HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-10-18, Page 4+t.1)e Nrusstio Vost 1HURSI)A37 OCTOBER 18 1917 A 'LONG' PARLIAMENT it has been correctly stated that the 12tH parliament of Canada, just brought to a close, was the longest In point of actual time between its calling and prorogation in Canada's history. ' It was also unique in hay- ing had seven sessions, and in the tact that ..In consequence of the war' its life was extended for one-year beyond the period fixed by the con- stitution. In this connection, the fol- lowing table showing the 'dates of opening and closing the various ses- sions of .parliament since :confederation, will be of interest: - First Parliament. First• ----Nov. 6, to May 22, 1868. Second -April 15, 1869, to May 22, 1809, Third -Feb. 15, 1870, to May 12,1870. Fourth -Feb. 15, 1871, to April 14, 1871, Fifth -April 11, 1872, to June 14, 1872, Second Parliament First -March 5, 1873, to Aug, 13, 1873. Second -October 23, 1873, to Novem- ber 7, 1873, Third Parliament, First -Mar, 26, 1874 to May 26, 1.874. Second --Feb. 4,1875 to April 8, 1875. Third --Fel, 50, 1876 to Apr 12, 1876 Fo'irth-Feb. 8, 1877 to Apr, 28, 1877 Fi€tip-Feb, 7, 1878 to May 10 1378. Fourth Parliament Flr,t l •r 13. 1879 to May 15 1879 s -I'- Pah, 12 1380 to May 7, 1830 111 rd---i,ec- 9 1380, to Mar. 21, 1881 lourth---reb. 9, i882 to May 17, 1882 Fifth Parliament Fir. t 1'eb, 8, 1383 to May 27, 1883 17, 1884 to Apr 19, 1884 1sn. 29, 1885 to July 20, 1885 1 •a, t Feb. 25, 1886 to June 2, 1336 Sixth Parliament First -April 13, 1387 to June 23 1837 Second -Feb, 23, 1888, to May 22'88 Third -Jail 31. 1889 to May 2, 1889 Fourth--Jan.i6, 1890 to May 16, 1890 Seventh Parliament First ---April 20, 1891 t0 Sept. 30 1891 Second -Feb 15, 1892, to Jly 9 1892 Third -fart. 21, 1893, to Apr. 1 1893 Fourth -Mar, 15, 1894 to Jly, 23, '94 Fifth -Apr, 18. 1395, to Jly 22, 1895 Sixth Jan, 2, 1896 to April 23, 1896 Eighth Parliament First --Aug 1896, to Oct. 5, 1896. Second -Alar. 25, 1897 to June 29 '97 Third -Feb. 3, 1898, to June 13, 1898 Fourth -Mar, 16, 1899 to Aug. it, '99 Fifth -Feb, 1, 1000 to July 18, 1900 Ninth Parliament First -Fels 6, 1901, to May 23, 1901 Second• -Fah. 13, 4902, to May 15, '02 Third -Mar,. 12, 1903, to Oct, 24, '03 Fourth --Mar. 10, 1904, to Aug. 10'04 Tenth Parliament First -Jan. 11, 1905 to July 20, 1905 Second -star. 3, 1906 to July 13 1906 Third -Nov- 22, /906 to Apr, 27 '07 Fourth -Nov, 28, 1907, to July 20'08 Eleventh Parliament First -Jan. 21, 1909 to May 19, 1909 Second -Nov. 11, 1909, to May 4 '10 Third -Nov. 17, 1910 to July 29, '11 Twelfth Parliament First -Nov, 15, 1911 to Apr, 1, 1912 Second -Nov, 21, 1912 to June 6, '13 Third -Jan, 15, 1914, to June 12 '14 Fourth -Aug, 18, 1914, to Aug. 22'14 Fifth -Feb 4, 1915, to Apr. 15, 't5' Sixth -Feb, 4, 1915, to April 15, 1915 Sixth -.Jan. 12, 1916, to May 18, 1916 Seventh-.J;m.1S, 1917, to Sept. 20'17 The Coming War loan. 7 Early next month Canada's fourth war loan will be an- nounced, by which the finance min- ister hopes to raise the sum of $1000,000,000 from the citizens of this Dominion to provide the very necessary funds to defray the ex- penses of the expeditionary forces of Canada, and to provide additional credit to enable Great Britain and the Allies to continue to purchase agricultural products, munitions and other war supplies in this country. Could any appeal be more com- pelling in its nature than a call of this kind for the very last cent that every Canadian can spare to help maintain the prosperity of this country by the continued oper- ation of the munition factories, and at the same time provide those forces at the front well supplied without drawing on the much strain- ed purse of the Mother Land? And this money is not asked as a contri- bution, -it is but a loan which will hear interest at the current high rate, and will have as its col- lateral the enormous resoulces of the entire Dominion of Canada, practically a first mortgage on this country with all its untold wealth, Can any safer security be conceived of? The war loan this time must be raised from the people at large, and it will be to the person with the small saving account that this ap- peal will be especially