The Brussels Post, 1946-2-6, Page 1Armorwsnim.soam•••60*111,u1.1•••• OST PUBLISHING HOUSE NOTICE— , Winthrop Woman Dies Dr, C. .A. Myers will be at Ethel In Seaforth Hospital on 'Wednesday and Friday of each Week from 1:30 p.21). to 4;30 P.m., n,b. (tooth i WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 1946 Obittlary Say Liquor Rationing , CORNER STONES To &ay Until March Gettig, A. "JO; Robert Ftae Hot:atoll iliNT3i. Fob. 1. laquor Ambition— i40 Brussels Legion Sponsoring St. Valentine's Dance 3u Thursday night, Feb. 1 ith at the liras -sok T0,4 Galt tot, 114).st41,• 1.11 13311111 In 1/111 111'114 11,1i 00!: 1 1111 1' • the fernier office of Dr. ; took Place hero 2a•ouitu'Y of Mrs' , At 111,- lot 111,1334. TAT. 1.,•111 i,g33170j,ns •' until 0,1r ,,u11,41 ion ;4, 111. !II. big 10.4 I I nate!, ra tip- co Int dian Legion Nt• Illehmand. {John Montgomery, he lot tut onastal away sullenly on ,Tan, ',Lech ,t, 1..44.4t." .114; ofticlai 13 111 ,111 )IU Wth I :IS '4'4 '1"j.'111' S1 1'11' 111" Margaret AZalea Sill1P.900 kt.01/11rt Rae Hama tin in his •144 ()mark) Liquor (1011 1rtrl lioard said ° 1 3 th)". 1)'' g, -v:11 throfit Who Panert away Ill" year. Alt 114mA], mai f o ... ling -0 4.).011 ThartaitlY. lip etannwoapa on an en et,l'W 1 1111a 1. 1/.1 1)1. tc /10111Pr3tilt, lucky space ei h hospital. She had 'open t, t rtgli, kind m ambling.; ,i, iset.,, 1,1 prize w444,1, ;1 h1;iith.-1, it, hi., 10.1!-.J/111.11 1131144333 33)3 1 11AI clit,1 Iv.. 1011,1y. seriously Tor alma a week. aud. wtt,, a ;,,,l,t1,1 .313.14 ; 1:1,1 ; .alanitoba tilt -continue rationing w° i""k work 311 '11 210) Pr17,' latlY's Parse, 3rd prlot.2 Siraiing ii'arrty sponsored by United Church Y.P.S. on Friday, Feb. 8 thud tired all her married lire In from Sp.rts. to 10 p.m. I the Staforth district. She was a Lunch to.be sold at the Arena menthol. or Cason United Cintreh at Admission ----1 Sc and 19c Winthrop, Mrs. Mobtgomery is survived by ' bet, husband; by throe sons W11 - i drove of Brantford and Nell or All roads lead to the ' London; by one daughter, Mrs. Sid - Twp. Hall, Morris no. mecullough of Myth one son Friday, Feb. 8th 2predecoa.sed her. She Is survived Euchre and Dance a bat hy t 11 re e brothers, Charles Good Prizes Simpson of Jamestown, Jack of Ladies please bring sandwiches Saskatchewan and Randy in De - In falling health for two Yit,'!"' colorniolitY. , nin 1,1 111. lad 111110.me, .111/0"1111Y 111 r11r0it111.111'1. s.""11 11 11' 111"1 1.t1"1 IC" '11 11,31e ttitti 331.1 Silo was 1/0111 at Janiostowo, (Dit.„1h,t hoe 1I 11 (),fly 4„,,, I jp„,,31 1„,v„,,p,., 134 1!1:1!11.1„li 04 ;hat spirit we ail! ittalte.i) 0. will ,attlily the mush' f," anti 39111, 131343! 11 Oct.h311, I an I. She the hit'. Jain • • lieist• 14 Ara ,mit, at DI. 1;1 wo„.., 13411 13,3.1 41 4,, 31: Tho, g4,14., C0111. and bring you,' REGENT,THEATRE Seafort1;1, Ont. Now Playing— c Thurs., Fri., Sat., Feb. 7-84 George White's Scandals Joan Davis and Jack Haley Peppered with song and production numbers that will capture the fancy of everyone. -- Mon., Tues., Wed., Feb. 11-12-13 George Raft Claire Trevor Johnny Angel Mystery and intrigue lurk at every turn. Next Thur., Fri., Sat. Feb. 1 as15-1 6 Charles