The Brussels Post, 1917-10-18, Page 5alb ei10'I;4 ()ARID,
Elea in Ike Poet/utnau,.Ethei. Id -4
fitter HER,
inllless sell
e than any other AUotloneer in Fant baroor
he won't charge anything, Dates and.orders
aao always he arranged at tpie-office or by
p eraohal applleation,
1 1 • Barrister, Solicitor. Oonveyanoer,
Notary Public, ho, Office -l0 tewart's Block
1 door North et Oodtral Hotel,
Solieitor for the Metropolitan Bank,
Business Cars
Sueaeasor to M: B, Moore, Of58e at Ander.
000 Bros, Liver , stable, Br11101e1e, Telephone
No. 20,
M. B., M. C. P., & S, 0.
111. 0. H„ Village of .Brussels.
Physician, Tarpon, Accoucheur
Office at residence, opposite Melville: Church,
William street, ,
Bachelor of Mediotue, Univerbity. of Toronto ;
LSoentiote of College of Physicians Aird Sur-
geons, Ontario ex•5enior Eouoe Surgeon of
Western Hoopitnl, Toronto. Offices of late Dr,.
A. Melleveyy, Smith Block, Brussels.
Rural phone 45,
• Pereonel graduate Department of Ophthal'
urology, McCormick Medical College, Chicago,
Ill., is prepared to test- eyes and fit glasses at
her office over Miss -Inmates millinery store.
Office dAys-Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday- of every week; Office hours -10
to12A a
t i to 8m Evenings appoint-
ment, byA 01nt-
meat Phone 1218._
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night calls. Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
Licensed. Auctioneer For Huron Co.
Satisfaction assured ; Charges moderate.
Write or Telephoneif not convenient to call.
Botrt•Bruseels and North Huron Phones.
.. - BELGRAVE P. 0.
Teacher of
Orgeni:it and Own- Master,Church,
Brus'ela-.. Pune prepared for Vornnto Col-
lege a 11131810 Fxaminatiolie, - ' Phone a8x
Barristers, Solicitors, Nota. -lou PubSlc,
'0 &c,.
Odloe on the Square, Ind door from Hamilton
Private funds to loan at lowest rates. ' '
H. J. D. Ooosu
1--fucose clot? OlszVsAVs{a46aa.Y�a"'4'
dnterlo's Best Conmercial-School
�r Coarses are thorough.; the instructora ?a
are experienced, students net individ•
001 attentlpn,nnd graduates are placed
in post tions'. During 8 months we turn -
ft; ed down over 888 enlister trebled help 'G
8' This is the school' for those whp want e4
`orf the erection trnhring • and Ow band it
positions-Commorcial, Shorthand
and Telegraphy Departments -
Get our free catalogue. 1t will interest
you. '
> W .1IiL
. ETowT, D, 5. h1or Aonr.At1,
Prealdellt _ - i rinaipnl
WA .4 ,4 49'.Av374_IY,Avs/-�virv'li "b 1
• •
• Studio-,
_... OPEN -
4 friday & Saturday eackweek
o -- •
o Try us for"An'iateur •
Y.' Printing and Developing
j GLIMOS `taken aft your oven hone, •
• anywhere hi the country. •
PictureFraming Neatly Done-
• We' snake Enlargements frnni
old Photos, a
G. S. FREE .. Photographer i
. y•6.89e++0...•x••••4••••••4
A 1oct{I motorist who is desperately
fond of music was heard singing the
following little ditty to the chorus of
"Keep The Home fire Burning",
Keep the tall light burning, ,'
While your motor's churning,
Though the cops seem far away
they watch for you;
'rhere's.a little flashlight,
Malting' darkness davlighit
Keep your eye around behind Or
' it's tire and casts,,
Felt Wretched h Rohl 'I
To Take "Fruit -a -Lives"
"Por two. years, I Was a miserable
sufferer,�from Rheumatism and ,Slomacb
Trouble Thad frequent Dizzy Spe11,*,
and when I took food; felt wretched
and sleepy; I suffered from_ Itheu-
matism dreadfully, with pains in my
baclennd joints, and my hands swollen.
