HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1946-1-2, Page 2BRUSe. FINANCIAL -STATEMENT FON 1945
eget ptn Expenditures
lends :Yang 1, 1,945 4311.84 heads
llyl,; 15303.53 Salaries
20111.91 Grants •
40.00 Council fees
143,15 Office Maintenance
4,75 Printng & Postage
211.17 Charity & Relief
5000.00 Street Lights
1463.31 Scholl
lnsarance, heat & Light
Fire Dept
Bank Loans & Intet est
County Rates ..
on Hard
z'si111 Court
.10/1Ycar r.
36'xezele Loans
Melee .?llane0us ..............o......
$26751,15 •
flee etee *.-=tit: '.
a addition tate Village of Brussels
6000 05
190 8::
suitably, expressing then' thanks. i
The chairman then prolmee,l throe li
(litters for King George VI. the # ,'c+d +vwdr:e,r ,txsr2±wtaqu�r u;n*t¢ tU+ffi+;t tat + thtelt tats xttytd+E+e�"n tt'a'
occasion also biin!; the date of the '
104115'2 birthdaY, 1 Earl Moore, wl n Ms f1J1ce rens, Miss Betty Boot, 'Toronte, with her
mother Mars. G. Best
After the Nrttientl Anthem, lunch Moore.
a * • � * +n
was served, and the remainder of
the evening was roam dement;dement;to ( Harrold parker, Toronto, with. hid Misses Allea:a and 91a1'Fll"et
=set tupplled by Mr. nar1 Mrs, 1 mother Mrs, 1i Parker. Gibson, Toronto at their home here,
1 * *
Holiday Visitors
50ei e0
owns 96000 of Victory Bonds.
Statement of r' )ceints and Disbursements
for year ending — 31st December 1945
e)ealauce as at 1st January 104;
Add Receipts:x,
.ontinuation School;
On 1.944 Tax Levy
Provincial Grant
Aeoauty Grant • Hume
Cadet Grant.
7-1ydro Rebate
reetibiic School:
On 1941 Tax Levy
Provincial Grant
"Pownstrip Grant - GreY
Hydro 'Rebate
Total to 130 ac10W11ed for
:Deduct Disbursements:
"Continuation School:
' ost of Instruction
Instruction Supplies
Cost. ot Administration.
^est of Plant Operation
Cost of Plant Maintenance
Cost of Auxiliary A„r eties
+Cap3tal Outlay
4807.05 10750.25
ab 00
',Public School; $rl'S.86
Ias3rnction Supplies
Cost of in1tructiou 104.96
Cost ot Ac1lnull$1,at10n
Lost OE` Plaut Operation
:Cost of Plant Maintenance
test of Auxiliary Agene1es
Capital Outlay
Charles Davis, lest, Ross Cardiff
Mlesers. Jack anti Lloyd Warwick, l Miss Carrie M"('.t.•kc'.1, Tort,nto, Jaelc Bates, elaytt''ld unit 'tile
'1r. Joe Smith and Mr. Wardell. Ii at her home here. Doris Bates, with ihe.'r parents lir. . a and Mrs. E. Bated.
Miss 11I Skeltea Lent' Branalr
5344.53 .. 1320C.1?•
.................. ..... 93651.44
oar 1945 .. ..'....'
Balance as at 31st Iiecem
'happy event toot` place
;T;s x estown hall on Prid :9 night
:December 14th iu honour of MI3ss
'Menzel McDonald, ^rack Cassidy,
to apinau. "Caster Ma
'Thomas M'IacFarinue, Stanley Mous•
tare and Vernon Snell, all having
'us :dyed their discharge . from the
eseia1y recently.
