HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-12-20, Page 8e• • ••• •• • 4• • • •i• • •4• 4• 4. 4. • i• EVERYTHING presented here for Christmas- giving is distinctive, good and acceptable. But of all the gifts -nothing is quite so universally • acceptable and brings so much pleasure to the per- • son who receives it, as a Kodak -the Christmas 4••• gift that is used throughout the year. Don't fail a to visit us when looking for one, as well as some of " our other lines snch as- e. -The Section's New Books 4• -G it Books in Fancy Bindings •r. -Bookie's 6 -tirrh O• de Perfumes E -L •'.i. •'s l'hoeolates .;, -1, '• ' '- Chocolates • L• a Io-' I land Bags •• --e 1eletl R.,z..rrs • Everything for Decorating the Christmas Parcel. m F. R. SMITH ni 'a r 1 . +'r T' Parisiau Ivory -Ebony Toilet Pieces -Boxtd Stationery -Haviland China -Fountain Peus -Flashlights -Fancy Work Baskets -Games and Blocks -Dolls, Toys and Picture Books 4• e Thel __ Store Druggist and Stationer e 6 4.••r44••++4••4••+4.+•4••+•+•4'••t•4.4..•+••F4-b••1••4••+++•+i+•+•• 4. THE PosT gives the news. Now is the time to square up. TUESDAY next will be Christmas. THE rink is being well patronized. New subscribers are rolling into THE PosT. MERRY Christmas to all readers of THE POST, SOME more farm sales are said to be on the carpet. Bus/Ness is on the rush. Read the advertisements. R0a53A tnakes Peace in haste to repent at leisure, CHRI5TotAB Day -next 'Tuesday -will be a public holiday, BE patient with the merchants and clerks during the holidays and do not do your Christmas sbopping surly. YEs Christmas is coming. It is near at band. If you are going to do any- thing for anybody don't delay. Prelim schools will close for Christmas vacation Friday. D.'cember list and will re -open 'Thursday, January 3rd. IT was 12 below zero in Kingston last week, this is no donbt being due .to the fact that the Provincial cooler is In the vicinity. DON'T miss the announcements of the local merchants for things are doing these days in mercantile lines that it will pay to watch. . THERE was a large attendance at the political meeting held Wednesday even- ing of last -week in the Town Hall in the interests of Jas. Bowman. Rev, H. Smith was chairman and addresses were given by Barrister Godfrey, Toronto and Mr. Bowman, AUCTION SALE of CATTLE, -Saturday afternoon, Deo, 22, H. 0. Walker will offer for sale at the Central Hotel yards, Brussels, 3o head of choice cattle con• sistiug of 2 year old feeder steers, year - Mugs and cows in calf also a number of York sows,. F, S. Scott will be the Auctioneer. See the advt, REPORTED SAFE -Brussels friends of Rev, S. J and Mrs. Allis, of Wyotning, formerly of Brussels, were concern- ed on hearing of the terrible tragedy at Halifax as they knew members of the family resided there, A telephone message brought the reassurance how- ever, that as far as that family was con- cerned allwere safe. A daughter-in- law, ao hter in- law wife of Cleveland Allln, a son of Mr, A111n, who is serving in the British navy, and her children have been resid- ing in Halifax and tor some little time past Miss Maylrid Arlin has also been They unhurt there.were n urt when the . city was wrecked, however, and imme- diately left for Wyoming, wbere they arrived in safety. Htn toN OLD BOY% HAVE GOOD nem, - The annual reunion of the Huron Old Boys' Aseoclition of Toronto, brought together a large turn out of members and their wives who were treated to a delightful talk on the early History of Huron County delivered by Rev, Dr. W, R. Yount;, of Dunn Ave. Methodist church, Short addresses were oleo de. livered by Rev.. Dr, Powell, and A. Grigg, Deputy