HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-12-6, Page 8p�a�" R"r4lr,iale 14a.�.a ,Amu »»„e.,..:.;Y: ... _ :....: �,•yawi::'.�„n+?'.44ay.'M%at�t.: »la. MCRkk+�. :• �.a... ;. .. ',-^,ar n�aA1reiMYA+Mt. :F:e +•+0+0+0+0+©+A+.0+••••i•••b9+•'F9Ii•9••41•014+0.044t 94"0d'94".+ - s asGood.sReady This week gees our store traestormtd and our now Stock of Christmas Goods In place --bigger and better than ever, so that you will have uo trouble in making :elections here. Whether you Have much or little to r spend, we think you will be able to find what will please; A few of the lines are • + 4> A 4• 0 •Y 4 3• O •r r e QQt• 4• + • 4 r 8 0 0 A d• O + h ay}rie ? Store ?. +0'•FO+O+O+O+O+0+O0O+O+O+O+0 +4.+•+•+•+•+.+.+.+••5400• •*• I'h<•e in no shortage of these this time, end many new Mechanical and F is inn 'Fors, also Dolls, Dolls' Car- •;, Picture Books, Painting Ridding Blocks, Puzzle ;':.-w Ganes, Sleighs, Carts, & I' my to bring Christmas •a,ery child in the district, The New Books We have moat of the New Books that have come cot thin salmon, including '"The. Major" by linlplt Connor, Alio a full lite of Bibles sod the New Methodist Hymn Book, Flash Lights Oneof would be sire to please. We have them from 75o up to 52 each Parisian Ivory Add a piece to your friend's colle:0ton from the large number of inane cure and toilet ar- ticles that are to be had in this popular ware. Kodaks Why not give a Kodak f The compact vest Pocket Kodak is to be had for 58, Then of course there are the larger ones. 1n the Brownie Camerae the 20 Brownie at $0.60 is very satidfnc. tory. Limoges China We have our regular stock pat. terns in these, also Japanese China and the Nippon Ware, —140e7--mmumovem.Fountain Pens From St.60 up 1 thri •tl9BR Post Candy and Booklets, Holly Boxes, White Tissue Paper, Decorated and Plain Crepe Tie0ue Paper, Tags, Seals, Holly Ribbon and everything for Decorating, F. H. SMITH Druggist and Stationer • • + e. + • + + •N + • O • + • •+ O O e + O • v 3• v •i' • .r. • 4. A 4 tat ;r t.ttm Items DECF,MDSR. SitowT days. FINE wheeling. LOCAL news on page 5. Some folk predict an open. Winter, AOMra1ox Election date is Monday, 17th last. STATUTORY Connell meetings Saturday 15th Inst MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday of this week. 3 wEsxs from last Tuesday will be Christmas Day Tree Victory Loan went with a good sweep in this focality. MUNICIP.tL Nominations will be held Monday December 31st this year. HURON en. Council is in session this week, S 1` Fara is in attendance. SEVERAL School Reports, Brussels in- cluded. me 1:roweled over to next week. Getty W.:N -Io the Knitting and Sewfn:; l o it est rim daring November Grey won ...1t. M:ltire extended notice TOTAL "axe t.' be collected in Becs- scls this yea" :,re 401.7°2.79 About $2,O0o lief' been paid up to Wednesday ot this week. Booze tele R::dteross Bazaar Saturday afternoon, Tea will be served also. The plae. is rhe audience roues of the Public Libiat•y. 4 eerie •d coal arrived during past week: Cui,' cue for household pur- poses however. The coal situation is improving, it is said, so cheer op and bops, A FULL house greeted the Tom Marks Comp my ;t::t Friday evening in the Town Hall when they pruseuted the humorous comedy •Bringiug up Fath- er" plus a vaudeville program. 'CHK Cadet corp; in uniform was out fir a parade Wednesday c,f last week andpetfo:med the variius nievemeuts with neatness aurl dispatch, Co. lead CIS for day were Harold Currie and A. Fox. WEDNE-OAS evening of next week in the Town 11,111, Brussels, a political nxaetiug viii be held iu the interests of Jos. Bowman, Unionist candidate, com• mencing a! 9 o'clock, Addresses will lx given by Barrister J el, Godfrey, reroute, 01r. Bowman and others. Op- positine speaker invited. Seats reserv- ed for larlios. OPEN SATURDAY,- Carswell Bros„ wbo bought the ,stock of general mer- chandise boloogisg to the Iota G. N. McLaren, open their doors Saturday of this week and