HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-9-20, Page 111
VOL, 46 NU. 12 y)il.5o Per AN10014.iia Advance
W. H. KER•R, Proprietor
New Advertisements
Flashlight lest-Jas,
est nBootiePor sale -ran POSS.. S
Oteatn Separators-H,Oga
Aeolian Sale -Fred. Stephenson.
Voters List -4'o nFhtr ot rl
Millitiery opening -G.1'4,
Boter1inment-ked lSociety
never Society,.
Notice to Oredltors-Jor, Bunter estate.
Notice to Oredltors-Alfred Button estate,
Miss Ethel Stutt has returned front
a two months' visit in the West.
Joseph Fleming and family, Toren.
to, are guests of the 'former's sister,
Mrs. Thos. Iltnwn.
Mise Ada Mikes and sister, Mrs.
Chapman, Winnipeg, are visiting old
Mende in this vicinity.
John and MrsPatterson,` rrie nn
h Ha t
spent eleveral days last week at the
home of W. Patterson,
W. Knox, I'lotvick, who has been
)making an addition to his barn, had a
t very successful raisin last Saturday.
Flight Lieut Stewart McKetcher re-
turned from England last week reach-
ing his home Saturday evening, He
met with a serious accident while 'on
duty in France several months ago,
when he suffered a compound fracture
of the leg and several minor injuries.
\Ve twat the six months' leave which
has been granted will see him fullyre-
slmred to 'health again. Robert Mc-
Kercher is as present on his wayover-
Mets, T. F. 14111 ioi Dgesasan,-Af-
ter a prolonged illness, extending over
8 months, a former well known resi-
dent of Wroxeter passed away at her
home, in Toronto, on Friday last, in
the person of Mrs. T. F. Miller. Mrs.
Miller was born in Pickering 86 years
ago and wets the eldesedaughter of the
late John and Mrs, Snell, In 1870 she
accompanied her parents toTnenberey
where in 1874 she was married to Thos.
F. Miller, who pre -deceased her semis
21 years ago. She later moved to Tor-
onto. She is survived by 2.daughters,
14 ti's, Coulter and Miss Margaret, -and
a son, Richard, all of Toronto. An-
other son and daughter passed away
in youth. Funeral took place to the
Wroxeter cemetery Monday afternoon
on the arrival of the 12,45 train. Ser-
vice was conducted by Rev. Me. Mal-
(Intended for last week)
NOTes. - 0. White, L. VanVeisor
and W. Pheir speu.tthe week -end at
Pt. Plgio.-A. Reis and family, Brun-
ner, spent Sunday' with the fortnee's
brother, Reeve Reis, -Ed. Lowry is
spending a week at L'wdon.-Thos.
Weight has returned from iVartime,
Sask , where he spent several months.
-Donald Munro has gorse to Coiling.
wood whore he is employed in a drug
store.-Herhert Patterson, accompan-
ied by his patents, John and Mrs. Pat -
Millinery Display
We wish to announce that our Fall
Millinery Opening will be held
Fridayand Sdturda Bf tit's
y week
A. cordial invitation is extend-
ed to the fair sex to see our
choice goods.
51155 \VALTON, of Stratford,
has been engaged to look after
this depot talent.
`Gall and see the latest styles,
neo, fit, Mitchell
Phone 215
tei'SOn, llarr•iston, spent Sunday with
el ier
) oily ,- m L lodes -Misr M. MvLru.
stun left for to )holiday al; Loudon gird
Strathroy.-A very impressive servioe
wee held et SL•, James Church Sunday
afternoon in memrny of the late Pte.
' nt s made L
J oho1. P I who o ul, he sup i+emo
saarince for his county on Aefgetet
15111. A. part of the beautiful 1)01
service of the Angle:en Church teas
used and very appropriate hmile ren-
dered. Attendance at the service wets
very Targe and a most )etuiLable and
comforting aildreee wee given by.Rec.
tor Roberts. -Reeve Reis has disposed
of his share ill the flour mill here, The
Harr will now he known as Black ,
Son, We wish the new firm coedit -
tied prosperity.
Miss Mae Burke spent a few days,
last week visiting Wrnghaln friends.
Mies Marguerite McEwen spent the
week -end with her cousin, bliss Ethel
Mrs, Rmbeet McLennan and little
son, Stewart, are visitors at the home
of the fofrner's parents, Peter and Mrs.
Scott, Turoheety.
