HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-3-6, Page 2THJE BRUSSFf S I'OST Wednesday, March 6! h,, 1046 CATIHERIII9 17 lovas ro- eADEi t1OpoeSS of 188si 113 !owes 17 I+Yp+ x', '53713 AMC folitatifti e 4iatana tiesiakenalis Hell 1-r , 'tot ninnies h • a won,),y(nl , itnitai.• :4114. )' !;:'.. el' til:' :1, 111 •, .... - ... b',f.n',' • „44':,:44 a 1 1,1;1 tiles' '_•a Istrti,•. ' •: u, ,,,'d . .,.\ititesu. t•- : I1;:. •.:'1: ., .. 'I!:i. tip wit', [).,11: ., ) • :c!-.': ,.-r . `)014 4114' good to 'at. few Sand ll', rir es 10111 _.e'l, 'When ":,n1' hart with the ''1,, rue 1i r: , •.4144 - : er,.d h' . :.. .l it 144 chair, CHILDREN'S PARTY 1, Trim ;lie siieea br„1'1 2. Cut af„4:) dint; apoi. ! • tem', to be served. 8. Spread ,,'•I, 1 l;t -• :u butt, r 1.' t i.1' chilled f01 , 1,:. • r i- 6' i 11••• '. il••'.. . ,,-. ,1, :111,1 1111.13,1 thl,t'o,ttgh- I, , !rid 'I�- _ 111•,' ::vuli'r 1,1141'4 of 11 I stua11 t':,!,l,', :, 44ide!, hal,' been silo)' I",! ale! •;,4444'•.•11 in a little 14.4;,)14 drip- p;n; 1'F r,' 4411.4:44 a tl).1 te4.li-44',4,14.'1 s of tin cal,b11' e 1(11,1 toil up each 1 ,'n:, •ale! ia:.:.tn .11111 a t,,,.tll-pict:. 'd,•.1'.cn iu little ,tri;:;'iuc ,1111 sprinkle Arlan',.' in a .. _ ..... ., Ir '1: st 41: t,: a ,1' pl,l I In, !'. i-:''11' ami hal," in 1111 I.4r i', leairs. ..+ it gill :1 Ii , 0s.' in pan, tl.- i:... •1 , ••••p tllill:trti�- • roll, ilal... 11.,:. 4'. at 1;x ,aunt 1))11' :LW! .,'rt ant 1.1,14 lo tloi hest a11- r.:."�- 1;1,,c'clle ,1 DIE PICA( OF TOBACCO it DOES tn.=ste food in ea pipe pllglcr, 1)rrun 1 It . NI It h,tc :n tat and 1.1 ,•44144, 4'' ,. .41044)) anti! .4111 n; ;444• :f!, ,A.ld t,rrn1,)'' .1111, ,1,111 11,1441.1',1 01)41 .4:111' (4. 1 14. 'n- Ton, t lgelhcr 441')1 144'.11 , 1444 ')1,-;ar ' l , , r anal 1 ret t,. (1416 ''4 e1' electric ,11 n: -4' turue:l ••no's". Yield: d 1 AUCTION SALE Farm Stook and implements at Lot 4, Con. 9, Grey Twp., (1 mile east of Brussels) THURSDAY, MARCH 21st oommenoing at 1 PAC ARCHIE WINTLE, Prop, LEW ROWLAND, Auctioneer Full particulars next week No reserve as the farm is sold. AUCTION SALE Farm, Farm Stock & implements Lots 9, 10 Concession 4, Gray Twp. MONDAY, MARCH 25th Sale commences at 1 p,m, HORSES 1 army gelding, 111 years old 1 Meek Inure, 6 yoars old ,;1 hay horse, S years old CATTLE 12 black eaves, Frush In Jatrea1'Y .1 Holstein row, fresh in February 1 reel cow, due April 9 1 roan con' title May 19 1 Hereford cow, due April 28 1 registered Ayrshire heifer milking 4 dropped calves 4 year-olds 6 young cattle PIGS 2 sows with litters 6 weeks old IMPLEMENTS 1 lIas..ey-14arris binder 7 61. 1 McCormick -Deering mower 11 ft, 1 Superior fertilizer drill 13 run 1 Cockshult grain drill 12 run 1 hay larder 1 McCormick -Doering riding plough 1 walking plough 1441111 n atur 2 clump rakes. 1 set harrows 1 Massey -Harris gang plough 1 rubber -tired wagon and rack 1 farm wagon and rack 1 hay fork, rope and pulleys 1 cutter 1 Viking cream separator, cap. 650 1 ,set 11411,5 mounted harness 1 set single harness 1 fanning mill 1 wheel barrow - set scales colony house 10 x 12 coal brooder stove 500 cap. Other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH Farm for sale, subject to reserve bid. MUNGO McFARLANE, Proprietor WM. M, SCOTT. Auctioneer LEMON SPONGE , . 