HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-12-20, Page 5-44.00444,744.44,444.4=.4
!AVM /ifiVea
the Post 011lee, Ethel, 90.4
oo, win son for better prices, to
hotter oo. in lees time and less °barges
than r ,r 'Mier Auctioneer in East Huron or
he wo 4,rge anything. Dotes and orders
tan al .4 ,,i be arranged at this office or by
(•"80nal APPlination,
NiV Orliti4VSLutlit-r, Cony e
Notary Public, dm Uffice-litewardosioex
1 door Nor th 01 Cleutral Hotel.
Solicitor lor the Metropolitan Sank,
a3usiness Cards
Successor to M. R. Moore. Office at Ander-
son Bros. Livery stable, Bruesels. Telephone
No. 29.
M. S.. M. O. P. & S. 0.
141. 0. Hp Village of Brussels.
Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur
°Moe at rwlidenee einmeite Melville Chureh,
WiIilOiu atreet.
Baehelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate of College of Physicians and Sur-
geons, Ontario ; ex -Senior House Surgeon of
Western Hospital, Toronto. Oilleee of late Dr.
A. InclieveY, Smith Blook, Brussels.
Rural phone 45.
Personal graduate Department of Opbthal•
mology, DIcOormick medical College, Chicago,
111,, Is prepared to test eyes and tit glasses at
her office over miss Inman' e millinery store.
°Moe daye-Wednesday, The. -day, Friday
and Saturday of every week, tuftee hours -10
00 12 a. m. ; 1 to 8 p. m. Evenings by appoint -
meat, Phone 1219.
licensed Auctioneer for bran Co.
Satlefaction assured ; Merges moderate.
Write or Telephone lf not convenient to call.
Both Brussels and North Huron Phones.
•- Teaeher of
Organist and Choir Master, Melville Ohurch,
Brussel. Peril's prepared for Toronto Col-
lege ef rixt tninations. Phone 18x
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Office on the Square, Ind door from Balnilton
Private funds to loan atlowestrates.
PnonnvuOo, K. D. .1, L. ETLLORAN
R. .1. D. GOOKE
(eft eta eamareamereteeeseateeteaarLelree",
Winter Terni from Jan, 2nd
Li ,AENTRAL ,i, //v.:
i i
g € aftATFORDe ONT. P;
10 We slides- experienced instructors,
give ix...lough cionrses, give individual p,
g ntten; le to 00 7110 and plane grsiduates 18,
in po,Osne. 'Ibis School 20000 of the 7,,q
81 largest and best Commercial Schools in te,
Canada . at
Wr te for free catalogue concerning b.
our_. 'semicircle', Shorthand or Teltr 7
graphy Departments. " 0,
0 vviii..Ittt.o0TT, D A,Mho,f.,,Ap,ofir.Ati, • .
... ' . ,
4, '...41,4iXaYA_NA8MY,No8.707.4•4882.74_4,,f
9s4.skia.s. .s.99/40•994,09.949.4e499
Sam Weinstein
Successor to
M. Yolleck
• Is prepared to pay
• highest price for
Scrap Iron,
• Rags,
• •
• •
• •Furs and Poultry
• •
• •
• Waite or Phone 02x•
Attu sransT BRUSSELS•
• 0
•••••••• *••••••••••••• ••••
Will also buy Hides,
We hate all lies;
Especially caMpaign lies.
'Otte was pulled on us,
13y a ward heeler,who,
Hoping to get oar vote,
"liere's a good eiger,"
Has Not Had An Hour's Sickness Shies
78 Lees Ave., Ottawa, Ont.,
August 9th, 1915.
"I think it my duty to tell you what
"Fruit -a -elves" has done for me'.
