HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-9-13, Page 3SOLDIERS -LOVE THE
Few Regiments Go To the Front
Without a Pet and Most Are
Very Canny.
"Early in the.week'we travelled for
somedistance on'a sout7Yiern railway
line in the company of part of a big
draft ordered on foreign service, and
noted with pleasures, not unmixed
deep feeling, that none of the usual
camp following was parted with more
reluctantly_ than the drivers' dog, an
intelligent looking crossbred, with
more than a there dash of Labrador
blood in his veins, gays a London
wrtdr. Poor dog! He, indeed, was
sad, though unlike scores of men and
" women who watched the scene, he did
not show it; the layman could not
have detected anything unusual in his
behavior, but we, being used to dogs,
and a close observer of their ways
and habits, saw by his expression that
— he knew why he had been brought to
the big railway station, miles from
the training camp in which, we have
little doubt, he. had spent a happy
life with his friend's the drivers.
The train, already very late, was,on
the point of starting, when a smart
looking soldier lad raced along the
platform to the compartment in which
were his old comrades, bound for.Lon-
don and thence overseas to --, and
he had not to shout "Here's Tip" more
than once for the _carriage doors to be
opened and Tip's old pajs to get out
for still another adieu. The last
words, even the last caresses, were re-
served for the dog, and the shall never
forget the look poor Tip gave to the
train as bis loved companions were
being borne away. He neither howled
nor' whimpered; he bore himself like
the true sportsman he is—if appear-
ances count—and in wishing our
cheery, companions Godspeed at- the
end of the first stage of their journey
we expressed the hope that Tip would
be in camp to welcome them should
they return to the same part of the
country. A dog of the sort we saw
will never- lack friends, and the way
he stood to heel when ordered to do
so, even while his pals NVere bidding
. him farewell, proved that his field
education had not, been neglected. ,
.. Hundreds -of -"Tips."
Among our companions that morn-
ing Chore may have been a gamekeep-
er or two; one of the officers was un-
doubtedly a field trial man, but dog
-men or not, every one of the draft
was greatly interested. in Tip, and he
would -have accompanied the men had
such -a thing been possible of arrange-
ment. Similar scenes have been en-.
'acted in other places, no doubt; there
must be some hundreds of Tips, but all
have to be left. In some cases there
is an end to the little game hunting
foraysin the evenings; no more will
the hedgerows be drawn as has been
the case after parade day after day
on the outskirts of camp, and the im-
promptu trials of greyhounds or ter-
riers, which have provided such en-
joyment to officers and men, are end-
ed. It is unlikely they will ever be re-
Dogs have made camp life tolerable
to many a ,sportsman; we have in our
mind the case of an officer who was
allowed to keep a small teen of ter-"
riers in quarters he was lucky to get
in the heart of an especially fine
sporting district. Being -a good horse-
orseman, part of his recreation was rid-
ing on the downs in the early morn-
ing, and it was while accompanied by
his little pack that he improved his
'- knowledge of Wiltshire and its sport.
How we should have liked to see his
Sealyhams pick bp the line of an old
dog fox, lying in covert not far from
where pheasants were penned, and
literally force him out to the open!
This and much more -was done during
those early morning gallops. Dogs
have certainly taken their part in the
making of the soldier rby providing
companionship and sport in places far.
removed from the busy haunts of men.
That they will not be forgotten, even
iu the strenugus days which are to.
come, is a certainty.
• t
A Modern Cinderella.
The day of good fairies is not over!
Several months ago, Miss Minerva
Menke was a passenger on a Madison
Avenue street car in New York City.
As she stepped, from the car one of
her pumps became wedged in a'corner
of the step, and her foot slipped out of
it.. She did her best to make her Plight
known, but at that momeno the fairy,
meat have abet the conducter's eyes
aid covered his ears, for he gave two
vi orouli tus' on the bell roe and the
g g p,
I cat carried Miss Menke's pump away,
leaving her pumpless in the steet, She
hobbled to a drug store at the Corner
and telephoned for la takicab to take
ler home.
A few blocks farther on, Atoka
Wolfsor:noticed the pump as ho was
caving .the car, He slipped it into
isp ocket—it is a No, 2—and when
method m tele. hon. an
a roach home d n
p d
'iertisement to the Now York Herald,
*toothy the young woman who lost
Me pump to waste to him.