Minister of forests and lands ' Roger Crocker, the President presided The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: -Honorary President, Sir Toho Willson, Col, W. K l.3oNaught and Roger S. Crocker ; President, N, 13. Cohbiediek ; Vice. President, Alfred Sheppard ; Secretary, Ed, Floody ; Fm, -Sec., W. 3. Moorish Treasurer, W, T. , b ridbam Eltpoutive Committee, 1. S, McKinnon, John Robertson, Robert Holmes, E. Roth• well, lame9 Thnmins, G. A. Newton. T, 1-L Rothwell er,, Major Back, L, S. Scott, W. Sellers, Mrs Beck, Mee. Crocker, Mrs, Modell and Mrs, Cobble. dick, FRIDAY of this week is the shortest day of the year, "PHIS little pig went to market" should become a more popular nursery rhyme than ever with the pork market aeroplaining round $r7.00 per cwt. SOMETHING went wrong with the dy- namo last week and the electric light was minus Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday but it was back on the job Friday. R, 'Thuell is handling the plant in good shape under the circum- stances, -o- Iron SALE. Good driving horse, also a cut- ter. Apply Mt or before Dec, 22nd to B. M. CoARY, Queen st. Pullen lost. in Brussels on Friday, Deo. 14th. A suitable reward will be paid on leaving it at THE Pose, THE party who stole the puree from Brus- sels Post. Office Monday nightie asked to return it to Tee Poem at onoc and save trouble as the party was seen picking it up. Et move horse that I am willing to exchange for good driver. B. ()Aimee, Brussels. MEN wanted everywhere to show Samples or mail eireulara for large Mail Order House. Permanent position, Will pay 820 weekly, THE DONanMuRa' ASSOCIATION, 25-1 Windsor,•Outario. 1000 Bushels good Swede Turnips for sale. Lot 8, Con. 4, Grey. WALTER BI ANCO, Bleevale R. R. No. 2 L. BLAKE will hold a clearing sale of Jewellry in the Richard's block, Brussels, Read hie advt. on page 1. Poe SALE -8 thoro'bred York pigs. - 4 weeks old. Apply t0 Cl2OLL BATEMAN, phouo 8518, Ethel. 1(5x85 Oysters at S, C. WILSON'S. Herm wood wanted in exchange for single harness, RIOHAKES,$ CO, READ L. Blake's advt. concerning big elear- Ing sale of jewellry fu Brussels. If you want bargains don't miss sale, BAO of pone and a horse blanket lost on gravel road, North of Brussels on Tuesday. Will lender please notify OnAS. A. LAMONT. Ethel P. 0. Phone 2118. Oonowoon WANTED, -From 10 to 20 cords of hardwood wanted for Methodist Church, Brute eats, to be delivered before Feb. lot• For fur- ther particulars Bee 05. LEA inenALs, Phone 87 Bruesela. GREAT clearing sale of jewelry, clocks, watches, ,&c. See f.. Bloke's advt. on page 1, Goods must be sold. 5 Pros 0 weelto old for sale. Also a good driving mare 8 years of age, sired by Cup Bearer. R. Omtnrn. Phone 1214 Bonito AND LOT Mon SALLA. -Good frame hoose, 2/0 Hare of load, fruit trees, well, in Brnaoele. For further part(culars apply at Tug Poss. C031Mnrta'ABLE honse end good garden for Pale. Property in goad repair, For further particulars apply to Sins. t.Tekr5e, eBu THREE Short Horn Bulls from 10 to 12 months old for sale JAs SEEIe., Lot 20, Con, 6, Morrie Phonated. DR PARKER, Ost0ona011e Physlnlan visits Brit to Thuradny srteneoan of Bath week, Ohronk and nervone dlseoaeo anoeeosfully treated. Visits renidonoos. Ooneuitetion et Queen Hotel. -0- Auc'1•IoN sale of L. Blake's stock of jewellery in the store North of 1, C. Richards' shoe store. T. G. Smith, Toronto, is the Auctioneer $359 es was all the unpaid taxee in Brussels last Friday night out of S117f4.7e 5 per cent ,was added on Saturday to the amounts hot settled. WENT TO PRE.1s EARLY, -As THE Pos'r went to press earlier than usual this week to make way far Christmas several