Three years ago, I began to feel run-
down and tired, and suffered very naueh
from Liver and Kidney Trouble
Having read of "Fruit-a-tives", I
thought I would try them. The result
was surprising. During the 8e years
past, I have taken them regularly and
would not change for anything. !have
not /tad an hour's sickness since I com-
menced using "Fruit-a-tives", and I
know now what I haven't known for
a good many years -that is, the blessing
of a healthy body and clear thinking
50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c.
At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt
of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited,
• Ginexii Fitrowit Batzzinfir
Express 7:18a TA i 011 11:22 a m
Express8:82p,'. !‘ cress 9:070 an
To Toreiito To Goderich
Express 7:82 a n. .express J1 :98 a m
Express 2:25 p noI Express 9:044 m
Going Bast - 7:11 a. in. and 8:81 ,,.
Going West - 12:80 and 9:55p.
4All trellis going East connect with C. P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and. T
G. B. stations.
• oso. ALLAN, Locel Agent, •
Iarai tieb3s Items
Fun shortage is still a problem in
t o wann.
D THE POST 05 11 Christmas b‘x to
the absentees of your family.
Soaig of the boys have been . having a
good time at skating and hockey on
the ice above the mill dam.
Ir would be an Innovation of real in -
interest if the G. '1'. R. mail train would
hit schedule time for a week.
Mutercaraz, election attics are very
quiet other events ipprently overshad-
owing them, Acclamations will be the
rule in a number of municipalities,
it is expected aud the money thus saved
devoted to patriotic purposes.
information of persons interested we are
asked to announce on the authority of
the Huron Cotfuty Temperance Associa-
tion that the 12 barrels of liquor seized
over a year ago in a house in Seafortb,
is still in the cold storage plant of In-
spector Torrance in Clinton, There
have been rumors around that the liquor
%VAS returued to Seriforth but this is not
correct, The case has been appealed to
several courts but the fudges bane held
that there was no appeal from the Police
Magistrate's decision and the appeals
were in each case dismissed with costs,
As a last resource the defendant has,
through the solicitors, asked the Hon. C.
J. Doherty, Minister of Justhe at Ot-
tawa, to deal with the ease, -but as yet
the minister has not given lies decision.
I received by post lag week, a parcel of
"Soldiers' comforts" from the girls of
Brussels and as 1 did not know who
supervised the packing, etc„ ask you
to kindly publishabis letter it. Alicia
wish to thank all the girls 0 their
kindness, I certainly apprecia, the
contents of the parcel, especially the
socks, They are what we peed most
It assuredly makes one bappy to receive
a parcel from honie, a sort of reminder
that we are not fo' gotten I have finish.
ed my training and expect to be eating
my Christmas turkey in the line. Again
thanking the girls for their kindness and
wishing one and all a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year, I beg 10 _re-
main, 000 01 the len%
PTE F. N. Timm., 6s4292, No. 3 Co,
2sth Reserve Batt., Bramshott Hants
Nov, mai, rm.
Pilot! THE Wear. -Mrs. Wm, Batten -
wile, who has been with us here for
nearly 4 years has gone for a visit with
her other daughter, Mrs, Bain and as
the sets great store by 'fait PoST every-
thing else has to stand on Its arrivel till
she bas ma, tered its tontents, so it will
be more convenient just to send a copy
f nein tbe office than for us to roman here,
We have lied a delightful Fall here
this year. I am buildiug a barn and we
could %yolk in shift sleeves and bare
handed quite comfortably. There was A
branch of the Canadian -Red Cross or.
ganized here ou October Seth and there
is now 116 life members, ate Annual
members and they have raised the sum
of I1eeo5 oo for Red nss work 'which it
not too bad for a . piece of about
250 inhebitante and a spareley settled
cottatry. Of 006152 this is not by tiny
Mails the firlititriotle Work that lids
been dope in this district CIS &l the vari-
aus funds have had generous contribu-
tione at various times in the wet,. Re-
cently the belies of the WWI) end district'
sent Christmas boxes to all the boys
from round here (bait 40)) who are
overseas. Wishing You and Tess POST
confirmed prosperity, I lin yours,
D. lerectire,
&elevate, Sesta
Will Hear Appeals
Judge L, H. -Dickson, Senior Judge
of the County of Huron, will her
the appeals in Huron from the decis-
ions of the Military Service Tribunals,
More Huron Boys Coming Home •
Among the list published during the
past week the following -soldiers from
Huron have arrived in Canada, -Pte.
