HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-10-4, Page 1VOL, 46 NO. T4
• x•5o Per Annum in. Advance
W. H, KERR, Pro'tieiay
New Advertisements
Military Service Act.
Looare-R T110111001.
Auction i+alo-R. Vanatotfe.
Patio for w lo-'e..R. Retinal),
Plow, and I.fled-W.R, 131. mid Not.
Limo for salt -.W, 6, MOCutogeon,
111801r d
w 1 Ito, ]2oht.11ell ]Cngi}ie Oo.
i!. :r .cI ' Fv
John McLennan has sold his farm
to his on
a a B.
The 100 acre farm of David Badgely,
Bast of here, has been sold to \Vol.
Grainger, o1' Ho wick, who gets p"s-
se8sinn next Spring, Price was $5000.
Mr. Badgely's health has not bawl
good and be and his wife purpose lo-
cating in Brussels we Ileal•, when they'
remove from the farm.
W rosteter
NEWBY SVRlxxttls - Andrew Ire-
land, Dnrhatn, a former resident of
Howick, is visiting friends here,-Jno
Brawn and family,: Poi onto, were the
guests of relatives here last week.-
18108. Harding and 2 daughters, Dur-
ham, visited recently with Miss J. Rit-
chie. -Rev, Mr, Lindy, Walton, C011-
ooducted the Preparatory service in the
Presbyterian church Friday afternoon.
-A. Sanderson put chased the 25 acres
of his deceased brother last Saturday
at the Auction Sale. The 100 acres
was not sold. -Service in the Metho-
dist cburch was withdrawn on Sunday
everting owingto anniversary services
being held at Selena -Wm. Mitchell'.
and MiesMabel.Mitchell left last week
for a x'111 to Ttigaske, Sask.-Mrs, G.
S. Leckie is holidaying in liiussela
vicinity, -The annual Thank -offering
meeting of the W. M. S. was held in
the Presbyterian church Thursday af-
ternoon. A splendid Address was giv-
en by Mee. Belt, Molesworth, Offering
amounted to $70 00.-0, Koehler and
Men. Wanted
Munition Work
A number of good relia-
ble ellen cansecure steady
employment on Munition
•Work. • Apply to
The Robt, Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Ltd.
Seaforth, Ont. 14.4
bride, Granby, Que., spent a few days.
Iasi, week with 11)e foriner''s
eisler, Mrs,
A. 51cLentl.-S. 13. 1ft olvie Clles ey,
ratted ort 014 fvlpiids hove last week. -
We regret to learn that Jno. Young is
disposed but tens 1 Ile will soon re
u' 1 form e1 1 e
1r , tally. -Tho Beown
r t a,13m
wee a visitor in Toronto this week.
SCHOOL REPO1iT.-The following is
the repot 4 fist: No, 16, liuwick- and
Gre for the nun th ofSeptember
y I 1 -
JP', IV. -Ii. Grainger (absent). • Sr,
Brown 90,M,it
T D, 3t t v 1 Du 0
17 M.
Bowman 80. Se. I[.A. Brown 88,
E.13islop09, W. Doig 60, E. T110111 1)-
8011 72, G. Hlalnp 48..A, "l, lKe cher 04,
1.. Ln bk 20. G. 13oailfgrr (abselu),
Jr. IL -19, 8'ahlger (absent). Jr.
classes are graded A. 13. 0. A.-0.
Grainger, 90, B. Sanderson 80. B, -
L. Dong '73, W. Lambkin 90, A.
Schmidt 85. O. -G, Bowman 80, 0.
Grainger 80, E Bowman 85 I. Doig
30, A. Doig 78, MARTON ALLEN,
L18TkIsT Nxws,-Mies Jean McAllis-
ter,.No'th Mar llington, is visiting at
T. Ouminings'.-Miss. Florence Mc
Donald, Toronto, was home- for a few
clays last week.-Weibiesday of lee
week the Women's Institute visited
with the 4Vest.Listowel Branch at the
home of Mrs. Geo. Nichol. Moles-
worth Branch supplied the program
and everyone had an A 1 bile. -Geo,
Brown will attend the Fair in Galt on
Friday as one of the horse jedges.-
Don'tforget the Red Cross Corcertie
the Presbyterian church, Monday
night, Oct. Bch. Special feature, the
unveiling of the honor R011. -Wm.