Pres. Geo. and John Johnston, sons
of Geo. and Mre. Johnston1 t m
Grey, are ill in a Hastings (England)
hospital with Trench fever. Pte. Ar-
thur, another brother, is in .France in
the fighting line,
Win. Boit haesome interesting epec-
imene brought back from France. He
had some exciting expsriencee that
were nerve chatterers, all right, and
has been receiving treatment at Lon-
don to counteract it.
An auction sale of farm stock. im-
plements, &c., will be held by Noah
W. Bowman, North Boundary, Mon-
day, Ootober let at 1 p. m. sharp, He
is giving up the farts hence sale will
be without reserve. George Walker
will be Auctioneer.
Wednesday of last Week, at the
Manse, Wroxeter, Rev. Mr, Malcolm
performed an interesting ceremony
when Levi Parr, a young farmer of
Grey township, and Miss Jennie Win-
ona, daughter of James Simpson, an
old resident of this locality, became
husband and wife. The young couple
will snake their lmme on the Parr
homestead. We wish thein many
happy, prosperous years.
Miss 15. Pertle is visiting Listowel
Ernest Hunter, Meafor1, is visiting
under the parental roof.
Mre. Geo. Smalldon has spent the
past week with friends in Clinton.
Oeanbropk harmers' Club will meat
Saturday instead of Friday ere week.'
We were very sorry to hear of the
death of Chas. H. Knight and deeply
sympathise with the bereaved.
Wm. Kelsey, Cadillac and Austin
Kaiser, Chicago, made a short visit
last week with their cousin, Jacob
Long. -
Keep in mind the anniversary ser-
vices 111 the Methodist chureh, Sept.
8001, glen the entertainment Monday
evening Oct. 1st.
Tnesday. Rev, end Mrs. McCulloch
were at Dungannon attending the in-
duction of Rev. 14Ir. Craig, the new
pastor. Rev. Mr. M000110ch is the
Moderator of Mat t1
eP rresb to
blies Marie at Baker, tl et, of Saginaw, Mich-
igan, a visitor at the home of George
[Baker, has returned horse accompan-
ied by her cousin, Miss Madelene, who
intends spending a month's holidays
at different pointe in the States.
De Laval
Cream Separator
Is en A 1 Machine that gives
premier satisfaction. The
Agency for Brussels locality is
now held by
Call and examine machine and
learn its superior qualities.
etee**04•4 1neeeo9a®aoeo0+oe ••••••o'Pooeo••••••••••••••
t 0
• ••4
• •
1 4,,
ri UR NEW FALL STOCK is now in place,
consisting of Dress and Tailored Hats,
1 i
Mounts,Wings, Ornaments and Novelties n
Owing theearly to dem nad for ordered Work
40 on account of the cool weather we are not having
o a Formal Opening, but will be pleased to show our
stock and attend to our needs in this line.
• •
o , •
t) roc)
0 'w N I A N
yr •
4444.44444.4.4+•+4.'54••N• •4.44••••••4••••,•••••••••
Autumn Milfmnery
q q It is reported that John Clegg, an
old resident of the 5th line, has puce
sed t
chased residence in in m t
1 aW hn
Parr o
\vhlch he and Mrs, Clegg will move
/esteem Winter, Their fine farts will
1 be taken over by their eon, Joe, We
0'11 a sorry lose will b s t t to a Mr: and Mrs
y t ,
Town Hall, Erussels
Under' auspices of ideal Red Grose
Tuesday ev ll' Sept, 2j5�jj hh
Bel -rave Dramatic Company
has kindly eoneeuted to put on
the Humorous Drama
"Lodgers Taken . In"
Tickets 25c.
Doors open at 7.80. Program at 8
Tatar Proceeds go for Patriotic Purposes
Keep Tuesday evening clear.
Oranbrook was.well represented at
London Fair, Among the visitors
Jno. and Dan, and Mee, Huether,
Rev. J. L. and Mrs,. McCulloch, Mrs.
M. Cameron, Thos. Brown, A. Ray
man and A. Leitch.
The S. S. Rally in the Methodist
church Sunday afternoon Leets a suc-
cess. The credit is due Mrs. Omstead
through her untiring efforts in prac-
ticing the children, _each doing well
the part assigned them. The floral
decorations were A 1. Pastor: gave
good address.
Next Sunday afternoon a Memorial
service, having reference to the recent
death of Pte. Allan McLean, will be
conducted in Knox church hare.
Don't forget the Young People's
Convention to be held in the Presby-
terian church, Moncrielf,' Friday of
this week. There will bete sessions
and the prop/tin should prove very
Watton -
Rev. Mr, Craik will attend the an-
nual Fall District Meeting in Wesley
Methodist church, Clinton, Tbursday
of this week.