Miss Mindf'ea Wrote, and Jacks
hafted to return the pump, He kelt
on calling more and more frequentlyy
�nd now they are tnarried and will,'
ibubtless 'live happily aver after,"
Don't Waste, Don't
Starve—there is ,plenty of
food for all if you will only
do your bit in preventing
waste. Demand the whole
wheat grain in breakfast
foods and bread. Shredded
Wheat Biscuit is 100 percent.
whole wheat nothing wast
ed, every particle utilized.
contains It t ns more real nutri-
ment than meat, and costs
much less. For any meal
with milk and fruits.
•-0r •� ilio`
Made in Canada.
Shoot Their Too Generous Enemies -in
the Back.
A soldier whom I met recently in
London, says an English writer, told
me that he considered the Hun as the
'trickiest fellow on the battlefield that
gone could possibly meet.
"Even when he appears to be dead,"
said he ruefully, "like fuzzy-wuzzy,
he's generally shamming. ,Over and
over again I have seen wounded Ger-
pians who have not been harmed by
our men, as soon as they have realiz-
ed their safety, get up and shoot their
too generous foes in the back!
"I remember in particular one of-
ficer who was killed in this dastardly
way. He had been bending over an
apparently wounded 'German. He
even gave the man a drink of water.
and turned away to bring the stretch- McCall Co„ 70 Bond St., Toronto,
er-bearers, The man raised himself Dept. W.
on one elbow and shot the young of-
ficer dead, But let me tell you that
we quickly avenged -'that office's
"One of my narrowest shaves was
when a shell exploded within a few
yards of inc. It blew me up into the
air and the next thing I can remem-
ber r was being carried along the Ba-
patime road by a couple, of pals, who
thought I had 'gone West.' But they
were wrong—I hadn't. I was only
'shell-shocked.' And four days later I
was back to the line again.
"Many a man goes West without'a
•single scratch or wound upon him.
The second officer in command of my
company at Vimy Ridge wes killed
simply by concussion; The shell
burst thirty or forty•yards away from
him and never touched him. Num-
bers of men are killed like that."
Now on Sale in permany—Use Will
Be General by Spring.
Germany is fast becoming hard up
for wearing¢ apparel, and inventors
have succeeded in finding an effec-
tive substitute for woollen and cotton
fabrics. The new material has been
tested and proves to be both wear-
able and washable. The drawback'
at present is that this "paper cloth"
is rather stiff; but' by special treat-
ment experts hope to produce a -stuff
sufficiently fine and soft to be used,
even for underwear. The Berlin
Daily Paper (Tageblatt) devbtes the
best part of a column to this import-
ant revolution in clothes. Work-
men's clothing of strong texture can
now be Bought in the Berlin shops,
and men's trousers, specially impreg-
nated.to withstand ,rain, are also on
• •The Daily. Paper says that by next
spring men,, women and children of
all classes will probably be wearing
complete outfits made of the new ma-
terial. It is worth noting that these
goods, like the materials they re-
place, are only purchasable on cloth-
ing permits.
An Autumn
School Dress
Where is the schoolgirl who would
pot revel in a military dress for fall?
Here is the smartest of these little
frocks made of dark blue serge and
worn with trim linen collars and cuffs
and a red silk tie. Pockets to the
right and pockets to the left are an
extra stylish as well as practical fea-
ture of this frock, McCall Pattern
No. 7906, Girl's Military Dress' with
detachable cape. In 6 sizes; 4 to 14
years. Price, 15 cents,:
This pattern may be obtainedfrom
your local McCall dealer, or from the
To every woman belongs the right
to enjoy a healthy, active, happy life,
yet nine out of every ten suffer years
of agony, usually from some form of
bloodlessness. That is why one sees
on every side pale thin cheeks, dull
eyes and drooping figures—sure signs
of headaches, Weak backs, aching
limbs and uncertain health. All weak,
suffering women should win the right
to be well by refreshing thein weary
bodies with -the new, rich, red blood.
that promptly transforms them into
!healthy attractive women. This new,
rich, red blood is supplied in abund-
ance by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills which
reaches every organ and every nerve
in the body,
Through the use of these pills thou.
sands of women have found a prompt
cure when suffering from anaemia, in.
digestion, heart palpitation, rheuma-
tism, general weakness, and those ail:
meats from which women alone suffer.
