HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-1-30, Page 3Buy this
ring with
It is gguueran-
and a ver), saolptious meal was
eerretl by the 1ad'iee, Bet we
i yourself, it sang song enjoyed, wi
Mrs, Jack liryans at the piano.
Werinesday. January 319111, 1040
en Notice to Creditors I Toronto Pair Arrested
At Kew Creamery Plant
Al ipe snis 1111/ 1.4 1111(514 aganst
Hu) estate or Wedatn floury 1Vu:;bt
tete of the Villn';:a of l(ru-,4o13 In the
Cowley er 11411 U. 1te:(:e1 Fanner,
1hn diet( 11 or :1 1,911 1118 81101 (lay
or Janm'v, A.D. 1940, aro notified
to send t, J. rt, Ceawfet1., K.C.,
\•Vdtlg'han) OilLupl. ''1 or before Ihr4
sixteenth (Illy ur reefirtettry. A D.
1940, Cull panicles of their Plaints
in writing. luule:l!'t +ly rifler tate
said 11(0 0011th day 01' ('ebruai 7, the
-selx 1) the so;1 textator• will be I
a`eelittted amongst tho perlett en -
bled thereto, having regard only to I
claims of 4191(11 the eseett'ors ehnit '
!hell here notice,
the conclusion of the meal, Rev, R.
U' Hazlewood proposed a toast to
bite King, which was 1!uTlowed by the
Kluging of 'Uod Save the King.. A
:Mort programme progtamnle of the following
items was enjoyed: solo by Donald
Ii � I elo1)oneld, ehortui by Leaclbury
/`+1A,69{e t school, talo by Helen, Leona and
The 1 Donis Johnston, nolo by Mrs, 1).
PROUDa Le'wlees, i114trtmen'tal by MIs, J.
SO NAME !n lirymts, duel by Ross McCall and
D;anto(tds Frank Martin, goading by :Mrs.
When word',
\ fail tate. ora -
tian watt
.gee 5 Spank
A best Bettor
and no x"andee,
It's perfects it'm
(.l(,rden Meelavin, and a solo by Mrs,
Harold 1+'rauce. The speaker of the
evening was Rev, Ilugh Wilson of
Brussels United (church, After a
few •91(111010,15 remarks at the
bcghnling. Mr. Wilson turned to
more solemn (iaseonrse on world
(.m111111un4 tads,' aril in the
future. Tieing a soldier in the
...het Cleat Uteat 1Vau•, he was able to
understand the returned men's
viewpoint, and 1,10 5,111mss (vas
11,1(11 appu'eelltied and enjoyed by all
present. The evening was brought
to a Hose by the Benetlietlon,
l'hr eolumnu,lY web shocked to
heat' of the sodden-paseleg on
Friday. Jan. 25, of Mr, Robert ,'(tae
:Jonston lie is eves to me tu'n Ms
loss, his wife 'mi 01(1' sot Rae, The
Leveret woe held on Monday 11Oni his
late teitlet :a• Rev. 11. C Hazel-
wood conductee the service it the
emcee, awl interment was in
llrusels r;eme cry.
Melville 011 ('0h
The a,;•1 ,111 cuage•ogetioual 101.1111.g
id Ote (',Male. was 111.16 All
-I'hurdaY, J tita11'? 241h.
Al film 4.h',ideation meat -
:(I a r•'v sue! +if 11 year, Despite
iucreued exe1,C 111'3 the church
DA'CPD title ewe )'.y-1;g1tb clay of
a Jamie ry, A.D. 1916,
J. 71. CRAWI.'ORD. K.C.,
',Vhtgham Ontario, i
.Solicitor fur (11e Eseeulot•e
• » * .: * a * ♦ a
The q1, mai me-• ., , of Italie'
'United (''(111:((1 Was h ••a 0:, Tuesday,
Jan. 15. ,n '11e Sued -,-• S •.too rc•ml.