items arrived too late for this issue, THE POST is ver sotr to report the demise of Mrs, J. C. Halliday, London, foinorly of Brussels, which sad event took plate on Monday, Burial took pIlace Wednesday to woodland oemetery. Deceased was a sister-in-law to Misses H511fday, Brussels. THE Scheel Board liar engaged Miss Kathleen' W1ltou, who is t:aching at Elmvale, Ont., this year, as successor to Win Belle Henderson, regiiened, the salary lo beG n. Miss WiltonVto le a daughter of S, Wilton, Brussels. Miss Hehderson has done excellent work on the staff but as she has a more important engagement the Board did not attempt to hold her, 1Li,fiallfefi dly;ieWiled by ytiletl , GREAT rush of ferinera to Brussels chopping 122111 1 hese days. THE first draft of men, under the Military Service Act is to be Bailed out on the 3rd of January. A Christmas geese -The turkey who thought he was safe b• cause he escaped death on 'Thanksgiving (151, No inure acceptable gift could be scut to brother, sister, 10. daughter or Weed iiway from home than THtt P111T for [gill 13 RU:SELS Women's Institute will hold itsTepular monthly meeting in the Cn'- aegis Library mullet ee room nu Fr day c. 2tst'et Stn rn The vinic "'Our du'v as nerf;hhors" will be introduced by Mr,, S Walker, Roll mall will fol- low, answered by a current event Eveiybodv •welcome ANOTHER BIG PIG TALE - Goderich Signal says :-We thought the sto'y in the Signal last week of the East Wawa. nosh pig that sold for Soo 6o would hold, the record fry - a while, bus here comes THE BROsSEi.e .POST With 005 .l bat weighed 6go pounds -ten pounds more than our pig-aud sold for $1'63 50 War. Harrison, of Moncritff, was the 'owner of this big fellow WE WILL 135 DI'APPOIN'l'ED 1F- Relatives u.m't come. Sante Claus don't come. Canada goes'to the ."dogs." Coil don't sell in ton lots, ' Poi' t clans don't kiss and make up, You lurget to give THE P06T your list of visitors. Do YOn BEM EVE - 13 us -,els will sprint up 1 The Allies will win soon 1 I- IR a gnnrl thing to laugh 1 ' Some lo.ke ale getting whiskey ? Cigarette smoklug makes a man of You ? The snow shovel is mighter than the Den ? Fabrications were spun during elections? THURSDAY evening there was a good attendance of mea and women at the Liberal public meeting in 'Town Hall and the audience gave the best of at- tention for the 2# hours occupied, Speakers were the sturdy Robert Mc- Millan, Seaford]. and Barrister Cameron the silver toned orator, of Goderieb, who made good addresses. The chair was occupied ley W. H Kerr of THE Pose. A. Hislop was =table to be present as he was speaking at a joint meeting with R. Truax in Lucknow. MATRIMONIAL.- Monday afternoon Rev. W. E. Stafford, 13. A , tied the matrimonial knot, at the Methodist parsonage, Brussels, between Ernest G. Plum, town. and Miss Thelma Ethel, daughter of George and Mrs. Smalldou, Cranbrook. Mr. and Mrs Plum left on the afternoon train for a short wedding trip to 'Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara Falls and other Eastern points. On their return they will take up residence t eetissets where they will be at home e•y'p n January to their many friends. THE Pos'r extends congratulations and wishes the bride and groom many happy, prosperous years. BELGIAN REL7ey.