HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-3-13, Page 3° 44 salt s , p9sa 1 cue shortening 3 1/4 tap, a lemon iulca,9rotod 2/3 cup brown sagas lemon rind and orange rind. 1 Wolups sift Ogg all-purpose flour rated Cie Daps stead nand n add egg mix thoroughly. Addr Creama10an siftgiad„agog „wig Bako rind, Mix and dry inwo poppets add Slice in t(4'nUce „mn Juice. Form 2” hon in wax to aecd pan 6 m,nute0 at 540°. oa oagr AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and Implements At the Residence of Archie Wlntle Lot 4, Concession 9, Grey Township 1 Mile East of Brussels THURSDAY, MARCH 21st Sale commences at 1 P.M. HORSES 1 Mare 7 yrs, old, 1300 lbs, 1 aged mare 1 Clyde colt rising 2 years COWS 1 Ayrshire cow 5 yrs., fresh 1 Jersey cow clue May 1st 1 black cow young, due in April 1 Durham cow 5 yrs.. clue 1n April 1 Hereford eow due time of sale 1 Holstein cow due April 1st 1 Durham row due time of sale 3 bulls and 2 heifers about 1 yr. old PIGS 1 brocl sow due about May 20 5 chunks about 5 menthe old 12 chunks- about 70 lbs. 9 young pigs weaned a week IMPLEMENTS Hay rack McCormick mower 5 ft. rut Horse rake Walking plow Disc harrow Smoothing harrow Beefier Set of sloop sleighs Masesy-Harrls hay loader in good condition Side delivery hay rake Graves box Double wagon Set sleighs Cutter Good robber tired buggy Good buggy pole 1loe drill seeder HARNESS Set double harness Driving Harness Laval cream separator No. 12 Wood range in good condition Quantity or gaol hny —TERMS CASH— Archie Wintle, Proprietor. Robt, Patrick, Clerk. Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer. .. _ - - xrtvasa,aAMc AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and enmp,ements Lot 3, Con. 7, Grey Township 114 miles north and 1/2 mile east of Brussels TUESDAY, MARCH 19th Sale commences at 1 P.M. COWS 1 Dnrhitnt cow 7 years old bred San, 17th 1 Brindle cow 9 years old due March 26th 1 Durham cow $ San. 17th 1 Durham cow 6 years old bred Jan. 17th. 1 Durham cow 4 years old due time of sale 1 Durham cow 4 years old due April 15th 1 Durham cow 5 years old bred Jan. 18th 1 Dunham cow 5 . years old bred Feb. 1st 1 Durham cow 5 years old bred Jan, 26th 1 Durham eow 3 years old due time of sale 1 cow, you, g, fresh at time. of sale CATTLE 7 heiiens fat, would ship steers around 1000 lbs. yearlings, steers and. heifers IMP LEMEt;'I'S Massey -Harris binder No, 4 Massey-Ilarris cultivator Tenth wagon 1 windmill pump wagon reek soft water force pump wagon box with pig rack Clisthem fanning mn'; of harrows 1 Pig hex 2 Iron neekyolkes 1 Massey-Flarris riding plow Crow' gang plow with rolling coulter walking plow set of slighs TERMS CASH Wr J. D, CARDIFF, P'op, LEWIS ROWLAND, Auctioneer years old bred 3 1 THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday. Mai'rIl 13t11, 1946 AUCTION SALE Farm Stook, Implements and Household Effects at Lot 10, Con. 10, Grey Township 21/2 miles east of Brussels TUESDAY, MARCH 26th Sale commences at 1 o'clock HORSES 1 Clyde Gelding 6 years I Clyde Mare 5 years 1 driving horse 10 years CATTLE 1 Durham cow fresh 2 months I half Jersey row fresh 2 months I1olsteh) cows due April and May •1 heifers conning 2 years N,1'rlinge 1 eel(' 2 months old PIGS U) ('hunks and 4 sows HARNESS 1 set brass mounted breeching houses (nearly new) 1 not scotch tops 1 set plough harness 1 set bark hand harness HAY 15 tens of mixed ,hay GRAIN 300 bus. 