211r. Bernice Payne acted as chair -
=an for a short program consisting
violin seleetions by Mr, Hugh
:,5 e of Wingham accompanied l.Y'
Pym on the piano; a1cord• i
wo:: EI 30 ytion by Mr. Ross Cardiff;
selec Rosa. Address
setitien .by Mr, Geo
elne It3x. 7, W. Hann, M.Y.P. and a violinselections by Ur. Lloyd Tke
_resecompanied by Mts. Brewer.
ePellowing address was then read by
"21•O:r.P''ay'ne. .
eb Mies hazel McDonald and the
'Uxned Bays of our Community:
eldee, your fellers members ot gather
...0-41.r home community,. have g
302 -1 -els evening in your honou0, and to
e-�s: ad a hearty welcome bo'n'e.
',When the need .to defend our
The Stone seltool auuual Christmas
tette and erte•'tnn
.aitent was held
o11 Thursday t'enur'e'.. Mrs-. N. Rob•
eetenu. teacher, was in charge of the
program and the chairman for the
et J.t1 el
at her home here Mr. trod Mrs,. II. 11, Allen alld
,tet * tlall-'11(,ys Heather and 1101•ilal :a. with
Mrs. MI. Wineber, and daughter relatives in Stratford.
Rochelle with 'for'o L'rientle. * *
e n te hiss Pearl B•xeleee, 't'o:''into, andRev. H. Wilson, hies, \\t:loe,n, RuL0 Mr. Lou Hormel', G:le11.h with. Mr.
and John with reletivOO at L. Marys. and 5301s. W. L. 13 )leer,
'ening etas R t'.. lll'fay. T » 8 x •
The pupils a"d poems or the sec- frank Scott, 1\re+lend an0 Graeme Misses Alice Stiles of Torotu.o and
tion presented the teacher with a Scott, 'GI/Ingham a :heir borne store Annie o1' ICitoheaer with their iter*
souvenir quilt matte by the pupils: * e, 3.etts 1111'. and Mrs. W. Ti. Stiles.
the money from the •ale o' Cit. u11:11 Mr. and Mrs, 2. A. uchlnbeltt, List at 2 's
will be donated to the Red Cross, towel, with Mr, and Mrs. A. Crewe!'" , alis Mary Helen 113 Snt±1Mr Irlin .
The following program WIs 1 -res. * * * Mich., with her pace
anted ; — Reettations by Lillian Miss Nellie Tani nc•, Homey. at ILO Mrs, W. L. Eek tnier.
Campbell, Isobelle Scott, Donald home of her sista1 Mrs, W S. Scott
and Bobby- MrMfurriY. Evelyn Meth- 4 as >& I Mlr, and Mrs, 3. I.t:000r ,Wheatley,
ers. Muth Procte", Bessie Canit'he11,
Arnold Blathers and Lois 'yV lhor;
piano solo, Lois Walhor; actlon
song, Helen Haines and George
Procter; piano duet, Prances Welb-
er and Margaret Proctor.
A presentation was made to Mr.
and Mrs, Fred Cook, Friday even-
ing; they have recently u'roved to
their' new home in the village?. A11
address was react by Miss Agnes
Mason and an occasional their was
presented by Sim:non Hallahan at.0
Hugh Blair, on behalf of Mr, and
Mrs. Cook's friends of the (ate con-
cession or East Wawanosh, .
Mrs. Wilfred Fickell, Sapervisor
of Music in schools, has besn advised
that her husband LAC. J. W. Fickell,
would sail from England December
28 aboard the line' "Mauretania,"
He expects to arrive in Canada early
Wednesday, JanlratY0 2nd, 190th
country arose, and its freedom was
imperilled, you responded to- our
Nation's call for help, and eaas has
in your different path of duty, proven
to be a true citlee i cf Canada, dol' g
your chosen part bravely and nobly.
We 'lupe, by our Presence at this
gathering, to show in some sr,a',l
measure our respect for you, and
express our gratitude.
