HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-12-20, Page 3THE COURAGE Alb !you That real aro
he greatest
amount of body - building
AS SHOWN IN THESE SICETCIILS; material at lowest cost. The
whole wheat grain is all food
OF THE WAR ZONE. I ' Shredded Wheat Biscui
is the whole wheat in a
Ito furnish the working classes of
Idrarree with a substance which would
serve the purpose of butter, have much
the same properties of butter, yet be
more eheaply'produeed. He therefore
offered a prize for the discovery o;F . c_.
such a substance, Chemists at once
started experimenting, and at length
t a chemist working on the imperial
Farm at Vhteonnes produced a sub-
stance which so far met the require -
r meats' that he was awarded the cov-
"I Neter Knew How Good a WorldIt
Is 'fill 1 Went To Fight,"Says
Wounded Mart,
In the rvards'of a big London hos-
pital fail
p t I stood at the,bedsido of. a .t
shadow of a man: He had a gentle,
timid air, and• looked 'mildly through
gold spectacles. Ile had a cruel
Wound in his back and had struggled
'"painfully back to life after a period of
great suffering/and clanger, following
a memorable battle on the fields of
France, writes Ellen Adair.
He was an Arnerlcan—and it school-
master, IIe told me he had joined the
Canadians eighteen months ago, be-
cause his conscience had prompted
Trim. With every disability end na-
tural shrinking that can be imegine'd,.
he had thrown himself into the infer-
no called war.
We talked a little.while, for he had.
no friends in London, and he was
glad of a casual visitor,
"It's a queer, mad sort of world,
isn't it?" I said,
He • looked at me protestingly
through the gold -rimmed spectacles.
"No no," be said; "
don't say
plea e don't
saythat! Ihave thoughtought
a great deal about it while I have been
lying in. becl and it is a very good
world, and I never knew how good a
world it was till I went to fight in
Mud and High Spirits.
He told me, in an almost awe-struck
voice, of the wonderful kindness, com-
radeship,courage, t
o dutifulness and un -her
g + stuns for having light weights in
endin patience and endurance of the shop.
mer wi th whom he had been thrown. The Cootehill ' • eelian Council have
„'•I never knew that sten could be as decided to allow more light for public
good as that," he kept repeating. ase this winter, and are relaying gas
The words of that American school- mains. been neglected. Therefore 'any thin -
master canto back to me when a day M a meeting of the citizens of ming of the blood should be looked up -
or two later I happened to be in a big Castlerea, it was decided to take steps on as a warning sign, and more serious
London railroad terminus as a convoy at once to have the town lighted by illness should be avoided by the use
digestible form. Two o
three of these little' loaves of
baked whole wheat with milk
nd a list -e fruit make a Hour
'n strengthening
g g
Made in Canada.
From Erin's Green isle
$appenings In the Emerald isle of
tntereet to- trial.
Sir Edward Carson has been on a
visit to the western front, and was the
guest of Sir Douglas Haig,
Mary McNamara was fined forty
shillings at the Limerick Petty Ses-
eted prize.
The inventor followed neehanically
what he believed was the physiological
process'which took place when under-
fed cows produced the butterfat in
their milk from the fat stored in their
own bodies, He first reduced beef,
fat to small particles and placed it
under' heavy pressure, and then ap-
plied heat to it, of low temperature.
This separated the stearin. from the
olein, through crystalization, the re-
sultP being a fat free from taste and
odor, and which melted readily in the
mouth. Experiments proved that it
was as nutritious as butter, and was
capable of -being kept for a longer
period without becoming rancid,
Shortly after this discovery, in 1870,
the Franco-Prussian war broke- out,
and ultimately Paris was besieged.
Batter was soon at a premium, and
later the supply ceased altogether.
In its place large quantities of the
new substitute, "oleomargarine" were
manufactured, and it gained such a
strong hold on the public that Paris
alone consumes immense quantities.
every year. It required the great war
toresult inthe introduction this
food into Canada.
Many a serious 'Deese bas been
avoided by the prompt use of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills, These pills actually
enrich and purify the blood, and in
this waybuild upthe system, tone and
strengthen the nerves and invigorate
the vital organs.
