HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-12-6, Page 11• e.^ VOL, 46 NO, 23 1.5o Per A 114121111 in Advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DRCE1IBER 6 I9I7 New Advertisements TiMas--It Oliver.) Noit Lte- ui Black, Coat lustr, Local--lindi Sieai.Loonla—Telaphone 00, ,Betted lon-T,DuuriPiga 3g-Currie.e .Dug sbrayed Mapt, G .igantio Sole-Oarm011100t0rt R. smith. SchoolCovet-Eallon Auction sale -Geo, K.•Wnrwiek. Unlenlmeetings-Jas, Bowman, Cows for sale -Gordon McDonald, Santa Claus Headquarters -dna. Fox. W, H. KERR, Profrie,tor Wroxeter Miss Bryan$, BI•ussels,: visited rela- tives here last week. "- Mrs, John Leckie, London, is visit- ing her son, (3•eo, S. Leckie. 0. D. Simpson and two children, Fleneali, called on old friends here Monday. Gordon Morrison, London. was a recent visitor with hie parents Juo• and Mrs, Morrison. Reeve Reis and family left) this week for their future house at Galt. We wish them pensperity. John Abraham, one of TTowiclt's oldest settlers, passed away an Sun.' day, the result of a paralytic stroke. He Was in his 790i year and hod been in declining health for erten. months. !Ie is survives by his widow, 2 daugh- ters and 4 sons. Friday evening of this week a poll: - Lica) meeting in tile• interests of A. Hislop, Liberal ftiodidate fun North .Heron, will basil in the To WO 1•i.ttll here, operrinceht8&clock. Met Haelnp. duct Bee • in'tee (hunerete (oderich, whisk. Opposition invited. yleeeLte reserved for ladies. The font tree comedy, entitled "Valley Par lir" which was postponed one of respect to the late Pte. Colin McNaughton, who made the supreme sanriflee on Nov. -6th, was held in the Teem Hall, Tuesday even- ing, tinder the. auspires of the Young. Ladies' Rccruieiug League. The cast was all local talent of exceptional ability and the play throughout, hum- ovine, entertaining and a success financially, realizing $116.00 which will be worked up into comforts for the Wroxeter detaehmenbof the 101st Batt, Between the arts several music-' al items were well rendered and a May -pole drill by 12 girls, was well presented. The Play was given in J+'ordwich on Friday evening, the proceeds going bo. the Red Otoss Society and public shed fund. of that place. AZAAR Under the auspices of Elle.yonng Mulles will he held in the Aud- ience 1-b ti of the Pubic Library Saturday'5 BRUSSELS Dec. 8 Opening at 3 p. m. . No,. 1 Bootle-Devote:C'to Finley Worlc, Aprons, Handkerchiefs, &e. Goods suitable for gifts for the Stolidity or otherwise. No. 9 -Bonne made Confectionery and The Cream. No, 8 -Boma nude Cooling, No, 4-111opis Loaf Dirt Chaser. It oleons, scours • sal polishes. No ii -Tut Room whore Lanett will be. served at althoun, Proceeds of Bazaar will ,be devoted to Red Croak put poses and everybody interested is invited to contribute to the 13uotitsealId.also to patronize the Bazaar. Invil.e yoen' friends to the Bazaar. It ie it worthy cause. pet LADIES' AID 0 0 0.0° Bazaar A w ♦ ♦•{moi ill. •• 4 friday, December. .) th 4 4 ♦ The Ladies' Aid Of the Methodist; • r CI Yn .hUrpOse holding a nolo• - : woe' Ity Bazaar at the hoose of o • Mrs, Thal, bddeuEthel •l ♦ Friday, Doe. 7, opening ate Ian, • A • etude Ne. twill rove an elaborate. rli •' ♦ IN, or choice, t a rfa a to priced Nnilo w O Yy 1 y • 7 work. 9 tooth No, 11 satires or practical things, E exnetiy whet Will do for • Christmas.• • reel neither Gifts, ♦ Tea vtl1be wm'vedig fUleOtde s t bergpainingEo cul that chorine e jThe hearty response from the ams .