the Farm e of agme�- tural implements, live stock, electrical appliances or a farm electric system, or for the installation of hydro power. Similar loans are also made for fencing, drainage, construction of and repairs to buildings, the modernization of the farm home and other farm improvements. Ask us for the details. 707 THE Cr ADP 11 13 PIK OF coma 's CE BRUSSELS BRANCH -- T. L. PREST — Manager. THE BRUSSEI _S POST 15'etdnesday, Merril 27111, 11140 AUCTION SALE Of Valuable property in the Town of Wingham, There will be offered for sale, on Saturday, April 6111, 1946, at 3 o'(•toek 111 the arlernnon, at the law office of Ceawford & Hetherington, Wingbatn, by Matt. Gaynor, Auction- eer, f.ho following real property 0amely: Piot of Lot 100 in Leet & Davies' survey In the ']'own of Wingham is the County of Huron, more particu- larly described In Deed number :1590 and containing one-half an acre of land more or less, On the property is said to be a tnrc(ed hun.e 00 sonl1(1 ennmrnc- tinu, 7 rooms and bath, fluorescent lights, and all conveniences. good basement, garden welt laid out, end a garage. The proles' 4 may be viewer] between the hours of 9 a in. 411(1 6 p.m. on the followlug clays; Friday, March 391% SaturtlaY Mardh 30th, Wednesday, April 3rd, and Fridt,y, April 5th, TI]RMS OF SALE: Ten percent on he (lay of sale. and the balance within thirty days thereafter when possession will be given. The property will be offered subject to a reserve bid DATDD this twenty-first day of M00(11, A. D. 1946. mon MA10SEY,, Wing'liam Ontario Owner. MATTHEW F. GAYNOR, Lucknow, Ontario, Auctioneer -73 GREY The maple syrup season is praetieally over due to so littla frestatst night and not much snow. Mrs. Norman Gowing and littla daughter Gail are visitors Itis week al the hone of her parents, Wtn, u:rd Mrs, Turvey, Blyth. The W:A: of United Church The W.A. of the Vette11 Cilnrch'. !let nt tho home of Mrs, H. Wilson Tuesday nigh -t, March 19th with thirtythree present, Mrs. R. Cousins -raq In the chair and Mrs. II. Sulki. —in at the piano. The opening hymn 543 was sung followed by the l erd's Prayer In unison. The Scrip - ,"re lesson was read by .Mrs, I;. ieten+e• sed hymn 044 was sung. °11nnt;•s sit the last meeting were read by the se0001(1y Mrs T. )1r'.'n11s and the treasurer's report elven by ilTrs, W. Bell, Six calls were reported by the Good Cheer committee, Mrs. W. Speiren and Mrs. C Busu'hlen, Discussion followed as to the holding of a social evening to welcome the boys of a church home from oversees. It was (14Wided to send nut invitations f••r Wednesday evening, March 27th. Conunitires were then formed. Hymn 563 was sung followed by the 1111pa11 I>enedlrl inn, The second part of the °voting tees the forst of a sole. Members hurl brought such thh•gs a$ fancy work, towels, ear rings, butter, cakes, "oils, onions, potatoes, canned goods, r etc. Mrs. 0. Walker made a very capable auctioneer and the sten int realized was twenty-two lellere. A tasty lunch was then (4-11111 by the "W's" of the con- gregation and thanks extended to Mrs. ..ins. \Vdlson for her hospitality. .,.;:::::ate..:: >it,•11,� BEAVER SHIPS RETURN: Canada and the United Kingdom were linked again by the famous Beaver line when the Canadian Pacific's new cargo liner Beaverdell clocked at Saint John, N.B. fit March at the and of her maiden voyage from Liverpool. The turbo -electric fast freighter in making her initial crossing of the North Atlantic in less than seven and one half days demonstrated the service which will enable her and three sister slips to replace the origin- al