HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-3-20, Page 3You'll enjoy our Orange Pekoe B CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implements at Lot 8, Con. 16, Grey Twp., on MONDAY, MARCH 25th Sale commences at 1 o'clock HORSES Bay gelding 12 yrs. old Bay mare 11 yrs. old Roan filly rising 2 yrs, (Belgian and Clyde) CATTLE Ayrshire crow 7 yrs. o18, fresh Ayrshire cow 7 yrs, old due Maylst Ayrshire cow 4 yrs, cid, fresh Roan Durham cow 4 yrs, old milking (net in oalr) Red Durham cow 7 yrs, old due May let Red Durham cow 7 yrs, old milking, bred Feb, 10, 1946 Red Durham cow 4 yrs, *10, milking, bred Feb. 13, 1946 Red Durham heifer due April 14th Ayrshire Heifer rising 2 yrs. Red heifer rising 2 Yrs, 2 Steers rising 2 yrs, 4 ealves 9 months old 2 young calves IMPLEEMENTS 1 Frost & Wood mower 6 ft.. No 9 Giant 1 Keystone hay loader 1 Massey -Harris dump rake 10 ft, 1.Tudhopc truck wagon I hay rack with railing half rack 1 Bain sloop sleigh 11TeT:aughlin cutter raw shoeing, shaft bells 1 steel tired top buggy 1 buggy pole 1 Fleury walking plough No. 2 3 section diamond harrows 1 McCormick Meering smiler (new) 1 :McCormick Deering creams separ- ator 50 Olbs. (nearly new) 1 wheel harrow 1 root pnlper 1 colony house 10 x 12 used 2 years 1 hay fork rope hand macre 150ft, '3 pulleys' 1 Gem elecU•ie fencer Quantity of hay 111 1111::. iuixud gram iErbun oats and 21 barley) I ser (10010 h:u'ta00, twin neekyokes 2 long straw pipe throat collars 21" 1 short straw collar (new) 1 . bort stilly collar 1 McCrary Escort range, with shelf, good as new 1 coal oil oven (new) Forks shovels and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH JAMES SHORTREED, Prop. LEWIS ROWLAND, Auctioneer Melville Y.P.S. On Monday night of last week the Y. P, S, of Melville Church were entertained at the nonce of Mr, and Mrs. John Worlc. A very enjoyable time was enjoyed by all. Monday evening of this week the society met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Clare Lo: for their study period. Melville Church Calendar Sunday, April 7th,—Iloly Com- munion, Thursday, April 18th. --Easier Pageant Cantata, Sunday, April 21st—Special Plaster Sunda' Services. Sunday, June 2nd•—A.mhiversary Ser- vices. (Rev, Prof, James Hay, M.A,) THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, Marcel 2ubh. 1940 AUCTION SALE Farm Stook, ImpTemente and Household Effects at Lot 10, Con, 10, Grey Townshl 2", miles east of Brussels p TUESDAY, MARCH 26th Sale commences at 1 o'clock HORSES I Clyde Gelding 6 years 1 ('lycte Mare 5 years 1 driving burse 10 years CATTLE 1 Derham cow fresh 2 months 1 half Jersey cow fresh 2 months Holstein rows due April and May Iu'lfers coming 2 years 4 Yearlings 1 call' 2 months old PIGS 10 chunks and 4 sows HARNESS 1 set brass mounted breeching harness (nearly new) 1 set crotch tops 1 set plough harness 1 set hack band harness HAY 11 tons of nixed hay GRAIN 100 bus. Erban oats •amd barley IMPLEMENTS 1 John Deere tractor A.R. on steel good condition 1 M: iI. bindr 6 ft, rut, nearly new 1 \IetIo'nick fertilizer drill 11 run. Deering mower 6 et.l cut used 2 seasons 1 Int, side rake 1 hay tender 1 Int. hay loader 1M. -H, side deliveryy rake 1 M, -II, manure spreader 1. int, farm wagon 1 M. -II. Quebec sulky riding plough 1 stay rack with car 1 rubber erect wagon set scales funning mill I rubber tired buggy M.-14. cultivator pig erate hay rake 2 turnip sowers balsam cart 4 NOTICE 'renders will be received 1111 'v'il WI at 2 o'clock 1 P.M. for ;'ni 111ng and hauling 6000 ;. ,'r more enbi! yiras of Gravel In s Srasot of 1946. 