HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-11-15, Page 84•Aii• "•••••••••••••010$114•4111440•••••••••••••+••wMille Ma Penne Was borne from the F.R. S M I I •/�t• i 4. rhe eAcallis stare It o To Cure that Cold New Methodist t'• i sehert Bark h syrup � Cough Hymoal Awl find out how superior It is to many other Cough Rem- edies- -It does not derange the stotnaeb I's taste is pleasant 1 e ,i large bottle for the money —I rn, v ns "o'Hing barmful —1 non s qu'ok relief Pu• up in 25c and 5oc bottles r. We also have ♦ O O -b VINOL—The Modern Tonic Ss.00 bottle WAMPOLE'S COD LIVER OIL S e.00 bottle Len T'S EMULSION 75c and $E.50 bottles BLOIID ROOT COUGH CURE 250 bottle ?.'MOLE TROKEYS 25c package '1".1 ROA'1' EAS zoo package Q' AL.L KINDS COUGH DROPS Had Orderlies d9 (our a mild laxative try Rexall + Orderlies. 150 & 2511 pkgs. 1- 'I'he result of Mx years' com- piling and revising is now ready and we have it in stook. As the este of these no doubt will be large, especially for Christmas, customers would do well to see thern while we have a full line, The prices range from 40c up to $3,00 each Dennison's Tissue Crepe We have just received a sup- ply of Dennison's Crepe Tis- sue Paper in the popular shades. The colors will please you. Price 120 roll Real Geranium Red 270 roll Also the latest patterns in de- corated Crepe, such as Blue Birds, Christmas Designs, &c. Jr the Box Overseas Enclose some Horlick Malted Milk Lunch Tablets • or B. & W. Tea Tabloids. F. R. SMITH 1.r +4+±4'44.++4.++++•+4+•+e +•+•••••••••••+•+♦+•••••+♦ ;T:e` e a,eJ_ Store Druggist and Stationer • w • • J,. O • a' + ••4. 4. •e • • • • 4. + •• 4. 1f .:1,; AN S'..1mmer. 'ok at the address label on tee:. n ober are faithfully practic- t c-vatien of fuel. ,.' 1917 given free to new �tur , icier He POST for 1918, Now 1)m v i eel your bulbs yet from the 1.•• u •nr'1 Society? Sz.00 makes v. ,1 ...n•.nle'r for a year. MR. iinowN father of Mrs. Harry 1 :tn.:: B ns•:els, diad in Brampton Mon- d of r,.r w• Or. Mrs. Tames attended the fu•erat. The old gentleman often v:s,'.•'t ','-re and •.vas a fine man. 'line Kao-, been received from Walter Sant., furan Mowat, Parry Sound D stud, that he has duplicated his ri-core et het year by securing a moose, W S is a good hand with a rifle and never fails to secure his quota of game, RED Cross Sewing and Knitting Con- test is growing in interest. First deliv- ery or 46mpiered work will be received Saturday of next week, 24th inst., at the Library audience room. Now is the Hine to hustle Are you a "lifter" or just', leaner?" The soldier boys de- serve it ail, \eleven, Loan received a good send off 'a,' Mun.lar in this locality. F. S. Scree (we of the canvassers, receiving ove•• Si eerie I;'s a good investment, s', p'r cent p;rtable half yearly and sums 1 as low as $5.. or, accepted. Help win the iv Ar Itv VlctOry Bond, Flats Are —Next 'Tuesday afternoon at 3.(eeenee at, on Kr'e Deadman, nurse, will g,vi , t ilk at the Red Cross Circle meeting n t1r0 Public Library. on "Flom, t. ring and first aid to the sick," Miss De-el:nen has completed her ere- . Pofunto and is competent to giv ,. t• .on (bit' should be most bele n1 1 eersbodywelcome. Dlr•e no uxmay —Will am McKen- zie, f..,,1. f Grey township, died at tl • h,mt ,f his slater, Mrs, Geo. Mc, N diol. Fetrlerick street, Brussels, on Tuesday of this week, after a short ill- ness, 04'tl 71 years. After his brother, Duncan died he came to Brussels, mak- ing his iionle with his sister -in law Funeral tnlfes pieces Thursday afternoon at 2.3e o'clock, Service at 2 p. m, In- terment in Brussels cemetery. Mr. Mc- Kenzie