Weduesday afternoon Mrs. (Fte.v.)
Lundy \vas lit Belgrave addressing a
Woman's Missionary gathering in the
Presbyterian church.
Memorial service will be held next.
Sunday morning 111 Ddif's church, at
11 o'clock, in connection with the de-
mise of Ptes. Alex. McLeod aid Geo:
Thamer, who died in France for the
Empire's cause. 7 brave lads have
yielded up their lives from here -and
Moncrielf so far..
A. delegation of young people will
attend the Endeavor Q01nVent1On at
MoncriSef Friday of this week.
Melvin and l\L•s.aYm• d ea R •
1. 1 n Bert.
and Mrs. Taylor, Westfield motoredd
to Metz and Guelph
for the week -end
and visited friends.
Rev. and Mrs, Boyle aecnmpanied
Rev. and Mrs. hlcOulinch, of Chan -
brook, to tile indention at Dungannon
Tuesday 01' this week.
Belgrave Dramatic Company pre-
sented "Lodgers Taken In" at Otitlo rd
Wednesday evening of this week and
have been invited to Brussels for next
Tuesday evening. Gond foe Beige/tee,
they deserve hearty thanks for their
zeal in a good work.
Mrs. Lnwry, the only sister. of Mrs.
D. Sproat, passed away al the letter's
home on el ()Tuley, at an Ltdvltnced ege,
The fnnelet took place to Seaforth on
Wednesday, Set vice was held here
by Rev. Me. Bnyle Tuesday evening,
l)eceesed'e maiden name was Margaret.
f•Tahnalh, of Tuckersmith. Her hus-
band died about 7yeara awe
Lowry rues ty women of fine type end
enjoyed the respect and -esteem of e
wide circle `friends.
" ivtorris
Miss Grace Ferguson, Niagara Falls,
is horse for a visit,
Fred, Stephenson paid a visit to Par -
le hast week, going by imam route,
W sdr e ty of 1)tisweek is the Ante
of posting til) Lhe Morels Voters' List,
There are 752 names of whom 408 ate
Llompeteht to act. as Julors,
Miseee Maud Bell and May Wight-
i hl -mai are al:loncling High School in
VVm nt and 6 11 t
n d wu 1 i n t r doubt ive
,themselves. Ullt of
gnuc1 11Ct1
Having sold hi Mee 1
a t farm to \>; heel
et• Br ns Jatt es Nicholson 1
1 Ntth s 1 ut -ages
holding a Clearing auction sale next
month prior to ilia locating it) Wing -
ham where he has purchased a home.
Thursday of last week Alex, Nichol
and daughter, Mise Hazel, event to
London to visitTelatives and friends,
The latter will eetend her visit; 0(0111115
on Mende in Clinton aid Blyth on her
return trip,
The attotl011 sale of farm stock, ire..
plements, &n., at Fred. Stephensiin's,
Si Lot. 30, Con, s,.will be held October
2nd. He purposes rweaving to Brus-
sels taking a position in the chopping
mill 'r11John Logout.
'Roy and Mee, Plunustee1 and ,H, and
Mrs. Pltunsteel,' Clinton, were visitors
with H. M. and Mrs. Manning. They.
motorod in the formetee oar. lairs.
Roy le better known by her maiden
name, Mitts 1Hrazel Rozeli,
We are sorry to hear iitab Albin
Nt»vle61;( 7th line, is not eulnying hie
customary good health. 119 'under-
went, ran nperati0)1 Moodily end tv0
1,)o hn will800n be fully reslnred.
Ho was il)cra'ted 011 Jot appeud'icilis
last year.
Township Cnuocil will meet next
Monday at Ethel,
The threshing machine is showing
gond results for 1917 harvest.
T. E. and Mrs. Whitfield, lath Con„
-were holidaying in Toronto and en-
juyed lheie visit greatly.
1taes. and Mrs, Riddell, Mee. Roy
Hastings and friends spent Setut'day
last in Milverton, combining business.
and pleasure,
Jas. Warburton, of the Ford factory
has been renewing old
friendships in this township, He is a
welcome visitor,
g A new Ford touring car was pur-
chased last week by Wm. Woods,.,
16th Con., from S. Carter, the well
known agent at Brussels.