Laughton Randolpph Scott Captain Kidd A swashbuckling tale of high adveoture. DOMING— Murder He Says russes Area inday — Hockey Night Tuesday — Skating Wednesday — Hockey Night troit, and by one sister, Mrs. R. Scott of 13M1313331133. There are eight grandchildren. The funeral is to take place from 11(1r late home in Winthrop, Wed - neatly at two p.m. to Maitland - bank cemetetisry;geRev., R. W. Patten o b )3 te in e Nylon Prices May Fall Below Price Ceiling After First Rush OTTAWA, Feb. 5 — Nylon stock - kegs, scheduled to come on the Canadian market Feb. 19, probably will sell at their ceiling price until the first very heavy demands of the Public art) satisfied. Ir. A. Mc- Gregor, commisskoner the (13)111- 13111445( Investigation Act, said last night, Inquiries had been made con- cerning auggestions MIVI Mr., cGregor said W0110 CiVelltatillg that Coma - titan mann 1501137333.14 had agreed to keen pricer; at the ceiling. The tommiseinner saki thew,'inquiries (overture(' him that no such 113111311' 113111111 bail boon made. Ps supply and demand *became halancod, lower prices " might be exported to develop us cm ntieopoti- ;Ivo conditions," be saki. 7110 unclerstontling between manufarlarers and thP Ira& to F ;Thursday—Skating Night , witbold 1191(311431191(31143from the malt lit riday Open Cor Skat.ng 3111)11 Feb. 19 has ila 3331 4743114.a313314 to Parties and Carnivals the nubile. be nth-1ml. lly that tIMe Saturday Afternoon -- Skating substontiol stooks 1179' l'XPertfql to For Children Only. be In !Tailors' hoods, Saturday Night — Skating' 'L03'471 'thou host been our I dwelling—place in all generab ions." Ps. 90. *11,1*11,141.01•11111, Meill lve (...stillirCh Minister Rev G. A. Milne, M. 11. M A. M. 330,311331' School and Bible Class 11 a. In, "How are the Mighty ration?" 7p. m. "Pressing on towards the mark." Louis D. Thompso.a, Organist and Choirmaster The United Church OF GANAOA Minster .1. Hugh C. Wiltion 11 A. M. Morning Worship “Our Steed r or Temperanoe" The Mission Sand '12 Church School and Bible Ctass 7 P. M. Evening Praise "The Refiner's Fire" 20041ATAAMAilli Church of England Parish of Srusooto Relator Rey. Maurice F. Oldham 5th Sunday After Epiphany rehreary 10113, 1946 St, John Brustsets*, M. Morning Prayer and Sermon Student from Huron College, 2 P. M. Sunday School gold Bible Mass et. CkeortWo No Service this Sunday. St, David% Hootore- 2.15 P. M. S. & 13Ihio Ofatko 3 P.M. 15yenIng Prayer end Sennett "If they wore offered for sale be- fore !Ilene i3'133131113'31 V4'1'3'*' 5V3311111111.1polio buying snail 08 tots been re- cently reported In anme American citi31s. might well result, with tem- porary advantage It) only a fen, aggreaetve buyers mid 411.4app,31111- merit for the rest." e. * 19 11 9 PEOPLF WE KNOW 11. • Miss I4.31111'1'9'Davidson, who has been Ill Arthur has returned to her home here. * vr 'Mins Bnch laLightowler, Reg. N., or Windsor Was a. 31118331 or her friend ;Vise Mary Lott for a few 'days jaet week, 1 4, Miss 11337(131,11? Myers. 