HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-11-22, Page 3MANY MILLIONS The Real "War
Bread" must contain the
FROM WASTE entire wheat grain ---not the
white flour center— . but
every particle of gluten and
SALVAGE FROM THE BATTLI3 mineral salts=also the outer
FIELDS AND CAMPS. bran coat that is so useful in
keeping the bowels healthy
Three hundred Women/ Sorters Ileal
With the Discarded Garments
Of the'Troops,
and active, Shredded
Wheat Bilscuit is the real
"war bread" because it is
100 per ceoit, whole wheat
prepared in a digestible form.
Contains no yeast, baking
powder, seasoning, or chemi-
cals of any kind. Food con-
servation begins with Shred-
ded Wheat Biscuit for break-
fast and ends with $hredded
Wheat Biscuit for supper.
Delicious with sliced bananas,
berries, or other fruits.
Made in Canada.
A. big enterprise lilt been built tip
et Dewsbury by the:War Office, by
which discarded uniforms aand other
articles of clothing collected on the
battlefields and in home camps are
dealt with in such a way see to save -
the nation hundreds of thousands of
pounds, says the London Daily
Since the work hes been in progress
about 45,000,000 separate aeticloe
have been dealt with, including 4,100,-
000 jackets, 4,500,000 paire of •trou-
sers, 620,000 great coats, 900,000
pairs of riding breeches, 2,700,000 put-
tees, 3,500,000 shirts, 856,000 caps,
1,800,000 cardigan jackets 18,000,000
socks, 2,700,000 pairs of drawers, 6,,
000,000 other articles. '
' SkiIled "Pickers."
This. part -worn clothing comes to
Dewsbury in bags, and 'is run in
trucks straight into the huge sheds at
the three railway stations. Here the
bags are ripped open, and the 'contents
spread out amongst the "pickers"
whose nimble fingers and trained eyes
quickly discover which garments
should be set aside for renovation and
which are only fit for disposal to rag
merchants and others, who put them
through their special machinery pre-
paratory to their being made up again
into Army cloth in the local factories.
As many as ninety truck loads have
Why the Needle of the Compass
Points North.
Why does the compass needle point
north? Because the earth is a mag -
het, npt differing essentially in its
magnetic- properties from a bar of
magnetized steel:
It has two poles of greatest inten-
sity, and, like most large steel mag-
nets, there are several supplemental
poles of lesser intensity. Just as the
pole of one bar magnet attracts the
end of another, so the magnet poles
of the earth behave toward poles of
the compass needle, unlike poles at-
tracting, and like poles repelling each
been received iii a day. • But it is not correct to say that the
There are about 300 women sorters, needle always points north; there are
who do their work so thoroughly that few localities where it does so, and
nothing is wasted. Garments which these are cpnstantly changing.
are beyond repair are carefully ecru- An irregular line drawn from the --
tinized, and sorted into woollens, lin- mouth of the Oronocp River through Thousands of mothers keep a box of
seys, Angeles, etc. Articles capable the east coast of Hayti, Charleston, Baby's Own Tablets in the house as
of being restored are sent to a local S.C., and Detroit, Mich., represents long as theh aro little onus about.`
firm of dyersandcleaners, by whom very nearly' the line in which there is Among thorn is Mrs. Marcel D. Le -
they are cleaned. Then they are re- no variation to -day. Blanc, Menuameook Wast, N.B„ who
paired and re -issued to the troops or In all places east of this line the says :—"Por the past fifteen years I
for the use of German prisoners of north end of the needle swings slight- have never been without Baby's Own
war. ly to the westward; in all places west Tablets. Whenever any of my chit-
'In ten months, the value of produce of it to the eastward. At the mouth dreu are ailing the Tablets promptly
received and disposed of at Dewsbury of the Columbia River the variation relieve them. I have such faith in
has been $3,293,250,,while the two- of the compass is about 22 degrees them that I never hesitate in reeom-'•
thirds value of gartitents recovered east; in Alaska it is from 40 to 60 mending them to any of my friends
An Autumn
Design -•
Youthful in every line is this smart
frock of navy wool jersey. The large
Ideal mulching outterlals—clean
straw and marsh hay.
