HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-11-22, Page 1VOL. 46 NO, 21
5o Per Annum in Advance
New Adver-tie,ernents
Lcoai A. T. (Jerrie.,,
1 coma - P.aelte• Oro',
Commit -Tom Marko.
Aar of 1Plour—W. p. Neal,
Onr of apples—Thos. leaps,
OonntP Oliunofl--mol. Lona.
A uc;aton rel.,—Ulms, (tlenvor,
A notion solo -hire. A, Forrest,
Ohristmna Photos -0 A, Urea.
• Ponh for sale—Chas. Howlett.
Item tin—Molvine Unruh Choir.
Auotionmile—Joseph Whitfield,
Por sale by. tender—Thos, Pierce,
A few suggestions -1P IL Keith,
Damaur—1 cassis Young Ladles.
Sist ±ct Sitits
James Bnwruau, North Huron Un-
lonist candidate, announces a pplltical
meeting in Oranbrook Hall Thursday
evening of next week tit 8 teelook.
Invitation is extended to A. Hislop or
representative to speak.
On account of the opening of the
Methodist church, Ethel, next Sun-
day the metal preaching service in the
Methodist church here win be with-
deawn. Rev: Mr. Stafford will occupy
the pulpit at Ethel in the afternonn.
Cranbrook was associated with Ethel
circuit atone time.
Last Sunday the anniversary ser-
mons of Knox chin eh here wore
preached morning and evening by
Rev. Me. Cranston, of Nalnisyston.
The weather was not peopitions and
the night dark yet the cnngr'egatimis
were good for such conditions. Well
tiered sermons were delivered to the
profit of the people who will be pleas-
ed to have. Rev. Mr. Cranston back
again. Monday evening an excellent
program was rendered by the choir of
Melville church, Brussels, nutlet, the
direction nf P. R. Malhefon, Music.
III -bill of fare was as fellows :-Open-
ing chorus, "Soldiers chorus in Faust"
full choir ; piano duet, "Overture to
"Zanlpa," Miss M. Jones, P. R. Mnl-
herol vocal solo, selected, Miss
Lethal Sern.nhan ; chortle, "Hail 'Smil-
ing morn," full obeli.; vocal solo,
"Best old fl•g on earth," F. H. Gil -
rep ' vocal solo, "Love's Echo," Miss
K. Deadturn ; chorus, "Russian Na-
tional Anthem," full choir; vocal
duet, "Ben Bolt," Miss V. Walker, P.
R, Mulher'in ; piano solo,- selected,
,Ir. Mulbei on ; vocal solo, "You'll get
heaps of'ii'+kiugs," Miss V Walker l
chorus, "\larch nf the roes of Hate
lech," full (hole ; piano Moe, "Merry
wives of Win,lem," Mies MJones, P.
11. Mulhernn ; vocal solo, '+Queen of
the earth," F. H. Gilroy ; (hieve,''0
Canada," full choir. National An -
thew. Audience vitas appreciative
and heartily enjoyed tele music.
Proceeds totalled $80,00. A tasty
iteiteeeetere we we
• eteiree d
,. `v.�,,�";. ti�
-amu. t� r
a b
December lt
tai The L•t'Jie,'Aid of Om l9rthrulist
A Church pit ruose holding.anote-
+- worthy ll,outr,at Il,,, h..nt" of
a tars, Thos. Vodtio , Ethel
o Friday, Dec, 7, opening tit? p.m.