A. friend advised "Fruit•a-Lives" and
from the outset, they did mo good.
After Me fist box; Ifelt l wasgeltiarg'
well -and T can truthfully say, that
istho only y meclicfuo
that helpedme". LOUIS LABRIE.
40e. a box, 6 for $2.5Q, trial size, 25o.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-
a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
Express - 7:18 a m I -Mail 11:22 a m
Expreee '8:82ni n Express .,....... 0:07 p m
C x fin$JV PwCIFLL,'
To Toronto To Goderich
Express 722 a mExpreslr- 11:48 a m
Expreee 2:20 p m I Express- 0:04 p m,
Going Eeet — 7:11 a, 01. and 8:81.p. m.
Going West - 12:20;a-" and 8:65 p, m.
All trains going East oonneot with C. P, R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound,. Elora and. T
G. B. stations.
GEO, ALI ANT Local Agent.
ora! rr elvs lions:
Hydro at Dublin
Hydro -electric power was turned' 011
fn Dublin on Tuesday, Sept. 25. Hydro
will be
bythe l
c t iz
ens oftho t
New Three -cent Stamp
The new three -cent postage stamp,
commemorating the Jubilee of•Confed-
eration, and with a reproduction of
Harrison's well-known painting, "Fath-
ers of Confederation," is now on sale
throughout Canada.
Is Now Lieut. -Col: Lewis.'
We notice tile'•foliosdng'in the.Tor-
onto dailies of Sept, 21: The promo-
tion of Major, E, N. Lewis, M. P.,` to
the temporary rank of Lieut -Colonel
while especially -employed is announc-
ed in militia orders gazetted today.
R. R. Box Owners. '
Apostal department regulation re-
quires alt 'owners of mail boxes on
rural routes to keep their names
legibly -stenciled on the boxes. Take
a look at your -box and if the name
is not easily read hake the 'matter
attended' to at once.
Clean Pipes
The Ontario -Saftey League has issu-
ed 'a bulletin urging that all furnace
pipesbe cleaned before the winter's
fire is lit, 1t points out that dirty
pipes are a great source of danger.
Flue dust, it say"s, rots pipes on the
inside, making them weak and danger-
ous. All rubbish should be removed
from the vicinity of the furnace,
Feels Sure of Supply
The probable price of coal ip Tor-
ronto; during,, the next few moats,
said Mr
, A. Harrington, newly ap-
pointed fuel controller -for Ontario, win,
be 9.50 per from the larger dealers,.
and $10 per ton. from the smaller deal-
ers, Mr, Harrington assured his inter-
viewer that there was no danger of a
repetition of last winter's situation.
He was confident the United Stites'
fuel controller would see that Canada
got 'a normal supply Of 1021. ,
A=;Clean Sheet. - ••
Mr. Charles Seager, ,County Crown
Attorney, is authority for the state-.
ment-"that during the quarter just
closed he has not had a solitary Crim •
inal case to record. This is a circum
stance that Inas never before, occurred
in the county, and is especially worth-
'of note, Whether .due' to the genera.
abbence of intoxicants- or to improve
meat of morals weare not prepared to
say, but the fact remains, nevertheless.
Former Parish Priest
Damage to the extent of $4,000 was
caused•by,the destruction' of the parish
hall in connection with the Roman Cat-
holic- Church at McGregor, near Wind-
sor, by a mysterious fire early on Sat-
urday, Rev. -Father Plnsoneault, parish
priest, -and formerly of Clinton, de-
clares the fire was of incendiary orgi.n,
and the, attorney -general's department
will be asked by the 'township separate
school board to tnyestlgate. It is stated
a similiar attempt to 'tire the bWuilding
some weeks ago was frustrated,
25,000 New Motors:
The phenomenal increase In tate
number of motor vehicles in -Ontario
ig shown in -.the returns '05 the de-
partment of highways of the pro-
vince. There are no less than 75,000
motor cars in the province at the
present tune,-,.. an increase of 25,000
during 1917, Tile total revenue de-
rived from. the issue of licenses thiff
year so far is:$900,000, in which is.