The right time to mulch the straw-
berry bed is immediately after the
ground freezes,
Fall plowing is all right on some
Boils, and in some places, but hillsides
or sloping, washy fields should be kept
in grass or in cover crops through the
Overstudy and lade of exercise make
thin bloodless children. Study' does not
usually hart a child at school unless
the studies encroach on time that
should be spent In out-of.doors exer-
cise, But lack of exercise and over -
study le a combination that brings on
St, Vitus Dance, If your boy or girl
et school is thin alai pale, listless and
inattentive, has a fickle appetite, is
unable to stand still or sit still, you
must r6member that health is much
more important than education, and
more time should be given to exercise
and recreation.
See to It at once that the child does
not overstudy, gets plenty of out-of-
door exercise, sleeps ten out of every
twenty-four hours, and takes a safe,
reliable tonic like Dr. Williams Pink
Pills until the calor returns to -the
cheeks and lips and the appetite be-
, comes normal. Far growing children
who become pale and thin Dr, Wil-
' Hams Pink Pills are not only sate but 1
!in most cases are the very best tonic!
that can: be taken. These pills build
up the blood, strengthen the nerves
On Blouses, Dresses, Table Linen, &e•
Accordion and Enlfe Pleating.
Covered Buttons made from your own
Bratding.and Lrmbroidery,
Our Now Illustrated Catalogue is
hist •1n, and we want everY lady In
tttario to have it,
Write For It—.It Is Free
14 Breadalbane St., Dept. W. Toronto
'Tis time to light the evening fire,
To read good books, to sing
The low and lovely songs that breathe
Of the eternal spring.
The crops are in; the wood all out;
I don't care how the wind may rear
Its winter threat. By cozy fire
The Royal House.
A very common error is to assume
that it is the house of Guelph wick
rules over the British Empire. The
royal family were Guelphs from the
accession of George I. to the accession
oe Edward VII„ who was the first
King of the house of Saxe-Coburg-
Gotha. Ill informed jersons are
rather apt to dwell on the German
sorbnectiens of the rani house of
Britain, to the exclusion of all con-
siderations of its British elements.
The King, for instance, is a descend-
ant of Alfred the Great, of Edgar
Atheling, of Wiliiain the Conqueror
and of Robert Brace, to mention but a
few of his illustrious ancestors.
I'll laugh or doze, nor ask for more -lnard's ..inlme.nt Tlures Colds, Sce.
Than just to hear the good wife say,
"The table's set, come all you folk," JATERY BUSTERS
- lirR/NS Granulated. Eyelids;
�'4Sore haves, P,yeslnnamed by
r ft',t.°,,`b�-Son Dees. Iiy Henri': Ticuyidby
roc relies d by %furh,e. Try 11.111
V��- Yf� your CyeaeudlnrJaby's laves,
�i lI°Smertieg,SuatEyeCowfort
Mnrhw Rye Healed,' At i 6a rl nr renal % ern$
EYe Salve, In 'Tones F.,' Back of she Eye.- Froe-
Mk Murine Eye Etragneily Co.. Clticalfe a
The skin of a whale is from two
inches to two feet thick, that of a
large specimen often weighing 30
Send a Dominion Express Money
Order. rive dollars costs three cents.
The farmer can plow al d. eow the
seed, but there hie efforts cease. Un-
less Providence sends the early and
latter rains, the husbandman's toil
goes for naught.
Miner/Ps Liniment Curep Diphtheria.
`LiInter al and TUMORS,
cured with-
gN out nein by our home -treatment, writs
a before tot, late. Dr, BolinMedical
! Co., Limited, Collingwood, Onto
• .6.( rill light. sewing at Home, whole or
stat, rime. goad pay, work sentany dia-
leaner charges paid. Send stamp for
Par t.vulal•s. National Manufacturing,
On Hands, Caused Disfigure;
meat, itching and Burning.
