HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-9-13, Page 4YJ
1�1,3rusotis Vast
THURSDAY, ;if':PTEMBrR xa x9i
DON'T let the Red Croes work lag.
STAND lei the old RtI , White and
`l'1rmeg,orvtrio Day for t. anode has
been set I'm `.Moedey, October tat.
I+l,ovo Onoitcesays :Russia will come
to her 0.� a before long and do the part
expect( d.
WAS experts say trench warfare is to
be strltersedetbby airplanes and the nom-
hatan:s are preparing for the same.
AN ixebauge guarantees it girls
would eat larger quantities of opions
they would have fewer calls from
physic ,its --or from other young 1050,
Nltw 1, mitt hal War Loau is Ilk ely to
beLoved in November and It will no
doubt be es readily subscribed for as the
former hens, Financially Canada is
well aide to assume the responsibility.
Pxoe CREELMAN is authority for the
statement that x817 oat crop in Ontaria
will probably reach 125,000.000 bushels,
or an increase of 25,000 over last year.
This will be good news to more than
A'rr.Alv'ric City. N. J., has two women
"policeman" who render splendid assist-
ance to the cope. They wear no special
uniform nor do they carry a club but
their iv finance tells for good. Their
number is to be increased.
SsNAxoa LARIes'EaE, of St. Boniface,
Man-, bac resigned because of old age
and failing eyesight. 'rbis is about the
first case on, record as it was supposed
only death caused vacancies in this old
man's rest.
HeesN County tribunals over the
questions of the Conscription law will be
8 in number and will be located at Gode-
rich. Clinton, Seaforth, Brussels, Wing -
ham, Gorse, Dungannon and Exeter:
Appoiutmfats will be`made forthwith of
presiding r fftrers.
LEAatrwrwON Ineality, Essex County,
is strong on onion growing. Some say
they may ship 3no car loads this Fall.
' Price is now un to fizz 5o per bag so it
looks as if the growers of this vegetable
will leave nothing to cry over—unless
they attempt to peel the product. It
must pay to grow onions.
WE -teen Fair, London, is having its
innings this week and is attracting large
crowds. Many a sightseer goes by the
automobile route as roads are good and
cars plentiful, to sae nothing about ar-
ranging yr.nr ova schedule of going and
coming. Great is the gasoline can and
rubber tires in this day and generation,.
REV RE Fort William Board of Trade
a grain dealer and elevator man, named
Patterson, said, about SS,00 profit was
being made on every barrel of flour by
the m+lling companies. Not much
wonder if the price of bread soars sky-
ward if the consumers have the job of
millionaire -making on their bands.
Semebodv aught to call the bluff, if the
story is true
IN the next Parliament for the Do-
minion of Canada there will be an in-
crease of 13 members over the^present
standing. All tile Eastern Provinces ex-
cepting Quebec lose M.P.'s and Western
Proviuces, gain excepting Youkon
The question of population makes the
difference, We hope 13 will not be
booked upon as a Jonah, 234 will be the
new quota.
Geer an exhibit ready for the Fall Fair,
The success of these yearly exhibitions
depends much on the rally put on by
the people of the community. If every•
body said '.Pshaw ! its too much
trouble," there would be no Fair.
Friendly rivalry and making up your
mind that prize or no prize you are going
to be an exhibitor is the vim necessary
to snake thingshum. Back up the Dir-
ectors hy a live interest of a cobtinuous
le every termer would rake the rough
Stones off the road in front of his tarn a
great good would be done both to the
highway and the niters thereof. Many
. an equine, could they speak, would
second the motion and the occupants of
rigs would in'allprobability say Arden,
The process would save many a jolt and
jar and would avert the forming of ruts
by the turtling and plowing of these
rooks. There' are some oitl corduory
logs still remalning on some roads that
long since served their apprenticeship.
13y Canadian Press,
WINNIPEG, August 22nd -1t is an..
13ouneed that'. Acting Major A, R,
Bowden, of Winnipeg, Was killed to
action, August 15th, Flt had the disc.
tinction of being No, 1 le the Canadian
Expeditionary Force, and Was a color
sergeant in the 1st Winnipeg Rifles Bat
talism, He was wounded at Festubert.
