HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-12-27, Page 6GOING OVER
1, and stifling, and I had to take off my teeeelfeeNGlee turnips, aotted here and there, cube -
oat, but on looking around I noticed bin vated by the French peasantry with
wiTH A l'IsleleS7 They were old taneers and knew what 0 THE FRONT my boys hod stripped to the waist.
that wonderful spirit which reakee' es
i to expect. The Geelliall crew fleci in a
LINE them till shell bole in their gar-
- den anti replant it. As we cross
. huvry and abandoned all their equip- field we stoop and pick up a tuvpip, not
botheving to peel it, jug rubbing the
TRW] A TANK (Melt THREE ment and personal belongings in the .
NVOI'st of the dirt off. So, eating it, we
' d f brie Weis followed our entrance. .1341.'r r A L toN Is W ARN ED FOR
arrive at another road and the en-
, • ., , e
—." ' ,up more mud and muck, but we are errequent inspeetion of the lights' 0Ifileo.ne is replace it with a new
lying on the road, our uniform sopping Care of Electric Lamps.
1 ern position. A particularly hard of Trench Duty Alma etill. does not burn es it
' • ' Fearful Havoc. i band to hand engagement oceurred Begin Again. l scattering bodiee in all directione
• , necessary, ' says all expert. "The tact, " a bad wive ea ng Q
t be a defective con -
1 di t it (one The Belfast CorporatIori have de-
cided to grant a war bonus of 226 to
the Way lo Cambrai and Wrought 1 Ithe fact that a shell may eotne down„
g lane system is absolutely I
1 ' 1
"Engeand expeets every teak to do tench tend drove the Germans "Battalioa is warned for relief." So . before their bodies come down like take care M. but the apparatue on IbTt"yreentrPthtleblvet‘ebillbl°occekna. nscritleiewbbaesree 4"40e101
PereaPs with too MO a resistance).
when the infantry stormed the Itheir souls going to their Matter even fights themselves ,21)!O easy enough to eenmdplioeyeee. receiving a salary of
e along the line to the tank commanders says the company sergeant -major, and , showers of mud That such a poser which they depend is complicated and of the bulb, See that contacts at base There has beast/resented to tile Car-
er= it. Bombs were flying in all di-
th daalliedeSt""IVIIS the message sent
From Erin's Green Ise
a a
LINES OF TRENCHES. I The Huns, who at the first attack re-
• teeated, were fighting now to regain fieppenInge the Irmereid We et
their third line, which had been wrest -Interest le Web -
How .the Land Battle Ships Clegred ed from them by our infantry, wlio
, trance to the C,T., and here we rest,
men -
were. already consolidating their Imed Moms Rest Period is Over and Tour •
tired and it does not -matter, not even end a. .•
reetioue, and the noise Produced be the we groan, It means we are going in ilbilitY existed no one could doubt, but may easily get out of order, sp team of 'bob and in socket are clean, that negie Librare at Limerick a Mesita:lie
"Faugh-a-ballaghl" is the slogan of seemed to me as if bedlam had been other fellows come out and rest; I Damp mud soon cools one, and we a faculty for inspection ie order that wires to see if ends are well seca
ured vase of the eleventh century.
the tanks, e
the "line" for a tour of duty while the , no one worried. the indications of trouble end develop springs are strong and also examine of a Bodelien MS, of Irish. prose and
before Cambrai. . bursting of shells wag maddening. It
• , which , trane•lated from the
let loose as I saw the infantry tearing it also means no one will move further ' show:signs of restlessness. So up we you may readily note any variation. and ie there are any possible short An epplication of tlee Lim rick
• old Celtic, means "clear the way," WGuardians to grant war honuses to the
at the Boches who were stubbornly re- than a couple of hundred yards from ' get ancl in single file enter the corn- from the usual conditione and . socircuits along their length. .