R. .Ellis, Brussels, W. C. Thompson,
School Reports
We are always pleased to publish
school reports .Out of town teachers
can -send reports by 'flail, enclosing in
envelope and placing one cent post-
age on same leaving it unsealed,
• Did Not Fulfil- Contract
The case of Cook et al, vs. Hamil-
ton, adjourned from the Cdunty Court
last month, was before Judge Dickson
last week. li, Cook, Sons & Co., the
plaintiffs are grain dealers at Hensel',
and the defendant, James Hamilton,
lives at Clinton, The plaintiffs claim-
ed that last winter the defendant agre-
ed to sell to them 1,000 bushels of
oats at 6 le a bushel and 300 bushels
of winter wheat at $1,75 a bushel.
Plaintiffs delivered to defendant the
bags in which the grain was to be
shipped, but the grain was ,pot de-
livered Plaintiffs claimed $490 and
costs. On consent of counsel His
Honor ordered that after twenty days
judgment be entered for the plaintiffs
for $2 5 0 damages with costs.
Usual Warning Issued
The Brussele Fire Chief has re-
ceived his yearly warning for mer-
chants and others to exercise the great-
est care over special displays Christ-
mas goods: -The fire chief passes or
the special letter of Secretary John H.
Robertson of the Canadian Fire Under-
writes' Association, which says"Folowing our usual custom at this
season of the year, 1 beg to call your
attention to the dangers to life and
property from Christmas decorations,
displays, etc., whiCh are frequently
made at this time of year. The use of
Christmas greens, harvest specimens
_and other inflammmable materials
such as draperies, scenery, cotton to
represent snow, and the like, especially
in connection with electric and other
lighting systems, is decidedly an in-
crease of hazard, it being impossible
to make displays of that nature per-
fectly safe. "The statutory conditions
of your insurance policy read in part
as follows: "Any change material to
the risk, but within the control or
knowledge of the assured, shall void
the policy, as to the part affected
thereby, unless the change is promptly
notified in writing to the company or
its local agent." "In addition to the
danger to property from The displays
referred' to, the dange. to life it,
crowded stores or Om A meeting,
by eeason of a panic occivaoned by lire
even though it be small and easily con-
trolled, is so greet that the under -
Welters, who have made a study of
such hazards, would fail in their duty
should they riot give this warning."
Tuesday evening, 27th ult., a few of
the members uf Trinity chneeli, on
behalf of the congregation waited on
the Misses MoLellateis and presented
then) with an address raceonipanied
with a handsome clock. Mies Hester
310111150e read the address and bliss
Geeta Artnsuong made the presenta-
tion. The donors were sincerely
thanked for their kindeess. It is over
80 years shims the late Mr. McLelland
and his family moved to Belgrave and
timing their long stay the Misses Mc-
Lelland have taken a very active part
in the upholding of Trinity church.
In whatever work came to their hand,
be it great or small, they ahvays were
efficient, courteous'kindly, honorable
and trustworthy. The family will be
very much missed in the church .and
in everything that is for the good of
the community. Miss Maggie has
been the energetic Treasurer of the
Red Gress Society since its fotenatiou
at the beginning of the awful ware
The address was as follows
pet to
uese bibtto
e4si0, 71r .1, father and eon.
