HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-2-13, Page 1rt,
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NOW Playing—
Szi:. Fob. 14-15-18
C1'.ov1es Langhton Rondolpph Scott
Captain Kidd
A swaslitutrictlop tale
high adventure.
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Inti)tm 11.i Id1110.1 hi litis achieve-
ment and Iliar WO Lake chis
to v."1,11 you the host411 1946. ,
i 4)! /111 11 1 4404.141,3.
. citified 4`,I•rlitraitail, Alox
to d John Scheoek :veto 4,4')'"!yot: 1 1', 1 0:23 1,,egion Sponsoeir E73;
w,sikee '. Lolact, trakit ttod„--, 'HF
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fmt God and , shaft
t Wei tter ye." M,ltt. 4.
11 . 10.:1 .41331,'! 11(3 )1
''i't•imor: Thu 0:41,4y
of It's 4 wook.
' • 1
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11/1 (flitter RSV G. A. Milne, M.
10 A. M. bunday School
and Bible Class
'11 a. tn. .The Child Is Father
To The Mao?"
7 p. m. "Treasure-trove and
Treasure -hunt."
Louis D. Tiunniasoa, Organist
and Choirmaster
The United Church
Minster R Hugh 0.
11 A. M. Morning Worship
"What Christ Expects Of
His Friends."
Junior Congregation
' 12 Church School and
Bible Claes
7 P. M. Evening Praise
"While He May Se Found."
Church of England
en Sunday After Epiphany
February 17th ,1946
Op Jahn s. Brussels --
11A. NI. Morning Prayer
\and Sermon
Student from Huron Coney°.
2 P. M. Sunday School
and NW CINee
St. George,. Walton-
---ke service this Sunday,
CM Davi** Hontriari.
243 P. M. 8. 8. & Bible 00333
3 P.M. Evening Prayer
mod Sermon
, ov: is. 113)1'.!)
LI: lal..tt!, rtirit tifff•:••,
r•ft ftt :ft' L.,' 'VI '
13f,i1 .414
1: 10;.:
:11: am at
.1-: fa ..s
Cleorge Elliott is vreleonted 1101113
front OVOTSellS. lIe I'/'41'1 .1I returned
to the home of his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. (3. Elliott,
.1. '
liar. M. F. Oldham and Mee.
01(111a ill were guests at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. L. D. Thompson before
leaving Sunday morning for Camden
Nes t,
Brussels friends are glad to
welcome back from overseas service
George Booker, 'who is at the home
of his parents Mr, and Mrs, Wm. L.
1$ A it
Mr.% Gli'gg Is absent 'because uf
Mom from her position on the
public school staff here. Mrs, G.
Galbraith is substituting in her
Among th'ose recently returned
from , service overseae is Cleve
Davidson, son of Chas. Davids.on and
Joe Stiles who is at his home hers.
Wo are glad to welcome them home.
BLUTOVALB — A barefoot boY
attended first Sunday School 9e45
loo in Morrie Township about /10
Years ago, Today that barefoot boy,
Robert Shaw', 82, 131neVele, 19 8011
going to Sunday School, He retired
recently as SultdaY School super-
intendent of the 'United Church here
but will continuo to attend the after-
noon sessions,
Sunkist Oranges at &ewer's
Groceterie 9 Do*. for 390—See the
Size—Conspore the Wine If its
Fsesh Fruit or 'Vegetables Grower's
Have it. Oa
Phone 5
' I
t• 1,'' I ilt ir titt, , frtt„
it •rt::Ifft,' Ia. tilt aft
Itt'irti. rt, 11
i'io•ileo •••-i1". \i/1 33LIL St44'41111L14,3 k$
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rraL 7- 1/14` it, IV 11 era: d!... filo* 4V4.1")')
assume that 1! 'i' etlinfr.44-.ty (ib%) f Siren and.
'keteinatie (4,193,03- Carried
go." 1.•
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I• %we h by 3, liy-law
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jjr; : Milne :117,141. 1.•.