Fraser will hold an Auntiol Sade on
Tuesday, Oct. 10th, to dispose of his
stock, owing to his barn having been
NEWSY N01re.-Miss_. Laura Rolpli
has returned `from a 3 weeks' visit
with friends at London, Strathrny
and Toronto.- T. J. and Mrs, Watt
have purchased a home in Clinton and
Moved there last week. -Milton and
Mrs. Smith spent Sunday with Mrs.
Smith's father near Lakelet.-Mrs. J.
Ourtis spent the past week visiting
friends in Horning's Mills arid Owen
Sound. -H. A. and Mrs. McCall motor-
ed to Hamilton and spent the week
end with relatives, -Earl Aitcheson
spent a few days at his home this
week. -Morris Bosinl11 has moved in-
to Wm.'ktaneyls house and commenc-
ed bis work no R. R. No. 2.-Jatnes
Masters, G. T. R. agent returned to
work on Wednesday, after .being on
the sick list for past 3 weeks. Glad to
see him back. -Win. and Mrs. Gal-
lagher and Win. and 1Mts. Thotntou
motored to Ingersoll and spent a few
days with friends there. -Mrs. A.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••o• r •
• of •
Out Furnishings
i - •
o e s i'
A •
O •
Ao d will dellAt•
Ali loges
l tt�� ••
•I •
:l Men's Heavy Underwear Hats Caps _.
fi,�r' •p •
Working Shirts Fine Shirts •
Ties Collars
• Summer Underwear tTmutoxlsevnvsnwmney
• Rain Coats Aboat titteen IePtGhat
• ore nein nnd'nico.
O a 1'
Caps s from 1.25 t tt5
w: :a -;;sem
R. W. Ferguson
All for $1.00
• ••••••e}••••e••..•e••••••• *•e*•*••**4
••e•eete ••+•'l'•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+5+•.1.6i•wl'i••4.,F•'N*•F••i,i'eieses • •
• 'ALL
• ® ■nery :.
o •
d E will not hold a Formal Milliner 'nil ..+
• y Opening g •
• this Fall' but invite the Ladles of Brussels
and locality to call and see our Fine Exhibit of4.
aNew •
Fashionab1e Gooc, any time,
• $
• A choice stock of Ready -to -wears that. is $.
�. y * .
• to please and our'
asOrderedGoods will be well
• wgl'tli, seeing•
IIIU 1 t. ,
M 5S lyi�1V s out new Milliner this •
• Sseason.$
1 Mrs• J, H. hteilct 0.18 deceased, Few
•!••'N•*oi'•+•'Fi�N••t•••P•'f*+•+6+iii•M••F•+•+•+••ki•o'M•i•••N•+•• . of tae pioileet'eettlera 110W rennailk
Hoboes ie at present visiting her
daughter, Mrs. 0, Brim !gift, Toronto,
-David Patten and Miss Louie are
visiting friends In Toro 1hi,-Next
Sunday, Oct: 7111, Rev, Ml'. Bridgetto,
A,, Lucknow, will preach An-
el• f
s Ill 111 '1
s 1 a 1310evale McCho-
diet,chnenh, mall a. in, and 7 p. m,
-Rev, 110, Gentiles, Prh,eipal of
Knox college, Toronto, will con0ue1
the anniversary services of Knox
church, Blnevale, on October 140,
and p r e
1801) at 11 a. r ]
1 am 7 80 +,
tn. This is the 59Lh"anniversary of
the c0ugregation.
Edward Wightivan, writing from
Betidericic, Bask •, Sept, 2611), says in
remitting for Trig POST: -We are
quite well and trust this will find you
hearty and veli Ave ilirotlgh thresh•
ing in this district for this year, Orops
were leather light. Wheat was- gond
but not a very big yield to the acre as
the season wits 8 very dry one. Prdces
are very gond and we are thankful for
what there ie.
:Reeds, Messrs. Mann, Breese's, and
81eCullnrh, Oeu,brook, were visitors
at Duff's Manse Monday of this week.
It should have been H instead of J.
°lark, as reported in last week's POST,
who purchased the farm of Jas, H,
Mies Veitch, Roseville, is a visitor
with her grandmother, Mrs. WIn. ala -
Allister and her aunt, Mrs. Jen, S,
Slight changes in the C. P. R. time
table, Afternoon train is 7 minntes
earlier and the noon mail 5 minutes
sooner than has been.
