HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-10-18, Page 84+41+0+6+4144+0+0+0+41+ 4444 t'0R+' 443•0 !'14R4,0ater®4+A .+$'t, .a 4. • The Store I WaI1Paper4. 4• . ♦ I A Good Time to Paper •' Right now is a splendid time to 6 4.' have redecorated those rooms • I which perhaps have not been used much during the Summer weath- er, but which you will want to • have looking at their best when •, much more time will be spent in •1• them during the long Winter o,si i months. I + ♦ 4 • ••c • • ••k • Fresh Wall Paper• • • Makes a wonderful difference, ar d makes a room look like uew. Our stock of Paper comprises patterns'-- • to suit any room in the house. For Living Rooms, Dining Rooms and Halls 'There are many plain weaves of Paper, Oatmeal Iugrains and Tapestries. For Bedrooms Many patterns In Stripes with fancy Cut-out Borders. Also the All-over Chintz Designs, Kitchen Papers Neat designs from 8c a roll up, as well as the 011 Finished Papers, Varnished Tiles, &c. Come in and see the samples, You will find the prices most reasonable. F. R. SMITH The Store Druggist and Stationer • ••• • • •F •�,• 444.41.4.••••••••••••44.1.41r4.4.4.• +0 4.••••••••••••••••••••+ 4H.414.• .• fatal Xi els Items SNOW flurries. "Do your bit' for British Red Cross Thursday of this week, TREASURER BLACK will pay the Fall Fair Prizes on Friday of this week, ELECTRIC Tight was off duty last Fri- day night owing to making necessary repairs. It was a dark old night. NORTH Huron Conservative Nominat- ing Convention meets in Wingbam Thursday afternoon of this week, Sev- eral will attend from town and vicinity. THE number of deaths have been un- usually numerous during the past week. as many as 4 funeral cards being up at one time. Surely in the midst of life we are in death. As Miss Hisiop. of Morrisbank and W. M. Cook were leaving the Fall Fair on the. evening of Oct. stb, they were run down by an auto and both suffered slight injuries. SALE or CATTLE,—On Saturday after- noon, Both Inst , there will be an Auction Sale of 44 head of cattle, consisting of 4 mileb cows and 4o head of x and a year old steers and heifers, at the Central Hotel, Brussels, at 2 o'clock Dave Mc- Donald is Prop, and John Purvis will be Aun, DOING WELT.,—J. J. Gilpin, who had his right foot amputated Wednesday of last week, is getting along nicely and will soon be able to get about we trust. Monday of this weak was the 38th an- niversary of their wedding and the event was remembered and good wishes ex- pressed for many happy returns. BAZAAR ON NOVEMBER rsT,—The ladies of the congregation of St, john's church, will hold a Bazaar in the Town Hall, Brussels, on the afternoon and evening of Thursday, November tat. A fine assortment of work bas been pre- pared. Fuller particulars will -be given in next week's issue, Watch for large bills as to evening's program, etc, GEo N. McLAREN Is DEAD --Wednes- day forenoon a well known and highly esteemed resident passed away in the person of Geo, N. McLaren, merchant, in his 48th year. Funeral service will be held at bis late home, Alexander st., at 7,30. o'clock Thursday evening and the casket will be taken to Midland, where interment will be made, on Fri- day morning's train. Many regrets are expressed oyer Mr, McLaren' s demise and deep sympathyfelt for Mrs. Mc- Laren and children. Fuller notice next week. Jolts 'G. BUDD ANSWERS THE SUM• MONS,—After a severe illness, oovering 8 weeks, an old resident ot this locality entered into rest Thursday evening of last week iti the person of John G. Budd, John street, in his 79th year. He was bort at Smith's Falls, Out,, and came West to the 3rd tine, Morris township, about 5o years ago, purchasing •a farm from Mr, Campbell on which he lived eontinuottsly until moving to Brussels 74 years ago. He was milted in marriage to Mies Sarah 1. Barker, who paid Nat- ure's debt in 78g6 The surviving child- ren are Jos. and Mrs. Carson, of Glen- boro, Manitoba, and Misses Jennie and Annie at home, Lottie is deceased. Mr, Budd had been in tailing health for the past year and suffered a stroke of par- alysis