The Brussels Post, 1917-12-27, Page 1e
VOL., 46 NO, 26
41. 50 Per Am in 4 dvance
W. H. KERR, Proprietor
ai5ttitt deltas
a kin estown
We are mery to state that Sestet
Elizabeth, the bright little dangle el.
U(' B. 0, and Mrs, Stokes, died on
Christimie Day, aged 8 months and 11
days. The funereal will take piece
'Friday afternoon to 13entisels came -
leen The parents are sympathised
with in the death of their baby girl.
Friday of last week an old find tvell
known resident of the let line ot
Morels, was called to bee eternal
home, in the peon of Mrs, George
3ohnston. Her husband pre-deceineed
1101. by a few years. A large family
survive. The funeral took place to
Bluevale Monday afternoom Rev. Mr.
Thomson conducting the service,
Card of Thanks
Please accept my most sincere
thanks for your splendid effort in my
behalf and the Unionist Party which I
,e, nesent, on .Election Day, Your de -
is one which will be in the beet
rests of the Empire and the brave
n who have gone overseas to fight
v battles. Permit me to specially
.nk the ladies who so ably suppoetea,
%in my campaign, and I can assure
'• t I will endeavor to be true to
you have placed in me.
Believe me,
Alte„hilt nstim (MO of the few old
resident(' of the enninciunity and was
80 year% of age. Sympathy is extend-
-est to the hereaved.
The monthly Horse Fair will be
held here on Saturday, 5th Met.
Mee, M. McLennan left last week for
en extended visit at Toronto and
Bean tforcl.
The union leteicessory service held
in the Anglican church Christmas
'lamming teas -largely attended.
Namo' and Mrs. Kalbfleisch,
Hamilton, spent the bandity with the
litetee'e mother, Mrs. H. Sinith,
Misses Grace Stocks, Delia Ruther-
ford tied A. Kitchen returned to their
positions in Tomtit° on Wednesday.
Mrs. Alex. Smith arrived front
Stoughton, Sask., last week and is vis-
iting her daughter,IVI S. Ritemussen,
$48.00, which will be used for pat.
Picnic purpoeee, was realized at the
School Concert held in the Town Hall
Friday evening,
The funeral of the late Mee, Andrew
Mitchell, who clled suddenly ttt Tu-
gaske, Sask„ on Dec. 20th, takes place
to Wroxeter cemetery Thursday.
The Sunday School of the Methodist
church held a social evening and Xmas
Tree in the baseinent of the church
Wednesday evening when a very en-
joyable time was spout.
At the last Oquncil meeting the
Clerk was instructed to write Con.
MS, now of Galt, expressingtheir
appreciation of the work done in the
village by him while Reeve and wish-
ing him a large measure of success in
his new home. Dr. McLeod was paid
545.00 for medical services and 5100
was voted to Public Library. Court -
• • • • • •••••••• ••• •••••••••• • 4•••••••••••••••,••,••••••
Will take you out of the xcib-bunting Olase and put you in the Class
for whom Jobs (and good ones) are Hunting.
We train our students to give the most efficient, therefore the
best -paid service. Affiliated with the Central Business College,
Stratford, and the Elliott Business College, Toronto.
O. A. McLACHLAN, Pres. A. HAVILAND, Principal.
Alex. Strachan
40 444 4 •••••••••••••• 4•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
5ox and
• •
, • • o•••••• 0 4 0,••• oo •••••••••• 4t0000004000000004,4,444.44,044
• • •
No matter' how
cold or slushy the
weather is, your feet
will be snug and
xarin in a pair of socks and rubbers.
Thick, warm, fleece -lined socks and stout snag -
?roof rubbers—that's a, combination that can't be beat
for out -door winter work.
We have them in all styles and sizes. They AO/
arlcod down to rock bottom, too.