Alias Kate McDonald, 4th esu„ has
gone to the Normal School at Strat-
ford. We wish h v'
t etA 1 success
an enjoyable stay in the 0ltssic City,
Next Sunclay the emend Thank-
offering services will he held in Union
church at 10,80 and 7 o'clock, Rev,
Mt•. Doan, Mnnkton, will occupy the.
pulpit. He's a fine speaker,
Jim. Lowe, 9th 0011., hits purchased
the 100 acre farm of Alex, McDonald,
separated from his own by the side -
road. Price was $5,200. Farm is all
in grass and will suit Mr, Lowe fine.
51r, McDonald's health is not very
rugged. _
Bliss Irene Hoover, who has been
visiting relatives at St. Lcuis, Mich.,
19 taking a- Business course in the
1 i rie Institute, at Big Rapids, Mich:
She is a daughter of J. Henry and
Mrs. Hoover, llth Con„ and should
give a good recount of ,herself.
This week Hugh Lamont, Brussels,
sold his fine 200 acre farm, le miles
from Btussele, to hie son, Hugh, who
is the present tenant for the sum of
$10,500. It is a fine; property and in
good condition and the new purchaser
will no doubt do well on .it as he
knows the property so well.
F. S. Scott made a sale of Mrs. Ino.
B. Smith's choice 155 acres, 8th Con„
WS week to Richard Jacklin, at the
enttgsum of $9,500, getting possession
this Fall. 111r. Jacklin owns 100 acres'
on the 8rd Con., where he now lives,
but will move to his new purchase.
Re has secured a very, eligible proper-
ty, in a gond community and conveni-
ent to town, We wish him well with,.
his increased -acreage.
QrrAs. -H. KNtenT DECEASED. -Last
Monday at,8 p. m., a well known and
highly esteemed resident of the 911)
Con„ in the petenn of Ohas, H.
Knight, departed this life. _ He had
gone through a siege of typhoid fever
and thought to be making a good re-
covery when complieaLions set in re-
sulting in his demise, Deceased was
born in Ueborne township 01 years
ago and was the 3rd youngest son of
the late Jas. Knight. The family
settled on Lot 18, Con. 10, in 1866.
Subject of this notice was married 9
years ago to Miss May. Doxey, of St.
Thomas, end she arid
2 daughters,
Olga, and Irene urv'
1 s rye 8 brothers,
b t ors
Gel„ Sarnia ;' Jas. el„ Grey ; and
\Vill., Belleville ; and Mrs, Chas.
Switzer, Kelfleld, Seek., are also liv-
ing. Mr. Knight was Fti industStOUe,
upright roan, an official member of
the Methodist church and a Liberal in
politica. Funeral takes place from
his late hnlne, Lot 18, Con, 0, at 2;80
o'clock Tbllrsclay. Service at 2. In-
teentent in :Bl useels cemetery. Be-
reaved share in the sympathy of the
-The first Bluevale School Fair held
last Friday afternoon proved be be a
popularinnovation, judging by the
large atleudanee and the interest ex -
pleased in the exhibits made by the
children, , The weather remained
pleasant throughout the day. Most
of the neighboring schools including
the \Vinghant Public school, were
closed for the afternoon to permit
teachers and pupils to attend and the
gtonnds presented a festival Appear-
ance. The majority of the exhibits
\01'10 attractively displayed ill the
school loom upstairs, but the live
stock, poultry rand pets Were shown
dart of doors. Inspector Field was
judge of the ind0nr er,1)..l work ; Mr,
Diaa, District Agricultural representa-
tive, of Mal'kdale and bis assistant,
Mr, McKay, handled the Agricultural
and Horticultural exhibits ; while the
C1a99L9 10 Domestic Arts were judged
Mrs. l 01 n 1
by14 i sIt. P a a d Ales. s
W.a D.
Campbell, mInstitute.
of the Women's Inst t e.
The number and good quality of the
exhibits were commended by both
r i
indigos s n1 a i visitors, The knitted
snoksehown by some of the boys were
espeelteliyj`worthy of mention, while
the girls ran the boys a close race in
some of the manual training aeCtim
The hen coops, bird houses, socks,
biscuits, layer cakes, etc.,' were exceed•
ingly creditable for children's work,
Perhaps the most noteworthy exhibits
inose wore the 001100.1.10119 of native
weeds and wild ll0wers prepared by
Bertha Gannet anti representing un-
equltl diligence, neatness and caro in
their collection and alrc•ngement, A
very popular se 11011 or the Fair 81100
h display of hill 'en's 1 sit which
the C t e 1 w)1 11
1 Y I
the local pups end pussy eats vied
with each Other to win a pale of pure
bred chickpea donated, by .R:ev. Mr,
Tette, le the Spring settings of bred-
to -hay Plynemtli Reek eggs from the
O. A. 0„ Guelph, were disteihoted
rowing the pupis and Tinily Breck-
inridge won Jet prize for -the litegesb
Itek of <)itkens'liaChed fromm
eggs, hI1birds rem 12 eggs.
