HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-12-6, Page 4f e Irussets Vost
Brussels Exemption do
n tribuual
Following is the list of cases dealt
with hp the Tribunal sitting at Brus.
eels and composed of W. M. Sinclair,
R)bb. Livingstone and John Harris
up to close of last week :—
W. A, Close
J.' 1'. Ward
DorlaldR. McDonald
B, 0, Plum
Henry Querin
W. E. Cardiff
Kenneth McLean
Elijah Barron
Win. Strath
Geo. A. Speiran
Melvin Slernuion
Cecil Wheeler
David Sholdioe
John Sholdlce
Wm. Leeming
Arthur L. Denman
Percy N. Tyerman
Jas. R.oy McDonald
Chas. L Armstrong
Wilber E. Turnbull
Jos, C. Armstrong .
Hartwell Speiran
Jno. M. Lowe
W. H. Grasby
Ohas, \'V, Cole
Henry 1. Armstrong
Hugh A, Kerr
T, T. Clark
Jas. A. Rea
J, 1'. Storey
W. J. Cardiff
Jim. A, Work
Jae, 1. Almetrong
R.. \V, Whitfield
\V..1. Armstrong
jee, D.11l
" ,
\V 11 trail
ti' .1 .11,1,-r,o❑
W, A. Ouultes
Jesse Wheeler
Russell B. Currie
Chas. Anderson
W. G. Rowland
Ed, F. Rowland
Wm. Nicholson
Thos. N. Mose
Robert N. Reid
Clarence E. Hudie
Jno. A, Marshall
Wm, S. Cockerline
Howard Bolger
Fred. Haggitt until Oct, 1918
Slim E. Rion
Jos. Cooper
J. 0. Thynne
Jno. E. Little
R. N. Addy
Stanley Purvis
Alex. Collins
Louis J. Blake until July 1918
Lorne T. Roe
Russell J. W. Barrows
Edward Pryce
Alex. T. Dennis
Jno. A. Bruce
Juo. G. Dacron
ktab8rb l tiC110.1. 9
L,1(7t Dobson
L. T. $leek
1), J. McLean
W.E. Champion
Win. M. Johnson
W. B. Brown
Juo. W. Searle
Jno, A, Taylor
Jno. Staples
Harold M., Livingston
Walter S. Scott
J, A, Bryane
G. A. Lott
3 io. G. Speir
inch. B, Stevenson.
W. J. Grant
Juo. R. Dickson
A. V. Fitters Ler
J. 11, Menzies
G. L. Thuell
W. R, Bcoadfoot
W. 0. Thuell
F. H Little
Jno, Warwick
0. H. Hopper
R, J. Bowman.
J. H. Smith
G. W. Iiutchinson
300, 0. Cochrane
Jos, Simmons
Ed. Davidson'
J. L. Leeming
Jno, S. McArthur
W. T. Grieve
J. A. Beattie
R. J. Baker
W. G. Connon
Jno. H. Alcock
H. E. McOuteheon
R. G. Higgins
Chas. 0. Eckmier
Jas. A. Bremner
W. 3. Hollinger until Sept, 1918
H. A. McKay
W. J. Pariah
S, V. Sperling
W. J. Deitner
Jas. 0. Habkirk
J. McNichol
Jas. H. Spell.
