HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-12-27, Page 2Between Cousins;
ne,her, since -she was only half aware of THE mEssAGE
I jt.
"Fenella, you have been reading too 1/41
"I saw all the doings that happen;
under the sun; and, behold all is vain,'
and a !:;rasping at the wind."
"that reminds me—I haven't congra-
tulated you yet upon your success in
taming the bear. Duncan has.Actual-
ly withdrawn his suit, and all is
smoothed over,"
many novels;' said Julia severely,
after a long and ominous pause. "1
'. shall have in future—"
I "Leave her alone;' interrupted Al-
bent in a voice almost as measured
' as beet,
"Sheens a little overdone, UNIQUE METHOD EMPLOYED IN
that is all, Tt'e been rather a hard CONVEYING SIGNALS.
Iday's work, what with. that long ses-
, mon in chapel this morning., and every-
_._ _
thing. She wants a night's rest.
', Don't bother her, Julia, and don't take Many Clever Expedients Used by
i pica stip
OF THE co s
away, the novels from her. She isn't S toI art Information to
I a baby, after all"
an the sante plain pulpit in which a 1 The deep -red blood reseed to Be finished with carelessly smil.ng
quartet• of a century ago John had. Fenelltt's face. lips, out eyes which had narrowed
hebooted himself to his 'flock,' „ ?" she bret,th-I watchfully in their sockets,
he stood mice more, not so upright in- Oh, has he really r I (7.o be continued.)
deed as on that long distant Sunday , lessly asked. I am so glad Oh,
—with narrow shoulders stooping, and; how generous he is I scarcely ex -1 •
.bleached hair tossed back from his' petted—I did not know what to lupe ANCIENIHEBRON.
high forehead,—but with a light upon 1 — Earth's Cities and
his which had not been there even, The disturbance in her voice was so Most \ enerable of
then. This was the s of on which his] evident that Albert, glancing at her ltich•in Historic Interest -
Retreating !:suns.
Prosaic activities of small farmers
must take place, in northern France,
in the shadow of the great guns. Ac-
cordingly the French artillery officers
did not think it at all remarkable when
a farmer with two red cows and one
white one drove them down the road
natural shyness always dropped from in surprise, and reading the same is-, Hebron, recently captured by the every day to the pasture, while the
him as drops a cloak, But to -day; turhance in her glowing face, was foilGerman and French shells shrieked
there was more than a mere absence e a moment just a trifle taken aback. British forces In Palestine, is a very overhead. But after the- three, cows,
of self-consciousness: a strange new' By an association of ideas, which was ancient city, figuring, in fact, as one strung out in single file, had gone by
aggressiveness of demeanour. The more instinctive than reasoned, his of the oldest in the history of Canaan. the German artillery flamed forth in
mild brown eyes were no longer the: eyes sought the broad-shouldetodafig--'Its modern Mohammedan name is El'tonewed activity.
eyes of a dove, but rather of some, ure fast diminishing upon the x Khalil, or Khalil Allah, "Friend o It seemed imbued with a startling
fierce bird of prey, poising to sweep, fine specimen of manhood, certainly, God," said to have been so named prescience regarding columns of
upon its victim, —even in his Sunday clothes• He re-� from its association with Abraham, troops, fi'leseo£ supply trains and lo -
•b hlfth
Twenty -Third Lesson—Canning Vegetables.
It is absolutely necessary that we Blaneh and cold dip.
include vegetables in our daily diet. Place a silver knife in the jar v'lten
The purchasing of cheap or low-grade
canned goods for home consumption is
poor economy. Aside from the danger
of sickness, an inferior article makes
it impossible to have good results
when cooking.
Vegetables, particularly the sue-
culent ones, are reasonable priced dur-
ing the warm weather, and owing to
their well-known perishable qualities
they de not keep for any length of
time in their natural state.
An assortment of home -canned
vegetables will prove a most welcome
addition to the pantry during the win -
pouring in the boiling water,
Be positive that the jars, rubbers
and lids are sterilized and in good con-
dition before using.
To successfully can vegetables, and
in fact all food products, these foods
-must be completely. sterilized. All
accessories, such as ears, lids and rub-
ber, must also come under this rile.