• A
• a1
A large annply of
M1na1 taeTti at
-4 (sins will be On sole,
A ;,price 'lirelnlly eultabis for Christ- •
6 inns and holiday gifts tar Molds 6
'• 4 near er Par, ya
® Iioino•made Cooking, Candy, &a., will p
A also be there. •
• A 10 oetl. Lunchwill be served, . :,
• Proceeds go to the Now Ohurol+A'und, ,(e1
4r 18verybody will be welcome, so oeme A
• and help n geed cause, A
'keep en eye open for further nn- I
• nounor,uent,
e eeis*ee ort a wowa,ep'sav`4eee ow
Lintel ryas s, rued by the ladles of the
cony i eg1Ll ion AL I,hn 01080. 1i'. 11, Gil-
roy and A, 17,', !bossy assisted the
choir. Rev. lir. Me0uiloch pastor,
nettle a few appropriate eemarlte vol -
big the thanke of the audience to
choir for their excellent piogram,
dition to the Wingham General Iles -
piled is now almost completed. Hos-
pital 130ard has gone to a taiga ex,
pense in providing additional accom-
modation for patients and comfortable
quarters lot nurses in training, A
public reception will be held on 1'h urs -
da f a
Y a tern u l nand evening, Nov,. 20th,
from 3 to 0 30 p. in, In the evening
the graduating class will be preeenled
with their medals and diplomas, 1px-
eteises to begin at 8 p, tn. A cordial
invitation is extended to the citizens
of Wingham and surrounding districts
to be present to inspect the new build-
ing, A plate will be placed at the
door so that every one will have an
opportunity of contributing towards
the furnishing of elle new wing.
Are 000055ts ere due Dec, let. After thst
date 6 per cent will be added. Will eastomer.
please give this their early ubtenbfon,
&imam Boos.
The Auction Sale of Will. Livings-
ton, 10th Con„ totalled about $2,000
Township Onuuetl will meet Tues-
day, December llth to close up bus: -
nese of the year.
Mrs. H. McKinnon, 7th Con., has
gone to Collingwood to visit her
daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Robertson, fur a
few weeks.
Bible Society Collectors have been
calling on Greyites for thein auntie!
contributions to this splendid cause
and have been well received.
The Arnenb farms, 17th Con„ known
as "Camp Borden," has been receiving
considerable attention this Fall by
the owner's employees, who are trans-
forming them into fineproptirties.
This township was well represented
ab Wingham, last Monday at the
Nomination of candidates for the
Dominion Election. A. Hislop, of
Grey, and Jas. Bowman, Morris are
the standard bearers,
A 13ot1NoER,-A great crop ofsweet
clover was grown on the farm of John
A. Speiran, 10th Con., that attracted
no. small atbentioil. There were 10
acres of it from which were threshed
60 bags of seed. As it is worth about
$10.00 a bushel the value of the crop
is.n011 difflnult to estimate. It was
one of the best crops of clover seen for
many 0 day. 'Deputy Reeve McNab's
machine did the threshing and it was
no light job Pither.
PRESENTATION. -Jas. and Mis. Mc-
Oalliun, formerly of this locality, now
residents of Owen Sound, where Mac.
is Inspector of the finals in the Muni-
tion Works, were invited to the hotne
'of Mr. Deabeil and shortly after their
arrival a company numbering about a
score of the employees of the factory,
celled and presented 11r. and Mts.
McCallum with a large silver salad
ilislt and a beautiful silver
spoon. Aithnugh taken completely
by surprise "Jim"-macle a neat reply
thhalfof his wife and himself. A
;mouton of games foi)oved and a
bloat enjoyable limo tvas spent, Mt.
eitiCallinn is highly esteemed and the
company wished him and his bride
(who was formerly Miss Emma Hun -
Ler, of Oranbrook) many happy, prns-
per0ns years.
S doses Flour
:Will arrive in course of a
few clays. Special price
off car. Enquire from
t RUSSELS. ONTr1RtRIO. 7'HUA.s,UAY. NOVE.iMBER 22 Igl? W, H. KERR, Projyietor
OM MARKS AS ' IIGGS," who with his Co. and Highland Band
will appear in Town Hall, Brus-
sels, one night only, Friday, Novem-
ber 30th, presenting the very funny
Comedy. Bringing Up Father," and
refined Vaudeville. Gracie Marks, as
Maggie. Prices 35 and 50 cls. Seats
on sale at Fox's Drug Store.
Win. Baker, Lot 83, Con. 10, keeps
quite poorly. He bas been in poor
health for the past 8 years and spends
a good share of his time in bed. Mr.
Baker is '77 years of age, hence has not
the vl"ality to shake off ailments as in
earlier life.