Cuticura Healed,
"The trouble which 1 had affected my
hands only. It first came in ;watery
blisters under the skin,
"and if they were scratched
theybroke, causingamass
of sore eruptions that
caused disfigurement
pointed collar is of white flannel: •-The and assist nature in keeping pace with -_-_— �" 1 itching, burning and lose
pocket arrangement is quite novel.' rapid growth. Practise pacing so that you can step of sleep The trouble
McCall' Pattern No, 3026, Misses!' You can get Dr. Williams Pipit Pills as nearly three feet at a puce as nos= , lasted about one year and
Tunic Dress. In 3 sizes; 11 to 20, through any dealer In medicine, er by Bible, You will be in places many �' / `' after
eThes Price, 20 cents. 1 mail postpaid at 50 cents a box or six times where the best and perhaps the about three months I was completely
These patterns may be obtained boxes fm y .50 from The Dr. Williams only measure you have is your stride. healed. (Signed) Miss Aileen bweet,
from your local McCall dealer or from Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. Main St,•, Eastman, Que.
the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto. -_ Keep your skin clear by daily use of
uiicuta cap and Ointment.
For Free Sample Each by Mail ad-
dress.poet-card: "Cuticura, Dept. A,
Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere.
Dept, W. z
for re -issue at all depots has been degrees east; midway between New wlro Tave little ones in the home";
Againstexpenditure, • dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
660 this includ- grecs west.
he ma
cleaning and repair, etc„ has amount- sent on or near the northwestern '
$1;702,510: making a total of $4,995,- York and Liverpool it is about 35 de-
Tiro' ab els are sold by medicine
— -
ing enlisted mens pay, civilian wages, T gnetic north pole is at pre- francsckville 'Ile Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
- ed to $336,540, showing• a net credit shore of Boothia-Peninsula, in the
balance of $4,069,220. northern part of North America. Its The African, a gray goose with a
Valuable Refuse. position is constantly changing, and distinct brown shade, about the size!
in 600 years it hasmoved half way of the Embden, is a good layer and.
Articles which are marked for rags round the geographical pole, makes a good market goose, although;
are re -converted into their original leit has the objectionable dark pin-!
raw state by special machinery in the feathers. It is a rapid grower and
district, and used again in the manu- ,
Prose Ver
matures early.
facture of new clothing for the Army It was a pitifpl mistake an error
The Origin of Passports.
Passports, which are so much in evi
donee at present, began as sea letters,
guaranteeing a safe passage for ships.
A form of sea -letter was appended to
the Treaty of the Pyrenees in 1069.
The more familiar passport is, simply!
a permit authorizing a person to pass!
into or out of a country. As such it
would seem well within the province
of tiny Government to refuse it to any
individual who proposes to undertake
a journey for an object that Govern-
ment does not approve. In fact,"per-
mission to circulate" as our Gaelic
friends express it, is a ravor and hot
a right.
YIinard'e Liniment Curse Dietem$er.
When new soileis broken up for
gardening purposes cut the sod in
squares a foot wide and about two
feet long. Pile the sods up, upside
down, in a square pile. Layers of
Leaves can, be placed between the
layers of sod. This will make fine
potting soil when it has rotted.
Up to the present, sales of rags to sad and grim. I waited for the rail -Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to
merchants and manufacturers in the way train; the light was Iow and dim. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. remove tan, freckles, sallo`vness.
heavy woollen district have amounted It came at last and from a ear there Gentlemen, In July, 1915, I was
throw from road hi injuring X • lemons and
n ora machine, ttjur ng Your grocer has the em ns
to $5,000,000. stepped a dainty dame, and, looking d
As showing the completeness of the up and down the place, she straight hip and 'cacti badly and was ab -
arrangements to save it may be ex-
plained that cotton rags are sent to
Woolwich Arsenal to be used as wip-
ers and cleaning rags.
Amongst valuable things recovered
may be mentioned leather patches
from riding breeches, $2,000 worth of
gold lace, and thousands of shirts for
use by German prisoners of war; and
web equipment—belts, pouches, etd.—
is Sent back to Ordnance depots for
use, and thousands of towels are wash
land issued again.