There w,0 a good e)„lnnanee, Rev,
R. (1, Ho ''.'wood on• •.4111 "he meeting
with a s',ort worsll.' ,o•'tlee '.1'
Condon ), r (lavib 'ars appointed
eeeret544' Int the me, iug; and the
rainmee rf the last nitre,' meeting
w1114 reel end adnp,e1 In the ab.
sem•,' of Miss Tia y (i (((i<, the
Tr0asare:'8 rePert vas read be tier
John I,'-'m'ag sho)t''., e sebstantlal
balance on hand, The report of the
0e11lmt ,VI's given 11y the minister,
showing '.c.; memh rs, 3 funerals,
13 weditlitee joined t•'i profession of
faith 22, I:. letter 3 The Missionary
and Mater • Hance ' -,1 ort alt: given
showing tile: the en n of $750 bad
been raked whtoh o ,f. the allocation
for the year. The W.M,S. reports
were given by Mns, W. I.Tackwell
incl \irs. B. Holman shoving that
the allocation had been exceeded by
aver $10). Mrs, 14',1 e' Davidson
and Mrs, Nelson N'" ' reported tot
the W.A. anti Mns, W. Hackwell read
the report of the Sunday School,
IMrs, Alden: McCal' gore the, rerort
or the Nils. inn Band earl conl'neate 1
011 the .11', test , 31tt t by the
children in the w)•,: (creta tem
Year. _The report tee Voling
Petiole's 1 nun was ;11'ev by air I)
Lawless ltuelea1 mord erg were
amounts ere shown to be in a very
healthy condition.
Messrs. Wm, Speir, John Valla,
Jelin McNair, Clark Malheon and
.A. A. Lamont (Secretary) wer sleet-
ed to the Board of Managers to
replace retiring members, Mr. David
McLeod w^as elect -e din place or Mr.
Jus, McFadcean who resigned atter
almost Rlty years of contin•uoue
Mr. Jim Cameron was appointed
to act as a see -weed at the evening
Several items of important to the
tvilllare of titre 'ohurch were satis-
factorily dealt week,
(Several items of importance to
the welfare of the church were setis-
liactarly delulth with,
•Ou Sunday, Jan, 27th at 3 p.m.
Rev, M. P. Oldham who has been
Rector of .St. George's Church for
Pa's't three 31/z years tonidv:oted his
farewell service and preached on
Rev 22:21, "The Glace of our Lord
Jesus Ohristt be with yo tall." The
speaker thanked the congregation
for their 0o -operation and many acts
of 143eciness a.ud wished them every
snceas Ili the future, He stressed
the attributes of grace which are
Truth. Strength, Power, Faith,
,rife/ h. 1 )1rguret 91. -Arthur, !Teton 1t
and 1.(/1111 J011118104 nil Mrs. l), le„
Lawless, :0 d a rea'11 (q was AT,e.: by e
Mrs. Rov Bennet, n the ego: (inn '111.
of ofevers the following were elected
.044.Ward , Mr. W. Bennett, Cllr, Wnt,,
Knox, ,\!, H. Birkby; Collectors, Air- I ri
Hervey Johnston, Mr. Rae Houst.1),1 G
IVir, Andrew Coulee with Mr. Joann 1 da
381.14111111 and Mr, Wm. 4hoklice as' TI
en•cy and Peace. These are nerms-
,y for the spirituel weleae of
ve ryone, Mrs. S, Humphries was
granted (1 i- this service
Mrs. Clifford Brown was hostess
>r the Amway meeting of St,
eocge'es Guild and W.A. on Thien-
e*,.Tait, 24th ed. 3 pent. Mrs. Wm.tlmp•hries, president, was in chargee
nd condpoted the Devotional Pe,tod
oseislant TJs9ins, Barry Marshall,
Herb Travis, Jack Bmyalls, 53119ey
Craig. W. Looming, Stewart 1VIcCall
Atuli(nrs, Tient Johnston, elarenoe
Martin. 4 vote of ape •ec,alee tens
elven to 1.,-' . and 9!, lleeelw1' 0
for their 14,1.11 4Lt in;t the yea'. Mrs. S. Humphries. The W, A.,
and the nl.(tin3 was closed by the president, Mrs. C. Brown. seeetreas.,
llaenedictt, 11. Mtn, Henry Bolger, A `vote of
The locker storage and egg thanks was given do Mrs, Bert Ander-
grading 89091on which is being built son who bas moved to 131yt11 for her
by W, C. Bennett,, is nearing coin- work as Secetreas, of the Guild',
plefion. It is expected to be iu Lunch was served by the hostess at
operation by the fleet of February. the eine,: 31' the meeting
The regular monthly meeting of The fin(((al aarvu'e for John 13,
the Ladies' Guild of 'St, George's Hyslop was held at D,1f's United
Anglican Church .was meed in the Chur b, 1Ved'nesd'4v afternoon. Mr,
home of 1M4:8•. 011130111 Brown TIte Hyslop heel bee,' living with his
meeting (oak tate fo1•tn of an an- 8i;1er in Ayr. Rev. It. C. Hazelwood
nual meeting. Mee. Wtlldanl alum- officiated at the serrate and at the
planes was cheh'tnen band con graveside. lee.lil]carers were S. Johns -
ducted the elentionl of officers, ton, 11, Sellers, R. Bennett, John
Officers for 19.16 are a:' follows: Hyslop. '1'• Knox an.1 11' Taylor.
