HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-9-13, Page 5CIISINESS CARPIS, �.. JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS THE CHIEF CUARM Gtzrwir.... OF LOVELY WOMAN wM. $PENOE I Soft, Clear, Smooth Skin Comes With CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER 1 The Use Of "FRUIT-A-TIVES". Or IMIABRIAGE LICENSE , •. riles In the Peat t►llice Ethel 90-1 AIUCTIIINEERS. 1 t3, tiOOTT AS AN AIUOTION- •' nen, will sell for better prices, to bettor men is loss time and lees obargoe than any other Auottonoer In East Anton or he won't eharg0 anything, Dates and ordure can always be arranged at thls eines or by per,onal application, . IOU AND CONVEYANCING. ``/tfq/T ' M.. tiINOLAlit — T V • Barrister, Solicitor, Oouveyauoer, Notary Public, tke. Office -13 Cowart s 131ook 1 door North 01 Central Betel, Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank.I. Business Cards JAS: ANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON. Successor tom. H. Moore. Office at Ander. sou Bros. Livery stable, Brussels. .Telephone No. 22, T. T. M'RAE M. B., M. O. P.. & S'.. O. M. 0. H., Village of Brussels. Physician, Surgeon, Accoucllonr offies at residence, oppoolie Melville Church, 1Villinm street. DR. F T. BRYANS Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Licentiate of College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Coterie ; ex•Senior House Surgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto. Offices of late Dr. A. Mo$evey, Smith. Block, Brussels, Rural phone 45. MAUDE O. _ BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST ,Personal graduate Department of Ophthal- mology, McCormiok-Medical College,- Chicago, Ill., 1s prepared to test eyes and fit glasses at her office over Miss Inmates millinery store, Office days—Wednesday, -Thu sday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Oce hours—le n b oint- 1f a 12to. 1° 1to6 m. Evenings y appoint- ment. g 1219, nlent Phone DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. 'Day and night calls.. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Satisfaction assured ; Clutrges moderate. Write or Telephone If nut convenient' to call.. Both Brussels anis North. Huron Phones. BELGRAVE P.O. P. R. MULHERON 'reacher of PIANO, ORGAN: VOOAL Organist and Choir Mostar, Melville Church, Brussels Pupils prepared for CorontoCot'- lege of Music Examinations. .Phone lex PROIIOFOOT, HILLORAN & •COOKE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. PubIIC,°l &.c. Office on the Square end door from Hamilton GODERICIt. ' ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. \V, Prato DFOOT, K. 0. .1. L. KibteitAN . H. .I. D. 000210 To LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW LONDON -HAVRE Fine, modern steam - ars — equipped with every comfort and luxury. F,or iofor- matiost,opply. .gea'N, or " 951h' : S,tWToronto W. H. K.ERR. Agent Allan Line, Brussels. NORAH WATSON 86 Drayton Ave., Toronto. Nov. 10th, 1915. A. beautiful complexion is a handsome woman's chief glory an d the envy of her less fortunate rivals. 'Yet a soft, clear skin—glowing with health—is only the natural result of pure .Blood. "I was troubled for a considerable" time with a very unpleasant, disfiguring Rasla, which covered my face and for which I used applications and remedies without relief.: After using "I+'ruit-a- tives" for one week, the rash is coo- pletely gone. I am deeply thankful for the relief and in the Suture, I will not be without "1+ruit-a-tiveS". NORAH WATSON. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size,' 25e. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, -Ottawa. gra1 ( etas Items No More Officers No more officers are to be allowed to go overseas. Timis is the substance of an order issued from militia headgear, tars, London, wIt'ch state`s that in the future officers who are taking drafts will be considered conducting officers, and they .must either revert oto the ranks or return immediately to Canada The Fall Ca.npaign. • The -holiday season 1s Over; the, schools have been re4opened, and everbody is getting back to work. It is now up to all loyal Canadians to re- double their .efforts to acconnplish the one thing worth achieving at this time, namely, the winning of the war, Has Returned to Duty. Capt. Beatty Martin, of the R.A.M. C., son of Rev. W. M. Martin, of Lon - do -n, formerly of Exeter and an oldrC. C, 1. boy, has .leturned to duty, with the first 7th Royal Fusiliers in Pales- tine, after an absence of some time owing to illness with dysentry. Ile was sent to a ;military hospital in Cairo, and during the latter part of his -con- valescence was allowed to talerup light duty in a hospital at Alexandria. It is possible that. Capt. Martin will, come home for furlough in the late fail or early December. - Ready in. a Year. Such rapid progress is being made in the reconstruction of the Parliament buildings that the session after the next will be back to the erstwhile lo- cation. The stone work on the three stories and basement were,practically completed last week and` after the work of constructini the slanting roof rah ci end 'towers will be begun, The cen- ` Weae ttraParerrna"s`g2Se 7e2Xra`:ss-reD trai totyer is to beleft till the last, The 0L CENTRAL14 Sept.he work exp 4th Lyall Company which, on, percentage fall Term from 'basis is dein1; ects to have • the roof on easily' before the snow Pies, With the exception ofan extra story being added all the an•chitectural lines D of the original structure are preserved,4 STRATFORD., ONT..... i While the interior decorations, which Commercial, Shorthand and Tel- ography Departments -- \ye have ' thorough amuses ,. ex pen fenced instruct- : .Y4. • m•s and the pinue, Graduates in poel- • tete Demand. l tlII ns ilfor trained S 11815 Is many timesthe nlnn>er grndn 91S ting. Get o31rfree onto ogee y yt. D. A. McL'CHI.AN, Priliohpal. yi Mt :✓.:t:✓p ,f-0ry iataa A' Y rur�h 5t r ueseerraserseeeseessammasseineeiMse THE Best Brains lu'Oaliadn hove participated In the ore- s. paratioln'of.our' splendid Hone Study. Ces,•ett In Banking, lt'ennonics, Higher Aeouuniti , tlnluinel•clnl Art Show Cord Welting. .Photog(traphy, 1,018501:, Short Story writing, 11501111ml .mud Bookkeeping, Seleut the work wh(ain most interests you Dud write us for particulars. Address THE SHAW COHIIESPONOENCE SCHOOL 10. . 301-7 Vongo et., Toronto samissaussmassommosonsimommws .. Meafless days are being tried ill Can. 'ado and are found to be a good thing.. Eat -less days would be even more bene- ficial. Germany would like to bury the hatchet with the handle sticking out, so that 9't might be the more readily orop grasped at some convenient time in,tlle future, - ti will be most elaborate, will not be completed then, it is hoped, by a year front this fall to have the building sufficiently advanced as to permit of Parliament sitting there and abandon- iiig the present temporary and out-of- the-way quarters." Changes Benefit Rates. Tine High Court of the Ancient Or- der of Foresters which ,was -in session at Brantford, last week, with 200 dele- gates to attendance, effected changes in -the sick benefit payments. The rates of payment were formerly $4 a week to the, sick during the_ first -52 weeks,. and $2 a week for the second year, In addition $1 00 was being paid at, the, death of a member, and $50 ' on the :death, of a member's wife,. The actuar- ies recently found ,that unless a change was effected the funds would be badly depleted. . After colsideratiOil a change waS unanimously adopted, and it will go into effect all over tine Dom- in]omoi October,nl, i9t7. After that date . the benefit from the sick fund will be $4 it week for the first 215 weeks and $1 a week for the remaining 2G weeks of the year. The payments -on death of member or wife will rennain the. sainle, however, , Too Much Booze, i '4.4••••••44••4••••44•••••• • Two young man from Bayfield ap- ; • geared before Magistrate Andrews in ; - Brussels • Clinton charged with being intoxicated • •, • in a public place, The ease is the out- 1 St come of information received by In- • pector Torrance that some young men had appeared at a recent entertainment in Jowett's Grove, under the influence of liquor. One was tiled and con- victed and contributed ten dollars and costs to the provincial