►. sent to the "Old Rays liml:Girls'. l es pinned uutiry ttcefnl land vela - 1 articles oil. al.. SA ab117 art I l Halo. i • fl melnade linking and Candy of I ' A totality en solo;. ltveeebady invited: to ;attend,. ♦ i 3 1'1 KT, LADIES' hili ♦ ♦404114vovoi♦4404A04'AAAA♦Ari Rev, G. F. Powell, the newly Ap- pointed reel or of the Anglican church 0 1'1 ied Ipulpit, CC ) R 71bet's 11 C i o Sunday afternoon. The reverend geutlernen. crimes from M1lvereon, \Ne welcome him to Wroxeter. The following acknowledgment of supplies sent to the Belgian Relief by the Red Cerise Soolety here has been received by Mrs, J. R. Wendt :- DEAN MADAM. -Thank you so much for the exceedingly nice quilts, which you so kindly sent to the Bel- gian Canal Boat 11'nnd, I cannot tell you how much these quilts -are ap- preeiabeea by the people in Belgium. They are so much warmer than blank- ets and the designs give them so much. pleasure. • The need for warm clothing is very great as the Winters in Flan- ders are exceedingly cold and nearly all the people we help live in houses, the windows 'of which have been shattered by shell fire, It would be quite neeleee to repair anything until after the war as the air raids are a dailyoccurrence. Your% truly, Y, MA$EL ADAMSON, 71 Duke street, Grosvenor Square London, Eng, Moncrieff Several from this locality attended the Oortference in tire Presbyterian church, Brussels, Thursday of last week. A. fiisiop held a political meeting here last Tuesday everting. When addresses were made by R. L. Taylor, -Jas. Donaldson and the candidate. No opposition. Wednesday evening of last week a Jpolitical meeting Inc the interests of as. Bowman was held in the sE:hnn/ holKe hese. Addresses were given. by A, 11, Musgrove and the candidate. Thos. McMillan spoke for A. Hislop, The chair was occupied by Ed. Fultori, SOMME. PIG. -A 2 year old pig that me/termed 8 feet long and weighed 690 pounds was sold by Wm. FLarvisou, of this locality to Isaac-Rathwell for the tidy Kum of $103 50. The -.rate was $15.00 per cwt. It was Yorkshire bred. • Cranbrook Tn7. ,rooms Aoonuxms. —Notice is hereby given that 011 accounts due the Brussels, Grey. t§ bl orris Telephone Company must be paid be- fore the olgee of December, so BB to square off the books;''-3vill allconcerned attend to this request promptly, limiest Cole is :home from Muskoka. Court Woodbine meets Friday even- ing of this week. Miss Olara Rathwell is visiting her sister, Ml's. Coghlin in Listowel. Thos. Srnalidon returned to St. Thotnas after a short visit with his ;termite. Thursday evening of this week Fat'tneral Olub will meet for election of officers, A. Reymann ba s returned from a two months' visit with his son, Joe, in Aneroid, Sask. Ethel Ladies' Bazaar Friday after - 110011 of this week, See other an nnaneement in this issue. II, and Mr's. Carter, of the Avoriton cheese factory, were visitor's !test week at the home of C. Alderson, Spr. Lorne Keeling, nf the Division Signallers, called to say Good-bye to friends before going overseas. A number from this locality attend- ed the dedicatory services in Ethel Methodist church lust Sabbath. F. and Mrs. Walker,- Burlington, and Mrs. Carrie, of Galt, were here attending the Funeral of Alts. R. 13rown. 6Plu, Brown, Miami, Slan., and Jas. Brown, Britton, were Here for their mother's funeral. Former will remain for a time. Rev. J,' L. McCulloch gave an ad- dress at the "After the War Confer- ence" held its Brueseis Thursday after- noon of last week. The political meeting held here Monday evening was addreseed by R, L. Taylor, Ed. Fulton and A. Hislop, the candidate. Deputy Reeve Mc- Nabb was chairman. Thursday -even- ing nf last week at Jas, Bowman's meeting addresses were given by A. Musgrove and Jas. Bowman, Ed. Fulton spoke for 141x, istop. 13y notice elsewhere it will be seen that Mise Julia M., -daughter of Geo. tend Mrs. Baker, of Oranbrook, was united in merh'ioge, Saturday lust to Leo. l?. Killneroi, of Stratford. Care. ninny was performed In Winnipeg by Rev. ler. 131air, well known in tihis locality, We extend hearty a0ngrat• illations and Wish bride andgroom a long and happy life, Word was received all Nov. 131:h by Jas, M, Knight, that their son, Pte. 17. 