HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-11-22, Page 2oeeero H T Get Hot Spark For nigh -to and any spots which show chafing " o x4' a .tar "'A. good hot spoilt decides the c1t -, should be covered with friction tape. Terence between a good motor end a poor one," says an expert, "Many "The .next place, is the cot the secondary winding is punatthred a motor has been condemned r leaks the spark will t' k ower, lack be too weak for ignition. This may HUN BRUTALITY IN EASTAFRICA CRUEL TREATMENT IVIIt,TED OUT TO ALL CIVILIANS. Robbed, Starved, Exposed to the Ele- ments, and Subjected to Numer ous Indignities. the pelsoners were numerous, :and. were evidently designed. with a view of degrading the English in the eyes of the natives, They were sent andel dative. guards to carry raw ox. hides from the camp to a cattle kraal some Miles away, There they scraped, and buried them. Later on they dug thorn tip, tramped them again and. 'carried Food. Control Comer Oanadin e tvha are willing to follow the Food Controller in order to help to save, urgently -needed wheat flour, beef and bacon for 'the soldiore, will find a considerable number of whole - them back. Pains were taken to see some substitutes, ' Items From Provinces Where Many that their labor wes performed In the 7 o save wheat flour, barley near be Ontario Boys and Girls Are Presence o£ natives, wlto'seemed "to used for song and barley flour for be much pleased at' the unusual thiol ening; cornmeal for bread And 1 ,Living.. spectacle, cereal; oatmeal for cereal and oat The Saskatchewan Legislature has • the al' latest breach of the ei id muffins, Potatoes may be used in at ee November 15. discipline prisoners were put in the variety Ever street oar line in Calgary fs From The Middle West BETWEEN ONTARIO AND BRI+ TIS0[ COLUMBIA. HUN PRISONERS IN A LUMBER CAMP BURLY GERMANS IN THE WOOD- LANDS OF FRANCE. Canadian Forestry Battalions Are En y gaged in Supplying the Allied of the condenser For a tg r g of �ppett�ing dishes and when been called t m t • Forces With Timber. d b lin t Y of flexibility and ache wire (Imp- neva be omitted from the meal, At pi Calgary ]efclt Lyes frondt Uttered m t b because of sluggish ac ton, wee p they are serve tent ay sometimes r faults and be caused by aclofect of manufacture, The story of the treatment is the punishment cells Thom was waive ,e behfg operated with one-man eats., Canadian Front in Prance.,,—"Eyes r' but is usually causedby a i7tt heli and Boer civilian prise trial, The mere charge of a nativeB tagging the publte " "Eyes " gut- the.reason laid to faulty design, ug in off of a spark plug. The igen- who were taken in German East guard would be suffiefont for the Cm, sent the. pt'iee of cornmeal is high, realized g 700 for the British Red tura. German, these commands sound4' whereas the trouble was duo to a ping t is lading produced just Af . • much the same eneraily asbut the new crop S g an commandant The women were C strangely on n Canadattn ear. i4range. w A and having its regular pat from other Y treated, but no details h divided still is the vela en sc ne Whence they sale spark and the owner did not tion Curren rma le uc sc net ere) in the United totes , the same, av g i path stories that have conte scandalouslyis ver large and will be• coming on roes, e 1 ease t e know it. udi somewhere, the British i may the market soon, Tho question' of Southern Alberta as been "The reasc,n for this is chylous. If interrupted it must p quarters. It is issued by Paper, are given on this point, wheel y into 13 districts for a Victory Loan Arise, For elle non -corn;. who s1'outs, hot enough the ex As the spark is strong enough to dump Government as a White Paper, form the subject of a special report price has to be carefully considered the order is a non- Iiun u1 field h k' t h t f l i t • campaign• t. Out of 2,895 registrations in Cal -1 hands, no bayonets at theiremdes, and Action of the Light hays on the Skin For meat, flail is n peculiarly suit- gang 467 were reports for service and 'the headgear is not that of one regi - Pigment. ' able substitute because' of the variety 2,428 claim exemption. merit a red, yellow, white, border the Anglers are familiar with the fact available and the. abundanty, sources Dr. Robert' Collison, for 20 years that trout change color, chameleon• of supply • in. the Dominion. Deans' medical practitioner in Edmonto t, died caps of these men, and quite ass di- g,t these five as ors g have nearly the same Edell values as rec•ently, aged 78 years. verse aro the designs of,their shoal- r the engine to ran and develop full like, in conformity with the character Meat