directed. The money required to Carry on Can- ada's share in this war must be raised from within the country, and asthe finance Minister will offer a liberal interest and the most favor- able terns, the response should be a record-breaking one. A mammoth, country -wide organ. izati0flIs to be perfected for the fourth Canadian 'war Ion, andthe co-operation of the press and ail pat- riotic bodies is to be secured with a view to making a hr6ught Can- Hess Is in a healthy condition, Since A. McKim Limited issued its first 1. has seen th six ears a o the flan l i s n e t- N LMAKES i l ePublicationsh$�1 An birth O n t of t Vit/ h F to t NS1RONG Canadian Newspaper'dlrectory, twenty- Cf1IIDREN ed iu its directory, and is in 't post- bolt to have itacurale ku0wleitge of And hivigorates 014 People A,ny doctor will tell you that the Ingredients of 'Vino! as printed below contain the elements needed to prove the health of delicate children and reetOre strength to old people, Ti. Cod Liver and Beef Peptones, Iron -r and Manganese raptoe tas, iron and Ammonium Citrate, Lime sad Body falycerophoephates, Cascada, Those who have puny, ailing or run-down children or aged parents may prove this at our expense. Besides the good it does children and the aged there is nothing like Vino' to restore strength and vitality to weak, nervous women and over- worked, run-down men. Try it. If you are not entirely sat. isfied, we will return your money without question; that proves our fairness and your protection. Mil- lions of people have been convinced. this way. F. R, SMITH, Druggist, Brussels, Also at the best Druggists in all On- tario towns. vass of each community that the loan may be wisely distributed. The money markets of the world are practically closed to Canada now and as the United States has huge loans of her own no largesubscrip- tions may be expected from Ameri- cans for this coming loan as were re- ceived for its predecessors. The loan will be a success if YOU do your part. FINAL WORD FOR MEDICAL BOARDS. Official Bodies Must Pass on Each Man Called up Under Military Service Act. Ottawa, Oct. 9th. -A number of doctors throughout the country have been writing here to ask if a certifi- cate of physical unfitness from a family physican will be accepted at face value by a Medical Board instituted under the Military Service Act. The answer returned was a prompt negative. Experience has shown that some family physicians are liable to be placed in an awkard position if certi- ficates of physical unfitness granted by them are competent to secure freedom of responsibility under the Military Service Act for the sons of some of their patients. Doctors might easily be subjected to annoyances of a most disagreeable kind if the idea were to spread that any one of them, with a wave of his pen, might exempt a young man from military service. Under the scheme by which the Military Ser- vice Act is operated, the authorities will be guided by the Official Medical Boards. FITNESS DEMAND CAUSES SURPRISE. Many Canadians at Home did not Real- ize How Important Perfect Condi- tion Looms at the Front. Ottawa, Oct. O. -The operation of the Military Service Act, as it has been explained in the press by the Military Service Council, has aroused consid- erable interest throughout the country. Many people, according to reports reaching official quarters here, are surprised at the importance assumed by physical fitness in the making up of armies for active service. As a matter of fact, physical con- dition is all important in the case of a soldier, explains a high official of the Military Department. You will rarely find a veteran soldier who is not poss.. essed of an extremely strong constitut- ion. For the onerous duties of fighting in the trenches, men must be in per- fect condition and that is why a certain percentage only of many thousands of reserves is available at any time for immediate reinforcement. Men who are not in category "Al" when the call comes cannot be taken. To many men, indeed, it is one of the attractions of military life that rugged health is demanded of those who go to the front --where the vast majority of soldiers in training are al- ways eager to go. McKIM'S DIRECTORY Canada Well Covered By Newspapers, Despite War Canada continues to be unusually well served by the press. This is brought out in the current issue of the Canadian Newspaper directory, compiled by A. McKim Limited, adver- tising agency, of Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg and London, England, 'rhere are 1381 publications of all kinds now being issued in Canada, including 138 dales, 4 tri -weeklies, 40 semi-weeklies, 921 weeklies, 222 monthlies, 1bi-monthly, and 16 quar- terlies, Reflecting the general pros- perity which has obtained in Canada since war began,. 