HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-2-13, Page 3AN'S RING .Ir i,ortr :Sh khlt ...4li.t4Gg W. G. LEACH Brussels, Ont, Easy Enough A girl had passed various exaut- ivat(ons for a position, and was now facing the election committer+ for the Imelligeuce test. She had been warned that this was always fill! of "catches." ''Nie. sa'd '.n: '-et i he examiners. "If a man buys an article for eleven shillings and six- pence, and sells it for nine and tenet -owe. does he .gain or loser' 'flu, candidate pondered deeply a few nuoncnts. and then re- plied; "Well, he gains on the pen- nies. but loses on the shillings." - f` 1? Pil Join the army of tnousonds of femurs who ore getting moro.c'ream --more profit ,-from their cows by using the Massey -Harris No. 9 CroamS parator.Quality- bui!t from floor to supply can, the, Massey-tkarris No. 9 is famous for its clos1-skimming perform- 011Ce tested to .02 of 1% efficiency. its easy opera- tion and spuciai low prices maga the No. 9 outstanding value. Famous Massey - Harris Film Flow Bowl with sic-polnf distri buflon nets oil the !roam, ' • sits ill Il 41 THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday. February 11111, 1940 Notice to Creditors Dr. McCutcheon f Senior Warden At Ips ^us hat. tg Matins agane1 the ester,' of 1:',,,ian1 ,I•ntry 1Vri:;ht ',rte of the Villa of ltru,;als in tile il(ernt.y cf I'tutua. Ile: I:e-1 Farmer, who lied it or u,ogt the sixth day ; o., Jana ev, A.D. 194(1, are notified to send t J, T1, ':rawfml, IS,C, ',gingham Ontar! on or before the sixteenth day or teebrudttry, A D. 1.946, full partied ,t > of their claims in writinc; lnlmedia iuly after the %aid six`eeuth day of February, the ooeis n' the 8%11 testator will be rt bated alnong;t the navies en. Ultra thereto, having regard only to claims of which the execu?ors shall 1ben have notion,. DATED this twoll;y-t+;glltb day of January. A.D. 10 id. J. H. CRAWFORD, K.C., WInghain Ontario, Solicitor for 111- Executors In hlanour of Foe's Church I was very much touched When I read in the Post Thal Roe's Cihureh leas closing The church I loved most. Tt has stood on that corner Por so many years No storm over marred her So needless her fears. She asked not much space Froin this big wire world ,Test a tiny small corner With God's hnllrer unfurled. She kept her record clean No 00001 for strife was there But just for Cod's own presence To permeate 111e air, 'Twos the true word of God Within her walls we oft heard And sung of God's mercy And his love our hearts stirred. TIO (100(04 wet, Haar. „pen To the stranger or the lost Arrl 11011y Fa sell fonnl refuge Before the bar was crossed. The (1.0:-!,' old t h. L' 4, ' , , 1n,: 1,1 u- "1 ,iubilaon 31x1•' and r�,ir,0 It a very pleasant Memory r.d in it 1 rejoice The member; of Ono d,'.,: old Kirk How faithful all they were And on each Sunday olid NO work, But prayed and worshipped there, Truly it can be sal Tim country -side was ((loot Because of ('T5 deep reverence And rigilteausly the beat.. We would not dare to tread I Within that sacred place Without 0 Prayer upon our lips To give us strength and grace. The minister, so graad and good Would pleacll to us and say "HAVE 1'11HC1' (1\ Ls LORD" As we worship here to -day, , \\'•r hawed our humble treads And knelt to HIM in prayer Thanking our Ileavenly Father For his wondrous love and care, The people caul(. from West and East Front 'North and South wn.y too .And mingled with each other And tried his will to do Tite children they rune