HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-3-6, Page 4temeteieteremle, etete141e1Cel c Ortete*Ae c eat taWCIeteat a+eIA
Spring Medicines
Puretest Sulphur 10c pkg
Rexa11 Blood
Purifiers $1.00 Bottles
Peptonia $1,00 Bottles
Farm Stock Medicines
Royal Purple
Hog Tonic
Large Pkg $1.75
Crude Carbolic
Epsom Salts
Reduced Iron
Glanber Salts Etc.
Grove's Cold Tablets
30c Pkgs.
Bronchial Syrup 50c
Chest Rub 25c and 50c
Rexall Nose Drops 50c
Waanpole's Tasteless
Extract $1.00
Gilette Razor
in neat case with
5 Gillette Blue Blades 59c
with Liver and Iron
A Supplement to the
Daily Diet
Pkg of 50 Capsules
Kodak Films
All sizes in stock.
Bring in the Rolls
when taken for
Developing and Printing
Enlargements Made
Smith Bros.
Cough Drops 10c
Meloids 25c
Formalid Throat Ease 10c
Linseed and Liquorice 10c
Pine Bros. Glycerine
Pastilles 15c
Rubber Gloves
Resistant to
Waxes, Cleaners, Etc.
50c pr.
bRUGGia f an.
T17:3 FPHONE NO. 62
I;xti;r: (TEAR
The proof of the
pudding is in the
eating. The proof
that Goodyear
tires are the
world's first
choice lies in the
fact that "More
People Ride on
Goodyear Tires
Than on Any
Other Kind",
Branch Of C.C.F.
Formed At Western
A branch of the Co-operative
Commonwealth Youth Movement
has been organized by students
of the rniversity of Western. On-
tario, with Edith Tompkins, first-
year student from London, as presi-
dent, and Helen Thomson, fourth-
year student from Biuevale, as
secretary -treasurer.
Western has been the only cam-
pus in the Dominion without a
C C,Y,M, group. All such groups
are affiliates of the C.C.F.
A vigorous program for the
study of socialism Is being ar-
ranged Weekly meetings with
prominent speakers from the city
and other centres will address the
stndents, Jack Schnarr, K.C., has
spoken on "The Philosophy of
Socialism." Sam Munro, of Lon-
don. will speak next week on "The
• History of the C.C.F."
M. J. Coldtwell, national leader of
the C.C.F, is expected to visit
the group in the near future,
To Check All Cars
A Canada -wide traffic safety check
will be inaugurated May 15 by police
to stem the rising toll of deaths and
injuries from automobile accidents
The campaign slogan will be "Cheek
your driving, check your oar, to
help check accidents." Automobiles,
trucks and buses will be stopped
, and the drivers asked to show treir
lienses. The winshleld wipers,
lights, horns, brakes, tires, etc., will
he examined and a report on con-
ditions of these safety devices will
Good F r
Ah Kinds of
ins f , 'dons
Kin iy
I ay Dhan
A 5i a, t
gats t
P ,I7
Sunday Dinner
ate es ry ath nnc ataw
This hotel has been completely yennovated, re -decorated,
re -,furnished and newly equipped.
efrtimefri del
8ruwits, Dote
Wednesday, Marcit Sib, 1046
Blended for Quality
Maple Syrup Rations
Effective Mareh 1st one sugar
coupon will be good for the purchase
of 80 fluid ounces of maple syrup
instead of the usual 48 ounces, ac•
cording to an announcement by the
Ration Administration, The new
increased value will be effective un-
til May 31.
Maple sugar remains at the usual
rate of four pounds per coupon, For
those who order maple syrup by
mail the consumer may obtain a
purchase voucher from his local
Ration Board, For each purchase
voucher valid for eight pounds of
maple syrup or for one. gallon of
maple syrup, the consumer surrend-
be handed to the driver. If you
want to keep driving you had better
get your ear into shape so that it
will pass one of these inspections.
The Silver Lining
Of Peace
by Edna Jacques
Peace will have a silver lining - -
only 1f we weave the fabric of our
national life to make it so.
In the last few months the world
has found out the bitter truth: that
victory isn't enough; we've got to
make itwork.
Famine is an ugly word. To die
of sheer hunger must be one of the
worst things that could befall a
human being. To get a little
weaker each day, to watch death
come to your children and loved
ones , . this, must be the dregs of
human misery.
In Europe there are a hundred
million starved and half-starved
people. Millions are homeless,
thousands crippled, wounded, batter-
ed and forsaken, waiting for food.
If the people of Europe are to
survive. we lutist send more food
to them. Not next summer or after
another crop, but now --Death won't
This past week has seen the black
cloud of famine lowering over the
whole Continent,
The people of Britain were dis-
mayed by the news that their al
ready meagre rations weri to be
r educed, even lower than
any time during the war. They,
who haven't eaten any too well for
six years, were told that their cook-
ing fat rations would be reduced
further, and bread would return
to its dark wartime hue with a pos-
sibility of it being rationed.
There would be less bacon, poul-
try and eggs. No more dried eggs
would he available. (To British
housewives dried eggs have been a
Life saver.) Meat would be kept the
same, about 25 cents worth a week,
this includes 21/e slices of bacon per
week and one shell -egg a month.
These added reductions are being
made In order to allow more to go
the ravaged lands across the
Ohann el,
Answering 11110 recent desperate
appeal for food for Europe, Canada
will ship a t add' .nail 140 mi tarn
bushels of w1 at. and tons of dour,
• have el•.It, sh' rt 2'0 merlon
beehols nver,y.te. sr, A.+,st 1045.
widespread fanzine in Europe, The
U, S. A, will eat dark bread this
year, and they have (leen warned
that foods will be scarce for months
ahead, The President stated that, ,
if necessary, meat rationing would ,
he reimposed there.