Vegetable Structure
The cellulose structure of vege-
tables is tough and fibrous in char-
acter, and because of this the vege-
tables require a long time—from three
to five hours—to be completely
ter season, besides saving many times sterilized. Many successful canners
their original cost. use the old sectioned time method that
Bacteria cells cover all vegis, to heat it to the boiling polo and
site unless they are completely vegetables, sterilize cook for than one hour, en seal. Repeat
"And nothing of what my eyes de- membered having hoard t at a e for the Moslems regard it as one of cations of new guns. A French offi-
sirecl did I deny them, and refused no gala iu the village were secretly four sacred cities, the others being ed this bacteria will cause fei•mentntg
pleasure to my beet:' languishing for Duncan': favor's. Per ter became interested in that prosese aetfon to take lace in the jar, -end
haps it might be as well to put a stop' Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem. It mon of cows. It never seemed the then the contents will be n total loss,
To Can Asparagus
Select perfectly fresh and young
asparagus. Wash it carefully to re-
move the sand. Peel the stalks care-
fully and trim away ell the hard and
pithy portions. Let it lay in cold
was vas c That afternoon Fenella sat fora water until all the asparagusi o ie re -
and there was no gain under the sun.1 arch:—Abraham, Isaac and Jacob several times iii the half -mile jour- pared. Then tie it in convenient
His body a little drawn back from long while upon the shore. are reported to have sojourner! et ttev. bundles for easy handling while
pulpit -wall, upon which his thin hand Was this, then, really the while Hebron (Genesis ilii. 18; xxev., 27; Every change fn formation seemed blanching and cold dipping.
rested, he paused, measuring the con- value of those goods which she hacii xxxvii., 14.) A legend has it that utterly needless to the purpose of Blanching—Flava a large pot of wa-
gregation with an eye which seemed been taught to prize above everything,
they were all buried there, w'th Re- driving three cows to pasture. The ter boiling. Place the asparagus in
to challenge contradiction, whose praises had sounded in her ears beets and Sarah, while even to -day an g this water when it starts boiling and
ou ave ears a wordsbefore, h ]d remember any officer apprehended the man on the boil for ten minutes. Remove and
r u nt t�amre near t e sun
The words of the preacher -king rang to those visits to Adam's cottage. But; lies only twenty-one utiles south -wase same on two successive occasions.
penetratingnote which nervous ex- Sometimes the white cow would lead.
smiled at the grotesqueness of his own! The city of Hebron is referred to in Sometimes the white one was be -
"Andalone can give. fancy, The ghost of an idea which , the 01d Testament in Numbers xiii., tween the two others. Sometimes the
And as I gazed upon all the works for a moment had startled him, wee( 22; Genesis xxiii., 2; Joshua xis., 15. farmer would whip one or the other
of my hands, and upon the doings not to be taken more seriously than As a sanctuary it was the most fain of the creatures ahead of the line.
which I have accomplished, behold it any other sort of ghost. I ous of the smith, and the three patri-. Frequently all nand grasping et the wind,i 1 eq. , ,., the formation alteredp
through the crowded space with that even as he formed the thought, Albert of Jerusalem,
"Y h h ! the d over since s e sou
all of you—for they are nut mine, as thing? An empty grasping' at the old oak is pointed out le vat' back. You will not seeh cold dip by dropping into a pan of
you know well; they are those of the wind! Consternation was born of by, as that of Abraham. 1 so high in the heavens to -morrow," very cold water.