-The following ap- preciative letter from Toronto to Miss Gertrude Deadman, Brussels, speaks for itself and refers to the contribution sent from this locality a short time ago :- DEAR MIes DEADMAN -I enclose our treasurer's reeeipt for $132 54, with o.:' thanks to the young people who bad such a sur-ssful collection. We are very.gralefto the kind friends who are making this Winter easier for the unfortunate Belgian children and are preeiate the efforts made by those who collect. It is not always easy work, but such a splendid result is a reward. Yours very truly, MABOI, CORY, Cor -Sec, Sioce the above Miss Jessie Menzie'e school gave $2 5o. tI People We Talk About $$ $i; - $$ Miss Clara McCracken is home from Toronto for a holiday. Leonard Ruffen, Bluevele, was in town last Monday polling his vote. Thos Kellington, who spent several months in the West, has arrived home. Lloyd Jackson is home from Fecnity, Toronto. for the Christmastide, looking flue. Miss Lizzie Bryans is home ft•nm a a visit to Wroxeter and Fordwich for the post weeks. Miss Hazel Lowry is home frnm Welland on the sick list but we hope she will soon be o. k, D M Scott has been visiting under tbeparental roof, He came on account of his mother's serious illness Miss Lillian Casemore and Mrs. Still- well, of Wingham, were visiting 13. and Mre, Whittard, of town, the past week We are sorry to bear that Reeve Plum has been on the sick list this week but we hope be will soon be as hearty as ever, Mrs, Lorne Eckmier, Flint, Micb„ is home on a visit to her parents, D and. Mrs, Ewan. Lorne will be bele for Christmas Mrs. D. Ewan has not been enjoying very good health for past few weeks, she l continue to improve We hopewill rove o p until convalescent. Mrs T. L Hamilton and Mrs, W. P. Rennie, Listowel, and C. Yost, Milver- tonwere visitors with Ben. and Mrs, Walker last week, Archie McCallum is here on a vacation of a few mouths visiting relatives. He is a brotber to Misses Kate and Nancy McCallum, William street. James and Mrs. Ballantyne and Atchie have moved from their residence, Queen s'reet, to apartments over the store for the Winter months, to be near business and economize fuel. Robert Thomson who bas been con- fined to his home fora months was able to get to his place of business last Scam - day and we hope he will soon feel as well as ever. Mrs. Marsden Smith, Princess street, has not been as well Re usual but we wieb her speedy recovery, She has been a hearty person but increasing years often change the program, Pte. Harold LRvasseur, more familiar. ly known es "Shorty," formerly of Brest sets, is now doing duly in Freueo with a Forester' Battalion, We hope he will not be asked to stop arty Hun bullets, Misses Belle and Mary McDonald who Wive spent the poet few months caring for sick relatives on the 0111 Con„ Grey township Intim returned to town, We ate glad to hear. Miss McDonald is much improved in health, EST 'p 1873 G. H. S MISS,, STAIffiARD BANK OF 'CANADA Hia4D OFFICE • TORONTO FARMERS Advances to farmers are made a special feature by this Bank. 23x. USSELS BRANCH, MEI O - Manager. S'. M t• y, journal says of a brother of 'tl ism iMeCentus a fel mer teaeber in 13 ussel- :-There were many warm h. nil 01141115 for Wm McCatnus, B, A , sen .of R., v U N. McCanns, late of SI. M rye on his visit lo.St Marys over the w ett . ucl est hegur.sl of L. and 'Mt's. Hu 'Ishe young soldier as i5 well k• 0 en to ou' readtre, has jest returned from ate froth where he has *done his bit and has'recetved his discharge. ,He is engaged 111 Classical Mester for the coining" year. in Orangeville Collegiate Institute, Church Chimes Christmas music by the choirs next. Seedny. Rev Mr. Matt gave a pointed ad- dress Wednesday eveoiug of, last week at the Patriotic service in Melville church school room. His topic was "Righteoustiess.exhalteth.a Nation," Methodist church anniversary Sabbath e3rd lust, Free-will offering. is asked from congregation in lieu of .the anuual Tea meeting. The pastor's topic will be "The wooderous Birth" and "Star or