And the tanks certainly do some clear- sisting the victorious onslaught of our his billet until it is time to march inte municetion trench, which gradually remedy the trouble ore it becomes 1 "After satisfYing Yourself that officials in lieu of reduction of rations
grows higher until it gets above our serious. has abveteenmre.wfuse J.
bsyhetehheeTisi:G.Bef. Lim.
, tanks, which led the way, gripping, en- 'heavy German guns which began to It never failed to rain when we 'now, only that thing and monotonout of the candle power and voltage of ably reads "side and rear," "head snd African campaign, has been mention -
blackness. The journey is nearly over fermi; sized bulbs and make a note group is drawing. The switsh prob- crick, who is taking part in the East
General Byng's great smash. Teis Iciaemtepasmaieree ailllobvtirnniiiiiiegii
any vounter attack by Boche infantry, four hOurs, says Lieut. J. S. Smith, ' heads and swallows us in the inky "One should take each of the dif-{
Mg, as has been seen by the suceese of boye. I went ahead so as to prevent the line, whites will be within twenty-
success may be laid largely to the and was immediately engaged by late of the Canadian forces.
tanglements to pieces, acting as the five at us at point blank range. It was made a relief, and sure enough the . twisting and winding in an endless each an its location. The usual volt, rear," "all on," "all off." Try each ed in desPatehes.
fleet wave and making a break for the a eritical moment, for while the tanks next day it reeled- You can't postpone sort of maze, having your way light- age is 7, but two lamps are sometimes combination 011(1note the ammeter The Limerick Chamber of Com -
infantry to follow. will withstand heavy fin they cannot your relief on account of rain like you ed into day one minute by a flore light, used iii series, in which case they will reading, Then a single glance at the merce have requested the postal au -
On the eve of the attack, during a be- t
expo ed to stand up under big can a ball game, so we packed up, not
intense than ever.
the next,minute the blaekness snore be marked 3,6 volt. Do not confuse ammeter will tell you at any time if thorities to re-establish the mid-day
thump made by the enginee of the The End of eltazzy." just what we could carry on our backs I ; these. A 7 volt lamp in -e'en of a the system is working properly. if mail between Foynes, Glin and Tar -
tanks, the "Razzle Dazzle," in come in a clever but fiendieb device, which ; Now a man slips and falls, the next 1 3.5 volt will not light prop e. If a it shows move or less than the usual bert.
Several of the female o erativee
heavy barrage whose noise hides the seen, a wardrobe trunk and handbag, but , ,
Perky with five others of the team, MY advance suddenly came to -an
seems to get heavies. and heavier as man on him; endless conversatioe 3.5 volt lamp is used where eel' volt current consumption you will know , . . p .
In tile "Front Line."
we you go along. It only takes, about the matter, and on we go, and•
abeet five '-lamp should be.used it will burn brie- that •eomething is wrong. By trying in the shirt aid collar industries of
ook otir place in No . S , • , . • ' 1 .
Man'• I ard sav- ter about twelve feet deep. ' gradually we come nearer to the floes
lianely for a few seconds and then the different combinations quite often Derry have decided to make a do-
thepower and tried every means to make II on back 1 le likea burn out, Note also whether the one can thll in which set of lamps the mend for a war bonus.
caterpillared up from the rear and we end wlien "Razzy" fell into a big cra-
commander of the lank nieknamed .
• cou on t get her out. e put on full
We minutes to pack, but when you get it
a youryou oo , and the front line, to those men who I jamee Murphy, of Portaferry,
"Razzy." C,hristmas tree at a Sunday school les- 'are waiting for us, to those men who socket has a single or double contact. is Ipeated. . .