nearly SO% greater than the revenue
from liquor licenses In the days when
the bar -rooms held sway in the prov-
ince, The • increase in revenue this
Year from motor': ',Vehicle Incenses is
about a' quarter of a' nhililot•dollarst as
compared with last year, it ppromises
a good deal for the highway situations
of the province commnettted W. A Mc-
Lean, deputy minister pt,..publle works
and ci hva s as soon as labor and
.flnanconditions will arrant
undertaking of development Work;"
Must Not Try to Influence Tribunals,
1t is announced at Ottawa that W-
ere penalties will be imposed on any'
one trying to influence a medical beard
or exenlptiot tribunal under the mil-
itary Service Act, It 15 also made plain
that any person feeling"th,gt he was be-
ing wrongly classed by" the medical
boards in the present voluntary exam-
ination may appeal to exemption tri-
bunal revision
Word"Conscript" Cut out,
Acting on complaints from men eli-
gible to be drafted into the Canadian'
Army, the Militia Departineut ,of the
Dominion ,has notified otlicers C.n•
Mantling all mobilization centres than
the word "conscript" must not bo used
when referring to men of military age
Documents i9 coneeeliol 8)itii epiorce,..
anent of the Military Service Act will
in future be narked "drafted amen,"
Victim of Picture Men..
'?•hat scores of gitizees of Chatham
and vicinity have Been _victimized re-
cently by bogus photo enlargers is in-
' dicated by the finding of several 'hun-
dred photographs in a vacant house
there. The photos were contained in
a cheap suit case, and apparently- had
been left in the house by the swindlers,
,Recently ,complaints have been made
the photo enlargers after securing
photos and a deposit, failed to return
but no trace of the pictures was found
until Frank Eagen, a real estate dealer,
took a client to a vacant dwelling.
For Baptist Convention.
Preparatory meetings of the commit-
tee appointed- by the Woodstock
churches wino have in hand the arrange
merits for the 29th convention of the
Ontario rand Quebec Baptist churches,
which will be held this month, have,
already been held, and a great deal of
the preliminary arrangements com-
pleted. This year will mark the diam-
ond jubilee of Woodstock Baptist Col-
lege and it is the intention of the com-
mittee to arrange". celebration of the
event in connection with the conven-
tion that will fittingly commemorate
the importance of the college of the
The birch -wielders of the variolic
ceb'uls were at Clinton last-weelc at-
tending the: annual Convention of Dust
Huron Iuepectnrate.
Wednesday oflastweek Miss Hazel
M Nichol a liver lit
i 1 we
aftertet spend-
an en ny lle time with relatives
and friends in Lend c n ,St Thomas
Godetich Clinton and 131 y 15
By fMet. in this issue It will be seen
that the 100 •aa'e farm belonging to
the estate of the late Jahn Mason, Sed
Lim, is being offered for sale by ten-
der. It is it well located property.
ing evening the members' of Sunshine
Atethndlsb church di ove to rB0lgrave
and gave the pastor, Rev:_ Sidney
Davis u, and Malde, n shower consist -
lug 01' preserves, butter, eggs, turnips,
oto. Although ;completely taken' by
siu'prise the pastor thanked all ulciSt
heartily for the kindly act, whichun
Jnubt was pr, mined by. the Giver of
every.. good and perfect gilt, The
Etriglish Iauguage slid not "contain
wuida'Rt to express his feelings nal l
that he and Mrs. Davison would
never forget the good people of Sun -
Shine, and both, though young, would
strive to serve one 13011 all the best,
they knew how while peilililted to
enjourn mining fieri,, Although Mt e,
Davison was tit perfect stranger to all,
being formerly a nurse ftuifl the Sick
Children's Hospital, Mon teeal,.Iiy her
kind acid friendly manner she sena
made every one feel quite at home,
After spending; at, hour in social' chat
they chose sides`for a peanut mutest
in which all jollied heartily, old and
young. The losers of 540 game served
• ten, wl,ith held been biought by the
Indies Io wtueli all did 11nti,le justice
P110 party after singing "Geri save Ole
King" p,1n•,1•ed for Mime vvisl,iiig,Mt
rid 5lis Davie,,,! 04 -long foul useful
1'I'e in' the 3hrslei's vineyard. 1'ie.