There is no part of this bread Domin-
ion in which you :Will not find some
former uffererwho has regained
health and strength through the use of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and this is
:the reason why -these pills have been
a-fayorite-household remody for more
than a generation. If you are ailing
and will give the pills a fair trial you
will find renewed health and happi-
ness in their use,
You can get Dr. Williams' ,Pink Pills
through any medicine dealer, or by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2.50 from 'The -Dr. Williams'. Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Tea and Coffee
who are
after they
change to ,the
d lucious- pure fod-
° drink—
"There's a Reason"
Csnedian pgs*
PhiiluLn r, OeOnt,resi Co„ Ltd.
The fields of France, the fields of
France, how changed since -yester-
Once fresh and fair as Eden's vale,
nowgrim and gray and sere;
Where once the ploughman furrows
turned now tears the shot and
The cannon's roar reverberates where
rang the Vesper bell,
Tllte fields of France, the fields of
France, once moist with morning
Now damp and dank with heroes'
blood and stained a crimson hue;
The smoke clouds hide the darkened
sun and spout a leaden rain,
And where the reaper's• mirth came
clear from out the golden grain
Now Death with dripping scythe
laughs loud mild wilirows of the
The fields of France, the fields of
France, enwrapped`" in robes of
Asleep 'Heath smiling, cloudless skies,:
adream in ,moon's bright sheen,
give them back to us, dear Lord,
and grant them life's new lease,
0, still the rage .of man's red wrath,
and may his madness cease,
fl Reason to the world proclaim,
the way of God is Peace,
George B. Underwood,
A home fruit and vegetable - evap-
orator properlyusod will save its ts cost
several times over the first season and
can be used for many years,
What is believed to be the oldest in-
habited 'residence in the world Is a
mansion in Germany that was built in
700. •
Mivard'M ,Liniment a'telieves Ngthrn11I11c
An Impossible Ideal.
Sho had two boys, The mother
wished not only to give them a serious
Mothers who heel) a box of Baby's idea of her desire to make them'good,
Own Tablets In the house may feel but also to make clear to then•,mind's
that the lives of their little ones are the gravity of the task before her. At
reasonably safe during the hot*weath•the end of a particularly touching
er. Stomach troubles, cholera infan. adjuration five-year-old Francis was
tum and diarrhoea parry off thousands , suddenly overcome with the impos-
of little ones every summer in most aibiljty of ever attaining his mother's
cases because the, mother does not ideal,
have a safe medicine at hand to give "Don't try to make us good, moth -
promptly. Baby's Own Tablets cure er," he said earnestly, "Just shoot
(RINE Granulated Eyelids,
these troubles; or if given occasionally
to the well child will prevent their
coming on, The Tablets are guaran-
teed by a government analyst to be ab- Sore Eyes. EyesIillamee by
sedately harmless even to the' new- son, Peet and V✓Fndqukkly
It In
born babe. They are especially good Fen ':, moi - retkvcd by Murine, yTryEyes, /ri -ourC ¢sand nBab 's
in summer because they regulate the YOUR ETLJNoSmarting,lustEyeComie t
bowels and keep the stomach sweet Murine a Remed At Ynur Dr,a 5t'e or by
mol c Ur o I4h ,'
I,GO h �tla. u n
and pure, They are sold by medicine eye sm,,., in Tuber yb¢. For Baoh slips Lilo -Frees.
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box AskalurineEye Remedy Co., Clatcasoa
from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brookville, Opt
Canada, dear Canada, our thoughts
are all of thee.
Thou land of health, thou land of
We hail thee,,great and free.
On all the earth thy name is known, Minard's Liniment Co., Limited,
And it shall ever be Dear Sirs,—Thad a Bleeding Tumor
on my face -for a long time and tried a
number of remedies without any good
results, I was advised, to try MI -
Canada, dear Canada, thy sons and NARD'S LINIMENT, and after using
dadghters brave several battles It made a complete
Have, made thy bosom rich in wealth cure, .and of thelod all up and disap-
Where golden harvests wave.' peered altogether,
Thy splendid lakes, thy mountains Belleisle Station, Kings Co., N. B.,
grand, Sept. 17, 1904.