1a. Knight was wounded on Oct, 20b11 and clangorously ill front gunshot wound in the nhret. Again on Nov, 300, a• message Sanaa stating there was its it n . v s un vennn ' , tut his ono ! listen Re is el the hospital al; ileum), Frace. Pte, Knclght has been in France for ebneta yowl. o ,d was in the hest of health although lie had a few scratch- es from 0lher hot spots he had gone the ollgh. \''Ve hope for good news concerning hint. We regret to state that Miss Aggie Ounclt00011, passed. away 011 Friday from hire honeof, Three tare Mrs. Leiter/tont, whither sire had none 8 weeks ago from 1 E' 'r'' tl 11 t 1 pl nkat 1 in health from aInc Inc of f heY vans poral - tis Everything ,n'sitto was dote for her comfort and rostoratinn but without, avail. The funeral took place Monday afternoon to Brussels ceme- tery, Rev.W. D. Stafford conciliating the service. Deceased Woe only 81 ycau•s Etnd 10 months old, The subject of this notae wee a blithe hearted of fi r WOht' t n,t Ind1 t' t9 loris till Y 6 cl kind natured and made lure many friends, s,While a resident f Brnss(slsfor sev- ered years she Was a member of the Methodist chimro) clink• and a faithfill netendanli at Sabbath School and League. Bereaved 1;olatives share ht the sympathy of the 91g`nimunity, THE LATE MRS. AGNES BItOW N.- A11 old and rccpeeted feeident of this locality ;reseed away Wednesday of fast week in the persue of Mee. Agnes Brame, at the iulvtacrced age of 84e years. Mer maiden name was Agnes Heddow, and she was horn in Dion. fr'ieshire, Scotland, emigrated to this country with her, parents in 1834 and settled in the township of Dumfries, Hero' Ayr, She was a child of less than a year old when She crime to this country. Deceased was mauled 64 year's ago to the late Robt. Brown, who died 82 years .ago. After living cm his father's farm for some trine they moved 1.0 North Eaethope and farmed in that township until 1874 when they came to the township of Grey, having bought Lots 16 and 17 in loth Oon. There were 12 of a family 11 of which are still living, viz -Jae., Mina ; John and 'Toa., of Grey twp, ; Rohs., Wisconsin ; Wm., Manitoba ; David, Dakota ; Acldrew, California ;• Mrs, Sutalidol, Mie, .51at, Cameron, Mrs. Thos, Can;eron and Mrs. Will, Cameron, tubo reside near Cranbrook. Only menthe,. of the family living at a distaocne who was present at the fn neral was William, of Miami, Man. The frieucls frout:nLltside points were Frank nod Mrs: Walker, Burlington ; Mrs. Bell tool sites. Morton, Ayr; Mrs. Cut'L'te, and Jas Brown, Galt and A. and 11ts Smith, Trowbridge, Funer- al took place Saturday to Brussels centebery, Rev. Ah'. McCulloch baking the service. Pallbearers were Thos. James and Win, Browh enne, and Harry Suialldon, brat. and \','m. Oam- einn: sons-iu.law. Mrs. Brown enjoy- ed the esteem of a wide circle of friends dhaliug her long life and was a fine woman acid rang true as wife, mother and neighbor. She was a member of the Presbyterian church and put her trust in the world's Re- deemer. The relatives share in the sympathy of many, Jamestown Tsnarnot(a ACOOrno'e.-Retire 1e hereby given that all aono Es eth e m s eele Grey eMorrie Telephone .Company must be paid fore the close Of December, so as to square Off the books.. W111 nil cemented attend to thie request promptly. Thos. Jacklin, Howick boundary, has traded the farm known as the Belden place, with J. Mc0reery, of Howick township and will bold an Auction Sale of farm stock, imple- Mcrtts, &e„ Friday afternoon of. this The large farm of Thos. le, Bennett, Grey North boundary, has been leased by Mr. Middleboro', Whitechurch, who is now in possession. N. Bow- man who wan the .tenant has moved to Wallace township where he bought a farm. We welcome the newcomers to Grey township.