The Brussels Post, 1946-2-13, Page 2TifF
Nibs *Nast Ilyienslleo
Hello, Homemakers! What. ecn- ) peas. 1.2 cup chopped celery le,ves.
atitutes true ticoumny in buying 1 .':%:16,,a with salt and pepper, Cses
1 cods? Is it s•impiy a mailer of ' .1,,a with toast points. Serves 4
looking for bargain price tags on to 6.
verything? Is it taking the tired
head of lettuce, the wilted celery in TAKE A TIP
order to save ihe dli'e..ence In cost 1.Tea is orange pekoe, probably to
between them tml rime produce? you. Did you know that von
course. It ,s should say peck.o, not pelt t'.
-ss„u ,-,tin a f f ,,a geed quality if end that the word is an index of
you're svis, stui eat 101)1•3 st whet ,Ize of the ten leaves, rot of
you pay 101". Buy those plump, flavour?
gulden even ge. and that three.rib 2. ero t:got,. are usually navel °lay-
ece.O. rnt Ise every la.t hit • t veil ()ranges at this time of year.
peel makes ge..41 'Phey are easily segmented and
ever., Ia. srs a beef bone is i ,ally served whole instead of
.he soul .4 3 SO 0111 1 Mired. They are best for merma-
n' i. all in lout -Hag now Yen . !;..1•ri tae. The Valenelas we bail
Tha.e. : . 1 ut • hew ,f.1 $11Vitge Ilia .•- .., 'he saintlier are more
Se...kele. vsest..? Ili ) !lei in the out. 1 juicy.
e1i..1•• 1.."erei 1 it ".1 You shcaii 1 '' .•• ct.tons on, oar market dry
to coot'ill.t.r on the . ant easily. if :here is no room to
13.70111' 11' F. g in the celery toPS l ilie refrigerator or no 1.0friger•
ant the skilful iumk throws 1 -,er. keep lemons ir cold water.
yea r e ea rec.pea like 1 it', au old feshioned stunt that
14.09e: i also refreshes those that are get-
* o * I flag dry anti hard.
Sweet pickled ora1ees Psel. ,s .
at le it .,,-.s. 1 le, lb, erae go pest; 1 THE SUGGESTION BOOX
'sit WR10t. rink :5 mins. Mrs. N. C, ti,11Yti : DiAl towels
4., '1110.. B e i te4rithe: 11 cups srgar leang straight after washing and
vi 0.P 1' 11' .1! .1 2 lli.iiii 011,1 then dried, are Mc7:, alr.orbent if
ietaling sal..., f.. 1 rtir.. - Add 1...y are 001 tr00,...d.
,' ...casialtaVY, Mr, N. J. says: (511 e,,of.:•:, toll
101••,. 3 Pilt.i. taiatert the points of scissors, tee
* * , nick.... rte.
1 Rene Soup n .. G. lei, .siot0a..4.s: BAKED
1' P I let., - :4 1.m:cm:Li/Bs_ •
3 to 4 ills. rparcirilt. 1.•:, lb.
,e, , bc 1:;.: ....`,...: 1,11 • Ada I ,)1.11:1,•. saltpepper, deur. alesti taiool '-i. (inn i'lllteVI Slot two sections Of SPareril):4
Pt. 1' 1' 1. 1111111n1, 17 !a k p-rUneg in cola water over.
-7. mins. IV 1,.•:i eons c ,lt,'d CL - l,111- or f .7 ,-,. \'',''11 hoar,, aril
on, . -a • .i.... •--... - . • . a illi -1 i 71 .1.ta1n. PM the sections of spareribs
;, .:.,..1,,r, with thn primes between
-:li :.inion. .,,..,..,:•, t.
:14 * „ !' :'' 1 11.' ! . 13 ..1.• i in 1‘13 PP ,S,••-".•ln
ii.s.,-...s.1 1.....iti fl,:aati •_,...s: e.'!;11 r•ali and popper and rah
, 1 . ;, ,,,,. , !Y,,,,. i,:,e With our. Place it nn a rack in en
s. •: .
