HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-11-1, Page 804.41.4.01,
� How do You Keep the
+ pictures You Take ?
4 Pictures neatly mounted in a Kodak
1• i i•O.F4.1.,44+•+4,49+•.4+4,44 , ,r..+. +.+.+.+.+•.♦+t1 z xNtilz meeting neat Mononv
=Morris fa( in offer d f 1_.
! r Rr • e tet sae by
8 M' 7 �
Auction sale last S Saturday afterngon, at
The e/X.Ct22, Store
You May
Album are safe against loss or injury
and nicely displayed and titled on
the page of the Album, gain much
both in interest and effect, We have
recently received a new lot of
Kodak Albums
which are especially good values,
from the small paper bound one at
15c up to the large leather bound
one at $4 25 -and thea there are
some very suitable ones at
50e and 81.00 each
Ask to see the
Dry Mounting Tissue
for puttingthe Snaps an Album
-Much better than paste.
1, Now would be a good time to have
♦ a new lot of Prints made from some
• of your Negatives for the Album.
4. films Developed and Printed.
• -
T. The Store Druggist and Stationer
6r • 40.1.••t•♦•P••F•3•0+0+0444444+0411 •t•♦+••IN+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+♦•t•♦
Blood Root Cough Cure
We sell more of it tbaaof all
others combined. It is a safe
and reliable remedy for
cold, Each bottle contains
more than the usual quantity.
25c and 5oc thottles
Cutex Preparations
For the Malls
Outex Cuticle Remover
Cater Polishing- Paste
Oates Nati Polish Cake
Cutex Nail Comfort
Cutex Nail White
86o and 75e pkgs.
Orange Wood Sticks, 50 each
Sunset Soap Dies
This lea Dye that both oleans
and dyes the goods at the same
time. They are proving Batlee
factory and Dome in all the pop -
Mar shades. -15o sake
Caustic Soda
With advancing Soa s
pwnLwhy not
your own
yy Laundry
from Canstio Soda. A 6 ll$ tip
et 86o will make a large quanti-
ty of good Bard Soap,
The new Tonic, Medicine, 21 bot.
aeZ j1 ebbs Pins
A TOUCH of Winter.
THE Pose. gives the news. Help us
do it,
FALL Assizes open in Goderich next
Next Monday will be the eventful 5th
of November.
A Haw terrine has been installed in
the Bark of Nova Scotia.
GET eeadv for Tax Collector Oliver.
5 per cent will be added after December
Free engine received a thorough test
last week and was found to be in first-
class condi'ion.
FIRST monthly Horne Fair Thursday
of this week. They will be continued
monrly until next Spring,
LADY's ieatheret glovelost. Will find-
er kiud!v leave it et THE POST and re-
ceive the blessing of the loser,
Is the electric light were turned on
half an hour earlier these dark evenings
the users would be thankful and it
would save fussing over lamps,
DON'T forget the Bazaar and tea in the
Town ]Tall this (Thursday) afternoon,
under the auspices ' of St, John's
church and the choice program in the
THIS week Walter Scott, F. Embury,
F Duncan, Bert. and Mrs. Allan and J.
D Melville leave for Pakesley, Parry
Sound, where they will have their annu-
al deer hunt.
Sosus say we are to have a long, open
Fall, We don't count much on weather
prophets but will be glad to see a month
of Rae Autumn weather, particularly
when fuel is scarce.
JoRN WRtowr has a great fancy for
novelties leis latese is a collection of
23 varieties of Maple leaves. He has
site xed them and; s sending them as re-
minders to our soldier boys oversseas.
He has some beauties.
HoRTICUL'PURAL,--Tuesday evening of
meet week will be the date of the annual
meeting of Brussels Horticultural Socia.
ty, at 8 o'clock, in the Library audience
room. If you have not joined vet hand
in your name and share in the good
things to he secured. Caen el THANKS. -We wish to return
DON'T forget the Auction of Farm our sincere thanks to many friends for
stock. implements, &c„ at L. Hollinger's kindly sympathy, in word and deed dor.