will run a stock reducing Sale no to Clirisrmas. Their large ad- verde., meat rely be found oil page 4 of f this. issue, Duu't tail to read it through and see what is offered in the way 0E1 genuine bargains to the public. In this large and well assorted stock, much of it was bought when prices were consid- erably less than goods can be obtained wholesale now. AN OLD leestincer' Digs, -Last Sun- day Mary Near. widow of the late Jas, Dudley, passed away to her reward from the earthly home. Slue had not enjoyed rugged healthiest years and an attack of pneumonie and pleurisy resulted quiet- ly in fatal termination, Deceased was born in St. Marys locality and was mar- ried over so year9, coming to Brussels 4o years ago. 3 sons, (George end Mitts, St. Marys and Peter, London) and 4 daughter, (Mrs. john Goff and Mrs, Horsepool, 'Toronto ; Mrs. Seive0piper, Galt; Mad Miss Dudley at home,) stir - vivo, all of whom were at the funeral, Mrs. Dudley was 7o years anri r mouth old, .She was a kindly dispositioned person, who spent most of her time at home,Funeral took place Tuesday afternoon, Rev. W. E. Stafford, deceas- ed's pastor, conducting the service. In- terttleat was made In Brussels cemetery,. Mr. Dudleydlod 4 years ago. +r. The election date is just set early enough to enable political opponents to get over their bitterness and wish one another a Merry Christmas. — _o— e Cows for bale due to calve in February. QORDON MODONALD, Brn98810. &Pres 5 weeks old for sale. Also a good driving mare 8 years or age, sired by Cup Bearer. R, Menne Phone 1214 Dente cloth coat, trimmed with silk braid and buttons. lout on b1111 street, Brussels, on Nov. 18th. Will finder kindly leave it at THE POST. BR005Sr5 TAxes.-I will be in the Council Chamber each afternoon of next week and all day Friday to receive taxes. Remember after Friday 5 percent is added. If you wait for the last day please have the right cbnnge. R. OLIVER, Tex Collector. Yotrno Fox Honndiont Nov. 27th. Followed mail courier to Brussels. Light tan in color with white legs and under part of body. Ano- wors 10 nomo of .8,1*. Any information con• serning him thankfully received by THE POST or MART. GARNTOS, Owner. Phone 3116 Beenreo HOUND lost Nov. 28th. Block and white with tan colored oars and head. Lost between 2nd and 8rd Cons. Morris township, 2 miles from Wiugham gravel road. Owner will be greatly pleased to receive word of his Whereabouts, F. DONOAN Phone 126 Brussels R. R. 6. Teren ao110 ACC00070.- Notice is hereby given that all accounts due the Brussels, Grey & Morrie Telephone Company must be paid be. fore the close of December, so as to awn off the books. Will all concerned attend to this request promptly. Mies RUTH SINCLAIR will take n limited number of pupils for instruction en the Plano, STEM calf for sale, 2 months old. Wu, TnaNnIIiL, Brussels North. SPEOTAOLE5 and case lost in Breese's. Will finder kindly leave at THE POST and greatly oblige the owner. PAY rte. -Notice is hereby given that all notes and aceonnts not settled by December 16th next will have to be placed in other hands for oolleetton as 2 wish to wind up outetanding lividness aitaira. Thanking the poblio for many yearspatronage and enticetin a con- tinuance 50 my snoeeeHa, Maven. ung Sanders J. J. Crewels. Brussels. ROME AND LOT FOR SALE --Good frame ]louse, 2j6 acre of land, fruit trees, well, &e., in Brussels, For further particulars apply at Tea Pose. COMFOItiABL1 house and good garden for pale. Property 1n gond repair. For further particulars apply to Mee- Roll L H 4 Rr ee, , Timm Short Born Bulls front 10 to 12 months old for sale. JAS. Brunt. I.nt 29, Con. 6, Morris. Phone 188 De. PARrost, Osteopathic Ph7simen, vietts Emmett Tburedoy afternoon of earrh week. Chronic and nervous (Beene*. ouccosofully treated, Visits residences. Consultation at Queen's Rotel. ---0--- REPoaT or RED CROSS CtRcry.