,e.) ess ..vainr to open roasting pan and sear 01 a hat
. iti- • •-..---. ''•• .-. -', (toe% 10 ... g -;:iiti fl., an, lighile larawn.A.
:11... ,... D 1 t ' t 7,1!', 111,0: Rad •-; 1 -,• i'-. •7.,1' I'll ilifq.i I g271
Wednesday, February 13th, 1943
Friends of ,Gordon Greig, dls.
charged this week from the AVMS',
gathered In the canimunity hall and
presented him- with a nurse or
money, J. J. Elliott, president of
the Men's Club, made the presents-
' ties, end Gordon Mundell read the
address. The served re-
freshments. and dancing was cm
laYed, 'Mr. Grelg has resumed his
former employment at Blue -vale
reamery. Mrs. Greig and family
are at present living in Wroxoter.
Mrs. Darling presided at the
meeting or the Woman's. Associa-
lion in the United Church echos
room on Thursday afternoon. Mrs
51. Crsekle read the scripture lea.
son. Plans were made for doing
some custom Quilting and prepar-
ing a bazaar. Miss Emma johns -
ton illapalyed the afghan asesmbled
from blocks knitted by the 010111 -
Mus. Robert Shaw and Mrs.
George Thornton had charge et
the study book period at the meet-
ing -.1 the W,M.S.
Personals: Mr. and Mrs, Edward
B. Jenkins, Bluevale road, motored
to London on Thursday to meet
their son, John, who had arrived
from overseas on the Anuitania,
ifter serving' In France, Belgrium
and Holland; Spr% Bert Gorniss Is
le Leaden this week getting his
discharge papers; Mr. and Mrs.
James i3e111'nrY are recovering
from pneuntof,ia: Mrs. Peter Me..
Ewen has been bereaved of R
,.ensin. Mrs. Montgomery. of Wire
throp. whose funeral took place in
Brussels; A. D. Smith and man about the im:nth of FebruarY wo
' given ny qrs. R. McCrea,
.111s ,• l• • mow iF•
ut,a•i• ,i117 With t100
! 1:11 pan.
1,, Pone', in Ihe Shaiday Scheel reran
7, 31 Tc
:1 11 uli !1 :a..., of Tlin Itros,ils Post. .111 F111•'3. '1vi114 John
cops milk; Sma in your suggestions on home. thn Pr's'a"t'ocr, t -911c
,„irring. anti, w3„11itnolo, a:14 regatta of tho
1.7im31s cooked or canned • . 1f -011.'s • rliTop.. Plans %%ore
made for a Valentino', *i 1. Norval
• Robert:so... staniont at En 0;
TOP(101. Inal charge of lb., servl.."
SHO IL Church Son*
day morning,.
1 mile south of Blyth on No. 4 ,
commencing at 10:30 PM.
HORSES-eSorrel gelding, rising 5
yenrs old; lirosvn gelding, rising 3
years old,
COWS -6 Holstein springer cow%
5 years old; 4 Ayrshire springer
cows, 3 to 6 years -old; 10 Fresh
Mitch vows. 3 to 6 years old; 1
Holstein and Ayrshire cows, due
in March and April; 3 Ayrshire
yearling heifers; 0 Durham year-
lings ; 1 1 100 -year -0h1 Durham bull;
a young calves.
PIGS -4 sows, due in March and
MOTOR CAR -1921t Chevrolet
coach, in excellent condition.
IMPLEMENTS - Mowers; Culti-
vator; (4-sectiot) Harrows; Seed
Drill: Harrow Cart: Manure Spread -
e, Massey -I -Tanis; Cutter; Buggy;
Light Sleighs; Whiffietrees; Nock
yokes, and Numerous Other Articles.