Wednesday of last week TolbertTal-
mage Olaric and Miss 'Margaret Shol-
dice were united in marglage, by Rev.
Mr, Lundy, at the hot a of James and
Mtg. Sholdiee, Me.Millop, We wish
them maty happy, prosperous years.
Bliss A111nie Menzies' was an exhibit-
or at Atwood Fall Fair and took a
number of prizes,
Misses Mabel and Annie Menzies en-
jnyed a holiday trip through the
Niagara Fl uit belt last week.
Rev. W. B. MoDnriald, of Atwood,
will,peeach at Thank -offering service
next Sabbath, 711) inst., at 7 o'clock to
the Presbyterian church here, -
Last Sabbath evening Rev. Me, Mc-
Culloch took charge of the service in
the Methodist church, Brussels. In
the afternnon he gave the address tat
the Memorial service for the late Pte.
Thompson, at the Township Hull,
Ethel. -
The anniversary 01 the Methodist
church was observed last Sunday and
Monday. Rev. W. E. Stafford, 'pas-
tor, preached Sabbath afternoon and.
evening to interested congregations.
Monday evening an enjoyable pro-
gram was presented, with P. H. Gil.
roy,Brussels, in the chair, as follows 1
-Selections byshot recitations b
Marjory Hoover solosby Miss Grace
lV ker elections the Ladies'
1 al e b o
Sextette Buissels 2luet Mis Olm-
stead and Miss 1luntel ; solo by Mi.
Gilroy • addresses -by
G Y , yPastor and Rev.
E. G. Powell, a former pastor, iiow of
Loindou. Pioceecls were over $20,00.
Township council will be hetet Mon-
day, 15111 hist.
firs. Kouredew, Chicago, was a visi-
te' with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Gray,
7d; line•
collector Procter is getting ready to
beg.p his annual visit to Morris town-
s11ip taxpayers.
Miss Mot +5.n, of Ripley, is the teach
r at Br•ow1 town sch(Snl ay 50(005ser
to 31isc YlrilI, who went to Wel ton,
19 nig mild 1 his season by Meagre,
5hnitie & Sheep, Ohl line, brought
them 111725. Guess there's money 111
hoes all right.
Quite a number of a'I01118 111810 '111
sowed Spring wheat this year with
31(1111 r0sulty. QniLo 11.11 acreage of Fall
heel lois been Dalin Ibis 501(50(1.
1 he Auat irnl S,‘ le at Frei Stephen-
.,.,1.'I'tPed;iy „fte,nooi, wills P+ 8
9 . n ret Au,•1 i,ule.'r, totalled over
c,11n11, l t 1 • vri ,.vi.11 high
M ,t. • 1 ill ;tithlic crhnn1B Will.
• «'
3 i - 1 1'., v 'i'IIluikegivillg
I ly •.:,,
M111111.1V, >41111 '1'htoreday 18nd
Il'riday Te 811101 a' °Olivention at Clio-
13(11.- -
3i18. (1'l,' ) eleClitcheot, who has
born.11n'id.,}9ng bore, returned to her
home at bV lllteslttu re, P0110., last
w,,.k 811 1 t1.. delight P' nr'T, and
81 e ( •"Ic 5111et8
I h - • , ,. 811 (I. 1 I., 5.11 line, and
,I \\ li'n risen, Montreal
motored to \Valkertoo, Oollingwo0(1,
Owen Stirred and Other Northern
towns last week and' visited relatives
and old I''110nda. Barry Keys was the
1an.-SS antday nl6l'11113 or last week,
81,0 is Inu.rscal„reliel of the tate Rich,
8 A1•1n911.013.8111 11110, 11)158e01 away
at The home of her son, Lotvds, 011 the
old hol»estoad, The funergai took
plane Monday after'(1non lad SPAS
largely abteeded. 1Rev, ale. Smith,
lector of St. John's iahurcb, Btessele,
conducted the scrviee led bate:aiheilt
WAN111800; in 1 rincse10 cemetery,. the.
sons mod et het relatives being pall
b110000s, Mt s, Ar1nstemig ,80118 77
years and 5 months old 1811d luta not
111 few
health for a
enjoyed robust e
years. She had been a hearty, indps-
trio ns woman in her dtty and had
Hued on the farm nn which she died
•t i-
for oyes 00 ,saes, E11g1 y nig 11)enesper t
i. ; ,1 de”
and esteem of m wide of fuc i
Armstrong died 11851 year. :I'nn
children 801Vivet viz 1-141ra. Abbey,
in the West; Mit. 11, lied Mrs. T.