Davi.-ml is; 0 good speaker, an 0111)
est exp"undei of the 'Pi ul1 and prom
ises_t0 00/(111118 mark in the world,
Mrs. G D,,,biil.nn spent'Chnisda-y in
ti rat ford,
Clifford Whit 1', Galt, is visiting at.
his home here
"-Donald Munroe has returned from
Colli ugwood.,
•Mf•a. 11 Leckie left for her home at
Herschel, Sask., on Monday,
*l,s: D.. Stewart and dalghler, Miss
Cori, areau,litlavh'g nt \Vindso•,
Miss. Annie Iltwris, Toronto,. visited
over the holiday with her sister, Mrs.
Notvi,tnt Klrl11fleisch, Hamilton was
a regent visi'1,,, at the 110110 or his
sister, Mrs 0 1-51•,4,
H,tfey and ,Mrs. Li tile, Toroltto,
visited with the f, rmer's pltteuts, 15.
and Mrs Black, this week, -
'1'eltche,s, Aliases 17, 1•larnilton, L
Ranke,"A, Mnmoe, W, Mnuro, 13.
Lovell, 1VI, Anderson and J. Allay,
spent the week end at their homes
At the animal meeling of the Red
0'000 Soilty,,lieltl in Inn Don nail
Oltambet• Friday. evening, October 5111,
the following officers were elected.:
libn•-Pres„ O. Reis ; Pres., Rev. -Mr.
Malcolm ; 101, Vice, Rev. ;V11'. Stride ;
2nd Vice, Rev, Mr. Roberts ; 'Secre-
tar y, D. Mr.'I'avisli ; Treas., J. 13.
5Vutdt; Committee, R.' 13htek, N.
Whit", P, Davey, Q. Paulin, J. Mor-
rison' and G. Leckie.
De Laval
Cream Separator.
Is an A 1 Machine that gives..
premier satisfaction, $'he
Ageffey for Brussels totality TS
now held by
Cttll anti exlitminenlaehine'al1d
than its superior qualities.
STAND BY THE MEN AT LENS ; Coal as soon as they can .obtain carr
difloultytlfor cars
been- the great
(Cenadiana' in bitter iha'nd-to-hand
fight all day around Lana,--Cana-
(lien Prose,)
Who are Canada's ;nen today?
'inose Af gtoriqus bens.
Men of action ;nen of deeds,
Our brave heroes at Lens;
Not in Ottawa, not to the West.
Shrivelled up party pawns;
But bomb and bayonet, rifle and axe,
Out on the line at Lens.
Not for self or party's greed, ,
There on the line at Lens;
'Not for faction, but for deed,
'here on the line at Lens;
Doing their duty, giving their lives,
To free the world from the Tueton
There on the Zine at Lens,
The evilest thing we ever have had,
Is our senseless pasty strife;
Parting our people in peurile hates,
With foul corruption rife;
But more so now, when in the bal-
Hangs,,tke,.whole world's life;
So gather together, men with men,
Not mere Grit and Tory;
But like our steadfast host at Lens,
One, for the nation's glory.
When the. line -goes over the parapet,
There is no parpet at Leans;
Grit And Tory are- blashemous.
Garments that nobody dons; -
Faction and self are not on the card,
They are only men at Lens;
Men to battle and win and die,
Knowing only the Tueton foe,
And the deed to do, and the road
to go,
Over the edge at Lens
_We are God's trustees for those brave
Who battle for us at Lens;
And are we true to our scared trust,
As they are true at Lens?