-Nov est 1916, to Nov, 3oth 1917, RECEIPTS Cash on bend $ 376 39 Orange Order 2 50 Sale of Doiley • 3 25 Bazaar -Miss Bailey's Sunday S cbool Class 52 00 Miss Bell's room...,....... 8 oo New Minister Concert 57 66 W, C. T. U. . ....................:. i0 ao New Minister Concert 97 to Sale of music - 7 5o 71 25 e5 00 • 10 25 Teas and Social gatherings 390 56 hIaterial 43 27 Donations 36 00 Collections 26 52 leterest 10 24 $ 997 49 EXPENDITURE Paid for lumber, .......... .,, -r 6o Expenses New Minister Ceacert 10 00 13yrors Sanitarium Fund.......,,50 oc Burners coal oil stove 50 Express on yarn 55 Phone message,..,..... 30 Expenses New Minister concert 22 6o Paid for music 5 00 Trench Relief Fund 340 00 Grant to Reti Cross Society,.,, 52o 54 $ 989 79 Balance ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, $ 7 70 MRs. J. IL GALEtfAWTR, Treasurer. Garden Party Girl Guides.... ... ........... Centrepiece • i-iights,t market price paid for Poultry, either alive or dressed. Call phones 43 ne 27 or enquire' of W. J. McCracken BRUSSELS Tits Winer Fair Is on at Guelph this week and a eurnber from this locality are attending.of Mrs, Atex, Strachan, seconded by RaoCrosssBazaar Saturday Afternoon of this week at the Pvbhe Library suds Mrs, D C. R< ; The meeting dos d en0e ronm. Give it a good boot. - by singing the National Anthem. A FEW cutlers enol sleighs were on tate move Wednesday of this week, auffeient snow having fallen to make light sleig- ing. THE Poor to the end of 1908 for 01,5o. That meausyotu get it for December free ifyou are not now a subscriber. It gives the news. SUB CHIP'rIONS 10 '1'liE Pos'r for 19r8 are moving in nicely It makes a dandy Christmas box to absentees and carries its message every week. A Irl STA DAO •D BAN OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO This Bank offers every facility in the conduct of accounts, of manu- facturers, farmers and merchants. ■ ■T'D 1673 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT et every Branch, 236 BIIUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAM, DCI ® Manager. lam. We welcome to this cmmlItnunity Jos, anri Mrs. Whitfield and funnily, who h rl-tired (tom the farm on. the 13th Co" Grey township and bought a borne in Brussels South. They are well known residents of Grey. C. R. Bennett, formerly of Brussels, who has been living at Stoughton, Sask., is giving uv farming and has bought a garage in Forget, Sask, and will move there, Mrs. Bennett is a daughter of Thos, and Mrs. Davidson, of Grey township THE Beetease-Allcontributions to the Bazaar Saturday afternoon are asked to be at rt c Library audience room be- fore 2 o a* that clay, with the estitnat. ed value of the donator attached so as to aid the fixing of sale prices. Bazaar opens at 3 p, m. Help the Red Cross by donating to the Bazaar, WHAT we MAY EXPECT, - More coal, Christmas rush, A tete weddings. Busy politicians. Good sleighing. Municipal aspirants, Dozens of entertainments. Some THINOs WE COULD DI5PEN5E WITH Croakers, Hoodiumism, Light fingered folk. People who misbehave at church, Profanity by both old and young. Fellows who forget to shut the door. Violators of Canada Temperance Act. FINE RECITAL.-TtleSday evening of last week tbe Choir tied Pipe Organ Re- cital, udder the direction of P 12 Mel - heron, choir leader and organist of Mel- ville church, was held and was a most interesting musical event. First half of program consisted of a composition en- titled "Festal Service," in which the choir did excellently, Mr. Cutt, Elora, presiding at the organ. In -the 2nd Hart In addition to well sung solos by Miss Verne Walker and Miss Isabel Strachan, Mr. Hutton, Manager of the Bank of Hamilton, Fordwich, proved himself an artist with the violineello and was very genernus in responding to numerous eu- c.,reS He is master of au iustrement not often beard and seldom as well handled. In organ 50 well as vocal solos Mr. Curt was very Heartily received, many old friends being delighted to see and hear hila once more (for be • was a former Jamestown