41tollg tared. e•4144.44.4efeeeleaef ee++++++++++.14+4•41;eelatee+41ateieeeetelealee4ateleleteadioa414 ea,
It than 1IOI late .14 •
J3oiblog,000ne,uurelo'ona.oreoe:no ember ',settee lam ore., i.,
(Ammo,' Ili LI, Et101,
Positive -Convincing Proof
We publish the formula of Vinol
to prove convincingly that it has the
power to create strength.
n Cod Liver and Beef Peptones, Iron
-rand MongenesePeptonates,11.011 sad
Ammonium Citrate Limo an Soda
Glyeerephoaphates, basted:1.
Any woman who buys a bottle of
Vinol for a weak, run-down, nervous
condition and finds after giving it a
fair trial it did not help her, will
have her money returned.
You see, ,there is no guess work
about Vinol, Its formula proves
there ip nothing like it for all weak,
run-down, overworked, nervous men
and women and for feeble old people
and delicate children. Try it once
and be convinced.
F. R. SMITH, Druggist, Brussels.
Also at the best Druggists in all On-
terio towns.
DEAR. FRIENDS. -We. your fellow
members of Trinity dwel), knowing
of your intention of leaving Belgrave
have gathered here to -high t to say
good-hye. Your whole -hearted help,
in all departments of our Atwell work
and in everything that is for the good
of the cominunity, is en well known
and so highly appreciated that it te
not neeessat ye to embody an 11000lIlII
of it in this short addrese. You and
your brother will he. very iamb 'Mae -
ed in churn)), mid patriotic work and
in the Bible Society but we think you
will be missed tuost of all in the Nall.
bath School where' you often held is
guiding hand. We have wrielced and
enema, aye and sorrowed together hut
with abundant' hope for the loved
ones gone before that it touches a very
teptlev chord ii) one hearts to oily
Good-bye even for a short, while,
Please accept this clock frnm us and
as it chimes 000 the hours of time may
the inemory 08 Belgrave friends he
ever hash and bright in your hearts.
One united wish for you is,
"May gladness tune life's harp anew
And strike its sweetest Chord for you."
• ened on behalf of Trinity church
ministers iti Belgrav 'a the office
of President for 1 • tun) about
aed give the addres. the annual
meeting in rotation. Last Year Rev,
A. M. Boyle gave the address, hie
subject being "Our Bible, bow we got
Wand what we are doing with it." It
was Avery impressive talk. After all
the trials and persecutions that were
borne that the Bible ;night be given
toth e people it behooves no who have
it, soiree to be in earnest about what
we are doing with it. Annual meet-
ing has not been heal yet this year as
Rev. Mr. Hawkins uould not leave
home much on account of the illness
of the late Mrs. Hawkins. Oollecanre
for the Belgrave Drench of the Bible
Society here have finished their war k
and handed in their books to the Sec.-
Treas., J. 0. McLelland. The ladies
who dirt the work this year in Hag
Wawannsta 18th line, Mies Wight -
man and Miss Shiells • 0111 line, Miss
Viola Oitinpbell and biles Grace Scott ;
fith line, Miss Aimie Scott and Miss
Maggie Wightman. 1, him ris, 8rd
line, Miss Greta Armstrong and Miss
f'wiltes. 4th line, Mrs. 0. Procter
and Miss L. MeOtaa. 5t11 RIICi 81 11
lines, Miss R. McCurdy and Miss
Hester johnson. Amount this year is
$3.1.0 00, keeping op the average in-
crease in subscriptions of a10 per year
for the teat 0 years.' Mr. merpnand
has if'1,1111 "i1,0 011.1 (11111
teeters have iiieved to 111,i h. tint befog
able lo get it lionse Delo ,,Vii.