treasury,, The case against the second was argued but Judgment reserved'for one week, Another Canadian Loan. An important conference held in the office of the Minister of Finance last Thursday morning between represen- tatives of the Canadian Bond dealers - association and Sir Thomas White, The terms of the next war loan were talked - over. The loan which is expected to be Issued ill October will probably be between one hundred and one hundred and fifty million dollars, The' Bond dealers representatives were headed by A. E. Antes of Toronto and J„M. Mac- Kie, of Montreal. WILL .be A REAL DAY OF THANKS. Thanksgiving Day Falls on October 8, Day Following Natural Death of Parliament Ottawa, Sept. 4thThe date of. Thanksgiving day leas been set- by 'the Secretary of State for Monday Oct- ober eighth. It is a somewhat irony fact that Thanksgiving Day has been set for the day after the long parliament of Canada dies. a natural death, The al- lotted span of that parliament snaps. at midnight of October 7. ANGLICAN `CONVENTION. A Church 'Workers: 'Convention' for the Deanery of Huron was held in St. Paul's church ,on Monday last. Dele- gates assembled, from all parts of the. h 'Very excellent County to enjoy the v y program which had -been provided by the committee. ” The proceedings opened with Holy Communion at to.15 a.nl, after which the ladies' assembled in Owen..Memor- ial Hall to .Listen to an address by Mrs. A: Shore, of llderton, and to -organize a County branch of Women's Auxiliary, 'A very interesting program was provided for the afternoon, consisting 9f address by C. W. Foreman, of Lon- don on "Church Work in Construction Camps" and by Rev. R. S. Mason on 'Use of Lantern in Sunday•School st'o`rk' In the evening there was a lantern ser- vice conducted by Rev. A. L. G. Clarke The following are clergy of Deanery:— Rev. J. A. •Robinfson, M.A., B.D., Rural Dean, Chnfon; Rev. W. C. Allison, Dun- gannon; Rev: W. Ashe-Everest, Bay- feld; Rev. T. H. Brown, Seaforth; Rev. A.L.G:Clarke, Goderich; Rev, W. B. Hawkins, Blyth; Rev. W.H. Moore, Hen- sall; Rev. W, B. Moulton, Hollinesville; Rev. R. E, Page, Brussels;, and Rev, A. A. Trumper, Exeter. , ANNUAL MEETING OF H.W.C.A. The annual sleeting of the H.W.C.A. was held -in Wesley Lluirch on Labor Day. Despite the act that the Anglican Deanery Convention was in session, and St. Joseph's picnic 1n progress, goodly' uunnber attended, including re- presentatives from the various patriotic organizations of Huron County. The morning ,,session opened at 14 am, with the.President Mrs. Hamilton in the chair. The minutes of the for- mer meeting also the minutes' of the three executive meetings were read and discussed': These showed that the officers of the -11.W.C,A. have not 'been dle during the year. Almost all of the societies are working under this Association,. seven •shipping and cen- soring centres having been chosen, namely, Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth, Winghatn, Exeter Blyth, and Brussels. Some time ago the County Council voted the organization a grant of $100 which amount per'year during the war, sv enables thein to meet the expenses,in- curred. It is due to the efforts of, the 1•LW.CA, that Huron County now has two wardsslln Byron Sanitarium. They set out to obtain -•$500 to tit Out one ward, the people responded loyally with $10' over $1000, and thus two cots were furnished, The Corresponding -Secretary, Mrs. Fitted presented her' report, after which the meeting adjourned for Witch, 4. Afternoon Meeting. At two p. nt.the delegates a'ssennbled again, Mrs. ilainilton of Goderich was appoint"ed delegate to attend annual meeting of C.W.C.A, at, Hyman Hall. The speaker of tine day MiSs Robin-. son, Corresponding -Secretary of. the Elgin Co. W.C,A,, then took her place and gave a most interesting address on Ways and gleans or earrying on the work. Miffs Robinson explained first the origin' of the Association—whose head is, High Convuissigiser in London England --the different purposes of war contingent work and Red Cross work, the former working entirely for Studio•• • • OPEN • Friday & Saturday each week •• • • Try us for Amateur • Printing