five vessels of the Beaver class which were lost during the war, A fine example of the lat- est developments in;marine design and engineer- ing, the Beaverdell features widespread use of electrieal installations. Her propelling unit is turbo -electric, in which ether() generated electric- al power at high voltage drives the motor which aedoeeltseoficgeltalso oe Used to speed shaft, Electric ship and shore. Almost one quarter of the .huge caigo carryingspace on the Beaverdell is refrig- erated for cae transport of perishables. Electric fans ventilate all the holds while "tell -tales" and long distance recording thermometers enable the ship's officers to keep a close check on the cargoes, at all times, Other peacetime uses of "war -baby" developments in use on the ship in- elyde radar, gyro -compass, and the latest radio telegraph communication sets, The new 10,000 - ton vessel was given a rousing welcome upon her arrival at the busy port 'where she diseharg- ed 0,000 tons of cargo, some of it rubber from Singapore, and loaded Canadian farm produce- . including meat, eggs and flour—for the t7nited Kingdom. At right, Mayor 3. D. McKenna of Saint John congratulates Captain B. B. Grant on the return of the Beaver line to the North Atlantic fast freight service, WANTED— a�mn A gas lantern in good condition I C I s h1 e I Ads Phone 46-1'-19. FOR SALE— 50 bushels Ajax Oats. phone 234-4 Douglas llomiugway FOR SALE— Durham cow, 5 years old, due to freshen first week 1n April, plume 31-r-18 C. Bone _. — r-— FOR SALE - 1 good Van-Vrunt (John Deere) 16 disc drill. Mark Hamilton Phone 48-r-26 FOR SALE- Oar No, 1 American Potatoes at track today, Secure your supply as we will not likley be ordering again 1 this season. F. M. Semis phone 80 WANTED— An office girl and book-keeper at lumber yard, to commence duties intentails tely. phone 77 1). N. McDonald & Son FOR SALE— � . _. 1000 busts of Ajax Seed Oats, Government tested No, 1, free of weeds, aptily to Charles Boyd, Ralton. Phone Seaforth 881-r-13, FOR SALE— 1 colony house 10 x 12 ft. Some Vanguard oats, also can take 6 head year old cattle to grass for the 5008011. John McNair, Brussels Phone 44x or 43-r-7, Notice to Creditors In the estate of HARRY ELWOOD McC:L'TOHDON, ]ate of the Vil- lage of Brussels, in the County of FIuron, garageman, who died on or about the twenty-seventh day of January, A. D. 1946. TAKE NOTICE that all parties halving claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased must mail particulars and proof of .,111110 to the undersigned administra- rt•ix or her solicitor on or before the twenty-ninth day of March, A. D. 1946 upon which date the said admin- 'stratrix will proceed to distribute the assets with regard only to those claims which they shall then have received. Dated at Brussels this eight day of March.. A. D. 194(1;. HANNAH MCCU'i C7Ii?ON, Adnliuistratrix by her s)licitor E1 4I1011. 0. '13E1,L, Brussels. Onta' 10, FOR SALE— Phauo in good condition, applY Box 50, The Brussels Post. FOR SALE— Small Cook Stove (nnarlY new). 