11,N„ or the Staff of the kkontreal G01101111 Nos. pital 113 3331131111.11331 a few weeks with Dr, C. A. and Mrs, Myers. * sts Mrs, 0, A. Myers, will he AT 111033(447 to friends at William Street, Brussels on .6131(3.11135,9 afternoon, February ninth from three to titX. it * IVIrs. T. D. Warwick and Miss 1,1,Greater returned lost 33337147 from 00.17, 11311,,TT.S.A. where they spent the past few mouths at tbe home of the fOrmeris sort and 1VIrs. Warwick, 55 * 07311, Stuart R. Monster arrived IA Halifax on the Be P33 '11144009 on Monday. 11e was met in Toronto on Tuesday night by his, wife who lta.s been living 1113 3311311111,1311, They are now visiting in Brussels with his parents lijr. and Mrs, D, Glassier. Stuart, served 0111011SIORA for the past three 9(1111713 and his Brussele friends are end to welcome home. — BEST FOR JUICE SonIctot Oranges at arewees Groceteria 2 Doz. tor 3,04. --tee the Size—COmpate the WU ita Vresh Ihmit or Vegetables answer's have It. OW AIM* ORRWARod OIROOETZINA PtiOse 1 1011 a 1115 413131 Spt 151 W.; 1. 4,04 num: 1124 a tar more entermi.alna outlook gal and it 134)4411 tillin tissured 5117 11) than the tatimok .9' 1 111/e14, 19111.1,.., all. 111,, 1/1/1":t 1311 11" 1" ani1311lVl1lg17 14 ic; mobitim", is tom to a•1 on ' im.14 agithnee 1,41 s 1 1041110 1113. 10010:, Third Set of Twins 1411 1)0 am 1111100. 101314111414 the BornTo Blyth Co' t 13,33'" 13'. , F a::F air 13 ,r„ ht"n1oaiio111 ronnocdabl113oes thpoorThia Yea r 44pirit ,d 4, it ode ot 110,, people marecret '51cNoir, allf1 ,1071 Ra.t.. W11 IV015 In foto, years. W1)0 110.1"0 1,11,111 1011 (WWII. into a rot. grandchildren. Bobby )11,1 Brenda, 4440 144zy lo work halal, too .4elf- Slot Inet, a record of tive:calves . , , two sisters, 8,41)11111- Mr,. Sellers. 3,(tio:„. It113111x proatul,d two 114131 to td420 114.4.4(114,4,tniiesy42.,w-rii}tritit.0-3-s, Morris; (Fran(is) airs. John A. 1111v011. FIE Wen. frif,1611, ar0Y: also :3 brothers. Jack Tao, cow is now ten 711133.3 oht they might be doing much more and Sam. Manitoba. and 1)avld, 1,054 4,1,, esponsible vrork. .Many people are Angeles, Cal. 14 ''” sP. 11. `w— 111 • :boat sl eircto»atances. and We ealvea. born on thP 114E1,9;P:141 fa I'M in eleven years. i ,. mast remember that when we are The funeral 901'91E10 was conducted front 11is late home by bis pastor, ; rentry ovina no ID 11)331 11101 1. .0f 0111' Rev. 11. (1, Haslewood. or Walton, ra Re ned opp o et un iti es, " all who spoke of the high esteem In Ration Coupon Due Dates aervice ranks the same with God." which tho late Mr. Houston. was Coupons now valid are sugar 46 IhIT we 3111013111 all be eOger to rfs° -held and or how much he would he 411 69, meat 1 to 23, butter 116 to to the highest and most responalble missed In the community, Interment 129, Sugar coupons are now rim work 01 which we are capable, not was in Brussels Cemetery, Pallbear- for the mucilage of preserves, each with the thought of material gain of 3113 were neighboura, Minn. Strath, coupon having doable the value of honour to ourselves, but witI2 the Wilbur Turnbull. Le,slie Wan. On former preserves commit. Punpoae of glving to our fellowmen Connor I1.1. good for the purchase • our maximum amount of service in 111141013. 