President, Ivler, '\r. eluntpleriee; see- interment was in Brneaels cetnetery.
retary-Irea3Urer, 9' :4, S. 151nt•
ph1ies. Frrllowialg the election,
101101 Tata aerftcd by the hostess. 11
A very sneeeeus11(t1 banquet T" Winghan) Man Injured
held in Duff', 1.ieee9 C,hurel'. un
Friday n#ght, w'h1311, 111 sptl't 11 the In Painful Accident
Stormy weal;.:: w'; vent' we'll
Mended 1'9' r1a4i1n was 3, 4ep11 Miley, 45 -year-old 1\'ul;
1,pnnsort.d by th . 3 s"inn of the haat num, suffered hateful iujnties
(lltueeh, 10 wet: ntle turn-, a ltuully11' at the hawse/ Flour Mills, Bailey, a
of service men of the corlgrelgalion, doer mi11(1• by trade had his light
Those who were able to Memel were hand 1511011 in a roller, sustaining
Earl Collets, of the Navy, Prank Mar- 11 broken wrist and badly crushed
Hill and Cosby (011115 of the Air hand,
Porte, W. C. Bennett, Fred Glare
Duetothe fact the roller had no
v1O1e and Stnas't 13nmplerie8 of the 1'cle11sc 1'acitithw wu lotion used
Atony told Teva 1 Shel mon of .the Horne (n'owhees to pry opentete roller,
Defence Army, Several others were has bend bnlwk held to title p 01(1011
invited, but were tamable to attend. for 20 manatee.
The Injured1
tan was ' la t
Cta It ted a
�tofnll decorated
The tatbles were has Y (Cornet° Hospital where 81[111 was
With ➢hewers, flags s and dandles' grafted on the injured hand,
and presided. It was decided to
have a B.asatar in tete Autumn. The
annual e1eotion of officers was held
as follows,: Th•e Gnelcl, prosident,
Mrs. Wm, Humphries, sec.-treas.,
U01eleit10I1, - ('aught after u wild
ride by WInghatn poli*, two Toronto
men appeared 111 conic 1tr•rt, Thus
flay tied were remanded to jail 9n a
(entree o: entering with :r1,(-111. to r(•1)
the Ifrns,'els Creamery.
The pair beh1 are William It%ss
1 1)111 end ,loeeph orolcop3lcy.
Magistrate A. lye, Cue!: refused
them hall.
11 was elle,, after L'.,aa'ab c' ,:,)r•
dein Deye1l. Wingiuun, sped avert
the storm tilled mads from W:ng.
',:un I, 11,1✓,els 111.11 the pair
were nabbed.
Ace -meting to pollee the attempt
to rob the creamery on W'ed11es•
(lay was nollceel by Mrs, R. T1.
Cousins, wire or the lerepi•t•eior,
:lie 11(:111 a val. pas; her home
c :t• by th( evtahlisluueu! 1,11(1 ,;:1,w
two mea in the ereamely. 131w
phoned pollee,
11y the time the mate la e had
f,., Irl el. ear through the 11aaVY
roads the leen repo .edgy vele
on tt Brussels street a short ,1is-
tanre emit' the ereama"y The of-
ficer accosted 'them and placed
)01 I+ 11n1:er arrest. Polis say foot
prints '11 the snow trac "1 Runt
Watson-Bee/reel i i
GOODRICHI-North Street 71111
ed Church was the 4.? 'Lc of 113 31
leres':ng wedding at C:P'' o (ler
14uttuxtdy afternoon w1(.0 1111 Iron
flatfeeter or Mr. R. J. 13.'wln.1'
lirit.,sels, and the late Mrs. Bow
than, was united '+u tllnr:lege t
lames Stuart -3Zralsou, son of M
'111,1 Mrs, Fred Wa ,au, IlaY0nle
Rev, R, )I, Turnbull 113 13 •,I MI
Mu rine f-Te(beriugto'l iaa;111,l
'one organ and sorban 1911 :h.nin
of the register Mrs, 11Lliott 1(1. Br
din, A T,C.M., Totem r. 10115111 ,:
the bride, sang "r Walk Il"si'l
Tom" The cerement eel; eerfar,ne
before a hank of white ohryxan
thelnnnls and terns with li)111r
candle, in tail caul •1:10•,, '('11
bride given In marriage by her
:ether, looked charming in a fleet'-
--gth gown of white stipeer satin
1%101 lace yoke. Her heirloom vell,
edged with imported lacer. fell from
a Queen Anne headcheese She, car
1'14» a cascade hot tut: '15 wtlle
roses .nd heather. Mr: Owen 11.