411e publishing busi- [L.S,] the field. The present day condition 1 he Canadian pressenables the P0 - minion to continue to boast the largest reading public In the world in propor- tion to population, As usual, McKini's Newspaper 41 - rectory contains a wealth of general Information regarding every town and 'city in Canada where a newspaper or f oilier publlcatiola is issued; giving pop. 111811on, transportation, 'telegraph, tel- ephone, express, ,banking facilities, and other accommodations. It is a vera- table thine of ,pertinent, up-to-date in- formation for business men at a time when such facts as it contains are in great demand by far-sighted in- dustrial leaders. The book itself is well bppnd, durable, neat and fit for a place on any office desk, or' in any library. -_ CANAiJA GEORGE the FIFTH, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions be- yond the Seam King, Defender of , the Faith, ' Emperor of India. To all to whom these presents shall come, or whom the same -may in anywise concern -GREETING A Proclamation -calling out the men comprised in Class 1 as describedby the Military -Service Act, 1917." V WHEREAS it Is pro- vided by our Militia Act of Canada,' Re- vised Statutes of Canada,1906, chapter 41, Section 69, that our Governor-General of Can- fn ada in Council may place our The Deputy Minister of Justice; Militia ofCanada, or any part Canada thereof, on active service any- where in Canada,and d also be- yond Canada for the defence thereof, at any time when it appears advisable so to do by reason of emergency; And Whereas that part of our militia of Canada known as the Canadian Expeditionary Force is now engaged in active service overseas for the defence and security of Canada, the preservation of our Empire and of human liberty ; and it is necessary owing to the emergencies of the war to provide re- enforcements for our said Expeditionary Force in addition to those whose inclination or circumstances have permitted them to !volun- teer ; bwho And Whereas have alreasre dy left agri cultural .and of the larenumber of indus- trial pursuits in our Dominion of Canada in order to join our Expedi- tionary Force as volunteers, and by reason of the necessity of main- taining under these conditions the productiveness or oufput of agri- culture and industry in our.said-Dominion,we have determined by and with the advice and consent of our Senate and House of Com- mons of Canada that it is expedient to secure the men so required; . not by ballot as provided by our said Militia Act, but by selective draft ; such re -enforcement, under the provisions of the Military Service Act, 1917, hereinafter referred to, not to exceed one hundred thousand men ; And Whereas it is accordingly enacted in and by the provisions of an Act of our Parliament of Canada, holden in the 7th and 8th years of our reign, and known as the Military Service Act, 1917, that every one of our male subjects who comes within one of the classes described and intended by the said Act shall be liable to be called out on active service in our Canadian Expeditionary Force for the defence of Canada, either within or beyond Canada; and !that his service shall' be for the duration of the present war and demobilization after the conclusion of the war ; And Whereas the men who are, under the provisions of the said last mentioned Act, liable to be called out, are comprised in six classes of which Class' 1 is, by the provisions of the said Act, defined to consist of all our male subjects, ordinarily, or at any time since the 4th day of August, 1914, resident in Canada, who have attained the age of twenty years, who were born not earlier than the year 1883, and were on the 6th day of July, 1917, unmarried, or are widowers but have no child, and who are not within any of the following enumerated EXCEPTIONS :- 1. Members of our regular, or reserve, or auxiliary forces, as defined by our Army Act. 2. Members of our military forces raised by the Governments of any 'of our other dominions or by our Government of India. 