'Knox, Andrew Tnrnbult, John A. of one-half pound of butter becomes that sense every otte of us ought to Flower bearers were: Wm. J. valid FebruerY'14, be eagerly ambitions, and it Is such ambition that has Inspired the best Looming. joeir Conley, Wm. Turn. hull, Orville McNichol, Sas, Smith. and greatest things that have ever 'rite dowers 1110.11P beautiful and in- St. John's Church been done tn the world, chided. pillow, The family; sioraY. Owing to the stormy weather, bad • In many cases the spirit of firandehlldren, Bobby and ..13110111dal road conditions and the moving van service finds its main outlet rot in wreath, Brothera and Sinters; having engine trouble which necessi- regular work, in th,:i...voion, in Ica a new Her- M. tory service, that we can render in wreath, The Itrelgair Family; spray, 'Mrs, TsobeI Hoy; spray Nighhours Oldham didn't get moved to his 313,33 our leisure time. Many of the world's °Ha Friends: snraY. celiac-1ton Order parish of Clannlen East last weeir. good ,10:11„ii on sitt..11 Or Foresters. 1-131 conducted the 7 p.m, service in voluntary week. 'Whether be in St. John's on Sumba'. i church, in lanai government, or in 1.31 mid preached an appropriate the melons forma or 901.111 1 servi.ce. fattier arc, 14141 •mallow, 11,.' fusilier „. 1.131) •111 lIr 1 11,1,..t119 1, 4, 1111 VI. 4 14111 fair 1111', year. rite fair bet, w). 114.3.1411411131.1 war yea,- Ion ilia 111411)) eletotal 19ast 1(11131)1 S11•1 iy 1 1 of ‘1,,,,,,,oce nave decided to have a iatir this mit It 14 110 W 11p 310 11(• 1/0 34114Id . • 4.1,• mutiny to give their support in evely 0118,“lile Wily 9.11,1 matte 111414' ply!, home tow tit mil to, stle'r • is it _ . can, and shoutti, be. Al a reetnit of the hlaat 1-1 0/.00 Agrleultu.m1 Society, mr. MoKague. secretary-4,•caaurer of the Teeawater Fair, was guest speaker and gave 110 1aformativo and in. structive addresa (4» 44 flourishing and useful Agrinaulture Society. He emphasized that the" shottla work in co-operation with Farm Forums and their Agricultural Representative. He stated that to bave a successful fair there had to be good prizes and good attractions and it had to be well advertised. At the close of Mr. NicRague's address the following lit'Vtn.nin {l'Ore elected by ballott;- Brussels-- R. B. Csmaiii, It. Johns- ton, Wm, Speirs. Grey—W. 19. Turnbull, Jack \\Itcelor. Harry Bolger, Rmsseli Knight and Win. Turnimli. William J. McCracken 8E0111011 011 J0811110 (It«. Ho 11 1 1 .111 here again the eneyes, f the Morris. •J'ack Yitill, In.. 311e11i54, \Vitt' the passing of the late W. J, I 'Lira 13"85( With "20191.111a. 31310 110113 and the worth or the wo,rtt W. Shortreed. RarVey Jonnston. NIcOracken, Brussels los.t not only (3111133 331431 thrandlin" 11.11 h de:P.1111g 011 whether 35,11 4110 Al 13 dIreetors' meeting held later ono of Its prominent 10/$.100S$ 1110n "1101 t1Y". 111° 113111.311)'ar stead work is bairn done in the 4,1111)41,. R. 11, 00110111s 11105 111141154 111..11ii4.1111 it but until tt short time aga the manor I fastottas WaS strersed 113 ramilat. .4.Tatat or service. All too01.1011 Ow 11111,1111. • a 0110 011 111W 01.31(.41 3)14t8121133116118hasineaaes in town. For more 11141.11 35 years 110 carried on ttio grocery 811)1 provision 1111191 11118.8 .91,1 al/1141Pd 100117years 01 ,9(4 1457 Ma tato rather W. N. M eCractren. Always energetic in 1)11331111431)3 110 Inivante well known throughOnt the noighbouring towns and I'01111113'30413113for hie honest sincerity and fair. Mill(11111 (1341,14)31.