Smit/, Goderich, the ('ride s r,1u4111
was (patron or hone., wearing a
floor -length flocks .f gold satin
with matching headdress trimmed
with plumes. She ca"rte..l Anvs'ieon
Beauty loses. The bei le.ameids,
Miss Aileen Stott, Lindsee, cerasin
of the bride, and 'Miss Ethel Wat-
son, she bridegroom's sister, were
11oorelength frock of gold satin
with brown accessories and carried
cascade bouquets of 'Pea1m,ul roses.
Owen Smith :vas 1111 riugl,earer.
John Watson, 3a72elrl was his
brother's best ratan and the fishers
were Harry Cools wed Owen 11.
Smith, both of Goderich, After the
eere111e11y a reception was hell itt
the church parlor where Mrs J. R.
Wheeler, aunt of the bride, re-
ceived wearing a dress of pearl
gray withblack 1100'!snt'11',1. ISL(
\Vateon, mother of the bridc'grn' r1,
chose a fusch(a dress with 14114,111
hal. Roth were corsages er oreltids,
Geode((/ was served to the elinlrch
hall by e ladies of Ih', raw"rb.
'1'he prettily decorated bridal table
w1114 centred. with the three -e'er
wed(111:: rule, Letter M', and Mrs.
Water), left for a trip to Toronto
and Montreal, the bride travelling
in a. three-piece brawn wool suit
with hat of Russian squirrel and
cores;( 101' orchid.. 'Ph. -4 bride 41118
it member of the to0.11tua' staff of
Central school, Goderich, and the
bticlegrnonl recently returned from
overseas. Guests were present at
the wecleiug from Lindsay, Toronto,
Bruseels, Clinton, Bay1ielc, and God-
' where 111" Wren . were arreeled to1, the creamery, ('ohne found btu••
!t elms' tools a short dis',tu,e away
e `'
Flo, encs M. Gnc'e nue
1. 1• i Her many friend:: wet h. !truss
sharked to learn •.- Be. 1tlrlden
Passing .,f (tress felt( u, a !131(11^,
at r::I 4 1 r:nett Ior of )11;. gee
Gummata, whose dee 11 occurred to
e .tet. ('alt Bene s Celle 'et Hospital ',u
1 Friday. Jan, 11111 folio:vete .1 t'•,3'
e. brief 1111 .,. '1'11, late 1L-;
Uan:,ug= vas horn !•1 Ti* la t dale
- 1eceived p:,r' of fie• 14ura(iot in
Brussel: She haft lit et In St.
• Catharine;fur the past 14 years
where she lad mads a hest
friends. ,, member of St Themes
Anglican (Lurch aha was a rteen11;r
cf the 1111'1 se well iti a eluvial,
School ter, her. Sitr had been up
and around as usual on Thursday
but was 141;'chen during the. night
:and pass ' away et, y terdie9' even-
, lug. To mourn her norm•, v passing
1 her in her Mrs. Rose Gatiinage,
of 96 Queen St., Pont Da2hous,te; a
s4ster ,tits, J. A, Po•v.,rs (.\.hied)
Lindsay' +xro brotu.Ir, Cpl iTarbert
Canvnage .f Canad!',' A -n1! Ovar•
seas; Jo :n Thomas 1(,'•3)0 in Port
!Dalhousie rrd workit:.: in Goderich
The 1, tc Miss Gam:nage was
buried o1, )outlay, a1,1.nary 14, from
the Hu se Fullerar Chapel with
public '(:-.vices at At, 'themes
Church, w: ;eh were largely attended
by many , i,rrclt 0', enieat(ons and
friends. It terment ,3-114 :,1141P )u
Family 1' _ 1 in Victo' '1 1.114111 Ceme
(Pry. St. (rlhartnes
100 acre farm mo:r3 or less being
lot 12, con. 10, Grey Twp. 2'storey
:stone house w!ll1frame kitchen,
hank barn 40 ft. by 75 ft, ,litter
carrier, water system in house and
barn, drilled well with windmill,
driving sited 28 It. 0y 43 i L, hen
house, 5 acres o4 hush, land in good
state of eultivatlnn and all natural
I drainage, For filcher particulars
apply to W, A. McQntu'rle,
Pho•ae 24-r-12 'Lienee( s. Out.
