HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-10-4, Page 5fitdillitltS6 CARDS, JNO; SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED IIc °IBJ E& '' '. Gess exritaro WM, SPENCER CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER ma MARRIAGE LIOENSLi' i glue in the Post 41l11ue, Ethel. 80.4 AUCTIONEERS, 1.41 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - ,11..! i • sen, wilt sell for better prices, to better men, In lees time and lees charges thau any ether Aootloaeer In East Haran or be won't charge anything, Dates and ordere can always be arranged at tale Moe or by p nreonal appiioatlou, •- LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. T DI. SINCLAIii— • Barrister, eolleitoe, 000veyaueer, Notary Pubno, do, Unlae-Stewart's Block 1 door Borth of Central Hotel Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank, Business Cards JAS. ANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON. Successor to 81. H. Moore. Office at Ander• son Bros: Livery stable, Bruseels, Telephone No, 29.. T. T. M' RAE M. B.. M.O. P:, & S, O. M, 0. I3., village of Brussels. Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur Office at residence, opposite Me1vllle .Oho wig linnt'street, h, ',QR. F. T. BRYANS Bachelor of 8ledlrine, Univnraity of Toronto ; Licentiate of College of Physicinne and Sur- geons, Ontario r ex•Senior House Surgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto. Offiees of late Dr. A. MoKeveSy• Smith Block, Bruooels. Rural phone 45, MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal gracrdate Department of Opphthal• motogy, McCormick Medical College, Chicago, I11,, is prepared to test eyes and at glasses at her office over Miss Inman's millinery store, Office trooery ekieyu0a Saturday every Office to 12 a. m, ; 1 to 8 p. m. Evenings by appoint - menu Phone 1210. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel, JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co.. Satisfaction naanred ; Charges moderate. Write or Telephone if not convenient to call. Beth Brussels and North Huron Phones. BELGRAVE P.O. P. R. MULHERON Tench er of PIANO, ORGAN, VOCAL Organist and Choir Amster Melville Church, Bru0aels Pupils `Prepared for Toronto Col. lege of Music Examinations.. Phone 18x 11000FOOT, NILLOHAH & COOKE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c. Moe on the Square, 2nd door from Hants l ton Street, GODERlt'H. ONT. ' Private hinds to loan at lowest rates. W..PItOoOroov, K. C. J,.L L. EILr oie ca H.: J. D. coerce �� t""Vmia rstiivsAvsm,` t?csa` r�rRe,' 4�AV�*A' P� trv'A1 P�1 Ontario's Best Conmercial School Conraes are thorough, the Instructora 19 are experienced. students get Individ. nal uttrntion and gratitude( are placed In pool tams Daring 8 menthe we turn. A� ed clown over 800 units for trahted.help l5. This is the school for those who want •a the practical training m111 the good yr,. positions- Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Departments- a Get our free eatalogno, 15 will interest yon. rr� W. J. Er 2 oor, D, A. omtrip 1LAN, President Principal ;y CENTRAL ��ldl/12 STRATFORD, ONT-... MOON GETS FULL TWICE IN MONTH OF SEPTEMBER It is Only Every Eighteen Years That, the Moon Can become Full Twice in One Month. if moonlight nights have an beat- ing Y ing-011 the number of marriages con- summated in any given period; the number of marriages whteh developed during September of this year should be double that of any ordinary month, for this month, for the first time since 1899, there are two nights on which the moon reaches the full phase, 'I'lie first full moon was on Sept, 1st and_ the second will be on Sept, 30. 11 1s but every 18 years 01' so that 'the p001' old moon .can become "full" twice in the same month, thereby dif- fering from many persons who inhabit this earth. The moon requires 2924 days to complete its circle from full 1110011 to to full moon. This synodic revolution is what we c0nu110uly call the lunar month. A slight i'iration 111 this per - hid is liable to occur, and Sometimes amounts' to a little over one way or the other, Every 18 6 years 8 complete revo- letiol of the nodes takes place, and sifter ih lapse of this period the motion i5 repeated in the same 111)01lter,The moon rotates. on its axis in the sante time and in the Sallie direction in which it revolues, around ihecarih gushily elweys preSents the and conse- sante face to the earth and the other side of the hemisphere is forever hidden from our sight FELT LIKE A NEW PERSON After Taking Only One Box Of "Fruit -a -tines" EAST Stile HARBOUR, N. 8. "It is with great ploasere that I write to tell you of the wonderful benefits 1 have receNed from taking "Fruit-a- tives". For years, 1 was a dreadful sufferer frons C071.5g,at'lo11 and Head- aches, and 1 was miserable in every way. Nothing in thdevay of medicines seemed to help mo. Then 1 fleetly tried "Fruit-a-tives" and the effect was splendid. After taking one box, I feel- like a now person, to have relief from On those sickening e Headaches". g I•I Mas. iIARTIIA DDWOLFL. . - 50e. a box, 6 for $2.60, trial size, 360. At ail dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit - a tives Limited, Ottawa. egaND nitwit Rau A'aa BRUSSELS - Goma SOUTH O GOING NORTH122 Express 8:82 a m I Ef pr 11:07 a m Express' 5:82 o m Express 8:07 pm CONANDI N POICIFIC WALTON To Toronto To Goderioh Express 7:82 a m I Express 11.:48 am Express 2:27 p is Express 0:04 pm WROXETEF Going East - 7;11 a, in. e1%d 8:81 p m. . Going West - 12;88 and 9:66 p. m, All traits going East connect with 0.