'Ethan oats -and barley IMPLEMENTS l .Tohn Deere tractor A,R. on steel good condition 1 M:14, binds 6 ft. cut, nearly new 1 McCormick fertilizer drill 11. run Deering mower 9 ft.i cat used 2 seasons 1 Int. side rake 1 hay tedder 1 Int. hey loader 1 M, -H, side deliveryy rake 1 M:H. manure spreader 1 Int. farm wagon 1 M. -H. Quebec sulky riding plough 1 hay reek with car 1 rubber tired wagon set scales fanning mill rubber tired buggy M, -H. oultivato' pig crate hay rake 2 turnip sowers harrow cart 4 -section diamond harrows set slop sleighs with flat rack (new) wagon box light wagon :tone boat ere Stewart horse clippers gas engine Fairbanks Morse HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS bedroom :cite, bed and spring washing machine 2 coughs 2 rocking chains 3 doz. jars single bed Through Farm Improve- ment Loans with special terms The Canadian Bank of Commerce finances in- stallation of the necessary Hydro equipment on the faun itself, or the purchase of an independent farm e ectric system. These loans are also applicable to the purchase of many electrical appliances. This is Barala- ang i,11 Action. ELECTRIFICATION ! What magic in the word— particularly for the farmer, the rural home owner! Power for the cream separator, the churn; for the silage cutter and the hardwood saw; for implements that used to spell back- breaking work. Energy for lighting, cooking, refrigeration; for household appliances of all kinds. The coming of Hydro lifts burdens, speeds tasks, transforms life on the concessions. Once electrification is decided on, Banking goes into Action. THE CANADIAN L Brussels Branch 7240 NK OSAC ERCE T. L. Prest, Manager 11'10.0 cupboard 39 -gallon milk can coal ell stove TERMS CASH Sale without reserve, as the farm has been sold, HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer ROBT. PATRICK, Clerk W. H, MCQUARRIE, Proprietor Notice to Creditors 1n the gentle of HARRY ELW00D McCetT( 15140N, late of the Vil- lage of Brussels. In the County of Duren. garageman, who flied ou 01' 111)11111 1111' twenevelilh day of J11ta1.r1'y. A. 1). 1946ty-s. TAKE NOTICE that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased muga mall particulars and proof of sante to the uuclerstgnecl administra- trix or her oultcdtnr on or before the twenty-ninth clay of March, A. D. 1946 upon, which date the said admin- beerareix will proceed to distributs the assets with regard only to those claims wlilc•h they shall tben have received. Dated at Brussels this eight day of March, A. D, 1946. HANNAH McCUTCIIJI0N, Aclministra trio, by her solicitor ELhMLlt 0, BELL, Brussels, UIiter10, Notice to Creditors s In the estate of 1VMAGG1E WILTON late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 13th day of February, A.D. 1946. TAKE, NOTIOE that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased must mail particulars and proof of 1 same to the undersigned executrix or her solicitor on . or before the 22nd day of March, A.D. 1946, upon which date the said executrix will proceed to distribute the assets with regard only to those claims which shall then have been received. DATED at Brussels this 4th day 0f March, A.D. 1946. DORIS McDO'NALD, executrix by her solicitor I6LMER D, BELL, FOR SALE - 100 acre fa m, Lot 13, Con, 10, ';•hey Twp., 1 erirtt house, hank Karn, hen hiMee and garage, hard wcod bush, good water, t Mune 90-r•4 L. Porter FOR SALE BARRED ROCIC3, Gov't. Approved chicks from inspected flocks bred for production, health and vigour. Breeders blood tested for standard and variant types of pulloram. We offer mixed chicks, sexed pullets and cockerels at reasonable prices. Book your order clot' fur spring de. livery. Cur chicks Qualify for Inter Provincle? shipment, Lakefla'd Chick Hatchery, Lakefield, Ont. Crier from D. Lawless, Waltee Phone 19.r-16 Brussels. Wartime Price and Trade Board Information Questions and Answers k u Q.