Warwick, 181ilrris ; Mrs, W, Rutledge,
Dakota ; Chas• and ' 101111111 iu the
West+ R'rhard Wnl, and Alex, in
Gley ;rend Lewis ort the irnnasl.e0c1.
Grand Concert !
Township Hall, Ethel
hanksgiving Day
(Monday, aYr Oct. 8th)
a High Class Concert will be Held '
der the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of
the Methodist church, Ethel, in the
Township Hall.
Pine Program
Consisting of Elooutionat'y num.
bees from Hiss Spaokinan, Honor
Graduate' of Alma College, St.
Thomas ; Ladies' Sextette and
Male Quartette, Brussels ; Solos,
&c. _
Program at 8 o'clock.
Tickets 15 and 25 Cents.
Proceeds will go towards the furnish-
ings of the Methodist Church, -
A treat ie to store go arrange to attend
the concerti on October 8111.
Messrs. Shurrie & Sharpe have in-
verted in a tboro'bred young York-
shire sow from the well knnwn'4reed-
er, J. Brethoue, Burford. The animal
(0188 a prize winner in the class under
a yetar old at the Toronto Fair,
We are sorry to abate that Ward,
son of .:.16. Sellers, 3rd line, ie not re-
covering from his operation for ap-
pendicitis, 6 weeks ago, as quickly as
his numerous friends would wish but
we trust he will soon be able to be
aboub as formerly.
Miss Campbell, Ohesley, is visiting
her uncle, Jonah3Flood, town,.
C. and Mts. ckmier visited over
Sunday in Lticknow, the guests of F.
and Mrs. Freeman.
A. L. McDonaldhad a load of cattle
to Buffalo last week but reports prices
just as gond in Toronto.
Pte. Harold Love received word
that he is finally discharged and will
appear hereafter in civilian clothes.
Tom. Dunbar, son of J. Dunbar, has
enlisted in the Aviation Onrps in Van-
couver andis11010 ill training tofly in
Toron tin,
,lames Pearson has been on the sick
list with !Agrippa, Iles. Pearson isre-
covering from her attack of fever we
are glad to state,
A concert will be put on in the
Township Ball, under the Girl's Pat-
riotic Oltih by P. R. Mnlheron, Brus-
sels, on Friday Oat. 191h.
P. R. Mulheron, organistancl choir -
Master i v'
as a 1 tM el titlebore Brussels,
c h B t asela
visits ]test l hurda of
each week to
give musical w
struetion both vocal
and inatenm8ntal.
. S. Howlett has been in Morris
township looking after f
trming n
bi ns for his cot in Albert Howlett
who underwent an operation a few
weeks ago. A. friend in need is a
Few people would imagine that our
old stelwat,t friend, ex -Councillor
Adam Turnbull celebrated his 80th
birthday last month, He enjoys com-
paratively robust health and has good
eyeeiglkt and hearing.
Rev. Thos. Wilson, of Walkerton,
will give an Illustrated Leotute 011 the
subject "A. Trip en India," Tuesday
evening, Orinher 10th, in the Town-
ship Hall, Ethel, under , the auspices
of the Women's Missionary Society of
t.he'PI•esbyterian church/Admission
15 and 25 cents.
A large crowd attended the memori-
al service Sunday to pay, the last W-
hole of respect to Pte. B. Thnmson,
141111 was very appropriately decorated
and the addresses by Reeds. McCul-
lnch and Johnsnn were very impres-
sive and should stimulate the most
indifferent mind to the serious condi-
tion of our 00untty at the present
tine. Anthem by the choir was en.
titled "Ii Men,odan,"
At the °eneert to be given on the
evening of Thanksgiving Day, under
the 11115131005,0f the Ladies' Aid of the
Methodist chn.r•th, lMiiss Blanche
Speakman, a post graduate of Alma
College St. Thomas, has 110011 engag-
ed as elocutionist. Musical numbers
will he awe , by the Ladies' Sextette
and Male Quartette, Brnrsels and
011101s, Dale is Monday October 8,
Tickets 1.5 and 25 cents.