Any person wishing to purchase
dairy cows ,hould attend this sale.
These cows are in good condition,
and giving a good flow of milk.
Harold Jackson. Auctioneer.
George C. Powell, PrOPTte0r,
1. The committee is composed of
Mrs. Robert Nicholson, Mrs. Her-
bert Wheeler and Mrs, Chanmey,
The worship service was con-
ducted by Mrs. Jesse Wheeler and
vat based 011 the theme, "In God's
Healing Power." Assisting in the
pregram were Mrs. John Ander-
son, Mrs. H. Wheeler, and TIte.
Stewart Procter. A solo was sung
by Mrs. James
The Woman's Association meet-
ing followed 1mmedintely. wits the
president, Mrs. R. H. Cosines, in
the chair and conducting a short
business session.
The Ladies' Guild of Triii.ty
Anglican Church met at the home
or Mrs. R. McCrea on Thursday.
The president, Mrs. O. H. Wade,
sentineled the meeting. The rec-
tor, Rev J. H, Henderson, gave
etides-e, .111 'The Beg'nnalts of
Missionary Work." M:s. William
dges sees a .olo. A- napes eon
111.`1.j interestlei; foots
Scott spent Thursday in London
and called on 'Miss Olive Scott, 11
pe.,ient in Victoria hospital.
Samuel John Beacock died snt-
lenlye. at the home of 015 daughter.
redo, -.ars. A. Stephenson, at
Noactanbroole, His wife is the for.
In., Pella Ann Jobreeton. • of -.Tern-
bee,: ,11,1 Blnevale. and a sister ral
Mre Walter 'Paterson. Wingham.
At the TTni1e(1 Charch 11ev01e3 51i11 -
110011111g. Ree S. .1. Ilridgotte
11, ;nig from First Cliirtinicle.;
wondown and slew a
: pir -.1110 try thty." Po -
ay: there .-onraLe n-..eded to
!Irk ,13 lio1. in lic• way.
1k10::- 51..C"eaelein
John,,ni s duet.
the Young
action snots are easy to make and result In excellent story telling
type pictures.
islo present ifould he more exciting
1,0 Carper:0, Jim Or Sergeant Soo
Ghia 1 ,,,roup of informal portrait
family and friends,.
1.111 4 successful amateur
•,,1111,1: 11111 forethought and
bit 3 4 «'0, 111 01 yon may get
a g.tod pletaira oy 'Mapping the
9111 1' at random, R. Intl,
1)1311 0113' In advance will aasuro ymt
or getting' exactly what you want
a0y time. And in these days of
film seareity, we want to make
every ii('' 1110 count.
Whim making au informal per.
trait, try to tm.i..41 to' pose your sub-
ject in sonic kind of activity in
which 11: or ed!t!, I1 naturally (11(1'
5,1.03. .A11.11 try 110 111..119P your 9113P -
shot. toll a story.
Study the portrai0 of young i;111
111a,trates1 above, a, ;i.e._ arzeob,nct,
;our,o,,1 p0otoa.
raph•.1.* piafied rite empilasIs 13
119 01 land of actina Bill
really 1101 11 Welliti naay 1(0
a good title for this plc -
tore, and that 1,4 one 1-0141 of a pio-
ture's quality.
Bo sure to use a, simple back-
gronnd for your Informal Portraits.
In Dm iduraration above, for
ple, the photographer used the sky
to very good effect. Always check
the background carefully before re-
leasing the shutter. If you Mtllfe
sere that you see what your camera
sees, you'll avoid unhappy surprises
in the final print, such as disturbing.
horizontal and Vortical lines, and
trees that seem to be growing mut
of the subje.nt's head.