old boy.) Recalls were in order and both he and Mr, Hut- ton will be welcome back to town. Mr. Mulberon proved, once more, his cap- ability at the organ as well as training the large choir. In a neat speech Rev. Mr. Mann, pastor, proposed a vote of appreciation for the No I program and the good work done by tbo leader, and on it being seconded by A. Lamont, the audience expressed their approval. Mr. Mu;heron b'i.By yet appropril'ely re- snonlel, Proceeds were about $55 00 We hr•pe this will not be the last of these musical treats and trust Mr. Mulherou. and his choir will favor Brussels and locality with another coucert in the over future. Only those who have hart 188 do with -ace euterisiunlents know of the large ample of drill and practice re- , coy ed 1 , pi educe such results, and all 1 taking p111, are to be congratulated 011 I the success of the evening. Haus-xrc Women's Institute held an open meeting in the Library audience nom. Tuesday evening November loth at which the President, Mrs. P. Scott presided. After opening exercises and bu';lness session were disposed of Mrs (Rot ) Ferguson gave a full and compre- hensive report of the Women's Institute Convection held In London recently. This was the 4013 Western Convention and was the best yet, showing 'that the interest in Institute work was slot abet. ing. B. S. Scott gave an excellent ad- dress on "Patriotism. In it he touched on the witbdrawal of troops from Galli- poii • the duplicity of Rosie in autiept, rnu a bribe and other phases of the pc, see; war, Mr. Scott dwelt at some leng..1 on how Premier Lloyd G urge defee.ded himself in the House of Com- mons on his speech iu Paris in the debate on the creation of all allied War Council, that speech which has aroused public sentiment not merely In France, England, or Italy but in Amerce. It was thought by many that Premier Lloyd George bad made it on the impulse of the moment and many regretted that lhnughts had been tie - verged which had been better left un- said, expos; -,g to Germany the weak - CM of the allies but Premier Lloyd George in his defence made it plaits that he had careftele considered this speech and he diel it for a deliberate purposee• to bring about unity, as unity is the only sure testy to victory and Peace. In concluding Mr. Scott male an appeal to mothers to put aside selfishness and send their boys to win this WRY. Miss Carrie Hiugston favored the sudlenee with a well rendered solo and le, H. Gilroy gave a choice reading. These two num- bers Added greatly to the enjoyment of the evettidg. A vote of thanks to all wbo took part was tendered on ihotioe Church Chimes Mailiand Presby-ery will convene in Wiughan next Tuesday. Rev, Mr, Menu and Hider Stewart will attend, Mrs, A. J. L owry's class gave the program at the Moothly Missionary ser- vice in the Methodist Sunday School las, Sabbath. Offering was $4,95. Sunday morning last Rev. Mr. Mann pn esched on the 6th Commandment in connection with the series, In the evening his theme was "In touch with the unseen." Large audience heard Rev. Mr. Smith's instructive Lecture on "Savon- arola" last Tuesday evening in tbe Town Hall, A farther report will appear next week, Deaconess Kellett, who is associated with the Tract Society work among the sailors and soldiers of Ontario, has been canvassing Brussels for assistance In carrying on the work. Rev. W. 1r. Stafford's discourses lest Sunday were well point, -d, tbe morning subject being directed to the Evangelis- tic work the Sabbath School should do and in the evening he dealt with the eburcb. Anniversary services of Brussels Methodist church will be held Sunday December 23rd. An offering of $Loo is asked by the Trustee Board from are congregation Instead of inviting an outsider to preach the pastor has been asked to conduct the services. Wednesday evening next the regular monthly Patriotic service will be held in Melville church. Rev. Mr, Mann will give the address and the usual