man who perhaps of all men on earth, that thought, and yet the consterna-' The spies sent out to visit the he remarked casually. "You have note Pack into the jars, the tip end down,
either before or since, had taken the tion itself was not all surprise. Al-' Promised Land ventured to Hebron,' done well—for France!" The peas- as ifclosely ne possible. Put ar silver
fill of all the goods of the earth,-- most it seemed to her that .e a must and Joshua was said•to have destroy-, ant's face paled. He tried to pretend] while 1,,the vitleto prevent craekth
Re -
who had fed his greed with gold, his partly have expected this. ad not ere the city before giving it as a 11:51- ' astonishment, but his fear and eon -filling E
appetite with delicate meats, his lust Lady Atterton said something very tage to Caleb, and reads it a cit of ; move the knife and poi the tubber and
with the beauty of women, his Fancy lilts it when she asked: " Was ever Y fusion were too obvious. Ile told his ; lid in position. Partially tighten and
i - such as ni success?" and had refuge Then the place figures Proms- ; story to the drumhead court that con- � then process in hot-water bath for two
with every device that could amuse i+„ answered
s s Y nently in the history of David; for it i vened to listen. The Germans, m 1 hours niter the boiling has started:
Nothing which his eyes desired did he answered herself: •'It was not success:
deny them; it is he who says it. And ut. al] --it was failure?" was here that he was anointed King, j falling back, had arranged a "three 1 Remove and tighten the lid securely as
the end? Behold all is vain, and a How strange that her Maier should first over Judah, and than over the: cow" method of signalling. The three I possible then invert to cool. When
grasping at the wind! It is the sen- preach such a sermon just now! She whole of Israel. (II. Samuel ii , 1-4; animals were capable of half a dozen I cuPui tt 1 ton ears (ler foil successful
tence of the Pride of Life, spoken by had heard of people the course of ve 1-3.) Absalom also made his at- :different formations that spelled a results:
one who had tasted it to its dregs, whose lives had been changed by such tempt to capture the Throne from He- half dozen different truths concern- The asparagus must be oitn and
anI founts but bitterness in the cup;— things as a sermon or a book; but bron, but soon after that time it dis-1 ing troop movements and artillery I fresh. y g
by one who had plucked the fruit, and whether this was to be for her one of appears from marked prominence in , accuracy. He was paid well by the , Wath carefully to remove may sand,
in whose motitn it turned to ashes. those decisive turning -points sho was Bible story, In the Apocrypha it is f Huns and coached for a sou of d
13 a ays Peel and remove the pithy parts.
And this man accounted the wisest still unable to discern. She had heard,' mentioned, however, as being then in the tactics to be pursued before
man of tate old world, too, of earthquakes which, by levelling ,lace that Judas Aiaceabeus tool: from thee
"Ane} we. my breathren, into whose the walls of prisons, had set captives the Edomites. • The French officer was right. The
care these worts of wi•.dom have been free. Was it possible that she had
called ever since we were children, been living in a prison until now, and, • peasant saw only one more sunrise.
how du we follow- their lesson? Are that the words heard that morning Control of Insect Pests in Canada. `And for him there was no sunset. 1
we wise enough to learn by another's had been words of liberation? Al- The annual report of the Dominion "Shirt Signals."
experience? Oh, foolish and blind! melt it seemed to her thatt' Entomologist f theending
We will not believe in the bitterness of chain had fallen from her. And, March 31st, 191,, has lust h? ^n }ssuad ing was that employed by the
of the cup until we have tasted it our- now she peered about her, blinking her, by the Department of Agriculture, "woman of the shirts." She seemed
selves; we grasp at it, we pursue it, eyes in the new daylight, and wander -.Ottawa, and in its twenty-four pages i always washing them. Up on a little
breathless, en bleeding feet, over all ing which road to take. a brief record is given of the activities
obstacles And when we have reach ' h t 1 t i ed haw ' 1 1 knoll where her little house stood'
some sort
Ettiomo ogr or year f Another clever expedient for signal -
ere it—we find that we have grasped She went oma a last, c of the officer of the Entomo ogiea
p in drawn no practical conclusions !they flapped and danced on the
the wind. Rich or poor, high or law, Branch, The necessity of protecting clothesline in the fresh morning sun-!
yfrom her reflections, and seeing no all our crops from insect a is with a
that dead! thing, the Pride of Life,, clearer into the future than she hadp p ' light, Back of and beyond that knoll;
has us all in his clutches. For what seen that morning when he had sat in view to increasing crop production is
'the guns loomed sullenly, their smoke
is the poor mans envy of the rich but the chapel, quivering as though under more urgent than ever at this present plumes lifting lazily like blossoms i
Pride of Life? i a lash. time. 'rhe establishment of regional of white against the green hills, The
"And some of us dream only ofi IIach proof Leen wanting fir her entomological stations, of which there
gold, and of the ease it brings, and oP! 6 shirts flapped—red and blue and
the luxury in which it will enable us : nerves being off their balance, it would are note ten in different provinces, has white and red again --some very close
to revel—forgetting the while that have been supplied by her eery greatly enlarged the scope of the together, some widely spaced. After
ease without work is no ease but strange behaviour that evening after work and the usefulness of the officers a $ew days they arrested that woman. i
weariness, and that the grosser luxury the cold supper which, on Sundays concerned, Concise statements are Terror-stricken, she babbled her eon-
awe11s, the more quickly itpalls;—f alone, replaced the orthodox meal, , given of the progress of the following fession of the "shirt signals." She
and that there must come a day—a.nd i They were alone in the bow-windov' lines of work; investigations on 10- .,had sold her country for siker incl
be it the day of his death,—on which ed drawing-room—the three young sects affecting green and field crops .,had wed the instructions of the re -
the rich man who has been only a ricin 1 people --and after the somewhat garden and greenhouse, fruit crops, treating }funs.