(adjoining Brussels) Friday afternoon of ing the short illness and subsequent de -
this week F, S. Scott will be the mise of husband and father. Words fall
Auctions r..
e MrHollinger's lease will Ear short of expressing sslng our sentiments.
expire shortly Tyand Is the reason tor thesale, List in this weeks issue of THE
wond's, of Toronto (Canada's Greatest
Hain Goods Stores) invite you to see
their display of fine Hair Goods at the
American Hotel. Switches, Pompa-
dours. Transformations, Self-Dresslbg
Waves, etc„ for Ladies and Toupees and
Wigs for Gentlemen who are Bald.
There is no charge for demonstration.
MARRIED, -By notice elsewhere it will
be seen tint Miss Mabel Thompson,
formerly of Brussels and W, H. Hello.
well,. of Toronto, were united in mar-
riage:in St. Matthews church, Queen
city, on October est, by Rev, i• H,
Hartley. The young couple went to
Buffalofor n wedding trip, Mr. Hello
well i5 on the N,stnn.staff, We wish the
bride mad groom prosperity.
SitowER,-Monday evening a number
of the young people of the Methodist
church called at the borne of Miss Jessie
Cunningham and presented her and Miss
Whe of with a handkerchief
ter Toronto, A jolly time was spent,
good wishes expressed, confectionery
served and the company separated with
"For they are •Jolly good fellows."
Misses Cunningham and Wheeler ex -
messed their thanks and esteemed the
kintlness Most highly.
TURNIP crop comes next.
ARE you in the Knitting Contest 1
TIER scoop shovel and the strayed dog
were both returned to their respective
owners by the advertisements in THE
POST. If you want to do business that's
the route.
THE new Poultry Station being fitted
up by Robert Thomson at the G. T. R
Is well on toward completion and will
put him in better shape than ever to
carry on the business.
RED CROSS. -Don't forget the annual
Red Cross meeting Thursday evening of
this week at 8 o'clock sharp in the Audi-
ence room of the Public Library. An-
nual report, election of officers, &c., on
the program,
LosT,-A pure white heifer coming two yrs.
Any information concerning her whereabouts
will be thankfully received, Taos. D Hamm
Tort, Listowel R. R. No. 2. Phoue 13 Moles-
worth. 19.8
57550 Calf 8 months old for sale. ETcaARD
Ros, John Street, Brussels,
hoose, 2/6 acre of land, fruit trees, well, &e.,
in Brussels. For farther particulars apply at
Trot PoeT,
Fon RALE. -7017 Ford Touring Car, only ran
about 800 miles, Has allp•uovers and extra
tire. JAS. MASTERS, Bluevale,
BLACK Goat Robe, with green lining, lost.
Will finder kindly leave it at THR PoST,
FLOWERS AND PLANTS. -Any person wishing
to pnrrhaae towers and plants et the Brussels
Greenhouse may secure the same by calling on
MISS BELLE WALKER, Turnberry at., South.
Fon SALE. -One Oxford Down Ram Lamb,
aired by an import, _Apply to R. 0. CAMPBELL
Lot 14, Con. 18, Grey. Brussele R. R. No. 2.
Phone 4818.
COMFORTABLE house and good garden for
pale. Property in good repair, For further
particulars apply to MRS. R. T. HrNoaTON,
MILT street. Brussels.
COMFORTABLE brick residence for sale or to
rent. For particulars apply to MRs. Geo,
Rooms, at A. 0. Dames, Brussel
Roofngr, manufestured tor the
.b Son Handl
ton. Always bay Paroid and get the beet,
THREE Short Horn Bulls from 10 to 12
months old for sale. JAS. SPEIR, Lot 20, Con.
6, Morris. Phone 100,
DR. PARKER. Osteopathic Physiolan, visite
Brussels Thuradey afternoon of each week,
treated, Vlaite nervous diseases
Consultation tat
Queen's Hotel,
uraterully yours,
THE Ridgetowa Dominion, that was
ably edited for many years by Phil,
Bowyer, has been sold to E. V. Bing-
ham, who is now in possession. THE
POST would like to see Mr. Bowyer drop
into one of those yacaat seats in the
Dominion Senate. He would likely
wake some of the old covey's up.
FINS TIME. -Monday, a social evening
was given by the Epworth League.