The rain last week was worth a
great deal.
•Snore complaints are made of a
w(nan attacking the turnips.
Mrs. R. Pearson is home from a
visit to0lintnn tan0.Gnderiota
Ml's, A.. Yon] ' and Miss Bishop were
exhihitnrs at Atwood Fall Fair.
Miss P11501116 Ingram, L011don, hs a
visitor at Mrs, llnbb, Pearenn's. '
Since some banns were destroyed.
by lightning ltgetnis for lightning rods
Have done a rushing business,
Thursday 11.nd Friday of next week
the 8011001- teachers will attend East
Huron Teeclteece Convention at Olin
Thos. R. Bennebt, \1Vingham, offers
his 200 aere ferns, n
0North Grey bulnd-
tu',v, for Immediate sate, See advt, in
11115 38581
During43. the past week Rev. mei Mrs,
Pntvell, London, were -visiting with
Chester and Mrs. Armstrong, The
Indies' 111.0 1i8te08+
\Vtu. and llrs,newer old Id rden
Pal l
0f 1187tO0t, have m
ied to their
farm' on 111041.1, line of lytwl'tis, hand-
ing neer the homestead t0 metnbets of
their family,
I/004011 All VVIA191:1; speaks 08 follows
of a-forutor resident of this locality:-
Capt. (Rev.) p ( t+ ) 1 L Meet
1 eaesou, whit
11188 beaded the pulls in the soldiers'
vote overseas for representation in the
Alberta Legislature, is well known in
this city, a sou -in-law, of alt's. Ellen
°oiling, 229 Waterloo street• and the
late Rev. Thomas . ll! rnrts ull' e• u1
Ont, At the time 1,u went, uaelseas
as a combatant ()Meet. with the 89th
Battalion of Ualghrry, his wife nail
little daughter, Nfu•dial • clone Last
and have been staying ever ei110e with
blas. Oohing.
A number of College friends' o1' the
fighting -parson -legislator who are Idv-
irig in t1115 city express 11(1 surmise at
the fact that, be has led the vote
REV. (OAPT.) Plir1R13ON
enemy 22 nominees, "He was always
a real fellow" is what they have to
stay with a note of warm affection in
their voices.
Capt. (Rev.) "Bob," as they call him,
was net only a good student anti a fine
manly man, but a notable athlete as
well. Born 111 Ethel, near Brussels,
son of the late Robert Pearson and
Mrs. Pearson, Retook his arts course
in Toronto University and theological
in Victoria Collee, going from there
to Calgary as assistant pastor to Rev,
Mr. Kirkby in the Central Methodist
church. 13'e was subsequently station-
ed at Edmonton and lied Deer and at
the time of his enlistment Was engag-
ed in Y, M. O. A. work in Calgary.
One of the best known eportsuten of
the Northwest, he has been PL'esideut
of the Alberta branch of the Amateur
Athletic Union of Canada and of the
Alberta Amateur Hockey Association.
He has always been on any movement
calculated to better any'gane.
Going overseas as a Oaptain with
the 89th Battalion a year agoc last
May, he was only 2 weeks in England
with his unit when they were to
the trenches. Seriously wounded tat
Courceletee, he has since been unable
to return to the trenches as a combat-
but t hehas found his way of serv-
iugtas near to the firing line as pos-
sible. Right ep in the. clanger
zone where he can help the w0nuded,
he is in charge of several Y. 11. 0..A.
His electinn with such an over-
whelming soldiers' vote is en evidence
of the affection, admiration and confi-
dence he has inspired. His marriage
to Beulah °oiling,- (ltuughter of Rev.
Thomas and Mrs, Culling, took place
in Drayton several years ago, the
Pettier of the bride performing the
Mrs. Ellen Ellen Onlling, mother of Iles.