Saviour." Junior Legue annual entertainment last Tuesday' evening tit the Methodist church school room. The Christmas Tree gifts were sent to the Deaconess. Home, Toronto, for the poor children of the city, Program was given by the children. Brussels School Board Regular meeting of the School Board was held last taridav evening. Members present, D. C. Ross, R. Leatherdale, /no, Cunniugham and M. Black. Minutes of last meetiug reed and passed. Resignation of Miss Belle Henderson as leacher was presented and on motion of J. Cnoningham and R. Leatherdale was accepted, Moved by R. Leatherdale, seconded by J. Cunningham that we engage Miss Kathleen Wilton to fill the vacancy at a salary of $600 per annum, duties to commence Jan. 3rd, Carried. On motion the accounts were ordered to be. paid. Board then adjourned. McKillop • Snilo$.-Ab the hospital, Stratford, Saturday night, after an illness of only a few days the death occur- red of Robert 0. Smith, of Mitchell, in his 88th year. Mr. Smith was born in'Ediubnrgh, Scotland, 1, tl came to Canada at the age of 18. Ile settled in Logan and made his home there until abort 15 years ago, when he csl.ired and hnd since been living in Mitchell, where his. wife, Margaret O•aig, predeceased him about 12 year s ago. 8 daughters and 2 sons aar'vive and are as follows: Mrs. T, Clarkson, Fife, 13 ( ; Mrs. T. J. ()apron, Oas cade, B. 0. ; Moo. Simon McNeil, St. Marys; Mrs, John Tyler, St, Pauls ; !Mrs, D, Johtlsrnn, Dunkeld ; Mrs. R. Starves', f rgau ; Mrs. Win. Stewart.. McKillop , 1\Irs, U. Spain, Stratford ; Jahn, 'lrur'hu, Alta. ; Hili James of Toronto, '1'h' iemltins were taken to Mitchell on Tuesday for interment there. Priem WOMAN TD1crA1sTs.- Death came to -the home u11 Jn0. J. Ii•eiue, township of el'Killup, eavly Sisinlay morning, Dec. 9ih, in the demise of. his estimable wife. Mrs. Irvine had been failing in health for some time. All that, loving hands rind medical skill cotild do was done, hat peacefully and calmly she breathed lies last momeinte without u etrauggle, De- ceased WAS one of the early settlers as she had lived in Me.ltiliop fat' nearly 70 years and was in tier 74th year. She was aloving and true wife,; a kind and affectionate mother and was much Auction Sale -OP- 30 Hadot Cattle Central Hotel Yards BRUSSELS Saturday, December nod At 2 o'clock. Tlie list consists of is 2 -year-old Feeder Steers ro Yearlings to Cows in Calf and, 6 Vork Sows due to Farow in Feb. and March TERMS -Six morftho credit allowed with f per cent added: H. 0. Walker, P. S. SteAte Auc. Proprietor. esteeuted by the neigboi's as she was always ready to lend a helping hand to those in distress. Mrs. Irvine is survived by 2 sisters and 4 brothers, as well es by her husband and b children, which were by 'her bedside for some Bass previous to her death. Children are John E., of Purvis, Man. • Thos,, of Kansas city, Miesouri Alfred M., of Oorotiation, Alberta; Herbert, N„ Toronto, and Idle Geo. Underwood, IyleKillop. Funeral took place to Maitland Bank cemetery Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 12th and was conduct- ed by Rev. Mr. Oraik, Walton. De- ceased was carried to her last resting place by her 4 sons, followed by a large concourse of neighbors and friends which testified to the. sympa- thy of the community with her be- reaved family, Jamestown MONEY MARER5.-Andrew Pollock, a well known resident, sold 8 - last Spring pigs to 11. O. Welke:, drove:', 13russels, and received money enough to yay the taxes on 200 acres of land and $4410 over. The pigs weighed 257, pounds each and brought 8120,56, They were York breed. Of course there is something in mitnagernent to get the best results. Molesworth Scram REPOnT.