\Viten a young 011111 101 110011100 faithful member of the Mt•thodist thn osth mid wag always Mien -ate,' in the 1,111111Th's various activities. For 11111119 Years be taught 31 Illoss in the Sunday 84114101 anti played the bass viol and frequently played the piano in Me days wham the loea.1 01311 Charch bad its organized orchestra. He ale Cut cheoo's Comet ry. l'allboa 14mho -sed grass coverce 110111 with a carried lals activities into the tTnited 01's were NIX ('1(11('1(11711)33,s', 115(47117, • 1411111119 11(1114143151' 111 W11,101a 1. e t1 xh.bii Wm. 11, alectutcheon, :lawny 333)0 '1'Ite 001010of the ...11.1 1/1 1 00 1 11e pcoducta of 1111711' labours, 01' 41 Prank Nichol. Alex. Speir and. Sunday morning was, "The Spirit wen 11114!park that Includes 11 race Gordon 11011. The many beautiful !if Revenge," and 313-1331bat; et/ 011 1114, 31,11013,a modern midway, W3334(',' 11131 (103311 tributes wore carried by story of the wanton slaying of .1-.1101 1(1)13' bet -eines nu 4.313.14.313.1311111311,1ltfitiowith all 1311110331 Motintolumn, '('*1 314(111351, he : tBaptist. sorts 01' atteselione, be they large .1.01313M111011 Old Allen Webb or The [Moir rendered the anthem, or amall---tnay fl s theourish tong. 'normal o. -Song 01 Hope 6.0,1 Peace.'The The 1314(1111731 584,' boa become 1111The late Mr. McCutcheon was sermon subject at the evening institution in our eouutry. Ti 4(41511 1 11 bore on the 6-1111 line or Morris on • seri/lee VMS, "The chairman of trio he regretted met duping thy war so the 10( 11 or June, 1296, 19111 Boo,rd," describing tile ejection 0 many had to be cancelled but rev, the son or the late Hc enry M. Stephen: as the ehairmall of the first they are being 1'3181)'1113311 and vt's Cutelnien am) his wife. Anne official board of the Church. The gueiren. Lie and his now bereft ' reasons. tor his eleetioc were '13111.0W, were married twenty.tive explained, mut also the glorious years ago test Dm eceber 1 m 1st, Lie Imanner In which discharged hie farmed in Morris lownshlp before I duties, going into the garage business ! linuesels where he operated River. st. John's Guild side garage for the Past few :tiara. The Women's 11,1(141 ,,f SI. John's home. 111113111311 and country. there 4141431(4 o 31113311 work .1.1) 04 1,1'1. PIA ,nitahn' ha 11 31 1 ,',,.'1 ' g,1''v,'1i'1ai, . 1 1 3 'al'l" 4'""I 11''"1, 334 31 154)313151819 ae hinking more of i1CIIndia11Tlyi7313,31,]11 "1 iethnpastpand wy in St1111oWn 1111011141111Ili (3 1 114 urhat the directors re me311n 1111 "1" l"'"nir'':'1011°sPIIiIIkitrite"er°" 333 (11'( arerving'('.03,111 will g31 17 unsparingly of their time h° ""° 1111 1 111'1J1Y1ttlay. Januar27th,In his 501 'conclude this 901115 on Ambition by and energy to the planning of the t11113' '13'2((1111' 5.40• prrn,ssitm 1'' o),tinan observation by Mir and if the nubile will co - 1 t ' m,..`.. 