offer- ing will be taken. Meeting opens at 7.3o instead of 8 owing to another meet- ing in the Town Hall. Monday evening next Prof. McLaren, Guelph, will address a young People's gathering in Melville church at 8 o'clock Musical nrtmbers will be contributed by talent from Bluevale, Walton, Moncrieff, Crsubrook and Ethel representatives, Silver collection, Rev. Mr. Durrant, Teeswater, will deliver his interesting Lecture entitled "Sails, skates and snowshoes" in the Methodist church, Brussels, next Mon- day evening. under the auspices of the Epworth League. The rev, gentleman spent a number of years in Newtound- land hence has a wide experience, Ile is s ready speaker and well worth heat- ing. Evaogelistic services are being con- tinued this week in the-- Methodist church and meetings are doing no small amount of good. Rev: Mr. Wren, Mount Forest, a former pastor gave a good address Tuesday evening on There was a men gent from God whose name was John, &i." He was very welcome. Meetings will. likely close Friday evening. There wee; a good ntteudaoce at the Couferl'nce held iu Melville eburch 'I'han:eey of last week, Rev. A. J. Mann p''30w who was local convener, presided awl referred to the purpose of the gathering, Then followed address= es, Rev. Tr. McCulloch speaking ou "The challenge of the war to the home"; Rev, Mr 13.1'. "Prayer and the Nation- al life"; Res. Mr. Luudy, "Religious Education" ; R. D -Cameron, Luckuow, "Challenge for Forward Missionary work." All were good and were discus - ed by the gathering. Rev. Dr. Strang, Home 1lisslon Secretary for Southern Saskntchewau and. Rev. Mr, Cook, who spent 6 years in India also took pert. A tasty supper was served to the delegates by the ladles and in tbe evening Sole ad- dresses were given by Dr. Strang and Rev. Mr Cook. A. choice anthem was sung by the choir. The Conference was along practical lines and the Presbytery will endeavor to map out a definite plan of procedure in the "alter -war -condi- tions" being dealt with by the churches. t$ People We Talk About l* tt Wyman Sperling was home for a visit. Miss Mae Wood is visitiug relatives in Loudon, Mrs. A:fred Beaker .is visiting rela- tives in Toronto, Mr. Grills. Herriston, was a ,visitor at R. Leatheedelo's, Miss Eva McCracken made a brief visit witb Toronto friends. Miss Maly Lemont went to Toronto this week en a visit, Will. Arnent was undet• tbe doctor's care from an attack of lagrippe, Mrs. W. W. Harris was visiting in Tnrouto during the past week, Dr, and Mrs. Lackner and son, Kitch- ener, tve,e here 5o, the week cud t1ettt. Vernon Russ, who lute been at Petrone. was home for a few clays. Mies Kate Deadnlml, nurse, has goo'" to Hamilton for profeselonal service. Mr,. Geo. Edwards is visiting at Mc- gaw with, her daughter, Mrs. - H, 13. Churchill. W. H, Wilson, Laudon, who was a former resirleue; was renewing old friendships in town, Miss Mary Citranacll, Fordwlch,.is a visitor with Mrs, Walter Lowry, Priv 0005 street, Mrs, Malcolm Fraser is not enjoying her usual good stealth but we bops she may soon he fully restored, Will. Stewart son of the late Donald Stewart has been renewhig old friend- ships, 54is home now is at Bassane, e111s t• s s Sask. He notes many change,' iuc residence here hut is heartily welcomed beak for his holiday, MONTHLY HORSE FAIRS BRUSSELS Regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be held this season as follows : THURSDAY, DEO, 6511 11 JAN. 5th ' JAN. 31st FEB. 28th APR. 4th boding Local and Outside Buyers Present By order of Council. F. S. SCOTT, Clerk. Nurse Daniels, Palmerston, who has speut a week here with Mantle, returned home Tuesday afternoon, David and Mrs, Ewan were both ou the sick list last weelr but are able to be about once more we are pleased to state, Wm. Dark, who lives South of Brus- sels has beeu dangerously fit with pneumo'ia this week but we hope he will soon rally We are sorry to report that' Mrs, Too. Cardiff's health is not good but