was unmarried. Lerme STARS,—Wednesday evening the Little Stars Mission Band of Mel- ville church held their annual 'thank- offering, with Mas B. S. Scott, Presi- dent, in the chair. After devotional ex- ercises the following interesting pro- gram was presented ;—Chorus, "We've a story to fell to the Nations ;" recita- tion, Jeep Stewart ; solo, Wilma Gal- breith ; grnmophene selection ; address by Mrs. (Rev ) 1 piano duet, Mar - joie. Ross and Jean Fox ; solo, Elva 01- iver; recitation, Winnifred Meadows; chorus by little girls ; "The Gratitude Tree," by 5 Ririe ; piano solo, Hazel Stewart ; reacting, Archie Ritchie ; solo, Marjory Campbell ; graniophoue ; dia- logue. Jean and Mac Ferguson ; solo, Miss 1. Strachan; chorus by older girls; pinup d5et, Misses Minerva Jones and Ruth Sinclair ; solo, Miss Gertrude Deadman ; rodding, Eche McCall ; piano 501o, Wilms. Galbraith ; recitation, Mamie Thompson ; recitation, Inez Mc- Nichol ; chorus by Rand ; offering ; Treasurer's report ; distribution of Son- fertloner y ; Nations% Anthem, Offering amounted to a trifle over S19.00, To this was :Odell $5.n0 through the gener- osity of Miss Belle McDonald, to con- stitute the youngest member on the Roll a life member. The honor fell to Helen, daughter of I. ll, and Mrs. Kyle. A good work is being well sustained by the Little Starts who have a fine record. LIVELY market for potatoes. See the advts, in this paper. LAST week J, T. Wood invested in a Saxon 6 touring car, 5 passenger. out of which considerable pleasure will no doubt he derived. Fred. Wood is a competent e e chauffeur. MRs. B. WHITTARD received a tele• gram last Friday from her brother, Pte. Nelson Agar stating he had been ad- mitted to 55 General Hospital, Boulogne on October 27th, with contussion of the leg. We hope tor an early recovery. He has been over a year in France. —o--- SOw for sale with 0 pigs 8 weeke old. Lot 15, Con, 5, Grey twp. Phone 4117 WESLEY 801InRa. Bov'e brown kid glove lost last Sunday. JACK °LIVER. 12 young pine 7 weeks old for sale. i Phone telt, R. C1naste, Burman tire off boggy lost between Lead - bury and Brussels. lrinder please leave at Central Rotel, Brussels. 18 CALVES for sale. Geo. ROnERTeoN, Lot 80, Cun. 15, Grey. CAR of cement at Ethel station for sale. Ap- ply to Sue. McNees, Brussels. Phone 4311. NOTrCE.—After this date all persons are for- bidden to trespass on my tote, North side of M111 street, Brussels, known as the Sheriff property, and will be prosecuted if they per- sist. Brussels, Nov. 8th 1817. Mita A. Staonsta. STEER Calf 8 months old for sale. RrortAnD Rog, John Street, Brussels. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE—Good frame house, 2/5 acre of land, fruit trees, well, &a., fn Brneeele. For further particulars apply at TEE PORT. Fon BALE. -1017 Ford Touring Car, only run. about 800 miles. Ras elip•eovere and extra tire. JAR. MASTERS, Biuevate, Port SALtt.—One Oxford Down Ram Lamb, sired by en import, Apply to R, 0. CAMPBELL Lot 14, Con, 18, Grey. Brussels R. R. No. 2, Phone 4818. COMFORTABLE house and good garden for sale. Property in good repair. For further particulars apply to Dins. R. T. RTNosTON, 16111 street, Brussels, COMFORTABLE brick residence for sale or to rent. For particulars apply to Mne. Geo, Bootees, et A. O. Dames, Brussels. WE are sole agents Inc the genuine Perold Roofing, manufactured by Bird & Son, Hamil- ton. Always buy. Pnroid and get the best, P. AMeas. THREE Short Horn Rune from 10 to 12 months old for sale. JAS. SPari, Lot 20, Con. a, Morris. Phone 108, DR. PARKER, Osteopathic Physician, visits Brussels Thursday afternoon