President, Miss F Bocbanan and Vice
President Miss Eva Bryans, in eom-
mend. An interesting debate "Beauty
vs. Wealth" was given, Geo, Edwards
and Miss Jeseie Menzies upholding the
former and Fred. Wood and Miss Grace
Walker supporting the latter. All did
well, The judges, 5, S. Scott, Miss
Jennie Rands and H. L, Jackson, gave
decision for affirmative. Miss Vera
Hoover contributed a humorous reading
and Miss Jessie Cunningham a fine solo,
The company was distributed around 12
tables, located by the month of the year
in which their birthday came. The
shower, prior to the young ladies going tables were decorated to represent the
month and as the roll was called, start-
ing with January, responses were given
froth each group, July won the box
of candies for the largest circle present.
$32 cc, was the financial reeult. Heflin
and the Benediction by the pastor con.
eluded the enjoyable program.
the Anne leen Hotel, Brussels, was n
sold It 'a still in the market,
WEDNESDAY was Hallowe'en, Save
parties were held to eomtnemorate t
event accompanied by the usual frolic
Brussels school in the number,
not be any Library Institute at Stratfo
this yettr Several of the Institutes ha
been combined and wilt meet in /40114
the end of November.
THE C O. F. members who brav
the unfavorable weather conditions
Tuesday evening had a greed time in I
Lodge roorn. (carpet balls, lunch, &e
were on the program
GETTING 13ETTER.-Mrs. Jno. Tbib
dean L!etowel, writes THE Poso, as f
lows ;-Received a letter today from to
husband. He is improving fine and h
gone to Aberdeen, Scotland, on sic
leave. Expecte to go to France agai
later on. He wns, wounded in the le
IRISH PiLLS,-Tuesday morning HugR Elliott, Brussels South, presente
THE Pose. with 2 fine specimen of pot
toes that weighed se• pounds, The
grew on the farm of Robert Cochran
14th Con„ Grey township, and war
part of a dandy crop, about 150 bushel
being grown on an acre of land. On
feature about the potatoes was the a
senna of little fellows. We don't kuo
the variety as H R, said "they wer
just potatoes" and we will have th
pleasure of sampling them. If some
body would bring us a scuttle of coa
now we'd be happy for a while
Dr, M. H. Moore, Listowel, receive
word Monday, that his son, Lieut. H. C
Moore, was wounded in action on th
272h. The young bero enlisted with th
moth and later was transferred to th
4111 Mounted Rifles, The official coin
munication states that Lieut. Moore is
suffering from gunshot wounds in the
right shoulder and head and that he has
admitted to the
general hospital at
W i merea
x, France. Capt Moore, Dr.
W. M. Moore and Lieut, Ambrose
Moore are uncles of the wounded officer,
who is a former Brusselite. We hope to
bear at an early date, of improvement.
a -
MONDAY evening the Business Mens'
Association convened in the Board
Room of the Public Library. Outside
of routine business the question of coal
supply, street watering or oiling next
season and shorter hours on Saturday
night were discussed. F. H. Gilroy and,
Jas. Fox were deputized to collect the
unpaid membership fees. Regrets were
expressed over the demise of G. N.' Mc-
Laren, one of our number and the
wreath supplied for Mr McLaren's cas-
ket ordered to be paid. Next meeting-
eetingwill be held the last Monday evening in
November. Secretary was instructed
to call attentiou of the Coal Controller,
Toronto, to the shortage of supply and
the necessity of prompt action,
REOLAIMINr. MEN. -The State Journal
of Madison (Wisconsin)) of Oet 25th
says of a former Brusseli•e:-"Making
of meq is after all more important and
more satisfactory than even .the_ selling
of Ford cars." said Dr, A W. L Gilpin,
manager of the Ford branch in Milwau-
kee, in closing a sales talk to 75 dealers
from nine Counties at a banquet in the
Park hotel last night. He had referred
bri, fiy to what the Ford company had
done in reclaiming human wrecks and
restoring them to useful citizens and
reached tbe conclusion that manhood
was the best thing in the world. It was
a wouderful talk on salesmanship given,
by Dr. Gilpin, who is a postmaster in all
the ins and outs of the sales system and
his hearers were deeply impressed with
the opportunity that awaits them at
their very doors. In connection with
the sales talk moving pictures were
shown of the new Ford tractor in action
in the field, doing a variety of different
things These will be shown later in
the local theaters for the benefit of the
general public " Dr Gilpin is the only
SOn of J J and Mrs. Gilpin, Brussels
and well known in town.
$ People We Salk Abo... $
tt tt
M. Yolleck, df Toronto, was in town
last week.
Miss Stella Gerry was holidaying with
Guelph friends.