Harness Department
Robes, Blankets, Bells and Single Harness at Lowest
RICHARDS 86 Co., Brussels
eillor Jno, Douglas was in the chair in
the absence of the Reeve, win) IBIS re-
Among the teachers who are Ittnne
for the Xmas vacation are Masse
Annie and Winiafeed Munro, Pearl
and Lyla Kanto, Margaret Anaereon,
Eleanor Hamilton, llessie Lovell,
jennie Allan, Lulu and Olara
One of Wroxeter's business men
passed away at his' home here on
Thursday onorning at 8 o'clock, in the
BereOrl of Gen, Howe. Re..was in his
68th year and had been in declining
health for abont 2 years. Mr. Howe
Was a native of England coining to
this nuniry when quite a young man
and had been engaged in the woollen
mill Misitiess practically ell his life,
having charge of mills at Heapeler,
Brussels and Wroxeter. He had a
kind disposition and always ready to
lend a helping hand. }le was it life
long Methodist, a member of the pres.
ent School Board and in politics a
staunch Liberal. He is survived by
one son, efertnii, Dunnville, and 4
daughters, Misses Mary at home,
Beatrice, Leamington ; ,len»ie, Mat -
ran of the • Brandon Industrial Insti-
tute and Mrs. A. Vir, Robinson, Hat-
tleford, Sask., all of whom were
pent -int when the end mine. 5 grand-
cifildeen and 2 brothers are also living,
Interment Look place in the Brussels
cemetery Saterday afternoon, where
the wife of deceased was buried 1895.
Rev, Mr. Stride conducted the fpneral
service, Ili', and Mrs. Howe were
born and married, in Yorkshire, Eng-
land. The letter was Miss Jane
Kitchen and the year of the marriage
1888 13, Howe, Dunnville, and J.
Beven, Respeler, attended the funeral
of the former's brother.
Lead b u ry
ENGAGEMENT.—J. J. and Mrs. Mc -
Gavin announce the engagement of
their only daughter, Jennie, to Wil-
bur B. Turnbull, son of Oliver and
Mrs. Grey township, the
marriage to take place quietly early
in the new year.
Ronan and lot for sale at Ethel Station. A
good frame house and about ou4f1fth acre lot.
Building can be purchased separately If so de-
sired. Por further particulars apply to
Glaovint GRA:, Ethel,
Dan. Eakmier, Clinton, is visiting
relatives here.
Morris McLelland is home for a
holiday from Toronto.
Rev, and Mee. Johnson and son
were at Atwood for Christmas.
Nomination here next Monday for
Grey township, from 12 to 1 p, 01,
Miss L. Hall went to Toronto to
have a holiday with relatives ae Bal-
ing Beach.
' Joe and Mee, Hemsworth and family
Mitchell, and Corp. Reg. Hemsworth,
Quebec, are guests at Mrs, Spence's.
Pte, W. Thompson is home from
overseas, His health is not very ro-
bust but we trust he will soon rammer-
Regular meeting of No. 081 L. 0. L.
Ethel, will be held Thursday evening,
Dec. 27th. Members requested to at-
Earl and bIrs. Eckmier and child,
of Blairmore, Alta., are here for a
visit. Former is a son of 0, and Mrs.
N. and Mrs, McPhail, Southampton,
and N. and Mrs. McDonald, Acton,
are holiday visitors at the howe of
Jno. and Mrs. McDonald.
School concert held on Dee. 14th
was both interesting and helpful to
the children. Proceeds amounted to
$27.40, and was handed over to the
Girls' Patriotic Club.
Will the ladies that have Red Cross
sewing on hand try and have it com-
pleted and handed in to AIM E. Dil-
worth by the end of the year, so that
it can be packed and shipped at as
early a date as possible,
Mrs. J110. McIntosh, Toronto, form-
erly of Ethel, in remitting for THE
Postr says :—We always welcome THE
POST and would miss it very Tench as
it; always enlightens us to what is go-
ing on around our old home.
Soine excitement in rural telephone
circles during the past week over an
enpromplu political discussion, the
aftermath of which was a line for
violation (if a telephone rule for listen-
ing. Folk will likely be on the alert
after this as the rule is not generally
observed on some lines,
To MIN BRITISH NAtm.-- Lloyd
Eclonier, who has been visiting his
sister'Mies W. E. Willie, also with hiepai'ents,
parents, August and Mrs. Balmier,
Ethel, lefty for Halifax to join the
British navy, having resigned the
principalship of Roseiste, Man., Con -
titillation &Mool where he received a
salary of 51200. Re enlisted at Win-
nipeg before coming :Beet. Lloyd is a.
graduate of Listowel High Sebool and
later attended Faculty of Education
at Toronto and Kingston University,
His many friends eels!' him good luck
and a safe return. This is a case of
real enceinte illnetrated, particrilar•
ty as it relates to finances and goes to
prove that the•pay of Soldier boys is
Flour and Feed
Expected at Ethel Sta-
tion by Cranbrook Far-
mers' Club in the near
Ed. Fulton
Phone 285 Sec.-Trea8.