of each week. Cheerio and nervous diseases successfully treated, Visits residences, Consultation at Queen's Hotel. --o-- THe Dominion Election Proclama- tions were posted up last week, Jos. Mallough, Dungannon, is Returning Officer for North Riding of Huron and Rbhert Wilson, Seatortb, is the Officer le South Huron. Nomination for this riding will be held in Wingham Town Hall, Monday of next week, from r2 to 2 o'clock and Election day will be Mon- dey, December 27th, polls being open from 9 a, In, to 5 p. m, It Is to be hoped good weather will preveil LIBRARY BOARD — Monday evening the Library Board met iu the Board room at the Library building, alt the members, Reeve Plum, F, S. Scott, A, C', Dames, F. H. Gilroy, B. S. Scott. Rev, W. E. Stafford and W, H, Kerr is their places, This was Mr. SU/field's Introductory. Minutes of last meeting read and passed, Treasurer's report showed $ale 00 on hand, Mrs A. J Lowry was appointed delegate to Library Institute at Guelph and Library will be closed Thursday of this week on account of her absence. It was decided to order at least $75.00 worth of new. books, Readers are asked to bend to the Secretary. F. H. Gilroy or Chair- man W. H. Kerr, the titles of bootee of their choice, between now and Saturday evening, so that a popular series may be procured, A Committee consisting of the Beard d 2nd Lir an b ori and Mrs. Teosie Kerr, Mrs. W. W, Harris, Mrs, Parker and Mrs, W. H. Rerr was ap- pothterl to select the new purchase, Board then adjourned, Normai Setloel, Stratford for the week cud AN Organ Recital will be given In Melville ehurcie under the direction of P, R, Mulheson rnesdity evening, 27'11 jest, Watch for posters and o'hir ua'icrs, Deecee TAYLOR DECwso,—Wednes- dee eittht'of thls t+eek, Duucau T., l.1' Dewed away et the home of his sot) iu- law, S C Wiisen, Flora street, is his 69•11 1e.tr, °bee iry next week. Lents are specially invited to the petition' meetiuy u1 13111sseie Tem Hall, Friday, evening 16 h lust., at 8 o'clock Everyone sheltie become coovetsaut, es far as pnseible, with conditions as they exist in Canada and also in this consti• tuency, Come and hear Cauadian politics cliecusseil Trott an indepepdent standpoint. Nor Cogttxo'r.—W. H. .Willis, Wing ham, who was in kowa 'Tuesday, arraug- ing for a public meeting in Brussels Town Hall, next Friday evening, wish. es THs POST to state that he never stat- ed, either public or private that be was in the field as a candidate for Parliamen- tary honors, as reported in the London Advertiser of last Saturday. ' BELGIAN RELIEF — n effort Lcz N RxL Is being g made to needy in id verycases of or - plum children, widows and refugees in Belgiutn, The Young Peop'rs Societies of the differeut churches a •d local s.hool teachers are lending a band In.soliciting money for this deserving emise. All funds left with THE POST will be credited in our columns and for- warded to the proper authorities for distribution. Early action ie hoped for, Prez —Considerable excitement took place at the home of Thos. Friendship, sr., Teeswater, one morning when after lighting the kitchen fire, this good resi- dent of the 'village returned to bed. The family ironing standing near the stove caught fire and had it not been that the support of the clock gave way and it fell to the floor with a crash the whole place migbt have been blazing be- fore anyone knew it. As it was the ilamege was slight. The Friendsbip fa•mi.