Y R Mulheron was visiting his par
en is at Campellford last week.
Mrs. Geo, Birt and grandson. Leonard
Walker, were visiting at Toronto,
I C and Mrs. Richards and Misses
Mina and Clara Hunter visited Godericb
frien is.
G H Semis, Manager of the Standard
Bank, Brussels, spent tbe week end in
Miss Erratt, Auburn, is the guest of
the Misses Hunter, The visitor is a
cousin. -
Miss M. McCallum, Stratford, was
calling on old friends in Brussels on
Miss Marion Forrest is home from an
extended visit witb relatives in Wood-
stock locality.
W. lesson, Toronto, was a visitor at
the home of J
T and Mrs Wood.
is a h other in law
Rev, lames Hunter end daughter,
Aline of Charing Cross, are visiting the
former's sisters this week, John street,
Neil Milloy is spending the Winter in
the House of Refuge, Clinton, where he
will be more comfortable than living
alone here,
Misses Jessie Cunningham and Laura
Wheeler went to Toronto Thursday to
continue the study of Telegraphy. We
wish them success.
John and Mrs, Little have become
residents of Brussels, moving from thoir
homestead, 4th line, Morris township,
We b d themwelcome. rimy are living
on M+il street.
Pte, Earl Amen was home for a brief
visit Pram Battle Creek in uniform He
Is training at there and may go overseas
shortly, where his brother Scott has
been for the past year,
Hon, 'P. A., Crerar, who has joined
the Union Government as Minister of
Agriculture, is an old Molesworth boy
and a grand -nephew of Mrs. James
Menzies, William street, Brussels. He's
a clever fellow and will fill the bill,
J. H. Kerney's health isnot any too
robust and, it is said, he and his family
will take up residence in their old home
in Brussels Where Mr. K. will try the
benefits of a good rest. While regret-
ting the educe, people will be glad to
have Mr and Mrs Kerney and daugb-
terS back to town for a while.
of a(toes
Any person having Pota-
toes for sale should, be-
fore selling, call and see
or telephone
W. J. McCracken
RS Phones 43 or 27, BRUSSELS
BLVD 1877
Money Orders and Drafts are
issued by this - Bank payable in
all parts of the world.
G. H. SAMIS, D D O Manager.
MISS Verne Walker was soloist at the
Presbytrrfan church anojversary services
at Ethel h last Sabbath morning and even-
ven•in Geo. Crooks, who has been in Cal ars
for the past 18 years was here this week
on a short visit with his parents, George
and Mrs Crooks, Albert street. It is 8
years since he was 'here, Mr, Crooks
wasalown On a purchasing trip as he is
launcbiu 'outIn the furniture business
on bis own hook He is an old band at
1t, learning his trade with R. Leather -
dale, Brussels. We wish him success.
Albert Whitfield, of Cass City, Mich:,
has been visiting his uncle and aunt, T.
E apd Mrs Whitfield, Queen street,
town, and also with relatives, in Grey 1
township. He is son of Jno. Whit-
field, Bowelsland, Alberta, The visitor
is on the call list for military service and
expects soon to don the colors. His
only brother, Will., who enlisted at
Winnipeg, made the supreme sacrifice
last Summer in France. -'
Church Chimes
Next Sabbath morning will be quer-
terl communion n in the Methodist
churcb. Fellowship meeting at ro
o'clock, preaching at 11 followed by the
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, The
pastor will conduct the services of the
Last Sernelay Rev, H. Smith, preached
excellent discourses in St. John's church,
In the morning the text was leretniah
12 5 and showed the impossibility of
meeting big trials if little trials depress
and dismay unless by the help of the
Divine Spirit. Eveniog subject was the
Martyrdom of Stephen (t) Christiani-
ty gives the grandest View at the most
critical times ; (2) It gives peace in ad-
verse circumstances; (3) It gives the
greatest reward for faithful service.
Rev W. E Stafford dealt with Mis-
sions last Sunda. Morning subject was b
"A world wide conquest," and in the h
evening a most appropriate and nom- 0
prehensive address was given on China.