'Thy sunlit coasts we see,
An emblem of thy future power
In ages yet to be. •
To clean the inside of a water bot -
Canada, 'dear Canada, thy name on tie or any glass that is too small to
every breeze insert the hand into, put into the bot -
Floats to the nations far and wide tie a small quantity of tea leaves,
O'er ocean, land and sea. pour in about one-third of a teacupful
Land of the Maple Leaf, for thee of vinegar, shake well, empty, and
No sacrifice is vain; rinse with cold water. A perfectly
We glory in thy fruitfulness, clear glass will result.
Thy mineral wealth and grain.
Canada, dear. Canada, true 4o thy
name we stand
Untrammeled, bold we face the
• world,
Thy cause we will maintain;
No fol shall dare our faithfulness,
Thy dangers al1've share;
Under the British Union Jack
Were all united there.
"Music," writes the editor of the
Etude, "is nbw being looked upon by
all the warring countries in Europe
as the torch of a newer and higher
liberty, freeing the souls of men from
tile burden of the greatest grin, which
has ever come to the human race."
A name of strength, of might - and
Of right and liberty.
Canada, dear Canada, the land we love
the most,
Fair daughter gf the Motherland,
In her a'nd God we trust.
To fathers brave and mothers fair
We all ouratributes bring.
The Maple Leaf for ever,
God sale our noble King.
—Jas. A Brain, Toronto,
Twenty of the large flower beds at �ilTIcIIRA Ii§"AI s
Hampton Court Palace, opposite the
east front, were planted to potatoes
and beets last spring.
Be honest with yourself. Would you
really have so much to do if you did
things punctually?
Msinard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
War the Leveller.
One of the many results of the war
in England is an agitation for the
abolition of class distinctions 'on the
railroads and a change to a system
similar to that followed in the United
States and Canada. It is urged that
the new plan would be an economic
measure in view of the shortage 'bf
coal, as at present the third class_
coaches are nearly always overcrowd-
ed while the first class coaches seldom
carry more than a few persons. Com-
mercial travellers, who suffer rates now charg-
edfrom the higher g
ed on the railroads and from the aboli-
tion of the week end tickets, are active
in the movement.
On Face. Badly Disfigured.
Used 2 Boxes Ointment
and 3 Cakes Soap. '
"I had a bad itchy lot of pimples on
my face which made it badly disfigured.
They were inflamed and came to a head,
,and I could tear my skin as soon as a
little heat canle near them. I could
Hardly sleep.
"when I saw Cuticura Soap and
Ointment advertised I sent for a free
sample which did 'So much good that I
bdught more, and I used two boxes of
Cuticura Ointment and three cakes of
Cuticura Soap when I was healed."
(Signed) Miss Bertha Nilsson, Stock-
holm, Sask.
If you have a good complexion keep
it so by using Cuticura Soap daily and
Cuticura Ointment occasionally.
For Free Sample Each by Mail ad-
dress post card: "Cuticura, Dept. A,
Boston, U. S. A- Sold everywhere.
Much Better Than Blotting Paper
Being Highly Porous
Blotting paper has risen in price
lately. Of course, it is en account of
the war—the unfailing excuse for
sticking up" the helpless public,
At the same time (as always) it is
almost impossible to buy really good
blotting paper. Blotting atone is
much better, and one wonders why it
is not everywhere to he bought.
Thisb of i d bibulous n bulou
s stone is form-
ed from the sediment of certain hot
springs, where it has been accumulat-
ing for ages and is obtainable in in-
exhaustible sible n
Highly porous it will take up more
readily than any blotting paper a sur-
prising g quantity of mk. The man at
a desk can use it incidentally as a
paper -weight and occasionally the of-
fice boy may scrape it off with a knife
—the substance being very soft-
making it as good as new,
Send a Dominion Express Money
Order. Five dollars costs three cents.
- Cold Potatoes.
A palatable way to serve cold boiled
potatoes is to put them through the
sieve. Season them well with but-
ter and salt; form into cones and
brown in the oven,
Minard's Liniment for eats everywhere.
Natives of Peru, use a boat made en-
tirely of reeds and straw, even the
sail consisting of straw matting,
Cincinnati man tells how to dry
up a corn or callus so It lifts •C
off with fingers,
You corn -pestered men and women
need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes
that nearly killed you before, says this
Cincinnati authority, because a few
drops of freezone applied directly on a
tender, aching corn or callus, stops
soreness at once and soon the corn or
hardened callus loosens so it can be
lifted off, root and all, without pain.