-P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and R O. B. stations, GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent, :Coral i ems helms Service Badges It is understood that the govern- ment has authorized four types 'of war service badges, but these are not g , Yet ready. for issue, When they are ready notice will be given through the press The Warning of Fall The list of fall fair' dates in the newspapers is only one of the many signs of the near approach of Au- tumn. The grain fields will soon be bare as the harvest is being gathered. The live stock will soon be receiv- ing extra attention with expectation of carrying off the prize tickets at the fairs Do You do it Correctly? A vehicle or car wishing to pass an- other going in the same direction should pass on the left side, At the same time the vehicle or car being passed should turn to the right so .a5 to give half the travelled road. On meeting, both vehicles or cars should turn to lite right, it seems unneces- sary to give space to. 'natter like this having been in Seaforth for six years, but there are many .who do not know yet which way to turn, Must Contain List The postal authorities find it neces- sary to again remind the public that in nailing parcels for soldiers overseas. the customs declaration must contain it -list of articles contained in the parcel It is not sufficient to merely state "Sol- diers' Comforts," "Foodstuffs," "Eats" etc. Each 'article must be specified. The sharp corners of tin boxes should also be rounded flat with a:hammer be- fore mailing. ew Classical Master. The Goderich Collegiate Institute Board has engaged Mrs. --E. K. Urquhart, B.A., of Collingwood, as classical pias- ter. Mrs,Urquhart was gold medalist in classics in her course at Toronto University and has taught most success- fully 111. some of the larger Collegiates and Guelph two and one-half years. Her testimonials speak most highly of her work as a teacher and disciplinar- ian. She began her duties on Mandoy Mrs. Urquhart's husband, Rev. D Urquhart died early in the year and she is returning to Ole profession in which she was formerly engaged. \ Too Much Sunday Business. A Zurich merchant makes the follow- ing announcement in The Herald, the local newspaper:—Notice to Automo- bile Owners:—If you want to use your automobile on Sunday don't you think you should provide yourself 'with gas- oline and oil on Saturday and not ask us to open en tipour place of business on Sundayandsll yu gasolinet i have no ,objection to helping anyone out who accidently runs out mud cannot get io his destination. We will gladly help such, but people at home, I think should see that they are supplied oh Saturday or else stay at home on Sun- day. Kindly bear this in mind and don't ask us to fill your car hereafter on Sunday. ..J, Preeter. County Assumes Job. Blyth Standerd:—The Good Roads Committee of tine County, comprising, Messrs. 301111 Stewart, Seaforth; Conrad Reis, Wroxeter) Matt, Armstrong, Hal- lett and the Reeves of Bayfield and flay along with County Engineer D. Pat- terson, County Clerk Lane and Ware den Dr. W, J, Milne were here on Monday and inspected tite road op- posite Capt, 5, 5, Sloan's farm and decided to construct a ditch and cul- vert slid put In a catch basin to re- lieve the water at this point. They will also have two culverts placed near 13elgrave arid have the • prairie road south of Winghani gravelled. This work relieves the TOwuships h 1 Morris otco - of East Wal anal and 0 s u siderable expense and credit is 'due the Reeves of thele municipalties :In having this, Matter takers op by' the County` . Retiree from Militia.. Milltta district orders colitain the following announcement for the 33 (Huron) Regiment:—Provisionai Lieut 5, R. Rumble' Is permitted to retire. Counterfeit $10 Bills it Is understood that there are a num ber of counterfeit $10 Imperial Bank bills being circulated in the province RI the present time, and managers fort theme Warned ore saidbe 11tohbe en ex- cellent imitation. The Stratford Dailies go up in Price, Both Stratford daily papers announce that owitlg to the great Increase in cost of