Titer going au ay leaves him fflee tlf
Sec -T1 ens. %menet nod !hi0 lea 111.11 of
the Soei ly is 3 etolmeinsim wnrk ere
short how, M e lel il ltits held
the Secretary - Tr easu 'Id .1.;i for 6
years awl MIN !I. 111tISi. t•Ill'I'l. le, court -
eons find brininess like , 171 i I Ilia
father, the lei 14 0 11r1,e11 ,,,,1
the one. fot oleos yea p14.4 to
J. O. beittg elm deted 14 tH)
d11111•111.1. I 11 go o 8. e Tl-l'Ils , 1111 18111
u 'try
Highest market price paid for
Poultry, either alive or
Call phones 48 or 27 or enquire of
W. J. McCracken
The PatrioticYoung Woman
of to -day itt witting, even at considerable sacrifice, to Make possible •
the release of a Class A man for service at the front. .18 we are to
* finance co* p1111 08 the war, the wheel of commerce must be kept mov- j
I log, and the best service a yoting woman can rendue the country a 414
this time is to fit herself to take the place of a trained office man.
Besides, its good insurance. *A
: You can get this araining in abort 5 monthso
s at the *
• ••
f entral Business College :
Affiliated with the Celli el 13asi01e80 College, Stratford, and the Elliott
Dueiness Cola, a, TotMto. :
D. A. NicLAOHLAN, Pros. •
.. A. HAVILA111b, Principal.
•••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••
••••• •• • •• • • • •• *a •••••
Mke lirighnto, Lootleehore', 1,0
been vis tiog at the 11.13,1111111C`•
ILO, SARI Itt. 01/111 Alt11 SOD, M.1171,1,
helve brew 018101113 11111400 Alla leetth-
111 813C0%1113 of those 0 110 11.1 1 9011114
0110 OpAlllog the Mel Midis! 1W1111.11
40 yeal`8 11311, 111111 1111' 110.111.4, 111' 1,
a,)(1 1,13, 11)11y11111.11, 11 10/ 1110 olbbl real -
dee le of the 11101,110,
011,08'11f i•rtni011 of last 44 eeke,
meeting in the int 1001.4n of A. Iiislop
itt the 111111 at 2 80 u'eleek
with. Midi-es...es by Bs M. 0,
(Ammon, 0 edetleb, mat itidieri, ale -
Mil la ta Se/trout le
!V lenreteli.-A ply/a:ant terest-
Ina 9090,1mien, rt'd Hamilton on
Der, 4111, the crCeasitIn helm/. the mat.
eietre Ile 1.110 leckiniei, of the Union
itelik Staff, Totem le, end Miss Isa
Peat 01 01111, out y Minh el- of Peter and
Mes. PatterSOit A it teaSitles 0,, 14,111-
Mom The yOutig charming bride
luoItd very sweet in white satin
carrying her la quet (hM
if , ai roses
and ferns. Britlestuaid was MISS Nora
Lake, niere of the groom who was
dressed in blue silk, fel wito wag al-
tenaed by Leo Mclealand.
beautiful end costly plesents go to
show the Well esteem in which the
young armpit. is hold. 131 ide received
two $500 Victory bonds, one Demi• the
bride's father and one leen]. het tutcle.
'.1The young couple left on thole hn
mum) rm. Eastern cities amid ti110WHI'S
of confetti. Bride travelled 1,1 SIA`01
grey costume with hat to match. On
their eel III it will reside 110 174 Stinson
street., 44 hm ethe Wide will be at
/WOW rereive after the New yyar.
Ma Eck mho is a 01111 01)FiSilitll
MIS. Echmier, Ethel, entl many :ad
Mende extend hearty congrittulatione
Lo lie bride and groom for a long,
happrand successful fife.
• (Intended for last weekl
Amos and Mrs, Goiania London,
visited nia Wends here this week.
Miss Jeannette Bleak, Iiiterieton,
spent the week end at her home hove.
Mrs. D. MeTavish has gone -a. TOP*
onto where she will spend a month at
'her bome.
Frank Sato -Meson, Toronto, was a
visitor at the home of Nis. Jas.
Ritchie on Monday.
Wm. Marsh and family, liowiek,
have moved to 'W. Rutherford's resi-
dence, Queen street,
Geo. Howe has been confined to the
house for some time 01)' "1511 illness
but we hope he wilrsorm Ade to be
abnut as of yore.