—Wtat is the present cost of living index? A, Acomi'dlmg to the latest figures compiled- and issued by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics the index is 119.0. Q,—I understand lthat .some ration coupons expire at the end of the month. Will you please tell me if this is so and what coupons expire? A.—Pink sugar coupons. numbered 46 to 70 and meat coupon M1 to MIS expire March 51. Unnumbered sugar and pleat coupons on tempor- ary ration cards are not affected and remain valid. Q.—Is there any way in wthdoh I might stretch my batter ration, A,—Directions for stretching your butter ration are contained in a Pamphlet issued by the Dominion Department of Agriculture, You may obtain .a copy ber writing to this department at Otitawa. Q, --Is a jeweller permitted to increased the price of watches? A. -No. Watches and clocis are exempted in the list of jewellery recently suspended from price ceiling regulations. Q.—My landlord lolls me that the supplying of electricity has been removed from the price ceiling and he wants to charge me more. Can he do ibis? A. -No. Landloeds may iiot in - meets(' service charges to a tenant withouteluvial approval of the Wartime Prices and Tra'd'e Board. * * Olassiti I- Ads FOR SALE -- A ono lily of Ajax seed outs. ,hong 4i4-25 Gordon Knight FOR SALE— Seed Ajax oats, phone 53el-5 John P. While FOR SALE— A gander, Phone 16-r-14 FOR SALE— A gander, would buy a goose phone 3G -r-13 Glen Smith FOR SALE— About le tons 91 Alfalfa and Timothy Hay in block. phone 94-r-111 Oharles C. Simpson W. J. McCureheon FOR SALE— .1 kitchen stove, will burn wood or anal. a good baker. I/11 0111. 58 Mrs. L. Aldworth NOTICE— Electric motors rewotut and re• I n ed Expert workmanship M ate prices. Lloyd M P,ettger, 'irnkton, Ontario. FOR SALE • — 1 White Sow with 8 pigs 5 weeks old, phone 55-1••26 John Sohnock — SEED OATS FOR SA E Ajnx pure, grown from registered seed, phone 49-r-9 R. W.I Whitfield FOR SALE - 1 Durham Cow 4 years old to freshen March 20, a quantity of Ajax seed oats. plume Blyth 13-r-15 Torrence Dundas FOR SALE— One Ivory MoOlary Range good as Hew; one dumb waiter; oma glass cupboard, phone 6x Wm, Speir VACANCY— Rawlefgh Districts now open near- by. Trade well established. Excel• lent opportunity, Fall or past time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. M'L- 152-189-0. WANTED— Cucumber Growers for the season of 1946. Highest prices in history. Write or phone Libby, McNeil and Libby Oo. Phone 30-r-3, Dublin, Ont. FOR SALE— A number of 100 acre farms price 93000,00 up; A number of 200 acre farms price 96,000.00 up; 1 200 -acre bnsb farm $3000,001 a number of 50 -acre fauns 92000,00 ug; 3 good grass farms with water. Write or phone J. C. LONG, Real Estate Broker, phone 84, Brussele, Ont, FARM FOR SALE - 95 acres of land, bank barn, straw - shed, driveshecl, cement silo, drilled well and spring, 2 story solid brick house with frame kitchen, 2 miles from Cranbrook 5 from Walton, 7 from Brussels, Janet McNair, Te, R. 2, Brussels, Ont. WANTED— A man for general repairs, Morris Township School"Board requires the services of a capable man to do the general 'repair work at all the schools within the township. Appli- cants stage the hourly rate of pay requested and address applications to,,.R.S•Shaw, Bluevale, Ont, FOR SALE— MoOnemicic Deering 10-20 tractor overhauled, McCormick Deering teas for cultivator, McCormiolt Deering 3' furow plough, Bisset double disc tractor hitch, Massey -Harris fertil icer drill 13 runs, McComick Deering Hay loader. Chas. A. Lamont & Son, Lot 10, Con. 7 Grey Twp, Ethel, Ont. WANTED— Estabitehed