4tims,,4niliar gsiet-u•out,',ii ds T r"e p4 oItr''rie deceased was ft1(533 (nionModell! of 1111111/11 natur1 netand 3133) 13113t11 whole4'r 1sfuet0,14,1i1,1 01. this (,11'41 mut 11 .33g'r4111)05(1)' that a realy good man htt41tedly 41,315')' will he no doubt "Pie04 ”44I 1 ape 1ei1t1 e•44dai1' "4' Limber of friendand 43.'3101311111143.'3101311111111('''-a - w,), pts (nark 0 14(1')' 14100t id:Pe outcome. 4 pt st) dealers , 113,1 1,1. 1111111' to ilmany- t -,.. 4 - ens, /ray be ace ',ea Alin 11.•-,,- '. 4 ,..11 5(1,131111 he '1l'!'5334 111''' .5,4,,., 3)1(3' k,1 ,47 situati-n 11311'31 311133:1 'eason i(3111'tat eannot •. BRUSSELS, ON TAM, Atwood Man Coes Tt4. Listowel Post (144'',' a-11,1111 )(I14 aelabloirs er Mr. anti Mrs. ta, 4.1'4111.1,A MI OW • alortsatatt 1114)) 1,, Ito414).; th,w 14i)I.-fl'r54-.Z13.!- 313 5.3) hit:110,9,1 531, . t 31115 af.11.ti 111 :Slat 1011 Progressive 411433 i'333' - this 101.1oWi!.g. 191,t1.4.1 the prIZ. /Tan, 1 llers; .1,14,s. 31( 111)' (' 43 rdiff Rberni Mary Pleinnier awl Ea! 114111 and William Echtulea ; was served. Jana a Robb waa ono, alai ais, and ;Mrs, tntrrie ae.erni asked to come to the pintfore,. Nesbitt :Hamilton istiol the - 44),51 a Mrs. Currie stmt. ed Aril it 1131 01,1•:19i00E1 I C111/111 -.3131 1 a table lamp. Donald Itowes. '227.- A1111.r,.111 000 1)11. E. C4ritteter. made the pt,,,,,,,llfatian. Mins 1 -"az cutcle. or Hatillitcy, sented with a cup and Faucet. pinaeui at ion N1ras 311111133 by A10,71, Margaret Robb. The remainder- Of the evening was s1131111, Ill dalleirtg, Brussels United Church Exeuttes. was the subject or rue mornirg sermon in the trurret Church. The choir gang "(antra:II' Soldiers of the Cross," by Han. In the evening Mr. arallson's messrage. waa an apnea for effective witness. We ought not to be so hesitant about: speaking of Our reigion. A Christ -fan: life is an unanswerable arguiesen-t sixty years long. We are Trynar Bibles. and the only Bibles that stair majority of people ever read. 21347 evening anthem was "Beside Ifica.. Galilee" by Gabriel. Forty Palmerston Homes Reported Out Of Fuel PALMPIRSTON, Feb. 5.—With •community suffering from lack :24a1, fuel, an appeal was made by Xt. Fred Edwards, of P1110114151.A31 M.L.A. for 131'l11. a.1111 Reeve A.-- (Iallogiter to the Federal Fuel troller frit' aid. The telegram scom 10 Ottawa by the rite 4111.'101. 310131' "The coal shortage in a,liansaree Is eritleal.---Over- ha.ve 110 10111 lortight• No been 1,11.1v'311 1,y (1).aler5 .—.—• —tit - : es. , 9wh'irl) r11pro:v•e deatrort.ive s . • o. • 'r-1si1E8w.,'r-C..o• t -nae -cilaim- eement or jealoney and rivaly, t1 1'1'0°1'00. ha" 011°137'111111 1411s .13. phef ittr personal it' the newlioarl Of Directors getheHarry EMcCutcheon niMotf thootilther1n Boll) 4ateCaeeon whoh4 1 a,,atiolao if gOV011111t.' ooe 331.5)131311„‚'54.'''"' 40 hom,a. 17 attended the tunoral which 111314 1111111 1 the inferior man will fail to matte .—__— trom Lis late residence, William his mark with the hest c'hancee in St,, .131168e18, 00 Tuesday. JanitarY ; ' the world. T know that a 0)a1)'14 The Country Fair , ,l • 2i34h• 11153'.• eta A. 5,111111'5,111111'"f Mea" importance 114 to in, 111 ('133131(431 by Ills The country fair 1' 41got 41 old (hureh and Rev. 11. (1. Wilson or . readiness to take tip ;my worlr." iatalliontd tantlicring of the ecopitt of in rtistewei .., ad other neanc-.3. 