...",,,Sees • s ^e -s. , s„
Majority is nearly 1500
Mr, Bowman was born In Morels
Township and .filled positions of
trust as Sehooi Trustee, Township
Councillor and Reeve, and was War.
den of Huron County before attain-
ing to the higher honors. He was
elected to the Commons for East
Hum' in 1911 by 'a majority of 108
over A. Elision, Shim then the
County lost one mat and was sub-
divided into Noeth and South But
Mr. BoWinitn being the Unionist
standard bearer for the former. The
night of the election Mr. Bowman
went to Witigham to joie in the
jubilation and the following evening
attended a similar gathering in
Goderich. Official returns are given
in another colume, The soldier vote
will wake a change in these &goes.
out of all proportion to any other
vocation or calling, to say nothing of
the hazardous condition in which a
soldier lives in time of war especially.
Mies Della Harris spent a week
with her friend, Mies Mulch,
Several from this locality attended
the funeral of the late John Mooney
at Brueselslast week,
3. C. and Mrs. Butchart and son of
Vegsrville, Alta., are visiting J. and
Mrs. Berry. Mrs. B. is a daughter.
Norman Douglas and friend, Wm,
Webber., Burke Palls, spent the week
end at the former's uncle, Oliver
Last week In°. Rea bad the misfor-
butte to fall from a ladder and as a re-
sult his left hand was injured, the
third digit being broken. We hope
he will soon be till right.
Anniversary sermons next Sunday
in the Methodist church when Rev.
Mr. Sykes, .Kitchener, will preach
mdening and evening. Big Tea
Meeting New Year's night with an A
1 prow. am.
Tuesday of last week at the home of
Jets. and Mrs. McLaughlin, Rev. 4. A.
Lundy tied the matrimonial bow be-
tween Noble McCallum, a well-to-do
young:farmer of this locality and Miss
Dorothy Victoria Eales. We with
them a large measure of happiness
and prosperity in their new relation-
Municipal Nomination
Rural annual School
Wednesday of this week,
Some say there may be it contest
for the Reeve and Deputy Reeveship
in Grey.
bliss 011a Armstrong is home for the
holiday from Acton, where she is
Mise AGrant, who is teaching
near Wroxeter is home for the Christ-
mas vacation.
Mrs. (Rev.) Pearson and daughter,
who were visiting relatives here, have
gone to London for Cheistmas,
Hugh McCartney is home from the
West for a visit. His brothers, who
were ill, are making good recovery.
While an acclamation election is
among the probabilities a contest
would not be an entirely unlocked for
Donald Work, son of Rohr. SVnu k,
Langdon, North Dakota, is here on a
visit with relative -1. He is a student
at Chicago Veterinary
Jas. McDougall, of toingdnu, Note h
Dakota, is Vist ti ng with :edits s And
old friends. He is a brother ,.f Mrs.
Wes Brewer and Peter r Dongoll.
Richard Jackliti itiel family have
moved to tiled.. new home en 1(4(4 8th
Oon„ to the faeni puiethased Linn
Mrs. Jho. Smith. WP 11, pe they may
enjoy many pt ()sperm -is years on their
flee fano.
.las. and Hogg and eitildi'
em of
Mossberk. Sask., tire welcome visitor
back to this neighbeehtinel
Hogg is a daughter of Lovelies, Iseitin,
311.1 0011. bit. Hogg was also a former
Geeyite being a eon of Wm. til Mrs.
The entertainment in S. 5, No. 0,
Grey, Tuesday evening Dec, 18th, was
quite succcesful. Dirties of chair man
were performed by Jos. Arnett, Large
audience was preseut and appreciated
the following well rendered program
—Openhtg Chorus by pupils ; • chair -
015118 address ; recitation, Wilfred
Keifer ; violin eelection, Elwyn Som-
ers ; (woggle, "Fashioneble dissipa-
Lion," 51. Jacklin and E, Roy; derides
song. Mildred Sperling ; recitatien,
Mildred Hey ; chorus, "Chvisttrias"
eahool girls ; plan "Santa's boys,'i.