Anthrax. •
The disease of anthrax occurs
among sheep, horses, cattle and other
herbivora or grain ,eating animals,No
animal of any of these classes is cap-
able of resisting anthrax infection
providing suitable conditions obtain.
The disease is also liable to attack hu-
man beings although,et does not ap-
pear epidemically in man. Many
cases have been reported where men
have died as a result of contralting
anthrax' from the skinning of an in-
fected animal or from handling the
wool or skins of animals that have
• died from the disease. This informa-
tion is brought out in Bulletin No. 28
of The Health of Animals Branch of
the Dominion Department of Agricul-
ture entitled "Anthrax." The bulletin
is written by Dr. Chas, H, Higgins,
pathologist, and deals with the sub-
jects of occurrence, methods of infec-
tion, soil infection, diagnosis, etc, It
is pointed out that the carcass of the
animal that has had the disease should
be„destroyed by fire, care being taken
that all discharges and litter about
the animal be burned rwith it,
even to the halter that It bas been
wearing, Under 110 circumstances
should the animal be skinned, as this
13 a most dangerous procedure.
Neither should it be dragged over
the farm. Deep burial is sometimes
resorted to, but it is not nearly` so'
satisfactory as burning, Veterinarians,
farmers and others Who have reason
to suspect the existence of anthrax
are compelled, under the Animal Con-
tagious Diseases Act, to promptly no-
tify the Minister of Agriculture, the-
Veterinary Director -General •'or the
nearest Veterinary Inspector.
South American ants sometimes
tr tunnel
tolls tret a three miles in
Dough should be kept covered while
rising to preve t a crust from form-
ing, whi,lh intei1eros with expansion.
unto me came.
"Oh, Jack!” she cried, "oh, dear old
Jack!" and kissed me as she spake,
then looked again and, frightened,
"Oh, what a bad mistake!"
I said, "Forgive me, madam fair,
for I am not your Jack, and as re-
gards the kiss you gave, I'll straight-
way give it back."
And since that night I've often
stood upon that platform dim, but
only once in a man's whole life do
such things come to him.
„Don't have an _empty preserving jar
in your neighborhood this fall.
"lea end Cof-
offee Interfere
with Diges-
tion" --
says a well known
Many who use tea
or coffee, not know-
ing that it aggra-
vates stomach trou-
bles, couldstill enjoy
a delicious hot table
beverage and es-
cape harmful effects
by a change to the
wholesome, pure
cereal drink—
"There's'a Reason"
I 11 �I1 jj
Fa» pps�q �itBFp
drug store or toilet counter will supply
liged to use a crutch for 14 months you with three ounces of orchard
In September, 1916, Mr. Wm. Outridg
e white for
; t'ompins, Montreal,
When buying your Piano
insist on having an'
tt o'rTO HIG!L,,.
� C
Wonsan Teli9 How $5 Worth
of Pinit_baun's Compound
Made Her Well.
Lima Ohio.—"I was all broken down
in health from adisplacement.One of my
see me and she ad-
rised me to coin-
' mance taking Lydia
E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound
and to use Lydia E.
Pinkham's Sanative
Wash. I began tak-
ing your remedies
and took $6, 00wortlt
and in two months
was a well woman
after three doctors said I never would
stand up straight again. I was a mid-
wife for seven years and I recommended
the Vegetable Compound to every wo-
man to take before birth and afters
wards, and they all got along so nicely
that it surely is a godsend to suffering
women. If women wish to write to
me Iwill be delighted to answer thorn."
—Mrs.JENnIE MOYER, 342 E.North St.,
Lima, Ohio.
Women who suffer from displace -
1 menta, weakness, irregularities, ner-
vousness, backache, or bearing -down
pains, need the tonic properties of the
roots and herbs contained in Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
THICK, =MEN Curios
that make a horse Wheeze,
Roar, have Thick Wind
or Choke -down, can be
reduced with
also other Bunches or Swellings. No blister,
no hair gone, and horse kept at work. Eco-
nomical—only a few drops required „tan ap-
plication. 82 per bottle delivered. Book 3 M free.
ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment for
mankind, reduces Cysts, Wens, Painful,
Swollen Veins and tlleers.$1 anti 82 a bottle at
dealers or delivered. Book "Evidence" free.
W, F, 10690, 1, 0, F„ 615 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Can
ebsarbwe dad AWorbiac, Jr.. are made in Caowt,
a few cents. Squeeze the
Railroad Men
These men know from experience
that Sloan's Liniment will take the
stiffness out of joints end the sore-
ness out of muscles—And it's so
convenient) No rubbing required.
It quickly penetrates and brings re-
lief. any to apply and cleaner than
mussy plasters or ointments.
Alwayshave a bottle in the house
for rheumatic aches, lame back,
sprains and strains.
Generous sized bottles at all drug-
gists, 25e., 50c., $1.00.
ell ' y They Prescr. e .Bon= O t°.
of Lachute urged me to try MIN- juice of two fresh lemons into a bot
AILD'S LINIMENT, which I did with tie, then put in the orchard white and y aln >P g ow !- Strengthens x o it
the most satisfactory results and to- shake well, This makes a quarter
day I am as well as ever in my life Iint of the very best lemon skin
whitener and complexion beautifier
known. Massage this fra.glant, creamy
EW' x BAINES, lotion daily hands
intoa neck, MATTHthe face, arms
markand tan s andus see how freckles,
tan, sallowness, redness and rough
his dd�ttt
Yours sincerely, Remarkably ably In a Week s e
a Just
f 11 In Many Instances.
A critter's a critter and -you can't nese disappear an on smoo , so
beat human sense into its head with a and clear the skin beeomes. Yes 1
club. It is harmless, and the beautiful re-
_. sults will surprise you.
altnard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows
We'd all be healthier if, instead of
so many pork barrels down in the cel -
lax, we had more apple barrels.
The wrapper you use does not sell
your apples. It is the apple inside
the wrapper.
A clean barrel or box makes apples
look better to the buyer and may lead
to a better sale.
In cold climates the ideal time to
prune fruit trees it not in the fall or
winter; wait till the severe weather is
een apple that has been well cured
in an open outhouse will last longer
than one put down cellar as soon as
It's all right to label young trees,
but bo careful not to have the wire so
tight that it will girdle the wood and
kill the tree.
Newly planted' ' trees in exposed
windy locations may need staking;
but watch out that the ties do not
chafe the bark and thus ruin the
The fall orchard work will not be
done until yon have picked up all the
decayed apples and put them out 01
the way. No man who loves his or-
chard will leavethem to multiply
worm posts.
A rat in the fruit cellar is fully as
bad as a: bull in a China shop. Make
it a business to capture the pest and.
stop up the hole where he camo.in,
Itr may be that score suckers -have
started around the base of your trees
since the last trimming. Cut every
one of these out before snow comes,
Late in the fall plow a fur'ro'w down
through -the Orchard betWeen
o ro s of trees ` th
two w 1'f a ground is apt
to be wet. The trees will do a great
deal better for this smfaoe drainage,
Also, perhaps some tile drains are
needed underground;
ra oe1-4�P
a aq�/tS1�t �/
f A
constipation Cure
A druggist says : "For nearly
thirty years 1 have tommended
the Extract of Roots, known es
Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, for
ice radical cure of constipation
and indigestion. It is an old
reliable remedy that never fails
to do the work." 30 drops
thrice daily. Get the Genuine,
at druggists.
ai...s E t tl will • sf,
How to loosen a tender corn
or callus so It lifts out
without paln.
Let folks step on your feat hero -
after; weer shoes a size smaller if
you like, for owns will never again
send eloetris, sparks .of pain through
Toe, according to thts Cincinnati
IXe save that a few drops of a drug
called freezone, applied directly upon
a tender, aching cern, instantly re-
lieves soreness, and scan the entire
corn, root and all, lifts right out.
This drug d0•1o3 at once and shnply
shrivels up the corn or callus without
even irritating the em+ronn ling tissue.