Geo. E. Blake
A. M. Engel
3, C. Nethery
L. S. Hopper
Augustus Wheeler
Roy Sellers until Sept, 1918
Levi S. Parr
L. E. Wilkinson
J. A. Mnri'ay
F. L. McKay
Geo. A. Dunbar
R. H. Vodden
I. Geiger
Jas. Kerr
Horace Wilber until Feb, 1918
R. A,.Br'adshaw
Jno. W. Kerr
Jno. A. Oooper
Thos. J. Ellis
C. S. Wheeler
R. J. Bone
F. R. Purvis
E. V. Thompson
I. Clark
E. S. Purvis
Geo. T. Fraser
Jno. E. Riley
3. E. Armstrong
P. Emhuruntil )
Earl Dunbar
R. H. McKinnon
A. S. Skelton
F. T. McCaughey
3. J. McCaughey
i$t MetllitdGeall
H. Hulley
Jets, Clark until Aug: 10113
J. Warwick •
Gee, W. Skelton
Chas. l3einbridge
P. A' Dennis
J. J. Streibig tuttil Aug. 1918
I (1lonelier until Aug, 1018
R 0. Wit bee
J. W. Meaty
7'. S. Laidlaw
Phner 1), Ewan until Feb. 1018
11 0, Walker
J. S. \Vats0
T. P. Johnston
T. J. Biggeuetuff until Nov. 1015
A, 1'i Smith
Dc. F. '1'.73ryene
G. S. Rutledge
W. G. Ament tuttil Class B. is
10, A. litter until Feb, 1018
8. 11. Ii 111•g ese
R. J. McLauchlh,
13. FL AWeut until. °lase 8 is
H. P. \Vilbee until Feb, 1018
W. D. Hetrris
Chas. W. Brewer
Angus 8. (Jeu•ntieheel
John W. Dundee
F: J, Hollinbeck
P. A. McDnnaid
\V, D. leek InitIV
T. \V. Mitchell
8 D Mann
J. 10. Deily,
Waller Thomson
R. Nichol
A Thomson
G. Davis
Jas. Stevenson
0. W. Evans
Juo. M. Ooultes
Win. J. Mc.tacheon
Jno, A. Dark
Olivet Doll
W. L. Speir
W. D. Hopper
Some n in L) soled. me of the latter are being t) p
Notice to Creditors
le the matter of the estate of Charles H.
Knight, late of the 'Township of
Grey. in the County of l-luron, fat;
mer, deceased.
Notloe is hereby given pnrsnent to "Thalia.
issd Statutes of Ontario," that all creditors
and others having claims aealnst the estate of
the said Chas, R Knight, who died o0 or abort
the Seventeenth day of September, A D., 1917,
are required on orbefore the 7'hirty-first day of
December, .1,D.,1917, to send by post prepaid or
deliver to F. li Scott, one of the Executor of
last Will and Testament of said deceased, at
Brussels P. 0,. their (thrlatisn and Surnames
addressee and dascrlplloo, the fell pardon Lars
of their claims, the 0)01e0801 of their accounts
and the nature of the securities lif nny)held
by them.
And further tate notice that after such last
mentioned date the said Executors will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the deceased
among the parties entitled thereto, havin to re.
Bard only to the claims of which they shell then
have notice, and the said Executors will not
be liable for the said assets or any part there
of to any person or parsons of whose claim
notice shall not have been received by thea, at
the time of enoh distribution.
Dated at Brussels this 20th day of November,
A. D. 1917. .
F. 8. SCOTT, - Executors,
Oedigotorl Semice8
o Ethel NewChun
f he h
Roe, 8, Muxworthy, Exeter, President
London Conference, Proaohop
Fine Oiaeoursos.
Last Sabbath the dedicteto'y ser-
viee0 of the Methodist church, Ethel,
were hold. As the' day was line. and
roads good large oongrega1lona were"
prea0ut at 11 a. in. and 7 p. ni. mid the
serviette ave) a greatly enjoyed.
,Rev, 8. Muxtvm'thy, lexeter, Peesi;
dent of Loudon Oorrfereuce; gave
111001 applept'iate difieouroea and coli -
1aeltilllel all a Nal hall p1HH 1: Ire ala
tent Ladies' Aid; nitre, U, Oleltvet' 1
1 resident W, M, 8„ Mrs, A, McKee i
b3Goreteu•y"rT1'eltsurev Trustee 13441rd,
Geo, Addy • Treae. Building Oonlulit-
tee, Jno, 4IoDouttld ; Organist, Mise
Della McKee.
EY'I'1IESL 5MOTB:ODlSl1f 40 'yl0AI48 A00
100040 'PRE POST of February 28rd,
1877. i'The Methodists of Ethel have
derided 111 build a place of worship,
meeting about $1200. Building will he
82248. and will be sit0(91ed on the
Snn1h West coiner of air 1'•u'rn or
Lewreime Dobson, Rev, Me, $tofford
seems deterrilincd to bt111d up at largo,
congregation ie El eel and judging
from the sucoese shat has attended
his htburs siui>e be entered' this Held,
he will not be disapnoiinli'd,"
On I4auclt 23rd 1877 the following
item appeared :—„The contract far
the e' esl tort of a Methodist church at
Ethel has been awarded to John
ducted tlr dedicatory exercises at the
close of the maiming sermon which
\vette very interesting and impressive.