In addition to a duet by Miss Isabel I
Dark and Will. Cardiff, with a chorus c
by the choir, the Ladies' Sextette sang
au appropriate selection, "Make me a g
2 culverts, $312 00 ; F. Beirnes tile and
work ...en McGaughey drain, $1 50 ;
Geo, Kelly, drawing gravel, $28 501
Beach Alcnek, tile. 400 ; Je--Lawson,
gravel, $3 80 ; Duncan Campell, clean
ing drain, $5 00 ; D. Johnston, draw-
ing nut verts, 53.00; Peter Rutledge, on.
McNeil drain '$1.00; Thos. Bryans on
McNeil drain, $37,110.
Next meeting will be Nov, 12th,
A. MAOEWEN, Clerk.
Wheat and the Victory Bonds
"Good, as the wheat" is an oldmot-
to, about as much the last word in
meaning as "Safe as the Bank of'' gng-
land." A bag of No. I Northern,
clean as a whistle of cockle and fox -
tail, was a symbol of pure value long"
before gold was known, in the world.
_Wheat has , been found in the Pyra-
mids, The Egyptians just about
worshipped wheat. The Bible
calla it
corn, so do the English. But when
we say "Good as the wheat" we refer
to the bushel of brown, hard kernels
worth by Government fixture this
year $2 20. In the memory of living
man when did "good as the wheat
mean more than it does now 2 Never,
A bag of wheat weighing two bushels
and a peck tots up in 1917 to just
about the value of a five -dollar gold
piece. But of course no roan wants
gold for his wheat. All he gets ie a
made out in his favor on some
bank and signed by the manager of
some elevator company or milling
concern, The check is converted into
bills or goes on deposit. Good wheat;
good paper nobody asks any questions,
Becanselthe Company is o. k, and the
ank is sound. If any wheat seller
ad any doubt of either he would ab
nee demand something else,
"I sold gond wheat," he would say.
want aomething as good in ex-
What made the wheat good 2 The
ood farmer behind it. A. poor farm -
power for good " Expecta'ions are for
liberal contributions to Missions. Brus-
sels and Cranbrook Methodist churches
gave $600.00 last year.
Morris Council
er can make good seed into poor
What makes the paper money gond 2
The security of the corporation whose
name it bears. The sounder the core
poration, the nearer the paper comes
to being as good as the wheat. But
even a big Company may go "broke:"
sok of the corporation 1e a concern
Minutes of meeting held in Town- 13
ship Hall Monday, Oct. 15th. 1917,
Members were present, Reeve presid-
ing. Minutes of last meeting read
and approved. Tender of Fred,
Haggitt on the Laidlaw Drain was
accepted at $1110 00. Motion by
Laidlaw-Johusion. Carried, Elston
-Fraser, that Engineer be notified to
inspect Magee drain with a view to
having it repaired where necessary.
Carried. Following accounts were
paid t -D. Ramsay, fumigating school,.
$10 00, $2'00 ; W. Abram, fumigating,
3 houses, $4,50 ; R B. Alcock, tile for
Hanna drain, $290.25 ; tile for road,
$3.20 ; Wm, Cook, cleaning Mason
drain, 54000; putting in culvert,
$5 00 ; Ti. Duckett, bile far culvert,
$300; T. Smith, widening road,
$13 ft ; W. Davidson, cleaning drain,
520 75. Gravel -Jas. Peacock, $14.90 ;
A. Pollock, $1 00 ; Gen. Kerr, $1.10 ;
Jno. Barr, $130 ; W. Salter, $2.70 ;
John Hopper, ase of scrapper, 50c ;
William Skelton 60c ; C. Camp-
bell $1.80 ; John Hopper $5.70 ;,
Jnn. Barr, $410 ; 0. Leppard, 53 00 ;
J. Peacock, $2 50 ; shovelling, Anson
Shaw, $200; W. Jermyn, drawing
gravel, $5,00; Wm. Taylor, shovelling,
$225; McKinnon Bros., gravelling
North •
buy„ $70 20 and Wingham bdy.