AVOTION SALE, -A short while ago
the Hee farm of Jos. Whitfield. Lot 31,
(ion, 13, was sold to Fred. Tuck, Clif-
ford, on account of Mr. Whitfield's
desireto take a well deserved rest,
especially as his health has not been
as robust of late. The new propeietor
will get possession on December 1st,
hence Mr. Whitfield has announced a
clearing .Auction Sale of Farm stock,
implements, grain, &c., on Friday
afternoon of next week, 30th inst., at
1 o'clock, with F. S. Scott as Auc-
tioneer. Stile will be a big one and
list may be read in this week's issue of
THE POST. Mr. Whitfield has pur-
chased a comfortable home and Mot of.
ground, in Brussels. South, and with
hie fnunily, will neve to it next week.
They will be greatly missed in the
neighborhood, 12101.0 especially in
Union elethcdistb church where they
did their Ys titeu ptn•t splendidly fm'
many a year, for Mr, Whitfield was
born on the 12th Con., almost across
the road from the church, ;Many a
good wish will go with them to Brus-
sels for an enjoyable and happy time.
44444,64,64,64 ,64,6++++++4,4,44.64,
Women 1 Make Your
Own Soap
Learn how to make your owu e•
Laundry ,�
n of w
c ruiaute
4' at home. Stoma money, hands �
17 and clothes, lasts longer and is 4•
much superior' to kind you buy,
4. Pti,ited instructions mailed tip- .I.
4• on receipt of 25 cents. Achieves +
Economy Sales' Co.
81 Latour St Montreal, Que. 4•
Organ and Choir
Under the direction
Tuesday Evening
November 27th
Melville Presbyterian
Brussels, Oht.
8.1 o'clock
"VESTAL 8011.0" Turnor
No, 1 -Rejoice todlay with ono accord"
No. 2-Duett ; "O Lord of Ifenven tend Barth sod Sea"
Miss V. IVAI.ltlrlt
All+, W. M. 5lsctOl la
No, 0 -"We giro 'Thee but Thine Own"
(Unci us ,anie,1 Chorus)
No. 4 -Solo ; ',Blessed is the Man', ,
MO, 1'. 3t. Atu1:14uox
No, 0 --Semi Chortle '"Ills Lnrd Is My 8hophoni"
Mas, Sco7r, 11100 SIOMP1I4N Miss Pox,
toss SINCLAIia, AIR. UI005n, i,f1l• STRAenAN,
81401,411t, Ant Coition
No. 0-0110005: "l?rnlso Sod in tits holiness"
21311,1 °nein
VR11110olle Solo t "Boruouse from ,reoolyn . Ootlard
the in erree
Vocal sole, : "Open Lha Gates nt the+temple" Knapp
lubes loonni, Ss'1tAc13N
Organ solo.: CO. Sextette from "Lucia," Doniaotti
(D) lovensong. . Johnson
• Ma. Ours
Chorus,: "The Match of the Mon of liarleoh" Ilaroby
Pura, men a
Vocal solo 1 "with Verdure 0111)1 " from 'The Creatleo'
Mlas VeuNR 1dALkntt [Haydn
Viudhroollo Selo 1 Mennot. It O, Boothdvsn
Vona) Oslo seloot0l
Wrw OUT(
Organ solo : "Marche De MIlttafro" , Massenet
Wt. MULnant011
Violinaello Solo Serenade sslmbort
Aut, IlulmoN
ysoab Solo . Recessional 1Ciplirlg
00, 0OT1
Clients , "0 Oanada" , Brooms
Putt, (Meta -
(1rgan Solo 1tee melee" sparks
:b) "01100134 Amnia. clitlotte
(000 MAW) T'IlE 1(111(1,
Soprano ,.
Menet Soprano
MR, 1110ItT, U, 'CUTT
M1t, W. CLOU81d
MR. 1id,00Ln 000018
Organist and Accompanist
0R. ttU'r"TON
Itlndly note.'—After the Oratorio has
been rendered More w111 Ito a
Miss 14, Ohtche, of \Vasluul11, Mane
is 0 visitor tvitll Mrs, Alo-x, Azul.
strung, 7111 MO. 7.'11e VD+i1.111 15 11
(l:,uhhlr,' of the late Win, Olark,
formerly Clerk of 1110 Township of
This bucca 4V'IJh Livingeton, who
has been a re-peei•d young wan of the
10111 Con., fur yetu•s, left this (1(101-
mnnilycarrying the gond wishes of
all. tie sold bis 611 acre farm to Jas.