A small bottle of freezone costs very
little at any drug. -store, but will posi-
tively take off every hard or soft corn
or callus. This should be tried, as it
is inexpensive and is said not to irri-
I tate the surrounding skin,
If your druggist hasn't any freezone
tell him to get a small bottle for you
from his wholesale drug house. It is
fine stuff and acts like a charm every
,t'&b,,EO 0oNTO. 0Mpt,,oC� 1.
Hill Th , best
yeast in
Gi� the world.
1110,: Makes
1i9i perfect
MADE44\ b
NTREA..L '��tjEjttjjt1tl
The man who buys meals in small
amounts as needed and buys the meal
cheapest per hundredweight is a poor
business man and does not appreciate
the real values of feeds.
SCinard's Liniment Cures Burns, Eta.
Offices for sale In good Ontario
towns. The most useful and interesting
of all businesses. Full information on
application to Wilson Publishing Com-
pany, 78 Adelaide Street, Toronto.
i5raoEL arrnous
.SJ and light sewing at home, whole or
spare time; good pay; work sent any
distance, charges paid. Send stamp for
particulars, National Manufacturing
Company, Montreal,
`J internal and external, cured with-
out pain by aur home treatment. Write
us before too late, Dr. Bellman Medical
Co., Limited, Oollingwood, Ont
When buying your , Piano
insist on having an
alOTTO HIG!l_"
will reduce inflamed, swollen
Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Soft
Bunches: Heals Boil , Poll
Evil, Quittor, Fisla and
infected sores quickly
as it is a positive antiseptic
and germicide. Pleasant to
bee; does not blister or remove
the hair, and yon an work the porno
S2.00 per bottle. delivered.
Book 7 M free,
ABSORBINE.Jn the antiseptic liniment for mankind,
reduce: Painful. Swollen veins, Wenn, rine. Praises;
stow Pain d i,Snmmodon, Price 51,00 per bottle at
dealer¢ delivered, WBI toil you mom if you wrlw
Liberal Trial Bottle ver 10, in swops.
time. - 5, F. YOUNG, P. 0, F., 516 Lymans 61dg,, Montreal, Can.
absorbiue and Abaorhlne, Jr.. are made Io. Ceaaea.,
Iron, Is Great st o? Ail Strength
Btaidersy Saes ooctor
A Secret of the Great Endurance and Powers of Athletes.
Ordinary Nuxated Iron Will Make Deli-
cate, Nervous, Rundown People 100
Per Cent. Stronger in Two Weeks'
Time in Many Cases.
NEW YOrtK, N. Y --Most people fool-
ishly semi to think they are going to get
renewed health and strength front some
stimulating medicine, secret nostrum or
narcotic drug, said Dr. E, Sauer, a Bos-
ton Physician who has studied widely
both In this country and in Great Euro-
peen Medical Institutions, when, as a
mater of fact real and true strength
t a g
can only come' from the Toad you sat.
But people often fail to get strength out
of their food because they haven't
enough iron in their blood to enable it
to change food into living matter. From
their weakened, nervous condition they
know something is wrong but they can't
tell what, so they generally commence
doctoring for stomach, liver or kidney
troublesimeiams of some otherail-
ment Paused byar
lack of iron i' the blood.
This thing may go on for ears, while
the patient suffers untold agony. If you
are not strong or well, you owe it to
yourself to make the following test
See bow long you can work or how far
you can walk without becoming tired.
Next tape two ave -grain tablets of or-
dinary nuxnted Iron three times per tray
after mewls for tura weeks. Then test
your strength again and sea for yourself
how malt you have gaited. I have seen
dozens of nervous, run-down people. who
were ailing all the while, double their
strength and endurance and entirely get
rid of all symptosis of dyspepsia, liver
and other troubles in from ten to four-
teen days' time simply by taking iron in
the proper form. And this after they
had in some' cases been doctoring for
months without obtaining any benefit•
But don't take the old forms of reduced,
!roe, iron acetate or tincture of iron.
simply to save a few cente, You must
take iron in a form that can be easily
absorbed and assimilated like nuxatsd
iron if you want it to do you any good,
otherwise It may prove worse than use.