-Following is the Report for No. 10 I3owick aid Grey. *Absent for exams. Sr. 71h -Elva Brown 93, Margaret Doig 78. Jr. III: *Annie Brown, 'Evelyn Hlalop 84, Willie Doig 50, Elmore Thnulpson 841. *George Melon 19, *Allan McKim cher 72, *Howard Grainger 8. Jr. TT. - Leonard Lambkin p0. Mervyn Grain- ger 81. Sr, I.-Oecil Grainger 98, Isabelle Doig 81, Andrew Doig. 87. Sr, Pr. -Lawson Doig 80, Wesley Lambkin OS, AnnieSehrnidt 95. Pr.- Olarenee Grainger 00, *Robbie Sander- son, MMMAItION ALLEN, 'J'rtncber. 000[5N GALLAnnit.-Hr' Howiek on Oeoanther 9th,1017. to Mr, end Mrs. A. B. Gni other, a son. MARRIED PLtinagt tlAT.t'.nON.-At the Mathodlet Parson- nae, Nruxaels, nn Deronnber 17th, 1017, by Rev. W. E. Steifn•d, B A. Mr. 'Breast Go, doe Plum, Brussele, to Miss Thelma Ethel, daughter of Mr. and 1511e. George Small - don, Or•anbrook. _1 �imimiiim Mb. Holiday Greet reds WE EXTEND TO ALL OUR CUS- TOMERS AND FRIENDS TIIE SEASON'S GREETINGS AND TIIE VERY BEST OF GOOD WISHES, Alex. Strachan • P. S.' ---Our' Store will h'3 open Wrdnf's- day and following evenings until. after Christmas, piAisitYSQtii4al406141000401101'2B4iWil0400fi014000 Irl: n•t�t' .. smasooseo Fox's qqg�±± tv t4 rug Store • 1.1 We think you'll eujuy looking over our stoi:k, o * especially our splendid display of Lilnoge'and. a Nippon China. We will be glad to have, you w v call and look over our stock with the full as- 1i m ti surance of being under no obligation what- s ever to purchase. o • •_ • •. • 00 • • • •00 0 • • e • 1i a a a • m to • • Dainty Xtioae Oaccis tinct Book- lets, splendid assortinene. The Book of Praise with Mnsie $1.00 to $2 50. Fancy Stationery -Settle very handsome packages, 25c to $1,50, Peifutnes 'and ,.Toilet Waters - Fine assortment of Seeley's well Itnuwn odors, 25y to $2 00 Hand Bags-Jnst received some splehdid Julian Salo Bags at popular prices. Safety Razors --Al ways an accept- able gill. We have both GB - 1028 and Antostrap. eJ C Pine Lilool e and Nippon Ohina- m Here is ono of out: very 'epee- ti•J nal Bass and our stock at pies- • epi:le exceedingly, Itttgo and vrtried, Ohocolates-We are sole agents el. forthe well known " Willards e Forkdipt Ohoeolates" and are showing some hailrlsoufe o packages at 25n lo $3 50. Fountain Peng-\Vbeu you Watt O prefect entisfamllon you can always rely upon 'Water- ea rnau'i Ideal" to give it. A splendid assor't0,nent:at $2.50 to. $6 00. Cameras and Kodaks Always an acceptable gift. Dor little Vest Pocket Camera is beauty at $7,00. And don't l'otget us when you have Developing and Priiisiug to do. We assure perfect satisfaoliou. . a Ivory and Ebony Goods o Soule very handsome and useful Toilet articles In Manicut•e Sets, 9 Brush and Comb Sets, el Bleary Brushes and Brnattes of all kinds. Book Memo - 9 We have a few of the season's newest and best: books and will be e glad to procure any others tit short notice. The following are • now in stock :- e The 1lajor-$i,80 The Soul or a Bishbp-$1,e0 • Annes ]inure of Dreams -$1 e0 The Yellow Dove -$1.35 " ® All In It -51.50 Oyer the Top -$1.50 e Green Fancy -$1 35 White Ladles -$1 60 • Calvary Alley -$1.35 Chatterbox --51:00 Ansi many excellent Reprints at 00c.. Nor have we forgotten the Little Folk • e As Dunt stock or Dolls, Toys, Gaines and Picture Bonk will �, show. Rave yon seen `Tlie Autet•ican Piyer" at $2 00. 41 Our 1918 Calendar _ • •• • • • Ia now reedy anis we will be glad to have nun• costothers call for one of therm ra c9 111 • • • • • • • • e e • e ,D a e 00 • 0 13 00 r3 m e e G a,,y s gra LI STORE DRUls STORE c e A,uos0••e••e••e••oseea OpenGMeee••••• See•eeee•e••••u••• 0 DIED Pure Scotch Short Born Bull. Alec 2 balls 8 months old grand eiruri by Galaaford O1ar- Oslo, grand cluudpion bull of -Canada : and a aurnber sire[[ by Arietngrat No, 101012, ,Phos,, Grand sire is Gainelord Marquis Lot 80, 9, morris 12!4 miles North of firaeoei, on gravel road: i 't'Rh:4. PIERt1E HALLIDAY.