11e Was aSsiseed by the paster, Rev. J.
W. Johnson: Morning subject was
"The Holy Spirit's presence" and the
evening theme wee "The rich young
ruler." Excellent service of praise
was in charge of the choir,
Total financial proceeds of the day
were $28 00, which with what:was re-
ceived at the opening snakes $740 (10
and the amount formally s'abscribed
will agglegale about $5100 which will
Meet. the tnlatl cost, This is a splen-
did record and worthy of the plucky
cnngregatiou and the diligent pastor.
Basement will be finished in due
course with class teems and other up -
to -dale arraugenrelts.
D. and Mr's. Milne, Robert McKay
and itiesdeunes-August and Christian
Balmier were in attendance at the
opening of the new church, July 1st,
1877 (the two latter being members of
the choir) and were present at the
opening of Lha7env chinch.
The church
>A well officered asf of -
lows :—Recording Stewart, \V. E.
Sand ms • Sunday Scho01 Supe'intend-
eut, A. P. McKee; President Epwnrth
Milne for $975.00. 11 Is thought the
Trustees have made en excellent ben'.
gain,—Monday evening a successful
social was held in Lawr'euee Dobson's
Moues. Proceeds $985, going to a
fond for ruled:Thing Lie new church,”
From THE Pose. of Friday July 091
3877 the following report of the open-
ing of the old church is taken and will
I no doubt prove of interest to bout old
anal young :—
'For several months past the Metho•
dist comiunuity of Ethel have looked
forward to theta day of July, with
no: small degree of interest, as on that
day their beautiful new church was to
be dedicated to the worship of Al-
mightyGod, The day having arrived,
last Sabbath, Lhree serrnons were
preached, and the church set apart for
religious worship. In the trimming at
10 o'clock, Rev. Jas. Gray, President
of the London Oonfereuce of the
Methodist church, and President of
the Dundee Wesleyan College, pr'eaC11-
eti a fine practical sermon from the
7th verse of the 50th chap. of Ise.
The afternoon sermon was deliveied
by Rev. Mr. McRae, Presbyterian
minister of Cranbreok, and in the
evening Rev, Obak. Lavell. M. A.,
chairman of the Goderich District,
conducted service. All the sermons
were rich in evangelical thought, and
preachers and people felt that God was
In the Word. The collections during
the day amounted to the Bice sum of
$33 38.
11J11 'Nf9l't'Itll,
On Dominion Day, July 2nd, a telt
Meetingwee held tvla
ta ltaI
of evergreens, fitted up by the yetulg
Bleu of the ueigborhood, On enLef•u g.
the place, the behol(let' watt struck
,vitt the beautiful appearance of the
tables.. '1'lm spread {'pile 1rnly grand
and"eefleoted great credit no the ladles
nl'Ethel, Atter'anlJ)le justice was
done to cakes, pies; toe„ by all pees.
eat, the peoplerepaired to the eliur011
to 1181041 to the addresses and music,
Rev, Messrs, 810111), Deacon, Mitchell,
13. A, told Leven, Al. A., delivered ex-'
cellentepeeches and the chide 'led by
13014. Gerry, of 13, uese19, (liscouveed
sweet mesio, which conte Wilted in no
small degree to the interest of the oc-
casiou, The 04410111044400M fe oto the
beginning to the close, \0149 deeply in
(cresting. The proceeds of the tea on
Monday . and social nn Wednesday
eV ening alnom1Lrd to $74 50, malting a
101491 with collections of $107 88.