production their subscription rates will be increased- from $2.00 to 82.50 on August 13th with a still further increase to $3.00 per year on Nov, 1st, Epworth League Convention. A big rally of young people known as the London Conference Epworth League Biennial Convention will be held t 1 hi Central a Me th dist church, Burch Stratford, Tlidrsda'y and Friday,. Oct. 4th and 5th. This rally will undoubt- edly'..be attended by a number of the young people from this vicinity. Hunters Must go "Drys Ontario .hunting - parties this fall must be "dry," according to the opin- ion expressed by the chairman of the Ontario License Board, It will be a- gainst the Saw for- a hunting party to pool their therr frond s and buy liquor and. have it in possession, On the other hand, a man owning a hunting lodge Blight legally have liquor to serve _it to his guests. Cost More To See The optical trade throughout Can- ada has' been notified of the mater- ial increase in the price of spectacle lenses, to take effect at once, For the first time in the history of the trade the manufactures have found it neces- sary to cancel all orders on hand at former prices, giving for their reason the scarcity of labor and the tremedous increase in the price of the raw -mater- ial, in some instances over 200%. Papers Away Up On the different kinds of book paper. used in a printing office increases range from 64%on newsprint to 125% on Eggshell book. Manillas have gone up 40%, on Kraft wrapping and coat- ed enamel, from 6'1 to 69%. Bond papers have increased from 60 to 150 %, The greatest increasee in the cost of .materials has been on ink of 111 grades, which has gone from 25 to 300 % over former prices. Hydro at Zurich. LIVE AND LET LIVE rdIn. speaking 01 a person's faults, , Pray don't fol get your own I Remember those with 1.10mes of glees Should seldom throw ft atone. fl' we have nothing else to do But talk 111 hose who 0111 ; 'Tia bettor, we enntnieupe tut horse, Aa dJ'roo that point begin, 01 \ern have no right to judge a roan Until hefahrly tried ; Should Nye not like his company, We Icuow the world ie wide. Some may have fan'Ite, anti who has tint, The old as well as young ; Perhaps we may, for aught we know, lltve fifty to their, one. 111' tell you of a better plan, And find it works full well, To Ley my own defects to cure, Before of nthers I ell. And tlhongh I sometimes hope to be No worse i han some I know, • My own shortcomings bid 010 let The faults of others go. Then let ns all, when wo Onirlmenee '1'o alau(1er friend or foe, Think of the harts one word may do, To those who little know. Remember curses, sometimes, like Our chickens, roost at home 1 Don't speak 01 others' faults until You have none of your own. Zurich Herald:—Since last Thursday the.streets and houses of Zurich have. been lit with power supplied by the Hydro Electric Commission of Ontario. Every street in our village is now bril- liantly lighted, the lights burning from 7 o'clock in the evening to 6 o'clock in the morning. They go on and off automatically, a time switcli-doing the work. Many of the houses are now using hydro power, and it will not be long before • most of our citizens will use it for ironing, cooking etc., as the cost is small if used with care, Ontario's Voters' Liit Instructions have been given the law clerk of the Legislature to prepare the forms of declarations to be shade in connection with the enrolment of vot- ers upon the new Ontario voters' list. This, however, does not mean that a new Ontario list will be used in the expected Federal elections, Attorney. General Lucas says the Dominion Gov- ernment may make a 'list of its own. 'We have no idea what Ottawa intends to do, and are only taking the first steps toward getting out own list ready," he said. "This will take two or three months at least." Not Much News A newspaper man could go 'seven` days in a week, seven tines a day, and ask different persons for the news and each time to be told there is ab- solutely nothing going on in this lo- cality. When these people get the pa- per they sometimes say:—"li— there's not much news this week,"- and then recall in item or two and wonder why they were omitted. When you know of anything of importance that has transpired tell us -every time. 'That's what we are in the business for. To publish the news. The New•Stamp It officially announced by the post office .department that the special 3 :ant stop to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of confederation was put an sale on Saturday, Sept. 15tH. The 151119 consists of an engraved repro- luction of Harris' well-known painting of the fathers of confederation,- It beautifully engraved and in size is somewhat similar to the Quebeec ter :este:tar start 1905 e i f The.issu Y p 0 of the confederationstanpswiIl last for it period of three or four months, but,. es to the. case of all other Canadian stamps the new one is of pernaulent validity and can always be used for the prepayment of postage, • Brussels • a • • Studio • • • OPEN • IFrida & Saturdayeach week t. • y_ • Try us for Amateur • F'ribting and Developing • Groups Miceli at your owe 1101110 any in the 1 con n 11 - any Iv here 1. try. • 'Picture Framing • Neatly Oone 1 We make Enlargements from .