- n Dec 17th 1917 at the family residence1187 Richmond street, Lendnn Susan, beloved wife of John 0 Halliday, formerly of Brnesele. Davina. -In MoRillop township, on December 18th, 1517, Serail aienary, wife of .1..2.Ir- vine, aged 70 years. MOONzY.-ln Morrie township, or December 1 14th, 1917, John Mooney, 1111118 70th. year. Stock forSale _ 1 Phone 5810 13rosaels P. 0. BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat Oats Pens Burley Butter Eggs Hogs, Hay Potatoes -per be 12 05 0 50 1 10 10 12 1701 1 50 :207' Notice to Creditors300 1 12 40 17 00 1 10 00 McKillop Nomination A meeting for Nominating a Reeve and fotr Councillors for the Municipalityof the Ton- th eht p of Magi, lop for e year 101 w 1) will be held at Outdate, Hell, Winthrop, on eloulay, the Met day of December, 1017, at 1 o'clock p. an ,. andira the event or more persona being nopin• ated than ere required to fill the several offices an election will be held on Monday, the 7t1. day of January, 1018, at Polling Div. No. 1-3. K. Holland'sboaae, Lot 10tan, pen Con 5, Jas, Evans, D. 11.0, ; Thos. they- , Polling Div- No. 2 -Jas. Hilton's 110015, l,of• 21, Cron. 4, Jos, Doi•ranee, D. R. 0,1 Jno, Flutes, P.0 Polling Div. 8-W. Davidtion's house, Lot 10, Coe, 12, J. lamming,D. 1i.0 ; W, Davidson, P, C. Pollitt Div, 4 -School House N0.7, Lot 25. Con. 12,W. MaGavi n, Ir., D. R.O. ; R. Archbald , P. 0. M. MU1101E, Returning Oehler. In the matter of the estate of William Reid, late of the 'emensirip of Grey. in 'the County of Herm), fan - mer, deceived. W -,[lee ie berebe elven pertinent to "'i'he Re. is d etheet a of co that all creditors ane ethers h,.ing chane Reel -nab the estate of the wad winh.m Reid. who died on or about the '1'u•entyllftll day of ,August, A 0„ -1017, nee required on or before the Nineteenth any of .tannery, A. D., 1017,to 'end by post prepaid or . deliver to Gideon D. Parkes, the Exeoutor of lost' 1Vill.sad. To•+tmmont of Reid deoeased; at Shovels P. O„ their phrls/but end Surnau,es- eddresees rind desnteptlmra. t he full. particular,' of their Melee', thestetentont of than' aortae to and the mature or tito seeftrltios tlf any1 held by them. { And farther take notice that atter iamb last mentioned date the said Beecolor .,Mil pro- : coed to oietribute the assets of the dermasml among the nettles. entitled 'hereto, having re- gard only to the alai ma of which be shallrhos have notice, tort the seta Egeouto' 0111 not ha liable for the s,dd assets or tiny port thee., , r f'to tiny 101.500 or peranne oftvhnse mann notlne shall nothovo boon reoetved'by hint at tho thea of anal' distrilm t ior. Dated nt Grey this 10th day of December, A.D. 1017. _ (4IDhON D.-PAItElUy, 20.0 Bhmvnte, out, ExeoMoe O•••••••0••••••P•••••641Ft* ••••••••+•6•••••••444x•.••• 4 o i ceriest: • 4Chr�C�, A • A 4 4 y • 4 • • •• • 4 • 4 e. • 4 . • 4 • PROMPT a• • DELIVERY. • • • • • • • • • • • •h ,, Grocer and F • R. e • � � Confectioner • • • • • •0••+.+++••0••44••4.+••+4'4•.+++•••+.+++•,.+•44.44•.•+ e, O • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • 1 A choice stock is all lines, togdther with finest quality of New Confectionery, Fruits, Shelled Nuts, Fancy Biscuits, &c. Neilson's'lligh-class Chocolates in Fancy Boxes. No finer goods to be had and we guarantee them to picase you. Ice Cream, Oysters, Oxo and other Sea- sonable'Delicacies. • Phone 4ax or call at.store,