Are we playing the real man's game,
Or is it dirty political game,
Changing our birthright into a shame,
Betraying those- men at Lens?
Then, awake, Canadians! show you,
as men, '
Like our• defenders at Lens!
Line on the side of righteousness now,
Like theyare doing at"Lens;
For God is _;ailing from faction a-nd
To a vaster vista, a larger life,
A nobler r
ob dream, heroic, and free;
'Cast off' your shackles froth sea to
And stand with the ;nen at Lens.
Otto:wa,"Aug, 22, 1917.
J. Brawn and several friends, Toron-
to, enjoyed a few days hunting here
last week.
11. Knotvlson, Qorrie, dropped dead.
while standing in the butcher shop
here on Tuesday of last week. Death
was the result of a heart trouble from
which he had been a sufferer for some
tihne. ,
Belmore •
Mrs. \Vru. Lowry was visiting
friends in Toronto.
Rally Day was observed in the Pres-
byterian church.
D. Jeffrey wears a broad smile these
days, -1 t's a boy..
Mrs. 1'• McLean, Lucan, visited with
her sister, Mrs, John Mulvey,
Wut. McGoogan continues in very
poor health we are sorry to state.
Mrs. Jos Murray has returned home
after visiting friends in Teeswater•.
]tfrs. 0. Bremer left fur the States
where she ieteuds to spend the Win-
ill iris Jennie McKee, New York, is
visiting' at the home of her parents
Law, Toronto, was Visiting
her sister, Airs. R Nichol and other
ftienils here.
Mrs. G, Lawry and children, Niag-
ara, 11.e1e visiting at the home of Wm.
turd Mrs Lowry.
Bel o,e 1lethodist church held
their anniversary services and 'Tea
Meeting' on Sunday and Monday.
which prnva din grand success. Ideal
weather favored the occasion and.
large t,owd0 attended, The 'Aural)
was bean tltivlly decent ted for the oc.
casino. Rev. .1Mr, Yeoman, Clifford,
conducted the services Sunday •at 11
a. In, and 7 p. In, In the morning
service the choir sang "The fight 1s:
on" and Miss Literra Metcalf gave a
solo.. At the evening service the
choir sang "Awake my soul," Miss
Blanche Irwin and hiss E. Jackson
aling rt duet "Only to trust Thee,"
whiali was very appropriate. Mon-
day evening aunt supper woe served
in the basement of the church. Prn-
grtuu consist era addresses by Revs,
Messrs, Sinclair, Yeoman and Stride,.
De. Bryans, a ieturned'soldier gave a
flue adds ess on the "IL A. M. Corps at
t1e front,' which was listened to with
ouch interest: Solos vvere-given by
Miss S howler, Teeewatei and. Bliss
Stand, Toronto, in good style. Misses
Annie turd Je1t1L. Bail, '3'eeewater, de-
highted rho uud!enoe vvilh their song, .
"5 vivant to- kiss daddy goodnight.'
Readings were given by Misses L. Mc-
Kee .and Nellie Harkness. Evening
came to n close with singing "God
says the King." Proceeds amounted
to avec $00 00,
Mrs. Marshall, King at., received a
telegram ,from Ottawa on Wednesday,
stating that her, son, Pte. John Mar-
shall, had a Bomb wound and was ad-
mitted to 65 Casualty Clewing Station,
France, October 2nd. Joann is a brother
of Mrs, B. Jacksoii•and Mrs. Jas. Liver-
more of town,
At a special meeting of the town
council on Wednesday night they voted
one 'mill to tate Red Cross Fund, to
be divided 9 -10th to the British Red
C!'oss hind and 1 -10th to the Italian
Red Cross This sum amounts to a-
bout l4750, -
Although cold weather is at hand the
8611!1 dealers in town are unable 10 05 -
tarn shipments of 8001 and many of our
citizens have empty coal bins, The
shippers' have promised to send the
OTTAWA, Oct. 90 -.--•Although it 1s
officially 1uhn0uoced that the first men
draftedunder the Military Service Act
will not have to actually report for
duty till December 10th, it is pointed -
out officially, today that every man so .
called must report for attestation and 6
examination before November 10th and; d
file his claims forexemption before the -1)
0101 are brought to their 'respective •
camps. v
In .connection with the proclamation
to this effect to be issued next Sat-
urday, notice will be given of seVVre
penalties of imprisonment. 0u convie-
fions for attempting to bribe any trib-
unal, medical di o military.