• were former residents of Brussels, BeussELs Women's Institute will hold an upon meeting in the Carnegie Liln- ary Audience Room, Tuesday evening Nov. zoth, et 8 p, m. sharp, when a Debate, Country vs. City Life, will 'be put on. Harold Work and Miss Walker will upbold the affirmative and Misses Buchanan and Deadman will support the negative, Mrs, (Rev.) Ferguson who is at prseot attending the Women's Institute Western Convention in Lon- don, don, will give a report of that meeting. Music will also be supplied by local tal- ent. As the Institute works along Patriotic and Local Relief lines, a dolled- dem will be taken. Come and spend a profitable eveuiug, Everybody wel- come. HOME FROM OVERSEAS.—Major An- drew Monteith. who went overseas with the troth Battalion, has returned to Stratford. He had been gonejust a year as the noth Battalion left Halifax for England on November 1, 1916 During the time he was away Major hlouteith was identified entirely with the 8011 Re- serve Battalion into whit the lot 0 1.l teeth was merged, except for an observation trip to France. Only about 6o or 70 of the troth men remain ha Englaud now. Major Monteith says. These men are mostly unfit to go to France and are em- ployed in England. Uutil he -hears from Ottawa Major Monteith will not know what his future duties will be The Major had a law office in Brussels at one time. PAID THE Parrs.—Mrs. Wm. Brown, I65 Montrose eve , Toronto, received a cable Saturday, saying lier son, Pte, A, Gordon Brown, had been dangerously wounded Oct, 31st and admitted to the 2nd Canadian General Hospital, Letre.. port. with a gunshot wound in tine eb- domin, penetrating, and Monday a sec- ond cable saying he died of his wounds on the way to hospital at Havre. The young hero was well known in Stratford and vicinity as be had spent his boyhood days io Stratford. He attended Romeo School ; was on the Heuer Roll of St. James church ; a member of the Baracca Club and Y. At C. A. He enlisted soon after his 18th birthdoy with the troth "Pride of Perth," and remained with them till last March, when be was draft- ed into the 58ib Batt. and sent to Preece. He leaves to mourn bis loss a loving father and mother, two sisters (Lily) Mrs. R. C. Gardiner and (Elsie) Mrs F, 8. Gerry, and one brother, Will , serv- ing with the 205 Canadian Pioneer Batt., who enlisted Oot. 1915, in Strat- ford, and a brother-in-law, Sergt, Frank Gerry, Sr, Gee Instructor at Sborncliffe, England, HORTICULTURAL. Sneerer.— Tuesday eveuiug last we. k the annual meeting of Brussels Horticultural Society was held in the Board Room of the Library Build• ing, the President, W, H. Kerr in the chair. Minutes were read and adopted, Treasurer's report presented showing a balance of $46 55 ou hand after an expenditure of $138 45. A good year's work was reported, particularly seeing that it was the initial one of the Society. There were Ili members, who received two complimentary distributions of bulbs, shrubs, fruit trees, &c., one lot of the members' choice. 5 flower beds were set 001 to beautify the town and were a s1100ess and not interfered with, A Flower Show, held in September, evoked many compliments, $25.00 from sales going to Red Cross fonds while bnquets were taken to the sick and aged people of the town. Following aro the officers tor the coming term :—Hou, President, W, H. Kerr; President, Jas. Fox ; 1st ViceePresideut, D. C, Ross ; 2nd Vice -President, Miss Maude Fer- gusoe ; Secretary -treasurer, B. S. Scott; Auditors, H. L Jackson and G H. Ennis ; Directors, A Strecltan A. C. Dames, MN. A, C. Sacker, Mrs. le, Ameut, Mrs jbhn McDonald and Mrs (Rev 1 Lundy, After chatting over various phases of the work of the Socie- ty past and future, James Fox and Mie Ferguson were appointed delegates to the 0ntarion Horticultural Convention to be held in Torouto, Meeting clo::ed with National Anthem. The Society is peseuting each new member with bulbs for Winter culture consisting of 3 Tulips. 