In lino with the unposed, natural
(plenty of the above snapshot 11
Bill's mussed hair. Yon can almost
$ce him brushing it up out of his
cyna. Make your subjects stay "in
character" ;tad you'll get inn& more
exciting, living likenesses. •
Whether you catch your rathjems
(01)1110 151 unawares, or havn them
coopernte with yen to some extemt,
liar stoic ;soar 1.tnif,0,:t 40 11 MI -
V AWN 11, 01.011 31111111'3 motion. If yon
do. yoali i11.. tilde to snap the shot
ter at. t10 MOO effective Unie. A.1111
14`011111 3 00ii1 those unhappy "50111,
(111e m,?v,d" 1110j1411311 1 Ibid.), tool; ilk.,
11011*, pictare sound tracks,
Irollow timer situate ste,•ace.tions.
and yoa will turn out ;m01r10, :Man.
shots that will 'l(: ot
Dr1' 2rlflJ
Van you l'oiou of th
United Church root in the Stoulay
School room Sunday evening with
the President. William 11cClona0.
lain,11 the chat!. 'Phr scripture 1.11-
3 101111 1.1.311 .11,11-y Slettnice.
Rev, G. H. Duutop led in Mario'.
Plans were made tot' a Valentin -
social to be held at the church en
Election of the
..nplacted le Mr.
n,a NV1teeha.;
Cook: treasurer.
1940 0:firers was
19111 -lop and re.
te,sident. Koa.
,te, Tot (4,1. 13111111
Brace Scott: Phtn•
or..0 ; y, ,t' -')l( r of
C. Procter; mis-
Vincent: tiithrls'iaa
culture, Palsy Anderson; citizen-
ship, jack Higgins; social. George
The !neindeq Wan., for
tlt to Le held next Tuesday
.• the Mane f Mrs. Wade. o, -olo
of mIscell,nec•., articles w.• held
at the close of the meeting, and
refreshments were srved by Um
The 111,-1111/PrS or the Young
people': Association of Trinity
t'hurch attended the emotive' In
Plyth 003 Fritlay evening, offer
which they were entertained at the
I 110051 by Itev„ and 51),i, 4. H. L.
Henderson, Miss Joan Streeter,
I (onion, do lighter rfl. a former
rocler, e•••as 1,, prc...1.11t. Refresh,
meats were served by Mrs. 771a.
an, 'on
Ales anbortP.on. of COR. 10
%311i 0351(11111. underwent .111.
sp(,ntlecionty in WI Wrhatirt hospital
51:)! 11151
rtitt,,i (11111 rli Woman's
Missionary Seele)y and Woman'S
, „eta io., 1(4P11i113 3/1.11.• hold in
It.' Ill1b, y School room. Wednesday
in cemen1.
prety_4(1,,111. nes, Richard
:11,!teney, opened the W.M.S. meet'
11 and eoutineted the business
Aon. 1915 officor,, wore np
nakii by tit' minNer, (v.v. G. if.
10101,, coonnill..., was named
te moot Witli groups from the other
per;;; 01111 •ta irla:t for the
World Day or Prayer on btarelt
ho Memrim
of Mr. ,in::
McNichol who passed away
year. ag• Pet,. 17th. 1944:
We often sit and thick of Mtn
11,, all alterto
inntifory l 31 nly friend
that grief can eall its own
os tee 1‘111t-!,
WI,. devity
111r loVo for
'and never fade away.
Ever remembered ity wife an
Wartime Price and Trade
Board Informal:10m
• at •
Others Are Asking
* • *
(1.--1 have a workshop at home
and in my spare time make various
kinds of novelties. I would like to
sell these to retail slave, Do 1
need a license or any othsr
"A"1,---1.'''17'1e0s11.. You do need a license.
APP1tv to the representative of .he
W.P,T.B. in the district where 3011
reside. You may also be requive4
to have prices fixed. The pricMg
-iill,•tir at the Bo rd at London will
I also give you eoMplele 11181101011,01
: I it' you smut him details of the
2 1 you w3). munutucturc.
14, W ci dot,: Canada put ulna
t sagas.'
A.- -Ur der Continued Pond
lihigtioin :hate the quail.