steeping Re rlhhnulyd, starched 111,11 gay And ,sweet their faces sheds If their ver 39e they could say, The sun seemed pioased to shine Through the windows strong and tall And the mann her sifter light would cast Lacy shadows on the wall, Now could we race the saints in glory If they this question asked How i.. Roe's Church progressing? Does it still fulfil its task. O11 that we could anwer The kirk still is standing there The seats well filled with Pot.. slbiPpefa And music fills the air. But alas, -41 we must tell The: clttireh 1 is no more Tn1 sure lith cans w,en1,1 fall Ilium the G01.D1::N floor, So he it this, or be tt that. 1Ta♦ oect our oA1, forgive .111,1 in Ibis house forever more T, pray we all might live. -A 1T'oruler Member LOOK AT YOU LABEL - Annual Meeting Held For Episcopal Parish, Vestry Is Elected 1Siv'1iott of a ves'4'y to serve lot the new year was held last even. 1• e 111 ('Iv';01 l•,p(acopal Church when the annual parish mooting was held and Ilr. W. L. Me(utch• ,cut. v.as appointed senior warden of the vestry to succeed the late B. I'. inciterbek, harry Mitchell was • named junlor warden, The meeting was npone.d with the singing o1' 'America," after which the Itev. W. A. 13, Holmes, v(edr of c7hr!o4 Church, introduced Arch- deacon Squire 13, Schofield, of DllIwll}e, a' d the Rev. Carlton .Innes, priest, of Lock Haven, Sports of the various organize. tions within the church were then heard nod ❑ report was given nn the activities of the church for the past rear. A prayer was then 01 - fet'e'd by the Rao. Mr. Jones. Archdeacon Speaks Archdeuson Schofield addressed the parishioners on a subject now ering some of his activities in the church since his ordinaton, 1311, work in Danville was described, a11,1 he espm•essc'd his gre:(t satis- faction at the progress of the church along financial lines chasing the past year. However. he stated Hutt he was somewhat disappoint. el :it the spiritual response of the people at large throne:1mM all the churches. Tie emphasized that it is the duty y Clu'istan to maintain his ••1 effort toward a better life through the church, but urged 'hat wt, do net negtent r.nr reapnnsi• !vilify in seeking to draw others 4-terror religion ;i1•. eonclnded his remarks with a h..pe that the rhtu'eh 11111111 stand .00 a hereon to all who are lost from t:Io spiritual comfort of religion. Following his talk, balloting was r,'nldtletr.,(1 for the perp.';c• 9f sleet - :4, 5R' vestly41(1,0. Viral. Jones Talks 1 Rev. Mr. ,runes gave au ac' court of 111 , xperfoltees as a led e( i; rad sptde, of his eta - 1 -;1 4.1!I H l b,, Ell!, 001,=11.1'! (11111;11.7 H,- c,n11111n1e•nt,rl tho !oral t'itm'ch m! theh• in-. p"''1' "- nr, !it" days wit;44 lo, fit h ossa in' r r-s1,•d, and In•Ired '111 on 111 feller •'n..• i'ynreut of the potentialities of th'e ro-'li;rtont. Election Results 'Results of the election were then ' unrcmnced and the vicar made lits appointments. Rnsultrl of the election were a4 ' follows: T)r. W. L. Me('utcltenn. Harry 'Mitchell. 