HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-9-13, Page 1VOL, 46NO, I I • 1 I.5o :Per Annum in Advance,. BRUSSRLS, ONTARIO THURSE41 Y. SEPTEN113ER 3 1017 W. H. KERR, Profiyietor • • • . A ♦ e • 4 • •• ♦ e +e • s s O m 4 • 0 4 ♦ s • • 4 • O • • •6 • • • A ••• •• •• s • E M O N T E t4uthrnn • • 4 •4 • • •• • 4 e • UR NEW FALL STOCK is now in place, consisting 't >lsl tog of Dress' and Tailored Hats, • Mounts, Wings,., Ornaments and Novelties - in 2 Trimmings. • • Owing to the early -demand for Ordered Work 2 on account of the cool weather we are not having- • a Formal Opening, but will be .leased to show our • P stock and attend to your needs in this line,. • • •. • ♦•• • E. INMAN 4 40•40004•44010044.44•4•••4 •♦•••••••.......O.•••,•444, THE PATHEPHONE Five of these lo,ae whirl phonographs, eachwith twelve recuels, given as tint mut, in district Contests, Value, 515000. Size 201011 101 in, x 4-1 in, high, New Advertisements OOr tM alto D Ewen, tvn Fall Pilliner-Miss Ross. 031. Aiyco im Oeste W• it Fox. Compete service -8 - Online. Ooi ltryoxnteil R, -r Atitow waltnwry Thomson. A ani all hoes-, Arman, Berenice hcahoes-L 4'til Smith. S li'+Or le o Ino code—F. Smith. a R 8, i Uoutesta-Cam bell Milling ' 00. P g Moncriefff nulnber'from here are"at Londont Fair, this. week. School Fair at, Fulton's •school Fri- day of this week. A'lies Mao Inglis:is taking a course at• Stratford Business College. We wish her sncces. Miss McGowan, Blyth, is our new teacher at. Mcinerieff school. She is well recommended, - Monct'iele seat a delegation to the Missionary Conference at O,' nbr000k 'T'nesday afternoon of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Har.ison and fatnily of Hlgereoll, were here on a _rnotor ;trip to visit M. Iutd.jMrs. Harriette. Misses Mae Livingston, Lily Harris- .on and Alrna Struthers . were nutmeg the visitor to To1'ont"Fair last week. The Young People's Union of Mait- land Presbytery will hold their Coi- ventiou du Moncrieffohureh Friday of next week, 21st inst. There will he three sessions and 11 -gond program. Enter the Bread Making Contests at Rural School Fairs in Ontario The Campbell Flour Mills Company's great offer of the big One -Hundred -and -Fifty -Dollar Pathe phonographs (Five of them I) and other valuable prizes, for the best loaves of bread baked with Creamofthe West flour, is stirring up tremendous interest all over Ontario. Many girls are already busy as bees practising with Cream of the West flour. Last year many girls declared, "Oh, if I had only practised, I'm sure I could have won 1" , Don't wait another day. Decide right nowt Practise, Practise, Practise with Cream at est Flours the bard Wheat flour that is guaranteed for bread Every time you bake withit you find out new qualities in this flour that snakes suchsplendid big loaves of delicious light bread. Practise l • In five distticts,.each comprising several counties, we will give away free to the winner of the first district prize a large cabinet phonograph. At each fair there will be given a fine list of local Te'izes. - Prizes Worth Trying_ P...Td For The ,Diatrict Pfl,,os.—Tete winner of the first prize at eachlocal fair nutonattcaiq• becomes a competitor for the following 'District prizes; 1st District Prize.—The "Pnthepbone" is the nanny given Yu the JI00 big punhognn • phonograph we otter ns 1001 prize. It will give you endless pleasure and entertain, moot for u lifetime. It has sateen! reproducer attach- ments and needles, enabling you to play oil kinds of tint disc records of no nutter what make, Phe Ynllleptlone reproduces bund music, orchestra motile, songs and funny.. pieces t)ertertlp; will, it goes: n dozen of the Moms Pathe. records. Total vultw, 0150.00. 2nd District Prize.—Set of Dickens' Works, 18 ankle - ()idly bound volumes with mintyillustrations. Among the books "'the sot are 'Oliver Twisl'' and :Old Curmsity Shop.p Those are two of the most entr0ocing stories 0780 written. 3rd,. 4t0,. and .9th Prizep.—" 0nnuell" Bread miters. This ample, yet well-mude.i,mchlue, takes the hard work out of bread oinking, Instead of laborious kneading of the old metlfod,you gust -put in the Ingredients, turnthe handle, and tete doughis thoroughly and more evenly mixed. nditions of Contest fat Local Prizo." Diris' Own Anatol," a front big beautifully bound, illustrated book with 801) pages 00 stores and nr,ieles faunal people. art, 511 mels, gardens, sewing, rrnebenu6 •-eve1ythi„g that pnrticuleriy interests young girds, older girls nuts their u,, bd5's. This is a wonderful prize that yeti eau treasure for yours, 2nd Local Prise.—"Stories of Famous Iden nod We men, homily cloth bound with gold' titles, many beauti- ful pictures in colors, *invoicing, life stones 01Florence . Night sgale,'Grave Doling. Fern ,lfacDmm d, Jenny n.. Lind, ,h0 late Quest Victoria, and others, 9rd Meet Price.