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elf 1 vorge of scripture we,
glee,: in rosponse to roll eall vet -
Ha' r4141ailtri rat Paarlia 1 OS \tar/
111344.r5i 1111 (41)Were read
hy Mrs. 31111 Cameron. Mrs. Robert
campboll, Mrs. Celia Hnether and
Mrs.. Anon Cameron. As in formsr
years the World'e Day of Prayer
will he observed jointly with tee
Young Women's Group in the churelt
on March 8th, The regular monthly
meeting of the W, 111. S. willbe hell"(
in the Manse on the second Wed,
of the month, nue week later than
1191101. Mrs. Robt. Campbell was ap-
Pointed tretteurer for the peaen
lhenitsgiving fund. An appropriate
Panel' on "A Nurse in Shansi Mise -
ion Field," was read by Mrs Martin
MacDonald. Offering was reeelved
anti 1-Tyinn 399 and Clic: the National
Anthem were sung, (toeing with
Prayer by the President. The host-
ess served refreshments and tt soc-
ial time \vas enioyed.
The Mission 'Beni met in tbe
church basement for their Feb, meet -
leg on Mendny at 4 11 p 11. Roes
eena81,011 .1. 1, 11 1111' chair
end MIT, Tr 71. 11•4::ve,' presided
et the organ. 'File girls were ie
charge of the meeting and 3444111
Schnook read the scripture lessen
from Matt. 6:1-8. I-Tymne 868 and
734 were gong, The girls sang
hymn and a eborns John 14:113 was
sung by all. Prayers were given by
Dorothy Keye, Evelyn Schnook and
Tavel:le McNair. Blaine Kernaghan,
Alex Cameron and Kennth Schnook
read verses of scripture. Minutes
were read and rot celled by
Gordon TOngel in the abeence of tbe
secretary Ray linether. It was
planned to fry and an
entograpb guilt for the Missloit
Band, Mre. MacIver told a very
interesting miesienttry story to she
group. Fourteen were Present.
ReV. T, D. Ma:civet conducted
preparatory siervice in lVfoleelvetre
Preebyteriatt •Chimell On Friday
evening and communion tooled on
Sunday A03. 231r. C. ItoOtirrol of
ILV (tit, :I4t. A 4,3
'it t , If 1•• f1'
II11131 t I) 41' tITIII h
40. ,111113.
'3"13ot,eprW .
net iltevelrt atmeintet
an:et well (lie women of 431.'
rtited mmi aglieti
I11akI4 rrangtertents for the
11.17 of Prayer. Mrs, Milne actre
paper on "Introdurtion to Africa."
(Dui Mrs. Robert Thomson gave one
on "Daughter of Africa."
BLIJNVALla Fret Churchill
(formerly Olive Maiiiiam), flied In
Gingham hospital Sunday of last
week and interment WELS in Wing
ham cemetery, Tuesday. Mrs,
Churchill was born at Illerrisbank,
118 years ego, and bad always lived
within a few miles of her birth -
Place. Surviving a.re her husband and
three sous, Gordon and Vernon
Hamilton, Hensall, and liter] Ham-
ilton, Bluevale road,
Molesworth was in charge of Sunday
morning service here.
We are pleased to report that
Mrs. Matt. Cameron is improving
from her reeent illness. Mrs. Robt.
Warman is in attendance.
Jas. end MTS. Ritchie of London
were at the hem of her Parents,
Allan and Mrs. Cameron. MT 3110
W1,014. end and their son Douglas
returned to Menden with them.
The T,P.S. held 5, suecessful
social In the lmeement of the church
on Monday evening under the
leadership of Ideas , Muriel Mac-
Donald, social convenor assisted by
11.1r, Sim Cameron. A program eon-
sieting of gamee, contests and a
(vie was enjoyed by all. Sandwiches
cookies and coffee were served by
the ht& eorninittee.
All roads In this district are open
and in excellent e,ondition after the
resent snowstorms.
• ... .
• , ' '
, 11 it ra ti. r'
14f1,4•111,Lli 4.fttr,1
':•111 t l• !I: • '0, e,"
4I:•"." 4,n 4:14'1Vor was fleeted
elm irman oi 11,, Meeting 1111,1 41,11.
(WO NI (11V1 33,1411 exorcises. Mrs
Maelver neted aft 0•41:t4411'y 11 441.
mooting, The minute:. of the 4344
eorgreglltional meeting were road
and slistaimtd and the reports of the
different orgsnisations Mal present.
ed. Treasnrer. Stanley Dim
bar, reported that the receipts for
the Fond were $1845.73, including
$11.S.00 for the Midget Fund of the
elinreb, with an expenses paid 'he
linlanee on hand at the end of the
year was $542.03. The report of the
Wemen's Missionary Society showed
that $118.76 had been ratted during
the year, The , Sabbath School
$77.93: The Mission Band, 39,65. The
Reserve Trend after repairs to the
church property and other expenses
showed a balance of $27.48 on hand,
lalwin Thompson and George
Fraser were elected to the Board of
a/Tanagers for the year 1946. ether
officers elected were as follows:
secretery.trensurnr, Stanley
orgnniet, Mrs. Elsie Cunningham;
enretalter, George Campbell: ushers.