1)133 United Church conducted 11114 , I the land , at the tits.tr'rt •frtiv ventrps servietls, lot erment 19114 1119119 in I R5i,tin,11::. 114, 0,• 31l.o'' mils ail 1 Clenicli '135131,1' 13(14011 and remained active 1114111 failing health slaekeneti his patio, the tart Year or 50, A n 14211311151a st 01,313111331' r 4110 ()I1.at.e111/198 he passed through the varicnis chaars of the Lodge arid ropreaentea, 1.1181 organization for ninny years at the Annual aossions of the Grand Lodge 'held 111 Toronte. The name MeCtsockeu is 271101)7' 1(101137 with Thmeeels for many former 11(11! 1813 Tirtisselltos who never think or the old butte 101311 33141: they ossectote with it the name "Me.. Croeken," Gur friend "Billy' as he 311191 alrectlormtely Called will be Iniseed altent town, for he was altvilys one or these trienly spirits of which there are ray too few in this ntrIntialle World. To Sloan old friends who have long Aimee eentoved to ()Utter perta his passing wit) het sever another "link with the old 109911 .F101d 331113 014 9,990(1111 tit/T(9, garl'Od to file memriry of other daYa. atIti other 1-101138, Ve8 the hearty hartd.carake and cheery Weleame of W. .1, IVIC0rtielten Wall he inissed by many a returning old-timer butt ba2111.g lived e. good 11.131 here Whi-ch we all might well endonvorr to emnitste, Ile 'FRIA gone to recoive a devoted, Christine's reward. T,uti to mourn 1118 loss are three slatere Amanda and Ifiva borne end (Terris, of Toronto. Pumeral -service milder the ans. 111,ss, o41 Were 11(1111 from his late helne Monday aftern-oon with hie proctor 'item, 111151) Wilson Ttorne Erktnir slang "Now Tieseetifni rfetniten Wrest. Re." Pelltlienrere, Were Oatmeal Thompson nod Nectrir King of Teettwater and `VV, Idektriier, A. Anderson, William 1,11t1e, iloy Cousins. believe that it is a good thing. Farmers harvest the finest produse or their fields, raise well bred stock to pat 011 display ill friendly 1i0111118 (1131111 with their neighbours 311:131, reel justifiable pride in their labours wium. they carry off the awards. Busy women select their choicest 9714 widow, eight 54011:-1, vi.onk, oeorge, (111111(013. 113310 a skating 110117which preserves, bake their lightest t- a ((1 111011 ('31 311717 13148 1118 Lorne, .irreci. jack, 131113,, /lobby am. ,,,,was well attended in the Brussel'. 4 1111"1116riii ply recpert needles, to Vitt , , billITIS for theft- Imnsewlfely arts. Melvin and three 1113110111(13131MrA. ' ° ,Feb. .. Lorne tiryanst (Annie), Ilfrs. .Tach Atter the skating period ail actiouten Children labour diligently te aim ed to the Sunday School room of St. OXV011 111 811011 things an writing', Mee • (13ervaj and Margaret, manual (reining, art needieworlr, joint's (1111313111 where sandwiches three slaters, Mrs. 13438115)1 Barrows, midden, doughnuts, -and coffee were served et' MeTtil I op 1 Mrs. Wallace Then ('*111338 the htg day—the folk Torento; end Mes, .Toe. Smith. ()rer 2:11 WW1 33311115315(1 gathe7 15(131)13141.)'8.18411144411'to view the 'Morris. 