man, blushes to find himself uo higher severe ecclesiastical discipline of the forest and shade trees, stored grain ghee have been used to signal.
than the animals. day, secular interests were enjoying and other products, insect, affecting p
"This also is grasping at the wind! their rights, which they could all the Chimneys smoked on alternate morn -
"And some o£ us again dream only! more safely do as the minister was domestis enc} ether animals, the house- lugs; stopped suddenly and smoked
of hearing our names in the mouths spending the evening with Adam. hold and public health; the introduce again. Peasants who would sell their
of men, of seeing their hacks bench be -1 "Well. I'm Mowed!" exclaimed al. tion and eolonizatinn of parasitic in- country for gain have stood against
fore us; of retelling in the pomp andj bort, lifting his face from the late.,t sects and studies of natural control; stone walls. Signalling is an interest-
, of fashion. But if we ;cotsmun. "dust listen tc, this: field work aeauiet the brown -tail moth mg thing—Pizarro raised his hand
sit down to think we eleal here blush', "`Elepemont in high life.—I' de con- in the 1leritime Provinces; and the in- fur the famous massacre of the Incas
again; for who would he honored be- tddently affirmed that tea Ilonareble speetion of imported nursery stock, A —and history is replete with incidents
i ::
where things were need "not whatcause of his gold -bag;, or because els L,an Leering -ton ("That's rieP statement of the wor:enIerrak-
the chance of his birth?
Celt pretty girl who was staying with en with a view to conservation of wild R 1 „
Wm process for three successive days.
This is a troublesome method Which
requires considerable time for handl-
ing and cooking. Newer and more
modern methods have slim:nated all
The Cold -Pack Method
This method is now in general use in
all the large canneries, and is much
preferred because -it gives a beautiful
appearance to the vegetables. It can
be successfully accomplished with the
same results in less time than by other
'musing this method, the vegetables
are blanched, cold dipped and then
packed in sterilized jars, the rubbers
adjusted and the lids partially tighten-
ed and then processed,
Cold Dip
Cold dipping of blanched vegetables
is necessary to make them firm enough
to handle after being nartially cooked
and also to set the coloring matter so
that it will not easily dissolve during
the rest of the process.
Be positive. that the water is boil-
ing rapidly after the jars have been
placed in the water bath before count-
ing the time for the process.
Remember that no food will spoil
that is absolutely sterilized, that bac-
teria, spores and germs are exceed-
ingly hard to kill and that only long
kine will accomplish
Turkey Entince.—One cupful of
small pieces of turkey, one onion, one
green pepper, one-half cupful 'of
gravy. Mince the onion and pepper
fine, then parboil and add to the minc-
ed turkey. Moisten with gravy and
heat until very hot. Serve on toast.
Turkey Terrapin.—One cupful of
cold turkey, cut in one -inch blocks,
two tablespoonfuls of. flour, one cup-
ful of milk. Season with one tea-
spoonful of salt, one-half teaspoon-
ful of Worcestershire sauce. Blend
the flour and milk and then cook for
five minutes. Add the cold turkey
meat. Shake or toss until very hot.
Add the yolk of egg and a dalle of
nutmeg. Serve.
The old question is here answered
in a few palatable receipes,
Turkey Fritters.—One cupful of
flour, one-half teaspoonful of salt, two
teaspoonfuls of baking powder. one
cupful of milk, one egg, Mix the dry
ingredients together and milk and
beaten egg. Mix to a smooth batter
and then fold in one cupful of finely
chopped cold turkey, one-half tea-
spoonful of r tipper. Mix well, then
fry in hot fat and serve with Chili
Turkey Club Sandwiches.—Use two
slices of toast cut in triangles, Cove
er the toast with a leaf of lettuce, then
MEE 4 11G
Representatives of the Two Great
English -Speaking Maces Confer
Once Again.