'fenders received calls for crushed to 1" mune or rpt" round and V4" square or 3" round, b 9'he lowest or any tender not neves• t sarily accepted. 2 Security will he required. 2 J. H. Fear, Clerk, Ethel, Ont. sir -section diamond harrows et slop sleighs with flat rack 100)0on hex ig.ht wagon' tune beat rt Stewart horse clippers ns engine Fairbanks Morse HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS edrnon suite, bed and spring vash.ing machine rouchs racking chairs doz, jars tgle bed og a;,1 a glad Saw my Bank Manager!' "Betty and I wore worried . we were urged to invest our savings, including my service gratuities, in what we thought might be a good business proposition: My bank manager showed me why it wasn't so good ...maybe saved us from losing all we haver" 3 (new) If you are an ex -serviceman, getting re-established in civilian life you will find your local Bank Manager a useful man to consult. He is familiar with local business conditions and oppor- tunities; he is glad to give helpful information to any veteran who comes to see him. He knows the hopes and fears, joys and worries of small business men, wage-earners and salaried workers, because he has been talking to them over many years considering their problems, lending them money, rendering them service in many ways. He'll be glad to do the same for you. Why not talk to him at the first opportunity? Veterans all over Canada are saying: "Boy—am 1 glad I saw my Bank MManegert" This Advertisement is Sponsored by your auk gl'ts ::upboard ;n•„allon 1n11k can real rill stove TERMS CASH Sale without reserve, as the farm has been sold, HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer ROBT. PATRICK, Clerk W. H. MoCUARRIE, Proprietor Notice to Creditors la 1.110 e..tate of HAI'Uty ELWOOD lis{ CTOI0EON, late of the Vil- lage of Brussels, 10 Ilse County of Huron, gar:tgenlau, who died on or about the twenty-seventh (lay er Jau,uttry, A. I). 1946, TAKE NOTICE that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased must mail particulars and proof of same to the undersigned administra- trix or her solicitor on or before the twenty-ninth day of March, A. D. 1946 upon which date the said admin- istt'atrix will proceed to distribute the assets with regard only to those elaitns which they shali then have received. Dated at Brussels this right day of March, A. I). 1940, HANNAH McCU'1'OIIJ:ON, Ad1111nistratt ie by her solicitor ELMJ011 O. 3IOLL, Brussels, Onto '10. lass tied Ads FOR SALE-- Piano ALE—Piano in good 0110d411u'u, apply Box 50, The Brussels Post, FOR SALE - 2 young mares, phone' 23-r-11 Win. 1411acolt FOR SALE— A quantity it Seed Peas 0. A. C.. No, 101, Thomas Pierce Phone 26•r-5 FOR SALE— pigs weaned a week, apply to M. McLean Phone 29-r-7. • FOR SALE— — 00 acre farm for sale and 200 acre farm for rent. - p11011,e. 01-1.17 James Stevenson POTATOES -- Car load et 13me-,el- about Moreh 27th. For further patliculars phone flllioi's, Bennett's, Grewar or Mc- Tabish WANTED—. Cattle for grass, plenty of water urd shade, MN. C. Fewster Phone 56-r-29 BE INDEPENDENT— Sell Ra.wleigll Products. Good Nearby District open. Write today, Notice Dept. ML -15215.0 Montreol Notice to Creditors FOR SALE— Cartier ,-Seed Oats with small er - In the estate of MAGGIE WILTON late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 19th day' of February, A.D. 1946. TAKE NOTICE that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased must mail particulars and proof of se)ne to the ulxlersigned executrix or her solicitor on or before the 22nd day of March, A.D. 1946, upon SEED OATS FOR SALE— which date the said executrix will Ajax pure, grown from registered Proceed to distribute the assets with seed, regard only to these claims which 'plume 49-r-9 R. W.I Whitfield shall then have been received. DATED at Brussels this 4th day FOR SALE-- of ALE—of March, A.D. 1946. 