As a 10011e tan5ttde expression of
the ,came we ask you to accept these
gifts, with the nope wherever your
future home may es, they will serve
to remind you of your friends at
Signed on behalf of the people of
Morris and Grey, Stanley Moffatt,
Ross Gray, Will Peacock, Fleming
Johnsto'i, Will Balfour, 01ifford Mc•
Allister, Sohn Raynard, Archie
Jaeldi i, Graham Campbell, Frank
Shaw, Soleil and Mrs. Bre1ltem'iege
and Dave and Mrs. McLennan, Lew
and Mos. Frain.
Miss hazel; McDonald was pre
seated with a. cabinet of silverware
and each of the boys received a
dressing set, sigtiet
ring and '1herecipien s
f money, replied
Bar•rieters, Solicitor NC otaries es Poseph elhfie B.A.
Elmer D. Bell„.1A. (Absent on Active Service)
Mr. Benson in attendance Wednesday afternoon
Office open daily from 9—to— so)
OW* * removed m Clem 30mitary- trod.. Phi ebllret,
'William Stone Sons Limited
Mrs, Bert Anderson of Blyth and
formerly of Walton entertained the
scholars of St. George's Sunday
school at her home for the annual
Christmas social on Saturday
afterneeu, Dec. 29Th. A vel
pleasant time was spent.
Christmas services were held: in.
St. George's - Church on Sundays
Dec. 23 and 3011, the rector, leer.
M. I'. Oldham officiating. On Dec,
23rd the -Christmas 13o,y Communion
was celebrated.
Mr. and Mrs. Tli`mnas Williamson
of Grey, celebrated thelh 35th
wedding an0lvereare at :their home
on Christmas Day, They were
married In .Seafor2lt 011 December
28, 1910, by Rev. David Rodgers.
The bride was formerly G'e't -'tide
Forbes, daughter of the late Mr. awl
Mrs.- Samuel Fo.'r=es, of Meteillop
Township. The: have a family of
three son and five leneliters,- all of
whom were pres11rt for the cele-
bration. They also have seven
grandchildren, The dining room was
tastefully decorated for the ceraslo11
with pink and while streamers rind
candles, The table was coneee:d by a
three-storey - wedding cake, and
twenty-two sat tlo'"u to a sumntitous
weddeng dinner. Many gif'a arta
messages of eon,^.,'atulation, were
received during the day and the best
wishes of a host of friends go fe Mir.
and Mrs. Williams ; ; in the wish
that they may enjoy many more
happy yetis together,
Mr, and Mrs, F. 59. Semis and
daughters, with her p'are,nts in
W iugham.
e * te
Mary Walker o: Tor'rnto spent the
Christmas holidays at the parental"
Dr. W. D. S. Jamieson, Mrs,
Jamieson and DuiO'ali wine 001011de
at Arthur.
h M 9
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Long and family
with her mother, Mrs. W. Slilalldo:r
Grey Township.
• et A.
MT. and Mrs. L. TLcinttle end
family moved this a eek to a farm
near Mitchell.
Root Vegetable Prices
Effective Jama. e 1 the toiling
Prices of root vegOt.tt1'es iu Western
Ontario were sit -teeny revieee Peas•
eat ceilings include the following:
Carrots, washed 50 a pound, hnwash'
ed 4e, fresh top 111111121 70, cabbage,
ordinary 5c, red or savor ''1 par•
snips, w,ashe1 sr unwashed' 7c;
turnips, yellow or. rat Oba;as wash-
ed or waxed 44c, (.deem 7:e l or me
waxed 9e; white turnips. woshe,i or
waxed 6c, nnwaq.rcd 0r a tWOXE l
Os and fresh top lrnii011 70 a po'lnd;
beets, washed or unrvashcl 50, fresh
100 bunches 7 cents,
These prices tree the 'm xime e
retail prices. F.,•rrev3', If
eaten dealer buys blow the -whole-
sale ceiling Prices
t'i he basing his
below the 1.01E01 oe t ng,
price on the lnarkto allow" 3 by the
Producers_ are permlttE'l Ilse above
co115111150 prices.