An historic meeting took place at
10 Downing Street, London, in No-
vember, says a writer in a British
Members of the American Mission
met the British War Cabinet and the
Heads of the Departments most inti-
mately concerned in the war. The
meeting was essentially a business
meeting to consider how the United
States could best work with us and
with the other Allies for the single
end we have in view. But the dullest
imagination must be stirred by this
gathering of the representatives of the
two great English-speaking peoples
for such a purpose upon such a 'scene.
Members of the Same Family.
Until a century and a half ago, they
were one people with a cwnmon in-
heritance of blood and of language,
of political and religious thought, of
institutions, habits, character, andtra-
ditions coming down to them through
countless generations. Then the claim
of the colonists to self-government- -
divided them from the Mother Coun-
try, and just because they were of the
same family the 'kinsmen stubbornly
fought their quarrel out. It was in
the room and at the table where the
decisions which mane the severance in-
evitable were taken, and where
treaty of peace with the new Rep,
was signed, that their representa
took counsel together against
enemy of the polity and of the civiliz.
tion they have developed.
Franklin had pleaded and protested --
there; Adams and Jay had doubtless
often called there in the negotiations
for the settlement to which their
names are set with his• The successor
of North and of Portland, who welcom-
ed the American delegation, was lay-
ing practical problems before practical
and busy peen, but nobody with Mr.
Lloyd George's cast of mind could
pass over feats so striking without a
word. We do not doubt that they will
appeal to millions on both sides of the
1 t thin 1' f turkey, then; ocean*
ay on
two m s ices o Historic Meeting Place.
one thin slice of ham or Bacon and
then another leaf of lettuce. Cover] Thougditful men will everywhere
with a second slice of toast. Garnish feel that this meeting, whose aim is
with olive, pickle and then serve with-. the protection of human ftee om,
one tablespoonful of mayonnaise on t could have bad .no more appropriate
leaf of lettuce. I setting than the room in Downing
To Use the Filling.—Cut the cold; Street where that great chapter in its
boiler} potatoes in thin slices, use' history was largely written. It was
about two cupfuls; put in a frying pan not only the independence of the
in which four tablespoonfuls of short -1 United States which that chapter de -
ening bas been made very hot. Turn'termined. It decided the future of the
the potatoes in and add one And one-' British Empire as well. We have
half to two cupfuls of turkey filling.' never forgotten the lessons that it
Heat thoroughly and add one cupful taught us. From them ice have learnt
of gravy or stock; cook until moisture how a great democratic Empire must
evaporates and a brown crust forms. I be moulded and preserved. Statesmen
Mold into shape by pushing to the, sat in the old room in Downing Street
side of pan. Turn out on a hot plat.' even in those days to whom the secret
ter in an omelet shape and then serve. was clear,
Turkey Broth.—Crack the bones Chatham saw it, and Edmund Burke,
and then cover with cold water. and many of the Rockingham Whigs.
Cools slowly tor one and one-half "Things could not be otherwise," said
hours. Strain and cook until reduced Burke, than that Englishmen beyond
to one-half. Blond two talespoonfuls the seas should claim the full rights of
of corn -starch with five cupfuls of the. Englishmen. But they preached to
prepared broth, then bring to' a boil. deaf ears in a Parliament of "Ring's
Add ane teaspoonful of -finely chopped friends" and placemen, and the miser-
pars1 se and then serve. If there ds able quarrel followed which long
nota sumcient amount of broth add estranged the two peoples, who have
milk. Try this; it is delicious. more in common, as Dr, Page has
said, that any peoples ever lead before.
"The purpose of this historic
"This also is grasping at the wind! !her mother, Lady Calder, at the Bis-
the seemed . COTTONSEED FROM U. S. - The average depth of the English said the Prime 44i:lister,
life particular!;; hurl:;, ds al 0 given. Stranger, weirder signalling than gathering,"
"All, all is a grasping at the wind haps Bust year," interpolated Albert) Channel is 110 feet. "was to determine how the United
which has only this life in view, --this .....-left her home on Wednesday night, The. publication does not contain any'that done by spies to the present war
atom of time last in Eternity. It is accompanied by Mr. George Butt, resommenriations rrspech . the con- however, nae never previously been Republic Will Supply Canada With States could best co-operate with
tiro] of insect pest such infotmatirn eaele s+•eneeeiaa.asa,:a:eleha e:lealo Great Britain and the other Allies.