100(0111 Bolger Phone 50-r-14 -- FOR SALE - 1 Auto Track, 1928 Ohev, motor, in working condition, R. O. Bennett Phone 82-r-4 FOR SALE— A quantity of Seed Peas 0. A. C., No. 181. Thomas Pierce Phone 36-r-6 FOR SALE - 50 acre farm for sale and 200 acre farm for rent. phone 51-r-17 James Stevenson WANTED— Cattle for grass, plenty or water aed shade, Mrs. C. Fewster Phone 56••r-23 FOR SALE— A quantity of mixed Alfalfa and Red (']oven' Ilay, also a quantity of Fertilizer John 3DcNebb Phone 48-r-11 FOR SALE— Cartier See(] Oats with small per- centage of Velvet Barley, good sample $2.25 per 100, Gee. McEwen, Bluevale Wroxeter Phone, NOTICE— Electric motors rewovui and re - 1a ted Expert workmanship ',1 •n• rats prices. Lloyd M P,ettger, 5lrnkton, Ontario. SEED OATS FOR SALE— Ajax pure, grown from registered seed. phone 49-r-9 R. W.1 Whitfield MAN WANTED- 1 Good nearby Rawleigh District now open. 1f willing to conduct Houle Service business while earn- irg gond living, write immediately. Rawleigh Dept. ML -152.45.0 Montreal. Notice to Creditors In the estate of ALEXANDER KING, late of the Township of Morris In the County of Huron, farmer; who died on or about the twenty-fifth day of February, A.D. 1946. TAKE NOTICE that all parties 1 having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased must marl particular's and proof of same to the undersigned executrix or her solicitor on or before the twentieth day of April, A.D. 1946, 1111011 which date the :said executrix will proceed to distribute the .assets with regard onlyto those ase claims which She stall then have received. DATED at Brussels this twenty- serond day of March, A,D. 1946. CAITHERINE I01N'G, Executrix by her solicitor R. S. HETHDRING- TON. K.0, Brussels, Ontario • WANTED— Cucumber Growers for the season of 1946, Highest prices in history, Write or phone Libby, McNeil and Libby Co. Phone 30-r-3, Dublin, Ont. FOR SALE— BARRED ROCK3, Gov't,Approved chicks from inapcated Aockt bred for production, health and vigour. Breeders blood tested for standard and variant types of pullorum, We offer mixed chicks, sexed pullets and cockerels at reaseuahle prices. Bock yoar order aorr fur spring de. livery. Cur chicks qualify for Inter Provincla'. shipment, Lakeffeld Chick I'Ietehery, Lakelteld, Out, Order from D. Lawless, Walter Phone 19-r•10 Brussels. FOR SALE— McC'.m'mick Deering 10.20 tractor overhauled, McCormick Deering :vacs for caltivalor, McCormick Deering 8• inrow plough, Biased double also tractor hitch, Massey -'Harris tertlT• ]ter drill 18 runs, McComick Deering Hay loader, Chas, A. Lamont & Son, Lot 10, Con. 7 Grog Twp. Ethel, Ont, FOR SALE— A number of 100 acre farms price $3000.00 up; A number of 200 acre farms price $6,000.00 up; 1 200 -acre bush farm $3000,00; a number of 50 -acre fame $2000.00 up; 3 good grass farms with water. Write or phone J. C. LONG, Real Estate Broker, phone 84, Brussels, Ont. FARM FOR SALE - 96 acres of land, bank barn, straw - sited, driveshed, cement silo, drilled well and spring, 2 story solid brick house with frame kitchen, 2 miles from Cratrbrook"5 from Walton, 7 from Brussels, Janet McNair, R. R, 2, Brussels, Ont. CVkelville Church Calendar Sttndey, April 7t11,—Holy Come pulniou, Thursday, April 18th. --1l est PT r da cant Cantata. Pageant Sttndey, April 2lst dpeoia1 Easter Sunday Services, Sunday, Juno 2nd.—Anniversary Set- vices, i (Rev. Pref. James Hal', IVi,A.) FOR SALE - 100 acre fa m, Lot 13, Con. 10, Grey Twp., n orirk house, bank barn, hen ho+lse and garage, hard wcod bush, good water. Thong 90-r-4 L Porter o Farmers drive ears less than city people and get low rates from Pilot. But farmers do drive—one unin- sured accident could wipe out your home or your savings. Buy the lull protection of Pilot Automobile Insurance now. WALTER SCOT".! — BRUSSELS Representing We write insurance to cover selected risks in Automobile, Fire, Burglary, Plate Glass, Public Liability and other general insurance. lessB 00. WALTON At a meeting of te Library Board hold March 9t11, the following officers were elected for 1940; Presl- dent, Harvey Johnston; Secretary, Mrs. H. B. Kirkby; Treas., D. Law- less; members