1 Derham Cow 4 years old to DORIS McDONALD, executrix freshen March 20, a quantity of Ajax by her solicitor ELMER D. BELL, seed oats. phone Blyth 18-r-15 Torrence Dundas p rentag'e of Velvet Barley, good sample $2.25 per 100. (leo. McEwen, Bluevale Wroxeter Phone NOTICE— Electric motors rewou,ii and re - 11 ted Expert workmanship M is. c'ate prices. Lloyd M Rettger, yrrnkton, Ontario. FOR SALE— BARRED ROCI{3, Gov't. Approved chicks from inspected flocks bred for production, health and vigour. Breeders blood tested for standard and variant types of puilorem. We offer mixed chicks, sexed pullets and cockerels at reasonable prices. Book year order soy fm• spring de- livery. Cur chicks qualify for Inter Provincial shipment, Lakefie'd Chick Hatohery, Lakefield, Ont. Order from D. Lawless, Walter* Phone 10-r-16 Brussels, GREY Mr. and lMrs. Win. McTaggart, Miss 'Steep and Mr. 14icGratton Goderioh visited Mr, and Mrs James McTaggart Friday evening and attended the presentation in the hall in honor of Mr. and Mrcs. Eldon Mann, BLUEVALE Pupils from Powelll's, Bluevale, and Ramsay's schools, numbering over 70, met in the community hall to view the Federation of Agrlenl- ture movies shown by Harvey Johnston, Walton. The same Pic- tures were shown to an adult audienc in the evening. Councillor Leslie Bryce answered questions relative to pests affecting domestic animals. To celebrate St, Patrick's Day the YJP.U, of the United Church held a pregressdve c1oldnole social in the school Croom on Friday eve- ning. First prize was won bp W. S. Johnston and the consolation, prize was given to Miss Margaret Curtis, Other games were also played, and refreshments were served, Miss Lucy Cousins,, of Toronto was recently struck by •a ca' and suffered a fractured arm. Miss Cousins, spent several summers here with her .slater, Mrs. �0, Tav- erner, et the United Church person- age. Rev. G. J. Bridgelto used as his text at the mooing service In the United Church, "He bath broken clown tine middle wall of partition between tis," Ross Smith sang a stein, At Knox Presbyterian Cthurch the pulpit was occupied by Janies Marnoch, of Knox College, Toronto, who spoke from the text, "And the veil of the temple was. rent in twalct " Personals: Mr, and Mrs Neil McGar itern and family, Mount Forest, with Mrs. R, F. eternise; 11r, and Mrs, J, Marshall and daughters, Listowel, with Mr, and Mrs. George Thornton; Mrs. Ray" - mond Elliott with her (tangltter, Lois, and brothers, Toronto, WANTED— Cucumber Growers for the season of 1946. Highest prices 1n history, Write or phone Libby, McNeil and Libby Co. Phone 30-r-8, Dublin, Ont. FOR SALE— A number of 100 acre farms price 30000.00 up; A number of 200 acre farms price $6,000.00 op; 1 200 -acre hush farm $3000,00; a number of 50 -acre farms 32000.00 up; 3 good grass farms with water. Write or phone J. C. LONG, Real Estate Broker, phone 84, Brussels, Ont. FARM FOR SALE - 95 acres of land, bank barn, straw - shed, drivesdted, cement silo, drilled well and spring, 2 story solid brick hoose with frame kitchen, 2 miles from Orartb:rook 6 from Walton, 7 from Brussels. Janet McNair, R. R. 2, Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE - 100 acre fa m, Lot 13, Con. 10, grey Twp„ 1 urirk house, beak here. hen bottle and garage, hard :vend bush, gond water. llame 00-r-4 L Porter • FOR SALE— McCormick Deering 10-20 tractor overhauled, McCormick Deering !tae• tor cultivator, McCormick Deering 3- furow plough, Bisset double disc tractor hitch, Massey -Harris remit 12er drill 13 11100, McComfok Deering Hay loader. Chas. A. Lamont & Son, Lot 10, Con, 7 Grey Twp. Ethel, Ont. WANTED— Established Rural Watkins District available, If you are agres,ive, and hntween t1 e ages of 25 tend 55 — have or can secure travel outfit, Ihis is voter epee •tuutty to get oetablishet in a profitable bus- iness of your own. For full partten• tars write today to The J', R. Watkins Company, Dgpt. 0.11.4 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. FOR SALE - As agent for Big -4 Chicks, we a:ctviee you order now for immediate or later delivery. ft's a big Month for chicks, don't be disaa.ppointod. OlTide Choice breeds, crosses, breed- ere 'Government Inspected and hloodtestetl for both strains of 11)17 MIMI, Ask for price list. Agent I RHONE 70x R. S. Warwick, HillPep Ranch, o You mightbe the esex( victim of fire—fire that eau quickly destroy your home, your business, your pro» potty, your whole Rit'e's work° Let Pilot Insurance . accept the risk—ready and quick to pay any just claim, The cost is very low. We write Pilot Insurance to cover selected risks in Automobile, Fire, Burglary, Plate Glass, Pub. lie Liability and other general insurance. WALTER SCOTT — BRUSSELS Representing PILOT INSURANCE COMPANY 1" AUCTION SALE Farm, Farm Stock & Implements Lots 9, 10 Concession 4, Grey Twp, MONDAY, MARCH 25th Sale commences at 1 p.m. HORSES 1 gray gelding, 10 yeas old 1 black mare, 0 years old 1 bay horse, 8 years old CATTLE 2 black rows, fresh in January 1 Holstein cow, fresh in !February 1 red cow, due April 9 1 roan cow due May 19 1 Hereford cow, due April 23 1 registered Ayrshire heifer milking 4 dropped calves 4 year-olds 6 young crane PIGS 2 sows with lacers 6 weeks old IMPLEMENTS 1 Massey-Ilarris binder 7 ft. 1 McCormick -Deering mower li ft. 1 Superior fertilizer drill 13 run 1 ('ockshutt ;gain drill 12 run 1 hay loader 1 McCormick -Deering ridir:g plough 1 walking plough 1 cultivator 2 dump rakes 1 set harrows 1 Massey-I3a•rls gang plough 1 rubber -tired wagon and rack 1 farm wagon and rack 1 hay fork, rope and pulleys 1 cutter 1 Viking cream' separator, cap, 650 1 set brass mounted harness 1 set single harness 1 fanning mill 1 wheel barrow set scales colony house 10 x coal brooder stove 500 cap. Other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH Farm for sale, subject to reserve bid. MUNGO McFARLANE, Proprietor WM. M, SCOTT, Auctioneer WANTED— Hemlock. Pire. Basswood, Ash F.lm, Oak Logs. Highest prices paid loaded or. our truck, phone 77 . D. N. McDonald F. F. Hoanuth Registered Optometrist "Western Ontario's Most Modern Eye Service" Phone 118, Har•risfon Beware Of .Those New Poisons Gobind Reh ari Lal, science lyst, writing in The American W'''kly with this Sunday's 'March 24) issue of , The Detroit Sunday Tines, describes modern chemicals as dramatic pest -killers but warns they must be handled ea'efuliy o1• some of them, such as rat -eradicators, ran take a human life, Get The Detroit .Sunday Times. Try the fatuous Bre treatment for thandruE. etc. Brack far beautiful hair and better permanents. Also Macbinelass Permanente Irene Pease For appointments ' Phone 55E DEAD or DISABLED ()slickly removed its Clean Sanitary toroth.,. Phone collect, 12 I3,RUS�'r Ls illiam Stoll Solos Li Lite T LIVE HENS AND CHICKENS also GEESE and DUCK FEATHER'S BEST PRICES PAID Before you 3e11 any poultry phone the Export Packers. We will call at yor.0 place for any quantity or you can bring them to us. ;, ort Packers BRUSSELS Brussels. i a4$