and Developing Groups taken at your own Boll b • anywhere in the connth'y• • • • Picture framing Neatly Done s • 1Ve. make lfnlargerneute. from • ; old Photos. •• • G. S. FREE Photographer • •°•plea,. o,w **..fl. field comforts, the latter for hospital supplies. "Put notes In your sox" and don't stop knitting if you don't receive an answer. These notes add interest— but as far as answers are concerned the receivers may have been killed, wounded or in some way unable to write: Miss Robinson spoke very in- terestingly of the work done in Elgin for prisoners in Germany. For those in doubt as to whether these parcels are received, Miss Robinson told of a parcel` sent last Christmas to -a Univer- sity student then a prisoner.• When the parcel reached Germany, an ex- change of prisoners had been made and this young student lead been sent to Switzerland, Last week Miss Robinson received word that the parcel had been received in good condition. The officers elected for the follow- ing year are ' ,Hon, Pres.—Mrs. Hamilton, Goder- ich; President -Mrs. W. D.- Fair, Clinton Corr.-Sec.—Mrs, Fitton, Exeter: Secretary—Miss Consitt, Hensall; Treasurer—Miss Brown, Seaforth. All Presidents of organizations in the' shipping centres are vice-presidents, The Treasurer's report gave an ac- count of the money handled by the Societies. Clinton Girl's Auxiliary showed a credit of $1245.35; Clinton Women's Patriotic $121 7.1 0. The meeting adjourned with the National Anthem. NOTICE TO•ALLCON- SUMERS OF COAL. The Government of Ontario, at the request' of the Dominion Fuel Controll- er, hereby,,draws public attention to the --fuel situation in the province. War conditions have affected the nor- mal supply of: coal, and rendered im- perative Ghat; every consumer practice the utmost thrift'- ' Enlefgetic measures are being adopt- s dto prevent fuel' shortage.` This can ony be attained by the fullest co-oper- ation and assistance' --of every coal consumer. Co-operation may be effect ed by the adoption of the following precautions, viz.: - 1. Refrain frons using fuel of any kind, including gas, until it becomes absolutely necessary. ; 2, Practise rigid economy in the use of fuel. - - 3. Wherever possible use substi- tutes for coal to the fullest possible extent, _ 4. Guard constantly against waste of fuel when making or cleaning fires, and when using gas. 5. Thoroughly sift all coal ash, and burn the residue, The result will be surprising. One-tenth of the fuel or- iginally fed to the •fire has been re- covered and utilized in this way. The faithful observation of the fore- going by all consumers will have a marked effect in conserving the coal supply and may avert a serious crisis., Municipal, religious, educational and other authorties and bodies are"re- quested to repeatedly urge and impress the foregoing considerations upon the public,• W. H. HEARST, Prime Minister, Toronto, August loth, 1917 - TRIBUNALS LOCATED Procedure in Enforcing Military Service BiIL. Ottawa, Aug. 31.—Eleven hun- dred and seventy-sie'tribunals. have been located to deal with exemption applications under the Military Service Act. They are distributed as fol- lows. Ontario, 4t 7; Quebec, 300; Mani- toba, 93; Saskatchewan, 57; Alberta, 110; British Columbia, 74; the Yukon; 2; Nora Scotia, 91; New Brunswick, 47; Prince Edward Island, t5. 111 'Montreal there will be Go tribunals and in Toronto 30. The procedure, SONY that the mili- tary service bill is on the statute book, will be in this order. 1, Issuance of a proclamation es- tablishing the exemption tribunals, 2. Creation of a parliamentary committee fp appoinit one member for each local tribunal, the county judges to simultaneously appoint the other Member. 