Rttral Watkins District available. If you tt"e agresslve, and between ti e ages of 25 and 15 have or cat secure travel outfit, 1 this ie your epee 'tunny to get establls.hei iu s profitable bus. 1110Sa of your own, For full perti0n- ,'tare wr'it'e today to The 5, R. Watkins Company, Dept 0.13-4 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Rue. Qttesti0ne on any regulation of the Wa';lmt- Prlres nod Trade Beard will be answored if tab. mitred to the Informations Branch, Wartime ?oleos and Trade Bnttrd, Federal iht f u k Lbtd't, Ontario, ,w. -FOR SALE— Seve yarn' time by eontacting ns fo' y001' chicles, Its doubtful if yon can buy better anywhere, ,fudging from sco`es of letters Kitchener Big. 4 'Hatchery gets from satisfied yearly customs. Variety breeds, crosses, Breeders, Government in• 8pected and bloedtested for both, strains puitorum. Ask for j,riess, order soon. R. 0, Warwiok, Hill Top Mauch. Brnsfele. • You might be the next victim of fire—fixe that can Quickly destroy your home, your business, your pro- perty, your whole life's work. Let Pilot .Insurance accept the risk—ready and quick to pay any just claim. The cost is very low. We write Pilot Insurance to cover selected risks in Automobile, Fire,Burglary, Plate Glass, Pub- lic Liability and other general insurance. WALTER SCOT i' — BRUSSELS Representing SURANCE, COMPANY -�.. .. -53. AUCTION SALE Farm, Farm Stock & Implements Lots 9, 10 Concession 4, Grey Twp. MONDAY, MARCH 25th sale commences at 1 p.m. HORSES 1 gray gelding, 10 years old 1 black mare, 6 years old 1 hay horse, 8 years old CATTLE 2 black cows, flesh in January 1 Holstein cow, fresh to February 1 red cow, due April 9 1 roan cow due May 10 1 Hereford cow, due April 23 1 registered Ayrshire heifer milking 4 dropped calves 4 year-olds 6 young cattle PIGS 2 sows with litters 6 weeks old IMPLEMENTS 1 Massey-IFarris binder 7 ft. 1 McCormick -Deering mower G ft. 1 Superior fertilizer 110111 13 run 1 Coeksll»tt grain drill 12 run 1 hay loader 1 McC-ormici -Deering. 1 walking plough 1 cultivator 2 dump rakes 1 set harrows 1 Massey -Harris gang plough 1 rubber -tired wagon and rack 1 farm wagon and rack 1 hay fork, rope and pulleys 1 cutter 1 Viking cream separator, ca.p. 1 set brass mounted harness 1 set single harness 1 fanning mill 1 wheel barrow - set scales riding plough colony house 10 x 12 coal brooder stove 500 cap. Other articles too numerous to mention. x1 TERMS CASH Farm for sale, subject to reserve bid. MUNGO McFARLANE, Proprietor WM. M. SCOTT, Auctioneer WANTED— Hemlock, Pire. Basswood, Ash Illm. Oak Logs. Highest prices raid loaded on our truck. 1pinene 77 D. N. McDonald F. F. fi!elH"futl2 Registered Optometrist "Western Ontario's Most Modern Eye Service" Phone 118, Hurriston TENDERS WANTED -- Applications will be ,''given up to Marrh 1Gth far Librarian for the Ethel Peddle Library. Hours Wed- nesday 8 to 10 p.m.. Saturday 2 to 6 p.m. Duties to commence April 1st. 650 ' State wages. Lowest or any applica- tion not necessarily accepted. All applicetfone in writing to be sent to I Mrs. Wardlaw, sec: areas„ of the Ethel Public Library. Try the fanaoss Bre& treatment for dsndrol&G etc. Breck for beautiful hair nod better permanents. Alen Mackiateieas Permanents h'e`re Fuse For appointments Phone 55x ANN n•5 R: DEAD or. DMSAiLED tjmeddy rermoved Ism Clean Sanitary truci'w. Pb,ecsse collect, 12 BRUSSELS M,r Minn Stone Sons Lilt d LIVE HENS AND CHICKENS DUCKalso GEESE and FEATHERS BEST PRICES PAID Before you sell any poultry phone the Export Packers. We will call at you place for any quantity or you can bring them to us. Export Packers lPHONE 70x BRUSSELS f