41 B
�, Irunrvus l:fotel
is .a 1 tuition heryounger d
th..t :u sati..factton under whose tui i n 4 e a hietc .
not here oun le h
be found. How should it be, since it brother, the IL•,nsi'ahle Edward Lar'- is published in the bulletins and eireu —en—ea—
is not for these things that we are rington, had been recently placed, and tars of the Entomological Branch. It
made? Our zoul-hunger demands has since been chn,destinely married comprises a brief account of the year. s, ('alts You As Coffee Boils•
other food. And what holds back to him, Lady Calder has fallen ill in work and will be of interest to all' A gas stove which arises at dawn,
who desire to !cirri what progress is
the hand that proffers it? The Pride'1 consequence of the shock received.'' boils the coffee and wakes you up
of Life—only the Pride of Life,";osd gist+mi,. was all Julia meldl,aiitg mado •in this line of scientificwhen at is ready has been invented by
In the chapel not a head moved, Ind say, hiving emerged from her novel, research as applied to agriculture. Gemaeo Reim of Brooklyn, N.Y. The
scarcely an eyelid blinked. Wet in order to listen. After a moments as burner has a pilot fight to which is an
had come over their minister to -day?' earnest reflection site added: "I sup- Copies may he obtained on application attached a clod: mechanism. A dial no re-export of these products. for testy) aserHouse The arrive
to the Publications Branch, Depart -I As Canada raises sufficient hogs foil i W first million men could be expected in
—for that something had come over pose she's marl."over the clockworks se vas to tell theof Plenty) ns soon as they arrive in : l Francs. Other matters of urgency
him seemed natant to the leas: Menne "Either marl or trod; fm shn r isn't meat of Agriculture, Ottawa, All en -i its own uses, export licenses for hogs ; Toronto. The meals, the service ,
vent, Never had they seen the Vane seriously mean to remain Mrs. Butt all quire+s respecting insect pests should time. A smaller dial is used to set will not be granted for an indefinite ! `• and the home -like appointments were the supply of airmen and aerho-
ddresred to the Dominion Entomo-;tiro alarm, igniting anti extmguishmg i d The colic of the Pvv,ood Ad-' i constitute the magnet that draws yl planes, the supply of food, and the
minute after minute they listened, a "Why shouldn't. she mean it. ask logfst, Departrnent of Agriculture, Ot- , devices. When set the burner under minist'ation is to see that Canada is them there. y, = tightening up of the blockade,
within mm ICal, so Il,i{L3 u.a this r"� per incl-- be a
Necessaries for Home Consumption.
The United States Food Adminis-
tration has completed arrangements
with the Food Controller of Canada
whereby cottonseed oil and its -pro-
ducts may move into Canada for'loeal
C adian consumption, There evilll''be
Many 1` Co-operation in the War,
$ Mr. Lloyd George said that, after
full deliberation, he and his colleagues
la were satisfied that two matters—man-
al power at the fronts and shipping—
e; were of superior and equal urgency,
Ile was anxious to know how soon the
a Make a
little bewildered, for in truth the ed Fenella ar ehily• rtawa; such requests and enquiries may , the coffee pot will automatically rg- 1 Noon Speaking of Food, the Pr,me Mini
Pride of Life had as sena}} a place in: "My deli child because people nice at a predeterminkl Leer surf boil supplied ',with certain necessaries, Evening iDlnner75c al stet assurer! the efission "that the
1 1 1 fr a of postag ° } United d er t u red for S
Mini -
the hard-working community as it can brought up as Mimi T •trringlon has (th coffee for four or ...lye minora: � most deistic restrictions weto about
e ie mai tic a `A t. from the m'e States, requited Piave in anybut th t of. moults. What been brought a don't shake down into There are 1,•181 publictttions of all The Hama will then lm ver of its own feeding their otvi, people; but no posed upon the people of the
pe p
THE WALKER HOUSE fi to be imposed p p
had they done to deserve this severe the sort of life which the Mr. Buttsg more• British Isles, partly in order to assist
1 being healed in C'anadn in accord to slow boiling for another • Toronto's Famous !tote!
