HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-1-2, Page 3E WYE F Rai ''r OS E o We make Farm Improvement Loans at 5 per cent per annum for a variety of purposes, including not only the purchase of implements and equipment, but also additions and repairs to buildings, painting and interior decoration of farm dwellings, and the installation of heating and plumbing systems. These loans may also be obtained for the purchase of household and dairy appliances of particular interest to the farm housewife, such as: Washing machines Water heaters Stoves Refrigerators Cream separators Churns ASK OUR. MANAGER at your nearest branch about terms of repayment, and other details. THE CANA OFC Brussels Branch — 697 AN ►;. aNK MERCE T. L, Prest, Manager *. " • tits •xw..k..•?: lier_k.: 'd.Sit e''x•, tfflw WANTED— To purchase pullets all ages and breeds. High prices paid. Apply Tweddle Chick Hatehe rtes, Ltd., Fergus, Ontario. NOTICE— Electric motors rewouol and re- i:a.ted. Expert workmanship M 0- 'ate prices. Lloyd ;VI 3lettger, A:cnkton, Ontario. THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday. Jan:'ar11 2nd, 1340 BLUE VALE I Mrs. John Ga n1•.:;. Rid rum -.len or 11lnrt•is township, itecompltntee • members or I:he I,iniily and friend,. inn(ured to G /11,1nn Satulria. to 111r 11..1. .011, r!'t. 11, 3I. tiler) (Millis. who curived home rboard the I)eei'+.t lelleabete. Spr. (Inrntss i.. ibe tltlyd .:nn u, itIr. cal Mrs John Garnies Ile enlisted. ie Tafel Mi. 11142. and went overseas in liey ur the same you. He saw SCt'- vire Ill France, Holland and Be'. gine, putt for Ione 111011141 WI,s with the occit))alieu force in Ger- nlnny. 1e-iving `here on Nov. 14, Tie spent Sunda; 'lth his sister, Mrs. Burns Morfatt R.^r. .1. S. llnigette cotldttctetl the service in !lie Celled Church Semlay when the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was ohsarted WA. :flex eleCrecken snug a solo. i Rev. Veer' Williamson oe0nppled the prlpit at Pnox Presbyterian Church and pleathcd an nperovri- ate message fm the New Year, Rev. Leland Jorgenson of New Brunswick will preach nett Sun -1 day. Personals: iVir, .id Mrs. Telford. Ries, Kitchener, Harvey Darling. Westminster Fioepital, London, Alt's. James Darling, ClIlford, ;Vers. John T-."ar1we11. Howard Lang, 1 4I'ldmay, Donald Darling, Torono University, with 1Ir. and Mrs. Stan- ley Darling; - Pte. Spence McKim. non, Ottawa, with Mr. and Mrs. R. FT. MoKinnon; Miss Norma Con Its, Winheci, VI; 'II Mr, and Mrs. George Hetheripgton; Miss Dorothy Aftken has .receive, hcr discharge from the It, C. A. F. (W D.) ; Mrs. J. C. Biggins with her sister, Mrs. Von Fliggltls, 'tn- ronto. The W.M.S. of 'he United Church met at the home of Mrs. - t.rtbur Shaw for the Christmas meeting. The president, Ills, Alex. MoCrackin presided. Mrs. W. J. Johnston. read Fl p00111, and candles were lighted by Airs. Arthur Shaw, the odes charter member P1esont. Regret was expressed that another charter member, Mrs. Ralph, was unable to be present, Others taking part in the program included Mrs. Geo1•ge Hetherington, Mrs. B. Shaw, Mrs, L Curtis, Mrs. Edward ?'111 I1S ton, Mrs. ellex M:Craokiu,' and Mrs. George Thornton. The following officers were elected; presidenit, Diss. Ade' Mc• Crackin; lst -i'ce-president, Mrs. George Hetberiltgton; 2111 vice- president, ;Mrs. W. J. Johnston len g (Ivory watch ... every ring... every piece of jewelry purchased by us ne carefully scrutinized for quality, for craftsmanship, for value That is why we to highly recommend Bulova Watches! By every test—you can be sure that the Bulova watch you buy is s Masterpiece of Fine Watchmaking — and will tell pee on fence through the years! W. G Leach i'HE PICK OF TOBACCO h DOES taste good in a pipe seeretra,r, Mrs, Edward Jit hntson; treasurer, Miss Emma, Johnston ('I,.1.Iiun stewarc'ship, Mrs. Arthur Shaw; temperance Mrs. R. %taw; as„oclate helpers, Mrs. G. Tht,rn ten; Pr559, Mtn Duff; MissiorarY Mentally and supply, Mrs .M. Rob- ertson; ;,oust, Mrs. W. J, Johns- ton. Personals: Mr. and Mt•s, Neil MacLean and ewe 50119, 'oron'to, Mr. and Mr, J. War11511 aril two aughters. L istonel ;11'r, ane Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson and family, Donnybrook, Mr. nest Mrs. .1 Wick - stead, Morris, witb Mr. and Mrs. George Thoroton• Miss Ruby Dntt. Reg, Ne Toronto, LAW. Dte- nthy Aitken, R.C.A.F. (W.1).1, Win- nipeg, with Miss Duff and Airs Aitken; Mr, and Mrs. Vernon illg- gins, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Higgins; Mr. and Mrs. Nell B. McEachern and family with Mrs. R. F. Garni•s,, Annual