- . Bluevale - Political meeting was held here Wednesday evening in the interests of A. Hislop, the Liberal candidate, Monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in he Orange Hall, Thursday of next week at 2 o'clock, Papers by Miss -Collie on "Christmas Economy" and by Mrs, S. 'Breckenridge on "'Waste and econo- my of foods." Report of London Convention by Mrs. J. Robb. Mrs. 0 Tate and Mrs. Robb will furnish lunch. All interested iuylted. Walton T8L5PaoNn ACCOuNTe. — Notes is hereby given that all account' due the Brussels, Gre y f Morita Telephone December, s costo a paid off the the Agee of Derombee odes to square off the es tp promptly, all concerned attend to this request promptly, McKillop Council will meet here Tuesday of next week at 10 a, ne. Rev. R. A. Lundy and it number of the laymen of Duff's church attended the Conference at Brussels Thursday afternoon and evening of last week. The former spoke on Religions Edu- cation." St. George's Sunday School annual entertainment will be held in the A, O. U. W, Hall here Friday evening 21st inst. lelr. McGee, Blyth and bliss Hamilton, Milverton, will take part in the fine program. See bills. CARD OF 1NANIis,.- We wish to ten- der one thanks to the many friends for kindly sympathy extended in the bout of bereavement and deep sorrow, It was valued very highly. Yours truly, �r> T. rrATTERs & J. BERRY & FAMILY. RED CROSS WORT;, -Following 15 Secretary's report of Iced Cross hent Jame 1 to Dec. 11917 :-No, of articles -, sent to Myth -Flannel 07, pair soolcs 268, pyjamas 43, Turkish towels 78, ]luck towels, 219, hospital cushions 8, treurin caps 84, personal property hags 88, pillows 62, pillow .oasts 62. Total valueg 674.05. No, of sent socks 7 boys43No. towels to num own boy29.' 'Value $51,70. 30 Oheistntas boxes, $75.00 . ;BetiaRelief Fund, $40.00. Mrs. A. Berme, Secretary. Treasurer's ;.report for same period :- BECEIP'TS Balance from May ` $ 140 98 Meetings 189 15 Grant Morris Council,..... . 150 00 Grant McKillop Council 100 $5. Donation, Miss Dickson ...... 5 00 Donation Mies Connor ...,, 8 00 ohoert . 50 35 Pieuic 347 10 7 rafal ur Day....... ., . .., 61 05 S. S. No. 9,Mcl. ilio 27 3 p 9 Pillory slips and yoke „•. 5 00 . 10 25 $1098 65 Quilt's - EXPENDITUUIRE Yarn . $ 293 81 Picnic ....,....... 7518 French Relief e 1 10 (10 Britiehe R d Cross ,. 65 30 Goads and express ,,.,„...,, 286 09 Christmas boxes 44 09 Balance on hand $ 318 28 MUS. 3110. WATT• reasut'eIeun 28. syyn.d•.;+.F�Ir�§,d•�Nd`i•'F'F'i�;l'•1•dtF+l•�F :t'k•2•�r+F•1.•A h00I •1• Concert 4• 4• � • TOWN IP` 811 HALL 1 ETH EL I 4• ÷ Friday ev'g, y g, Hec,l4th t 4. •., {, 4” Program consists of a Play •h •F 4• t4*. "Conspiracy Against 4. .Tanta Claus" 1 + Recitations and '* Choruses 4• 1 • Proceeds for Patriotic -Purposes e. • Admission .25e for Adults ▪ School Children Free, 4. 4• EDNA MOLELLAND, t A.LOVETTE BALLANTYNE, • Teacher's. 4. 4. lit •F++•d•3•44•t•44•i•3••h4••p.•i•i•4•'t••II..F+ t Political meeting Saturday evening of this week, in the A. 0 U. W. Hall, Walton, at 8 o'clock. Addresses by A, Hislop, T. McMillad, and others. Opposition invited. Seats reserved for ladies. Sunday Dec, 80th , by Rev. see - mons will be preac hed in the Metho- dist church v. Obits..4, Sykes, Kitchener, i Year's B. D., Kitch L well known pulpi- teer. New night the annual M entertainment.r. Hant London, uth, elocu- tionist, Lon addresses by local good pastors and music will consti- tute the pro See bills for fur- ther particulars. Ethel Horst and lot for sale at Ethel Station. A good frame house and about one•fiftb Gore lot. Sanding can be purchased separately if so de- sired. For farther particulars apply to Gaorso GILL, Ethel. TELHPHONc ACCOUNTS.