many friends trust site will soon show im- provement. m- provement. Dr. (Captain) Moore was here over Sunday from Guelph wbere he now has his post of duty in connection with tnilltary.affairs, ' We are sorry to hear that Sergt Mickel, Mount Forest, has been wound- ed in France. He is a cousin of Mrs. F. H. Gilroy. Brussels. We are sorry to hear that Miss Annie B. Ross has not been as well as usual during the past week but we wish her steady improvement. W and Mrs. Hastie and Miss Mathew- son, Gerrie, and B, F. and Mrs. Carr, Ethel, were visitors at the home of Mrs G N, McLaren, Alexander street. E - Downing, of Lethbridge, leaves for Toronto Friday to visit relatives before returning to his dome. He is a son of Mrs. Joie Downing, Flora street, Brussels. Among persons from this locality at- tending the Winter Fair at Guelph were A C. Baeker, Walter and Alex Yuill, Thos. Pierce and Will. Hoover. Genge Robb, St. Catharines, was e welcome visitor in Brussels and locality this week. He so'd his 5o acre farm part lot 2, Con. 1s, Grey, to G. A. Best, of town. W. F. and Mrs, Stretton moved to 'heir comfortable and up-to-date bunga- low, William street, this week where we hope they 'vill enjoy many veers, They have an ideal spot, Rev. D. Wren, M, A., Mount Rarest, made a brief visit to Brussels this week coming from Listowel where he had been giving an address Monday night at the Methodist church anniversary. Mrs, Dougald Ferguson and her daughter-in-law. Mrs. Russel Ferguson, both of Teeswater, have been visiting Mrs. R. T. Hiugston, Mill street, a sis- ter of the former amyl other rela.Ives and friends, SAVED FROM AN UNTIMELY GRAVE Seldom has a more tragic tale 'been told than that of this young woman, whose parents, brother's and sisters have all died of consumption, leaving her alone to make a living as best she could. Never robust, hard work and worry soon undermined her health, when she too, become a victim of this„dreader{ disease. Shunned by friends who feared contagion, without funds, for she had been unable to save from her small earnings, she seemed doomed, like the others of her family, to an untimely grave. Fortunately, she was discovered andsent to the' Muskoka Free Hospital, before it was too late, where she is now doing well, with every chance of ultimate recovery. Appeals are now being made for the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consump- tives to enable it to continue the great work of caring for just such cases as this. No matter how small the gift, it will be welcome. Contributions may be dent to W. J. Gage, Chairman, 84 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, or to Geo. A. Reid, Secretary - Treasurer, Gage Institute, Toronto, BORN `}IUmPlno its. -In Hnruln 01' ultnl, ,n 1)oeen,• 1 er 4th, 19].7, Lo 5.10' rind hhHmn- lshrloa, n daughter Inn"TAN,--Ie BOwlek tnwnehip m, Pt('einber 251, 11117, to hir end. Mea, i.. le Ito' loo, a eon -Elmer Russell, . BpantAN,-Io Grey township, ole, November 24 10111, 1017, to ' 1n•d 205••• John A. Stu bon, n son -e arvoy Qocdwie. g010I1NAV-In Wnnhnge, Ohl„ on Nov. 22nd, 1017, to Mr, and Mrs, J, 13, %Wray, Jr., e MEL Curse. --In Morris, on Nov, 22ed,1917, to Nr. end Mrs. Robe Greif a daughter, Woo ld Mrs, Maxyth, on Ow, 2711, 1917: to Mr, nod Mrs, MWeide n daughter, �n,+��aaY>�.1+,�r,.�m �.,w Yxra �rrP �s�u � o;'y'?c'•�►rlx-ai,•fi � oseee0Q00e004100 e00,0B001000PtJWtr�eiF4far001000900' Olte=ffi1i3MV 1 7 03 4 cy g 4. 