less. Many an athlete or prize -tighter
has won the day simply because they
knew the secret of great strength and
endurance and filled his blood with iron
before he went into the affray. while
mans'' another has gone down to in-
glorious defeat simply for the lack of
NOTE: Nuxated iron, recommended
above by Dr. F, Sauer, is one of the newer
organ15 iron compounds. Unlike the older
inorganic iron products. It is easily assimi-
lated, does not injure the teeth, maks them
black, nor upset the stomach; an the con-
trary, it Is a most potent remedy In nearly
all forms of indigestion. as well as for ner-
vous, run-down conditions, The manatee -
timers ,rave such great confidence In Nnx-
ated iron tbht they offer to forfeit sl00.00
to any charitable institution 11 they rr nnat
take any man or woman under 60, who
lacks iron, and increase their strength 100
per cent. or over in four weeps' time, pro-
dded they have no serious organic trouble.
They also offer to refund your money if It
dons not at least double your strength end
endurance in ten days' time. It Is dis-
pensed by all gond druggists.
TK C E- AWFUL Doctors and Eye Spedlists Agree
That Ein-Opto Strengthens Eyesight 50%
a Week's y�� eek's Ti n Many It; stances
Suggestionsthat may save
Much Bufferin A Free Prescription Yon Can have iunotivitls and ephlpihora, Fier eyes
$' Filled and Use at Home. when not congested had the dull, suf-
fused expression common to such canon
Marysville, Pa.—"For twelve years
I suffered With terrible cramps. I
would have to stay
in bed several days
every month. I
tried all kinds of
remedies and was
treated by -doctors,
but mtrouble con-
tinued until one day
I read about Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound and
what it had a done for
others, 1 tried it
and now I am nev
troubled with cramps and feel like a
different woman ' I cannot praise
-Lyd'a E. Pinkham's Vegetable Conk -
pout d too highly and I am recommend -
n it to m who hosu asldid.
—Mrs. GEOROIO R.NAYLOR, Box 72, ,
Marysville, Pa,
Young women who aro troubled with
" s sett
sinful or irregular periods, backache, ,I
headache, dragging-down'sensations{
faintingspells or indigestion should '
take Lydia, E. Pinkham s Vegetable
Compoud. Thousands have been re-
stored to health by this root and herb
'Write for free and helpful advice to
Lydia E. Pinkhatn Medicine Co, (con-
fidential)) Lynn, Mass. Only women
open and read such lettere.
ISSUE' No. $6-'17
Boston, Mass,—Virtime of oyo attain Having run: out of her medicine a
and other oye weaknesses and those friend suggested Icon-Opto. She used
who wear glasses, will be glad to know this treatment and not only overcame
that Doctors and Eve Speoiallsts now her dkstressing`oonditlon, but strange
agreo there is real hope and help for and amazing as it may seem, so.
diem. Many whose oyes were falling strengthtined her oresiglit that she was
✓ tltoy have ltud their eyes restorod able to dispense with her distance
glasses and her headache and neuralgia
loft her. In this instance I should any
hor eyesight was improved 100eo. I
have since verified the edioany of title.
treatment iu a number of cases and
havo seen the eyesight improve from
215 to 15 per cent in a remarkably, short
time. S can say It works mere quickly
than any other remedy„ Z have pro -
earthed for tho eyes."
lir. Smith, an ocullst :ori wide experi-
ence, says: I have treated in private
practice a, number of serlbus optlhalmic
diseases With Bon -Onto and am able to
report ultimate rec0Veryin both a
au o
.and � chronic cases. Mr. camp to any
office suffering with an infected eye.