the Sunday prior to his demise, He wee an industrious, honorable man, quiet and unassuming and had Many friends, Thefenerai was held Sutideyy afternoon, the service being conducted by his pastor, Rev. W, E. Stafford, whet gave a very appropriate address front the text "For to me to live is Christ and to'die is gain." Interment was made at the Btowntown graveyard where Mrs. Budd was interred, Misses Budd and the other members of the family have the sympathy of the oomtnttnity in their bereavement, BaussELs Farmers' Club received two cars of coal during the past, one of nut and the other of pea coal, Dover forget the auction sale of house and household effects of the late Miss jape Kelly. Turnberry street, Brussels, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. MELVILLE Church Choir go to Ethel Friday evening of this week to give a Concert under the auspices of the Girls' Patriotic Club, a hustling organization of that village. THURSDAY of this week is Trafalgar Day—an historic event never to be for- gotten in British history. Do your duty to the British Red Cross when the can- vassers call On you, BL.toK Goat Robe, with green lining, lost. Will finder kindly leave 1t at Tun PosT. FLowims AND. PLAN'ss.—Any person wishing to purchase flowers and plants at the Brussels Greenhouse may secure the same by calling on lama Emma WALKER, Turnberry at„ South. Fon SALE. --Three Oxford Down Ram Lambs, aired by an import, Apply to R. 0. CAMPBELL Lot 14, Onn. 18, Grey. Brnassele R. R. No. 2. Phone 4818, 1H acres of corn for Bale. Apply to R. TnouaoN, Brussels, WANTED.—Young man to learn blaekemtth- ing or one who has been at trade ayear, Ap- ply at once to N MONBt0, Belmore. COMFORTABLE hones and good garden for sale. Property in good repair. For further particulars apply to Mae. R. T. Ert osxoN, Mill street. Brnsaele. Ws are sole agents for the genuine Paroid Roofing, manufactured by Bird & Son, Hamil- ton. Always bay Paroid and get the best, P. Aware. Fon SALE: Residential property on Albert street, Brussels. Apply to MRS, JANET Mo- QUARRIE, on the premises. OoMnonwABLE brick residence for sale or to rent. For particulars apply to Mae. Geo. Rowans, at A. 0, Dames, Brussels. Tartan Short Horn Bulls front 10 to 12 'm'onths old for Sale. JAS. SFE/R, Lot 29, Con. 6, Morris. Phone 186. De. PARKER, Osteopathic Physician, visite Brussels Thursday afternoon of each week, thronto and nervous dtaeesea suceesetnlly treated, Visits residences, Consultation at Qneen'a Hotel, o— > Neter Teachers' Convention will be held In Brussels. B S. Scott, of town, is Vice -President and Misses Buchanan and Marjory Yuill on the Executive. SAM WEINSTI'EN, who succeeded M. Yolleck in handling the junk business, calls your attention this week, He is pushing business and asks your trade. He and Mrs. Weinstein and children are now residing in the former 'Yolleck home Mill street, which they bought.ht. We wish Mr. Weinstein success. Neer regular meeting of Brussels Women's Institute will he held in the Audience Room of the Public Library on Friday, October 13th, at 3 o'clock p. m. Mrs. A. Strachan will introduce the topic, "Economic meals." • Roll call will follow, when each lady will give her favorite pickle recipe. An exhibit of vegetables, canned or in bulk, grown from the seeds furnished by the Agricul- tural Department will also be a feature of the meeting, Everybody welcome MRS, WM. BLASHILL DECEAsED —THE Pos'rregrets to hear of the demise of Mrs, Wm. Blesbill, et the home of het ditughter, Mrs. H. Pana, 41a North Washington street, Ypgilsnti, Mich„ the sad event taking place Monday after- noon of lest week. Deceased was 65 years and 7 months old ;Heart weakness, followed by a bad cold, was the cause of death, She had not been in good health for the past year. Deceased la sur+ived by her hushaud, one gob (Jas, W., of Ann Arbor, Mich )and 3 daughters (Mrs. H, Pane, Ypsilanti, Mich. ; Mrs C Case tetot, Venice, Cal. t and Mrs H. Palm- er, of Ann Arbor.) Beatrice is deceased. The Blashili family lived in Brussels for many years where Mr. Blashlll