, Camilla tlte United
II:hies Of 51911' bough; tut joint
artatout by .1a. Minirgry ot' Poott
" liana. the 911tt1)ita and the 1.01ninies
10:pu id le. The ha Li lid 3111011101103,
.1 1 151etkin-s. 2000 Calm whose erop
es: 'essest by C1.4..3. and alloca,
e, the t'embined. Peed Board,
Q--1, It p..,,,1111.0 for Canada 10
11%/4 obtain more sugar?
A. -No. Neither Canada nor any
sees, metmarrie, wse lots sold 0,1101. elmliter eun buy as much as It
Ili, term ir. Dan McKinnon w:11
11(1 an not),,,' :ale on Taes.dly,
A Ilneo oro141 attended the Valen.
tino ice car,ivat 011 lib, open Pir
rink. sponsot °dilly 111 Lions Club.
Popular music was supplied by
Prank 1-yrernen and Olen Bechnie
with a record player and amplifier.
There were 722 entries for the differ-
nt events. Prise -winners • were:
nom's fancy dress, Harry Lear,
lobo Pollard: ladles' fancy dr03R.
Daphne Dawsan. Shlrloy
Evelyn :Morria. :Mrs. 2', Galbraith:
m'':'" cootie, Bill Manning. .7. S.
(Mellow. ',Tnhn Silithorpo. Donald
comie Marguerite
lbiris Jelthaton. Yvonne Me.
• Janice 1111111•111; boys' fancy
dross, tinder 32 years. Brock
Vodden: girls' fan -Ty dress under 12
Rhea Hall. Glenne Minton, Eleanor
Blown. Marlene Walsh; boys' comic
m•der 12, ,Tinatrile Tomon. Boyd
Taylor, Peter Dawson, Mac Taylor,
• (emit. under 12, Bernice John
.tho: girls' fancy skating, Daphne
Dasysen, Delores Mellon, Lois
Doherty, Gloria Sibthorpe; boys
fancy skating. 11111 Manning. 2.
Atitins.on. mil Gowan, •George
Hamm; (auto couple skating, Mrs.
lack 11 *;v-, 'Airs, Goy DoliertY.
Traci Wallace. Enid Brigham; oldest
.1)4 9*' Indies' speed
vont (+9 I Leis Dellnr1 y, Prandes
Hollvman. Dolores 1V1cHall, MarY
'Kyle; mer's speed. Harold Ph I 11 111.„
1) n Cowan, Bill Johnston, .71m Site
.Ittomo, bet•s' tots, tinder 16, rim
oileettm, Geo rro IT/1111111, Boas
Ta.ker. Edward Wasson; girls. race
amine 13, 'Lob Doherty. Frances
Hellman. Ann Jeanette. 'Watson,
Del.ese, !McNeil; boys' ra of, nnliti•
'2119"ry. Pel Tlawson,
11,1111,1 Philo. Beverly Wallace;
rnee under 1 2, Gloria S10.
Ma,igtior'th Hall, Ann Mor
• mean'' n•rewe.
might wish to obtain. The world's
supply is allo'2a1., d by the rombinod
Food Board equitably among ;he
claimant eountries. Each Country
which imports sugar presents1
statement showing how numb 311.9111'
It prat:laces. and how much it needs
to impart.
* *
restaurant where I have
been eating since the outbreak of the
war has stopped iserfing bolter with
the noonday meal? Is it allowed
10 do so?
A. -Restaurants are quota users.
They may use their supplies as they
see fit. Your restaurant has evi.
deelly stopped - servlog butter
S.ssinse the enota was recently cut
to maintain ea:isomer ...Mims while
atipplieu; are lo'v.