Bya careful selection of orb- The thirty-first annual Congress of der straps. Tall and short, fat and g power. If the bottom quer which they ofxist. er foods the,consum tion of meat ma the' Salvation Army df Western Can- thin, many be -spectacled, mingle in "Now it must be explained why a they became loose or dirty. f Fiction of unlawful transaction Being If the fish frequents a part a P y this con lomeration of Prussians' Ba - 1 explosion, "Thu interrupter must also make therefore preserved. They were taken stream where the water flows over be very considerably reduced, tomacr- 'adA is now being held in Edmonton. g r hot spark gives a snappy e p t tact or the battery current ally by persons who are not engaged 402 men were examined in one week varians, Saxons, Wurtemburgers—no If you wish to burn a large mass of firm cot to two main camps, one at Kilima- .white sand, it becomes nearly white;in Winnipeg and out of these only 13 longer soldiers, but woodmen marching y tindi,and the other at Kilboriana. On in heavy manual lvork. ruhbi<h quickly placesyowould set fire to will not developits full strength. Thethe reverse •is true •if it frequents a And remember, the p ii"mary reason were judged absolutely unfit for ser- to dinner. They salutea group it in several at once. If you contact points must be clean, they Arrival mett the former the prisoners part where the liottom •is of dank clay vice. Canadian officers. as they pass, and the et the fire at only one spot it will must open the right distance and the were by an English-speaking - moss for urging saving of wheat flour, beef and bacon is not economy M cost, but Only one man in eight is willing to bully German non-com. in change is thatthesoldiers maybe sun -Plied enlist in Winnipeg to date: Out of quite evidently glad of a chance 'to they d 6,129 who have reported 5,360 claim air his authority a bit in public and do .. with he food which t1 ey ee 'a bit of the swanking he was wont to y egreet meneiri y o people an hulking the spark is no n en - losfon loses a great Boal of its snap- over a quarter of it inch it may find In German East Africa when war later on. Southern Alberta tarnishes more grey, wearing the Iron Cross, and by Hess and the power sufYers in eon- a path inside of the coal. Once it broke out there were a few Britishthose tvlto can afford to• dlo so should deed than any ober part of his side marches a column of German p missionaries, and a few Englishmen - G substitute,. in part other cereals for timothy „ + sequence. Other things being equal, punctures the insulation the spark nations. Those an coca I soldiers But no Mausets *mein their the power depends directly upon the will not jump the spark plug, since it is employed on rubber plat HOW TROUT CHANGES COLOR heat of the spark. The hotter the has a shorter cncuit inside. Therewere immediately interned by the spark the stronger the explosion. The no remedy for this condition, so •Germans and were held until about a other factors referred to are carbure- new coil must be obtained. So make Year ago, when they were released by tion, lubrication, compression and cool- sure that the spark plug wireale aAtso the arrival of a Belgian force, in h f t being necessary properly secured at all times. The first thing done was to rob all weak spark will certainly follow if they were given worthless notes, the wheat even if the price of the subeti- the Canada tutee should be higher': look to the terminals on the coils, as! who had any money, In exchange fo g• German, who told them that their burn in all probability, but it will take spring must be arida Clean t e longer and it might go out. By ignit- points occasionally by drawing a piece time for exercise would be between rho pile in several places the of flue emery cloth through them and 4 and 6 in the afternoon, For the re - A fervent follower of Izaak Walton who had long been curious to -learn how rapidly this . transformation takes mg whole will be consumed in less time make sure that the points open t e maunder of the day they were kept in pisco; captured a small trout lass sum - end if the fire goes out in one or two distance advised by the manufacturer.; barracks. The accomodations were mer and placed it in a white porcelain places the other flames will do the' Testing For Spark I of the most primitive description, and tray through which he caused a stream work. 1 "The distributer next requires at-' men and women were herded together. of clear water to flow. In e few days Prom the Report of. elle' Dominion whiskey for wlriah he was getting "The analogy in the case of the tentiott Current may leak through For a short