3. Men serving is our Royal Navy, or in our Royal Marines, or in our Naval Service of Canada, and members of our Canadian Expeditionary Force. 4. Men who have since August 4th, 1914, segved'in our Military or Naval Forces, or in those of our allies,in any theatre of actual war, and have' been honourably discharged therefrom. 5. Clergy, including membersof any recognized order of an exclu- sively religious character, and ministers of all religious denomina- tions existing in Canada at;he date of the passing of our said Military Service Act. - 6. Those persons exempted from military service by Order in Council of August 136,4873, and by Order in Council of Decem- ber 6th, 1898 ; it is moreover provided by our said Military And Whereas Service Act that our �Govern0r-General Of Canada in Council may from time to time by proclamation call out on active service as aforesaid any class of men in the said Act described, and that all men within the class so called out shall, from the date of such proclamation, be deemed to be soldiers enlisted in the military service.f Canada and subject to military law, saye as in the said Act otherwise provided ; arid that the men so called out shall report and shall be placed on active service in the Canadian Expeditionary Force as may be set out in such proclamation .or in regulations ; but that they shall, until so 'placed on active service, be deemed to be on leave of absence without pay ; And Whereas it is also provided by the said Act that at any time before a date to be fixed' by proclamation 'an application may be made, by or in respect of any man in the class to be called out, to one of our local tribunals, established in the manner provided by the saldActiin the province in which such man ordinarily resides, for e, certificate of exemption from service upon any of the following t ' GROUNDS OF EXEMPTION (a) That it is expedient in the national interest that the man should, instead of being employed in military servit,,e, he engaged in other Work in which he is habitually engaged ; (b) That itis expedient in the national interest that the man should, instead of being employed in military service, be engaged,in other work in Which he wishes to be engaged and for which he has' special qualifications ; (c) That it isexpedient in the national interest that, instead of being employed in military service, he should con i:.ue to be educated or trained for any work for which he is. then being educated or trained ; (d) That serious hardship would ensue, if the man were -placed on. active service, owing to his e5tceptional-financial or business obligations or domestic position ; (e) III health or infirmity ; (f) That lie conscientiously objects to the undertaking cr combatant service, and is prohibited from so doing by the tenets and artlaes of faith in effect on the sixth day of July, 191706 a'ty organized religious denomination existing and well rccognized in Canada at such date, and to which he in good faith belongs And that if any of the grou:aa of such application be established, it certificate of exemption shall be granted to anch man. And Whereas moreover it is enacted in and by the pro- visions of an Act of our Parliament of Canada holden in the 7th and 8th years of -our reign and known as the War Time Elections Act that certain persons thereby disqualified from voting with such of their sons as on polling day are not of legal age, shall be exempt from combatant military and naval service And Whereas it is further provided by oar said Military Service Act that applicationalor exemption from service shall be determined by our said local tribunals, subject to appeal as in the said Act provided, and that any man, by or in respect of whom an application for, exemption from -service is made; shall, so long as such application or any