Meeting Of Ont. Federation of Agriculture The Annual Meeting of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture will be held In the Kmg Edward Hlotel, Toronto, on January 10 to 11, 1046 beginning at 10:00 a.m, The Youth and Women's Sec• Lions of the Federation w111 hold their Annual •iVfee`.ings at the same place on January 9th, beginning. at 10100 a,m, A general meeting of the Women and young People, together with delegates to the regular sessions will be held in the Crystal Ball Room; on the evening 00 January 9th, when finals for the young people's Public Speaking Contest and amateur entertainment will take Place. The general federation meeting will commence at 10;00 a,m., on Thursday, January 10th, in the Crystal Ball room, Registrationt avid begin at 9:00 a,m. A banquet will F. F. Hoafnuth Registered Optometrist "Western Ontario's Most Modern Eye Service” Phone :118, Harriston FOR SALE— 20 Cutters. phone 31-r.19 Jack Tltyna,l FOR SALE - 6 pig:, retely t', wean. phone 20.1.e Lynn Evans RELIGION WHICH ALSO IS DEMONSTRABLE SCIENCE The disclosure through Christian Science that God, the source of all being, can be accurately .known, and that His nature and presence are everywhere as demonstrable as a fact in mathematics, is bringing profound satisfaction and great prac- tical help to increasing multitudes throughout the world. A Christian Science Sunday Service will be Broadcast over Station CFRB at 11 a.m., Sunday, January 6th, 1946. CS -3 Cna. L&I2/S .3L'"EA'CE Estate Agent ConveYancet :nd Cnn m:A1o,zer GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET, -- — ETHEL, ONT. FOR SALE— , A Barn 16' x 26'. Mrs. L. Jermyn Phone 00 , FARMERS .RMr FOR SALE— S pigs 7 weeks old. John Danby Phone 42-r-24 FOR SALE— Eleehle Frigidaire, operates like new, ll)lolle 16-r-4 Carso,: Watson FOR SALE— S Pigs ready to wee.' also a goad calf 3 weeks old, phone 56-r-15 Dave Shleils, --- Graiam Survey FOR SALE— Want Rawleighs? Phoue 48-r-24, I'll deliver to you, or leave order with D. N McTavish. Geo. Wesanberg, Your Rawluigh Baler WANTED 11 — Applications for the puel:ton •.f Secretary -Treasurer of the Township School Board of Morris will be received by any member of the Board on or before Janna /5, 1946. Scenery 4700.00 per yea- For state- ment of ditties, oa11 an, member of the Board. W. R. Shol(ice, Cita:rnlan. FOR SALE— "The thriftiest, quietest fink we've ever had" writes one customer of IKitchener Big -4 Chicks. Order now to avoid disappointment, and get quantity, breed, deliver/ date you desire. Appov'ed chicks, breeders time b be Held. in the evenie; at 7.00 Pullorum tested. Save your y o'clock. Di'. L. S. Archibald, Director contracting agent R. S. Warwick of Experimental ',evens, C1 `,ttva R in t Hull Top Ranch, Brussels. be the guest, speaker at the t FARM FOR SALE•— banquet, 100 acre farm, Lot 3, Con, 5, Grey The general meeting will coutlnue on the 11th, In order to pprov:de , ample time for the l?elegatos to discuss import- ant problems we Yove arranged for only one speaker, Prof. W. M. Drummond, Director, Economics De - Pertinent. Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, who will discuss the future of agriculture, The directors a1_eeting will be hold atnoon OA the second dal', January 11•01, for .the purpose. 11 election of officers. The general session is cailed for the plumose of receiving reports of committee, the uneeeial statement and to consider a program for tete coming year. According. to the constitutiou each member oegaiilzattun is entitled to one director and 'frur voting gates. In the case of counts units, one shall be a woman and ono shall be a young person under thirty yeas of age, According to the decision of the Board of Directors, this yea' the Executive of the Junior Farmers organisation will constitute the six youth directors to the Ontario Federation of 1;'L'tlltive anti boy will nominate from among Mein - selves 011E of 11tr'•io member's t0 represent them 0.11 tile. Executive o1 the Ontario Feneratioe 00 Agri- culture, DO NOT FAIL TO MAKE FOUR THOTEL BESDRVATIONS I1JARLY. Siegle rooms are dlfdtult to seeule so we would advise yon to plan to double up. A program bookie', is being prepared for distribution at tine Convention again this year. This nes` post-war convention should »1010 ext/u111017 important. Wo hope alt Who aro interested in farming will endeavour to at': ens the general 505810/19 and help to !eke the conventicle a success. Science May Really Control The Weather Karl Ver Steeg, geology professor of Wooster' College, writing in The American 