time they were permitted the fish began to grow lighter in col- Royal Commission, from between 15 and $6 a bottle. He to keep their servants, but presently or, and before the week ended vas a was fined $100 and costs. very light yellow, with stripes and "Very little _Canadian wood; is sold Burglars took ,$700 worth of goods spots only slightly darker, on the French market because it is from stores at Qu'Anpelle, Indian Those few set fires to a few more and be heard jumping inside. Dust should His next experiment was to place a almost pnknown, and, what is worse, Head and Grenfell, Sask., in a three the explosion is s+.erred slowly. In he removed with a soft cloth diPPed • Their food was coarse and insuffi- thin sheet of hard, black rubber on the in the few places where itis known nights' raid. No trace of the thieves the ease of a hot spark a great many j in gasoline. It does not offer a very; tient. The manager of a rubber plan bottom of the tray. In less than a it has the reputation bf being of very has been found. more article, are inflamed at the and path to the current, but once a' tation complained about the food, and week the trout had become a dark inferior quality. This seems hard to The 78th Battery, who expected to can visualize their efforts. How an P start. These set Tires to a large num- ewe! s through it the dust is , was thereupon confined in calls for slate, nearly black, with the markings believe, but it is only the strict truth,, remain in Lethbridge, Alta., while in Ontario fanner would laugh at such bei and so the flame advances with _P 't rmin carbon, which is a' several days. It was announced that almost indistinguishable. It can be explained by the fact that training, have been moved to Calgary. "wort::" However, the Germans do torched, o g greater rapidity through the mass, onductnr. Distributor brushes { as prisoners the Englishmen had no In his third experiment he changed the Canadian ]amber `exported has Edmonton has only had three con accomplish a:little. They quite evi- Y geed -- c giving the sroppr• explosion recptired' -worn ^w• y or broken; or loose voter I right to complain, and that a repetf- the fish to a dark olive green merely been lent almost exclt�rvely to great scientious objectors to active service gently like this "job," and it confers t' exemption. do in the barrack square of Deutsch - CANADIAN' Conrad P. Watson, Saskatoon, was q CANADIAN'. WOOD IN FRANCE. arrested. in an Edmonton Hotel, where land. _ he had a trunk filled with bottles of Felling a Jack Pine. His in a pine forest of France' that your correspondent saw these Roches working for the Canadians engaged in forestry work. Working, did I say? Well, imagine thirty-two husky Huns pretending to haul on a rope, leisure- ly pulling down a tiny jack pine; scarcely more than a sapling, and you electric spark and the explosive mix- accumulations of dust and oil outside tare is very close. A weak spark in- or inside. If outside, the spark may flames a few particles of gasoline* be seen and heard. Sometimes it may these were dismissed and the prison- ers bad to do all their own work. Exhibited in Chains. Teat the Battery. 1 will also cause trouble. See that all : tion of the offence would be regarded by covering the bottom of the tray Britain and when, from ime o toe,- to date. "It follows that the spark muet at _ the distributer wires are firmly fasten -las a revolt. with moss. This change took place it was sent from that country to all times be the best obtainable, As' ecl and that no worn spots exist in the As other groups of prisoners arriv- more rapidly than had the others, ow- France, it lost its name and passed as doubtless to the fact that the fish he of other countries. This it will be well to take them up one at "Lest, but not ueast, are the spat hi its in chains The -fisherman then restored the tray brought ease prices. time. First comes the battery. It plugs. They may give trouble be -1 order that they might be impressed by g highp •ices. It must be ad- How t1en Came to Shake Hands to may be weak, the terminals and wires ' cause of carbon, leaky core, spark gaP I German power. On one occasion tone to its original color—white—and per- mitted, however, that certain ship- Show Triendahipsome savory stew, the steam ascends may not make good contact and there' out of adjus'ment and corroded points.! naval prisoners were brought in, and mitted the trout to fade to a lemon ments of Canadian wood of a most in- , in fragrant clouds. To him in batches c spots in the installs A carbonized plug should he cleaned: someone shouted, "Are we downheart- yellow. He then sprinkled a layer of Eerier