School boys; dialogue, "Down East
relations" in 3 MEMOS, 5 charades% ;
recitation, Miss 0. Rothwell ; solo,
Geo, Dunbar ; play, "The Ruggles'
Christmas," 10 chavitetevs ; bagpipes,
Earl Lowe ; recitation, Sylvester
Reputed • school boys; recitation,
Stewart; 'Smillie ; violin and organ
dnet, Will. and Mrs. Lainont.s;
Miss G. Purvis monologue, Evelyn
Hoy ; solo, Cecil Reputed ; dialogue,
"Oonvertieg Uncle John" in 4: sceuee,
8 cluteaatere ; sole, Miss M. 'Sperling ;
nlitY, "Going to the Dentistil," T. Jack -
lin, 0, Hall and L Sinclair ; bagpipes
and Ilighlaml.fling, Earl and Law-
rence Lowe; National „Anthem Gond
order was maintained and a spletulid •
time was enjoyed by everybody,
Proceeds. about 540.00, the larger part
of which will be tor Rea OrOsa pilepoti•
es, Miss Sperling is the energetic
Leather, '
next Mo n -
Last Saturday, Pte. Robt. Carr, son
of Robt. Carr, ltd Con., art ivea home
from France, where he suffered a gun
shot wound in the thigh from a snip-
er. He was 9 months in the teenches.
Pte. Care went overseas with a b.aska-
boon Battalion. He tells many an in-
teresting story of what real wee
means and of the heroism of the
soldier boys from Canada.
Paesso AWAY SUDDENLY. —Sunday
evening, 16th inst„ 'while in the act of
retiring for the night, John Edward
While, who was employed on the
farm of -Mrs. Wm. Johnston, Lot 17,
Con.12, Elam, died stuideuly, caused
by dropsy of the heart. The deceased
had not been in good health for mite
time, but death came unexpected.
Elis wife pre-deeeased hint some genes
ago and also one son, One brother
lives in the West and one in Rephium,
Ont. The funeral was hold on Wed-
nesday of last week to Brussels ceme-
tery and was conducted bythe Orange
Order. The deceased was in his 67th
year and was much respected in the
neighborhood where he lived. Re
was a resident of this township for
many years and sold his farm after his
wife died,
Archie Kerr is back from a prolong -
stay in the West,
Mise Florence Cook is away to Lon-
don for a holiday visit with relatives.
Morris township extends: hearty
congratulations in Jas, Bowman, M.
Miss Jennie Robb is hone for her
vacation from her school near Harris-
Wm. Hartry and Thos, Rands, Sea -
forth, attended the Animal of the late
John Mooney last week.
Elton and Mrs,.Rozell and 3 sons,
Clinton, were Christmas visitors with
H. and Mrs. Manning, 5th line.
Mrs. John Smith and sou have tak-
en possession of their farm they re-
cently bought from Nesbit Hamilton,
4th line. They are no strangers to
the locality.
J. A. and Nies, Nichol, 1st line,
Morris, and the fortner's sister, Miss
Hazel, of Wingheni, spent Christmas
at, the home of their parents, Alex.
and Mrs. Nichol; thit line. Sties Raze)
returned to Winghain on Wednes-
wain OP THANICS.—We wish to re-
cord our thanks to many friends, who
by word and deed, tendered sympathy
to us in the hour of our beveavement,
It was much appreciated and will live
long in our memory.
Yours gratefidly,
Miss. asto. 1‘1001%7EY AND SON.
—With no small regret we are called
upon this week to report, the demise
of Albert Howlett, a well known real-
dentiof the 7th line, who came to
Morris with his father in 1879. After
a severe although WO illness he pass-
ed away Monday afternoon in hie 55th
year. He was the only son of Chas.
Rowlett, and was 1301.11 in Woolwich
Township, Waterloo, Co, On the
lattetes removal to Brussels 21 years
ago, the son purchased the Site Emile -
stead, North half, Lot 15, Con. 8,
where he lived and died. Air. How-
lett was troweled to Miss Elizabeth
Sanderson, Millen township, Feb. 12,
1897, who SUPVIVOS, They have no
family. Der:owed teas A tht ifty going
industrious man, hospitable and kitid•
ly and alonstwith his partner in life
kept everything about the home in A
1 shape. They both took a lively in•
terest in the Jackson (eineeh, he being
A member of the Offbeat 13oesd, Sun-
day School Supeu i tend oil , and ever
ready to lend a hand in any depaete
Anent requiring his help and he will be
missed very much and his memory
will be cherished. Years ago the sub-
ject of this notice was operated oh for
appefidialtis and slues then underwent,
tivo operations foe bowel eomplica-
tions, (the last Thni•stley of last week),
bet °mug to his rondition the best
medical skill and good tim.sing proved
unevailing anti peanefeily be cinema
that borne from wit pee 1,0 t raVeller
returns, sun' 4d rna hy 5 e la Si )7es.