13, Fallon, llruseele, tubo is 110w 111
puseee ion and Mn', i,lvingsLull will
vieiL relatives at liot,wrll, Fort
Wiiligno and ether points before de-
ciding, where be will JotaLe.
Last Sabbath afternoon F, 11. Gil-
roy, Brussels, conducted the service in
the Presbyterian church here and
gave all interesting add view.
• Reeve Livingston hes been spend-
ing a considerable share of his time h1
Brussels, of late in connection with
the' Tribunal of which lie is a tnembee,
The name of Ooepnrel Frank Tarr,
well known 1u title locality, is t wcluded
in the list of killed lu France the are
sorry to state. Otte or the Snelling
boys is also said tn be killed,
A political meeting in the interests
of James terminal), the Unionist can.
ditiate for North Huron, will he held
in the school house here Wednesday
evening of next week, commencing at.
8 o'clock, when the candidate !unci
others will speak. Mr. Hislop or his
representative invited.
Oonductol' Ohas. Harrison, henther
of Marshal Harrison, was nominated
last Monday as Independt':'b Labor
candidate in Nipiseing cm,slieusnoy.
lie, is a conductor on the 0. P. R, and
Also Obairman of the Order of Rail-
road Conductors. His home hi in
North Bay. We hope to see him win.
Arr,oco:Mots are due Dna. 1st, After that
detail per cent will be added. Will customers
please give this their early attention.
BARn:RR 11005,
The price paid for the hate John
Mason's farm, 3rd line. was $5,350 and
not $5,000 as stated last week.
A large number from this township
went to Wingham lust Monday to at-
tend the Dominion Election Nomina-
tion proceedings,
The Tribunal at Brussels bas been
engaging the attention of a good
many of our young men. Exemptions
are numerous as the shortage of farm
help is a strong plea.
The Township Contrail at their last
meeting granted 810.00 each to the
Agricultural Societies holding Fall
Fairs at Brussels, Blyth and Wing.
ham. Ib was a proper move.
Jno, and Mrs. Clegg, 5th line, have
removed to their new home ab Wing-
haat, followed by many good wishes.
Miss Irene, who has beeu home, owing
to a bad cold contracted, accompanied
her parents.
Ward Sellars who was nperated on
for appendicitis 14 weeks ago; but had
a hard fight to make tile grade to
ward recovery, is now able to sit up
and will soon regain bis former gond
health we hope.
Before James and Mrs, Ninhnlsol,
4th Con., removed to GF inghate, they
lwer'e presented with kindly worded
adtltesses by Belgrevo Presbyterian
church, of lvhieh they were useful and
highly valued ulenrber•s.
A baby daughter was been to the
home of Joseph and air's. Davidson,
3rd 1111)', Wednesday of last week but,
we are emir's to state, only lived an
hour or 50, Mrs. Davidson is improv-
ing nicely we are pleased to say.
011 October 'OSth Corpnual Joseph
uill, son of James Yuill, of (iodericb
township, t sl and nephew It Alety of
p, obt.
1 Me -
4 line, Morris, Y, wets'
kill 1 i1
Hie we1
anti was in the chest,,
Deceased was 25 years or age and had
enlisted at Galt. He was two years
in France and flied as a hero.
Dr. Jun. McCracken, who is here on
a visit tells many interesting incidents
concerning overseas conditions in
ilugland, France and Belgium. Ile
spent one year in the service of the
Empire, the experiences of which he
will never forget, The le, hill re-
main at the parental home for a
while. He Inoks well,
Before removing from Holland,
llan., after a sucoeenful pastorate of
4 years Rev, R. A. Maunders, fo'nner-
lyof this locality, teas presented with
a kindly worded address by the con-
gregation, accompanied by a purse 01
gold, A meet suitable reply was
nettle by the pastor in behalf of Mrs.