14..4 1e 11 510'11:4, 41:rr _a, 'ea:lt, i,••- :.ugar a 1 _ .n::• '1'1.-.41.1' 11111 11:4414!. In. n14''1l' 1' 44' 44x4;! n,du1 awl 6:4.1111 it sufficiently sweet. To the 1 cup of sugar add the. rite! of 1 ':rl'y2 14444,44 I tsp. ;alt anti beaten yolks of 2 ' _ , \Viten smooth and a'1'-11-hb..ndell, Lradually stir in 21 .,f milk and 1 tsp. inched butter, f•,i in the stiffly beaten whites 1'f the 2 eggs. Pour into creased cas- I al'in4 dish. set in pan of water and bake in amoderate ove n 35 minutes or tmtil it is firm no top 4. FRESH ORANGE DESSERT 2 tb,ns. grannlated gelatin, ; cup .d 4,1.,cr, .1 ;4111 lu,t water, 1'S 1sp, 1'•: Cl)l, '41(11'14' juice, 1 thsp. Inic,;, •':Sa41)411 sect.iOn.. I: '' •lal!u in cob1 water for five s. Add sugar and salt and 1(01 •iml lair 0,, or beat until gelatin •1!s,'1: -ed. Add orange and lerneM tui>ln1 wen. Pour 1 cup of the nixterc into a lightly creased mould \Cleo it beu;ns to 111i,1:ct1 m:c ora,," section, in 11. Chill re- 11in.: nll•'.ttlrt: and when it thickens 11':'i! irnthy ami thick, then pour t.: ,oll. Chill until film in the 1.4.44, 1-nrnnuld and 14-1` 3,(:11Upmal 1,rtnlae sec: 't 1 T ,.1:s holy 1.1 Serve canned nutter is scarce at her -• .414.1 ih,cy el't't like creast sauce, G?'.1 17 BEANS. CREOLE of : :a4ned :;1':•41)1 brans, fat, 2 '1,•-iPs 111,411)' 1 .r' ," 1,3 rut, condensed -or- or chili sauce, salt, Only your continued support of the Red Cross can ensure that the splendid work being done for our sick and wounded veterans will be kept up. Your support will make possible such vital peacetime works as the upkeep of Outpost Hospitals, the Peacetime Blood Donor Service, Nursing Services, Disaster Relief, the Visiting Homemaker Service, the Junior Red Cross, and many other services for the social betterment of our people, There will be no Red Cross drive for funds this year. Your continued membership in the Red Cross is all that is asked. Minimum membership fee is one dollar. Your local Red Cross Branch will provide you with further details. THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY ONTARIO DIVISION C. BRUCE HILL' President - 3Ei ea 1 14, CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Furniture, Electric Equipment, Livestock and Machinery Fhst Farm East of Auburn, Con, 1, East Wawanosh, on MONDAY, MARCH 18 commencing at 1 p.m, 1 hodrom suite 1 sanity dresser 1 dresser - 2 stands 1 set steel snlrugs 1 leather couch 1 4h sl) 40114411 table (new) 1 wail mirror 1 oak extension table 6 leather seated oak dining -room rhnh's 1 writing d,1414 1 kitchen table 1 glass kitchen cupboard 1 large, kitchen cupboard made litre a built-in cupboard t c•or•1olunl rue, 3 yards by 4 yards, real good Linoleum. just like new. 14 ft. 2 in. by 14 ft. 8 in. C'-ongoleum. just lilts new, 3 yds, by 4 yards 31. in, 1 play pen, crib !melting end 1-Tigh chair 1 baby carriage 1 doll buggy and bed 1 clothes wringer 1 wood beater (new) 1 Daisy Churn • .