3 Hvclauths and 3 Nnrclasus, Tbose who have not joined Should give to their names at once se as 10 secure the Witte which are now to hand. A ctrcel- ar will he issued in due course setting out the options to be given the members fort 18 Adollar 9cannot be invested to better advantage than by becoming a member of Brussels Horticultarel Socie- ty. Whet flower do yon think should be chosen as the emblem of Brusseis e B R G. H. SAMMS, O. STANDARD BANK OP' CANADA HEAD OFFICE a TORONTO We advise the need les° of Canada's Victory Bonds se a safe and profitable investment in addition to being a help to your country. Any 33roaoh of this Bonk *111 take 250 your sub.oriptiou without °barks. USSELS BRANCH, MD O Manager. I People We Tall! About 1 $$ _ $$ Reeve Plum was a visitor with Clinton friends, M'rs. P. Scot was visiting during the pas: week at Seaforth, Mrs W. H, Willis, Wingham, was calling on Srusse's friends last week, Miss Mary McNaughton, Princess st., is not as well as usual this week, S and Mrs. Philips, Miss Robinson and Mr. Forrester, of Mitebell, spent Sunday with Wm. and Mrs, Robinson, Qneeu street. Mrs, A. C. Dames made a holiday visit to Mount Forest where her mother, Mrs, George Rogers and sister, Miss Nina, now reside. Mrs. Bert. Gerry, accompanied by her mother, Mrs, Livingston, leave for the former's home, at Fort Williem Thurs- day of this week, W. Totter fell last Saturday sod injur- ed several ribs. Mrs. Telfer ie also laid aside by trouble with her feet. We hope they will soon be o. k. A. and Mrs. Lamont and Miss Lill, and F. and Mrs. Klockman spent Sun- day with Sam. and Mrs. Bell, Teeswater. Trip was made in Mr. Klockman's car. Mrs. Win. Newsom left this week o' visit to ber daughters at Chicago. Nu small undertaking for a person over 8o years. She's good stuff and we hope she will have a fine time. Rev, W. E. Stafford, 13, A.. was ap- pointed a member of Brussels Public Library Board at the School Board meeting last Friday evening, as success- or to Rev. D. Wren removed to Mount Forest. Registrar Wm. Coats, Goclerich, was is town last Friday in connection with the Victory Bond sale, He has charge for Buren County and will make a first- class officer, T. Leckie end F. S. Scott are looking after Brussels and locality. PTE t,'1'IIS. MAYBEaRY WOUNDED.— We were sorry to beeriest Saturday that Will, Mayberry of this locality, was wounded in France from gunshot wounds in leg and arm and is now in the hospital. Many old friends around here wish him a speedy recover H want Y• e overseas with the 71st Battalion. THE POST is sorry to hear that Miss Gertrude Ross, daughter of D. C. and Mrs. Ross, town, who is teaching school at Port William, bas been ill with scar- latina and tbreatened diphtheria but is making a good recovery. Lowell/lately iter sister, Miss Doris, who is attending school in the same city, was at hand to render needed Help. Church Chimes Melville church choir give a Concert in Knox church, Cranbrook, next Mon- day evening. Next Suuday evening Rev. H. Smith will give a special discourse in St. John's church, on Howard,. Begbie's fine book, "Broken earthenware." Rev D. W, Snider, Secretary of the Lord's Day Alliance will speak in Mel- ville ehrn•ch next Sunday morning and in the Me.hodiot church in the evening. Misses Geitrude Deadman and Belle Henderson wcle elected to represent Melville Church Endeavor at the Prov- incial Endeavor Convention at Hamilton, Rev. Mr. Stafford