Tho condition was so serious that an
cperation for enuckoation scorned im-
perative. Before resorting to the
operative treatment I prescribed Bon-
Opto and in 24 hours the seerelion,had
1Osammd, infiommatory sYmitems be-
gan to Sgbehle, and in seven days the
oye was aired and retained Its nor-
Anal 'Oaten, Anetlier cage of extreme
colover Pont strabismus (cross oyes)
camped the surgeon's ltnito by the
timely 0105 of your collyrium,: The
tightened external muscles yielded to
the soothing. and anodyne effects of
Bon-Opto.. I always instil Bon -Onto
after retrieval of fOreigtl bodies and
apply it locally to all barna illeerc
and spots on the eyeball or the, lids
for its therapeutic effect, By cleans,
Ing the 1115 of secretions ands acting
'Wattle tonrefodror5d0
morn �naute,� i ++tiho
Orb number of .oases of tlisearclod
lir, Cnuncr tlaYSI "MY 0i"3 Wer' in
bud eandltioe vwing is t.,a severe
and many who once Wore glasses say
they have thrown diem away. One
man says, after using it: I was al-
most AJlind. Could not see to read at
all, Now I can read eVerytl,lng with-
out 1ny glasses, and my eyes do not
hurt any more, At night they would
d ill . Now 1100y afeol find all
pain dtoa ft Y
the time, It was thio a ntlraele to me -
A lady Who gsod It says: The atntos-
ghere seemed hazy with or without
glosses, but after using this prescrip-
tion for fifteen days everything scoffs
clear. I can road even lino print With-
out glnssea" Ancrod who usod it
'was of t red i
says: I b l e with eye which
overworked, tired-wVore
induced north several
yeas. Ili, have dis-
tanceos for sovornl and
both for j 1
could and read and without thorn I
could el not Dead my own tinge on an
el rim, typewriting can
log on tiro
sol 1ilobe iGc mo. I can do hoot now,
and have discarded my tang distance
alto othor. I ono Count the
g 1nav01 on the :rebs ttm•oss tho
Atroet noBoil a for seVeh•tnl Years
have tooltbr� lllto a dim green blar to
me. I Cannot ex rocs - o
at what
P My J
it hits dorso for nrol' Y
25 1 li 1
IS 1io evod 0030 ie and tit who
Wear glasses can nom multitudes
diem re
a ill be able tto and multittl,al 10001,
will bo able to stt•ongthen their eyes
drl g
to as to be Spared fhb trouble and es-
rinse 00 over getting glasses.
I7r, Bock, an oye spbolallst of nearly
twenty years praatice, says: "A. patient
dame to ane ivhb wits sb1Ee1•ing from
hlcpharltis Marglud,lis with all the
concomitant symptoms, as morning
aSSlutinaWon or tbo"Iida, chrome Goa.
strain arising from protracted /Word.
scoptaal research work, Bon -Onto used
according to directions rendered a sur-
prising servlea. I found my eyes roe
niarkably Olrengthenod, so much. so I
have put asitia ray. glasses without dis-
comfort. Several of my colleagues baso
ittsnresulteftlnna few e clays xunder n1y
obserVation, the ey05 of an astigmatic
case were so Improved that t,itutsoe.
have boon discarded by the patient-"
Eye troubles of many drseripttenss
may be wonderfully boo0Bted by the
use of Bon -Onto and if you want to
strengthen your eyes, go to any drug
store and got a bottle of Bon -Onto
tablets. Drop ono Ban -onto tablet in
a fourth of a glans of water and let it
dissolve. With this .liquid bathe the
oyes. :two to foul' tinlos daily. Tohi
should notice your eyes cloar up per-
ceptibly right frons the start, and 1n-
fiammntlon and redness will gn10111y
If your eyes bother a little It Is your duty tko
steps to save them now before it is
too late. Many hopclensly blind might
have saved their sight If they had ctt.rod
for their eyes In tittle.
Rotel A 0lty physician to whom the above
01.51018 was submitted, geld: "Yes, nen.Opl»pis.
a rOmorlmblo eye remedy. Ito coesitueht ht-
grodlonto fire nen icemen to 0ntlecat see spa -
'delight Lind widely prescribed by them, L het.*
Mod it Ow succeroht11y in my Own practice bu
patieste %Cbuso Dyes hero strnlhed tbrongh over-
work 0r mien: glnense, l' pan Idgltly r0e0minenti
It in case of
watery, Y.Rolling, smm
lng,ltahtngr burning eyes, red ods blurred k vlnt0n 0r
fOt yes inflamed 'from
expngluo to motto, stttt,
dust er wind, 11 to one of the vett few preen`.
0tens I feel eboold he !rapt all hand for engeter
nee In almost every family," liou•0pto is not m
Detest' medicine or secret. Melody, It le an
bibbed preeetatioo, tate formula tonic mewl. en'
the parknge, The menefeetnters ipintsateett to
err' nether 100015)10 00 por snot la Ono w00k's time «.
1,1 ninety 1 . to e, 0, or rotund the money, It Mahe.'.
1,1,11 nd 1, an geed ti1•uggints, ,iitslltding
genel'n1 Stereo; alto by fl. 'I'attmblyn end
'1' Lintol, 211 L'0.. Teeeetta,