quality were unloaded on the In the days of very long ago, when of twenty at a time come the prisoners may be defective sp French market at low prices because all men were prepared to fight at any `tion of the wires. Test the battery , with gasoline, using an old tooth, ed?" The govenrnor immediately fas- brick dust over the bottom, and the to fill their dixies and receive each one with a hydrometer everyweek, it brush, The plug must be taken apart: tined upon the late Rev. Father Fis- fish very promptly turned to a decide they could not be disposed of else- and all times because one could not a generous chunk of bread, Squat- ywhere, Such proceedings have caused know whether another approaching should read 1.275 to 1.:00, called for this, which gives an opportunity to' zea and he was imprisoned ina small idly reddish hue. His last experieSri harm the reputation -of was a friend or enemy, all men ting under the trees in this fine wea- twelve seventy-five and thirteen hun- inspect the core, If the porcelain is !vermin -infested cell. At this the pris- ment was to cover the bottom with ther, they partake o£ their mid-day al point being neglect- cracked a new core is needed. Tlte' oner who had raised the cry went to mica sand, which wrought the mast I our products. Unfortunately, our ex- went armed. This was before the day meal. Would that Canadians in Boche- edin the 1 ' rapid Chan e: in three clays the fish ed in speaking. but not in writing the spark gap should be adjusted to ap-, the commandant and confes.ed. No g ports of high quality lumber have note of guns when the sword was'the greatland fared half so well. After feed- fi ores. proximately one thirty-second inch. change was made, and for a week the became a light straw color. been able to counteract this undesfr- weapon of defense. Mg, several of the Huns produce long- g To determine the cause for this col- able reputation, since the have al- steduned pipes with china bowls, `If the battery is below this and the points touched up with emery i father kept his cell. On the second p y'Upon occasion when one man ap- ou are using the starter on cloth. `ever use emery on the; day he asked for water. It was refus- or variation, the angler repeated the .ways been credited to other coup- preached another, each had to decide which they puff contentedly, their en - strength y b entire series of experiments ina dant- lights too =eh or the generator is not porcelain core, as this roughens it,: ed, and he was obliged to drink the Ptries. At Contras, near Bordeaux, whether the other came on a peace- joymenC unimpaired by any thought of charging properly . The terminals causing carbon to accumulate mare' water he had used for washing. ened room. Here it required three the following sign is displayed'` on a' fel niission or not. the sentries who stand back among 1 times as long for the various changes large lumber factory: "Bois le PAM -1 People in those days were mostly the trees itt case some forgetful Hun should be thoroughly cleaned and set rapidly than before. Hall to { Inhuman Treatment. to take place—a difference that seems ori ne du .°I3ord" North American up tightly with a wrench or pliers. So test the spark occasionally A Major Howard, D.S.O., escaped, q . r pglnfightin as they aro now, and might wander through the sylvani Then cup grease or vaseline should be see if all is well. Remove a spark, and when brought back with a broken to indicate that t• he changes are pro- �roodj. It is evident that in France, when fighting carried their swords le dells. duced by the action of the light rays Canada p g smeared over them to prevent cor- rosion by the acid in the battery, which has a tendency to creep in be- tween the surfaces and to insulate them with a layer of sulphate. The wires should be examined occasionally proper ignition," there are many causes of weak spark, insulation. ed they told stories about being ex- ing, t productTHE HAND+SHe\1SE. h hibited ' h ' before the natives in was already (lin t. was the ease with our,filae woods that an appetite and an appreciation of the comfortable .alts in which they are housed. By the roadside stands their owee German "koch," and facing him a row of burnished kettles, Brimming with plug wire while engine in running and � rib and a pierced kidney was confined on the skin pigment, and not by any hold it not more than one-quarter inch; in a cell six by three feet. For live conscious effort upon the part of the from plug to avoid damage to coil. If i months he was kept in this cell, being trout. a good hot spark is shown at each i allowed out for half an hour on one plug you are reasonably