. Dr. Brenton Hazlewood and family,
anwmativille, spent the week end with
the former's parem3, W. 0, and Ales.
Airs, D. Rae jr., while returning
from the 110111E! of Mrs. Itio4 Adams,
had the misfortune to fall, stislai: ,g
a fracture nf the wrist.
Itio. Moffatt, 'belie, spent a few
days of lest week with his parents,
Olivia. and Mrs. Moffatt, Turtile..,
before going to Guelph where he will
don the King's °Mots.
We are sorry to learn that 8. Ras-
mussen suffered a paralytic stroke last
Thursday. He has since recovered
the use of his arm and we trust mark-
ed improvement will continue,
Owing to shortage of fuel The
Public Library will be closed on Alon-
day's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's. It
will be open on the last three days of
Ole week at the usual hours,
At the Provincial Winter Fair held
at Guelph last week, Thomas Mc-
Michael & S011, 8.011 the championship
for the Canadian bred Clysis
foaled previous to 1 91 4; and also ist
and second for three get of one sire.
tluron County can hold her own with
the best of them,
On the 25th ult., at Chicago, Robert
Matheson, B, A., an old-time resident
of Clinton, formerly editor of The Naw
Era, passed to the life beyond. Mr.
Matheson was beim in Kirkaldy, Scot-
land, in 1833, being at the time of his
death in bis S3rd year. lie was one or
a family of twelve_ children, of whom
seven were born in Scotland, 50101 tire
in the town of Sinicoe, Walter Mathe-
son, of Vanaeuyer, being the only sur-
viying member of the family,
Mr, James Snell received word this
week that his son, Gunner William
Snell bad ,been gassed. Ile hes been
at the front for 3 years and 4
months. Ills many friends will hope
that no serious results will :take place.
The postponed Annual Meeting of
Ole Clinton Horticultural Society
will meet on Thursday evening Dec.
27010 at 8 o'clock, All the members
are asked to be present.
A great many stores and house-
holds are burning soft coal...,,as A, I
Holloway, our coal dealer WES able to
get a car of soft lump coal, It anS.
Wers alright in a pinch,
James Snell at Son made a cleaa-up
at Chicago Fair. In Leicester sheep
they took 1st on aged ram; tst for
shearling ram; 1 tmcl 2 for ram lambs;
and eitalnplonship for rant; 1 entl 2
for shearling hunb; t and 2 101' yeilids
lug; mid championship fotaewe, In the
Fat sheep they took 1 and 2 for shearl-
ing weethers; 2 once 3' -.for weather
laths; tat for pen of weather la101191.
and championship for weathers They
sold 13 of the /0 sheep taken over to
• On Sale Now
Otemargarine made its bow in town
this week, so remember what
you' don't know won't hurt you.,
.14 44.1-Hei4+++4•+++++++++++++++++++++4,14.1-444.4.7.441.”:-.144.41,7.94L.144.+++.44
a .0
5 •
s , . bi ''Oziritl :1',
OME ID and see our display of Christinas Con -(19
for Men and Boys.
Presents for Dad Presents for Boys
and Young Men Coat Su toilet ri
r.sterwem coat sweaters lama 1 44 ear
niorta Neckwear • (11.,4 es
(11.,res fitisnentlers Meal f Pine
Heeler., 110.1141korehipfs ;ewe -mile)* .1,
1 i 14tH OAPS (110110, 0101, ..,1„,
Nice Line of Siik Front Shirts
Suitable Ent. Holiday Presents. Also the new 0,111100 crei„, .14
Shit t. it lies no equal foe Wear and is guarani (eel for one 1.
year. See 0110' display,
rt. W.. Ferguson ph.),1(• 24 7,(`"1,03SeiS
So+#44+41111141141•4•41+.40+.11•04.4144P+040414.44440+4+4+44i4040isess-0+*•14 .4
oePC.) / PI 0,
4. Eli L Li
.. I ...,
al Li 1,1
9 ?