'Harold Allemnn, XT. Cts Peilnitz, Genrge Germali Ap- pointed by the vicar were: Waite^ '4T(trhell, 114Tr..Tneks0n Crispin. Mom 1 W. Alr.ltuylel(, Stanley TCawnlchielc. Pori Diettliek, ,,'nn of the kite sonlor warden. B. C. Dieltrrw•(rk. -Berwlrk• Penn., Pape FOR SALE- -lube Battery Radio in A-1 con- ditnn, apply to Dean Davison FOR SALE - 4 -foot dry* hard wood and 12 -itch dry softwood also will hay hard- wood and softwood logs, have when that will rat logs. Moms Jas. 5''e-04,,'1 1 BARRED ROCK.,, Gov't., Approved chicks front inspedted florka bred for production. health and vigour, Breeders blood tested for standard and variant types of pullorant. We offer mixed chicks, sexed pullets and cockerels at re.asattah111 prices. Ronk yoar order oleic for spring de• livery, Cur chicks qualify for Inter Provincla' shipment, Lakefie'd Chick Hatchery, Lakefeld, Ont. Order from D. Lawless, Walt." Phone 10.r-16 Brussels. F. F. , ,! `f 5,,utt 114 tI3 1Opt'n;r'nett'1st "Western Orltat io's Most Phone Eye Service's Pha',tni 418, H:fi3'4"" iPon Lessens From Father Two members of the club were ilavina nn ar41(1041.1 about right au 1 wrengdon't talk to me about right and wrong," said lirown heat. ,i,. '1 ,a allot remember the finds N011011 1 couldn't distinguish the 1114,•0e1100." "i 01(13(1(104' con W('rc 7414411 the '1 ', : tn,-e ;II you,' mother's knee.' sneered Rlar•k "(:crtainly not. T learned over 107 father's knee," retorted Tirnwn, Electric motors rewntl,ld and re. la ted. Evperc wortrnu,uah`p a 1 . at0 Prices fi,' ,y,i tit. 'Politer. ('1 r nkt on, Ontario. Olas hied Ads WANTED-,• '1o/ buoy a used Piano, phone 111, Brussels after 6 P.M. FOR SALE - 1 new ire Forest Radio, maple cabinet, $60.95, phone 02x Dean Davis)n WANTED - To buy a house 00 rent, apply at The Post FOR SALE - Table and chairs, excellent shape can be seen at Grower's Groceteria. Phone 6, Brussels • FOR SALE - A gander, apply to (Ili-lne 25-r-14 James Pennittgto0 FOR SALE-- A ALE-A pair of tube spates, practically new, size 9%, apply to phone 33 Laurie Cousins FOR SALE - Six York 1,0Ws, Clue to forrow in :1T;u'clt Apply to Roht. A. Engel ph ire 715-r-0 Cranbrook FOR SALE- New (4lertrie Radios Table Models, ('r:1 and see them. (Gregg Bros„ Hardware. FOR SALE- Rilnc-,e Iueuhator. 4S0 -egg eapacl'y (shone SS -r-4 D. Glassier WANTED- Hemlork, Pire, Basswood, Ash Eire, Oak Logs, Highest prices 1"' id loaned on our track. phone 77 - D. N. McDonald FOR SALE - 1 t. ALE-ltr at 1e fa m, 1 of 13. Con. 10, '10'4 Twp.. house, hock , h01.1'. 1,°91 ?19,4.;4 0`111 artrage, hard ar•,t bush, cued 0.1(0:,• 1 TCne 110-r-4 L Porte1 WAPITED-- Hi.atitue• Growers for the sea. ion' I' 4b01. Highest pt•iees In history,! Wylie 0, :,hone Libby-. AT -Neil and' 1',, Pileus 3O -i'•3, i Dirblitt. Ont. FOR SALE --- 1 bushels of .Ajax Oats grown 'from 1'1'0 t - 1 "cell and 371 huoh,'Is \' nl quer d Seed Oats. Phe.-. Wm. Speir WANTED-- ('?r.'ei akc'r 1m' Crn nbr'ok Cemetery' app11(01Ion: will be received until t 1Tarrh 1n All tool. supplied by b :l'•d, Plat's and specifications may he eee71 on application to 1 seeeetary - Treasurer. John J. 5rhnnck. R.R. a. Brussels, (1400. The L. W. Jackson Motors Limited ListevasIv 'itttark PIK Kit?, "16..11 The New Monarch Car is corning. The Car of the Year will soon be here, The Complete New Ford. See these two New Models before you buy Watch for the -Announcement Date. In the Meantime keep your present car in perfect runn- ing condition. Keep your Trucks ready to draw the pay loads. Have your Tractor overhauled, have it ready for Spring work to do the job your country is asking of you "Grow More Food." We carry a large stock of Genuine Ford Parts, New Motors, Reconditioned Motors, Tires, Batteries, asd Access- ories. Repairs to all rnakes off cars, Body and Fender work. We have a large staff of Expert Mechanics, Specialists in every line, Generator, Carburator, Windshield Wipers, Motor Tune-up, Ring Jobs, Complete Overhaul. Also in Tractors and Trucks. We have Cultivators for Ford