Serious diseases generally come
from some simple disorder that has
of wounded arrived in a Red Cross
train. The scene revealed splendid
stoicism and self-discipline. It would
be idle to say there was never a groan
and no tribute to human weaknesses
among this mass of suffering and dy-
ing men. Yet there was such cheer-
fulness, such bravery, so much
thought for others, such courtesy and
gratitude toward those who 'ininister-
ed to them, that I was amazed.
The other day I was discussing
courage with afgroup of sold"nees. One
of them said. "I was afraid before I
went in, and I was afi'aid afterward,
but I wasn't afraid while I was in it."
And that's the view of the majority,
where courage is concerned, There's
the apprehensive fear beforehand, and
the awful fear in retrospect, but al-
ways strong courage within the act-
ual sphere of action.
electrieity. of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. In the
A large number of laborers have left case of young girls arcl nsimen the
the South of Ireland for England, blood is peculiarly liable to gat out of
where they have engaged for inland order—to become thin and watery—
transport. , and to lead to a general breakdown
The death took place recently at in health. This can beavoided by the
Mayville, of Edward Egan, princihial occasional use of Dr. Williams' Pink
of the firm of John, Egan and Son, of fills, which are suitable for the most
Waterford. delicate constitution. These pills will
A tractor demonstration wes given give you a new appetite, improve your
by a young lady from Dublin on the digestion, tone and strengthen weak -
premises of The O'Connor Don, _Clan- ened nerves, banish depression and
alis, Castlerea. Iack of energy, Clear the complexion
The plot -holders of Toomovara have of pimples and blotches, cure pain in
presented D. O'Shea, secretary of the the back and general weakness, cause
Allotment Committee, with an address the disappearance of headaches, dizzi-
and a cheque. ness and heart fluttering. Give these
•Mrs. Walsh was awarded £300 at pills a fair trial and you will soon note
the Dungarvan Sessions against the a wonderful change in your condition.
Lux Navigation Company, for the loss Your spirits will brighten, good health
of her husband, and strength will return, and you will
feel like a new ,person. You can con-
firm these statements by enquiring
among your friends almost anywhere,
as thousands and thousands of re-
did you fled particularly in The Derry Board of Guardians ported at their last meeting that there
the French trenches?"
I asked, for he were twenty-one cases of scarlatina in
was but newly returned from that part the workhouse
us u . - less sufferers have been restored to
Two lodging -house keepers were
"Two things only," came the quick fined £2 each at Armagh Petty See- new health and energy by using Dr.
answer. "Mild Auld confident, spirts I gossiped with officers high aled stens for not supplying their lodgers Williams'
0015 get these
throtigh any
men of the territorial regiments in with registration cards. medicine dealer or by mall at 50 cents
Champagne, men long past . their It is stated that Getman is the only la box or six boxes -'for $2.50 from The
language taught in a'nuinber of pub-
lic schools in Oklahome.
youth, but stalwart and admirably
soldierlike. I talked, too, with artil-
lerymen in the Argonne, and with bat-
talions 'd'elite' who have battered the
Germans on the battlefields of Ver-
den, Everywhere I saw smiles and
Hardships Cheerfully Borne.
He described some of the scenes to
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
Butter Substitute First Invented at Some Go Alad With Fear While Others
Order of Napoleon III. Remaly:, Cool in Danger.
It is interesting to note, that war, Most animals are afraid of fire, and
which has been the deciding factor !Will fly from .it in terror. To others
tae, rigid the horrors of discomfort, in inducing the . Ctinadian authorities there is a fascination *let a flame,
which these men event ,courageously to allow the manufacture and sale And they will walk into it, even though
through. He had passed a young sol- of oleomargarine in this country, tortured by the heat.
dier, crouching in a tunnel sludgier should' have also been largely instru A horse in a burning stable goes
and muddier than any creek, writing a mental in establishing it firmly as mad with fear, but a dog is as cool in
letter home to his mother by the light an article of diet in Paras, and in
of a dickering candle. The young general throughout France. The facts
soldier had looked up as he passed and are these:.,
had made e joke about his oozy rest- Emperor Napoleon III. was anxious
ing place, Other soldiers were in even
worse condition.
"The French army is .e smiling
host," said he; "their courage is amaz-
Everywhere in the French army
ehere is high appreciation of the Brit-
ish soldiers, and also of the"Ameri-
cans. Men of both armies are looked
upon as the Frenchmen's worthy com-
rades, and any day you will hear the
'Tommies' and the 'Sammies' applaud-
ed in the French trenches.