• old Photos. • .• a S. FREE Photographer e •••••4••4••4$ 44+44444044•* Will Amend, rid Temperance p Act. J. D. Flavelle,.chairman of the Board of License Commissioners, says the Ontario Temperance Act has been more successfully administered than the commissioners had expected at the out 'set. "There ere now in Ontario over 100 more standard hotels than when the Act went. into force. We have been receiving many letters from travelling men, stating .that the accom- rodation is better today and that more atention is given to the accommodation end of the hotel and less to the bar as formerly. We have also received letters from prominent business men who at the outset were opposed to the Act, but are now strongly in. favor of it. They tell us teat they are selling more goods, and accounts are ,,.-mew paid that were never paid before: The Ontario Temperance Act has practic- ally dune away with open drunken- ness on the street. Under the present Act, the Dominion Act precedes the Ontario Act. Under the former act a fine of from , 5f to . 5 00 can -be imposed on druggists selling intoxicating be- verages and wines, but under the On- tario Act a fine of from $5200 to $1,000 can be imposed. .An amendment is under way, which will enable us to prosecute under the -Ontario Act. It is not fair that the -druggists should suf- fer in this respect unless they are flagrantly breaking the law, and we purpose to go after the manufacturer first." Wroxeter (Intended for last week) Miss Jennie Allan, Oaegill, visited at her lioute bet 0. Several rinks of Wroxeter bowlers visited Henea11. Lieut. Stewart McKercher left for e trip to the West. Misses Shipley and Olemmie spent, Sunday in Listowel. Miss L plat tin, Exeter, is the guest or' Mrs. T. G. Hemphill. Mrs. Dobie, Ohesley, is visiting with tree sister, Mrs, R. Gibson. Rev. Mr_ Stride enttducted set vices in Lakelet and Clifford on Sunday. 0, and Mt s. Koehler, .Ayton, spent the week end at the hone of A. 11. Moffitt. Frank .Allan and \Ilse Agnes Mc- Kercher hove gone Lo Toronto where they will attend University, Graham Ballantyne_ -visited friends here before going to Toronto where lie has enlisted with the iMechanioal transport. He expects to leave soon for overeerts. - J. Smith, Wycliffe College, Toronto, spoke in the interests of the Bible Society in the Methodistand Anglican churches 2111 Sunday. Annual meet- ing of 111e Society wes 1hehl in the Methodist church Monday everting, Jamestown A bl'o't touring car was pat chased this week by Jas. McOutrheon from S. Carter, Brussels, We hope he and his family may enjoy many a pleastutt day in its use. 11100181 FRANCE. ---Gunner Jas. W. Simpson, wtitee from Femme to Miss Jennie Simpson, as follows :—DEAR .)1oNNIE —No tiollbt your will he atii'- peised to receive such a long letter from me in reply to yonrs, received somelime ago. As yon know env - re spol.tlence is it limited game in the ai guy, bob 1'ri: going to break all fo ill• ee records in at sincere endeavor to thank you bur that most excellent par- cel whish 7: received just the other night. To merely say I appreciated it, doesn't begin to do j uslice to my feel - togs in the matter at all. If you can imagine just how much a payee! means to a Lite'', hungry and war -weary vet. elan like myself, aecnstolled to live on the pt'ovel'bittl "bully" and an oC• caaiOnttl "hard tack," you will per - hulk, have some idea to just what ex - tea your kindness was appreciated. Not to me alone did your parcel Bring Snell satisfaction, as my hnngt y com- rades desire to convey their sincere thanks as well and to express the geheral sentiment, they ate still eager. 1y looking forward to aarepetition at an early date; T' am conceited enough to imitable that, perhaps you sortie - Limes wonder how thitgs are with me in the great wee and to think that perhaps yon think of me with 001110- (1ring ititin to that tenderness which you were hvolt lodisplay in days gone by, ]fere amid the flying shrapnel, the hissing bullets 11,11(11101i(115' y;aa (am. pinkie on the gas), when IN, men's life Is It 111111n1' detail, it is impossible riot to recall the past and again to wonder what the Int nee .has in atote. This terrible straggle aanuot hist, .forever anti when once we have the desperate Hun coin pie tel y allowed tinder, and shorter f 1+t c s t f dem cid. Canada b p cIt appear Mire more before nue longing eyes, then and then only I aliall wend ley weary 81 ,' 5 211 131nssele and live in hopes of eeedttg my dearest 650011 DeLav& • r • R • • • P • 4 • '�t 7 • -'-•-- • • r • ••0.4.4@4.44••@444 •.440444000•••4444••••4.0.44•••4.4• • Cream Separator fa. all A.1 Dinrhine that liv08 premier pal Israel •toil, '1'111.