The ilttlo boys handled their ditto and
+ r r. r .. ■ ■ r ■ rr,tunr r i
i �� iBLLJV 4.
mimika •i• +
+ +
.y . We are not holding a
Millinery Opening on 4.
+• any set clay this season
+ but enilialty invite the ,1•
ladies of Ethel 51111 01111- g.
munity to call any holet.
.' soon and inspect our
4. choioe stork. It is neo', +
+ etylish and sold at tea- +
+ eoilable prices, ,h
+ - MISS WALKER is our
Milliner will be glad +
+ to cater to the wishes of
4. the public).
+ +
:Mrs.Jamest. ++
+w Successor to Miss Hunter 4,
+ +
calves themselves le the show -ring,
which added much to the interest
aroused by the live stock entries.
The afternoon's games and spoi is
were in charge of Alexander McLar-
en, an AS pert Play Director flow the
O. A. C., Guelph, two draw out the
play spirit in those present and in-
traduced a, number of now and inter-
esting games. A lunch roues COO.-
on-ducted by the Women's Institnte did
a successful business in the basement
of the school and the afternoon was a
great social reunion Inc the people of
the neighborhood. Many remained
for the evening entertainment under
the auspices of the Community Chub
when the play "Lodgers taken in"
was capably presented by Belgrave
young people to a crowded house,
Music was interspersed between the
acts and Mr. McLaren gave an excel-
lent and much appreciated address on
"Play." Mr. McLaren who is Lectur-
er on Rural Sociology at the Outerio
Agricultural College, is an authority
on the problems of Rural Improve-
ment and was couch pleased with the
progress that has beet) effected here in
making the school a social centre.
The profits from the lunch ronin and
entertaiment will go to aid the Red
Gross funds. bliss Laura Holmes the
teacher, as -well as the Trustees, pupils
and other twilling workers deserve
congratulations on the 900005s of the
day, Full Prize List next week.
Harold Elliott, Detroit, is visiting.
friends here.
D. H. and Mrs. Campbell are in
this oto week.
Toronto 1 e ek.
Councillor Fraser visited in )
) Dutton
a few days last week•
W. Williams, Donegal, bas been en-
gaged as cheesemaker fnr 1918.
Mrs. R. Mitchell and Miss Mabel are
home from their 2 month's visit in the
J. and Mrs. Steddelbauee were
weekend visitors here. J'. and Mrs,
Elliott returned with them for a short
A Red Cross Concert is to held in
the Presbyterian church on Thanks-
giving, Oct. 8 A special feature of
the program will be the unveiling of
the honor Roll. Women's Institute
are looking after the atraegements so
something good can be. expected,
Don't forget the dale Oct. 8,
Mrs. Ring, Lucknow, is a visitor at
R, Hamilton's,
Grey township Council will meet
here next Monday.
It: Hamilton is cementing his stables
anti renovating generally,
Mise Vera McCall is home from a
visit to relatives in Michigan.
Miss Paneabaker, Hespelee, is visit-
ing iher euro, Mrs, S. Chambers.
Wednesday Rev. Mr. Johnson at-
tended District meeting at, Bluevale.
Mrs, Jun, Sanders and Miss Lucy
are back from an extended trip to the
Mrs. Jas. Pearson is apparently hav-
ing a mild form 01 fever and the wish
her a gond recovery.
Two of c lli . Ro vlancT s 80 118 r s areun-
el' the doctor's care ate lvutlt typhoid
fever we aro sorryto stat
Ann be F laymen
m r nfrom Ethel at-
tended the Missionary Conference at
Bluevale ed on W
W nesdaq afternoon of
Lbis week.
Mrs. 'Wilkinson, of Liptorti Sask.,
daughter of the late George Hogarth,
is visiting Mrs. Isaac Gill and is a
welcome visitor,
Mrs, S. Chambers has returned from
a month's visit wvit1t friends at Hes-
/twee and other places and is tuueb
improved in health.
Among those who visited London
Fair last week were Rev. Me
John/inn and family, Doc, 'Ward1Faav
and Ohae, ilaneuld.