— Notice 10 hereby given that all accounts due the Brnssels, Grey & Morris Telephone Company must be paid be- fore the close of December, so as to square off the hoots, Will all concerned attend to this request promptly. Oouncrl neeeting next'Tuesday. Captain (Rev,) Roble earsorr is eve- peated borne for Christmas from overseas. Misr Eva Imlay formerly of Ethel was married recently to Joseph Rod- dick, Sarnia. Public School Patriotic Entertain- rneutin the evening of Friday 14th inst. See other ann0nncenrellt, The tidy sum of $18:00 was realized at the Red Gross Tea held at A, L. McDonald's leastSaLnrday by the Girl's Pat: retic Club. By an error fn calculation the total receipts toward the new Methodist churchie$4,000 instead of $5,100 as stated on ,,page 4. Bazaar Friday afternoon of this week. Don't miss it ifn y n are hunt- ing bargains. in bar . Read the e slule and help the Ladies' Aid along by securing big value for your money. Annual meeting of the Girl's Pati lo - tic Club wili be held a1 Merl Jnn• MC - Donald's, Monday evening Den. 10111, at 7 80. le win ,neulher is eked 1n he present and bring one 1,115 111110 her for corning year Membel,hip fee 10c. Official troth,. was received on Nov, 27th, that Pte r'ti,llaw eel whim, 8110 of \Vet. nail 1110 13r:,nh,an, of E1hcl, has been 0tlssiIIg 811)55 Nov, tit h, He was horn in \inrninglot tow"shin 24 ye1e1's are? and enlisted e. 11 ti 1 he 1751 h Batt„ at Odlgtuy a yea) -}'(-m Inst Spring and e.Pc,t nl•ere) 1 Or, 1910. Another Sall, leeward, is also nt I he front, We lupe MI lt' . Wont will come eons"i'ning (,hull -,•v, Ile 11',ts a fine young 1)111 1111,1 WW1' 3, esteemed by ail who knew hint, qtr t1V TcrkPn1Na ACneebn'a -- Noll,,' I hereby given that all xnnm,nt' du« 1h, P• p.,1 , O,•ey & Morris Telephone Company o, UM i, ,mid be- fore the close of Deermber, Hoa- 1' (mare off the books. Will all ooneerned attend to this request promptly. ,.Council meeting oh the lath, \VIII. Cardiff, 7th Con., spent the week end with relatives and friends at Stratford. Miss Jennie Rands WAS at Winghanh attending the funeral of the late J, Mulvey. Y Reeve Livingston and Deputy Reeve McNabb aro attending Huron Co. Council this week at Goderich. Sydney and Mrs. Armstrong and baby, of Mohawk, Out., are stere on 1a visit at the former's parental home, Oth Oon. Owing to the proposed enlistment of Harold Work who is teaching in S. S. Nn, 3, the Trustees are asking for a successor. See advt, in this issue, Last Sunday dnY afternoon Rev, S. eim t voPthY. ]xeter yPrt'd eat of London Coeferenee, preached in Union church aol gave an excellent sermon. Chester Armstrong, 10th Con.. went to. Toronto:thie week with a consign - metre of cattle he has been feeding for .A. 0, Dames, Brussels, drover. They wereg ood ones. n es, The Trustees of e tfi i s ' d chool 1201 Con„ have secured the services of Mina Fei'ne Patterson, Guelph, as teacher for no xtear at n y utppaur r f $650.00. Mies Leitch Who is cnno p df Mg 3 years in the school rias done splendid Work- and We are sorry to part with her, HEAD Auction Sane HgAD Independent Telephone Assosia- tion met at Toronto OF PURL REO Holstein - Frees' ran Cattle At Brookside Farm Lot 13, 0o11,3 Howick. ' (9 Miles Southwestof Ford Meth) an friday,December amber. 14 at 1 o'clock p.an, My herd confides the blood of such great producing families as the Korndyke's, Johannes', Vee- rnan's, De Kol's,Wayne's, Aggie's, rte. These cattle are all ley 01511 breeding, the kind that will make you money t to they ore high test- ers aewell ashe aV milkers. l l ' Y s. Yn n cannot afford to keep scrub cows in tittles like these, Write for Catalogue Froo Lunch W. L. LAMBKIN G. W. WALKER R. 11. No. 2 Gorrie, Got 1 Ce, Prop: Atte. A Christmas patriotie entertain- ment will be held in S. S. No. 6, known HA the Barker school on Dec. 141.h. Bend program 111 mimeo of mermen - tion. Stabling will be arranged for bol see. This week Joseph Whitfield and family, 130r Con„ well and favorably kunwri, have moved t'rnuh their home. stead to Brnssels South where they pm pose making their hotue. While regretting their going ninny good wishes accompany then) and we heist many blessings may attend them. Mr. Tuck and family succeed them and we welcome theist to the com- munity and wish there prosperity. MATRIMONIAL. -A (111111 wedding was solemnized at the ,elethodist par- sonage, Blyth, on Wednesday evening Nov. 21st, when Miss Pearl Fawcett, eldest daughter of Mts. Fred. Fawcett, was united in wedlock to John Milton Lowe, a prosperous young farmer of the 9th poo. of Grey. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. 3. McCor- mick. The young couple will take up their residence on the grnom's farm and have the good wishes of a large circle of friends, Morris T}MEP oONs Arlaotrxme.—Notfoe is hereby given Telephone Company mBrussels, ld he - fore the close of December, so as to square off the books. :Will_all .concerned attend to this request promptly. This week Reeve Shortreed is at Goderic n h t Huron Ov. Ooaucil, Mrs. D. Jordan and son, John, were visitors with Londesboro friends. • A beagle hound, belonging to F. Duncan, 4th lines, has been lost. Do you know where itis ? Herb. Mantling was at Kitchener, visiting his mothee who is getting along fine. He went last Saturday and comes home Thursday, Mars. Jas. Anderson and soft, Earl, 5th line, enjoyed a holiday visit with relatives and friends et Toronto, Weston and Stratford. They enjoy- ed the pleasure of hearing the great Barry Lauder sing at the Queen city. AUCTION SALE. -Gen. H. Wawick 2nd Oon., who sold his 100 sere farm i to Wm. Hopper for the Sutra of $5,000 and gives up possession April 1st, has announced an Alt0tiun Sale for Ft idey afternoon of next week. Jas. Taylor will be Auctioneer. Mr, Warwick's health hoe not been any too good of late but we trust he will soon be as hearty as ever. List of sale appears in this issue of TDB POST. Belgrave Red Cross donated $25.00 to Belgian Relief Fund. Diphtheria is very bad here, 2 severe eases at the home of 111r, Corbett. Harry Hopper is now in charge of the McClelland general store, We wish hint success. Bible Society collected the sum of $108,00 this year which is $8:00 in ad- vance of last year. The people of Beigrave extend deep sympathy to Rev, Mr. Hawkins in the death of his wife, which took place Mondey 8 email dam liters are ref . The Patterson Jubilee Quartette: Detroit, will appear in Foresters'; Halt Thursday evening of this week instead of .Wednesday as announced laet week. Mr. and Misses blctnelland, high- ly esteemed residents of Belgrave, are moving to Blyth where they ptnt- posemaking their, home. \Ve are very sorry to lose them as t say are first-class people who have always taken a lively interest in every good work. The 100 acre Earn) 11 miles East nt bete, recently bought, by Andrew Taylor has been snlcl by him to Joe Millet', of Belgeave, Price suit) to be $5,800. It is a tine farm but has ,lo house on it, Mr, hiller. Ought to know its value as he farmed for years near by. Wednetelay afternoon ltln fuext rc we l a nliLictal teeming n * ' r1. 1 in lhr r P t, interests if la e Jas Bowuia 14 n• n ill I It Id in Iles For- esters' Rall t , be all weed by Rue n'ister J. M. tludrrey, 'I'"tonin, a fo, le- erresidenl, Alm, llowmnn }omit relieve. Opposition n hbu: nsed, 1,:tl•„ Will 1 n l we roue.eleetiug (merle n1, 0 o'clock. Patriotic Society tort. tab Mrs. Geddes home 'Tuesday ohcrnonn of thisa -k. ry e A Tweet ' vote n to f thanks Inks was to d n eredill n Miss E se A1cGrl t tat d Treasurer, for her highly appreeltatld efforts. Airs, S&(andr•et, hes been ap- pointed new treastn•er owing to the removal of the ler Ater to Blyth and all donations of mnne3r eon he left. With her. Society wish to thank An- drew JAMISSnn for a donation of $5. 11 F. S. Scott, nrosidenkuseole, rot-Mooted-MootedPr ltienthers of the Canadian Indepencl. erre Telephone Aesoeiatiou opened their. 