The other day I met a man just re-
turned from Rheims, "the city of Ger-
man's damnation," as it has been call-
ed, In spite of the fact that it has
been a scene of desolation, he had en-
joyed the most delightful lunch of his
life there, and told me he considered
the French women the most competent
on earth,
The streets of Rheims are grass-
., . grown, he said, The gardens are neg-
lected. The cathedral has its chancel
roof destroyed and its altars smashed
to bits. Its facade, which has fre-
quentiy been described, as the most
benutiful thing in the world, is brolteij1
marred, desecrated.
"But Joan of Arc still rides triurn-
phent before the cathedral," headded.
"Her statue has hardly been touched
by German shells."
There' are etill some thousands of
iuhabitants left In Rheims, Little
childeen' still play fearlessly in the
empty streets, But cellar dwellers.
are the rule.
There is a certain aincur11 of trade,
too. Pommery and Glenn tiro still ;
there, aiid even though there are no
railroads and very little patrol (gaso-
line) export is still contrived.
Six Minute
Here's a new one—a most.
delicious desert that can be
made in a hurry.
To one and one-half
cups of milk add one
cup of
Grape -Nuts
and one level table-
spoonful of sugar,
boil six minutes, cool
and serve with milk
or cream. Add rai-
sins if desired.
Get a package,,; bf Grape -
Nuts from your grocer and
try, this pleating recipe.
111111 is.1g11 uminitdlM1ll ,V.
WWWIII II tg l ', t l Nyiia"alf111t„nmalp
114 Heal ��l „el@nlht "1a, Io -
a fire as at any time. He keeps his
nose down to the floor, where the air Squeeze the juice of two lemons into
is purest,"and sets himself calmly to'a bottle containing three ounces of
finding his way out: Cats in fire cry orchard white, shake well, and you
piteously. They hide their faces from have a quarter pint of the best freckle
the light and crouch in corners. When and tan lotion, and complexion besuti-
thei rescuer lifts them they ere as a flog, at very, vary small cost.
rule quite docile and subdued, never Your grocer bas the lemons and any
biting or scratching. drug store or toilet counter will supply
Birds seem to be hypnotized byline, three Minces of orchard white for a
and keep perfectly still; even the lo- Ifew cents, massage this sweetly
quacious parrot in a fire has nothing fragrant lotion into the face, neck,
to say. Cows, like dogs, do not show
alarm. They are easy to lead forth
and often find their way out them-
Pencils 6n Janan. --
An unthought of result of the war
has been the creation of a lead pencil
Industry in Japan. In 1911 Japan im-
ported 65,000,000 pencils; most of
which came from Anterica and Ger-
many. But with the opening of the
European conflict German sources of
supply were cut off and native manu-
facturers, 'who had been producing
only m comparatively small quanti-
ties, seized their opportunity and made
the most of it. In 1014 Japan export-
ed over 9,000,000 lead pencils and in' She May have -improved upon it, but
certainly she is not entitled to the
distinction of having invented it. Nu-
meeous specimens of the useful con-
trivanee have been found in the ruins
_ For the
Chilly ,Days,
Black -and -white checked worsted is
usedor this s stu mung street dress.
McCall. Pattern No, 8100, Ladies'
-o•--o-o--o-o---o—.c—o—o—o—o—m I ICI, FOR TIIE TROPIC.
o Cincinnati man tells how to dry
up a corn or callus so It lifts
off with fingers.
0--0—ra--..o 0--•u- n o--o--o--o—o--o
You corn -pestered then and women
need suffer no langur. Wear the shoes
that neatly killed you before, says this
('inelnnatl authority, because a few
drops of freozone applied directly on a
Lender, aching corn or callus, stops
soreness al once and soon the corn or
hardened callus loosens so it can be
lifted off, root and all, without pain,
A entail bottle of fr•eozone costs very
little at any drug store, but will posi-
tively take off every hard or soft corn
or callus. This should be tried, as it
Is inexpensive and is said not to irri-
tate the surrounding skin,
If your druggist hasn't any freezone
toll hint to get a small bottle for you
from his etholesale drug House• it is
fine stuff and acts like magic every
The Egyptian goose is a small
brightly colored goose kept for orna-
mental purposes and rarely seen in
this country. It resembles the wild
gcose in shape and weighs two pounds
less in each. class.