3 0 0 0 19 m 0 1'It co • tl • 0 0 tp FoxYs oRuGsTORE Sana Ins Headotrs Less than 3 weeks 0111t11 Christmas and as some of o111' euStO1ners tetnarked it clays to shop early when the stocks are complete, Better selection -Better service ---Prices just 1110 1114100 as 2 weeks later. Our stock contains 901515 rather attraeti v e lines, Dainty Xmas Oarde And Book- lets, splendid assortment. The Book of Praise with Music $1.00 to $2 60. Fancy Stationery -Soule very handsome packages, 25c to $1.50.. Petfumee and Toilet \Vatel's- •Fine assortment of Seeley's well known odors, 25e to $2.00 Band Bags -Jost received some splendid Julian Sale Bags int popular prices. Safety Razot's-Always an accept- able gift. \?9e have both Gil - let's and Antosttap. Pine Limoge and Nippon China - Hem is one of our very spec- ial lines and our stock at pres- ent.is exceedingly large and varied, Ohocolatea-We are sole agents for the well known "WViliards Porkdipe Chocolates" ajsd are showing ' some handsome packages at, 25e to $3.50. Fountain P0119- When you wane net feet sit( isl'art.ion 7011 Can always rely uputl "\Vttter- man's Ideal" 10 givo IL, .A splendid ase0ftenettt at $2.50 to $0,00. m Cameras and Kodaks • • es co o Ivory and bony Corm ds 0 some very hantlsolne and useful Toilet articles in Manienee Sets, Q 0 Brush and Oornb Sets, Military Brushes and Brushes of all kinds, et 0 Book Memo coo We have a few of the season's newest and best boolc/tand will be 0 glad to procure any others at short notice, The following are 0 now in stoop p The Major -$1.50 The Soul of a Bishop -8i,50 0 • Annes Rouge of Dreams --$1.110 The Yellow Dove :41.35" rf�� All In It, --el 60 Over the. I op -$'1 5550 9' 0 ' Green Fanny—$1 35 White I udic.s $I.6U F o Calvary Alley -51.35 Oha6tetbnx-ii1,a0 O 0 Ansi sonny excellent Reprints at OOe. w 0 el • Nor have we forgotten the Little Folk ti so As our stock of Dolls, Toys, dittoes andPirto'e 13o''Its Will to 0 shote. have you seen "The American Flyer" at ret (1U. 0 7 o e C%�' s Er zTl' `"4 9co o Y. o0 s �r� t,. s 6 • -- ., STORE • 000*GooG00800000vol©e.0oCStGMw4lrg:OlBcoaoaeOassoa oco(9Soocacea a Always an acceptable gift. Our little Vest Pocket ORsneea 10 a beauty at 157.00. And don't-nt'get us wlmo you have Developing and. Printing to do. We maitre perfect satisfaction. 0 e1 a D •4 0 0 0 4. co 0 0 112 ra 1e 0 0 6®+ et MARRIED BTLaonaw-BAx1l s. -At Winnipeg, on are. 109, 1817, by Rev. Fr. Blair, Mise ,Tulin 61, Baltor (No100), to Mr. Leo F. Killoran, of Saaketoon, Sask., formerly of Stretford. Low e-PAwosss. At the Methodist Pornes- age, Meth, on Nov. 21,5, 1917, by Rev. 15,,1, McCormick, B. A., Mr. John Armen Lowe, Grey township, to le Ise Feral, eldest daughter of Mrs, Fred. Fawcett, Blyth. DIED Bnowc: At Oranb•oolr, on Nnvembor 28511, 1017, Agnes Brown, robot ot the fate Robert Brown, aged 84 Tears. mita Y. -In Brussels Booth, on December end, 1917, Alary Naar. widow of the Into James Dudley, aged 70 yea's and 1 month,. DIINDANBON.-In llroy township, on November 80th,1017, Aimee Denosnoon, enly daughter of Thos. and Mrs. Li -anent , aged 81 yenta, 4 mouths 0100 10 days. WATTaaa -Ea Grey township, on November 28th, 1917, Mrs. Florence Elarriet Al. ',Val- ters, aged 42 veers. An,ARA2 -In Ilowick township on Dec. 2nd, 1017, John Abraham, aged 78 ycare. AIJOTION SALES FR1DAy, DEO. M. -Auction Oslo of Falun stook mid implements, hot 20, Con. 0. Howlett, sale toenmmeliee at 1 o'clook, T. Jacklin, Prop G, W. Walker, Atm PR PRIDAy, Dec, tett.-Perm Rto,•k, lmplo- meets,&e.,atNee Lot 0,Con. 8. Morrie ,own skip. Talo unteeerved at 1 p, In. George le. Warwick, Prop.; Jas. Taylor, Atte. BRUSSELS MARKET — Wheat 02 (5 Oats q 60 Pons 119 Barley. Butter. 42 Eggs .13 'Boge Your last Chance to nave 500 on your Subscription or Renewal for MacLean's This Is reeoun)zed as ane of the foremost Mein thlirs in the 0.0(try, containing 80,me- tlling of intereot to everybody, artielee, stories end minute ell by the most eminent Caisedlen writers. Ss entire Iv (*amebae In ite chat act er, yet not narrow .nor tartlet profusely erns. tented by aur wvu a, hots, Ae yon the 0,1o0 rentable at 95 50, but wflt ndvattco*o 52 0e on Dee. 15011 This mnicr, an ileal Christa,a• (.15 for either a man or omega For 17 ,ubso, t.-- tinns the pubiiSltere prc•a1.111. 