044••ae46440444444.4Ae4l4• •44,P•4•40044'•4•m4••0••Ni•• •
A', ,��t•. r .... •
• .Fa
]� w
r M
.. • 3 . /::'� R Y".Y�. - '� V' .'L'kr-3i�^a... - -.. .: i$• ..:R7)3r r' 1��:p..-
1 e•
The only Car in Canada selling at less than
4 •
• Ai$oo,ota equipped with Electric Starting and ' �
e Lighting System. More Wonderful than ever,
(Seaforth Expoistor)
Fly, and one-half tons of fall cata-
logues were shipped in hereby express
on Wednesday of last week by The T.
Eaton Co,, of Toronto, for distribution
from the Seaforth post office, The T.
Eaton Co. are using Seaforth, as a dis-
trib'uting centre so as to take advantage
of the. parcel post rate in the twenty
mile radius, thus saving half 'the post-
age it would otherwise cost to mail them
from Toronto. The express charges
on the shipment were $84 and the
postage charges $1304. If the mer- o
chants, not only in Seaforth, but in the •
the -20 mile melt's, and there are many,
of them, who sit back and take ad-
vantage of the advertising done by
a few, would see the amount of money
per ton these catalogues return to
the T Eaton Company, it 'would be a
startling revelation to them. This is
not the first 'Shipment of these cata-
logues and it will -clot be the last. It
pays and it will continue to pay until
the local merchants become . alive to
the fact that the 1' Eaton Company
is taking the trade that is righttiilly
The New Series
'• Standard Equipment •
o •
Staunch Frame i
New front` spring Suspensions . •
New accelerator foot rest •
Ample road clearance •
Cantilever springs
Improved Upholstery
?'Mohair Top
Non•skicl Tires on rear wheels
Live' Poultry
Will pay the highest cash
price for any quantity of
Live Poultrydelivered
any day.
W. J. McCracken
ta•Oa11 Phones 43 or 27 before you sell.
Valve in head Motor -
Electric Lighting - Starting
Selective sliding gear
Transmission, `3 speeds
Forward and Reverse
New front and rear Spying
Garage at D. Ewan's Carriage Works
bent & Mc�unald
4 •
their's and doing it in broad daylight
If the local merchants want to bold
this trade they will have to go_ after
it, and it is well worth going after
because it a cash trade, it can
be done, but there is only one way,
and that is the judicious use 01' She
local papers for advertising
Mrs, Oatcake—Your husband 'pears
t' be a pow'rful strong-minded man
Mrs. Hayrix—He shore air. I've
know'd him t' read a patent medicine
almanac frum cover t' cover without
feelin' that he had tinny uv th' symp-
Get Behind the Wheel
of a Ford and Drive
it just once! Ask your friend• to let you "pilot" his car on an
Ppen stretch You'll 11 like•it and
will be surprisedrased how easily the
Ford is handled and driven...
If you have never felt the thrill of driving your own car, there is some-
thing good in stare for you. It is vastly different from just riding—being
a passenger, And especially so if you drive a Ford.
Young boys, girls, women and even grandfathers—thousands of them-
are driving Ford cars and enjoying it. A Ford stops and starts in traffic
with exceptional ease.a'sd smoothness, while on country roads and hills
its strength and power show to advantage.
Buy a Ford and you will want to be behind "the wheel" constantly.
Runabout - $475
Touring - $495
F, 0. B. FORD, ONT.
CARTER, Dealer, a