Encountering a "Pill Box." point of succeeding a shell dropped • • . "If all the lamps burn dimly, and Down, was fined two shillings and
does sixpence for failing to save one -
I 0 f 1 ' • fax • f •
, her move, and just ast we were on the
Heal and you'd feel the part if the bave been there for the last six days A double wire system Oxeye has a
We swept over the first line, meet- near ise and almoet destroyed the ma- Christenasy spirit were present. I answering shot for shot with the en- double contact bulb, but it does not especially if the starting motor ... iT
ing with no oppoeition, but at the head , chine. We applied first aid to the Packing One's Worldly Goods. i emy, lying ip their ditele!ull of muck ,
follow that a single wire system els: not c g
ways has a Ningle contact bulb. Some the tt y . , 0 . . ,
ha er is weak. If the lamps Mr. Baker, a tenant on the property
rank the en ine quickly or at all, ees i i 0 ne clop fol' seed,
• of a communication leading from the wounded boys, dropped out of the door t ' •systemsd bl 13.' hteu as speed of engine increases of Miss l anholm, Bengal van, was
first to the second lino T spotted a on the sheltered side, and, with their I • l'• • tee . t 1
t is a petu im mg o eact up \ aefldtic.eonreer, ton, graced with the name sing e wne use orte con- i ig
while artillevy played on tact bulb and gi oun le other con- andgrow dim as engine slows down, ordered to pay £7 damages for cut -
doubt) that was full of machine gune, • Will you come back? Will your pal? ;they tact by means 'if a separate wire in- then also the battery is weak and the ting down some trees 011 the property,
et. C. McBride, secretary of "Our
"pill box" (an iron concrete girded re-* . assistance I blew up what was left of like this to move into the trenches. 1 them and over them. For six da ,s
which were being used against our in- ,"Razzy," so that no part of her could
fall into the hands of our en-
If you looked around and studied the! eh'and ' 1 ' while- This bas the advantage of a good with current. Do not confuse this Day" in Armagh, in aid of Red Cross
tee piens mient, we had .
have been there suffering eas5u. stead of through the lamp bracket.' generator alone is supplying them
fantry were coming up the commune , third line and I reported the reeult of • •
show how or what these men thought. i . and we ground even in case the lamp comes flutuating effect with what is called f_ands,ehas received a chequelM.P.,
loose on the brae tet.
1 If it doe ' "fl' k ." The latter is caused by a from Sir John B. eonsui e, . ., or
a come le el,
fantry. At the same time Bone in- .0•F . faces you would find no expression to I
• seines. Re made our way back to the tour rest Now it is their turn,
hurry on that our relief may be on
eaters on my left to reinforce their .,y action to headquarters. ten wire, which Armagh.
brothers in the front line and counter , -----es. ! keen- curiosity and ask questions,'
i us and we will want them 'to be on to light.
as in six days they will relieve loose the lamp is apt to flicker or fail loose contact or brol. ____.:....*
I shekes apart with the motion of the.
Remiorcement men might display a time,
attack our own boys, who had already I NEW USES FOR WOOD. 1
' which would be effectively shut off by i time. I "Having classified the lamps ac-' engine. To dietingui.h .
s one from "This Intolerable Thing,"
i World War Calls For Various Mater.' All packed up, with the midday meal I Sweating and staggering with the i cording to type (single or double con- tbe other . stop the ear and throttle ,
taken the front line trenches and were; some highly improbable answers. , Are there still those who do pot see
ting these target.; through my peri-; ials Made From Trees. over, you lie round waiting for two 1 weight of our packs, we sliP into our . tact), voltage and location, procure a down. If the lights brighten end .
that this war is unlike any other war,
' o'clock, which comes all too quickie, position, to the joy of the relieved , complete extra set to guard igaing I dim rapidly irrespective af engine or who do not understand why the
pushing over into the second, Spot- ---
• • troops. With whispered bantering they accidents. If one burns out you are, speed it is a "flicker" caused by a President speaks of the German men -
sure to have the right one to take its lottee contact. If the lights burn ace as "this intolerable Thing" with
wheel there can be no compronnee?