Pearson, has an illustrious honor roll
in her own household, 111 addition to
hes distinguished son-in-law, she is
represented overseas by annthee
ister-soldier, het' son, Rev. Morley
Coiling, who went to England' with
the 185th Battalion and ie with the
signallers at Witley camp. Another
son, Gladstone Dolling, made the
supreme sacrifice 011 June 2, 1010, at
A valuable Collie dog belonging to
J. henry hoover, 1111, Coo., was pods-
orredh,his week, with suspicions intent,
tie will give a reward of $55.00 to lo-
cate the culprit,
George Oempbell, 411) Cnn', Wal-
lace, has disposed of his 50 acres to
11 r, Olalke, of (grey township, who
takes possession 011 ,11111011ry 1st. Mr.
Oaa.pbell has lived of his present
farm for 36 years and has been a
perous and hard %striking foamier,
He and'Mrs, Campbell will retire to
their residence in Listowel and take a
well 'earned rest.
The fine 100 acre farm of Joseph
Whitfield, 3218 Con., has been sold to
a man named Tuck, from neve Niagara
Falls. Price is said to be 00,250, 170,
Whitfield has 1)nttghb a ootnfortable
home and plot of ground jest Smith of
.Beuseels and will likely move' to it
next Spring, He is an old and highly
esteemed resident of Grey t0wushil,
and deserves a holiday,
Smoot, Rxroot The following is
the Reprn'reof S S. No. 5, Grcy, for the
month of September, The names are
arranged in order of merit. J1'. I:V.-
S. Willies, 1.3,. Bennett, M. Lindsay,
SI•, 3l
I, -G, lyveledgh, E. Mills, H.
Boirmw T. 1 tie n
I 31c1lues, r
, 7 . I [.-
r lx,
1l lis, N. Campbell, 3, Armstrong, B,.
Lucae, F. Bremner, L, Hudson. SI'.
Ill', -M. Ward, M, Arnnelt'ong, A.
Alexander V. Carson. Jl', II. -E•
Eveleigh)) M. ()arson, \V. Ward, \V,
Smith, E. Ward, L, Thompson. Sr.
0. Clarke, Ni, lialnilton, 1V. Lucas,
N, 3ennes J. Oa» 1n
e1{, .' Smith.
'S Alextu
der, T. Lucas. Prem.
r n-
et, -L, Wend, M Arm
strong, A, 1>rveleigli L. Carson,
M. A. itrl8G,ass, Teacher.
Ib h e
_ I
West Flour
Car of Flour and Midd-
lings expected this week.
Special prices off car,
Car of
Pea Coal eMpactad this week
W. R. Broadfoot
Seo. Farmers' Olub
Phone 518 Brussels,
At the Anniversary 8e1.01008 111
61111011 church cm Sabbath, _28rd ult.,
fine set•inons were preached by Rev,
Mi. Duan, of Monk ton. The Thank-
olloi•iug totalled 5150.00. [pion
cloneh is a cosy property and will
soon be clear of debt,
Ar( unvesetved Auction Sale of
Farm stock, impleuleuts, &c., will be
held at the Monne of Mrs. Thos,
Strachan, Lot 8, Com. 0, Grey, 011
Friday 19th Inst., with F. S. Scutt as
Auctioneer, :qrs. Strachan has told -
the farm, hence the sale..
Thursday and Friday of this week
the Dates
Hurrah ! foe the annual Pall Ex-
hibition on the Agricultueal Park,
Brussels, Thursday and Friday of this
week. With good weather a sweep-
ing big crowd is figured on for Friday
as people conte from far and near to
Brussels Fair.
The Prize List is a dandy, covering
a wide range and the entries have
been pouring in to Secretary Black at
a lively e y rn is so that a great exhibit is
Friday afternoon Kincardine well
known Pipe Baud will enliven the
-There will be three speeding events,
a hitching race for ladies, a potato
race o1 horseback, foot races for
children, Highland and Irish dances
by the Barclay children, London and
two 6,1110y drills.
Have you your reserved seat ticket
for the annual Oolicert.in the Skating
Rink, Friday evening ? Plan of
sentient Fox's Drug store. Better call
or telephone For reservations at once
if you have not dote so. The fine
Maple Leaf Male. Quartette, of Galt ;
Iva and, Oarl, daughter and son of
Captain Barclay, London, and the
Pipe hand will give the program. It
will be a good one and a great audi-
ence is looked for.
A 1•aucY Drill will
put on by
s (,oit
Brussel n ntuatin
o School pupils
and another by gi Is belonging to the
Public School. This interesting feat-
ure is slated for 2 30 and 3 o'clock be-
fore the grandstand Friday afternoon.