Funeral Ili ,11,el4 y art ib es.
eels °motet y, 111 service being eon -
ducted by Rev, Ale. Masi, mirk, de-
ameed's pastor, WI let 11 ‘,1 1 01 l and
the Other relatives she re largely in
widespread eyrnpethy nye) the sudden
beeeaveinent bpi -invent), mit ea those
*Motif, hope of some day finding the
loved of earth, where all tears are
wiped from the eyes,
"00 the inargiti of the river,
Lay we every Mieden down,
Grace our spirits shall deliver
And provide a tobs and drown,"
1917 Out and 1918 In
A. unique Novelty will be on the
program at Brussels Skating Rink
next Monday night when people
are invited to skate the Old Year
out and the New Year in, Rink
Will open at 0 p. in„ 1917, and close
12 15 in 1018.
Usual adinission.
A fine time is expected.
Jas, Bowtnau, M. P., was in Toron•
to last week for a few days.
Friday evening of last week the an -
mud Sunday Schnol entertainment
was held's' tlielackson chureh, Reis
Mr, McOorinick, pastor, oectipying the
chair. A choice program was ably
presented, one of the. leading features
beteg a well executed drill, "Every
day in the year" by a dozen young
folic, who were well trained by Mrs,
Ray Pear, A Christmas tree was un-
loaded of its burden by Santa Claus
Arthur McCall,. who filled the bill.
Proceeds were 520.00. A tinge of
sorrow overhung the evening on ac-
count of the serious illness of the
Superintendent, A, Howlett, who al-
witys took en hearty an interest in the
milord and passed away Monday after -
mon. His place will not be easily
Reeve Livingston, Ed. Fulton, Geo.
McTaggart and A. and Miss NI, Barron
were visitors at Toronto last week.
111.sTaistosustrs—A quiet wedding
was solemnized at Woodward Ave.,
Oluistian church, Detroit, Mich., by
Rev. Lloyd H. Miller, Dec. let, 1917,
when Miss Grace Adeline Schnook,
Flint, Mich., formerly of bIoncrieft,
Ont„ second daughter of W. P.
Schnook, was united in marriage to
Geo. Mann, Lundar, Man., formerly
of Moncrieff, Ont., eldest son of Win.
Manu. The young couple spent a
couple of days with the brides sister,
Mrs. Leonard Eighmey, of Detroit,
also with another sister, Mrs. E. N.
Phillips, of Flint, Mich„ after which
they visited their parents and friends
at Monorieff and Ethel. The bride's
sister, Mrs. Maxwell Abrani, Ethel,
gave a dainty reception at which 80
were present. Bride received many
beautiful and useful gifts. teroom's
gift to the bride was a cabinet of Com-
munity silver, A very pleasant even.
ing was enjoyed by all as Mr. and
Mrs, Abram make an A 1 host and
hostess. The young couple left Mon-
day, 17th inet„ for Lundar. Man.,
travelling sqa London, Flint, Chicago,
St. Paul and Witinipeg, spending a
few days at each of those points in
returning to their home at Lander,
where the groom has been C. N. R.
agent for the past 8 years. We join
in wishing them many years of pros-
hpatomete.yand happiness in their new
Geo. Hnether is visiting at Strat-
f°aricifss Calder, Toronto, is a visitor
With Miss A Forrest.
Win. and Mrs, Perrie were visiting
relatives at Listowel.
Miss Gladys Keeling, Oakville, is
holidaying with Mrs. Helm.
Miss F. Houston has gone to her
home near Seaforth for her vacaMou.
Misses Eliza and Fannie Gramm
spent Ohristinas with their sister,
Mrs, J. Ritchie, at Galt.
Cranbrook school gave a donation
of 52 25 for the Belgian Fund, The
boys and girls deserve credit for their
Peinity Reeve McNabb, A. L. Mc -
paid and Jaes . Knight, of this
l000Diality, mMwere at Toronto last week
attending the Farmers' Convention,
They pronounce it a great gathering.
Among the homo comers for °heist-
tnas were :—Mieees Addie and Muriel
Sperling, of Hamilton and Toronto
Alf. and Mrs. Kenuter, Kitchener and
Misses Mamie Cameron and Nellie
Foerstees London.