carried on a large butchering business, Family will be deeply sympathized with in their bereavement, It is 15 years since Mr.' dlashill and fatallyremoved frons this locality, going to psilanti. o nPotat,.oes, Wanted White Anyperson Tornips p att baying Pota- toes for sale 'should, be- fore selling, call and see or telephone , Wanted - We are direct acting agents for New York and Buffalo Produce Houses - and require large quan- tities of these commodi- ties. Farmers at outside shipping points grouping together, making car lots, will receive special atten- tion, R. Thomson Phone 66 Brussels Foams for exemption and Service re• part papers are now on call at Brussels pus, office QerrE a live'y move over I he:Cooscrip- Son lutroduotiou. Nobody appears to know the full complement of Brussels tribunal yet. IT is said Nesbit Hamilton has pur- chased the farm of, Edmund Brewer, ad- joining Brussels on the South. Mr. Brewer owns residential property, on Turnberry street in town. Graeme, youngest sou of Peter and Mrs. Stewart, Turnberry st., had his left hand badly lacerated in a cutting box last Saturday. The fingers will all be retained we are glad to state. C. and Mrs. Kleckmlin moved to town last week from Stratford and are living in the apartments in the Strettou block. Mr Klockman is the new pro- prietor of Brussels Butter Factory. We wish th e ma prosperous period in town BRusxts Public Library Board is fol- lowing up delinquents who refuse to be governed by the Rules agaiust keeping books out for weeks If you are in the number kindly get a hustle on in returo- ingthe books and save the expense of sending after them. The practice isnot fair to other teadersr $31.00 — 13 F. Stumpf, Canadian President of the Gideoes, was in town 015 Tuesday. He informed Tice POST as a result of his visit to Brussels and Cran- brook on Sunday, June 3rd, plus contri- butions since, be has received $3t o0 for rhe Missionary cause he advocates and designated as the Gideons To bT.THoMAs.—Athol McQuarrie, of Brussels, has been appointed advertising solicitot of the 'St. Thomas Times, suc- ceeding A. D McKenzie, who has left Istakes over the management of the Ob- seivar, Sarna Mr. McQ.tarrie is a son of Mrs. D MtQuarrie, to en, and served his apprenticeship oo THE POET. He has had a wide and varied experience in newsnener work and should do well, We wish him success in his new post. DIED AT ORANGEVILLE — Following "5111 refer. to a cousin of ilugh•l.amont, Queen street, Brussels :— D. C Lamont, formerly Deputy Sheriff of Dufferin County, died at Orangeville on Oct. 5th, aged 80 years. He 15 survived by one son, Justice Lamont, of Regina, Su preme Court of Saskatchewau, and 4 daughters :— Mrs. J. 13. Adamson, Orangeville ; Miss Jean Lamont. evan- gelist with Billy Sunday and Misses Mary and Pbemia Lamont, Orangeville A. staunch Presbyterian and equ Ily staunch Liberal, he was highly respect- ed. CHOPPER BLEW Us —Monday evening, about:5 o'clock, the large grain chopper in J Logan's mill fiew to pieces, parts of it going with almost lightning velocity clean through the upper flooring and ou of the roof, other sections making their way through a door and the floor, Mr. Logan saw that the grain had clogged owing to refuse in it and went to ebut off the water power, but was a second too late, He was struck on the foot which is very sore. Councillor Fraser was near the chopper tying bags but fortun- ately was not injured. The accident re- called the sad occurrence of soma years ago when James Elliott lost bis life through.a similar break, A new mach- ine has been ordered by Mr. Logan. DR, W. J, R. HOLMES DIES A'r GoDE- RICH,—Dr. W. J R. Holmes, for 34 years Treasurer of the Couuty of Huron, died at his home sfter an illness of two months. He was one of the best known men in the County. His father, the late John Holmes, was at one time a member of the Legislature of Upper Canada for the Huron tract, comprising the Counties of Huron, Perth and Bruce and the village of Holmesville, where the doctor was born,was named aftere t neb the family, He