Brussels Council
The regular monthly session of Brus-
sels Oou• ell was held Monday evening,
All 100(11 "'1'5 present.
Minutes of last meeting read and
Following accounts wet e presented :
R. Oliver, salary " . $ 45 t ,:
.1. T. Wood, cinders for street... 1 i,
Jas, Kerr, hauling gravel.,.:.... 355 h
Geo, Henderson, hauling gravel 121 105
Moved by S. Wilton, seconded by (1,
A. Best that above accounts be paid.
By-law No. 12 regulating tax rates
for 1017 turas read 8 times and passed,
Rates are as follows :-
00. purposes $1600 00=4 mills on $
Local purposes.,2725 00-7 3.10
Oonsolidated . 900 00-2 4.10 `
Frontage 844 00-2 3-10 "
Gen. School rate 8100 00-8
School debt , 870 00-1
$9,020 00 25 mills c'
This is the same rate as last year,
5 pet• cent will be added after Decem-
ber 14th nn a•11 taxes uncollected,
Reeve presented circulars relative to
British Red Ornss and the town sub-
scription. Moved by Geo. A. Best,
seconded by M. Fraser that $500.00 be
granted by the municipality for this
purpose. Carried, -
Question of coal and wood for Elec.
11'1eLht i
ut• o
Light purposes ses was discussed and
arrangements made to secure same.
The relation of the Pope foundry
and the Wood factory to the corpora-
tion was talked over. An Engineer is
to come to run the line between W.
A. Lowey's property and the Pope
Receipts from weigh scales for Sep-
tember,1 9.2
council adjourned,
Morris Council
Council met in To1vttshi Hall,
Mortis, on Monday,
Sept, 101h.
inutes of last meeting N
ting read and ap•
peeved. Petition for oonBtruction of
a Mellicipal drain was received front
lRebt, MeoDo ut a
ld and others. On
11inti011 by Laidlaw -Johnston, peti-
tion was accepted and clerk i11st'ruc1-
e0 to send a copy to the engineer.
Following accounts were paid 1-
-Myth Standard advertising, $1.,50.
Gen -vel -ohne, Agar, $11.20; John
Vanc18mp, $5.20 ; A, G. Campbell,
$8.00 \ m.
9+ V
$6.50 n
wPolio t, .3.20 + Wee, Ciik,naon,$t.00 ; Geo, McDonald
$1.80 Bert,
Jmolts0n, 82:70 ; Philip Atnetit, 5 60 ;
F, S. Scott, $1,10 ;1!1)05. lliiller, 84.00
3/18, Hall, $30 Jy, Gibson,i13 6 .
Irw1n Walleye, bla cl'ng;
Geo, Pierce, gravel, 88 40 ; Michael
Kelly, shovelling, $4.00 ; Albert Tay.
lots shove111ng $301
J Hender-
nder•sou, laub, killed by (logs,
$15.00 ; W.
Kerney, work on grader, $45.00 ; dis-
infecting school, 02 60 ; David Laid.
late, lamb killed by dogs, $6.00 ; John
M0Art1', drawing tile for McNeil
drain, $21 00 : Bert. Watson, drawing
tile McNeil drain550 ; Felix Kirton,
n1 ;
balance on Wet wick rain, $464.50
Peter Rutledge on McNeil drain,
$75.00 ; David Smith, gravel, 05,50 ;
Gen. Davit:, shovel:big, $2.25 ; R. 13.
Alcock, Hanna drain, $214.00 ; R. B. -
Aloock, Robb digin, :1;25 00.
Next meeting will be nu Ott. 15th.
A, MAnHwg,o, Clerk.
Wroxeter Council
Regular meeting of Wroxeter
00011011 was held in the Clerk's o10loe,
at 8 o'clock p. 01., Tuesday of last
week. Member a present, Jno. Adams,
John Douglas, F. Davey with Reeve
Reis in the chair. Minutes of last
meeting read and adopted.
Moved by John Douglas, seconded
by John Ariane, that we grant R.
Black $400 for water power up to
Sept. 1411,, 1917. Carried.
Moved by F. Davey, seconded by
John Adams, that By-law No. 4, to
levy taxes for 1917 pow read 3 tithes
be passed as react. Carried.