The building`, which is of Gothic
itechi0001ure, 1s frame, 82x48, with
stone foteudati0u, The Inside of the
church presents tt b0,1,10ful appear-
ance, The 'ceiling is finished white,
and the walls grey narked elf in
blocks to reptesen1 simile, There are
two aisles and the pens (which are
neatly capped with oak rapping) are.
finished iu oil and varnish. The pub -
pit is made O1' black ash, oiled and
varuishedand-ort 1110 front of it in
beautiful Silver letters is the text
"God is Love." The communion and
pulpit platt'orme are neatly carpeted
and the former is surenauded by st
rail, aupporbed by four ieou pilh0rr+
beautifully finished with Blue and
gold. The wall behind the pulpit i,
cnv„I'ed with 1n'u•lile paper laud v,u•-
Dished. Above and behind the. pulpit
there is it gothic arch, on which in
gold letters 491 a seen the words, "O.
w0rsbip they Lord i11 the beauty " of
holiuese." the aisles throughout
have been carpeted with cocoa mat-
ting. The margin of windows and
fair light over the door have all beauti-
ful stained glee, margiue of various
tints. Altogether the ]Methodist
church in Ethel is nue of the prettiest
country churches in the County of
Hama and the people may well feel
proud of it. May it be I he birth place
of untey precious Routs."
Among the former pastors of Ethel
have been the following :—Revds.
Paul, Leger, Sherlock, Newcomb,'
Yelland, Gibson, Davis, Waddell,
Wells, Curry, Heudeverm, Wren, Mc-
Kelvey and .Toinlson;.with ptrobation-
ers Stewart, Trimble, Kellingtnn,
'Tuckey, Keine and Hunter. Msjnt'ity
of thein are still alive. Ill the list of
old member:: who filled theirrespec-
tive posts of duty well were :—.1
(lnhel', L and 0. Dobson, 33. and A,
Tindall. J. \Vhelp1110, the Simpsons,
Kings, Retelifre, Fogals, \Villis. fitew-
arts, Dr. Carter, T. Taylor, J. Keifer,
Pollards, Chambers, Suillte, Mastitis,
Rayr,ards. Halls. Milnes, Lakes,
Eckmiers and probably other's ,chose
1iam1e8 fro not Occur t0 11111' Io>rlt101'y
just nolo.
While many of the faithful inters
have gone to their reward the work is
carried forward .zealously by an
kul '. CcirR w''ltd,k>'FS t 'tl-,:11gAvLprk>tt 43101 4), 2'.
,,,... `t "-+z-u+�rM.r�vn�• - h.3r,C:.u,r .0 . p p5mrsv,
�lll,, lalrt Itni1
willing 1,,11111 of ,v11001'.3
a111ong Whom etre to be fettle! tliti
frtnlilies cif Met/mitt! d'e 1liKei+`s ooh..
( 1 N
, 'u J.'11 ' 0 1,1
snu'9 !t t1 J 1 s , unnnn's
811:"dile1,. tlalle, AJiely's I,'Ive'a141>H,
Megh'e, 11 ;;\Ici1; iv, Kiog'rCh itdfrl'a,
13,,)1ma1119, liansuhiei.rer,d-°there.
Ihli' entef>l'tablti brick ptr,'nutge,
velli"h ndj'dna the new nhn'eh, was
pin chaoe>l (rein 1lie -late John O,Ler
hurl fills the bill all right,
'or Sale by Tender
'l 18, 50 Sere fit, m, ti's 1411'11 nP Lot 15, Oo'1,
0, Mu''>la lownclly,, will be, 110,04 feraal876y
4e11I,,d tender. Teodoro 10 lin in by Deo: 1501,
Farm Is all do crags, exev7111ng 7 nares. 04 1 11014
BpPd 1810 good shone, Thole IsaWne001111nu.d.
plenty of good water, Warm well fenced. For
further partici] lie a uhpl 1 to
1'11019. 71.0ROE,
Ph101058>8 h",moels- P. 0,
Farm for Sale
Flue 150 acre form for mole, beltig N 103,3 4.,,t
14 ni,r1 1,00 15, Oen 8, 111erriy. ,ou'nshlp On
th" 9(5011-e Ina Mei brielt house, honk bn, n
(12o 71: 2 driving shots, orchard, windmill,&o,
I'useesslot 0,1811)). purrhmser. 8 taloa to Brie,
tole or 105111 6 asses 19411 wheat in 18 times
lama l(or»I mnn1 and. rural tolepltone leer
further part aulas apply on the Premises 0,' if
by letter to R. It No 0.1(1>11),
17'0 ALBERT 910`101,IoTT,:Proprletor.