licenses will be issued without the 1.atea Reaaonabte
Food Controller of Geo. wribht 8r co Prone, i i
Canada, uts'.aaealeecireserea!t iaaaWieneiviese: ei
mural scourgingg? they. ed ad them lead." - hints now s , Doff ular licenses will be regtured on
selves, Sven whjle carried away by; "But if sue cares for him enough?" eluding 13S dailies, 4tri-weeklies, 40five minutes, after which it will shut all shipments as heretofore, but no (�+ TORONTO, CANADA ilio. Allies and partly in order to leave
h t f ardent d d "Theh f him—twat semi-weeklies 921 weeklies 221 rteelf off entirely, The coffee is now h
the crimen o ar en words, an a mare she
cares or more room for the carriage of men
trifle awed by the fierceness which is, the more passion there is in the monthlies, 1 1'a -monthly, and le guar- ready for you and an alarm is sound- approval of the and munitions to the Wattle fruits,"
contrasted so strangely with their pas-' matter—the quicker it will fizzle out, terlfes, I I
tor's usual mild benevolence of utter and the stronger will the reaction be," —,
ante, He was speaking lite a man' explained the youthful philosopher,
T., .,. ., B.C,'s Trade Position.
moved by personal hatred, almost' with as much assurance as though '"" `" "`•"" • "' �'�` British Columbia's mills have a os.
vindictiveness, That Pride of Life to' half a century of experience stood be- p
which be shot his arrows might have' hind him. "When the poor girl lit it mis -' a"'r, p ivnla.L91tJ�,1 I ` �� + l u :silo output of 2,600,000,000 feet per
been an enemy with whom he had a awakes from her intoxication she will , ni t lj; ] !�j I 1 1y ! ( annum of lumber, according to an per
deadly score. to nettle; find herself caught in her own toils, t I I 7, �l ; — Y p '•1 , : timate made by the `'Victoria an es"
Yet not one among the congregation and the natural result will follow. � 9i1 r �` . r I �' 1st," On that side of the continent,
�j1i14 1 � I ��i S
Coronado {each, California
Near San Demo
llotcl Dc1 Coronado
guessed that, for the moment, that Really, I in quite sorry for her; and
imaginary antagonist was clothed in she was such a good "hand at tennis
the flesh of Ronald Macgilvray. John too."
himself scarcely guessed it. Iia was
not preaching at anybody, nor acting
upon any reasoned motive, but purely
upon one of those impulses that will
not be denied,—tearing open his soul,
in order to save it from euifocating
under the burden of the disappoint-
ment which had fallen,upon it.
Between the chapel and the Rectory
one of those very small incidents oc-
purred which gain their true impor-
tance only by retrospection,
They were close to the Rectory gate
'I'm not sorry for her at all. burst
out Familia, with that kind of vehem-
ence which betrays a tension seeking
relief, and with dangerouely ehdning
eyes. "2 think she is to be envied,
not pitied. It must be a glorious
thing to care for anyone as much es
thati--beter than anything eine in the
world, and to have the courage to
give it all up for hie sake. What
mare can love want than to be put
to the test?"
She broke off, graepjrlg her fore -
when, upon the other side of the goad, head with her hand. Were those
Duncan M'Doenell passed them, with her own words, or had ane not heard
one of his brief salutes, and barely them lately upon other lips? The
turning bis head, blank astanlshment in the two pairs of
"By the way, Venous," said Albert, eyes fixed upon her scarcely confused
Little Girl—Mummy, Bobby keeps on looking at me in Gorman!
18 -Hole GoiF Course
bel is equipped throughout with Automatic
Sprinkler Sytbem, -
? t?Awf salsisivirmatenevewesgsraainsomumemzsegvarza,,
says the "Colonist," there is the large
est supply of merchantable timber,
Pulp and paper mills when fully in
swing will be able to supplement tho
shortage of products in the east and
probably indefinitely supply the dee
nand fir paper, In the years 1912
to 1014 not more than five per cent,
of the foreign lumber export trade on
the Pacific was handled from the west-,
ern ports, notwithstanding the n5'
tural resotn•ces, which are greater
than all the States to the south. The
lifetime, therefore, show, that British
''oluthbia, which is in a position to
supply the major portion of the do,
mend, is only in a email minority in
t : ileo! trade.
I •,