Siinerd's Liniment Cures Listomner. •
Pat Found a Way.
A Scotchman and an Irishman once
set out together on a holiday, and
Dress. Pattern in 6 sizes; 34 to 44 Sandy intrusted all of his money to
bust. Price, 20 cents. his friend with the strict injunction
not to give him more than a stated
sum for expenses each day.
Note the many smart features of
this simple dress; the box -pleated
tt:nic, surplice waist, long tight sleeves
and the wide loose belt. McCall Pat-
tern No. 8079, Ladies' Dress. In G
sizes,, 84 to 42 bust. Price, 20 cents.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or from
the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto,
Dept. W.
Activities of Women-
, Forty thousand women are working
in the mines of Germany. -
Several Holyoke College girls are
working as drivers of milk wagons.
Kimura Komaka was the first wo-
man to make • suffrage speeches in
Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion
to clear and whiten your skin.
arms and hands each day and see how
freckles and blemishes disappear and
how clear, soft and white the skin be-
comes. Yost It is harmless,
We can't expect our neighbors to
say pleasant things about us if we
;are all the time growling about them.
Every) living thing likes to have the
fur stroked tie right way—even
editors like it.
Minard's r,11Wnent Cures ttargot !a Cows
The Elderly Safety -Pin..
The safety -pin and the hook and
eye are generally supposed to bo mod-
ern inventions, The former, in fact,
has been credited to Queen Victoria.
1916 the number had increased to
168,000,000, There is strong indica-
tion that many of the markets won
by the orientals will be held by them
after the war, for they have the ado , of Crete, Some of them tiro it the
vantage of Very cheap labor. Most museum of the University of Pennsyl-
of tht lead which they use is imported
from India and the 'tinted States,
Princess Euiloxia, of Bulgaria, is
said to be the real ruler in that coun-
vanie, and the museum has also a
hook and eye from the same plate.
Both the safety -pins and the hook and
eye now in the museum were made
at least 000 years before Christ. Some
aro made of bronze, but amber or some
Tho British Empire produces one- outer material was often used on the
third of the world's coal, ono -ninth morn elaborate pins, Same were. oven
of its copper, one-eighhli 0f its iron, made of finely wrought gold,
one-fifth of its lead, one -ninth of its - -
silver, and one-half of its gold, eeeereii'e muttons ousts aiphthorio.
After a few days Sandy pleaded for
an increase, but in vain. Afterwards
he confessed to Pat that, on the Tat-
ter's refusal to comply with his wish,
he got out . of bed night when
every ng
the Irishman was asleep and searched
for the cash, but could never succeed
in finding it. "Where did you keep
it?" he asked,
"Well," said Pat, "I let you go to
bed first every night, and every night
when you weren't looking I put MY
purse into one of your pockets. I was
always first up in the morning, and I
took it out again."
URINE Granulated Eyelids;
Sore Byes, Eyes Inflamed by
�f1 Sen, Duat and Wind quickly
Falit`ge i K relieved byyMurine. Try it In
your Ryes and inBaby'sEyes.
6.F LI LJN0Smarting, Just EyeComiort
Marine Eye Remedy a seer t:le al's or• by
a+,r Y ail,65efiSa[tla, Morin.
Lye Salve, in Tubes 260. For Roo$ oI N,a Erre—Free.
Ask Marine Eye rieruedy Co., Chicago e
Curiosity Aids Red Cross, I
A farmer in a village in southeast
England raised $1,000 for the Red
Cross through the agency of a Zeppe-
lin bomb which fell in one of his fields.
Thousands of people came from near-
by towns to see the crater, which is
described as "big enough to put a
house in." The farmer charged each
visitor a small admission fee and
turned the proceeds over to the local
Red Cross.
I was cured of painful Goitre by
Chatham, Ont,
I was 'cured of .Inflammation by
Walsh, Ont.
I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by
Parkdale, Out. J. H, BAILEY.
Tomato and Cheese.—Take equal
quantities of broad crumbs and tome
toes. Melt a little dripping in a sauce-
pan and pour over the bread Crumbs,
Put a layer of cooked tomatoes in a
baker, sprinkle over with bread
crumbs, then with a layer of grated
cheese. Then repeat and 1.ut enough
bread crumbs to cover the cheese. Add
a little salt and cayenne pepper. Put
in the oven and heat until the cheese
is melted.