Owing to the absence of the pastor
prayel' er meeting will
ay r e e in 1 g be. held Thuirsdav
a of Tueada 't
ever t t 'u
1 n
y the
Presbyterian church. g
Friday and Setu1•day of Ode week
are the dates of the Fall Millinery Cp.
ening at Geo. M, 111[tcholl's store. See
atinouneement in this week's POT.
The advertisetnent of Mrs, James
may be read in this issue inviting the
ladies to her millinery Show roots as
a format openlug will not lee held tide
\'Ve don't want to laugh at anybody
but le was a joke about John Lam
Fie has been talking horse deal,
Wearesorry to heal.' Lime the family
of G. T. R. agent Murray aro quite 111
but wen.
t hope forearly improvement.
1 rtt
Rey, it'll', .1l+ll,lemll will preemie FbYI'ill•
va1saryeernuie at Bethesda, nn the
elonkton circuit, next Sabbath, R,
McKay will rake the service Gere
Stu)day evening,
A Bplondld Success. .Groat Crowds
and Coat Surplus.
Owing to the press of other matter
and advls, this week the somewhat
lengthy introduction to Walton
School Fide, which cannot be abbre-
viated,is held 0001' rutin next week,
but the vital part to thewinners-the'
Pelee List -ie riven as follows :-
Class 1 -Vegetables and Fruit.
Judges -M00905, Wilson and McKay.
Potatoes-.lanet. Clark, Flora Herds,
Aodeew Tulnbu11 ; ye-llow Leviathan
1n1in els Barry Bolger,
'Alex Clark
115 ; red mangels, Hatry
Bolger, Alvin Stimore, John Fulton ;
golden bantam corn, Hilda Harris,
Bella Timmer, Florence Bennett ;
squash, Bat vey Johnston, Katie Laid-
law, ;Jean Ttn'nbnll ; pumpkin, Fergus
Ryan, Alvin Stimore, 'Gordon Me-
thuen ; tnmat0es,Jiul Campbell, Mary
elcDnneId, Hilda Harris; cabbage,
Mary McDonald, Harry Bolger, Della
McNabb ; cauliflower, Vera Crozier,
Tena McSallurn, Grace Murray ; dutch
set onions, Louis Storey, Shartie
Boyd, Florence Bennett; potato oni-
ons. Olive Bolger, Florence Bennett,
Anna Mclea zeau ; beans, Marjorie
Reid, RaLie Laidlaw, Margaret Mc-
Leod ; radish, Hilda Barris, Olive
Bolger, Grace Murt•ay ; parsnips,
Hattie Bolger, Janet Ritchie, Andrew
Turnbull ; carrots, Leila Lawson,
Albert Riehl, Ethel Dennis ; beets,
Margaret Nolan, David Murray, Joe
Ryan ; citrons, Thos. Constable, Cam-
eron Dennis, Albert Stimore.
Class 2. -blowers. Judge, ear,
Hartry. Dahlias, Tena McCallum,
Leila Lawson, Jean Turnbull ;gladioli,
Anna elebadzeai, Mary McDonald,
Hattie Bolger ; sweet peas, Leila
Lawson, Mary Dickson, Angus 14Ic-
Callum; asters, Mary McDonald, Tena
McCallum, Albert Lyddiatt ; pansies,
John Shoetree/3, Harvey Johnston,
Leila Lawson ; snap dragon, Andrew
T%rrwnll, Jean Turnbull, Harty Bolg-
er ; of ibenas, Anna McFadzean, Tena
McCallum ; nasturtiums, Anna Mc-
Fadzean, Mary McDonald, Aileen.
Ryan ; best boquet, Aileen Ryan,
Mary McDonald, Mary Dickson.
Class 8. -Poultry. Judge, Ptd.
Fulton, Collection of chickens (pairs),
Wilbert 1101,0s, Wesley ()lark, Mil-
dred ;Dennison ; pen utility fowl,
Lawrence Ryan, Andrew Turnbull;
Charlie Bnyd ; legho'ns, George Shol-
dice, Leila Lawson. Katie Laidlaw ;
rocks, Andrew Turnbull, Isabel
Ritchie, Eva Scarlett; wyandottes,
Evelyn 0uuningbam, Gladys Bolger ;
geese Jean 'Turnbull, Mary Pollard,
George Sholdice ; clucks, Becher Bolg-
er, Barry Bolger, Geo. Kirkby ; bird
Boase n u 81)11111eed Jew Turnbull,
Fergus r - Ryan.
ss 4, Liv stock. Judge, Geo,
Dickson. Colt, Cameron Dennis,
Elvin Crawford, Ray Crawford, Hi1da.