Maunders and himself, His present
charge is Melita, Man,
Feiner OVERSEAS.- Octthee 29th
'vas Pte. Harold :ICerney's 2211d birth-
day and all hough overseas in Witley
Camp, England, a member of the 161st
Batt,, the day wee remembered by
more than the home folk. Between
Capt. Watt, wile pushes the Y, 1:1. 0,
A. and Harold 0 sit ung friendship, ex-
ists and former is designated "Dad”
while Harold is called "Son, a Wat-
erman Ideal foutltltin peal wilts accrete
panied by the J'olluwing kindly Note
which speaks for itself and is not a
bad recommendation for either parties
concerned ;--
eral nioeths I have had the horror• of
your feienclship. It has been a delight
to me to have you around and my one
wish is that we may .have the prive.
lege of; spending many happy flays
together, Kindly accept, this small
gift from nee, just a reminder of ynnr
22nd birthday, Use this diligently in
keeping the home rolls in leech with
their boy, 1101' forgetting A. D.
Yours es always,
Old friends here wish haloid many
happy returns of the dity and hope
his life and conduct will always tend
to the best thugs and deservedly re.
ceive Merited praise. Ise is. a son of
Frank and sire. Kerney, of the 4th
lino and know') to many of the reads
ere of',Leent POSIT,
Last Saturday Rubete McMierrav, a,
well known resident of the 411i line,
eelebraled hie 72nd bithday, in the
enjoyment of a large degm es of gee id
health. We wish him many happy
We ave pleased to state that Mee.
Joseph Clegg, en old and respected
resideutof Ihe"5th Hue, whose health
hasnot been very rugged, is consider -
obi y
onsider-ably improved and hey truly .friends
hope she will con lilt ma (0 gain,
Last week Th 00. Clark, 51h line,
purchased 50 notes of the adjoining
farm of David Hill, who bought the
McOraekon farm a allot b Lime ago,
The -ad illeion gives Mr, Clark 200 acres
And will suit him will. We wish him
ninny a good crop on it.
Fame Wreetter 0A11P,—Lance Cor -
120511,1 Jno. G. Anderson, son of Jas.
and Mrs. Anderson, 5th lime, who is a
mernbee of the Signal section, writes
of an outing they had to Chatham,
Faversham, Giliinghettr and Maid-
stone, the latter place being the home
of relatives of Sergi. Smith, with
whole he Was chumming. HP says in
a 20 toile hike there were 5 miles of a
el ED limdhhg them, 900 feet above sea
level. At Witley Camp they are 301)
feet above sea level. The boys have
won for themselves the title 'Royal
55th Division standbaeks Surrey Home
James and Mrs, Masters spent Sun-
day at Gerrie.
Win. Mc33Iichael spent the week -end
at his home here.
The Methodists are preparing for
their' Ch tines Entertainment.
Win. Thot'ntml has purchased Win.
Haney's house and expects to move
shoe try.
Mitre L. Hall was visiting her mist
Mrs, G. Ecktnier at Jamestown.
The church opening nextt-Sued
and Monday is the current topic.
Jun,„•Imlay, Wingham, has be
renewing acquaintances in Ethel,
Girl's Club will meet at Mise M
Lelland'e Friday evening of t
Knox church service was cancel!
last Sunday as it was anniversary d
at Cranbrook.
Did you markdown the date of 1
Bazaar 13 If not Friday Dee. 8 is L
time. See the advt.
Next Council meeting will be he
Tuesday, December 11th to close
the business of the year.
Miss Cowan, Donegal, Miss Steve
son, Elma, and Misses McDonal
Ripley, were visitors at R. Baer's.
Brick work completed on the offl
built by A. I3. McDonald. If weath
continues favorable for a while long
it will soon be habitable.
Next Tuesday evening Ethel Er
deavor Society of the Presbyteria
church will entertain eloncrieff Sooi
ty in the Township Hall here,
People of Ethel were shocked t
hear of the death of Lance Corpora
Charlie Forrest. We sympathis
with bereaved mother and relatives.
Ladies entitled to vote on ne
Franchise Act please send your name
in fall to Jas. McLelland, i.numerato
for Polling Sub -division No, 5, Ethel
Auction sale at hotel stables tva
slimly attended on account of the fin
weather, Stork came from the West
a heir quality, brought good price
and all were sold.