$79.50 ; L. H. Bosman, inspecting
gravel North boundat y, $0 00 ; Jas,
Leitch, gravelling, 41,13 line, 83010 and
gravel, $7 20 ; Herb. Manning, Statute
Labor, 80.00, gravel, MAO ; W..1,
Henderson. work on North bdy,,
$11 00 ; Harry Hopper, fixing ctilverb,
$3.00 , R. Procto', tile $5 40 E. Arm-
strong, gravel, $5 30 ; Ingot Iron Coe'
whose guarantee on a piece of paper is
better than either. The pledge of the
Doniininn of Canada to pay any man
money far value received is as good as
tmhe wheat and as safe as the Bank of
The best pledge of the Dominion of
Canada to pay is a Canadian Victory
Bond ; better than checks or bills -AS
GOOD AS WHEAT 1 Suppose you
change that twenty bags of wheat on
your wagon, not into a check or notes
or even gold ; hut into Canadian Vic-
tory Bonds of $50 each, bearing inter-
est atflee and one half per cent, per
annum and as negotiable on the mark-
et as the best check or the best load of
wheat you ever caw 2 `It's worthcon-
Car Load of
Pot at
oe s
Apply to
Alf. Baeker
•••••NN♦•••••••••••••0• •••♦ •
2. •
�- rIIrgishjnQs
j And will Sell All lines At Cost 1
Men's Heavy Underwear Hats Caps 2
t Working Shirts Fine Shirts
Tien Collars •
• •
• Summer
Underwear polmawitieoavnwmeoney
•About fifteen loft that
• Rain Coats ere new and nine. ••
s 1
1 Caps from $,25 to $135 AO for $1,110 z
BARTLrtrv.-le Clinton,.on Oct, 18th, 1917, to
Mr, and Mrs, Harry Bartliff, a son.
OURRIs,-At Yonne, Bash., on October 1012,
1817, to. 3.7r. and MIS, James R. Currie, a son
-Walter Gordon,
DUNrottn -In Gaderiob hospital on Oot, 20rd,
1017, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Danford, Clinton,
a 0eri,
HAMILTON -in Ethel, on October 28th,1017.te
Mr and Mrs, R. S. Hamiltdn, a sop,
PEAasoN.-1'n Grey township, on October 80th,
1917, to Mr, and Mrs. Joe Pearson, a son -
George Thompson,
WRIORT.-Ar Carberry, Man., on October 24t19
1017, to Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wright, of the
Bank of Hamilton, a daughter.
The Perzslar,Store ea
a •
!; n , to a
s' « Sxee
a . a
aFort Tl^iI«'
s i•3
a iloysilvarseas i
g s
co0 �0
4 IN the ocurso of a very short
o time the boxes for our Sold 3
ler Boyer will have to bo
pocked and sent away. Sume- t9
times its a little hard Ito know 3
a just what to send, Below we a
a enumerate a lief of the articles fs
e we can supply and would ask 3
you to kindly retain' the Ilse for O
Deinking Oupe a
Gillets and Au tostrap Razors s
Tooth Brushes
Shaving Brushes 3
Red {rose Tape
Tooth Paste
'Vaseline Tubes
Hot Water Bottles ee
Pipes EO
Couer a
Soaprt 0
Fnirt PPlastnlvder
Shaving Mirrors n
Pocket Combs re
Fountain'Pens to
TOhralcuwinm gGPowder
Cigars a
® Ocus
0 Saltedxo Pebeanuts 0
O Ohiclets tt
® Gaines' 0
® Puzzles (O
A3 : Shaving Lotion
3 'We will be pleased to supply
e your wants., e
m 0
0 Aasaaaaaasameeeaseseeeaallea
HELLowere, TnoNBore-At 85. MatthewB,
ebeh, Toronto, on Oot. 1st7017, b3' Roy. •
J, B, Hartley, Mr. W. H. Hallowell, o Miss a
Mabel Thomson, (formerly of Brussels) all
MILNs.-In Elma township, on Oot -28th, 1917, a
Ida Hewitt, beloved wife or Robb: Milne. •:
aged 40 yearn, 6 months and 12 days. i
FRIDAY, No5EMDan 25.n. -Farm stook, im• Ca
e &o.
Lot 2
Grey town- agyeh1p (adjoining Brussels.) salaaSlp,m. L.Holngor. Prop ; 1, 8. Scott,
42 06 42.07
00 00
110 116
40 90
41 15 25 16 15
Notice to Creditors
Io the matter of the estate: of Jane Kelly,
late of the Village of Brussels, in
the County of Huron, spinster, de-
Notice is hereby given pnt•aunnt to "The Be-
iaed Statutes of Ontario," that all creditors
and others having claims against the estate of
the said Jane Kelly, who died on. m• about
the .Third day of October, A. D„ ,1917, are
required on or before the Twenty-fourth day of
November, A. D., 1917, to send by post prepaid
or, deliver to F. S. Scott, the Bsecutor of the
lest Will and Testament of said docesned, at
Brussels P. 0,, their Christian and Surnames:
addresses and descriptions, the fell particulars
of their claims, the statement of their amounts
and the nature of the seouritles 110 any) .held
by thein.