MATRIPIONIA.L.—A. very pretty wed-
ding was solemnized at the home of
A. and Mee. Leitch, Oranbrook, on
Christmas Day, when thele daughter,
Mies Violet Roselle, was united in
marriage to William Lawrie, sort of
Joseph and Mrs. Lawrie, London, at
12 o'clock; to the etudes of the Wed-
ding March from Lohengrin played
by the bride's sisber, Miss Annie, The
beide entered the drawing -room lean-
ing on the arm of her father and took
her stand beside the groom under an
arch of evergreen and holly. The
bride was charmingly attired in blue
taffetta with white bead and satin
trimming and carried a bridal bognet
of Ophelut roses. Ceremony was per.
twined by Rev. J. L. McCulloch.
Atter congratulations the immediate
relatives sat down to a siunptuous
wedding dinner, the table being me-
tered with yellew cheyeanthemnins,
Groom's gift to the bride was a pair
of pearl ear-eings. Gifts to the bride
were handsoine nnd usefid. The
bride's tvavelling dress was of old rose
broadcloth embroidered in black and
wearing a Roindeee taupe coat with
mink teinimings And mink furs, the
gift of the groom with a hitt of old
rose silk and gold lace and touches of
mink, Mr. mid Mee, Lawrie left on
the afternoon train for Tovanto and
other nineteen pole be amid showers of
confetti and good wishes. They will
reside in Loodom
No great composer bas ever get the
Christmas shopping rush to music,
Here is an opportunity for some tower.,
ing genius to acquire either fame or the
foolish house,
Election Returns for North Huron
dna. Bowman's Majority 1479
Following is the official returns by
Returning Ofilleer Stotbers for the
North Riding of Huron for theDontjn-
ionEtscblon held Monday, lith Mat
Bowman Eieiop
Rowick— No, 1 ..... 103 28
42 77
No, 8 118 40
No. 4 .... 129 42
No, 5 97 52
No. 0 72 34
561 283
No, 1 31 89
No. 264 47
No, 8,..,,.,...,84 61
No, 4 . 43 42
No. 6 40 81
212 220
Majority-, 8
W. Wawanosh—
No. 1 „83 33
No. 2 .. 87 81
No. 3 51 38
No. 4 48 49
No. 5 48 87
295 188
Majority— 107
No. 1 4)3
No.2 78
No. 3 54
No. 4 45
Majority— 58
Morrie-- No. 1......,,..,, 39
No, 2 60
No, 3 ...... 58
No.4 40
No, 5. ..... 60
No. 6 87
Wingbarn No. 1 77
No.2 70
No. ....... 112 48
No. 5 ..... 47 26
407 181
Majority.- 226
Blyth-- No. 1 79 132
No, 2 69 24
148 56
Maim ity02
Brussels—NO. 1 87 65
No. 2 64 41
151 106
Colborne- No. 1 73
No.2 42
No. 3 87
No, 4. 29
Ashfield— No. 1 90 25
No.2 85 29
No. 3-- . 70 25
No.4. 77 15
No. 5 5 82
No. 0 40 46
No, 7 18 69 1391 281
Majority.- 110
Goderich No. 1 128 59
No, 2 119 55
No. 3 104, 45
No. 4 122 76
No, 5 ......,98 41
No, 6 144 57
No. 7 85 35
800 372
Majority— 128
Grey— No. 1 71 34
No, 2 41 67
No. 8 32 49
No. 4 57 62
No. 5 81 04
No. t3 45 60
No. 7 41 68
Wroxeter No. 1 (14
Bowman Elston
Ashfield i...... .......... 110
Colborne ...... ....... ...... 0e
Grey 16
Mliaorw.riiesk .„
2 08
Tuenberry 13(3
West Wawanosh 107
East Wawanosh.
Blyth 92
etBortzei 01
Winghain 226
Wroxeter ......, .......... 31
16011 134
Majority for Bowman, Urtioniet, 1479
'Werner MeMillan
Settforth 43
Clinton 288
Exeter ... ,108
Hayfield ...... . ..... .....
GoderichTwn 208
Stanley 42
Usbothe ..... ...... .. . 168
Hay 873
Tueltersmith 104
MoltIllop 200
Stephen . ..... ...... ..... . 142
Hulietb ,...... 49
084 081
Majority for lifunor, Uttioniels 47