J. C. LONG -
Your 11(111 Real Estate Agent has
at present a number of first class
farms at node lite pre war 1 r'ces to
suit every purchaser. We hole
large and small farm,. Buy that
farm now and get :rattle(? be:1ore that
()rich. busy Spring (('orae starts It y -'u
are in the meters it to buy or eel)
your Carat get in tonal: with J. Gl
Long at once. A : o agent for 1
,+ 8 s * s * s c +o
PEOPLE i4"L(, ,SNOW State
1 Life Insurance and
,( State Farm Me tun Nr', ,(:•. bile In• I r
i ssitiedAds
tee. woes lumen..
Phone 34-r•17
Ocud 4hor1'turtt Hull, age 16
plume 31-r-9 Thomas Dills
\ pint); (flay (mom-.
_ - Phone 844-10
To buy a house or rent.
apply at The Post
teudies' cloth (oat,
apply at The Post
20 pills, 7 weeks old.
pion" 42.1-19 George Blake
Scientific proof that as a man "thinketh , .. so is he,'
that each one's experience improves as his thinking
improves, and that thinking of the most desirable charac-
ter is practical for everyone, is found in Christian Science.
A Christian Science Sunday Service will be Broadcast over
Station CFRB at 11 a,m„ Sunday, January 20th, 1926.
; 1
Op Mtn
rAfiliffIntlail OM*
11.;rtituru Bull. to months old also iitilo, lietuen(akerei 11en1einal.e , hot oak,' and lel it .often .lowly. It
i young \'orlrst,(rr sow. l sic 0)1 the alert These days. They are 111ay be u.cd as usual indeee it etas he-
hnue 2-r-4 James Smith watching for idea, to save time, mon- come rancid. Honey ,l,„1161 by-0,re,1
5) and energy in their 11o)1.ekeepirl,e. is a dark, .try place.
FOR SALE- The letter, ter receive are indirati4 Hiss N. B. 1,.k.: \\Ity do cake. oe-
5-tph,, Flattery 114410 in A-1 con- of this cc"n,nty awareness in the ct •(•mall) fa11 after 11,114141 i,"te t1,e
sheen• mind. •'f homemaker. 11!1 Per the pr:. (tear
apply to Dean Davison vtnte• .\/.wren: if your recip • ha. been pre.-
'l'lie rellur.t; for .''up are 1intt•ir. *iota) sueco,.fed, cheek on Om
The directions fee
2 nt al nt soup are [illi@, A choeol:te cat„ r. la.� '+ to
14,406 Jersey cows, dile January more important than tl •. it1rcdieul 7 minute..
2e. February 14, Leftover vegetables a„ int:, a true lar., \V, K. says: Your recipe for
Roy 004101snn
table soup but the flavour i uu »•"ce'1 bread v,1,, un,.
T3russ0J1 Plume 49-r-11 l t n m,.inl it e.,i, tl,r,
,...._•...-,V_---.� by the a,lditna, y.i a :aatul ivy ,ear- fir -t Hate 1 loci err made br.•;,d.
WANTED- - -•• table 14 ,nay one ,14),'11- The !P.m \t'•. 1f 1, be ail richt if i added t,L 'c
Hr'nthu'k• Tops, Astt
flout Ila. ttippe,l chicle or e..1o'l wheat fl•,,r in=had -0 (1 )141 1!I ,yi•i!y
Pere. Bass rib east
1'am, Oat( Loge, Highest prices at make a .vial am ,n,t of _ „'d . (loins
1,i, trait, VW a m,•11 ,are .11,- ,1%,-,1 in OIL. \n'w,r: V,.; Lr„ern •r* tt!,; L,
(4 1 1,1,1110,1 on our truck. 111
liquor make, it mere -test:, . The cheap bread can be made by Liebe; half e trite
ideate 77 D. N. McDonald sham. hone /rake. ,t .14.14 , 11') 01r• ng 1 and kali fine whole wheat 0 1� +) -1
fuck to tch(c1, te,u may add pet barley the same quantitie. ,f all other 1 :141 't-
or noodles and 1'(1440(141113'), A. cream tents. Coat -s • whole tbol.� tins(/ :,: Irrrt
soup sh':nd,l hc' «1111 cenkerl Int care ! more fat and ra)e-boli cup L•,s flour.
mu,t be taken not to scorch it.