12th annual Ouuvenlicin in the Cit Rall, R 1, Toronto, Wednesday, Nov, 21st. In the morning F. S. Scott, Brussels, 1 he President, addressed the delegates on the year's work, - F. D. MacKay, Chairman of the Special Ootumietee on Legislabinn, said that the Assooiatiou failed in its objects PRESIDENT F. S. SCOTT but won its battle before the Railway Committee of 'the Commons. How- ever the Senate delayed the passage of the bill, A resolution was passed instructing the Committee to renew the fight at the next Parliament. Addresses were also delivered by Myron A. Gee on "The ]management, operation and maintenance of rural Telephone systems serving a large territory," and by W. R. Wadsworth on "111y experience in the rural tele- phone business.". The report of the Seerebary showed that there are 600 systems in (hunch, at present, 60 of them being municipal systems and there are$0,.000 phones. The cash re- ceipte foe the year were 31,810,10. There is t a balance 'h 39 ]r the bank and outstanding liabilities of $217. A recnmmendatinu was made by a special committee to the Independ- ent Telephone Association as its meeting Thursday that the extra ex- pense incurred by charges on other lines shnalct be stet by those who use the long distance service. They stat- ed that this eonld be most equitably met by platting a nominal other line charge on all such messages, such as other line charges, to accrue to local companies. Any order which .would do awaywith other e lice charges would, the committee ' tte e sold in view f reports eubmitted, neces,itate increas- ed ed renttat shaggee in order that many companies rehltain solvent: The Com- mittee expressed willingness to meet the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board to consider this question. This report was carried at the special com- mittee, brit was opposed by the Con-. ver ani n. OtIlrers elected were :-Hou. Presi- dent, OM. T, R. Mayberry, Ingersoll ; President, F. S. Sonet, Brussels ; Vice- Preeident, Myron A. Gee, Selkirk; Secretary, A. hoover, Green River; Preasarer, P. D. McKay, Toronto, Executive --G. W. Jones, Clarke ; P. le. Ofavel, New Liskeard ; Ansnn Groh, Preston ; E. W. Love, Mount .Albert ; C. W. Johns, Algonquin ; F. G. Webster, Creetnnre ; A. McLean, Paisley ; Geo. Tait, Bridgeburg ; W. R, Wadsworth, Byron Dr, W. Doan, 13arrietsville ;111, S. Kenlock, Martin - town and .Samuel Ouildaby, Burnt River. Auditors -E, G. Hoover and E. 1?. \aVilson. Few wen ere better known in Hier - .n County than Finlay Stewart Scott, oldest sol of the late Donald Scott, of Brussels, lie was been at H'erpul'hey (adjoining Seaforth) on Nov. 14, 1848 and has consequently passed his 69th birthday, although he womtd pacts for 10 yt:ars younger, Airing with the family Inc entree Nilrtliward and spent 3 ears 1,1 Grey township vushi c y and then moved to Morris township, in 1853, Where frosting was the (incapaten, After teaching school for 2 years Mr, Scule acme to 13)u,8el8 in 1370, enter- ing the employ of N, 141, Livingston, in Ws general store. Its 1872 he teas min tied to Miss AltacgaretService 'and their Candle, coesiste of 1). 11., of Port Recon Mich, • \Valtet' S, and 11rs. G. 1-i. Semis, hnl'ln of BI'trese,is, Another, son, Fiuhay is deceased.. Mr. Scott: leasl\ ! VN, 'e Calk 1 et )Active 1i a 1,tl V1 ill ar Letest'n t lora i 1 al -faits [b tt5 following1 1UVIt�1r amd will show -1Itle" a1 Clerk 38 years: Auctioneer for about the slime period ; 13ailitI t -r., years ; President Rural Telephone Co„ Ieruese) ,, Grey and 11 1 cls pis, 1 0 yen r8 ;.'Offirrr. m Western; Steer 1, 0. O F. Site 1874; appointed Pont.ttuasler in 3011 nerd new 1 ereeetrd PI ,idem of the Ind, Telephone Onm- tan v. Ile i'itl nctni)1r. of the 1 e Public Librar m v Library B LI (1 was U y hl the School Board and has, an intimate ae qua int- micewitl the life (ffolk both lntown and country. If We were guessing as to Mr, Scottspolitictt belief We \wild say be leaned toward