A, small balsa of..freeaone abtain,ed
at any drug store will cost very little
but will positively remove every hard
or salt corn or callus 1roln one's foot,
Your druggist hasn't stocked If Yot ggi ciC this
e 11 m
t to hi t gee a •
new d a small
ew t•ng y , B
bottle of freezehe for you from hid
Wholesale drug house.
15811I4 No. 46-'17.
Iles goon Eyesight Improve from 75
to 100% in a Remarkably Short Time.
Boston, Mesa—Victims of eye strain rind
other eye weaknesses, and those who wear
lessee, will be glad to know that Doctors
d Eye Specialists now agree there is real
pe end help for them. Many whose eyee
were failing say they hive had their oyes
restored and many who once wore glasses
say they have thrown them away, One mon
sn s'alter rising Bou-Optot "I w s•ahuost
blivno. Ceutd not see to read tit a11. Ngsv 1
can rend everything without my glasses, and
MY eyes do hot hurt any mons. At eight
they would nein dreadfully. Now they fedi.
toe ninth° tittle, It lyes lik0 a Mimeo to
me, A lady wits used 11 sayd: ",Che-ni.
inosphere seemed toy with or without
glasses, but after' using this prescription dor
fifteen dnyS everything seed Clear 1 can
read even fine print sVltheut glees,4/' An-
other who l cell it says: I was bothered
with oyestraip mused by overworked, tired
Dyes which lndnced fierce headaehee.
pve worn .E nines for several yenta, both
r dletanee mid work, rind without them I
could not road my 4 ssipn name ' on an en-
velggpe or., the typewriting op the machine
beforej,e. I aqq de. .both naw, and hath
diee�tntd'ad tilt' ong instance gRleadea Alto-
gether, I can count the
a tto
ig leaves on
the trees adrb s the 51repew, Which tier
Sever 1 yOars More 10nkedi
a flint res
blur t0 Mo. 0 eu'tnot expreSS my ley at
what t Imo done i las d0 for ma
It 1$ behoved that thousands who wear
(f10005 eall o w aware ,them doreactors-
Mee time, mid multitudes more will ba
to strengthen their eyes 50 as to be spared
the trouble end 'eeriel0(3 of 0180 30111716
gla5ssv, ,- -
Dr. Beek, en eye specialist of nearly
twenty years practice. sere: Two promi-
nent eye specialists, after a thorough exani-
lnatlon of a young girl aged twelve, de-
cided that to sere the sight of her right eye
the left must be removed, A friend ad-
vised her father to try Bon-Opto before per-
mitting the operation. Within three days
a decided improvement was noticeable,
withlu a week the lnilntnmotion land almost
disappeared, and At the end of six n'eeks
all danger was past acid the eye saved. I
saw the case again to -day. The eye ball
line perfect motion. When she began to
000 Bon-Opto it was in a fixed position.
The conjunctival inflammation has dlsap-
peered, Iter vision is now 10/10 (10/E0 Is
normd as yon know) as ag.inst 20/2000
when she began the use of Bo•a•O to. An-
other patient camp to me su'eripug front
Blepharitis Alarginalie with all the usual
symptoms such as morning agglutination
of the lids chronic conjunctivitis and
eplaiphora. )'.Ier eyes had the dull, suffused
expression common to such cases. She used
Bon -Oita and not only overcame her dis-
tressing condition but so strengthened her
eyesight that she was able to dispense with
her distance gleams and her headache and
neuralgia left iter. In this instance I should
say her eyoafgbtwas improved 100 per cent;'
Dr. Judkins says: "While house surgeon
at a NOW England DSC and Ear Infirmary
and during many years in general dispen-
sary practice, I found oculists too prone to
operate and opticians too willing to pre-,
scribe glasses, and both. inclined to neglect
the strengthening and developing of the'
eyesight. The success of Bou -Opts in
strengthening the eyesight will goon make
eyyeglaasee 016-flnshioned. The Director et
Medical Inspection of Boston Schools in a
report published February 90, 1017 states
that only 14,016- pupils out of 60,176' exam
inert teed to wear glasses now, a lurked
decrease over the previous report. Sion.
