HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-1-9, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST
Tactt tcveooctg t;orae; tcrft..,etea ' !e=i a2soe oI Lost Food table drawers. The cl a^ > ,ranee is • Q,--IIow t the nit;ti,tuunt ,'}alio 1
Ration 1+02>!{S
ri.eating a proble i 1- t:-,0.* many deal- 1t ,! new curie Owl algid?
11'11 � �a 0l L,�.uln',- gull the ,. tnJ t>lema,u,• s,t..t of WJtr'ns .",.-•in ttal.la�, 1xa.iuue of nsatdlrectal);'' iu.t d•av 11,11', •,ro '1'':u joit.ily dv.+nen they sYa'lt rotttr•ttb 1:1 replenish ,lu apt,.,.,• L - 11 sthe rental
Erti'ti.' i ,mac
Ledgers, Jou:mall, Day Book, Se,r.:'ary's Books,
Minute Books, ick s, Cash ;book, Rece:;tt Books
Counter Check 130„k, Statement Pads, Pens, Pencils,
Blotting Paper, I?rrvel,.lpes, Typewrites• P'ap=r, Ink
Invoice Files, habiting Pads,
Erasers, Checking Pencils, Diaries and many
items which can be supplied here.
Greeting Cards For Al- Occasions
Birthdays, Thank You Cards, Cards to the Sick,
Congratulations and Many Olher Special Ones.
House Thermometers January Simplicity
for comfort and economy Catalogue
5Oc See it for latest patterns
When Its School Supplies
• They can be bought to advantage from our very complete
Ls, • stock of School Accessories and School Books.
F• R ''E1. r s 1
,UGGto i and
sable for 71 sadtlett lltcte.,se ov.' the ..rocks. on 1i1. 41-, ,1 111.• ec1.1 pall lrn
oast few .necks in the number of •,iu'iTn ,l,•,•r.i::nu,Qatinr in the uole;h'
nn r'p11t 1 nus robot',11),1111.1111 it .n,.,l -.n (11 til,•: 11, '1541.
:‘..C.,1'111.1.4: . tl/ 'u 1 t.fticials the m ." °
x-1,0. ,If .,1 ill,e•ttiut n from t t omit 'A'artime Price and Trade Questions on any regulation of
asking: ti. 1lp1.l l 11t11 Maks t., Board information the t'S'a•'anl. Pt3rrt sort Ti ado
moot,- •,.; i > hor'ir, 3s molth,y Board will be answered it sub.
in 11',: t..r,> Gn'ar•e. nation Others Are Asicing nutted to tag Information Breach,
rlu.ii;.•r, have 1, l,, .i all appeal l * :t Wartime P^icor and Trade Board,
for the g:•14atn' .•.,t., ,•L 1.1 iks iodating c.t.---1`. t,.1'- 1:+m1ntr, 11( :0• "•n:p • n:, Federal >3e. : 1 it •, Lotudnn, OnIaria.
out that bo0'cs rttivo nt.g those lust n'i11 be 1,1'1 1se c .1
141' ana1.111g,111114 ^-
year? Primary Prwd.to:s Of
A. -Tea separate co,ap0ns reach Liation^.rt Foods
good la'.• 1L„ pule. ase 4f one putrid negul•ttt t tc of the ration 111iu'nis-
of sugar will he used 111' sugar for (ratios nils lin; printery produc'ets
home ea,'111. Their -rte:,::ty and of butter, l.•ney and other ra'cued
the date an which t17e ti'•st will be foods a1', nixie ltnow•1 it. a .tate-
validated have rot yet •Leen matte i ment i141141 11 it .he 'Western Outxrtc
public by the ration ,(1111 istration, 1 regional 0i'tee of 'iI( lfartime Prices
• �
or stolen 11.0 1 010141' l that is al.
the va'i-1 caa1r1,114 t'i'(1 retl good
before the ho It ii '.ended are retere-
eci, In ,>iitainhtg s t.ew r11.1n11
book ahnlica'Ts !nati1 have a 11011'lZ-
ed statement. Grct.')n
tc•. care tL
ever sienna be 01141ci,ed this year.
officials point out, 1111111 se of the
fact that ,toga: (MUM,. good 2^r
•the purc;iase of either sugar at
Preserves are doubled ,u value sad
are declared geed once a month.