Liberation, lie is a very busy me» and )lasfew idle outs. It a holiday Were on his pro - Unionist Meetings Meetings in the interests of N. Huron Unionist Oanclidaee will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels Wednesday y err'gi Dec. 12th J. M. Godfrey BIM later, Toronto MR, BOWMAN arid othere will de- liver Addresses. Ou the afternoon of the same day a Public Meeting will be held in the C.O.F, Ball, Belgrave, at 2 o'clock. Opposition Speaker invited. Seats Reservod for Ladies. GOD SAVE THE DING I grain in the Summer lee might take a turn in the bush with a gun, view a trotting race oz busy himself 111 his garden and its the Wittier he would likely look for the tee in the skating rink. The subject of this noLiee has filled a large place in the. "doings" of this locality for the past 47 years and despite the flight of time, shows no evidence of: slackening off, rather his days are tilled fuller than ever. 13e may wear out but he'll not rust out while filling his present program as we have not said anything abort his duties as insurance agent, real estate dealer, &c„ &c. Brussels Council Regale monthly weebiog of Btnssels Council was held Monday evening. Present Reeve Plum and Councillors Fraser, Wilton and Best. Following accounts were present- ed :- 3, T. Wood, coal 2 91 G. Henderson, drayage, stone, Wood Stud enol 00 00 R. Oliver, month's salary45 00. TEE POSTrind . n account Ernest Cardiff, hauling ood. 82 50 R. Thuell, electric light lamps 93 75 Electric Light 2 ears coat 796 28 B. Edwards, work on woad•,29 52 B. Whittard, " " ,20 00 O. Doll, "16 87 Jae,'Thuell, " ,•. 20 80 Ernest Plum, " " 0 80 M, Fraser, " , „ G. McNichol, " ... 5 672 Moved by Wilton -Best, that ac- counts be paid. Carried. For the month of November, the settles 1•e 5 a realized d $s0 So. Movedy \ .1 b Vlttu s Bet a that older beg routed F. BOechill r taxes axes re - witted on skating rink, Sarna as in former' years. Carried. Councillor Best introduced the question of increased production of pork and urged that the law concern- ing pig keeping be not too severely enforced. Council adjourned to meet on 15blh lost, McKillop McKillop Council will meet at Wal- ton Dec. 10(1, at 10 a. m. We are sorry to state that Mrs. 3. J, Irvine is real poorly but we hope for early improvement. Evangelistic services are being con- ducted by Rev. Me, Craik, pastor, in Bethel cllorch. Rev. 11. 13. Story, of Cargill, is assisting this week and noxi week, Rev. Me, Agnew, Clinton, is expected Monday and Tuesday even - ins n even- ings, a c1 Rev, 11r. McKelvey, Duuguu- non, for balance of that week., Rev. Mr, Hedley, B. D., of the Nile, comes for the fallowing week. The Red Cense social held in the school house of S. S. No. 9, McRilIop, on•the evening of Nov. 280, was a splendid success. Mr, McGee, Blyth, assisted in the program and his num- bers were thoroughly enjoyed by all. Total receipts of evening were $45.25. • The pnpils of the. Anderson e0ho01, guided by their teacher, eliss T. Y uill, contributed $10.00 to the Belgian Children's fend. It is a good way to brain our youth to interest theta in the needs of others, THE BiGGEST LIE. The Hun officer f who had a been taken prisoner, offered his gold watch in exchange for his life beteg spored, and, as he lusisled on it, the two Canadian Tornniles who were his captors were nonplussed, however, one of them said that whoever told the biggest lie was ,to have the watch, ' acid if the prisoner could beat tlteni fit story -telling rte was to keep his watch. Hest one 1 t coon av w to 'tell hi Ys. yarn, , the) 1 the Oerm,' 'tet prisoner, :and finally the Other Canuck. The first there stared d t and told d a storythe \va t s an absurd lie from beginning to end Then their Teutonic captive continence ed in sloe,: "There--oval--on(c...-+. a Prussian gentlemalt-a." "Here,° "that settles 111 Keep the watch)",