Following accounts were received to -0-
R. J. Ilan,,, 50110(11 purposes -4200 00
Et. Black, water 3)100" up to
Sept. 1411,, 1917 .................. "3
W 00
Jus. Snell, cleaning ditch....... 300
A. H. Mof%Lit. mitring Electric
tight plant for \ngust ......- 38 75
Thomas, for grading streets 0
daps , ., . 22 50
Bert. Sage, cutting ditch and 6
loads of gravel 7 00
$ 871 85
Moved by John Douglas, seconded
by 7(11)11 Adams, that the a0e(-nnts be
paid and Ord 01.'S (11,10•,, on Treasurer
for the same. (tarried.
Moved by John Aderes, seconded by
F. Davey, that we adjourn to Tues-
day October 16th, or to the call of the
Reeve. Carried.
J. BaETnArEa, Olerk.
Church Chimes
Rally Day services will be held next
Sabbath in both the Presbyterian and
Methodist Sunday schools
Rev. Mr, Stafford's sermon Sunday
morning on "Love's long arm" was a
straight Gospel message well applied,
Rev. A. T. Mann attended a meeting
of Knox College Board of Management
of which he is a member, this week, at
Thursday and Friday of this week are
the dates of London Conference Ep-
,vorth League Convention, It convenes
to Stratford,
Goderich Epworth t s
c orth League
be het in
d pct •'
street Methodist church, Goderich, on
October 1711),
Next a Tuesday evening Rev. Mr. Me -
Callum Lucku will address I
s the W.
M. S. 'Pv
n1 hank-offeritvng service in Melville
church at 8 o'clock.
Rev, Mr. McCuiloch, Cranbrook,
preacbed in the Methodist church last
Snodey evening and gave a good dis-
course. The pastor was at Cranbrook
preaching anniversary sermons.
The Epworth League will resume
their weekly meetings, after a vacation
of several months, next Snuday evening
at the close of the regular preaching
Service. It will be a Consecration
meeting in charge of Mrs. Parker,
"Tile pswer of vision" was Rev. D,
Perrie's subject at the e pcoparatory ser-
vice in Melville church last Friday after-
noon, Sabbath morning pastor preach-
ed from 111e text "Behold I stand at the
door and knock, &u' and !u the evening
the theme was "Daniel's dream of the
colossal man,"
Rev. F, 13. Larkin, M. A., 0f the
Presbyterian church, Seaforth, went to
Montreal Monday, where the degree of
Doctor of Divinity was conferred upon
him by his Alma Mater, the Presby-
terian College, He carne to Seaforth
From Chatham 18 years ago and bas en- .
joyed a successful ministry during ail
this period. 'lits POST congratulates
Dr, Larkin on his new honors.
Sabbath next will be the Sunday
School anniversary of the Methodist -
church here. The pastor will preach at
11 R. m, and 7 p. 111 In the sttoreoun
the annual tally of the 0011001 will be
held when the prepared program "The
door of Hope" will be presented and
other numbers added, Special contri-
butions will be asked at the anniversary
for the Plano Fund of the school,
A GREAT Hee:-The Family Herald
and Weekly Star, of Montreal, certainly
made a popular hit when they issued
their new wet map of the European
fighting arena. The price for the fall
year is $1,25, map included, Itis a
wonderful value and it is 130 wonder.
they are securing thousands of now
readers. Renewals also, many months
ahead, are being sent in order to get the,
may bow. The map is very cotnplete
and alone well worth the price asked
tor both paper and map.
PRTRvrh 16n. MoICAY--Fllgbt-
Lieut. "Doug' Addison, of Toronto, of
the Royal Plying Corps, formerly a Well-
known O. H. A, hockey player and R.
C. V, 0, sailor,, writing home from
England declares that Capt, Eddie. Mac-
key, formerly, of Brussels, is the best
aviator at hie station. till letter reads
-"Tine beat flyer at that station was a
chap £roto London, Ont. His name 15
Capt, Mackay mud he was' my instructor
Re played hockey with the London
ter ed e
m tat 0.H
. A,t e•am
before coming
oVer, He le the Inosl wonderful aviator
I have ever seen and it would ,be quite
easy for hilt) to write Ids 0wu name with
a flus."
LI, J1