Australia, has set 1. target for
shipment to Britain of a ,million
tons of wheat, eggs, dried fruit and I
meat, as fest as ships can take it.
New South Wales has already at
dockside 24 million bushels of wheat i
Flour mills are working at their
maximum capacity. More than 800
branches of the Red Cross are work-
ing for a food -for -Britain fund, 1
Every housewife in Canada is
urgently requested to watch all
waste in her home. The hard end
of a loaf is often thrown into the
garbage, but a child in Europe
would live a day on it.
In Limes like these wasting food—
even 1n little quantities—is a crime,
Wartime Price and Trade
Board Informat3ou
Questions and Answers
* e a
Q,—Does the value of a meat
token vary with respect to the
A. Every meat coupon is equal
to eight tokens. Their value in
securing neat depends on the kind
of meat bought.
* * *
Q.-1 have a temporary ration
card issuecl to me in February. My
Dealer will not give me any butter
because he said the coupons expired
on February 28.
A. Your dealer is incorrect, Only
the numbered purple coupons in
book five expired on February 28.
s a r
Q, --Our club is planning a dinner
for returned eervice men. Is it
permissible for our members to
give loose butter coupons to the
club to purchase butter,
A. --No. It is against ration regu-
lations to deal in loose coupons,
You may purchase butter with your
0 w11 ration coupons and give it if
you wish.
Q.—Can restaurants serve liver or
kidneys on meatless days?
A.—No, rationed or unrationed
]neat may not be served on meatless
days. Poultry may be served.
* w *
Q,—I read in the paper that sub -
sidles had been removed on lams
and jellies but my dealer insists
that i give Min ration coupons for
jam. Do I have to surrender my
A.—The removal of subsidies does Goes On Holiday
1normean that jams and jellies have Ottawa,—The retirement of Gen,
been removed from the ration list, Henry Duncan Graham Crerar, 67,
They are still rationed because C.H., C,B,, D.S,O„ of Hamilton, who
they are in short supply, Therefore led the 1st Canadian Artny through -
yon must surrender coupons when out the' campaign in Europe, was an -
yen mane purchases of these items, 'flounced by Defence Minister Abbott,
t • !t A statement said he would proceed
Questions on any regulation of on leave pending retirement after .a
the Wa°time Prices and Trade 85 -year career in the Canadian Army,
Board will be answered i5 sub' during which be became the first nat-
mltted to tb'e tnfornlation Branch, Iva Canadian to gain the rank of full
Wartime Prices and Trade Board, general while still on active service at
Federal Tin : i uv London, Ontario, the front,
Consider Cut In Duty On Jeeps
Ottawa,—Revenue Minister McCann
and the Tariff Board have tinder con-
sideration an application by Canadian
agents for lowering of the tariff duties
on importations from the United Stat-
es of the universal, jeep.
Present duty on the jeep, including
' exchange, is 36 per cent, making a
' jeep costing $1,000 in the United Stat-
' es about $1,360 in Canada. The uni-
versal jeep, heavier and adaptable to
more purposes than the army jeep, at
present is classified as a truck for cus-
toms duty purposes, but advertisers
describe it as a passenger car, truck,
light tractor, power plant and an ag-
ricultural machine.
Two -Plate Marker System
Toronto,—Ontario Highways Mini-
ister George Doucett, said his depart-
ment proposed to make repsesenta-
tions to tite Federal Government for
permission to resume the practice of
issuing two automobile registration
Mr. Dohcett said the Federal steel
controller had requested that the Pro-
vincial Government continue to issue
a single plate this year, as has been
done since the start of the war, be-
cause of depleted inventories of all
forms of steel resulting from steel
strikes in the United States.
He added that from a police point
of view two plates were essential for
the prevention of crime,
cru two valid auger coupons.
Primary producers of maple syrup
and maple sugar must register at
their local Ration Board, Coupons
or purchase vouchers must be col-
leeted from consumers or dealers,
for each sale of maple syrup or
maple sugar and these coupons wit8t
any other ration documents must
be mailed to the Local Ration Board
oath month. Special envelopes for
which no postage is requited are
available at the Local Ration 'Board.
1. new De Forest Radio, maple
cabinet, $60.96.
phone 62x
Dean Davison
Ontario Health Costs
Fifteen Million Yearly
Toronto,—Ontario Health Minister
Kelley told the Ontario Association of
Rural Municipalities in convention
herr, the province which now spends
$15000,000 annually 011 care of the
sick, might spend less with greater re-
sults by the stressing of preventative
more than curative measures. A step ,
in this direction, he said, had been
taken with the county health units,
nine of which now are in operation
and, some of them caring for two
counties, Units for five more coun-
ties now are being prepared and ap-
plication has come in for still 'another,
Crerar Retires,
kkh rds
SOnd Ethel
1110+✓ TV e'iVv&V.a,
Infants Spring Coats and eats to.
Match $8.95 to $10.95
Boy's Tweed Coats with Hat
to match, size 3 to 6x.
Large Assortment of Misses
1 Blouses short and long
sleeves ®t N 's $4.95
Just Arrived Women's and Misses'
Corrie in and see our display.
$2.98 to $5.95 per pair.
Children's Corduroy Overalls
in brown, green, red and wine
$2.75 per pair.
Don't forget to ask for yoursale slips—For
$10.00 worth of these we give you
A War -Savings Stamps Free.
Phone 61 — -- Brussels, Ont.
Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family