Norman and Ross ,Stepheneon:
auditors, William Spence and John
•• , tf ,444,1 ,r, ft • '
that ibe leg", ot., root.
''i','.',It 1111104,3;. Mor,a'ases rrUrif‘Aii))
5111444-11' 114.4e1 Ounw
will • be granted withoat
•noreasint.., the ruler. of suemr 10
emignmor, Increased assistanee 011
t0.0t mgar 0131 11)14,11111 to fte ,1o149hundred pounds The entire
antemot 1411141 1(1 growers. to increase
the returns on sugar beets by abont
$1.110 per ton.
Hotelmen Discuss Plans
At Mitchell Session
After C. T. A, Is Upheld
Perth and Huo4l Proprietors
Meet in Session At
Mitchel Hotel
IMITOTTPILL, Feb. 8. -- TTotelmen
of Huron and Perth Countiee met
in speeial session here last night to
discuss the position i which they
STP phared by the recent decleion of
Canada Temperance Act.
Tevery one of the hotels of the
two counties was representd at
th meeting following which it was
ennonneed no setze(amt \veldt be
;sated. The 1)00110.' 14.14 eltleSd 10
11170150, 03111g was under the joint
elinirmenship of j'„1'. Cex. Mitch,
en, pronrietor of the Royal Hotel
Kranter. where the session was held, end
Roes Fisher, Listewel, Ralph Hat.
The meeting was closed with the i
fey. Toronto. executive secretary
benediction by the minister,
Iwas the special speaker.
a the Hotel Keepers Association
There are 34 lieensed hotels in
IDuren rtmi Perth, excluding Stmt.
I ford. 'Under the recent ruling 0 11-
1,170,KNOW — Fire 'which broke; holding the Canada Temperance
out in the boiler room of Anderson ; ),et which was in force in these
Flax Mill roused considerable dam -I eemitiee it is understood their
age to the lower floor 03 3111* blinding licenses may be endangered,
Local firemen arrived on the scene; A spokesman for the meeting de -
before the flames were beyond 0011' 0131)031 to hint the plans of the group
trol and saved the building from or to say if a further meeting wit
complete destruction, lbo 133,11831.
mr. and Airs. M14.411:3e,
Nieholson of ALWarat. ,111d
19;431 5014 131,4 fitillghtet'. Pat aold
113111 ':11. at tonde.d the funeral iiot
tieni loot on Monday Aternoos oii
Jud Regan, Mr. Nicholson's unete,
and spent the week.end at the
home of Mrs. putrick Nicholson 013
Kenn -Mott: Cyrus Harvey bas rea.
oeived word of the death of his
I (Thew, Tiorvey Linoluan, of Van-
couver, B. C.. whose mother was UM
fornder Mary Harvey of Atwood;
Miss Mary Valiance, London, wIth.
her Parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Valiance; Ballantyne Saunders- ft;
patient ir Westminster HosT".'
London: Miss Margaret 18.1.' •
Reg. N.. and Donald. Robb, Torii.
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Robb; A. L. Young, Brants,
Alta., with Mr. and Mrs. 70310 L
Ballantyne: Mrs. Louis Patience -
has resigned her position at the
Bell Telepphone offlee after sevezt
years' service, and Miss lune Cogh-
iln, her successor, assumed her
duties this week; Mr. and Mrs. Ilk,
nie Swatridge and Sandra, Strat-
ford. vritb Mr, and Mrs, Fred Bal-
lantyne: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Green -
sides and Pani at Mitchell; 1V1r. 14434031
Mrs. George Postlift and AllOn.
near Monkton. with Mr. and Mrs.
nort 'Fisher; MISSPS Aldotio Min-
oan. Toronto, and Agnea 'Dickson,
Hamilton, and Mrs. E. C. McCul-
loch, Brantford, were called homer
()wing to the illness of their father,
lames W. Dickson; M^s. John
underwent 14 major aperation lothe
Listowel Memorial Hospital on Sat-
urday: 1410. Morgue:its Harvey
and Gordon 71Thy d, Loden. ' with.
Mr. and Mrs, 10. Vinond; Miss
Catharine 1,,,,cas, London, with her
parents, 14,ir. and Nirs. Lorna trietic.