Dominion Express Foreign Cheques
are accepted by Field Cashiers and
Paymasters in France- for their full
face value. There is no better Way
to send money to the boys in the
Cornmeal Bread. -2 cups lukewarm
water, 1 • yeast cake, ti's tablespoon
salt, ee cup molasses, 1 cup rye flour,
1 cup corn meal, 3 cups white flour.
Dissolve yeast cake in water, add re-
maining ingredients, and mix thor-
oughly. Let rise to double its hullo,
knead and shape into loaves; let rise
again to double in bulk and bake.
P,-aetically. Unknown in 'I'ropicel-
Alineriea Until Recent fortis.
Ice which a few years ago was
practically unlmown to the people of
tropical America, is now a necessity
Panama started the ball-tl-rolling by
building ice -plants.
Until recently there wore no ice
plants in the Puerto Plata consular
district, which comprises the northern
half of the Dominican Republic. Now
every toren of 2,500 inhabitants or
moreh as its ice plant.
I terYSjp,JFlgaa M4 ktSTll(WHITe5TLI41lrr11
000 inhabitants the largest town in ! Tis 3x
. tx
J�+ � ', .. It , m •n.ro., ..
this regime 7 r which
hastenton ant v
a 1 a
els ice at $1 per handier] pounds t
the factory and twenty -flue cents ad-
ditional delivered. The other towns, tl t C� v
which range in population from 2.600 i j Mjs" tg N
to 7,500, have ice plants of from one
to three tons capacity. The prices of
ice at these plaints vary from 02 to Q. g
$4 per hundred pounds and about 10
per cent. additional if delivered. 5St
The principal consumers of ice are
r r,. �taral!NO a'Q.
the cafes, clubs and hotels, but there
is beginning to be a small demand for
ice from private families. In view of
the high price of ice and the growing
prosperity of the country, it is sug-
gested that it might be possible to in-
duce some of the largest .11ubs, cafes
and hotels to install their own plants
and refrigerators.
Santiago de los vrth
..—c.,-.4„,......,,,,.,....,„,; G,-
ip PA Cure dor
Bad 1lpr,ilG7
�l "Bad breath is a sign of decayed
1K teeth, foul stomachor unclean
bowel." If your teeth ere good,
lookto your digestive organs at
onto. Got Seigel's Caraave Syrup
11, at druggists. 15 to 30 drops
after meals, glean up your food
passage and atop the bad breath
odor. 500. and $1.00 Bottles.
Do not buy substitutes. Get
e a
the n
Trf�£""".g5- 3 -�ticlae. R3'iw�:a3c"6343t
The Jordan Valley
In Southeastern Oregon is n beautiful,
fertile district that you ought to In-
bestlgate. Many shrewd farmer. aro
uying there, because their boon bunt-
ness foresight tells them that Invest-
s 1 rai tincrease Me
the `value from
land alone.- tosay nothing of bre hip
owe that they can prndnoo. Prises
tow; forma enay.
Ask mo for authentto Information.
absolutely free.
You aro oordinitinvited to cult of
aocm P 112. Union Paella Rulldina.exhibit
see our emotion( and extensive exhibit
at Country. to grown In the Union Petite
B, A, SIIITa, Colookattoa fsinduslrial Apt.
Bow° People Spice:
G0o11,1346 U. P.aldd•, Omaha. IA,
When buying your Piano
insist on having an
e6O^a TO HIM'L"
:;17:10 mit!?
re no, fortunate enough to
possess a yarn winder, use two flat-
irons, You can set them upon a
t:.ble or bench, as far apart as neces-
sary, and adjust the yarn over the
handles and proceed to wind.
Tvtfnard's. Liniment Cures Colds. dee,
A soapstone griddle is an economy,
as it requires no greasing. It is at
its best after it has been used a good
"%Ti"w L0.ID 10(108. 1'OL'L7.'RY, PEAS,
1'7 beans, honey, unions wanted. High-
est prices given, 3, D. Arsenault, 1136
St. L. Cntltarin East. Azo ire
n N
iv mit BIIIP A Lt.) rt ONnERFITL
1`9 Farm bargains: exceptional oUpor•-
tunittr•s awaiting immediate purchasers;
discrip ttee cu Laluaue free. Buffalo
,Parts Exchange, Brisbane building,
Buffalo, New Yoric.