Service:in Methodist church wit,
taken by R. McKay last Sunday even
ing as Rev. lilt'. Johnston was a
Union attending closing series of re
vival meetings,
Lloyd Balmier, son of Augus Eck
mier. e who
has been
teaching '
c n 6 in tit
Wes is home West 1 le
r at present. He has
A en
listed fu the navy and will report a
Halifax for dray next week.
A clearing Auction Sale is annnnne
ed by Ohas. Cleaver, who recent)
sold his term on Con, 10, Grey ton'n
ship, for' Thursday, 20th lust„ with F.
S. Scott as Auctioneer. LIst of sale
may be read in this issue.
A monstrous pig was delivered here
by W. T. Patterson, 18111 Onn., Grey,
Lo A. L. McDonald, that tipped the
scales at 620 pounds and brought the
owner $90.00, A few of that kind
would soon pa for a house and lot,
S. S. and J. Cole, N. Addy and
Clarence Flood arrived home Friday
night ft•nru Motvat, Parry Sound,
bringing home as mach venison as the
late will allow which will mean no
meatlee5 days for them for some time.
The Bible Society Collectors, hiss
Lucy Sanders and 33lies Lillian David-
son, completed their canvass and
made their remotes. They did well
tiled thanks to the generosity of the
people, bad $28.55, the largest
amount for neons yearre. Ethel and
locality always do well for this
splendid cause,
CHURCH 0PE0100.— Sltnday, 251'11
lust„ is set as the date for the opening
of the Methodist church here, Rev.
E. le, Armstrong, B. D., Wingham, a
former pastor, will p1 each at 11 a. m.
and 7 p. M. and at the afternoon ser-
vice at 2,30 o'clock, Rev. W. i+,'. Staf-
ford, B. A., Brussels, will occupy the
pulpit. Free-will offering for Trust
Fund, Choice music will be given by
the clink, led by Jas. Anderson, Lnek-
now, Mrs, Joyet, Lueknon', and Ales.
Geo. Michel will give polos and dies
Javolm Nicklin, theme graduate P0,-
01110 Conseryatnt;v of nhu-le, will non.
tribute violin vnlnutaties. Bowl Sup-
per Monday (IVY/ling in the Leetur0
room from 5.30 to 8. This will be fol.
lowed by addresses by neighboring
clergy J salol by Mn,eJeynt end Mt'.
Anderson ;anthem by choir• and viol-
in numbets by' Mies NIeklin, ruin is
worth going chiles t0 hear. 'Pickets
75 cents 1 children 85 tents, Dedica-
tory serviette will follow on Sunday,
Deoember 2nd, when the President of
London Oonfereiuce, Rev. S. Max.
worthy, Exeter, will pisaih ab 11 a,
be, and 9jp. m. A great time le ex-
pected over these services and the
public is asked' to attend,
Under the auspices of the young
ladies will be held in the And -
fence Room ill' the
Public Library
Satvrday, Dec. S
Opening at 2.30 p. m.
No. 1 Booth—Devoted to Fancy Work,
Aprons, Haudlterehiefs, &o. Goods
suitable for gifts for the Holiday or
No, 2 -Home mode Confectionary and
Imo Cresco,
391,To. 8 -Home made Cooking.
No, 4—Maple Leaf Dirt Chaser, It cleans,
scours and polishes.
No 0—Tea Room where Lunch will be
served at all hours.
Proceeds of Bazaar will be devoted
to Red Cross pur poses and everybody
interested is invited to contribute to
the Booths alld also to patronize the
Invite your friends to the Bazaar.
Itis a worthy cause.
esThe usual afternoon preaching ser-
vice in the Presbyterian diluent' will
be withdrawn on account of the open-
ing services of the .Methodist church
next Sunday.
We are glad to see that Colin Mc-
Neill bas returned safely after a
week's holiday, visiting his home in
Walton and lie also took in the assiz-
es in the County town.
Friday evening of next week a poli-
tical meeting will be held in the Hall
in the interests of Jas. Bowman, the
Unionist candidate in North Huron,
commencing at 8 o'clock. A, Hislop
or represetative'is invited to take
Some of our young men will soon be
wearing the King's colors.