-1 b t diml , but brighten as the
,1 9 . gOre 0005011 00 1.110
open fire at the Boches who were ad- The uses of wood in the world war while at the same time a sergeant !leave us in our "front line.' We are
vancing up the communicators, and have been mane. A mere catalogue of calls through the door, "Fall in on the 1 alio
1.15 advanced advanced straight on the machine ] them is interesting to the layman, who road, No, 1 platoon." With grunts and 1
gun emplacement which was matting thinks of wood mostly in connection : groans you heave your kit into place , HISTORY OF WARFARE.
down the advancing lines. 1 with houses, shade trees, matches, 1 and move out into the ram, "falling i
. • pencile boxes and leaders from whose I in" on a wet, slippery cobble stone :Shows Remarkable Difference Between
. Continuing one fire, s oppe ea
, on the emplacement and, using our dizzy heights he hangs wood frame !road with a lot of pushing and shoving Ancient and Modern Methods. IU U V00
c telunge I as you slip into place, thee silence. Hark! the bells are gaily ringing
place. .
'Turn on all the lights and see that . engine is accelerated it is the fluceua- says the Philadelphia Public Lecl-
each ono is burning at full brilliancy, l tion due to a weak battery." ; ger, They have only to look et the
— _ .._., brutalities that Germany and her al -
"The British Victory."
Food(1i lies are committing 'without con-
e 1
a steam roller crushing an ant heap but recently there was discovered a 1 from nowhere in particular, takes the I . ' Praise to God we now are singing
South African battles and then cam- Over land and over sea, . London. The Germans may indeed
crushed the position and its crew like r aper clothing kale long been known,! The roll is called, your officer appears I
twarfare between Waterloo and the
P e
which it would pass over in its tracks. method of waterproofing cloth made ! sergeant's report of all present, gives i
n these with the preeent conflict e. Latest advices front the Allied
seek to justify as an act of war this
attack on an enemy city, even though
adie youfsee more difference in meth- Bc ortsittine e, ss,iiaenwd aeltretiaccuuli;rilen-efrreoameilf;reciae!
I had never been called upon for such from wood pulp which greatly in- , the command, "Right tun, Hoick - rde - ' esame join tee song of triuntph
For this glorious victory.
treat -
extensive work before. "Razzy's" , creases the life of the garment. Some !mareh," and we start off. What luck .
• o o conducting a scrap between it be against law and humanity. But
gem in a few hours d„tmed more paper cloth is brittle, but there is one we are in for 110W no one knows or ,n -at.
s a d armies than between Get- And with gladness raise your voice mend for butter far exceeding the what of the awful story of the Huns than I had ever dreamed of, and variety known to the Japanese which cares. Our immediate problem ie I, .bma- -
and Chevy Chase. In a grand united chorua, available supply, so that Canadian ment of the Serbian prisonere? A
I was feeling very cheerful and de- will withstand 37,e00 foldings without :wrestling with fifty pounds on the cits arg
In the latter they merely added \ G Let us one and all rejoice. dairymen have absolutely nothing to careful report has been made public
lighted with my stroke of luck in be- , breaking. I back and .a wet, slippery, slimy road, , weapons that sent projectiles by the fear by reason of the appearance of which shows that something like a
ing placed in charge of a tank. I Paper bullets are now shot from ;and, believe me, it is some wrestling
i explosion of gunpowder, instead of in bless all our gallant heroes !olemargarine on the Canadian market.
inib;, were interned.. .. . .