COGIF51BTA BLE;Id0U914 AND 4,0T 10012
19,07 a,-110011 W01111nr1 rlslern, fruit tree,
&c, Also 511mret ml cer1101%4u,u with Inrgo
stable and drilled well. For ?inter 'particu-
lars an to price, terms, -Su., apply to Tit it Poso,
Farms for Sale
Lot 249 Cm,, 0, Ora, 100 acres, 0se of the best
pester, far,», ),, (> >'. Alto 101 farm. at Et
01, 933 n.nmg the Village ge old Stadol. 175 norU0,
being ra,r of hob. send 24, nn it. and Npt
I,ot 24 (, m.. 11, G,ey. . Exretlent bniltl Inge end
on A. 1 stools and grain farm, Will bo sold to.
gother or seperatslyon easy 1 arida. Apply to
DAVID 11111,24E• Ethel, Ont. 17 -ti
Farm for Sale
In order t - wind up the, 8slete of the late
Janes Shaw the splonlld 110.scrm farm adjoin-
ingthe Village Brussels i8-.. r d for 1
v 7K e e O tae.
On the ase, Fa t, a good 6uuk "..rn and finit-
lienee, Farm >, 811, Heeded dao00911 st etal e
of cUltio>1)f 2974 Fos omits Ir, a Into Male
oPrau4the 1 particulars
given Int ones,
For further pn rticplara apply to
I''..5. SCOTT, Breese's
Farm for Sale
Cotltnh,htp 290 acres Viz 5tm)Lot 89, Con. 8,
hlnn'is township, Bud Lot 1, Cm,, 5, (trey town-
ship 151,91 watered, role Portable. house, bink
barn m"1 nr,nnro shell. driving house, wird
Juill, orchard!, ,0.o 2% ells+ North of Brussels ✓
on groom) road. 13nr111 ma,1 and, ural:'phoue,
14 mile to s,lmol. will sell tether oi' both
farms If not sold h'•fnro 0rtober 1,0'will ba
rentert r , I or
- I '10 apply 10
, 1hoprleta, Biumsels, or
Pt 8. lifusseln. 0.4
Executor's Sale
For the purpose of winding up the estate of
the late John Haile nt3}•no the lands nod prem.
(81+a, situate In the Vllln"r of Oranbrook, non-
taintngH0m010'crew or'lnn0 and elm whirl]
there is erected a comfortable frame douse
end Demo barn, are offered for en11,. 1'•o II
partioularo end term+ of Hale will be made
mown neon application to the Executor, An-
thony Reymann, Cranhrook, oh the under -
40•5f Solicitor for the Dm -cuter.
• Fourteen
Openrng YDay
of Sacrifice Sale
Saturday, Dec. 8th
at9a, m.
•••S••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••.•..•••••••••••••••••••••••••O•••O•••••••••••••••••• t, s e, v•••••••••
Gigantic tock -
Saturday, Dec. 8th, to Monday,
Dec. 24th
Carswell's Entire $30,00100 Stock Goes on Sale
mented by almost $20,000,00 worth of High Grade Merchandise, bought at a great sacrifice, we will throw the entire stock on the market away
below the present mill prices, making the greatest turn -over of Merchandise ever held in the Town of Brussels. Below we quote a kw,ofthe
Wonderful, Marvelous, Extraordinary Bargains, demonstrating the price -power of this Gigantic Sale. The chance of a life -time stow stares you in the
face. The time is short, you must act quick.