attendedheode G Grammar School under the late John Haldane, the first principal of`the school and afterwards graduated from Upper Canada College and the Toronto Medi cal College. Shortly after completing bis studies be acneptea a commission in the Northern army, with which .he serv- ed until the end of the American Civil war, when he returned to Cansda and bega l the practice of mediciue at 1131ue- vale and afterwattls et Brussels w''ete he spent a number of years. In 1867 he was marriecl to Janet Burns, of Cell -Rye, who predeceased trim some 3 years ago. 3 soussurvive--Dudley, btlrriater, Wing - ham ; Hilton, Vett William ;• and Fred, Barlow, Toronto, The late Dr' HoImes was a Conservative and. On two occasions contested the Huron ridings iu the in tarests of his party, He also had held the office of reeve of his municipality. He was appointed County Treasurer ie 1883 and removed to Oedermh at that time. He was also County Coroner and Secretary -Treasurer of the Goderitb Collegiate Institute board at the time of his death and was very much interested. in Red Cross and other work in we'rec. Son with the war. He was it his 76th year and Was a member of St. George's Angliceu church. Ilse funeral took place Tuesday, Dr. Holmes it well re- membered in Brussels, where he was the owner of several stores at the time of his demise. W J. McCracken earPhotles 48 or 27. , BRUSSELS 1 People We Talk Abot.1 $$ $* Mrs• D. M. Ferguson, ^S ratford, was a visitor in town this, week, - Miss Victoria Patterson. Wingbam, was a visitor at Melville manse. Miss Maggie McNabb is nrfw on the staff at D C. Russ' store as saleslady. Mrs. Joe. McMartin, Toronto, was here last week, visiting at W. and Mrs, Wilton's Miss Lovise Sinclair is visiting rela- tives and friends at Stratford, Windsor trod other points. Wm, and Mrs. (:arveth, Peterboro, were visitors with W. 3, and the Miss9s- McCracken, Brussels. S. anti Mrs. Carter and Miss Myrtle `Rttended the funeral of Geo. Levis, at Cliotonlast Senday. Mrs. Harry Kilby and daughter, Lon- don, were visitors with the former's %parents, J. and Mrs. Qoerrin. Duncan Taylor is still confined tolris bed at the home of S. C. and Mrs, Wil- son, We hope fur early improvethent, Mrs Wm Cook, Queen street, under- went an operation Tuesday and we hope she will soon be restored to good health. Miss Winnie Long bete accepted a position in the drug store of Jas. Fox, succeeding Miss Jessie Cunningham who goes to Toronto. Last week Fred. Stephenson and emoved Morris township mother from m Mo s wnshi o p to Brussels and are residents sow of Eliza - bet h liza-beth street, We welcome them D. C. and Mrs. Ross attended the funerel of Mrs. Chas. Dodds Thursday of last week. She e is an aunt and died in the West on Oct. 5th. Burial took place to Serorth cemetery. Dr Ed Bryans was home for a brief visit He has been sent to Brampton, to take charge of the examining Board under the Conscription'law, The Dr is the only son of Mrs. Alex. Bryans, Queen street. Mrs . Wm MtQoerrie and son, Jack, Saskatoon who have been visiting Mrs. W. F. Stretton, have left after a very. enjoyable visit. 'Phey spent much time at the old home of the former's husband, Mrs -Elizabeth MrQnarrie's. Andrew Currie and son, Douglas, ar- rived home from a tr'p to the West last week. They met many old friends and had a good time, Miss Grace Currie, a cousin, came back with them and will spend the Winter, probably, with rela- tives here. Mrs Duncan l:iviogston was :away for a couple ot weeks renewing bld friend- ships in the township of Vaughan, York 00, -This Was her native neighborhood from whence she came to Grey town- ship 55 years ago A number of rela- tives are still there, IN, anti Mrs Yolleck and family re- moved to Toronto after spending 12 , years in Brussels. Before going the former was presented with a gold watch and Mrs Yolleck with a fine tray accom- panied by an address, by it number of well wishers, We hope they will meet with success in the Queen city. They were good citizens In Brussels, REVD 1673 STANDARD, BANK OF CANADA• HEAD OFFICE • . TORONTO TRUST , FUNDS Our Savings Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and. interest at current rate. 239 B•RUSSE,LS BRANCH, G.'N.i D !7 ti Manager. urer ; and Rev. Mr, Ctysdste-,, Sunday School Secretary for Wiugbam District, Next Sunday Rev, E. F. Armsttong, 13. D , Wingharn, will preach Mission- ary sermons in the Methodist church. Brussels, at Jr a In. and7 p. m, He is a fine preacher. Rev. Mr. Stafford will be at Wingham'for Sunday. At the W. M. S. 