hundred and fifty thousand of these
in various campe in Ger-
I guns to carry news secreted in their , match. Sliding and slipping, you skate , Who have under His command A prpileiteaetni onesf fools; mil iecregnasieisnef for et haled
1 po I
Some of the. Bones who came out • Paper had Ito, origin in some forest, and then some o y going en, . 3 . ; ' , Cheered are all our drooping sPirits, Director -General, Department of Agri -
Guided by His mighty hand. made to the Office of the Veterinary
. . sufferingsethere were harsh enough—
gone. Then
Wire Entanglements. : inner wrappings, and of course the 1 more than you march, with eney new:the more remote time shooting arrows ,
from bows and crossbows,They I Brought this triumph to our forces, many, /emetics and Bul
of a dugout tried to get inside the Ships and buildings for war pm'- 1 one way, himself anothee, much to the i ered, charged, retreated and that was the hardest kind of work, lack of foodfeought on the ground, planned, maneu- ,
tank, using bombs, rifles and bayonets poses could not, of course, be useful :amusement of his pals and the detri- 1
. about all there was to it. We will now fresh courage take,
in attempting an entrance. The ma- without extensive woodwork. And ment of his language and morals. 1
1 But now! Fighting forcee, in all, ;
For we know that God is with us
chine just snorted, grunted and etag- rifles use up great quantities of lum- I Three -Year -Old Traditions. :are not content to merely go at each Nov,
1 And He never will forsake,
tinued her wobbling on to the third ' Army wagons, artillery, wheels,1 Silently we trudge along in the rain 1 other with volleys, single -firing, bayo-j 11 0 •
net and sword, No, indeed. They d 1 " will not faint or falter,
gered, knocked them down and eon- ber foe their stocks.
and gatheresig gloom with our own : Onward still, we'll bravely go,
all demand their quota of wood. 1 thoughts, comparing our lot with that -0 , Onward in the rause of justice, -
line. The infantry were well ahead Poles, tent pins, saddletrees and air -e ' all these things and add to them such
111011 of the boys once they get started, 1 Black powder has for an ingredient.,
1 of the men on the motor trucks, which interesting items as using hand TOT eve lay the tyrant low.
of us, for nothing can stay the eager planes
and from my spy hole 'I could see them dash past, scattering mud in plenty ' grenades and rifle grenades, bombs of 1 Send, 0' send on reinfonements
chasing the Boches who had abandon- quantities of Lar, pitch and turpentine.: over us, in a moment of weakness , other various sorts, asphyxiating To oursbrave boys ovoseas,
charcoal, and the navy demands great •
:. Cordite, England's meet important i Hasten to their aid,•0 hasten,
ed their arms in their hurry to get out envying those men, confessing it to ' gases, liquid flee, barrage fires, which 1
of the way of my beauty. I explosive, accounts for the waste wood our own souls, yet in the next breath when made almost an actual curtain Help them win fresh victories,
As I was approaching the third line . of saw mins and other woodworking proud, fiercely proud of the fact that Of projectiles is spoken of as having ,
. —Isabella B. Watson.
Pulp paper is used in tbe munition . • The Nightingales of Flanders.
trenches I noticed that some of our in- rai e• we are the infantry, the foot eloggers been laid clown, like ofie would refer,
fantry Isere being held up by the wire ' that live in the mud and muck of the to a tablecloth or a blanket And
factories to make the nee% that pre- I "I e roesienol n'est pas mobilise."
entanglements. Man after man tried trenches. Diety we may be, and full of then balloons, flying machines, sub-' ' e - .
I A French soldier. expected, is the encouraging report,
to cut the wire and was cut down by cootees, but we are the boys that marines. nets for catching same, depth . Holding Their Own.
• f • th • ear ld traditions most remarkable of all is the trench, They have not gone to war.
brought back by Mr, J. D. McGregor, ,
Wanton Representative of the Fowl,
, It appears that a certain company,
on being relieved from the tenches,
the sni ere in a sugar refinery, e force ejecting the projectile from the clinch the argument and are fighting bombs and what not are added. But 1 The nightingales of0Flanders,
vent a too rapid diesipation of the .
el h ' ei Controller who has juet. returned to
Ner science or honor." These are freshly -
illustrated in the latest air tea on
Read a little u on the histor • of
thirty toe weight to advantage, I
culture, Ottawa. 1 severe punishments for trifling of-
fenses. But this is mot the worst of
Prof. R. Harcourt, Head of the De- the story. The camps have been rave
pertinent of Chemistey, Ontario Agri. aged with disease, and there has been
cultural College, Guelph, has left eor, no proper medical care orthe victims.
the West where he will consult with It is estimated that fully half of the
the bakers regarding the use of flour prisoners have now died in cense-
from corn, rye, bavley, .oats, etc., as queen. Furthermore, forty thousand
a partial substitute in.making a old men, women and children have
standard war loaf. Meetings are be- been deported to Turkey. What will
ing arranged 01 the Prinelind eVaen happen to them there who ran tell?
of Western Canada. ;It is not strange that this apparently
---- • purposeless cruelty is explained as
That an increase in hog production part of a deliberate attempt to wipe
next year all over the Western Prov-• out the Serbian nation. Is it not an in- ,
inces amounting to 25 per cent, may be. tolerable thing?