\ largo quantiy of More pipes and sealers 1 new ear visor livestock fatooing outfit 1 live''4tide !no(411111lug outfit 1 -Sul step -Ladder 17-30 fl. extension Mtdder I black=.peke 11')))1, 1 ale,nli;e z,rk grease, gen 1 bag truck 1 !crass seeder I steel water hough 1 1144 h,p, ,gas engine 1 root pu111er 2 ,mershelters 2 ben crates 1 brood'rt' stove and canopy 91^;444 fork. Forks. Logging Chain Shovels 1 set double 11arne.9F 1 wheelbarrow 41' eenersl- electric motor 1-14, horse Westinghouse eleotric motor 1 international electric cream sep- arator tie W'nnrls grinder elf•1•trir.• p,. Laval milking ma- chine 1 .set Reales for weighing Nos .1 pits e4114' ! el.', (tic fence i 1lcC'mlak Deering mower 6-f1. cut 1 , (4114o4' nn;utlity of Timothy hay Clnantlty of grain 1 1<11) buggy 1 corn shelter 1 s!ng1P riding plow 1 r•altiv'atnr 2 enrds cedar wood A number of chunks 1 sow, all in April 1 Hereford calf, 8 months: old 1 Mutton nett, 3 mouths old 1 'Durham calf, 5 weeps old 1 Durham cow. fresh, 5 years old 1 Thiamin cote, due July, 6 yrs. old 1 Durham heifer, due May, 2 yrs. old 1 .jersey cow, due July, 6 yrs, old 1 ,jersey cow supposed to be in calf, 1) years old NO RESERVE AS THE 16A -1M IS SOLD TERMS CASH HAROLD JACKSON --Auctioneer MRS. EDNA COWAN--Prop. Holidays and Special Days for 1946 - Ash Wednesday -March 6. (4006 14 ridgy -April 19, Easter Sunday -April 21, Victoria flay-1!'riday, May 24, Dominlon bay --Monday, July 1. Labor Day -Monday, September 2. Thanksgiving bay -On a day to be 'fixed by proclamation, llkel9 Monday, October 14, Itemetmhrance bay --Monday, Ni4 vember 11. Christmas DaY We'dttesdaY, eember 26. O CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and implements :\t Lot 8, Couees'sion S, Morris Town- ship, one•and-one-quarter miles north 01' Myth and 2 miles cast, on FRIDAY, MARCH '16th commencing at 1. P.M., as Follows; I111t.4168- 'I'eanl of horses. C'ATTLF. 13hre crow. 3 Years 01d, due in March; bine cow, 4 years old, fresh; black mw, 4 )'ears 0141 fresh mil d cnty, 1 years old, due in March; real row I years old due In April; roan row, t1' years ofd •11147 in April; It -:Istria row, 4 pears old, ,due in ,\1,111; red ems, 4 years old. due to June; roan sow, 4 years old', due in July; reel heifer. due in March; red "err a year, nil, bred January 7th; reel' row. 3 years old; purebred 11'')',•fnl'r1 hall, 11Rb14- 3 year:! (with pa p•'rs l : 4 Durham steers 300 2 heifers. about 700 lbs.; 2 TTereford sleet, and heifer. ('400 lbs.; 6 calves, S Mouths old; 4 small calves. ClltATN--22:1 bus. Ajay nate, salts nh14 for seed; 644 bus, wheat; 2 tons Western. on Is. HOGS ANT) POULTRY - 2 York rows, clue In May; York sow. bred iFebrll)w'y 23; 10 shoats, about 100 111s„ 7 shoats, 10 weeks old; 90 Barred 154)014 pullets. IMPLEMENTS -- McCormick - Dee'ing, 7 ft, hinder, nearly new; 141eC!nrtnicic-Deering side delivery rake; McCnrmiok•Deernig 0 -ft. culti- vator, nearly new; 1641, hay rack, with sliding rack; .73issel s,pring- tooth harrows; Number 21 Fleury tooth irarorws; Nlrntber 21 riding plow, nearly new; 4111 of har- rows; chump rake; tractor doable disc; Clinton fanning mill; stoop slegh; 1114-1:T, No. 7 manure s'reader, nn rubber; :Fleury oat roller, 1.2-me11; Fairbaniks engine, 34hnrsta; 2•furrow walking plow; 'scales, 2000 lbs.; circular saw; portable solo; 34,445. Planer; buggy; M•c,Cro'ml:ek-Deering - cream- separator No, 3, new