Harris : calf, Harry Bolger, Gladys
Bolger, t')iffmd Ritchie, George Pol-
lard ; lamb, William Murray.
Class 5, -Nature Study, Judge, Dr.
J. M. Field, Collection mntmted
weeds, George Kirkby, Mary McDon-
ald, Ethel Dennis ; collection of weed
seeds with names, 'Pena McCallum,
Mary McDonald, Katie Laidlaw, Viola
Clark ; collection of wild flowers, Tean
Turnbull, Marti McDonald ; collection
of mounted leaves, Semi Turnbull,
Cameron Dennis,
Class 6 -Art, Writing, etc. Judge,
Dr. Field. Writing open to pupils.
under 10 years. Isobel Ritchie, Bert
Johnston, Evelyn Cunningham ; wrib-
ing open to pupils over 10 years, Hat-
tie , Bol er Angus McRae
; sketch in water colorsenni open
to girls up to 15 years, Margaret Mc-
Leod, Anna McFadzean, Vera ()ree-
ler ; crayon drawing of 'fruit open to
2nd alase, Bert Johnston, George
Kirkby, Ritchie Drager; garden book,
Hattie Bolger, Jean Turnbull, Viola
Clark, Mary McDonald ; collection of
strap shots, Andrew Turnbull, Reggie
Best plot npsn to pupils of S. S. No.
11, Morris, Judges, Misses Dickson
and Yuili, Hattie and Harry Bolger
(equal), Mary McDonald, Angus Mc -
Canton, Dalin Shortreed, •
Class 4. -Domestic Science, Judges,
Mrs. Muldnon and 1hs Ross. Darn-
ing on
nilen stocking,
Myrtle St
mnre g Eva A
nderson, Mur
ohle Mc-
Oiatg ; 'ocheRitchie,
VolaClark, Hattie BIgerplai
hemming, Bernath Ryan, Annie
Barrie, Eva Anderson ; beat dressed
doll epee to glide 10 years and tinder,
Evelyn Cunningham, Annie White ;
best dressed doll open to 5irle from 10
to 15 years, HAW Ryan, Viola Clark ;
layer crake, Hazel Ryan, Gladys 13015-
er, Hattie Bolger ; apple 'pie, Gladys
Bolger, Jeau T111'nbelll, Alma McFad-
zean ; candy (1)1650), Grace Murray,
Joan Turnbull, Mabel Campbell
Handy ((Maple cream), Grace Murray,
Jean '.Pnt•nbnll Florence 'Bennett tt •
bnLton holes, Myrtle Stimore, Hazei
Ryan, EvaAndereoi,
(lass 8,-
O eu to children 0 years
t 1z
and ender, in•
, Jud . Meeste. ge s, sats. Wilso)
and Mtliay. Carrots, George Pollard,.
Mildred Pollard, Alex, Curie ; beets,
Jim Shortreed, 090140. Pollard, Flora
Hardee onions, (Duleh sets), Thee,
Constable, Mary Dickson, Flora
Harris ; potato onions, 'Thos. Con-
stable, Lorne Steles, Clifford, Hoegy ;
beans, Louis Kirkby, Mary Dickson,.
Boob, Johnston ; sunflower head,
Fivelytt Cunningham, Melissa 1101mes,
Wesley t lar1; ; bunch pt)l ate% Clif-
ford 11oe M1.114el ! Ol) n
VW arson,
Esther Ryan; bunch nnsuntiumr,.
Muriel Farquharson, Annie Ryan,
Ritchie D get' hunch asters, Alex,
Ole ; pair bantams, Louis Storey
pair pigeons, Gladys Bolger ; rabbit
or hare, Wesley Clark, Albert Lys:
diatt, Flora Harris oat or kitten, '
Alex. Clark, Evelyn Cunningham,
Flora Harrie ; any other pet, Mary
Dickson, Tommy Constable, Witiie
Thamer; bird house, Evelyn Cunning.
ham, Bert Tohnston, Reggie Bruce,
Crass 9. -Open to all girls in district
over 12 years. Judges, Mesdames
Muldoon and Ross, Loaf of bread,
Hilda Harris, Myrtle Stimore, Della
Harris ; buns, Ina Cunningham.
Hilda Harris, Gladys Bolger ; apple
jelly, Hattie Bolger, Mabel Campbell,.