Ration Coupon
Due Dates -
Coupo11s now ''ane are roger 40,
to 67, butter 116 to 1 tr p"P0'1 vra ail
r •
serves earwig a1'? ± 0151)11150 311 1110
coupon which l' goats for e, not o
Miss Elizabeth Beaker,
l endon,
with 110. and MS's 3. C.
* * *
Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Brent-
ford with Miss M. Vete Guelph with
the foirner's parents Mr :1113 Mrs.
D. R. Cunningham.
* * *
M. D. C. Warwt.:x, ('(von Sound
visiting with her ,(ulster Mrs. A. 0.
Baeker. Mr, Warwick els) Lure for
the holiday.
e m N
Miss Evelyn Lake, Elora, Mess
Marion Lake, Fergus a•12 Mies
Carley Lake and 11er. Jac•c Meryl'.)
Guelph, spent Christmas w'•llt Mi'
and Mrs. Chas, Lr105.
Murray Ross of 1st con, Grey ie
spending the wiut sr at Bokeelie.
Island, Florida. 244 Braga St.,
* et `• 31. John N B.
Mr. and Ms. .4.. J. Ullyett and Miss ,Che Brussels Post
Lois Plum, London. with their Brussels, Ont.,
mother Mfrs. E. Piton. Dear Editor:
't * et First, Wright 1 be allowed' to .intro -
Captain Robinson and sirs. Ham" dtiae myself, secondly, -to ask your
Ilton, Toronto wed hr,11l'iytug i>r generosity, to sine: ole a small
Brussels and Walton space in Your fo110wie :edltioa and
'a w 0' thirdly the mission worded in this
' Major E. D. Bell,teen arrived home brief piste 02 lt0311101' Although
from overseas .•erntly was 1u never 'laving has the pleasure of • In the evening a beautiful pageant
Brussels this war,-. meeting you per =n tally we all feel was presented. It was bre at%ry of
e a * • personally acquainted with an editor the Crusaders brought up to date
'Miss Dorothy 1Iaet.ler and 1'Oiss of such an inti cutin„ paper as the and appealing• 2 y the consecration
Helen Dutka; Iiitchal,t:r. at the honte Brussels Post wired( 1 so often have of self and service to Christ. The
of the former's sis'ee. Mrs. A. Me- had the pleasure to real during my following made 'up the oast: The
Taggart. eventful s'ay, at W. H. S1)eirau's . eight knights, Lawiie Cousins, John
O - e * en the 10th concession of G1'eY Wlls•on, John Spivey, Wilfred Spivey,
Miss Gertrude Ross, Toronto x113 township, in pod'. -war clays, 1 lets Charles Thomas, Jack Lake, Bill
Misses Barbara 2nd Mary R^'ss, Your part of the world in 1940 and Rant and Stewart Stiles. George
Wingham at the 1100111 of Mr. and with the 7th Army Vlit., conveyed to
Mrs. D. C. RAss, N.B., prior to embarking Dor over-
* * * seas during our short stay in N.B.
Wni, Prest, Tort.ltro University, I was blest with tate ha'td of a very
Jas, Preset, Voeatienel Seltoal, Wind- churning wife. Times were very
sor, and Flt: Sgt. Thee. Prost Clinton trying overseas with e0up1115 fur
with their temente e,Ir. and Mrs. T. this and that or 1111)153 that slid. not.
L. Prest, • eed coupons,- were just not on the
O is ,r - market for the everyday purchaser
Mr. and Mrs, W et. McDowell and Howeve' the mai duty of us were
daughters Joan and Ann, Tornnto ,,Fey fortunate Late thought of and
With ' his parents T?r. 0ms Mrs. provided for, by peoele of such
Great After Ise
Starts t id y
itory Salle
r'a ra g
Due• to lack of time we are unable.
to go into detail.
dfL Corias
Cid k711 stall .gipae5 ti a ",,^;C.�
`G>r oily
L1 tC, s Cr :fir t
qtr -ik ka" c
You are bound .to save handsomely
during this sale.