'Thank -offering ser- vice Tuesday evening of last week Mrs. (Rev ) Menu. the President, presided with grace and ability. Mrs. _B. 5, Scott read au interesting paper,, on "Thank -offering." Miss Isabel Strach .an sang a choice solo and Rev, Mr, Me- CaIlum, Luckuow, delivered a most ape propriate address with the following text as the foundation :-1 will not offer unto the Lord that which cost me noth- ing, Proceeds of thank-oileriug were Sloe. _A number of members from the sister Missionary organizations pt Brea- sels were present. Sabbath last was observed in St. John's church as the Harvest Thanks- giving and'Pbank-offering: The clturch was appropriately decorated for the oc- casion with the fruits and grain of the field and garden. Rev, Mi. Smith's sermon was most appropriate to the oc- casion, the morning theme being "Great results from small beginnings," Even• ing subject was founded on the action of the woman who broke the box of apiken and on Jesus- The offering totalled about $35 00. Choir sang the anthem, "O i clap your bands together, all ye people" le" io the morning, solos being g taken by Miss Lizzie Cardiff and Miss Marie Grump Eveninganthem was •Iwill inaguify Thee, 0 Lord" S- John's congregation is not Very large Church Chimes Rev J. L McCulloch, Crenbrook, will. preach in Melville church Sunday even- ing As pastor will be at Ethel addressing the W. M .5. Rev. Mr. Stafford's subjects in -Metho- dist church last Sunday morning and evening. were "The happy lot of Jehovah's people"— a Thanksgiving theme and "The greatness of Salvation an argument for the peril of its neglect " Tuesday of next week the annual Sabbath 'School and Epworth League Convention will be betd,in the Metho- dist church, Brussels Three seesions will be held opening at 9 a m„ z pp m, aurl 7.3o p m. Good program. Dele- gates will go to homes for dinner and lunch will be served in the Sunday School room at 6. Miss Laura Leath- erdale is Secretary of -the Billeting Com- mittee, Duncan McTavish, White- church is District League President ; John Kerr, Wingbam, Secretary-Treas- Sam Weinst.ein O Successor to 0 • i M. Yolleck •j i 0 i• Is prepared to pay the o - i highest price for i ♦ ., _ .. ♦ : Scrap,• t _ Rags, • • `Rubbers, i �. &c. ♦ • S ♦ IWill also buy Hides, Furs and Poultry $ • ••• a �♦ Write or Phone 62x i • • SAM WEINSTEiN s• IMILL STREET BRUSSELS Car Load of Pat atees Wanted Apply to Alf.,- -Ba,eker BRUSSELS ♦♦•s•♦•N•••♦••••••N•••O• ♦ ♦e♦♦ ♦ 1• • i 3 the •GinoDtofu�- Fir has ♦ 9 Y • and WiIi Sell All Lines. ,_ s at cost - _ .4. Men's Heavy Underwear Hats Caps Working Shirts Fine Shirts • Ties Collars . ' •• . money ' ♦ That will »nun Ynu ear Summer Underwear tornextaeaeon'aw ♦ Rain Coats Abbot flPtaoll left thab are new and aloe,„ •i e ♦ i - - i - Caps from $1.25 to $1.75 All far $100 ALL MUST BE SOLD. but they are full of pluck and generally .accomplish whatthey nederlake. We wish them and their rector snn00SS. Suuday morning last Rev, 'Mr. Hind, Hespeler. occupied the pulpit in Mel- ville church and preached a helpful ser- mon on the subject of "Relationship" Rev Mr, Mann's sermon wasmost ap pro4e words, '' We all do fadIte to the season e as a.laseeaf on PORN DOUGLAe,=In Brussels, on Ootober 8rd, 1817, to Mr. and Mrs, Robert Dotiglee,a son— ,lames Allan. - MARRIED MCKAY—NITERS —At Duff's manse, Walton, on October 10th,1917, by Rev. IS A. Lundy, B. A. Mr. Alex. 11o$ay to Mies Ohrletlna Eresa, both of Dfoncrielg. • DIED BLASR1r,L—In Ypsilanti, hitch., on. October 8th 1913, Mrs, W,0. Blashili, formerly of Bros• eels, aged 86 yearsand'7 mm,the. BOYD—In MoStllop township, on October 180h, 1917, Wm. Boyd, 'nged00. years and 5 days. Hunwna� In Morris townsblp, on October 12th, 1917, George Brewer, aged 89 years and.8 mouths. BUDD.