Eight Tribunals under Militaryjudge' includes any deputy Judge au-
thorized ky law to act for the Cline
Service gill In Huron.
Judge Dickson Officially Notified and
Asked to Nominate One Member for
Each aa' Soon us Possible, What
the Act Say. in Regard to Tribunals.
Judge Dickson on Tuesday horning
received the following telegram frolu
Ottawa relative to the appointment of
tribunals under the Military Service
Act, which states that there will be
8 tribunals In Huron County.
Judge Dickson will appoint one on
each tribunal,- the other to be appoint-
ed by the Government.
The telegram is as follows:
Judge L. H, Dickson,
Goderich, Ont.
There will be 8 tribunals under
the Military Service Act in your ju-
dicial district, probably located, one
each at Wingham, Brussels, Gorrie,
Seaforth, Exeter, Goderich, /Clinton and
Dungannon, though empowered to sit
also at other places within the district
for ,the convenience of the public.
Members must be nominated as soon
as possible and It is therefore requisite
that you make immediate enquiries to
ascertain your nominees, one for each
tribunal, who should be resident in
the locality for which he is appointed.
If you offer any suggestions to change
proposed locations please telegraph it
to me. A copy of the act is being
posted to you.
Deputy Minister of Justice
What the Act Says
Relative to the appointment and for-
mation of tribunals, the Military Ser-
vice Act has the following:
5, (5) There shall be established in
the manned hereinafter set out, the fol -
towing tribunals:
(a) Local Tribunals;
(b) Appeal Tribunals;
(c) A Central Appeal Judge:
(2) Any tribunal may hear evidence
on oath, or otherwise as it may deem
expedient,:and for the performance of
its duties shall have all the powers
vested in a Commissioner under Part 1
Of the Enquiries Act.
(3) The Governor in Council may,
upon the recommendation of the Cen-
tral Appeal Judge, snake regulations
with respect to the establishment, con-
stitution, functions and procedure of
the said tribunals and such regulations
may contain provisions for securing
uniformity in the application of the
(4) In so far as provision is not
otherwise made, the procedure of the
Tribunal shall be such as Is deter-
mined by the Tribunal.
(5) No member of any tribunal shall
be responsible at law for anything
done by him in good faith In the per-
formance of a local tribunal or an ap-
peal tribunal in respect of the perfor-
r.ance or non -par -ft. -mance of his du-
ties under this Act, except with the
written consent of the Central Appeal
(6) No proceeding authorized or
pending before any tribunal, and no
decision of any tribunal, shall by
means of an injunction, prohibition,
mandamus, certiorari, habeas. corpus,
or other process, whether of the. like
kind or otherwise issuing out of any
court, be enjoined, restrained, stayed,
removed or subjected to review or con-
sideration, upon any ground whether
arising out of alleged absence of juris-
diction in the tribunal, ntillity, defect
or irregularity of the proceedings or
any other cause whatsoever nor shall
any such proceeding or decision be
questioned, reviewed or considered
collaterally in any action or proceed-
ing civil or criminal.
Local Tribunals.
6—(1) The Minister may from time
to time by proclamation or otherwise
establish local tribunals at su,:h places
as he deems necessary and give each
an appropriate designation.
(2) The Minister may, after a local
trobunal is established, order, by pro-
clamation or otherwise, the removal of
such local tribunal from place to place
within the sante province.
Membership of Local Tribunals.
(3) Each local tribunal shall con-
sist of two members. One member
shall be appointed by a Board of Se-
Idtion to be established by joint reso-
lution of the Senate and House of Com-
mons; the other member shall be ap-
pointed by the following authority:
1. In those provinces in which there.
are county judges or district courts,
the county court or district court judge
or, if more than one, the senior judge
for the county or district, in which the
Ideal tribunal is established, or when
the place at which a local tribunal is
to be established is not within the ter-
ritorial limits of any county court or.
district court, then by such judge as
may be determined by the Minister,
The judge making the appointinent
may appoint himself or ally other
judge having jurisdiction in the county
or district.