Christmas entertainment for St.
George's Sunday School is being look-
ed forward to about December 21st.
Red Cross workers please bring to
Hall all dark gray yarn and also
finished socks before end of month,
Last Sunday morning F. H. Gilroy,
Brussels, took charge of the servioe'in
Duffs church, in absence of the pastor.
There was some excitement on
deck during elle past week over sus-
picion of violation of the Canada
Temperance Act but the Donets did
not sustain that contention.
Last week Mesdames Lundy, Bruce,
Barris and Olark attended the Wom-
en's Institute Convention at London.
Rev. Mr. Lundy kindly book them in
Rev. Mr, Marsh, formerly of Hol-
stein and Fairbairn, has accepted a
call to Pickering and Brougham con-
gregations, where he has been acting
as stated supply during the past Sum-
mer. The rev, gentleman is a 5011 -in.
law of A, and &ire, Gardiner, Walton,
and well known in this locality,
A FINE Become -Mrs, Edward
Driscoll, an old resident of this com-
munity, who is over 70 years of age,
has knit 250 pair of socks, made 200
da'snot 1.'' R
and over el 5
O suits of'u
as since Red Cross work began here.
Well done. Walton stands •fah in the
County for work dole. If the other
200 lumbers would get busy like Mrs.
Driscoll We should stand 4th in the
RED URoes UNl0e1.-Following iifs
the report of Red Cross work for the
mouth of October :--
Balance from September.. „ $ 380 01
Teas ,........... 33 93
Grant from NoKillop Council 100 85
Donation from Hiss Connor3 00
Trafalgar Day (lonatton 64 05
Express charges
British Red Cross
Christmas Boxes
$ 582 74
.$ 35 05
85 80
14 88
$ ISO 18
Balance on hand....,. . $ 402 61
Button's School contributed 813.50 for
British Red Cross included in above.
Marys Journal Rays :-Since the 15th
of October, the Red °roes Rootn bas
been about the busiest piece in town.
Soule of the women have been there
almost every day, cutting and knit-
ting and with the Red Cense worker
in Toronto can say, "Nearly dead but
very happy." Two of the workers at
leach, should be "mentioned in die-
patches," both living on farms ; One
cants in carrying it large box ; the
committee opened it, and took out 84
shirts and pyjatuas, beautifully made.
"Sorely you got your neighbors to
help you," remarked one. "No indeed
I did not ; I made them myself."
"Would you like more i' "Yes,
I'll take two dozen pyjamas ; I have
to do my sewing at night and I can't
see to sew the dark flannel." The
committee gave her 18 -all that were
cut and in 10 days they were returned
and more taken out. Another work-
er had been helping all week ab a
neighboring farm where the threshers
Were at woric. She had 'helped to
make 40 pies and prepare dinner and
tett for 12 men besides 10 in the family
and still could spare two afternoons
for work at the Boa Cross Room,
' St. George's Guild will hold thele
annual Bazaar on . Thursday of next
week, 201h inst. Fine display is ex.
TO HER RelWARD,—I.ttst Sunday after.
noon it well known and highly esteem-
ed old resident of thie lueafily, in the
person of Ml's, Jas. Murray, answered
the roll call of the skies, aged 68 years,
A year ago when she was poorly she
went 1,0 Bruesels, to the home of an
old friend, Mrs, D, B. Moore, to be
near her physician and to have nurse
care, and 1t was not expected that her
epau of life would be long extended
but her vitality was a surprise to
everybody altbough at times else was
a great sufferer, Deceased's maiden
name was Isabella 3. Murchle, of Mc-
Killop township. She was married to
the late Jaynes Murray, 50 years next
April and resided in their comfortable
home on the 9th line, Mr, Murree*
predeceased his wife by 7 years. Two
sons, Alex. and Wm. sm'vive and are
residents of this locality. Mrs. Mur-
ray was a faithful member of Duff's
chureb and when able was an active
worker. Sunday evening a short sex -
vice was conducted by Rev. A. J.
Mann, at the home of Mrs. Moore,
Bl'1155P1R, after which .the casket was
conveyed to her former home here,
from whence the funeral took place
Paesday afteruoon to family plot in
Brussels cenetery, a suitable service
being conducted by Rev. R, A. Lundy.