Shop at the
r: t4�
��� Gepp
Listoweas Leading Ladies Wear .Store,
where your Doltar buys more.
ra.m.moramutavaosop,o....lanassema,6 AM,
Brussels United Church r BoardWarime Price Dorn at an d Trade
Of Canada °'
Others Are Asking
The morning woe 11p in the United Q,—I am a fem.:r tad m Rotting
Church was beetm by ,he slrg:u31 of two ton trucks, Neill I leave any
the "}Ialleluialt Chorus" by HaltOOL trouble getting ? . llieneos ter
The autnem 13100.1 \fight" was them. What NNW 1 ha.o to do to
beauti2uaY su.ro. Mrs. Herold get theta?
Campbell had a 3o': part, a three A, .The grail:%o of 7 C. V.
part harming was lakes by lli:ses licenses is not me!'.e1' fe: the War -
Thelma Brother. Doro't£y Bennie time P:1(00 5.0( l:'•i( a Boleti, Yen
and Ruth Wilson. The title of the apply to the Ontario Depuierneut of
sermon sas - 'The lea and th' Highways at To into.
Manger. Q.—I rented 1 base to a family
last June. Thee were to pry *he
rent a ,ninth la n:t'ance. Ff .z over,
they are 3e0u4iag to pay t''.e rent
because they :lewd. 'he teat leaks.
I have a chance re stiff tali: muse,
Can I give the teaau:s a rrntice to
vacate -
A.—If these tet :t'o are behind in
the payment oftheir ren- for 19
days yo,1 can take :a e .1.tme Fro•
eedure to obtain w estsalon :f your
Cousins and Joh'a ::tiles were the property as gat wo.11d in ncr'ma1
knight's attendants. Mrs. Ken, times, When a'IY tenant 0 ,1,3, not
Tyerman was the reader, Marl* pay his rent 'ie auloma.tc:.11y re -
Doll was the Angel, The parts of moves hi m5elf trans any p^e;••abed
Mary and Josevh wore taken by offered by'rental rreg• dation, of 'he
Ruth Thomas and Adrian McTaggart. Wartime Prbo13 an'l'Trad' Board.
The shepherds were Bob Bateman Q Wiaat is thea difeeetere be.
and Donald Sanderson. Imogene tween't113 ceili't,I price f'1^ dressed
Sanderson repprecdnted the star poultry and for dra,vu potltey..?
The three wisemere were Messrs, A,—Price rgal (tions give lb rents
Angus Brown, Hugh Pearson and per 101nd above rue. ret=11 prices
Lyle Brothers. V1r, and Mrs. James ter the drawn weight o1' if drawn
Bryans represented the rich man and after having been weighed and said
the woman of wealth. Mr, Win it is 10 rents pee let l for dr ming.
Cardiff and Mrs, Harold. -Campbell Q.—Has the fora('51 any ceiling
were the peasants. Mr, William .price for turkeys or gni.,
Black represented those of leorittng, sells to the rata.: 3r?
Nancy Lee and Dwight: Clempbell A•—Vas, Wholesale 11031113; prices
were the little talk, Miss Phyllis 01)1)19 to all 5ag5 to tfia trade
Sullivan represented the students whether by whl watt., 0r t.1o'1u'ers.
and Mrs. Carl Hemingway the Q•—Is meat ratratlog sabre to be
religions teachers. d150001111105d in Canada?