—In Brussels, on October 11111,3017, John G Budd, iu.his 79tit year. Dsnnreos.—At'Walton, ou October lath, 1017, Ingram Bolton, youngest son of J. E. and Mabel 0;"Dentlfson, aged 1 year, 4 months and 4 day_n. Donne.—At Vanguard, Soak., on October 6th, 1917,Ellen Torrance, widow of the late Ohae. Dodds, MoSbillop township, aged 89 years. DUNLop—In Grey township, on Ootobor 16E11 1 r beloved wife of eda agger tot 17,5. hP u Geo Dunlop, lead 70 rg, and 8 mouths GonsALr 11j1. t Ae&sstna pros.. Ont , on Ootoelti t or L't h,-tQ17, Iti ilkslminn'Pras�inlr, relict of the bttn John Gurialita, aged e8' years, 6 mon the and 28 deys. HOLM 10—In Gpderiolt, on Sunday, October 14th, 1017, Dr. W J. R. Holmes, formerly of B, assets, in Ida 70th year. DIOLAiteN.- In Brussels, on October 17111, 1917, George N. D1 cLaren, Merchant, la his 98th Tear. AUCTION SALES ,CA &s ..sal Carry the Amoco Vest - Pocket No: 0 in your pocket -as you do your watch, and by following directions you will miss'" but few good .'shots." It is the only self -opening camera in the world..- Press the buttons and the camera front d jumps out—rea'Thf use. See ourline ofAneco Cameras, Speedex air, Film, Cyko Paper and supplies, TheSignofthe Pp Mem Dealer ,. At fox's WE will be pleased to ilevel'o end print your. next roll of Films. We can -wallets you of perfect satisfaction and prompt, service. All our work is done by Specialists in the Photographic At't and you can' 'rely upon absolute first -plass work. Try us 110xr time. James Fox For Sale or Exchange for Farm Store property and stook of General Mar- ohandiso in the Village of Bluevale For fur- ther particulars apply toELA. MCOAT4., 10.2 Bipevale, Out, FRIDAY, OOT. 19Th.—Earn) stook,imple• Farm for Sale menta, &e , at Lot 8, Con. 8 Grey. Sale nnre• served no 1 p'.m. Mrs, Isabelle Strachab, Pro- prletrese , F. Y. Scott. Auctioneer. SATnsDAY, OOT. 20—Dwelling house and household effects, belonging to. the late Miss Jane Kelly, Turnterry street, Brussels. Salle- e& at D F. S. Scott, Exeontor. TURuaaoav,OnT. 251100.—Otesrin Sato at farm stook, implements, &o.. nt N14 lLot 11Oen. 5, Morris. -Sale at t p. m, James Nicholson, Prop • ; .Nth Pnrvia, A SATURDAY, OMT, 27.-100 acre farm in Morris township, at American Rotel, Brussels. Sale at 2 o'olOek, R. Vartatone, Wingham, Vendor's Solicitor ; F. 9. Seott,Auctioneer. In order to wind up the estate of the Into James Shaw the. splendid 190 Here farm ndjoln- ing the Village of Brussels is offered fo sale. On the property la A good bank barn and first- ' rises,t use, Farm 1s ell seeded down with the of cultl'ollo 20 notesend n g( excellent of ales of cultivation Poasos-fon given Int of Dlnmh. Rot further pnracnlatis apply to F. S. SCOTT Brus-els. BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat 82 00 Peas so 2 Barley - 105 Batter - - 10 Eggs Hoge Hay ottatoes per bag.... 1 00 17 00 Farm for Sale by Tender The 100 -here farm belonging to the estate of ' the lete:,lobn Mason. being si Lot 20, Can,. 2, $2 05 Morrilr,townahlp, 15 arrayed Pimento -by tender. 65 i Comfortable brfolr house, bank barn, orrharrl. ' 2 25 ' wells, &o. Close t0 school attd 31[ miles from 110 ! .Brussels. Poe9ession {oven neat March. 40 1. Tenders received up.to October 27th The 41 ' highest nr any tender net .necessarily accept - 17 00 ed. POT farther partiou are 05 to price. terms, 8 00 &0. apply to WM. MASON, 9enforth, 1 25 1 , .. ', erJORiT W. SIASON, liolgrave,. - • g� i i R. WM Ferguson • ♦ i • 4• ,••••••••••••••••••♦•illi♦ ♦•♦•♦••♦••♦•♦••••••♦♦♦•♦♦♦ tl� N. McLaren 05 E0 p Deceased Owing to the death of,, Mr. McLaren on 'Wednesday morning the Store is Closed Until further notice. Funeral takes place •Friday morn - g7. 3 Morn- ing by1 train -'to.,NIidland ,for burial: Service at his late home,, Alexander street,, Brussels, Thurs- • day evening at 7.30. o'clock, ormaregamezioneamstemseraymanemarameezzammaparaza