BUSINJ NS LICENSE .. .............t..
yo An ine,easc :n the number of
e shall buslnessea 'n Western t)n-
tario is seam In tilt large number rP
applications to cot duct a business
made t0 the SCeste'0 111100/0
Aregional office or the War¢pne
TF' $'.PHONE NO. 52
The next meeting of the Huron County Council will
be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderlich,
commencing Tuesday, January 15th, at 2.00 p. on.
All accounts, notices of deputations and other business
requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands
of the County Clerk not later than 12.00 o'clock noon
Januory 12th.
N. W. Miller
County Clerk
Goderinh., Ontario.
1 and Trade 130e,:l
Q.-1 bad soul- c'o'pra:Per wnric 1'rodnee .:•i' ra110110d food ean>-
done and when it .vas finished 1 nuldilios may tot:same ell the food11
thought tae price a ltcd wee toe they wi,h in 111-tIr own houseaold.
hutch, is t11re anything I can do In 111e case of dairy butter, prtducers
to find out it : nate 1 een over- - must collmt from 'he ration books_
charged, or is there no prim ['citing member of their households valid
on this type of worn? butter eau 1 1 15 at the rate of
A. -Yes. tle1c is a pri1.1 ceiling nn two coup. n., for ea011 pound 01
services ,2 all (duds. 1, co•t 1•e no butter .'t.asivie'1, and forward these
more than was charged tw Iii, pat- to their local ration board, The
Prices and Trade f'le'd. Daring Dealer ea^P[nter 01 pis firm dul•ng total •0,1:..,04 need not exured
December 41u a.>plinatx ns to ata,:1 the basic period. 17 he was not 1n more than the total number of
a business or mitt.alitY to transfer business during the basic period his coupons vatic for ',le month.
a business have been granted in this price would he 1'x64 by the Board. Primary pr'>.1•l 7s of honer,
region. Since the beginning of* * * maple syrup or hof remade preset le.5
December tae itglunal licenir.g Q, -I lnai ray >'alior book and waren need not c:111eet 00119,10) from the
officer has authority to grant a T applied for flood e1' I '1%as told to hooks of nu'utbers of their house -
license, a privilezc bat formerly cone ba.g LI seven days after I had hold. Where rationed foods aro
was exerltsed only by hFtlratarters an application form notarized. This sold commas must be collected from
of the licensing diris1111 in Ottawa. forni last gtr,•.n to uv; wit:: 1 abpli[d the purchaser and rete:' ed month.
Many of the epptice1iel.s to enter a for the book. Why do i have to ly to the local ration beard.
new business ' r 1n 1011)41101 one wait for a new book? All pr'imarl producers of rationed
already established have been made A.-Be.!ause there is a possibili'y commodtt,es should register a+ such
by returning 'cement. that your hook will be round and ;von with the :00a, ration board in thtir
would net thln lose the vadd district.
Meat Takens Mislaid coupons ,vht111 you had not cashed.
The l-stion 'dministra'ian has To help persons who mislay or laze
issued an appeal to housewives t their 110 -ors the ration a4min1etra- Ration Coulson
bring cm. 2110.14 eridently forgotten tion urges every holler or a ration Due Darns
meat tokens ani us them itstead if book to lu'1:>l his nama ant ad,l^sus Coupon: ;i•t v valid are sugar 46 to
cashing a corona each time they on the cover. U?,. butter tit) to 13(1, ',reserves 1.1
visit the hutc)tcr shop, Taring the
* n m ret ,i ane .11 Ir 1,_5, meat 1 to 19
recent surrey t: was discuv,:r d that Q. -Do u1,v and Asad tires Hart' Sugar c^•,0p' 1s now 11(21 a'ag valid
tokens are ti"'.rt-tea-'n1 and the a ceiling price? will be goof for either 0, a oound of
Ration Admins,rrrton b+,raves the A. -Yes. Thre i; a complete list will be s14014 to? ,either one plund of
hiding place is oh'csily in handbags of ceiling prices for all new and preserves conp1ns and canned
and on pantry shelve= u, 10 kitchen used tares. fruits.