For the purposes of this section,
'county court Judge or rdiatrtct court
being for any Such judge, and also in-
cludes any acting judge so authorized.
Ottawa, Sept, 5—It is understood
here that a proclamation will shortly
be issued calling the tlrst class under
the Conscription Act to the colors.
This will embrace single Hien and
widowers between the ages of'20 and
14. Application for exemption forms
will be available In the post offices,
Persons engaged in agriculture and cer-
tain mechanics will, it Is understood
have some claim to exemption,
The greatest length of Lake Super-
ior is 400 miles; its greatest width is
160 miles; the mean depth 900 feet;
the area is about 32,000 utiles, and its
surface is about 635 feet above the
level of the sea.
Lake Huron's greatest length is 280
miles; its greatest width, exclusive op-
posite Milwaukee, is 88 miles; mean
depth 900 to 1,000 feet; area about
20,000 square miles and the elevation
•••••••••••••••••••••1•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••
•Towner he sner you enter, the sooner yon will be theough your
course and into a good position, e
4 C
• / et I•
• 4
• ' This new College is a betuieh of the Central Business College, St rat- 4 •
• ford, and the .Elliott Business College, 'I'nronto, Mind the pante high •
standards will be maintained, To INSUR18 SUOOESS select the •
2 School that can give you the BEST TRAINING. •
• • 1� ,rt ite for our Otttalo ate, Tt is Fres. •
F •
s D. A. McLAOHLAN,-Pres. A. HAVILAND, Principal :
• •••••••••••0.4••••••4 ••••• 1►4*ill •••••••••••444440••4•
feet and area about 9,000 miles
Lake _Michigan's greatest length. is
335 mutest its greatest width, exclusive
of Georgian Bay, is 105 utiles; itt
mean t depth i greater than nsg nanyother
of the great lakes, averaging 1,000
feet, and off Saginaw Bay, it is said
that leads have sunk 1,800 feet with-
out reaching bottom; its area is 21,000
square miles and Its elevation 578 feet,
Lake Erie's gireatest length is 240
[Hiles; its greatest width is 58 miles;
its mean depth 500 feet;' its area a
bout 6,500 square miles, and its eleva-
tion 282 feet
Lake Superior is the largest, On-
tario the smallest, Huron the deepest
Erie the shallowest, and -Michigan is
the only one of the great lakes wholly
within the United States.
Property for Sale
Property for Beloit) the Village orOranhroolt
belonging to the estate or the late 72. Mt Quer-
ole, whoa' pat'tienlare as to mice and terms ap-
ply to M1t5 JANET nicRUtSIISUD,
. Notice to Creditors
Io the matter of the estate -or William R.
Hnntp:ntes, late of the Village of
'Walum, i0 the Courty of Huron,.
mere -tout, decea el
Notice is hereby elvenparsuent to n1'ha no.
ln,d Statutes of Onto; lo, that' alt creditors
and others bay nit elithos nroinst 1110 esre10 01
the ,aid William B it umph rhes (1110 died at
Walton, Ont' onorabout the First sussf o
anis, A D., 1017, are eegpired on or before
the Twentieth day of',q.tomher,A' 1)., 1917,
to send by post . prepaid or deliver to W. .T,
Dentldrles, one of the ilsenutora of the
lest Will' and Testament of Haid drachm d, '1
Walton Post Office, Ontario, their Christian
mkt Surnames addresses anddeenrlptions, the
full particulars of their planus, the atatowent.
of their aaoeunte and the nature of the secur-
ities Of any) held by them.
And further take. nctiae that atter esgh list
mentioned date the said Executors will pro-
ceed to distribute the newt's of the declaimed
among the »onion entitled Ihereto, having re -
card only to the claim of which they ehail then
have notios, and the said Executors will not
be liable for the said assets or 00y part there-
to any person or ;mesons of whose chain
notlae 911E01 not have been received by t110(11 at
the time of snob diatributinn.