Ola kbatting, e • t tt r
A g, uua Clah k,
Aluie, Sholdice 1 table centre iu dark
linen, Mfrs, Armonk. Dundas, Esther
Bolger, Hattie Bolger ; pair fancy
towels, Hattie Holger; pair embroi-
dered pillow covers, VinaClark, Car-
rie $iebl; collection of eyelet and
solid embroidery, Hattie Bolger ;
crochet yoke, Mae Oliver, Jennie'
Oliver, Maud Ferguson.
Campbell 1 MillinF Co. Bread makingg
contest, Gladys Bolger.
Glass 10. -Open to all boys in Dis-
trict over 12 years. Judges, Messrs.
Wilson and McKay, Sheaf of wheat,
Andrew Turnbull, Charlie 73076;
sheaf or oats, Charlie Boyd, Andrew
Turnbull, Harry Bolger ; sheaf of
barley, Andrew Turnbull, Harry
Bolger; bird house, Andrew Turnbull.
Class 11. -Open to boys or girls any
age. Judges, Dr. Field and E. Fel-
ton. Best 10 minute speech on "How
I cared for my plot and the lessons I
learned," Mary McDonald, leattie
Class 11 -Open to children under 7
years. Judges, Messes, McKay and
Wilson. Sunflower head, Norma
Murray, Frank Kirkby, Jas. Turnbull,
(511)), Willie Timmer ; any pet, Beth.
Harris, Jim Johnston, Alvin Farqu-
harson ; hied house, Jarnes Turnbull.
John McDonald, Louis McDonald,
Charlie McDonald,
Presentation to Mr. and Mrs. John
Ktrkco nnott
Tuesday evening of last week 125
neighbors and old friends of John and
Mrs. Kiekconneli, 18th Con. Grey
township, assembled at their present
abode for the purpose of showing the
respect in which the host and hostess
are held and to practically prove that
deeds are better than words.
On August 31st the Kirkconnell
family suffered the loss of their com-
fortable home by fire and the fine sum
of $487.00, accompanied the following
address, whirls was read by Wm.
Woods, while Jas. McFadzean made
the presentation ;-
MR & Mete. Joeu Krlalicoexem.,
DEan FRIENDS, -In the few short
years of your sojourn amongst us we
have -found yon always obliging, ever
ready to lend a helping hand in tirnee
of need, often we.know to your 0811)
disadvantage.We, yourfriends and
a d
neighbors, in behalf a
wider circle
of friends,
have met here tonight to
extend our sympathy, and to assure
Soo of our neighborly goodwill and
offer what encouragement we can give
at this particular time of your unfor-
tunate loss by fire and knowing as we
all do, that your son at the present
time is fighting for your liberty and
ours. Under these circumstances we
feel duty bound to ask yon to accept
this gift of $467.00, with the best
wishes of the people who gave it,
and a prayer for better lnek in the
future. We hope a kind Providence
may smile on you, that your efforts
may be crowned with emcees and ere
long, may we meet again to dedicate
a new house as a hums for you, your
good wife and family. That you may
live many years td enjoy its comforts
and our friendship and soon, very
soon, may your soldier, boy return
hale and hearty )eat to
yt the same
Signed in behalf of the community.
W. J, Woons,
S1'nAs JoarvsTo \ .
Me. Kia'koonuell made a brief bot
suitable reply thanking all for (bele
words of sympathy and good cheer
and accepting the llandannie sum of
money in the same spirit in which 11
was donated. He enjoyed fellowship
with the people of the aomminityand
was sure better neighbors could hot be
found, He hoped both he and hie
family would continue to enjoy the
goodwill 11 of those
with whom they
were honored with eesociation and
endeavor pro
VC wmr
of it, Rev.
Mr. Lundy occupied the ehai): and
after a felicitous speech called upon
Silas Johnston, T. W. Nolan, W. 11.
Maunders, Archie Hislop sod others
who were a unit uu in vetoing words of
appreciation for Me, and Airs. Kirk-
connell and,femily and wishing them
success and happiness in the days to
come 1 h
Vaca anti instrumental music
was interspersed followed by a very
generous lentil.
The Kit kconnell family has lived 0
years on the pith. Con. but were nob
strangers prior to that date as Me.
Kirkconnell spent a menthe). of years;
In Morris and 1lullebt townships.
Mt'. TCirkconnel was right 111 his opin-
ion 0 of the community m ily ae site
ex to Sinn was only au index of
class of people, The eminently sep.
orated for their respective homee,
happy to meet, sorry to part, 1105105
to time again.
Mr. C J ileo
ltnell and family tnnved
10 the vae0111 house on the farm of
Archie Plisiop, acrase the road dor
the fire and will continue to reside
there until their horse can he rebuilt
en the homestead,