'Weekly in this Sunday's (Januiity 6) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, bells how scientists ere planning to bring New England balmy winters end ehange the Weather in other parts 0t the world by diverting ocette cnrrent0 Oct Sunday's Detroit Tilum with a good frame house, bank barn 40 x 60, hen house, driving shed and a garage. This farm is 3 miles from the Village of Brussels. For further particulars apply to Wesley Stephenson or phone 111x -r-2. WANTED— The Township School Board of Morris will receive on o'• betcre January 5, 1946 appll:.ttious for the Position of earetalter h each of the sell -0015. Duties 10 11000110110') Feb. ruary 1,-1946. State eatery, Any member of the Board will inform you of the duties, end will receive the application. W. R. Shhidtee, Chairman FOR SALE— 100 acre farm more or less being lot 12, ton. 10, Gray Twp. 2 -storey stone house with franc kitchen, bank barn 40 rt. by 76 R. ,litter rnrrier, water system in house and barn, drilled well with windmill, driving sited 28'ft. uy 46 1 t., hon house, 5 acres of bush, land in good state .of cultivation and all natural drainage. Por Welter particulars apply to W. A. D'Iotl`narrle, P110108 24-r-12 Brusse.s, Out, BARRED ROCKS, Gov't, Approved chicks from inspected flocks bred for production, health and vigour. Breeders blood tested tor standard end variant types of puiloram. We often mixed chiclo% sexed Pullets aa1c1 cockerels at reasauabte priees. Book yoar order Tow for spring de- livery. Cur ohicks qualify for Inter Provincia' shipment, Lakefietd Chicly, FTatehery, Lakefieltl, Ont. Or,e: from D. Lawless, Wailer, Phone 10-r-15 Brussels. . AN OPPORTUNITY.— One of the N'ation's largest oom- pantes, catering principally to farmer's needs, is ready to place a valuable contract whioh should mean complete independence for a man fortunate enough to have the foliow- ing quallffeations . , . character record 'thatwill withstand investi- gation and proven ability to efficient - 1y manage both himself and this own business. Financial status not ex. tremely important but a travel. outfit is necessary, Write The T, Watkins Company, Dept. O414, 21.77 Masson St., Montreal. FeClizer B apt Ems, ORDER YOUR s W4 FOR JANUARY DELIVERY * * * POTASH arrivals are UNCERTAIN x * * BECAUSE;- -Canada Imports all her Potash from the United States. --The 0ousumpticn'1f P,,tarb in the U. S. A. has doubled in the last five years without a corresponding increase in pioduotion. —Due to uncertain labour cc,nditions, American firms will two event contracts nor guarantee deliveries. SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer nod ready for shipment is in perfect drilling conriition packed in special moisture resistant bags. If stored in a dry place it will be in perfect condition at seeding time- * * * BE SURE OF YOUR SHUR-GAMIN By ordering for early delivery. Cartadm rs LIanited FERTILIZER DIVISION • 6.1110.4 6USINFSS CAR S Allan A. Lamont Agent for—Fere, Windstoann, and Automobile Insalaesi,ne Get particulars of our Special Autottnobile Policy iter Lars. Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 667 W. D. S. Jamieson, M.D., C.M., L.M,C,C, Physician and Surgeon (Coroner) Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 8 p.m. . 1 Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 pan. (Sundays ---Emergencies and by appointment oedy. Home calls in forenoons and 4 - 6 p.aaa. Chas. T. Davidson Insurance Agent For AO_,L FINDS OF Autoinobilc, and Fire Insurance Accident and St' ckness A,Aeni for Great West Life insurance Ca, 'PHONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ONT. RESIDENCE Har sld Jackson isPECIALiST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES ' For Information, ate., write or phone Harold Jao1awte, phone 12 on 658 Soaforth R.R. 1, S7usit edd Make ar,•anfan onto et The Brussels net er Eimer D. Bell, Berrleter OO400, Illrtessole, D. 1° RANN Furniture FUNERAL XR AMBULANCE SERV lags. Licensed Funerrd Director and Embulnaea PHONE 36 or 85 wu�--.�,w_-. 1RUSSELS, ONT. Lewis Rowland (Llcenecd For Huron County) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED — PRIORS RetAtirmisAISLit For Engagements Phone 01 "Tho Brunets Post" evil titwg r,lltp! be looked after lmmseieltsly For Information, ate., w ire or phone Lew. Rowland 1i011e400 at Seaforthl Ir write R.R. 3, Watters, W. S Donaldson --- Licensed ASIICH0us11r (Phone 35.r43 — " Atwood, Os1.. torr the Counties of bicron stinal Panllt All soles *kneaded to — Marlys sWiliselia For b pphhLon 311 a Ps'mole Pose mot diop lie tic e, .r