Opto 1. hastening the eyeglassless age In
bespectacled Boston.
Dr. Smith, no oculist of wide experience,
says: "I have treittod in'prtvate procttce a
number of serious optheltnio diseases with
Bon-Opto and art able to report ultimate
recovery in both acute and chronic eases.
Mr. 13. dame to my officesugaringwith an
infected eye. The condition was so 5erlote
that in operation forenucleation flawed
imperative. Before 500051ing to the aper.
alive method I proscribed Bon-Opto and hi
twenty-four hours the secretion bad les-
sened, ind
sypptoms ,he
gnn to
subside, dhd seven days the ��d�cored and retniied its normal vglo u
other Ones of.extremo convergent strabismus
((ero55 eyes) moaned the Surgeoa's knife ey
the timely ase of your treatment, The
tightened external muscles yielded to the
Aeethlug' and anodyne effects of lion-Opto.
By cleansing tllo,lids of secretions ane arty
big 46 a tome for the eyeball. ltaclr the
Vision is re ud r
c e ed mom 0( 352 lienee the
number of eases bf dtacnrdOd glnase5."
D0 Connorr e
v"My eyes were in bo
condition swing, to the severe strain nrtatlgfront pretreated ifcr real osetc1vorc. Son-Oita,used wording toilie
tions rendered n surprising service, :I found
my eyes remarkably otrocgtheued, so meek
50 t hove ptrt it my glossas wtthnnt
discofnfort. several of my et/llcagllos Mire
"Bon-Opto Is Hastening the Eyeglusa.
less Age in Bespectacled Boston"
also used 1t and we are agreed ns, to its re-
sults. In a few.dnyO, under my observa-
tion, the eyes of ata astigmatic ease were ao
improved that glae005 have been discarded
by the patient'
1070 troubles of many descriptions nu be
wondertauly beuolitecl by the use of Bon-
Opto and 111you watt to strengthen your
eyes go to any drug store and get a bottle
of Bon -Onto tnll1asts. Strop one Bon -Onto-
tablet to n fourtlf of a .gloss oi' water and
let it dissolve. With this liquidbathetate
eyes two to four times dnityo. You should
notlee rout eyes.velem. up perceptiblyright
from the start and inflammation and sed -
nese will gnioitty dies pear. If your 05'ee
baiter you even a little It is your duty to
take Steps,t0 cavo them now before it is too
tato. .;Many hopelessly blind might - have
skived their sight if they had Cared for their
es 10 time.
1me —4 city ysitian t 4
o whom tho above
15,580 brnittnll, (said;tY" 10,5, ioa'0itoitla
Oct -limits aro 011IWO 'lrnown to enllnee5 eye sro•
nlnhnts and w10ely yreacrlbed by. them. Y hove
1,900 It'rcr3' alueasafally In ntv etCa ,/inches Oa
1,nttea 0 510009 Ores 5151'q *0n mnai throlinh aver
i. Orli ar intact Bionics, I can hig015 ratlenlrnet{(
t 1n n0da of 1091011, watery aelihl0, ema0511ls
fon erns 0y"s, red itis, binned pplelon pl
for oyae lilacs It Is
sof the
to mese, atilt.
„net Or tvlitd, It I ens 00 tba wary ow Mops.
1011058 1 rosy 5haalda ba kept eb baud for roiatlar
use In almost bindle eve 0011 " nm1. t' i
r9' 1100. Ota a not n
cleat me fratl on 0 01 11 ed ,
p 4 I, is au
y r
1110 0l 1550, r055,0 toe t'9rmana babas prt,tted oh
the 152110 re, Tho m3 701' antro tt glatrnliler tt tb
1n010554'111 111003, a0 oar d tl, et ene .. If t lima
in annoy laalnurea, Or rciltad the n etiali 10 is MI5
pnnsed-.lav all good druggioto; ineludin6
a'Onoa•ni atOr0nt +tleO by (1,'`1lamblyi,. Itua
71 00105.0 CO,. A31101t0,