I 1. --How ran 11 be sure Hun. I can
raise the price of an article which I
have twee petshens,
A. --A t:sneeial '31111!')'' *14 sss 111511
set up is Ottawa to interpret ibe
new -order smel, ling prlas rttlingi
11(1 vert g N."15 1' "..' " e Y lir
0.oblain your nearest Local
30.1'.T.11. all o- the Lenden
Itegione.. ad It will be given
,arly a .4.1 '1
• * *
73. .f:^11
Question's on any regulation of
the Mrs.lantc Prices and Trade
Beard will be answered It sub-
mitted to the Information Branch,
Wartilne Prices and Trade Board,
Federal l,3(., 11 us Londe% Ontario.
Seemed a Good Idea
On the first day 111 her new home
the young bride was efficiently per-
soll 11,11.
"Jane." she called to the Parlor
1 !twirl, "thi• eastors these ehairs
I ,apleak horribly. 011 them, right
Sorry, miss," replied Sane, but
wo haven't nay oil.'
iake this quarter,' VMS
in,. Instant rejoinder, 'and buy a
011,•la irf easter
, 'I'dffe
tlialdeg °it easler ter ere
ler ere to Wave lE,ISPVAIRES
iust as soon as materials become available, we will
extend telephone lines along public roads where
there is one applicant for service per half mile.
The applicant will pay no construction costs.
Vurthermore, there 41 be no charge (or Ole Brat
ISO feet of pole line on Itis own property;
nominal non-recurring charge of ,S.00 per 250 test
will be nutae beyond that point.
This notable reduction in construction charges to
new subscribers will help bring nearer our goal of
tel service avail-
able to the greatest possible woo.
lt bot of farm families.
• C3MX-•-•Onla."3
pent Conveyarteer
and Commissioner
w1mr-4 STREET, — — 01‘.41.
4,••••na • wornmo..--.....glpes...norwzr,./4,cuan,...w...-r-,...,...--1=Incr.roza.,•••nlerrenr,.....a...7..-.,-..cmamr.....ux,s.
7."'t •P E'11'..`1,1"r.i.7,:' a"' p
C A. MYERS, M. 13,, L. M. C. C.
St. Brut•teic, Ont.
Phone 4,
Allan A. Lamont
Agent for—Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Inztnearp
Get particulars of our Special Automobile Folic.; or farrnem.
Queen St. BrusseLs 'Phone 657
'W'. D. 5. jarn4.son, M.D., C.M.,
Physician arid Surgeon
Glace Hours—I - I saul 7 - 8 p.m.
Also fl - 12 a.m. when possible.
Saturday evenings until 1(1 20.105.
Sundays—Emergencies and by appointment emir.
Home calls in forenoons and 4 6 p.m.
.17,1-.a.s. T. David.son
insurance. Agent For
Automobile and Fire Insursanee
Accident and Sickness
Agent for Groat West Life insumuce Co.
'PHONE OFFICE 1)2)2 BRussEis, nau..limit,443a S7,.sse
Harold Jackson
For Information, etc., write or phone Harmer Jaioltitom
phone 12 on 658 Bettiorth R.R. 1, Bleueatietel
Make ar..angen ents at The Broome's Mast or
Eimer O. Sell, Barrister 0111oe, Drumlin,
D. P. RANN Furgliture
Licensed Funmal Director and Esnhairacy
4NIKITI•04.:["1,1,01,19.1,41,,,,• •
PHONE 3d or 85 BRUSSISLai;
Lewis Rowland
(Lk...m.4 Poi. mama County)
For Engagements Phone 111 "Tho Drueoolo Poet"' 11011 tbcp
bo lookoct eater insinodaiteiy
For information, otos w Ito sr phone Low. Resedashd 6110.1(1,513 011
So/Worth; o writo 0,0. St, Walton,
W. S. Donaldson — Licensed Meteor
name 3S -r-13 Arrornol„ (3514
for the Coenties of thine 11.`0015)
valet piromptly attended to --- Charges toretalurstaa
For Engagements phone "Tha 14 tooth 143sak"
fhte ictotad Miter IMITAfilatigifY,
Ste i.