bowl; woven-wirefence streelter; sonff5er; gravel box; sleigh box; steel water trough; emery; pump Jack; tandem force pinup; cistern plump; hey fork; sling fork; :hky ;fork mope; 2 range shelters; 2 planes of roof, 10 ft. x 16 ft.; 2 sets double harness, One nearly new; whicletrees'.; heck. yokes; 2 large -size 'drinking foun- tains; buggy pole; quarter -horse electric motor; Gem electric fence; hand borse'ollppers, neve; ntrni'ber Of seeps, and many other 'articles, The road will be Open for ears'. No Reserve es the Karts Is Rented. TERMS OF SALE --CASH x011:els Scott, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Attbttoneer, 01, NEW METHODS NEW MATERIALS will help to extend TELEPHONE SERVICE Quebec and Ontario farms will benefit from the new telephone materials and construction methods to be put into use as soon as men and supplies are avail- able. A type of insulated wire, for instance, can be ploughed directly into the ground. Then there is e ate! wire which allows for increased spacing of poles flies reducing construction time and cost. 'I9teee are two of many telephone developments while will help bring the telephone to more farms familia who want It. Despite ��tin's e i1s�ttscY l as Y. + oestw 4 414�ttlt taeat0apo �e sin ° of. 190, user thespi°(torts ° rectaeituvgetoox4ati ets telephone servicein. Nrslagoa. CA1 '4 e WILLIAM T. SPENiCE &'B,iYate Age_tat Conveyance. and Commissioner GENERAL INSURANCE OFF1C5 MAIN STREET, - --- - .ETHEL, ONF. BUSINFSS CARDS ti A. MYERS, M. D., L. M. C. C. - -� PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Willt.tn St. n russet,, Ont. Phone 4. Allan A. Lamont Agent for -Fire, Wlndsta:ra, end Automobile Iiuslaete en Get particulars of .our Special Automobile Policy for V ort eir*, Queen St- Brussels 'Phone 1St i W. D. S. Jarnis,hon, M.D., C.M., frbyslc'ian and Surgeon (coroner) Office Hours -1 - 44 and 7 - 8 p.m, Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible, Saturday evenings lintel 10 p.rrt. Sundays ---Emergencies and by appointment 0&Y. Home calls in forenoons and 4 - 6 p.m. ;'has, T. Davidson Insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Autornobilc and Fire Insurance Accident and Stckness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. 'PHONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ONT. RUM:MI.40E 97. -8 Harald Jackson 9PEC1a<L18T IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES Por Information, ate., write or phone -Harold Jaoksee phone 12 on 658 Beatorth R.R. 1, 07u248a44 Make, ar•'anpen'ent4 at The Brussels Poet or Eimer 0, Dell, Barrister Ontoe. tioutesls, Rann & Johnston Furniture �,.,,,r.,,«1.11.,•.... FUNERAL .AND AM3ULANCE SERVICE. Ucenaed Femoral Director and Embalmer • PHONE 36 or 85 - BRUSSELS, ONT. Lewis Rowland (Lieenacd Fsr Nurse Csunty) SATISFACTION OUAkANTEED - PRICES REASONA$i.R Czar Engagements Phone 81 "The Ilruseels Petco sag ' OW be !poked after ImmWhttel Fir Information, etc., w Ite or shone Lew Newland 1101..,IS M Siefbrth; c1' wilts R.R. Ik We**. - W. g4 Donaldson -- Licensed Ancor met 36413 Aftotl%; Oat: fit dee Comilla. of Them std Pugin A/ stales **tooth atteade o - CMrl ss *walk** Far bagagaraents pbe M willWield taller it iMek•