appeal in connection there- with is pending, and during the currency of any exemption granted him, be deemed to be on leave of absence without pay ; And Whereas our Governor-General of Canada in Council has determined, to call out upon active service as aforesaid the men included, in Class'1, as in the said Act and hereinbefore defined or described ; Now Therefore Know Ye ▪ that we do hereby calf out the said Class 1, comprising' the' men in our said Military Service Act, 1917, and' hereinbefore defined or described as to the saidd, class belonging, on active se of Caned comman direct. And we do hereby strictly command, require and enjoin that eac man who is a member of the said class shall, on or before the 10th day of November, 1917, in the prescribed form and manner, report himself for military service; unless application for his exemption' shall then have been made by him or by another person entitled to apply on hit' behalf ; wherein. our loving subjects, members, of the said class, are especially charged not to fail since not only db their loyalty and allegiance require and impose the obligation of 'careful and implicit' obedience to these our strict commands and' injunctions, but more- over, lest our loving subjects should be ignorant of the consequences which will ensue if they fail to report within the time limited as afore. said, we do hereby forewarn and admonish them that any one who is hereby called out, and who without reasonable excuse fails to report as aforesaid, shall thereby comm t an offence, for which he shall be liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for any term nqt_. exceeding five years with hard labour, and he shall neverthelcas.if we. so require, be compelled to serve immediately in our said Expeditionary Force. And we do hereby proclaim and- announce that for the greater -- convenience of our subjects, we have directed that prescribed forms, .. for reporting for service, and for application for excnlption from 'serv- ice, may, at any time on or before the said 10th day of November, 1917, be obtained at any post office in our Dominion of Canada; and that reports for'service and applications for exemption from service, if obtained at any of our said post offices and properly executed, shall be forwarded by our postmaster at thepost office from which the same are obtained to their proper destinations as by our regulations pre- scribed, free of postage or any other charge. And we do further inform and notify our loving subjects that local tribunals have been established in convenient localities throughout our Dominion of Canada for the hearing of applications for exemption `from service upon any of the statutory grounds, as hereinbefore set out; that these our local tribunals so established will begin to sit in the discharge of their duties on the 8th day of November, -1917, and "' that they will continue to sit from day to day thereafter, as may be necessary or convenient, at such times and places as shall be duly notified, until all applications for exemption from service shall have ' been heard and disposed of; also that men belonging, to the class hereby called out who have not previously to the said 815 day of November, 1917, reported for service, or forwarded applications for exemption through any of our post offices as aforesaid, may make applications in person for exemption from service to any of our said tribunals. on the 8th, 9th oryl0th day of November, 1917. And we do hereby moreover notify and inform our loving subjects who are within the class hereby called out, that if, on or before the loth -day of November, 1917, they report themselves for military service, or if, on or before that day, application for exemption from service be made.by them or on their behalf, they will not be required ""• to report for duty, or be placed upon active service as aforesaid, until a day, not earlier than the 10th day of December, 1917, which will, by our registrar for the province in which they reported or applied, be notified to them in- writing by registered post at their respective addresses as given in their reports for service, or applications for ex - emotion from service,'.or at such substituted addresses as