1510110 The army medical service uses wood
whistled ae loud as I could and made gun. •
for the wire which was holding up the and the hundreds of years old tradi- The trench is, indeed, -no new in -
1 A 8010151
- vention, but its present universal
• d 1 • Is d tins cff the French and British in
• Where they had sung before.
Ottawa. I had been ordered to proceed to a vii -
"The general enthusiasm f er. moee lage some distance in rear of the fir -
food production and conservation in
. ed for a while.
ing line, where they were to be billet -
the West is stricking added Mi. 1 te
Gregor. "Farmos everywhere }levet After mantling foe about an hour.
taken very kindly to the idea and we, they met a peasant on the road, and
found that already, owing to the news- the captain enquired how far they
papee reports of the desire of the Food ewere from the villege in question.
Contvoller, that farmers were wide "Aboet three miles," was the reely, ,,
• awake to the need for more hogs, and They marched on for another hour,
were already making arrangements • and seeing no signs of the place, tem
for breeding on a scale never before captain again squired of a passing
considered possible." I peasant as to its whereabouts,
510(1 wire, and she just walked right fantry that we are fighting with side a apta ion, continuous 0111051,
listening posts, rest and sleeping shel-
infantry, "Razzy"thinks nothing of
hospital units and spruce pulp
utilized in the making of surgical by side'
ing with her most of the entangle- So we slither along, and come to tees, machineegun placements, dug-
somethrough, cutting, tireaking and carry -
dressings, sheets, towels, slings and
• batteries of artillery lined nem. outs, eupply tracks for small
mont. The infantry, seeing what 1 - •
bad does, and knowing what I wasFood contai»ere are water and the road, their dugouts near by. It is roads a 011g tile o orrig—a was;
making for, hung on to the tank and grease proofed by the use of viscoge, dark nI ow and the gunners are in their never dreamed of in the old days.
cheered like a lot of schoolboys out a chemically dissolved pulp. dugouts, as it is to be a quiet night, And, I
aftei• all, this is not more than
Picnicking, and, using all the available 1 for the coloring of khaki hut their sentries spot us and call to one-half a matter of relative scrall-:
guns we had, I made straight for the and leathers come from trees. 1 their mates that the "infantry is go. ping ability, bot war now is a contest
sugar refinery, which had once been a 1 Wood furnishes the base from which
• ing by," and they all come tumbling between ingenious devices. Let es 1
out to %Irish us good leek. They are hope it will be the last great war, but
respectable building making sugar ,
from beets.
Smashed a Sugar Refinery.
The quick firing guns in the rein-
ery were spitting out their bail of i
death, and the fire 10a4 Concentrated on 1
,sentimental "Razzy," who, no doubt, if
she were in a positron to express her-
self, 'would tell you that she felt as
emotional as a wolf after lambs, Un-
heeding the hail of hullets, we swash- I
ed. right into the building and pulled
the whole structure down in our page -
age through. My machine gene were
being used with good effect.
The air inside by this time was hot
. . s c if not, what shall we expect in t ie way
wood alcohol. One ton of sawdust body is. They know it
will yield froth twenty to twenty- our pals if any
and en do we know them. They know , of improvements in the art o•f killing,
le, ()mien ships demand wooden (mite what we go through, and we love them wounding and destroying?
• • theygiveb le hell for shell
five gallons of wood alcohol,
to hold their timbers together. and then some, what we get. We de- ,
, Called Names.