assured of day a week. All prisoners were required to sa- lute and stand at attention on the an - The Ring's Bread. THE OLD HOMESTEAD. During his recent tour in the North In the old house where we grew the. Ring very nearly became the vie- From childhood up, the days were tim of the early closing order. An dreams, official of his suite visited a loeal bak- The summers had unwonted gleams, er's shop after closing hours and ask- The sun a warmer radiance threw ed for bread. The baker's wife re- Upon the stair. Alas! is seems fused it, pointing out the reason. All different in the new! "But it is for the King," said the official, "and there isn't a bit of bread Our mother still could sing the strain on the train." In earlier days we listened to; ` I don't care ff it is for the Queen; , The white threads in her hair were was the reply. ••I dare not serve few you." "But I demand it." "I ani sorry," persisted the woman, "but I must refuse to serve you." "What can I do 7" asked the official. "You might see the police," was the suggestion. This was done and the Ring got his bread, though even so the conscience of the baker's wife still obviously troubled her. A shooting corn, if wrapped up in an ivy leaf, well soaked in vinegar, will cease from troubling. Provide labor-saving devices for home and farm so as to insure at least to that extent against the scarcity of hired help thoughout 1918, She seldom sighed or suffered pain. Oh for the old house back again! - It is not so in the new. Profit in Tree Growing. "The growing of timber can be made a commercial success," says Dean Baker of the New York State College of Forestry. "In 16 years mine props and fence props can be harvested. In 26 to 36 year's timber large enough to produce paper bolts can he grown. It will thus be seen that large corpora- tions whioh make paper, for instance, can be induced to reforest large areas and thus insure an adequate supply of pulp paper for their future needs. The value of the wood will justify the car- eche letters. rying charges." At Toboro the indignities heaped on heart. PRECIOUS BULLETS doesnot exist as a ee arate their right hands. country, only "American" products 1f, then, a man wished to speak with are known., ' a stranger, or, as might easily be no 8' cessary, to one who may even be like does not exist throughout the British Food Economy. known to be unfriendly, he put outs length and breadth of Canada. A Itis righty:hand upon approaching to regular fairy-tale wood, this vast — Sir Arthur Yapp, Food Economy show that he had no deadly or dans plantation of clean trunks, rising preach of a guard. One man who fail- Silver and Gold and Liven Precious Supervisor for Britain, appeals to the gorous -weapon in it, says the "Book almost limbless to an average of fifty ed to take off his hat was confined to Stones Have Been Used. British people to observe the follow- of Wanders." The other man eouldtfeet, green -topped, springing from an - his cell for a wank. The news that a silver bullet has ing food rules: see this, and knew from the extended underbrushless carpet of moss .and One of the most revolting sights been recovered from the leg of a Economize in the use of all cereals. open hand that no harm was in- needles, They grow in yellow sand, they were compelled to witness was Frenchman near Verdtm recalls the Don't serve bread at mid-day meals tended and that the approach was these trees. The larger ones measure the almost daily flogging of native days when thousands of Sardinians unless it is specially asked for, peaceful. from 10 to 14 inches through at the servants. They were brutally beaten day Austrians t were sent r theiriaraNa one should have more than one If, then, he was willing to meet the base, and give some 40 feet of log. for the slightest offence. death by, similar missiles fashioner egg at a meal; to have more is un- . other, he also extended his right, arm Hark, Canadian lumbermen,. in this A Fairy-tale Wood. And what a pine forest is this! Its At Kilboriana, the prisoners were from the altar -silver taken by Napo. required to take their meals in an .eon's soldiers from Italian churches. open shed, which was always drench- Bullets of solid gold, too, have even ed with the cold mists. There were been used with deadly effect. It is no separate sanitary arrangements for said that thousands of lives have been the women. The weather was very `taken by them in the Mexican wars, bad, cold and wet alternating with and the favorite bullet of the Kash- - days of deadly heat, The prisoners Don't make tea too strong. 