A number of young men of this
locality have been before the Tribun-
als at Brussels relative to the Slmpire's
Mrs. M, Kerr, of Birch Run, Mich.,
is here on a visit with her another,
Mrs. A. Forrest. The latter may re.
turn with her for a stay of a few
A number from this locality were at
Brussels last Friday afternoon attend-
ing the funeral of the late Duncan
Taylor, an old and highly esteemed
former resident of this locality.
Next Tuesday afternoon Mrs. A.
Forrest, let line Morris township, will
hold a clearing Auction Salo of Farm
Stock, implements, &c., as she pur-
poses giving up farming. The list of
the sale may be found on page 8 of
this issue,
T. G. and Mrs. Hemphill spent Son -
day in Exeter,
Misses Willits, London, were visi-
tors here over the week end,
Mrs, F, Fisher is spending a few
days with friends at Fort/with,
Miss Sophie Robinson attended the
District Library Convention held in
Guelph Thursday of last week,
Mrs. W. le. Montgomery was called
to Elmira last week, owing to the ill-
ness of her son, Dr. R. Montgomery.
Dr, A. McLeod gave an address on
"Health" at a meeting of the Young
People's Society of Salem church,
Thursday evening.
The funeral of the late Mrs, John
H. McTavish took place to the Wrox-
on Friday afternoon
from the home of her son, Daniel Mc-
Tavish, Rowick. The deceased spent
many years on the farm crow owned
by her eon, and with her husband,
who passed away .several years ago,
was among Rowick's most highly re-
spected residents, She had spent the
lust 5 years with a. daughter, Mrs.
Cameron, of Gilbert Plains, Man„
where her death occurred.
We regret to learn that Reeve Reis
and f
am it
y are bout td e
W OYe-
Mr. Rale s having
rented eat R an oat.
meal mill in Galt, Mr. Reis came
here from Port Albert 17 years aim
and has been in partnership with 17,
Black in the flour mill, until this Fall
when he disposed of his share of the
business to R. Black & Son, Mr.
Bale was one of our most enterprising
altizens, always took an active part in
municipal matters and everything
that would.tend to benefit the village.
For many years he has been our rep-
resentative at the Co. Council, We
wish him every emcees in his new
Morris Council
Minutes of meeting held in the
Township Hall, Morrie, on Monday,
Nov. 12, Members of the 00uniiil
were present, the Reeve presiding.
Minutes of lase sleeting read and ap-
proved. A grant of $10 was made to
each of the neighboring Agricultural
Societies ab Brussels, Blyth and
Wingham, Following accounts were
paid :-Agricultural Societies, Wing.
hare, $10 ; Brussels, $10 ; Blyth, $10 ;
Grovel -L. ;Williams, $4,40 ; Oliver
Campbell, $5.00 ; Jos. Breckenridge,
$8,90 ; Thos. Wallace, drawing gravel,
$2 50 ; Duncan Campbell, shovelling,
$1.25 ; Thos. Smith, gravelling, 116
Rich. Johnston, lemb killed by dogs,
$1,5 ; Jas. Gibson, gravel, 50c ; Frank
Beirues, culvert, $5.00 ; Geo. Ilea, re-
fund of road work and gravel, $0;10 ;
Blyth Red Cross Society, $100.; Wal•
ton Red dross Society, $50 ; IWm, Mc-
Call, tile nn road, $5,00 ; A. Shaw,
salary and postage, $140 ; W. J.
Smith, gravel, $3,7160.0i; Dan. McDonald,
culvert, 52.50 ; eitch, putting 7n
culvert, $15 ; Peter Rutledge, on Mc-
Neil drain, $50 ; Beech Alooelt, extras
on Robb drain charged to Nichol
drain, $1.00.
A. I3IOE1VEN, Clerk,
Rev. E. G. Nowell, fortnerly of Bette.
sets, has resigned his position with the
Temperance organization, Loudon, to
regain his health, lie sulferecl more
seriously than was suspected in his auto-
mobile upset near Listowel a few
months two. Many old friends in elur-
on Co, wish him complete restoration
and at an early date,