11'vdnewl:',', January 9t11, 1946
E ty Tow9n
E. joy
Loral Man Made Guards, 1 e teas po2teel 111 :114 past
rrtn:!il:ed Iver sheer
Member of the British Empire
llajor it -o '••y forul•:t'ly 01 Wind-
sor, Ontailo enlisted in Jaue 11••10
as a Lieutenant In the Veteettn's
Guard. ale wilt promoicd to the
rank of Captain and arrointa.i as
second •n command to 0110 of the
Veteran's 011ar3 units of which
time he anent in guard duties at
German prls niers of war interu•
ment Melee in 1944 he was pro'uot•
ed to reek of Major and gi,eu
command oC 2] cn'npalty Veteran
Buards. tie was posted to the Las;
Try the -famous Beech
treatment for thnndrm& etc.
Breck for beautiful hair load
better permanents,
Aho Machisteless
Irene Pease
For appointments
Phone 55x
Good FF r
Ali Kinds of
!'Lobe 6 Butcher Shoplertubns�l.
, ITCH ,`1147 to the Easy y Wiy
„ 1t` st aitfttgp
• Earn more money per cow -save more time per day -reduce labor
costs by more than half -by milking your cows the easy way -the profitable
way -with the Massey -Harris Rite -Way Milker.
Now is the time to switch from the tedious, unprofitable, unsanitary hand
milking methods of bygone days. See your Massey -Harris dealer today.
Let him show you the superior engineering features of the Massey -Harris
Rite -Way.
Brusa'''rs .tre';n Arrive Home
Four mire lawns"ls boys arrive't.
1101110 a 1.1 151',1 .001. In L. udou by
their par''rut0. They are Pte. 0, M.
Riley, sin tf 1 r. and Mrs, !act-.
Riley; 'i'pr. P. 13. Whittarci, son of
Mr. and Mrs. herr 11'hittarl; Pte.
Ross Duncan, son of 114 and Mrs.
P. Duncan and (3nr. D. 1:. Young, son
of Mrs. Edna Young' Mae arri.teg in
London was T. .1. Ba,lantyne, son
of Mrs. n1 1i,l'r.0cyl,e.
Inter Sale
8 Women's All Wool Tweed Coats
Reg. 32.50, Special 22.95
3 I"lisses' Fur Trimmed Coats, halt
Chamois Lined, Rego 29.95 Special 19.95
Misses' Fur Trimmed Coats, Reg. 35.00
to 42.50, Special 29.95
2 girls' Winter Cows, Reg. 15.95
Special 10.95
Misses Crepe Dresses, Reg. 5.95
and 6.95, Special 3..95
Misses' Crepe and Ipaca Dresses
Reg. 7095, Special 4.95
en's and mosses' Spun
1 't
Ray In and a few Crepe Dresses
4S5 a1' d 5®9 5,s Special 1.98
Children's SCtWsr,,..,its, 2 to
6, Re' -1':e 7.95, To Clear 4.95
7 All ool Children's Snow Suits
with zipper jackets Reg, 10.95
Special 6.95
t ivogww,g PSP g,44,,vcirctortelc+d ,ctw ,m.-im
Don't forget to ask for your sale slips -For
$10.00 worth of these we give you
A War -Savings Stamps Free.
weasfe l o 4+ctaeststcictmmeci t r<
?hone 61 -- Brussels, Ont.
Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family