HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-11-22, Page 8"',-4""e".""`e'refeele"*.le"efellefeeee'llseleeefieetere.e."efifeeffee'ef—refrefe......ef....-e-
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •444+1••••••••••••••••••••• IllAtilltrAr. meeting of the Western On.
feria Womee's Institutes wits held in
A LOndoll last week, Mrs. (Rey,) Fergue.
on w4as the representative front Brefieele
Few uggestions
asretlitrclevirit trig:or iTtlseXse,
to hear sn Address on the politica) Mimi -
tion hy W. H. 15/illis, Wirocharn. He is
FOR a good speaker wall bleb ideate of what
Early Christmas Buyers
The new goods are coming in and a number of the lines
rereadfor showinAmong them are
Christmas Cards and Booklets
• 1
Some new Patriotic Canadian designs, Waite steel cards, and also those :
showing a little more color, come at se each and Up, •
4' Christmas Tags, Seals and Ribbons for doing up the Gift Package.
• The custom of enclosing a Booklet or Card with the Christmas Present ft.
promises to be more in favor than ever this year, •
4 +
: Look over our assortment.
I Waterman's Ideal Self -filling Fountain Pens
Without doubt the most satisfactory Fountain Pen on the market. We 2
carry a splendid assortment of shapes and styles of Pen Points, Price +
$2 5o. Cheaper Fountain Pens for school use at $ roe and $ r so each. t.
i Books of the Moment
T,e Vfajor—by Ralph Connor—$1 35
Anne's House of Dreams—by L. M. Montgomery-41c.5o
Inc Sont er I Bishop—by Wells -55t so
t Tee D vt.' 'lig Place of Light—by Winston Churchill—Sr 5o
-r, The New Methodist Hymn Book—In editions from 400 up to $3.00
Fine Stationery
With more letter writing than ever there was, a box of Envelopes and
Writing Paper makes a very useful present. The new Boxes will
p eme you, and although the paper market bas soared so much this
last 2 —ir, we have still been able to get a good variety of the popular
23 • package. Other boxes at 500, 6oc, $r cm and Sitc.5o each.
• Tbe new stock is here. Sea the big display. From 15c to $2 oo each
Christmas Number of the ladles' Home Journal Is especially good. 15c. a copy I
The 940:32.ed Store Druggist and Stationer
+ .......................................................
'rocal Nous Items
SNOW flurries.
LOCAL news on page 5 also.
HURoN CO. Council will meet Tues-
day. December 4th
Tom MARKCO. Will he here Friday of
next week presenting "Bringing Up
Father,"....They have a Kittle Band too,
Read their advt this week.
Am the Union Patriotic service Wed-
nesday evening' of last week Rev. W. E.
Stafford gave an interesting address on
"Evangelism." The offering was $3,00.
THE local lady collectors for aid to
needy Belgian children met with a gen-
erous response this week but as the work
was incomplete THE POST will announce
the final results in next issue,
THE mooee and deer exhibit made last
Saturday at the butcher shop of Seeker
Bros , attracted no small attention. The
display WAS the result of the prowessof
huntsmen F. Emburv, W. S Scott and
F. Duncan in the Parry Sound para-
CARD 011 THANKS —We take this op-
portunity of giving expression of our
thanks to many friends for kincluesses
shown to the late Duncan Taylor during
his illness and to us in the time of be-
reavement. How much they were and
are appreciated words cannot tell.
Gratefully yours,
IT wAS GOOD,— Tuesday afternoon
Miss Kate Deadman, nurse, gave a very
practical and well planned address, on
"Home Nursing," at the Red Cross Cir-
cle. It was well deserving of the close
attention it received and a series along
the same line would prove most bene-
ficial. A fine solo was rendered by Miss
BAZAAR in the interests of Red Cross
in Library Aedience room Saturday
afternoon, Dec, 8th. Read the an-
nouncement in advt, and bills and help
push it along. Every Thursday even-
ing the young ladlen meet to sew for it.
This week they assemble at the home of
D. C. and Mrs. Rose. Get a donation
ready for the Bazaar, something that
will be Useful and likely to find a ready
sale on Dec. 8th,
day of this week the large stock of gen-
eral merchandise, including Dry Goods,
Re.adymade Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps, Furs, Groceries, &c.,
was sold [en bloc to Carswell Bros., of
Elora, who arenow in possession. They
are checking off the stock list and will
add a stock of new seasonable goods
Announcement will be made later as to
the opening of the doors to resume
businese'. Messrs, Carswell are aimed.
enced men and wilt give personal super-
vision to the care and management of
their store,
'PlIURSDAY of last week Ellen Esther
Payn, wife of James McDowell, said
Good bye to earthly concerns and passed
away to her reward, She (lied at the
home of Mrs John Currie Mill street
where she had been for some time. She
was born in McKillop township hearty
6o years ago, was married when iS years
of age to James McDowell and spent
most of her life in Huron Co, One son,
Gordon. of Brussels, was born to the
Home Mrs McDowell was a pleesent-
countenanced Woman, of a kindly genial
nature, clever and smart, and was es.
pt cleilv qiielified for her work ite butting
the sick. to wbioh she devoted 5 good
Many verve. Death was due to cancer
from which she suffered Sorely, yet pat.
lently, at times, Funeral took place on
Sattledav afternoon to BrUSSe144 etude,
tery Pour Montgomery nephoto4,2.