4 slices bacon, 1 01i0n, 2 green
M!) 1,(!'e fa in, Lot 13, (30'1, 10,
Pee Tarp., 't meek house, her.k
h;u'u, hen hn'ts” and garage. hard
send bush. gond water.,
t lune 80-1•4 1, Porter
Fifty cords of )woad cut. by the
cord or half for cutting.
Lester Regan
Teeter Regan 5th line Monies
phone Brussels 17-r11
1111ectric motors revived -1 and re -
i.^. ted. Elxpert workmenehtp li •o-
1,Pte prices, Lloyd tM P,ettger,
1t4cnkton, Ontario.
4' '1 1' ,1
Anne Allen invite., yon to writ: eta to
her el° The V*-inehanl :\dial -e T tees.
peppers, (optional), 11 qt.. of Send in your eu 40stinns on 14.4,1 --
soup .tock, ; lb, honeycomb tripe, making; problems and watch this col -
ria tsp. salt, 1e cup milk, 1's tsp. (mitt for replies.
pepper, 1 bay leaf, 1 sprig thyme,
1 cup diced potatoes, 2 tbsps. but- -
ter•, 2 tbsps. hour. Family Of Five Dies In
Dice (bacon and cook in a heavy ken -
ole until it is golden brown. Add the
Blazing Farmhouse
onion and green pepper finely chopped Investigation of the fire which claim -
and cook gently for five minutes. Add ed the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil dros-
the soup stock and the tripe which has ter and their three children Thursday
been thoroughly washed and shredded, night last indicated Mrs. Foster bad
- -_ White stock made with veal or chick- been attempting to rescue her 5 -month
FOR SALE -, en is best for pepperpot, but stock old son, Gordon, when overcome by
Froin beef or a combination of meats smoke and flames.
75 acres of good land without may be used. Arid eeas,»tinge, bring. Mrs, Foster's body was discovered
buildings and being the North to the bailing point; ails potatoes, and in the ruins of the facnteou.e near
three-eighths of Farm lot 29, Con- sinuuer for an hran, Elencl the butter Berkley on Friday afternoon several
cession 9, in the Township • of and flour and thicken the soup with feet frt'm lbs l',dim. ,d her husband
Mortis' 11. ,Inst before serving add milk- 1 and the other two children. The moth -
Elmer D. Bell, Brussels, Ont. MINESTRONE SOUPI er's arms were still around the baby.
11,, cups dried peas nr beam. Killed in the blaze in addition to
F medium or 3141 cups diced ear -
Cost 31 daily, Vita Die T'Multiple contat_ 1 bins. Foster, o - 9, and her Mime sent,
Vitamin Capsules ontain vitamins rots, 2 cups diced potatoes, cup were her heehaw!, Cecil Foster, 31,
A Bl C D Niacin P' and Ribo- diced celery stalks and leaves, 2 , Marie Foster, 5; and Betty- Foster, S.
The family doe's remains were found
(tear the door of a w•oadshed, 4111,131
was 111,, d .t,' -v oI.
flavin. Ninety -day supply $2,70. Trial 1b:p., olive or .clad il, ;"small
thirty -day supply $1,15. Sold at ulnll rabb.wc 1.1,eddPd), - 0111-
th, ,n, 1 11o, ' earth' (minced). 2
independent Drug S?ores" tops. salt, 4 qu:utc li0(1111x water.
TENDERS WANTED- Males rice,*' and r•b„peed pars
Tenders wante3 for 15 cords body (.Y.
world, ALapte and Beech, 14 (nates 1':11, the peas in water t, rover for
Iong anI -3 "ors( 01 cedar• to 1,e 3 blur;- Dr,rin and rine( in roll lea!-
deh•ered ct Ethel Pub1(9 Sehrel ,In .r. Barbee 1 1. for 141 minutes. Add
or before 11tar-•h let 1040, 4 quart- o,ate and diced p•rta[u1., ear -
rots, /ion and (:silt( C ,oh 15 min-
S••.':'rrees. „.3'. no. 1I.