A.—Meat ra,tort'ng' is a platter of
Lloyd Sanderan'a 0'•d Lora Plum Government p''1c,y. 11 .s adminte-
represented the armed 00200•, and tered by'the '61.'6 'into 1..' lens and
H. Ytri'son represented ibe Trade Board whigll leas no authority
consecration of self, Mr. 'Artisan to determine wn1rt it may be die
was the narrat.-. The pageant was continued.- -
under the dire'tlolt of 4d*:. S121110y " • s
Wheeler and MI•'33 C Hingstnr' and Questions on any regulation of
was ably supe ieted by t?io choir• the Weeemt. Frlr(r5 and Trade
The oougregatiu,l jutted in the sing: B• oard will be answered 16 sub•
tug of a number of r al'ols and con- m• atted to the Information Branch,
secratioa hymns.
Wartime Prices and Trade Board,
Federal '3n ! 1 ne London, Ontario.
Gordon McDowell.
a e• m
Mr. and Mfrs, 3.Allen, Mrs. T.
G. Hemphill, Wroxaier, Jimmie Allen
Toronto, and M'. and eh's, ,1111
Bt ackett, Lima, 011ie, with \1: era
M't's. H: B. Allen.
fi 4
Mr, Gordon McDewe11 who wo•
in Clinton hospital for the past two
weeks returned to itis Home here on
Saturday. He improving fav-
et 9 *
Miss Mary Henry • i the Nev
Year's guest of ho Meter, Mrs. M.
F. Oldham. She returned to her
school. near Sch•1rtilterg er Wednes-
day. -
Mary R, Stewart of the 10501re
7-?igh School Staff spent 0111'istmas '
with her uncle and aunt Tiros, and '.
Mrs. Walker.
* *
Mr. and Mrs. Sae, Endicott of
Toronto and Mrs. 4Asale L emmes
and Dorothy of Detroit spent the
holidays 'with Mrs. Annie .alessorw in
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Dopper,
Wingham, Mr, and Mrs. R..6 natal
Wroxeter• and Mrs, Spence i'oronte,
at the _home or Mr. end Mrs. D. A.
* 20 *
Mrs. Hugh Edgar and Janies
Edgar Wroxeter, ,Tans( 'Edgar, Fart
Franets and Miss Margaret Edgar,
0 57 and P1 co P2 , .Hutt t r ,t Reg. N., 'Walkerton, wilt Mrs,
IOffsotfvc Jan r t r 1 rugae non tee Bd ar and Mos. Meadows.
t re
pound of sugar o1' Iwo old preserves Miss Beatrice MCAarald, 1t.N„
cotlp0ns' worth 00 eat nd trete' soil Tieentf0rd, Edgar McDonald, Mo1eB-
sweets, Thee is no increase of worth, 1I, G, Bartley and Miss Nettle '
decrease in the total 'agar anti pec' Bartley, Torentd with Mrs, A, L. '
servos 11011033, MoDottald,
• is •
grand organizations; one of them
known to all of tee Ethel boys as
the "Ethel War WJl'Iters Visit."
Whether in hospital battlefield, or hi
elle base, despa+lrtug as the tide of
events appeared, we could always
look forward to a ray 01 sunshine
wrapped up in 0111 parols from t11€
"War Workers. 'though, their
task is finished to thein, to us, the
grateful recipients we gladly take
all our Lats. as WE $oy, 'Well done"
we thank, you one and all and a
Happy New 1eYar.
Gnr, 02131.111 Beer.
Manson who has been ap minted
vice-president of personnel for the
Canadian Pacific Reilwey wit 1 head-
quarters at Molitroal. 13e comes east
after 86 years with the C.P.11 in the
'Wrest where he had risen to 5 le post
of general manager after exparlonco
in all foul' western provinces, includ-
ing service at Vancouver as general
su5erintonclent of the important
B3ritish Columbia district Two 111-
tensivo tours of eastern lines right
through to the Atlentie seaboard
in the last 26 months gave him a
complete pietlrrc of . the Canadian
Pacific system,
Before you sell any poultry phone the
Export Packers. We will call at your
place for any quantity or you can bring
1 them to us.
Ekport Packers