• Agency for. 1311188sls !reedit y is now held by • 0 4. S S. CARTER • Call and examine machine• and 3 leal'p its superior. qiu lities. • come true, for Jennie dear, fn the language of Ilse "wool-gathers)" "you're the porridge t f 1111 life," "Zonis devotedly, .IAF. WALLACE, A sister.• of the above aolli,•r, was married at her home in Detroit ie- eently and her brother melt her a butter knife designed Ile 1, ll fl nlil Iwo i d (ley - man loan shells. The years; 1914, la)ID lillli, 1917 are imprinted noon it and if le a souvenir worth possessing, Plot of 'tile shells froth which it was made struck Gar. J. W. at two different -times. Once his cap MIS knocked riff arida part of the sole of his shoe at another lithe. He went over with the First Canadian Onntirlgenb'and is still in the thick of H. Andrew Simpson, Jamestown, attended the wedding of his granddaughter in Detroit, Clinton According to Wednesday's papers Capt. Town is among the officers to arrive at Halifax. The annual Epworth League Conven- tion of the Godericlh District will be held ill Victoria St. church, Godericll, on Wednesday, Oct. 17. The New Era has been informed that Mr, Charles Middleton, who re- sides just hest of the town, has been recommended as the' second. member on the Exemption Board, along with W. Brydone, These two gentlemen will snake an excellent and just Board. Letters received from Pte. 181. Doh- erty, this week States that, the young soldier expects soon to get his ticket for Canada. His hand, which is under treatment, is doing nicely, but his fighting days are over. Pte, Gab. Elliott, who went to Eng- land this fall with theMechanical Tran- sports, failed to pass the Medical Board, though he passed all his exams in workmanship. He will be given a job in England for the time being, Messrs, James Snell & Sons are shipping 5 Leicesters to Montana in a few weeks. Dr. Tennent, of London, was here last Friday to give them a "dip" and well be back in a week to give a second one before they can cross the border, Messrs, Snell have had an excellent summer with their sales of sheep. ' The potatoes may be dug as soon as the tops have died down, although there need be no particular hurry if the ground is dry. The tubers will grow as long as 1110 tops are green, but when they turn yelow will have at- tained their full size. It is well to watch 0 •A • Ir 0 • • 4. i• • a • '• ,)6 • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • 4 • b 9 4 C a O • • 0 • e a o- 0 a a • • • 9 6 Th New Series evrolet Z •, • • • 1° The only Car in Canada selling at less than $800.00 equipped with Electric Starting and • Lighting System. More Wonderful than ever, Standard Equipment Z Valve in head Motor Staunch Frame • Electric Lighting — Starting New front spring Suspensions System New accelerator foot rest Selective sliding gear Ample road clearance, Transmission, 3 speeds Cantilever springs • • • Forward and Reverse improved Upholstery • New front and rear Spring Mohair Top • Brackets •Nou-skid Tires on rear wheels • • Garage at Da Ewan's Carriage Works• e • • • • Amt •• 6, • r • AGENTS, BRUSSELS • • • • • 4####00#4.444#44•4444•••••••• 4001104••••••••84r64,1444,41”0441•4 for scabby potatoes at harvest time and powdered sulphur be scattered over to put them in a pile by themselves then. All the potatoes need to be well dried before they are stored. Sone people Simply put thein in a coarse hag and leave 8115111 out of doors for several days, but it is a better plan to spread Property for salein the Village of Oranbrook tlfem on.boards or burlap in a barn or beton ung to the estate of the late D. McQuar- slaed„ They keep best in rather shallow rhe. or particulars ria to price and terms ap- bins, and will be less likely to rot if p y t MRS. JANET MOQUARRIE, a little air -shucked lime, or, better still, Brussels. Property for Sale Complete Service to For Owners Everywhere C OURTEOUS attention to your needs wherever you may travel is somethilz you appreciate, and � , beinga Ford p owneryou canget p sr it. Your are always among friends". Thereare a e more than 700 Ford Dealer Service. Stations through- out Canada. These are always within easy reach of Ford owners —for gasoline, oil, tires, repairs, accessories, expert advice or motor adjustments. The cost of Ford Service is as remarkably low as the cost of the car itself. Nineteen of the most called for parts cost only $5.40. Just compare this with the cost of spare parts for other cars and you will realize the advantage of owning a Ford. THE UNIVERSAL CA, ,R Runabout $475 Touring - - $495 Coupelet $695 Sedan - - - $890 F. 0. B. FORD, ONT. S. CARTER, Dealer, BRUSSELS