From turpentine can he made syn- Pend on thorn and they on us. With An old gentleman reproved his
Meth! camphor and synthetic rubber. much good natured bantering and nephew for fighting with another bop,
wishes of good luck we slip through "But," said the lad, "he called my
, II
The earth was torn and quaking
The sky about to fall,
1 The nightingales of Flanders,
They minded not at all.
The best isinglass conies from Rus-
sia. It is made from the giant. etur-
geon, which abounds in the Caspian
; Sea and ether waters of that country.
i There is a great truth in the old say-
ing that Englend's battles abroad were
11.10) on the football fiehle of Elfin and
the night, leaving them behind. sustor 11511155.5,
"Why, you haven't any sister, and ,1
The Communication Trench. never had onel" exclaimed the other'
Now we branch off the road and in agonishment.
take to the fields, which will he a short "I know that," replied the boy dog -
cut to the communication trenches. As gedly; "but he thought I had, and said
we go skating over this treacherous the was squint-eyed, and T. went for
envied we nine to a little field of him."
ximuorrz.w• • ....--,.....**srwromrAM
leelEteTel DOLLAR -WI
Torii,`ri4A-c poLoi is
....--- CeNT i PMI' i, •
FoR ilim
seee—,- •
Nodite il, Plwe —
Piece. OF MAK.-'
ole YOU'RE es ,
ALLegiG eve ...c1
e A es
e- 1
• ese eel fee
1 Do Niou TANN YOU'RE. y4
1_1VIOKr14 IT
'At intervals he heard them
Between tbe guns, he said,
Making a thrilling music
Above the listening dead. •
Of woodland aud of orchard
And roadside tree bereft,
The nightingales of Flanders
Were singing "France is left."
--Grace Hazard Conkli
Mother Goose Up -To -Date.
The new Mother Hubbard went to
cm •••board
To find what the had Der tea;
A bone, a crust, and a potato,
Was all that there seemed to be,
But conservation under her cap
Gave Grandmother a clew,
She dished the scraps together
And served a delectable stew,
"Straight on, about three miles," re -
A private had received from home a Plied the nun. '
gif t of a new pair of woollen socks,' Another ltour's marching, and again
and put them on joyfully on the morn- ,•the weary captain propounded the
Mg before. a heavy march. He wee , Usual query.
sools limping:, but got no chance to' The stolid peasant snatched his
take off his shoes till the end of a hend. "Well," he Bahl, "as near as I
twenty-flve mile day. Then he, got can judge, mon capiteine, it's about
the socks off and found in she toe of three miles off straight down the
one a piece of stiff writing paper, 051 road,"
which he could just read the words,! Tommy% thanlett 110 to Goa,
written in a childish hancli—"God , we're holding our own, anyway."
bless the wearer of this pair of
socks!" ,•:1 Public Kitchens in Germany.
All Germany has Medic kitehene and
all kitchens are managed by 1.00111511,
Hamburg, the second city of the em-
pire, has 100 kitchens and half its
----.5A+N liel.eals 1TAKE
Do6GoNe. 5mAR1'
--) DIRD 1
citizens —450,000—regulaely sub:list,
en this fare, Twoltundeed and thirty
thousand -quart portions a las are
eerved, adults paying 5 cents Rad chil-
dren half that stun when they eau.;
when they cannot it iii given to them
•iitiway, The Gazette estimates that
only one-fifth pity the full price. leet-
cept on Tuesdays and Fridays, when
the stew contains meat, the Hamburg
menu is limited to "hot -pot" or ft
mixture for every 100 quarts of 10
pnunda potatoes, 2 1-5 pounds fat, 3(1
pounds vegetables, 31 pounds setter, ei
. quarts vinegar, 1 pound salt, 4 pounds;
fruit, 3 pounds barley and 3 poisede
I Headless safety matches are r, Dati-
1 ish novelty, one end of each steels bo -
Ing soaked in a chemical soligion and
Colored so it may ho distingui hea.