A Columbian Grafanoia. .....
..,.. ..„.
.. Is a constant delight and enables you and you' ft 1..nris to [WILL' 4:b
4. the choicest seieetions of Vocal and Inettuntenoti Mit.ie, em,
• It makes a delightful present. See one choice steel. and hear
0 1 he fine toile,
e Se 0,Pi1. ATER. Agent,
Would Please the Whole Family
t •
Those who prefet this style of music can be enittel beyond any
question by giving an order, A guarantee goes with every
( No More 4 . ,i -dale in
leaeful Present singer sewing machine
Call in and see us.
• +•••••••+0 -54••••4•••••••• 4.•+•+044•444.44+.+4e4.e+4444e4atafeeeee
• - •
In Varsity News in the Toronto Star the best. Do not cripple your feet
this weak appeared the following short with tight shoes. Shoes that tit cost
note with photo of Dr, Edna Guest, a no more.
young lady well known liere:-One of
the romantic careers achieved by a '
Varsity graduate since the out break of
the war is that of Dr. Edna Mary
Guest, an M. D. of Toronto University ;
of 15100. Dr. Guest who was a lieu- :
1)111118 19 the North hamptonshire War
Hospital at Dunstan, England, has been
appointed commanding medical officer
of the Scottish Women's hospital, Cor-
sica. Her new appointment is a result
of the recognition by the Imperial au-
thorities of her work. She took a
course at the University after gradua-
tem find bater cud post graduate work in
the States. A si4ter, Einily Jane Guest,
who is a B.A. of University College of
'09 and an 17.4, of 1901, is V.A.13'
nurse at the North Hamptonshire hos- 1
Loose Clothes Are the Best
To keep the body healthy clothes
should not be tight, declares the Na-
Conat Safety commit, quoted in the
Scientitie American. In cold weather
we should wear lightweight clothes
white in the house. Upon going out
of doors put on heavy outer clothing.
Do not wear a tight hat. lt cuts' off
the blood from the skin of the head
and makes you bald. A soft hat is
• 41e•*** • ea 4. 0e:tee 9 e. 0 a o eaase 4e. ea> a
and closes al, p. In, Why net ,‘
Phone y..m. order the day be.
wine; to the higli mist of
deliveritig meat. Bneker
Woe,' Deliver y tug von
un,t,n 1.4,e,, trips only itch illy on
Nor Lit atiii Smith aides of rivet.
First delivery will leave at 8.45
a. 111. It is tip to the 01.11111011WE
to Plume early or call at the 0.
shop Int their tneat.
Store opens et. 8 o'eleek a. 00.
Id 1 .1,1
Confectionery and Fruit Store
Luscious and juicy California Seedless Oranges
25e, 80r, 40e and 511,1 a dozen
Dates, Nuts, Table Raisins, . Bananas
Malaga Grapes,
Our Confectionery is ail NOW and Fresh.
Sob our Grand Display of Tub Goods.
Pipes Iiikelosivrgifts for men who :trunk e, Pouches
nave what ra give -a Pipe.
rounds:lion 01 f 1, ft11` MARI.
eandy for ehristmas Gito
ving onlY Intl long been lb'
11105 givi ttg. The Ols 0501108 0060011 18 here again 18 th al 1 iteperplexities as to
what (MP should give. Out' stock of Contectom my man 'never more i.eple to
with footless 0101 ietiOS, suitable tot every onefront 1 the oldest pereon down to
0110 tiny tote, , Poe etanking filling and troe decorating one Cutely (30)1(100.e
offet inviting'and attractive items in Candy and Novel I lee,
Boxes from So to $1.00. Stye thein
Pt Matter of Good taste.
bait -Place your order early for your Ohriettumbriok of Tee 01 ewe,