Apply at the Store
Friday, Dec. 7th
All Previous Bargain Records Smashed at this Gigantic Stock -Reducing Sale
Dress Goods Prices Shattered
500 yards of Drees Goods,, regular 45c, for 323
700 „ " 75c, for 40
400 u " 1.00, for... 00
300 " 1.25, for 89
100 yards on Mantle Clothe, regular 360, for.... .. ..... 1 95
200 yards of Velvet Cords, regular 85c, for 59
• Extraordinary Values in Staples
30c Shining, fast colors, stile price ..,. 25e
45c Oottonade and Deniers, sale price .,, 85
50c „ " tittle price 423
20c Prints, fast colors, sale price 15
200 Scotch Gingharne, sale price 173
20c While Oottnn, on sale et, . .,. 16
25c „ " „
25 c Grey " " ..,.. 10
3 " „ i, 3
20c " " " " 116 3
00c Sheeting& on sale en 39
1.50 Flannel Sheeting, 72 inches, on Bale at .... 1 70
76c " 38 inches, on sale at 59
40c Grey Flannel, on sale at,,,,.. 29
(IGe " " " ,,,,,, „ 45
150 Wra),perettes, 014 sale at 173
.800 yards Flannelette, regular' 17e, for ,,,,., l33
1(10(1 .1 22c, for 77�
500 11 30c, for 22.
Special Prices on Blankets, Yarns, Wool Shawls, ..
W001 Caps, etc.
Hosiery at Mill Prices
25c Lisle Finish H. se for . .. 10c
50c Extra heat' Ribbed Bose for ..,.; 89"""
450 Caahmerette Hose for ..... 313
1 00 Pure Cashmere Hose for.......707
65c Heave Ribbed Wool J•lose for d9
75c HeavyRibbed Worsted Hose for 62""
_______ _________
Men' furnishings Reduced
1 00 Wool Fleece Underwear I'nr 75
1,25 Heavy Wool Uudi e'wear fm 19
1 50 . " 3 1
2 25 Pure Wool Ulltlel'wi ftf for. 3 73
125 Work Shins for 89
150NrgligerSl)nts fm...:. 95
1 20 Negligee Shirts, soiled, for ` ,,,,.. 55
.011's Sox for 10
3501•feavq fibbed Sox foe ,,,, .,, .. 23
4541 Ail Wool Sox for
000 „ 39 •
• 40
501' Cams with Fns 13auc�s fur 30
7510, •,,,. 50
1.2> " y" " 05
3 75 Cuttonallt. 1. taste fnr 1 26
2 (HI Blark 411 Striped Overalls rm. 1 Oil
Prices Smashed on ladies' Coats
X25.00 14fantles, spacial at $ 1.8 96
18.00 Mantles, special at 14 50
15.00 Mantles, special at 6 05
25.00 Curl lined, Fur collars, special at 70 00
55.00 Rat lined, $able collars, special at 27 60
10 only Black Astrachan Coate, Sable collars, regular
up to 50.00, for 9 96
$10.00 Misses' and Girlie Coats for tt It
86 05 05
9 only Ladies' Black and Blue $ergs and Tweed Suite,
regular 15.00, to clear Saturday morning, special 6 95
ladies Underwear Values
458 Vests and Drawers on sale at 8650
c „ " 59
1,00 " " " 45
850 Vrsts, Special 491
. 25c Chil1rert's Vests and Drawa1'9, special at 7p
4010, it
„ 21)1
60c 42
Heaps of Ladles Waists, House Dreaees, Corsets, Undeeskirts,
Deese Skirts, etc., on our Bargain Tables, Price
marked with Sale Tickets,
Quick Action
Its a big prepnsitiom,. with everything open and above'
bmu'd, We will tell you frankly the exact comlitimis-'•
we meet dImpose of -$10,000 ill' our stock in nee . 14
Z t J I days, 0
e—p-- •
And get here when the •
g late G. N. McLaren, Brussels sltuldly, Dec. stn
•••••••••••••••••••••••i•••••••••••••••••N••••••••••••••••A••••4.••••,e•••••••••••000•♦•s••••••••N•••••••••••• ••040.4••••••••••••••••••••••13••••••••••••••••••••• •• ••••0•41••00•••••••••••••
$3,000 Worth of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers at Tremendous Sacrifice $3,000 Worth of Rett's and Soys' Clothing, Suits, Odd Pants, Reefers,
$2,000 Worth of High Grade Furs, Prices Completely Wrecked • Etc., at Slaughtered Prices.
Conditions of Sale -
C A R S W E L L B R O Sf� Grasp this Opportunity
Strictly Cash
No Goods Exchanged or MoneyRefunded, Successors to theic , 701 7edoors.'i, swing Apel
1, at 9 a, in,