or the Board. Rev. C. Hazelwod, Percy Taylor, Wesley Hackwell. Mrs, 141. Holland, Mrs. E. Hackwell, Mrs. P. McTaggart. Miss Ethel Dennis, Mrs. Craig, Mr, P. Holman. A birthday party for Miss Shirley Quinn was held at the 1101/10 of Pat Quinn on Monday, March 11th when nine of her school chums were ntertained in honor of the occasion. * * * -. * * * 0 WEDDING a a * + * * 5 * * Marston—Snell in Toronto on Saturday, March 9, 1940 by Rev. Verner McNeely. of King St. Ttrited Church, Jeanne Eleanor only daughter of 31r. and Mrs. John Snell, Jamestown, to Geoffrey Charles Marston only son of Mr. and Mrs. Pler:rdltl id,ret11'n0 Oshawa Stores At Teeswater To Close Wednesdays TEESWATER, March 27.—At a meeting of the Chamber of Com- merce it was decided to change the weekly half holiday to Wed- nesday in place of Tharsday. Tees - water has for the past 25 years been open for business on Wednes- day Y nights and observed Thursday Phone afternon as half holiday. Degula- tions ,ln working (lours was re- sponsible for the change, Ration Coupons Due Dates Coupons now rand,. are butter It/ to R4, sugar 46 to 70 and 51 to S4, meat 1 to 30. Sugar coupons 46 te 76 and meat coupnre 1I1 to M23 expire March 31. Huron County Clerk injured GUD1iR1GH, March 27—Norman W. Miller, county clerk of Huron, su(iured slight injuries and con- .u.sesr, un 1'asday night in an ac- ri11e111 ua Nu. S Ilighway, one mile west. of Holmesville. The glaring lights of an ap- proaching car caused him to lose control of. tine car he was driving towards Clinton. After strking the gulue rail at the curve of the rood, his car tan along the shoulder and collided with a telegraph pole. The car was damaged considerably. Provincial Traffic Offieer James Cnip investigated. F. F. I3orniuth Registered Optometrist "Western Ontario's Most Modern Eye Service" 118, Harriston Try the 01MS`002s ! treatment for dna etc. Breck for beautiful hair wad better permanents. Aho Machinoecs Pennanen Irene Pease For appointuacssts Phone Ma TENDERS WANTED— Tenders will be received by the secretary for the wiring for hydro of the school house of S. S. No. 10 Grey. Plans and specifloatious may he had from the secretary. Tenders will also be received for the painting of the walls and ceiling of the classroom, Painting to be done in Easter holidays, The lowest or any tender not necessarily .acicepttd. Affil tendetis must be in by April 13th. Leslie Lake, (Sec: Treas.) R. R. 3 Brussels. Ont, Plume 50-r45 WANTED— Established Rural Watkins District available. If you ase egressive, end between (d e ages of 26 and us — iave or can Secure travel outfit, this is von' 097'+ 'Nutty to get csdablishe•l in •( profitable bus- iness of your own. For fall particle lays write today to The J, R. Watkins Company, Dept 0.13-4 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que, FOR SALE— Tettchmun' Big -4 Chicks. Available now or will hook Tos' later delivery. It's doubtful It you can do better, and cert.ainiy you ern save time by contacting us for prices, Varietq ' 1snport Pao brrorls, crosses, breeders t7•overnment r s t rks.fi + rtsmooses1 m Ctesau Ssuaittary tench,. Mee coileet /2 BRUSSWIS William Stole Sous Limited .001:000 ......0105M010•000000. 0,001100061:00.001•01 1t LIVE HENS AND CP'IICKENS also GEESE and DUCK FEATHERS BEST PRICES PAID Before you sell any poultry phone the Export Packers. We will call at your place for any quantity or you can bring them to ua. inspected and bloodtested for both Pl-IONE 7Ox BRUSSELS straits Hill pTRa, .Agent el 9, 1 ; Warwick 'Top }ranch, Brussels,