Payn and A Currie Were all bearere,
Rev Mr Mane took the serViee, Mrs,
IVIebowell was a Member of the Presby.
torten church and highly esteemed.
Two oars of coal came to Brussels
during the past week and was parcelled
out in f ton lots among the people, as
far as they would permit, The demand
is still insistent.
A NUMBER from this locality attended
the Nomination meeting for the Do
minion Election at Wingham, last Mon-
day, las, Bowman and Arch. Hislop
were nominated as the two standard
LICENsR Inspector J J, Mitchell,
received a message informing him that
his son. John T. Mitchell, has been
dangerously wounded in France. Mr.
Mitchell bas been residing in the West
for some years and enlisted with a
Western battalion and had been in
France for some time.
CARLOAD of apples, best Winter kinds, for
sale. Phone nr write Tn0a. FELLA, Whigham,
PoNy for sale, perfectly quint and not afraid
of autos. Alen harness, buggy and robe. For
further mirth:edam npply to Caws. HOWLETT,
Queen et., Brussels. Phone 0410,
ANDREW T. Culotta is prepared to attend to
the needs of the people in butchering animate.
Personal application or ring phone 08. 21.2
ALL aceounte ere due December let. After
that date 8 per cent will be added. Will ens -
Miners please give this their early attention.
Firm for sale with 0 pigs 8 weeks old, Lot 16,
Con. 6, Grey twp. Phone 9117
WESLEY Sammie.
Routine tire off buggy lost between Lend.
bury and Bruseele. Finder please leave et
Central Hotel, Brussels,
STEER Calf 0 months old for sale. RICHARD
Box, John Street, Brussela,
HoOsa AND 1,02 role SALL—Good frame
house. 2/5 acre of land, fruit trees, well, &o.,
M Brussels. For further particulars apply at
Tan PosT.
olni_lORTABLE bowie and good garden for
Pa e. Property In good repair. For further
particulars apply to KRA .FL T. HINOSTON,
Min street, Brussels.
Wit are sole agents for the genuine Parold
Roofing, manufactured by Bird & Bon, Hamil-
ton. Always buy Parotd and get the best.
Tamen Short Horn Bulls from 10 to 12
months old for Rale, JAS. SEAM, Lot 29, Con,
0, Morris, Phone 166
DR. PARKER, Osteopathic Phyalolan, visits
Brussels Thursday afternoon of each week,
Chronic and nervous diseases successfully
treated, Vletts residenceS. Consultation at
Queen's Betel,
SUDDEN DRAIIM—Last Friday after-
noon this community was sadly surpris-
ed to learn that Miss Lizzie Woods, eld-
est daughter of the late Henry Woods,
had departed this life. An operation
was found to be necessary owing to the
critical condition of Miss Woods from
illness apparent the day previous.
About /2,3o o'clock when commencing
to administer the anaesthetic the pat-
ient's heart was found to be fagging and
she was removed to bed where she pre.
ed away an hour later. Turnor and
stoppage of the bowels was the trouble
the physicians were about to undertake
to remove. Deceased was born on Cnn,
16, Grey township, and came with her
pareute to Brussels 16 years ago. The
father died in 1912, Surviving members
of the family are the mother, whose
health has not been the beet during the
past year, Miss Ella and two brothers,
William and both of Grey town-
ship. Funeral service took place et the
home, Albert street, Monday afternoon,
conducted by deceased's pastor, Rev,
Mr. Stafford. Pall bearers were F. H.
Gilroy, A E. Hersey, S. Carter, W. J,
McCrackete, J, T. Wood and N. F.
Gerry, Interment was made in Brus-
sels cemetery. Miss Woods wee a faith
ful member of the Methodist churell And
Very rarely absent frorn the Adult Bible
Claes in the Sabbath School, Among
the floral tributes on the casket was one
from the chits. The bereaved share
largely to the sympathy of the comthun•
ity in the sudden retneVal of a devoted
member of the home circle. She lead
been in her seat the Sunday pre1/10118
both at church and Sabbath Sehoel,
government should be, Rev Henry
Smith aro niede 0 short speech.
0ilG11 AAND Choi a Rseere —Tuesda
evenl lig next an Creme rind Ctii,ir reef
al will be given 111 Me ville qh orch mode
the direction nf I" R M Oberon, by th
choir assisted by Mr. Hutton, cellist end
Mr Cutt, orennist end soloist. A fine
program will he presented. Program et
8.15. 'rickets 2.1 and 15 cents, See
progrem in ;mother col unln,
CARD OF Tit ANKS.— We wleb to ex-
press our sincerest thanks to our neigh
hors stud friends for their deeds of kind
sand words of sympathy in connt c
tion with the recent illness and death o
our deughter and sit4ter, They were
real help mid comfort in our hour of
trial and bereavement.
Yours gratefull.y,
gram was received last week that Li