4f. ti.g HAVEN AND HELL'--Sweden-
1 8.8 borg's Great work on a real
'world beyoi,rl and the life after death'
• 460 pages : only 25 cents postpaid. W,
H. Lew. 426D Buell(' Avenue, Toronto,
!-t ANCEE. TLT5I01t5. LUMPS. ETC..
NJ Internal and external, cured with-
out pain byour home treatment. write
on beteg.. too late. Dr. Mailman Medical
h m!tod. Collingwood, Oat
Spread Covering Body, Awful
Disfigurement, Itched and
Burned, Had to Scratch,
"My baby was troubled with eczema
which began on her face and spread all
over her body. It was in
a rash and was very sore
and inflamed, causing aw-
ful disfigurement. The
rash itched and burned
making her scratch terri-
bly and she was cross.
Then I used Cuticura
Soap and 'Ointment. Baby
was healed with six cakes
of Cuticura Soap and three boxes of
Cuticura Ointment, (Signed) Mrs.
Henry Richard, Murray Harbor, P. 11.
I., April 2, 1917.
You may rely on Cuticura to care for
your skin, scalp, hair and bands.
For Free Sample Each by Mail ad-
dress post -card: `Cuticura, Dept. Aa
Boston, U. 5. A." Sold everywhere,
Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankles;
Lymphangitis, Poli Evil, ristuleI
Boils, Swellings; Stops Lemeness
and allays pain. Ideals Sores, Guts,
Bruises, Boot Chafes. It is a
Dees not blister or remove the
hair and horse can be worked. Pleasant to use.
$2.00a bottle, delivered. Describe your case
for special instructions and Book 5 Al free.
ABSORBINE, JR„ antiseptic liniment for mankind, re -
ducal stales, Painful, Knotted. Smitten Veins. Comm.
anted—only a few drops required man aryiiwdco, Price
El per borne at dealers or delivetrd.
W. F. YOUNG, P. A, 1„ 510 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Can.
*carbine and 02301 ioa, Jr., are Stade to Canada
Exposure Ach3s
Cold rain, winds, and dampness
bring out the rheumatic aches. An
application of Slosn's Liniment will
soon have the blood circulating and
the pain will disappear. For neu-
ralgia, lame back, stiff neck, sprains;
strains, and all muscle soreness,
Slonn'a Linimontcnn'tlrebmt. No rubbinggs
it quickly penetrates and dant, itework with -
cher )Iwters oraoin meats. For cold toot or
hands try nn application of Sloan'oL,niment.
Generous argon bottle°. at all doggies,
25m. 50a. 91,00.
NEWrt �lt13SAplarif0S� a
NE 5'V rf c,-� E +S'VAITO! AL
DICTIONARIES are in use by business
Caen, engineers, bankca, judges, archi-
tects, physicians, fanners, teachers, li-
brarians, clergymen. 53' a:reccesiu/
men and seamen 11e tvct, ld over.
The New I,.ternetinnsl batten -knowing
teacher, a universalqutotina anaveerer,
400,000 Vocabulary Terms. 2700 Pope, 0000
Illustrations, Colored P'ttes. 30,000 Goograph-
igel Subjects, 12,000 Biographical Entries.
Regular sad Zndia-Parti Editions.
Write for Spec-
imen Panes, II-
pre,, it sot of
Pocket Maps if
yea earn this
c inert'
r Sale
New Automatic Valve Type. Complete with supply and exhaust piping,
flywheel, etc. Will accept $1,200 cash for immediate sale.
1 'ELECTRTC GENERATOR, 30 Ii;.W., 110-120 Volts D.C.
WIII accept $425 cash for immediate sale,
1 LARGE LEATHER BELT. Doable, Endless. 24 inch x 10 ft,
1Ntll aooept $300 for immediate sale, although belt is to excellent eon.
dltlan and new one would Dost about $600.
?TJLLEYS, Large size.
25x66--430; 12x60--$20; 121/048-412 ; 12x36—$8.
2 BLOWERS OR FANS, 'Buffalo intake.
ono 10 moo, other 14 Inch discharge—$80 oath.
60 l+ront St., West, Tor cl0 to