Township of Grey
Tons Of Beets and Carrots
Harvested During Mild Spell ,
The -•11 a (a;,, tial an ill «^t,1
that hl n - 41oh” 1) -or, 1' `p" a e,l trate
in ;1,,nne 4 II with the bails weather of
the past clerk, 00Ien'violet's til"the
time, .\d,1 celery. cabbaee told salad 1•.1rter trance of Canadian Canners
(1. 0 411itntc •invverin,a another 15 had thirty lone "f c:u•rots and thirty
mutes. Sprinkle cheese and parsley tun, of eel Peet. •1(11 in the 61.11 and
FOR SALE- in, a)1141'circ When cheese softens'. c•orrrrd 414111 011,,4- 1.1174 Wt.,?, dui
We can take your order for Kit.ch• ONION SOUP Ingthe s;,tnt -like weather the conv-
ener 131g-4 Chicks and save time, 2 rap) s lie:ed 01)11110, 1's cup Neal pato reel, 11111(• I„ hart est the crop in
"Approved" chicks, breeders Pull -4 e , 3 (hsps, fat, 1 Ibop. flour, 1 tel,. r.;ellcnt ,'ll 11:ion, Canning opera-
oruet 1081011. Prices right. Booking Sall, clash of pepper ami paprika. at ions 011, t•,»rtplcte•d the.: u-cek. Nety
heavy so advise yon order soon. 4 cups soup steel: or 2 meat cubes couUacis for the 1544(1 season will sem)
Variety breeds, crosses, Agent R, 8, dissolved 111 Cour cues hot water, be out and the prospects are for an (n-
4Varwire, Hill Top Ration, Brussels. thin toast, grated cheese.' crew,• 1 acreage( in all products, -Ex-
-..___--- .. —._ _ _ _ - Slice the onions thinly and simmer Net. 'fent(.-advocate,
FOR SALE-• in the water till tender. Drain and'
The p cperty lntowit as Rne's -etc what water there is for the stock, Goderich Man's Legs Are Broken
Church. ilia church building is ]feat the fat in a saucepan: add the
('5,,' v(((eer 3T x 25'1 the shads '/arms and lair till they arc tender Joseph Durttin, Qumbec SI„ Gorier -
brick 7
and ;olden brown- Add the flour and 'eh, employee of tete Goderich Elevator
t seasonings; stir and cool: gently- for and Transit Co, is in Alexandria Hus-
s minutes. Add the soup stock or the Petal with two fractured legs. The
dissolved meat cubes and let simmer bones were 'broken when a chain at -
for hall an hour. Pont into an oven- taches to a boat brook and struck him
proof betel: add the teas and sprinkle
in the hack of the legs.
„ a a 5uranee.
e 14 o A
13311 Sullivan, eines' son of Mr. and
ami Mrs. H. Sullivan., left. last weep
for the West Indies where he Is eel',
ving with the Merthau,t Marine, '
Major ll. V. Kerney, 1M. 13, hl„ el.
M. and Mrs. Kerney of Halifax were
visiting for fete days at she home
cf the fra'mer's parents. Mr, and
Mrs. 015 nit Keruey o8 Brussels, liar•
old Is being t.na.eeferred as second-
iu-lnlnmttnd to Monleit11 Ii3tofinenn.t
* 4 4
Jar 5mt M,r's. L. 1). Thompson were
bl 'Toronto recently, when he 14.t -
I elided the "Handel Play" - at lite
Royal Alexander Theattre,
N 14 e
0 4 tort t t C t -
We take this. )pl 1 bt 14'1 y o w l
emir n.1i the 'boys who have ret11rned
from overseas,
Stanley • wheeler is a Visitor
the, week at the 1lnrlte of Mts. Gleet
tWbeel er, London,
BARRED ROCIt3. Gov't. Approved
chicks from Insp0,4011 flock; bred-
for production, health and 'vigour.
Breeders blood tested for standard
and variant types of pullorant. We 1
offer noised 1111X(13, sexed pullets
and cockerels at reasauabie Priers.
Book yodr order el W for spring, de.
livery. Cor ohieks qualify for Inter
Provin1la' sltipmebrt, Iraltefde'd ((Melt
2' x 441. -the Meatier( ,con 4, Grey
wp., Sly miles East of Breese*
'end. S,tll)2 tenders are required,
Terme 'tt nen cent nt purelutse to
ecompanv tense”, balance le dnys
atter tenser Is accepted.