100 with a 0-150011 Victory Bond. Thorn 00(0.8 thio eppertenil;c or eneouaging Venerate ertlna intent, receiving more than value for ,rine ieveotulent tend Letldng 1 our rause by another 't'Irlery Beed. eOnly n drop hr. the Lu:•b, l;' it i- true, •'I?nt own, to Op W111 1011. " N51111.1e rop,rw 010007 hl• ha,) to unl Phone e:9A limn 1 0 71'....10,1 Farm for Sale Containing 48 acres rind being pert roto. Corn. 0, Grey. Clomfnrtahle /louse, woodnbed, orchard, well, &r.. 15 acres anion sonar will Sell as Shove nr will diipost• of 21 r renes of it which will central house, ornitertl fi:, Leos than n mile from -town. Cedar will be meld separately in closh'ed. Ton further mimeo - tars apply to W M. ARMSTRONfsj, Lot 2. Con. 0, Choy, or lb ns ds P. D. 22.4 Notice o Pevment of account. due the estate of the late G N. 61ni.vrun. ltru,eols, Wlll be received et Walker & Week's Furniture Store from Dso OC, to the 21nrl Wet. Inclusive, Payment may be mule to M. Rlaek Or John Pow uson, t'4 n7 who are authoriz,d to re: neve same 00(1, losun 70. rm'eiet1. After lee 221101 Metunpaid recounts H 001 will be planed m ,,they bnndn for eolleetion as 7i2the orate ini be wound up. Ai. BLACK, 121 1067 19111 • 10 I5t Petatoeo per bag 1 600 1 60 Teacher Wanted Protestnnt Teacher wanted fm' R. S No 8, Grey Township, Boron Cie, holding 2nd Clans Normal Certificate Duties to contemn. ann. 2nd, 1918. Apo0ltontlonn, stating aviary rind t10ali0nntions, received up to Dee 0011,, 1917, by WlESt.1EY 8. STIEPBIEN8ON, ]Ethel R, R, leo. 1 • Sea -Trees. For Sale 28% DODOS of term land; in the Township of Morris. adjoining the Village of Brusoels, iu one Mild. There laa good •ravel pit, if Mum - 50 up, from 2 to 0 noriw, It las boon tested and enough orgruvel there tb 051111517 the town and vleinity for the next quarter of a oenluny; 0 hnliding lots on Ttu'ohorry street 1.1. lot nn George street, unite the railway Beltran ; tiles m private residence on the riverbank, 701.01•1' ofyillinnt-end Albert street', icor further particulars apply to the undersigned at him residence, J, LIEOKIIE. Bruesele,1510, March, 1017. Auction Sales 111'PION 1A L10 08' FA]581 8I hL te, Tuu• Plan! DN'1h., &°. .Jag, Taylor, Anrttnneer, has heel in Kt rooted by do nod 01,4 enrol-lo by PnbIl An Hon et Nig Lot 6 inn 3, Morris, m, Fridnt le, littera 1 o'elork iter. Cnlinwing velunbl , oroorply. viz ; -1 t}oblltulr ware pia - log S eine- eta, 1 Dniterat le mere rising 6 yrs, ltd suppn-,'a 1n ro,,1 to Goidlink, 1 Drnetbnrie mare visite( 4 years old, f (00,1',115(11 gelding rhe ing B y.lirs, 1 geidin rising 4 are, 115117 r• S 1nyenta, 1 Gold llpare, filly colt, t slumlord bred driving mare wining 7 years, 1 sow du., to calve in lrebrnarx, 0 rams dna to calve in Mar., 2 cow, due 10 calve in Apr1I,1 cow due: to onlv0 testy 1st, 12-yenr•okl. heifer due to mem in einroh, 8 steers ellen It 2 yours, 10 oneself!,1 there bredDnrltem bull LI item ho old, 17-t• Derr- ing binder nearly Derv, 1 ]/caring mower Wt. nut, 1 It oflormfnk hey rake, l lntotmntlonel hey lender, 1 suliivntor. 1 6inaoa Bmrix 11- Ium DPW drill, 1 ,ase, 1 Prost & Wood gang plot*', 1 wanton and lox;- 1 open baggy, 1 telt ng r, 1 mutter, 1 met donhloherneoo 1 set sln- gle rawness, 500 hnshole mite, n quantity of haY add ntltt.r gentiles too traitorous to moraine. Sale unreserved nn fnrns hies beon sold. 'Vernet -46 00 and marecash ; over that amount 10 months orelllt given m, furnishing approved j01,tt notes, 4 per cent off for oflsh on orot115. nmouits, Bay and nets cash. GI20.15. WARWICK. Proprietor, 7,e0o9Aeseseestoc1410Criy9t47 51 vA to 0 c • 0 • 0 • HOW THE CHILDREN WILL ENJOY HTHAT WONDERFUL TREE 0 on Christmas morn hog1 Have you 0ltnnght how mitnll fat -+twat' • Grandpa and Grandma, 01' Uncle John or Aunt Lily would enjoy p It plfotog:mph of their dear faces? 4. P•i rocos1eSU1tL13thoeose ocieae•0•`UN>;.N•• t'4 • a .x m 0 0 • E • N 0 a- • 0 • W 0 0 • 000000041000•0000000 00 Oa. e Have the Children Photographed here at Once • so the tottering will be ready in time en )(,till their• derdinatf011 by • Ohristrots, How about yonr own pietilrr, too? • G. S, FREE • i'90TOGRAPI-TER •• ••••••••••••••••••••••••