1315311117. to a dative the exhi bits -- Rowel's were sent by the 41(111033- Cozy 11,...heatre Prom Fite splendid (1110 orts- shown to Ing:- Pillow, The. totnily;. W.reaths, A _ o Re-uPen the tarok, well groomed animals in sisters; 1413', (11)4 Mrs. W. 13711114-1111' The Cosy 1111310110 will re -open hi the vino; it:,,,:y yo,asseossts hang eon, Tlerwlek, 11331111.1 33033331114, 3)111'. the near future. It hos been token over the rail to neer home their and IVirs, jock Robin and Mr. end 01'(4I'by the Ferris Co, of Toronto. favourite entry. Tile youngsters 'Mrs, rrslik (Monkey, Toronto; A new screen and projection .. gobble up . popcorn, peanuts, ltot Sprays, riktgbbourai 0 111 1131e 11151(1111133 have ')een installed and toe aims ,,,,a mink 1(41 33701301.nvor3,,octi— 'Kerrie; Mr. Kitoben raid family, Atwood; Mr. and Mrs, At Wineberg; Nrr, sto ors. A. Grewar; Misses Pearl and rolo malbsrs. Beenete, Tlert. 'Reny and family; Annie Word rind faniltY; Jessie Little's school, wish to express their sincere -------- npprecictilmi to their 11133311,v friends BORN and natpthbamm, also to Cfroy Twp„ ItTHICISY—At Seott Memorial HOBcommit, for their expressions of pita), on 3e -n. 23411,, to Mr. and Mrs. Firyipitfhy, MN? bolo am flowers 'Robert KirkitY, Welton a M.)tl. SIMI in their realant rad beretivement, b1111,41ng has been re -decorated. from grondms le the baby —lust iiifetelt for the opening date, Jove" Tthe flonntry Pair. - Mona are being matte now for it CARD OP THANKS fair 'here in Ilrilseels this fall, may WrI41Ta41'01 510"si And 1141-e it he tho AWCPg11 all slush community affairs elineld hp. Tit Soolt Memorial goepital, on Joe. nett to Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Trevls ,33 44711 (Brian Sc0113. Toronto Old Boys Plan Euchre, Bridge, Dance The (1,34 y4111 11 annual meetiog of the Huron Ohl Boys Associatia2n of Toronto was held in Decombitat- and under the new plan a. 0011101itt71l4' WHS. elected from whom the office!, et the Association have now beer. elected. The principal 111181009,5 (11' an 119111 1 31111(411131 was the joining the 'Huron. County .311nior Ansoel,1. non with the senior body and taas new officers aro front the t.'9915. groups, Now that the war is 09115r the Assoeiation plans their s314#' (18110 activities and a Enclire, larirlass, and dance will be held in lithsreiTi: The officers elected wore as folIsna.: Hollorer3' President S. M. Wickert President, Frea Tat Yree president, R. R. Matireath; 2nd viatas president. IWrs. 12. Pa. garrison; Son, rotory. Mrs. V. J. Parton; ambient. iwerctorY, Mrs. (1, Tit.111neArtentin,; treasurer, Dr, 7. G. Perguson; firms' vial treasurer, TIoye Patterson; Pole Betty committee B. R. McCraw' Athol MeQuarrie, TC, C. Staishory'r membership eommIttee, Gordon. Wow- 1545-. T.110 Pollewing are district repm- sentatiyee, aoderlob, Walter l3uott- rillinTI., Mt*, Cl, 123317133.011, Mrs. 7. Porton; Clinton, Td. W. rftrobri,": Fred rfiltott, 10. Ploody; Seatterth, Mrs. 1. af. lig„Ts,ckson, A. literConsie; Vringtram, Mem Campbell, Mrs. George Young, Ititlets Mary MeGrogor; • Nensell Rave PattersOn; 10144447337, K. C. iltallbatelt Donlon Fowler, S. J. Rieke; 1147y134., tirrs, (1. 1"erg11301). C Hot lingsbend; Gorrie and 'Afro:toter, .1, Perguson, P11. G.; Cook; Vituts- , sels, M. Pringle, Mrs,. T.,. 10147 - a -Mee, WO,S. lIfetinteheoll; VAirte4 Dr, Dyrott Oatnitbea.