Ferguson Tractors, Power Mowers, Weeders, Scoops for digging ditches, Etc - One International Tractor on Rubber with 2 furrow plow. 0©t1 rhb.rt1����7n qz GI 1 Ford and Monarch Dealers Trucks and Tractors for Listowel, Palmerston, Drayton, Brussels and Districts. `.Service with a Smile" Settled :1 Ivan event to a physician. emu- i+laining of prolonged headaches. dtc•tor 101(1 hint t,: 0101) sutok ones "i have never used wbaeco ld :141c1 form.' •'Well, t:1 -n, stop drinking." "1 alta total abstainer." -Lal,- hours. then, and 1asf wo men." •'1 ant always in bed by nine. I 'ao1 a bachelor and live w•itti my old maiden aunt. Now. seriously. what idles my headaches?' "I don't know," said the baffled elector. "I guess ynnr halo's pinch. Mg," i MILDMAY PAPER A TABLOID 11'b•,' 1111(1alay Gazette has changed 4 . rise tabloid form and is now all h.nte prim. Thu publisher is Barry who as a boy lived in God- etieh.- NYLON HOSE il'elutnylon 1 osiers which is c.,tiertrtl , , reappear on the Canad- ,111 lnick..l 14c11e limo this menta wilt be priced a1 at from 85 oen's 11i:411 a pair. depending on quality .0141 :mug,. according to all anllenn- c.,lueni by the prloirs and supply re- 1+,'4..:t'lltalicc for 1.11e W'e_.leru Ontario regi00, Four quality grades have here established and all nylons nous: be ,tampped with the word "nylon' and the guage. FOR SALE - e 7 acres of good land without buildings and being the North three-ei'rhths of Farm lot 29, Con. T cession ;a, in the Township of Morris. y Ebner D. Bell, Brussels, Ont. 1 FOR SALE - C'nst ,^,c daily. Vita Die T Multiple Vitamin Capsules contain vitamins A, 131. C. D, Niacin Amid,, and Ribo- flavin. Ninety -day supply $2,70, Trial Ihirtyday supply $1.15, Sold at T"dependent Drug Stores" TENDERS WANTED - Tendrrs want1' 1 for 15 cords body wood, iT tots' and Beech, 14 tnahes long an 1 ; ('orbs, of cedar ts 1,8 delvered : t Ethel Pu11110 Sche'�al on " before hinr•h is: 1946, I Wm T.• Spence, 1 F ~?:,Tress, e,P. no. 11, 'Township of Grey FOR SALE- M° hundred acres in Township of :McKillop on highway. brick house, good barn. school on farm. half way between 5caforth and Brussels, two and on' -half (11?les south of 'Walton known 00 Loadhury. apply to 1(10. alb,'t 1'Trfi-a0in. Walton phone 331-r-4 Try the flan, l l(3a \ treatment Esc• .a 0ara etc. Break for benttk1I3 hair and better pertattmeioltc, oto Maclaeueleaz Per mementta kens, Pease For appointnaear@a lohotae SSS J. C. Long Real Estate Agent - Hos following farms for sale -- 30-40 acre farms. 100 acre farms, 1-_-900 acre farm with 01 acres of has (soft wood) price 3000.00. a grass farms with water. Anyone having a 50 acre farm with I of bnildin^s. TTydro on main road. (or Wr'to or phone .T. 1'. Loner Brussels. DEADf, , r' DI SA131.'213 1 rr rb:3p reats0111100 trs Clean .$alaitary t4°tmea4, t t m smilax , v.11 BDZUESPAS Winiant 'Sans United FOR SALE- • We're attents here for Kitchener 13! 4 Chicks, a'icl .1ds-1- you or+ler i soon espn(11(11y for Fchruary-Marc111 delivery Satisfied enstnmer0 who; order each Year testify in their' I wise 47111311', Breeders Government 1 k inspected and bloodtoetd for both ;1 strata. :nf plillnrunl. R. S. 'W :'-; 1 . wirlt, Frill Tap 'Retell, Brussels. LIVE HENS AND C.:HICh"CENS also GEESE, and DUCK FEAT ; ERS )E, T PRICES PAID before yc,411 :sell any poultry phone the Export Pate 'era.. We will call at yew place. for c't.lth;t' quantity 00' Y4.M3 can bring them to Id45 NM VII P ONE 70N tlr BRUSSELS denWarleNIMMIMPRIVIIIWIMNINVIM.Iffeller