Tenders to be In by Feb 1st, 1946. it with the grated cheese. Place in a
Tlltthost rr t n• ;(tote" n1,: necessnr, 1101 oven (4;i0 dc,rec..) till 1(1 chins( Howick School Boards Retain
null. and runs, Serve hot, Sectetaries, Salaries Boosted
Apply to A. AT, Shaw. :\t the in:tu •:Arai meeting' of the East
R R. I. Ethel, e nl 2 rap, green split peas, 1 mud- ITo«ic1; To«'nshi t chnot hoard, l,eid
him "nen. 212 (hsps, fluor. 6 iu tor, 1
:-_::.,. -.. caps mill, salt and pepper. i«'ieh on lac (lay Af! ur•,,•n,
"t Herb. Collins n1, ee-a r tr
TENDERS FOR WOOD- ('oink Aha pads and chopped union fI rtrrl ser'v,
Tl orris 'I'nwpahie 3rhunl Board n, 14,iilirtsr .altmd water int a covrrert treasurer ter the A1,a at 11 s11a('r :f
«ill reccivr 1,'nders for wood for 1441 mmr low hist until tender, int not $350,00 per tutllnnt, it fifty -dollar (Ir
ill ur any of :h„ schools. Wo. ,1 (nits[ '4111<by. 1'.0 4(1141 1411" ct•C1.r ot•cr last 31-131', ht• t„ ,ny 1r:(ets-
U�h water so that 1
he nlapir 11(111her'rlt body tvnnd, 14 'herr ni11 hr 4r I'7 1(1114' 1(1111(11 ferata(11- 1>on'tat3, U cxprn.e.,
note, te, 13114 and dcitvered to the «lyre the p1a, .1r, 4,101rr. 111 the split 1 11'1 tet \:„.‘,..11:,,,,,,,,111,3,1,.,11.:::,.
'3'' 1 ilowie(. S0h')ol Ates,
r ( 1 Illi Dorsa tvt, rr-a, , ,i,,), 11 e
,.}ity„ by Jim(' l., in Ilea folinwilrg .11,1;,,,,,1,11,911.,‘ -n.l qn-,•I:: , , lane, oink nyrr_ 1 i1 cret:(ry.
11,113(11(115 . \(; 1111 fl',nt h, tt 11 114 (vitt. *11'3 u•,t :rl... ,‘1%,,4,11
1!', fifty -dollar Ill 1,5se
No. 1. 25, micas: No. 3, Et', cords; No. e little mill, and add the 1 *1111(nim; p, ',inn , 11'• 3111 uo«• 1(1 11414 $321,051
per ;tuvu(a ,its
tui ,.
114 •• r,
. I .:.c
"a , nal «
t •3• ', a r
1 - (Ind*: t d.: • t .:.. 1t1 cord:,: NO. 6 tt e.--,-
�, link gra,lua.ly. Add to tort pray and
I I'nP,1001, Record,
13 noise; No. 7, 10 cords; No, 3,',,,,d,, sternen, r'minr,tic until thick. 1
Hatchery, Lakeftelt, Ont. Or,le1 front
D. Lawless. Walk(* Phone 18.1.16
F. F. Hs,rintutil
"'Western Ontatio'a Most
r� Modern Eye Service"v
Phone 118, d3 arristonO14o5rlary 0,
1 1u cords; Nn. 9. 15 cords: No. Be ..11041, S,•.ron trill+ ,alt anti prppar. ' `Of
in lords. Nn. 11. 10 cord.: No. 12. Si.. servi1'1, lienrie Foster Warden Of Bruce
12 cords.
Al.o one cord of (leder' for THE QUESTION BOX
, .1111001, .ears. J ask.: •Taloa• 11111 we x111
' . w t) t 11 n v tthi It ,as ',-11',,11111i,.0,1
1udr41, a b' in rho 1111/111 of he . i and b
et '1,'y, R. S. ,haw, Bluevale by c,)me
Answer, 1'l:tce the pail of 111011(1
Aar, Kenzie Foster, reeve of Bruce '
h n. '
w lu o
r t t
the past I e a. 1.
i 11 years, tga8
e ,.'jcrlr:l 00' 14,len of 13ru1e County nn
e Mlot:1,y 1renius4,
) 4adm~
R*e1t ,ler Sloan of Nlt10 yL:c
11 It`oceC Richard 10:lli')tl of Kinloss,