And further take notice that after such last
mentioned date the said Executor willpro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the deceased
among the partiesentitled thereto, having re-
gard oniy 50 the elai,ne of wbbsb he shall Slum
have notice, and the said Executor will not
be liable for the said assets or any part there.
olto any person or persona of whose claim
notice shall not have been received by him at
the time of: such distribution.
Dated at Brussels, this 24th day of October,
A. D. 1917.
P. 5, SCOTT, Exeontoro.
Teacher Wanted
Qualified teacher (Proteatnat) wanted for S.
R, No 10, Grey Township Buron County,.
Duties to eommenee Jen 8r, 10.18, Personal
aand ex tion preferred, Apply, at"tlnc salerp
Trees ,R,
if any, to ISAAC LAKE, Seo, -r.
Trees , R, R. No, 5, Brussels. 17-tt
Farms for Sale
Lot 22, Con, 0, Giey, 100 stores, one of the hest
pasture farms in Grey. Also my farm at Eth-
el, adjoining the Village and Station, 175 acres,
being parts of LotS 28 and 24 nu 8. and Not
Lot 29, Con. 9, Grey; 'Excellent build Inge and
an A 1 stock and grain farm, Will be sold to.
(-ether or separately on easy terms. Apply 50 qI
DAVID MILNB, Ethel, Ont, - 17-51
.Brussels Horticultural Society
The Annual Meeting of 13roaeele Horticultur-
al Society will be held in the Audience Room
of the Puhlle Library,.Tuesday evening. Nov,
0th, 1917, at.8 o'clock.Financial Report for the
past year will be presented, Ofiioers elected
sad plans arranged for the coming year.
W H. HERR, President,
13, 5, 8001T, Secretary;
Farm for Bale
Fine 150 bore farm for ante, being N E %4 Lot
14 and NI/ 7 ot16, Con. 8, Morrie township. On
the promi.es is aline brick house, bank barn
02x72,2 driving sheds, orchard windmill, 89o,
Possession to snit purchaser. ti tulles to Brus-
sels or Blyth b. aoros Fall wheat In, 18 flares
Muth. Rural mall and rural telephone. For
farther partienlarc apply on the premises or if
by letter to R. R. No. 2,. Blyth,
17-10 ALBERT HO WLETT, Proprietor.
Farm for Sale
-In order to wind up the estate of the late
Samoa Shaw the splendid 190 earn farm adjoin-
ing the Village of Brussels le offered for sale.
On the property is n good bank barn .and first-
class house. Farm iv N1 soeded,down with the
exception of 20 stores and ie In nStosllent state
Of cultivation Posaossina given;lat of pfarch.
For farther particulars apply to
F. S. SCOTT, Brussels,
4.4.4..+4, A•IIl»l + ++D•+++ +, 4.4.444.d•#,F•i.g•d,+++F,i,•y+ Q•+ i p "1"i"1"/"1 /"It q,
4. 'l'
4. it American Hotel Brussels
On Tuesday, November 6fll
Display of
Artistic Hair Goods
Should be seen by
every man and wom-
an who would keep
attractive and youth-
YT 1 e,
Ladies who have eot
� r
Y1 •h
Justine to 1 1
their , � .
j+) �'vRl It � vl
petiaanne and GEN-
ARE t are invited to have a FRED DDMQNST1iAlI0N of the 1
style that will answer their needs.
LADIES -Switches, Braids, Transformations, Pompa-
Pompa dours, Waves and many other Hair -goods Oreo+
tions of the finest quality hair.
GENTLEMEN - IJ geiiic Dm -
peed and Wigs which are hide.
tectable, featherweight anti are
worn by over a quarter million
people. A benefit to the health
and appearance,
• i.
R W5, Ferguson g +1
:........................................•••••••••••• .* 444.4'
Tuesday, November 6th
Head Office-io8 Yonge St,, Toronto
'N,;, 4.4.4er4.4.4.+444. i"l;k"l••1"i411..+ 4F+1••1•'N+ D 1 +++++