tools as his subject last Sunday =ruing "Standard EfIici- euoy"which was made very clear by the aid of a chart., 'Evening theme was 'The must of immortality." NextSab- bath a short series of evangelistic ser- vices will be commenced to be continu- ed each week evening except Saturday at 8 o'clock. ++++ Women ! Make Yuur4. Own Soap 4' e4 Learn how to make your own Laundry Soap in a few minutes '1' at home, Saves money, bands + + and clothes, taste longer and Is + much enperior to kind you 'buy. 4• •I Printed instructions mailed up- 4. 'I+- on receipt of 25 cents. Address + Economy Sales' CO. 4. 81 Latour St., Montreal, Que. b • 1. ++-1.•-4'+•F+++++•t•+++++++•F++44+4' •••••••••••••••••••••••♦•• • ♦ ♦ •Photos:• i• For Xmas • • • --- ♦ • • • The inexpensive way of• • solving Ohristmaa gifts, ♦ • 0ne Photo. makes one • • Ohrielmas Present. • • STUDIO OPEN Z Friday & Saturday each week �• • G. S. FREE Photographer r • • BRUSSJ3LS • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• At St. John's church last Sunday -the Rector preached in the morning from the text "Be thou faithful until death, &c," Evening topic was "The gentle- ness of Jesus; with Scriptural founda- tion, "The ',bruised teed He will not break e " Thursday, 29th inst., is the date of a Conference in Melville church, Brussels, on After -the war couditlons. Maitland Presbytery is sub -divided into 4 districts and the gathering on the 29th will in- clude the congregations of Walton and Moncrieff, Cranbrook and Ethel, Moles- worth and Brussels. Meetings of the same character will be held at Kincar- dine, Lucknow and Wingbarn on the three days preceding Brussels. After- noon sessions will be devoted to a Coo- ferenee tvitb the Elders and Managers of the congregations and in the evening Rev. Dr. Strang, Home Missionary Secretary and Rev. W. J. Cock, of India, will give addresses. Miss Camp. bell, returned Missionary of India, may also speak, Rev, J, S. Hardie, Loch- alsh, is the convener of the Presbytery's Committee delegated to plan this impor- tant work. Blyth The three churches here are going to conduct revival services. Tbe, first two weeks started in the Methodist church on Monday everting, Rev. J. F. Knight, of Helvetii, will preach nightly. The Presbyterians will start theirs after the newear and the Episcopalians will start about Easter. Word has been received bythe par- ents of Pte. Wm. Hamm, ho enst- ed with the 1131st Huron Battalion and who was one of the first to volunteer to go to France, that he had been AlfommollAllltmosemootlleRsll9t111tEtRt! Oe+omllmmoEtQhptltl m,10ltl0 The Right Time to +Care ♦ E for Your Kidneys Don't put oft treating your Kidneys ff they are not acting,es 0 propet'7y. Btatb taking• Penslar Ouch and Palmetto Compound Y now and note how quickly yon begin to get rw:ults, You • will notice the paine 111 your back begin to disappeer in a Y very short time. 'Tide quick action is due to the 'incl', that 0 Penslar Buchu end Palmeeto Compound is composed of 1.110 hest ingredients to be 'found for the Lreatment of ailing 0' • Kidneys. Our experience with Ibis excellent preparation • • has been exceedingly satisfactory and we recommend it un. ■ hesitatingly,• 0 Put up in 50c and 161.00 sixes • es w X - i F 0 O • STORE DRUG` STORE • 0 bMEfEStiY•••®1taWt•S�t#•!•tIEEC t/Et3•■EEblt60O®i!••O0®®•ia••tr 9?tP/"14ir.7 seriously wounded in the stomach by of, the Dominion 33an10, Seaforth and Mrs. Stanley .L. Wright, Ottawa, shrapnel and bad been admitted to the 414th Casualty Clearing station. Word was also received that Olerence D1B7 Crawford, Londeaboro, another of the MaggNyiE Lr 8ruer.ts on Nov 18th 1017 privates of the 181st, had also been wm' tfeIlenzle, aged 71 years, wounded. Snoaate.