they may have respectively signified to our said registrar; and we do hereby, inform, forewarn and admonish the men belonging to the class hereby called out that if any of them shall, without just and auffident cause, fail to report for duty at the time and place required by notice in writing so posted, or shall fail to report for duty as..:otherwise by law required, he shall be, -subject to the procedure, pains and penalties by laW prescribed as against military deserters. - Of all of which our loving subjects, and all others whom these. presents may concern, are hereby required to take notice, rendering strict obedience to and compliance with all these oar commands, directions and requirements, and governing themselves accordingly., In Testimony Whereof we have caused these Our Letters to be made Pat- ent, and the Great Seal of Canada to be hereunto affixed. WIT- NESS: Our Right Trusty and Right Entirely Beloved Colrain and Counsellor, Victor Christian William, Duke of Devonshire, Marquess of Hartington, Earl of Devonshire, Earl of Burlington, Baron Cavetulisll of Hardwicice,'Baron Cavendish of Keighley, Knight ofbur Most Noble Order of the Oafter; One of Our Most Honourable Privy Council; 1Knight Grand 'Cross of Our Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George; Knight Grand Cross: of Our Royal Victorian Order; Governor-General and Commander -in -Chief of Our Dominion of Canada.. At Our Governirent House, in Our City of OTTAWA, this TWELFTH de of OCTOBER, in the year of Our Lord one --thousand nine hundred and .seventeen, arid in the eighth year of Our Reign. • By Command, Under-Secretary of State. Men Wanted 014 Munition Work A number of good relia- ble men can sr'cul'.',Stt-tidy employment oft :11�'unitilin Apply to .The Debt. Bell Engine' & Thresher Ca,; Lttl, Seaforthl Ont. 14.4 • O.1d False Teeth • BQ1IRhe in ail')' onditi(ii. $I.Oo per set or 7 cents' per tooth. Cash, by re- turn mail, • R. A. CopprraTn - 2670a. 4pli nncla ave , Mont tt+ul, •P.:Q, ,� 10.12 _ Auction Sale - OF A Valuable Farr I'if '4he Ti ownahin oR Miorris .- Pa. w:a t.4 .h.• p.0 m 1-1 Hutu et.gt,:ii.ol 111 n hrtnln Mortgage, ortgage, wit h will be produced at byoPt9esAnnlxnhuthwllAbaeffAfotra5I1n the Village of Brussels, en Saturday, the 27th ' day of Oetnlior. A D, 1017, at 2 o'clock in.the afternoon by Ir S. Scott, Auutioueer, the fol- lowing valuable property, namely :-rhe North half of Loh.Nu mbar 10 in the St i1 Donee59)on of the Township of 81 arrls 1 , th Comity f e t o CO r d Bur - 1 p 1 t or, ass Thlg ma suty 5', situate e of Laid- miles'._-. or Tess TUls gerof ru tv isdthree wile- . front the t,la ale f a good and within re are gnarl o -s of a by a of n good se 182 There are u n tho property ti a frame Id house Attached; feet with nag, 40 00b feet story a one sttelt n letun e r underneath burn •10x00 tact. -with atone stable underneath 1 n gond we 1 and' spring creel, About sixty acres of the property -iv under cultivation and the balance is pasture ,ands. Terme of Sale- . 'Ten per cent of the purchase money on the day of Hale and the Waage within thirty days thereafter. The properly will bo offered hub. last to a n'eeerved bid. hurdler parttanllre tund conditions of sale may beluyl from the un• ders)gned'nr from the A uotioneet nt Brussels. Dated this 7i irrt day of October A D, tem It vANsrort.s. Wfugham, Vendor,',, Solicitor. Auction Sales • ATJi1TI0N 14AI,13 OF nits' 4T001C, 1ai- rlaaassms,Ao-IP S: Scott, 9nntirrnear, has received in5tructl0ne train the ori Proprietor to sell by Public Aunt! n, at Lal 8, Con, 6, Or 0?. on.,Frlday, October l -h, at . I o'aloek the failewing valuable ,rope: 'y: -I. karse $'year,, old, l Loom, 5 years: old, I"mare 10 years old, 1 driving mar a 10 years old,' 2 fresh 50100,40aly toaalVeDee awl .lan,8oew•rnup posed is calf. 14 cattle rl.lnu 2 years, 10outfit) rtotng 8 cont s, 8'.pri •,a c,.Ives, 1 brood poo dee •L? farrow tiro„ of title 2 brood' sous in Pie, -''1 pigs-nboulr IPU lb, 60 heuo, l wagon, 1 baggy,•1 set bob-s:riuha 1 gravel box, 1 Deering i root binds' nearly new, 1 Deering mower 0 f r ant, 1 ealriv ,tor. 1 seed dr 11, 1 19.foot hay reke, 1 pang plow, 1 ,4igle plow, 1 peunler, 1 tproip reader, 1. mot iron harrows -1 Oh,rt0n fa. Hing !sill, 1 turnip pulper, 1 Ont double hernow near- ly new, 1 net plow borne/3o, 1 grindstone, 1 land roller, 1 wheelbarrow. l pig t tido, I Lay leek, 1 hay fork, roper and pulleyx; 1 Supeflor r• emu • separator nearly now, 1Daisy (Iburn, (limo 'motets ntni spoils,. 