'rah warrior was for long a garnet, Economize sugar by dispensing with were not provided with proper head enclosed in lead, which he regarded as the open bowl from which supplies covering, and there were many, cases a certain messenger of death! of prostration. The two hours' daily There are, indeed, few materials caiave only one be drawn fresh meat meal a exercise was compulsory. The women from which bullets have not been day. It would be a great help if the had to walk steadily the whole period, fashioned, from iron and aluminium to and the native soldiers hustled them copper and brass. They have been Voluntary rationed amount were serv- up if they attempted td sit down. steeped in deadly poisons, filled with ed at table. The meat position may Numerous Indignities. b serious unless economy is ex- explosives and acids, and have been (Inc of the men was sent to the pun- made heavy with' mercury. In the ishment cell for five days because he Crimea many a soldier, when his bul- admonished a native trooper whom he found swearing at a woman. The prisoners were allowed no news, nor were they permitted to write Inc re - fair other people. with the hand open, to show him who country a stern government allows no There is tremendous need' of scan- was approaching that his fighting timber -limit vandalism on the paring omy in buttery i hand was empty also, and when they loggers. No brush' nor slashing maw Butter and jam should not be eat- met each would grasp the hand of be scattered about as in Canada, to* en together. .the other, so that neither one coul Give up the early morning cup of change his mind and assume a ftght- tea, ing attitude without the other hav- ing an equal warning. Long Life for the Clothes- Wringer. When the lower rubber of the clothes wringer wears out, as it usual- ly does, befor the upper one, strip the Canadian bushman, who, overalled, the rubber off. Take a piece of heavy stand in military formation ere they seems white duek, cut it the same width as disniiss to lunch, A little group, they armed. the wringer, wet it, then, turn the have charge of .the more technical And do not forget to have a week- wringer, letting the material run on jobs, Soon a mill will hum in this ly potato day, without bread. evenly until it is the dance thickness vicinity, as others are doing else - 1. as the upper rubber. Fasten the turning out its full -quota each start fires. Everything here is piled, swept clean, `In the adjoining French section of this wood I actually saw windrows made of branches carefully tied together. Thus they are shipped off to Paris for firewood. _ How French Fall a Tree. In marked contrast to the Huns are let pouch was empty, fired his ramrod as a parting salute to the enemy; and in the Peninsular War one of out most gallant colonels was found dead with a silver pencil -case embedded in his MISS BROtN,THIS lS YOUR FIRST DAN HeRe AND THllaos MAN Br A L1TT L.E, sTRANGe To NoU, BUT IM SURE Not) WILL LIKE THe Pt.ACi3 AS TIME. cors oN 41eLL0,1-01.47 —1'M DovJls'rbWN s1ioPPING AND 1'M coMING UP To T4e.OPFICe -- 1 WANT TO sliot NOU A SAMPLE oe SOME CRBroNNE -. 1914 GOING Tooe'T ' J The man who says he loves his home won't bank it up with horse manure to keep out frost,—if he means what he says. r a n • a duck with a few stitches. You will find day. These Canadian mills are not that renewedthis way _the wringer only supplying our own troops, but works suite the same and will last for Imperial and French troops as well, a long time. Movsiffso. 5AN BILL, VilLtNoU TRA De STEuocRAPf11:Rs Fol AN HoUR- oR So ? -Nis NEW G'iR>- OF is Too s1_oy4 AND I UAVG SCMC RUSH WoRKTO GET ouT! 1NAHSWo TO YOURS of RECENT PATE W8'Wts14To sAV 7µA-r— v. Canadians are hard at work ie for - este of" beech, hornbeam, ash, oak, birch, cherry and chestnut trees, which are falling before them, and, oddest sight of all, are being pulled down by block and tackle. Such is the French fashion. Limbs chopped of?, and a rope attached to its top, many a tree is tern out by the roots,` which are afterwards sawn off. Queer lumber- ing perhaps, but it saves the older trees. - Picture a quaint village, mediaeval church, fifteenth century houses, an inn, from vrhose timbered doorway d'Artagnme might well sally forth at any moment, Picture an =parked _ chateau which escaped the revolution, whose pillared gateway was olcl when Marie Antoinette tante joyfully to France. 'Mid nett surroundings, among trees villein the door fed une disturbed, now rises a cloud of; smoke, beneath Which, entrenched mon the. new, white timbers of a brand new mill, a whirling fiend devours the Woods, Tail and Roo!—Tw " s One.' South America can bowel no more remarkable zoological prettiest than the "great anteater."