—In Morris towneltlp, on November 8t1i, 1017, Jewett Sharrle, in hie 54th year. MoneriefF M. Struthees and F. Kress are re- ported in the casualty list the are 501" ry to state. A. T. Cooper, Co. Secretary, gave an inspiring address -on the Temper- ance question in Knox church last Sunday afternoon. Seaforth Mrs. Anna Sheehan, wife of John Sheehan, 62 Spei„'er avenue, Toronto, died suddenly al the residence of her daughter, Mra, R. Murless Jones, Sea - forth, at midnight Friday. She came to Seaforth on Thursday, the previous day for a visit to her danghter and to recuperate from anattack of nervous prostration, but despite an apparent improvement, she rimed a wy with very little warning. She is survived by her husband, one son. Karl, 3, Sheehan and two daughters, Mrs, R. el/melees Jolles, wife of the manager AUCTION SALES.. TRnaenAY N0',.15Trs —Yarm stock, lmple• menta, furnitun;e,, ba., at 3011301 Lot 8 Con, 10, Grey. Oslo resorvcd t t.1 Item. O, Liv ingston, Prop,; 8'.15. 105011, Ano, BRUSSELS-. MARKET 0 tent *2 00 82 61 Borley 1 10 112 Butter - 10 - 40 11 Hogs 1.6 00 16 50 Hay0 00 10 00 Potatoes per bag 150 150 Farm for Sale In order to wind up the estate of the late Janice Shaw the of 111lrusse 140 note farm adjoin- ing the ropert is a s, offered . for pale. Ohou e. Fa in n good honk horn lwt first - close tube hoose. Farm is all seeded doWnxeell ntkh ate ofcultivn of 'Meares toed ,, in .xleilof urat. cultivation. Poss.e,ap given let of Afnrah. For further partfoulara apply to F. S. SCOTT, Brussels, "My p err When Ambassador Gerard left Berlin, the only correspondent who traveled with him, and the last American Newspaper man to leave Berlin, was Carl Ackerman of the United Press Service. - Mr. Ackerman's dispatches appear exclu- sively in The Toronto "Daily Star." About once a month we "Scoop" every other paper in the Province with the aid of Mr. Ackerman and other United Press corre- spondents. The only Canadian Woman Correspc nndent in the War Zone-1Vliss Rosamond Boat - Ambassador Gerard bee—sends us dispatches exclusively. In London the veteran War Correspondent, Mr. F. A. Mckenzie, assisted by The Star's own Staff, cables the big news of each day. Thomas Geggie, late Sergt.-Major T.O. S.B., writes regularly upon Imperial and Military matters. The big news from the United States comes to us through the Chicago Daily News' special corrcapon- dents, as well as their War cable service. 'We also carry the cable service of Windermere of the "Montreal Daily Star." - We maintain our own staff in Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec and Winnipeg, and our local News Service is right up to the tninute. Our special articles are contributed by .foremost writers on each subject. • Our regular news service consists of all Canadian Press, American Associated Press and Canadian Associated Press dispatches. 'We also have exclusive rights to the pictures of the London Daily Mirror, Underwoods, Daily Mail, Topical Press Services, as well as Canadian Official War Records, Sports, etc. In brief, The "Toronto Daily. Star" is one of the great broad -gauged newspapers of the World. lay reading it you will be kept well informed upon every subject that a good citizen and mats of the World should know about. Read The "Toronto Daily Star" each day. You will thoroughly enjoy it, and be glad to acclaim it in all sincerity as "1Vi Y PAPER 1" Order it to -day, Carl Ackerman. "W indormera," ioronto ally Florence Boultuee Sergi, -Major 00951. F. A. McKenzie,;