12 touslrxy, ganntit•) 5)1ut- fnhay. quantity of eats also 1012ed emit:, 2 d0z grain bags, number of cedar posts, lathe, rakes, chains end outer nrtio)es. Sale with- out reaervo ns rho prOprielro9 5550 said her fnnn.Terms :-A11 suns of $500 and under cash; over that amount 12 months credit given ' on fnrviuhing n)'proved joint notes. 6 per • cent off fur Bosh on credit amounts. 11115. I8A8181.L 117Aj'HA87, .':. Proprietress, AIIOTZON ,) Lit O'J` flA 1,T , Aus,nf, Ill"` .. been instructed &n-John fnrvli, le soh hos been ntstractecl be the nntluraigned to aoll by public auction. at Njh I et I7, Cott 6„-,1g221sr on Tait -day. Oct 88-d at 1 u'elook, thefoltow- inh valuable property 1 working har,se4 yrs. ob ,1 working horse 8 Searoolrl; I drtv),,F Howe • ti years 01d. 1 driving more p years old, 2 COWS . doe tocalve time or sale, 8 entre suppo-ed 10 calf2 heifers 2venra old,, 8 moo's 2 Oro H heifers l sear old, 2 steers l your old, b nxlvta, 1 brand sow, 4 pigs 4 months old, -00 hens, 1 D, ening mower, 1 'Messer -Barris drill, 1 laid • railer, 1 lumber wagon, 1 wagon with hex and stook rack colnbinai. I ran iniu 1,19) poets Iron; harrows, taxtbob•elt)gh-, 1 hay rock, 1 hay os+', rop,rnnd pu11ey5, 1' plow,2nnLs 11 filet -reed and nrokroke, 1 wheelbarrows, 1 rnbbor tired buggy, 1 pneumatic. rnbbor I h 51 baggy, I -stool' ' deed buggy, 2' cutters, l Het tenni harness. I sot . trans lowness braasmean bed nearly new, 8 seta single harness, 1 robe. 1 buggy rug aril .dude", 8 tons has. quantify of oxtsanll burley. t D0• Lavatereum separator, 1 eoeli stove, t 15 -star, 1 cream can, gonntity or houselhold fn,nituro. Perko,rniteareraitty'and other el Melts Pale - unreserved ai-lama has beim sold, Yvan, -$10 and antlereisb; 0805' Haat amount 12 mounts credit on approved joint notes. 8 per cent off for chub on credit tnnonnts Hay ami grain to be cash. JAS, N1t1H:OLSON, - Proprietor. Property for Sale Property for Bale in 5)50, Village of Ora,b-oohs belonging to lila estate of the late A- ,11rQanr- rie, Per lrxrtlenInrsn: to Igloo and tormanp- p)y to 51115.11215)512. B1oQDJAZt1T1y1, - Brussels. COltefOItTABLID 11005381 ANU LOT 70191 82 oa,-Oood 40511,1 l -(Astern, 0,521 trees, &a. Also 0 n0re1 in corporation with lenge ateble and drilled well. For further prn'tiere lure as to price, terms, &o,, apply to Til a Poste, Bresssls. - Farm for Sale Opntniving 200 acres si0. , 5?d hot 10„ 05.8, !Norris towen111p, and acres, 1,0oh, 5, Grey town. ship Well watered, comfortable I0000e,;hsnlc bare mid mnuuroshout, driving Douse, Wind mal, orahnrd, &a 23, mi100 North or Bru,sets nn gravel react, . Rural 11x11 and rural 'phone, 1/, utile to atthool wilt- sell either or both Farina If notsold before 0otober lit will be footed, For farther pa'tlnnlaro ripply to MUSK 11.O144YP17,. Proprietor,_ Brussels, or..... !r. 8: 8607:T, Brussels. 0-4 ' Executor's,$ale Far ilia purpose of winding np tho estate of the tete John Ballast n0 the lands and lnamt- )sa0, Olt.0nto in the: Village of (lrnnbrook, coo-. tainln 6•=some 10 norOs Wend and up00 which thyrofaerected' a eSmforlable frame, home Siad frame born n1 a offered for sole, roll pnarticulars and born, of sale. ..will b0made known iipoa application to t ie Executor, An- t•hony iln$mmnui, 0,'nahr0ok,'or the under- signed. 8) r.INt1LAatt, a 40.1 Solicitor for thelllxsouter, ,For Sale "2834 acres of farm bunts in Ola Township of Morris, nd iotning the Village of Braxsois,-)n onollClil, '`ketolsngond muse pit, it 0)5055- orifront 1. to l not'os, It hsa 110x,, 150ted and 04 a°11:10: 01' growl Chore to 0upply tine ,otvti and v)iiln)ly for tin next quart*',' Of n 00510,75 0 hu)Idtst lets nen!: : the iar'y sl r•at ; 1 1,1 on Georgoatro't. neat' 1110 itheri.v tube, ; ateo My. pilliato r0shteula t n 1111 rive, bank, rotifer - gtwi111anntadAltu,tat: eela. irnr`fltrthnl' pa'ifettlero imply to the vlderslahed at 1150 resider:en. J.111i011I10, Brusaola,1511 Marblt,1017, t ji