Dated at Walton this 28th day ofAagust,
Ar D.1017
W, J, HUMPBRIER, }B2""bora,
Executor's Sale
Por the purpose of winding up the estate of
the late John Baltantvfte tate hands and prom•
lees, altunto In the Vills a of Oranbrooir, con.
touting eome.10 nares orbital and upon which
there Is erected at comfortable frame house
and frame barn, are offered for Kole;- 1r01t
particulars and
terms of nolo will be matte
(toast) open spp11matlae to the ltxooutor, An.
!bony Rnymtnn, (lrnnbrooh, or the under.
signed W. M. HINOr:AI1t,
Otte' Solicitor for the Executor,
For Sale
185' acres or farm laude in the 'Township
of Normo, edioieing the Village of Brussels, In.
one field, There is a good'ggravc pit, if open.
ed up, from 2 to 0 noses.' 7:6 luta been tented•
tied 01ou0h of gravel there to supply the tiOwn
and vicinity for tile next quarter of a century;
0 building lots on Turnbsrry street ; t lot pat
Geortle0treet,near tlte'railway station ' also
'my _ tarlvnte residence on the river bank, corner
of W1tltem„n.nd Albert streets, For further.
particulars apply to the undersigned at his
residence, J, 1.11101FID.
Brussels, lath March, 1017.
Farms for Sale
The undersigned offers for sale hie fine 120
ears farm :being Lot 12, and part of Lot 10,
OOH. 0, and 08 aurae on Lot 7, Oen, 4, Township
of GOY, Duren County, On the former is ar
good brick house, extra wood barn, 00 x 100 feet
all mounted andwater itaetallod, 110r0 in Or.
alod,&e DO 301 es Is e14'fy hush. Mao 100.
acres, being Lot 12 Oon. 0, in acme township
12 Gores of extra good Pan wheat and over 90 '
acres plowed. Both farms in. good -condition,
Por further partieulnre es to prices, terms and
conditions, apply on the ore,eleee or write
Telephonell010, -Ethel R. 0.
Vision Your Sons, Mothers of Ctna
Vision them at early morning when
through the rising mists, there bursts a
hurricane of fire ---
See your valiant boys ---calm, grim,
but cheerful, "stand -to -arms" until the
Hun's "morning hate" dies away.
Picture them at breakfast, the meal
that must bring them the bodily sus-
tenance to - carry them through the
strain of another day.
Then think what might happen if,
one morning, there was no breakfast
---no food, and word went down the
lines that Canada had failed- them.
Vision all these things, and then ---
as Women of Canada --- Mothers of
Men ---Answer this Call to Service.
Canada must send to Her Own, and
to. the Allies. Fighting Forces, more
wheat, more beef, more bacon, and
more of such other foods as are non-
perishable and easily exported.
Thry Must
Statistics show that, everyday, in Canada, sufficient food is
thrown into garbage bans to feed the entire Canadian Overseas
'Travellers have often remarked that many a European
family would live well upon the quantity and quality of food
wasted in some Canadian homes.
Such waste is shameful at any time, but in these
times it is criminal.
Canada can do this without depriv-
ing her own population of a fair share
of any of these foods if You Women
Will but help.
All we ask of you is, that instead of
buying so much white flour (if you do
your own baking) you vary your baking
by using one-third oatmeal, corn, bar-
ley or'rye ' flour. Cr, if you buy your
bread, that you order a certain pro'
portion of brown bread each day.
Second, instead of using as much
beef and bacon as formerly, you vary
your family's diet, by substituting for
beef and bacon such equally nutritious
foods a's fish, peas, lentils, potatoes,
nuts, bananas, etc. -
Third, and this is most important,
--positively prevent the Wsa! e of a
single ounce of food in your house-
Be Fed
Our only hope is that with these truths before you, and in
view of the vital issues at stake, we may count upon your
earnest co-operation in ;stopping this appalling waste;. and in
substituting other foods for the wheat, beef and bac?I1 that
must be sent overseas,
Next week a Food Service Pledgee and Window Card will he
delivered to you. It is your Dedication. to War Service. The
Window Card is your Emblem of Honour.
Woman's Auxiliary, Organization of Resources Committee, in Co-operation with The lion. W. J. Hanna, Food Controller:
Sign The Food Service P1ege