3. The Issuing of a proclamation call big up, the first three classes, 20 to 34 years of age. When the last Mentioned pi'oCess will be started depends upon slow much time is taken in effecting the• preliminaries respecting the constitu- tion of the tribunals, Al least it month will be required. When,, this calling .up. proclamation is issued a certain time will•be given in, which to report for duty or cine secure exemption. It is emphasized that those who do not. apply for or. secure certificatesof exemption In the prescribed period *111 forfeit the right of seeking 1t once they are forcibly enrolled, Clinton J. P, Sheppard & Co., grocers se- cured the contract for groceries etc, at the House of Refuge for the next three months. The House of Refuge Committee met here on Tuesday. The School of Commerce opened on Tuesday, Sept. 4th with the largest' number of' students ever registered on the first day. The record ltftendiunce so early in the term is a proof of the satisfactory service rendered the public by this school' in the past:— Following are the names of the -pupils registered:— Sadie Mountain, Goderich Doris Harris, Goderich Dolly Cowan,- Blyth Ethel Stokes, Goderich - Minnie Brownlee, Goderich Lillian McDonald, Goderich Pearl McLean, Goderich Mary Thurlow, Goderich Rubens Naegle, Goderich Winifred Gledhill, Goderich Viola McClacherty, Goderich ' Marion Ryan, Goderich Gladys Bedford, Godercih" Irene Mitchell, Goderich Ruth Houston, Bayfield Givendolen Templeton, Dungannon Alae Rutledge, Clinton Frank Scrimgrour, Blyth Charles Cooper, Clinton R 3 Eulala Flynn, •Clinton, R R. Muriel King, Bayfield Florence Vodden, Londesboro Chas. Brown, Goderich Jack Patterson, Goderich err Goderich ArthurGerry, y, Bruce Gregg, Clinton,' R 3 Verna McVittie, Goderich Essie O'Brien, Clinton RR.. Verna Jervis, Holmesville Margaret Love, Seaforth Gladys Beatty, Varna Winnnifred Hunt, Clinton, R. 5 Emily Connell, Clinton, R.3 Anne Brown, Goderich Ruby Truenlner, Hensall Olive Held, Dashwood Albert Leonard, Goderich Edyth Glen, Goderich Isabelle Webb, Grand Bend Paul Jeffrey, Zurich Iia Currell, Goderich 4.444•x'•4•••••••••••444'444•$ 1'•4'44 0 •g 0 • 0 0 •' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • A 0 • •• 0 0 0 • • 0 •e 4 0 0 • 9- • • • • • • • 4 4 0 0 e 0 e 0 • 0 O e 0 • 0 O 0 8 O • • 0 ! It • • ••• • **sir •0••0•••••••• • 44e• •e•0 440e8+&m0,1.4•t' T-0 �444'a•••0•0•• ' O he New series • • • • • • • • • • A3 • •• ••• • • • •• • • • • • • p t 1• !'ht: only Car in Gtneo.a selling at less than $$oo.00 eq'lipped with Electric Starting and Lighting System. More Wonderful than ever, 4 •• • •• • • • • *' . • • • • 4 e70�1�v®�sv�v�®v`o� ��-�����• • • ! • • • • • • • • a 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • •0 • • • • $taridard Equipment Valve ill Lead Il'rotor Electric Lighting — Starting System Selective sliding gena' Transmission, 3 speeds Forward and . Reverse New front and rear Spring Brackets Staunch Frame Now front rspting ,Suspensions \t'w accelerator foot rest Ample road clearance Lantilever springs Im lrol'ed Upholstery 17ohair Top Non-skid Tires on rear wheels Garage at O. Ewan's Carriage Works A�3 1� k M h` `.Ent amid AGENTS, BRUSSELS Miss Shirley Bowden leaves this week for Detroit where she enters a hospital there' as a nurse -in -training, ?Miss Bawden's many friends will wish Mier success in her chosen profession. She will be greatly missed in the ladies hockey and baseball teams and has been a very popular young lady. A special meting of Presbytery is being held in Willis church today and is being addressed by representatives from the General Assembly, on pro- blems the church will face after the war. There was a good atendance. I t )lite"i Sales . 'ervice-' it '1..i FI 'ac1,rrrrr rl "_ 1 ho t7 c� �"� e .` "' or Complete ��`��° Owners OURTEOUS attention to your needs wherever you may travel is something you appreciate, and being a Ford t• "among friends". r always amu ds her.you can get it.You are ow€T There are more than 700 Ford Dealer Service, Stations through- out Canada. Theseare always within easy reach of Ford owners --for gasoline, oil, tires, repairs, accessories, expert advice or motor adjustments. The cost of Ford Service is as remarkably low as the cost of the car itself. Nineteen of the most called for parts cost only $5.40. Just compare this withthecost of spare parts for other cars and you will realize the advantage of owning a Ford. tic? : mfr Runabout - . $475 r+ u Touring - <$485 t Coupelet $1695 THE 1rUNIVE5edair - 890 T2i�''� �� �"AA' - F. 0. B. FORD, ONT, S. CARTER, D-ea.ler, BRUS ELS