—"Bri0niti Overseas," n big hand- somely huuud book with many colored pictures, interesting stories nod deseriptiona of the countries nml ¢ba peoples of Britain's world, vide Empire. • 4111 Local Prfze.--"Tho_Queen's Gift Book," n book of stories. pictures and sperinl articles by Britain's best writers; the prneeeds from the snle.01 this hook are tor the hunedt of disabled soldmrs in England. • 11010: ihliesa the retries number six or more only first Hud sword Intros will be awarded. Unieso.the entries number tell or -.lore no fourth prize will die utwaded , Read Carefully -Co Every girl may compote at the rural whorl fair h1 her d,stri11, tvbotl"•r tu' not she attends school, providing Glut halt 12110 liirlhdny coeurs before ,November 1st, 1017, or her 30th birthday, duos rat occur before Nov, 1, 1017. One loaf of breed/meat be submitted linked 01 pan about 7 x 5 Inches nod S :inches deep, and divided into twin loaves,.. so.that they . taa3' be separated at the fair, Tho loaf must' be baked with 0110010 of rho' West floor: 0»e - Milt will beudged at the intr. The other half of the prize loaf will be sent to Ontario.- Agri cultileel'Oellggn,. v101 0 done 1 in the fate rive Contests. The 011(11Juniog01 wind kilo nn Etas 1' ' A. Purdy, T of the conies. at of fnroadlnl l,, r rad Flour rr drest Testing, The contest. o 1, 1cst qs the fair will be rmiiluett•d wider ;be -snot' talus, no all Lha other regular uautest0 et yam) fairs, The Standard by 'tvhfeb Lnond true bo judged will be. a0 follows; ' 1, Appearance of Lanf • •16 mnrk0 (e) Color 5,mlrks (b) 'texture of crest 5 m0,1(0 (01 Ohmic of loaf ,..,5 storks 2. Texture of Crumb , , .. ..'t0 marks e) Evenness .,,, , „15. {narks (( 20 marks (0) Silkiness (0)Color b marks 8. Marto nt Brand... a, :., 1, 45mnrke. (a) '!'nsta , , , , . 25 merles ' (131 Odor 20 marks Important,--Ene1n loaf mast be aceo10p,ntled by tho part of the )lam' hag route fling the taco of, the Ohl Miller, and on en1'y fete must be Maned 1»r the girl and parents or ganrdanl. slating date of girth, P,O. address, and giving name of denier from When, Croon of lite West Flour was pnre'fineell. The 'n'm Will scute tbal the girl netually baked 1110 tont' entered in the -:competition.. 'tern forms will be pn oo10k,1 al the thno of the foil% The deeisIo,t of the judges. is final. Not mile than 0530' entry 11111y be mode by tneh girt and not 010es 3800 ono Ileal prise w111 be awarded to ;the sidle fondly, Willett -District is Yours? -'fills Hat shows yet- which counties yml .rmupttc against if you'boeolao a cangw4l tar for the °eerie prises: District No.. 1.—Counties of Glengarry, Stormont Dun- dna,Granville, Leeds, lrrontenac, Lennox nod Addington, Careton, "Lanark, Renfrew. District No. 2.-eonntteo of Hastings, Prince Edward, Potorboro, Northumberland, V101orh0, URream. Dt01501 No. 9.—Counties of York, Ontario, feel, Bal- ton, Wentworth, --Oxford, Brunt, Waterloo (with a few. fairs in Wolliugtou and Perth). • District N0, 4,—Domtdos of Welland, FInldbunrld,. Nor - talk, Elgin, Kon, Essex, Lmtt n, aiddleser (v14p a fsw fans In Duren and_:lttcMn). to District No, 5.—Counties of Bruce, Grey, Dnfforin, 91m - coo, District& of Muskoka, Parry' Shorne,' 1ienskaming„Ai- goma,Mtanitoulin, T0;' 1)38110,39 of the contests ate the fair will be r known is h 0s al lvay ns 1 the .as o[ all 1 otherknown the ui n /ell e n t to outer ragnla• contasls, The District results wilt herrn- 110lrneed ns soot es possible otter 111a c0nulnsf0n of the Rant School Fairs in the Province. n0. NOT IC -90 TAPS 1101311' OPPORTUNITY: Every girl between 12 and 18 years should compete. \v lett it splendid way to stir pp increased interest in bresdmnkngl Get a supply of Creon of -the West heron et your tlontors and practise lining it as often ne p0asihlo to iner011001 the ehnnc0s of winning, - 11 your denier cannot soli it to you write to the Neer Milts Co„ Lid., Toronto, and we will pruatp1ly:: ten you the nearest pence to got it. N0. CC)'MPETI'i'ION,S IN OOUN vias NAMED BELOW ,. Th nam clition is open ' a 011 pions h 1 The U tot1l of i Province whore River School050,0ng,sirs era hold, except the Districiasu#Ruing .01113' rt* of sed Thunder .Tie, l,o1 otuodIaLiataora e'ld by cog,' ppurts'uf. the Province where schnol tub's are heli by the Dept, of. Agriculture in whlell this 0nne netiti011 ,will not h0 a feettlre. There ,,re 110 disf,'iel,ren'tamiletivc4. of he 'Deportment of AgricultureInthe Counties of Sod- bury, Thu all, Perth,. Wellington, ll nilburto,_ Prescott, Rua- sell or 1.,in,oh, end n0 rural sehmnl Niro are hold in throw Ceuotics by tin Dept. of Agl'ioulture, '31,0,0: erre, how ever,n fen' fairs helot by local' selloolo in Wellington, Perth, littrot and Liueoln, and athero me Included 111 the conn pet Dien. ._ Tbe Campbell dour Mills Company, Limitedti Toronto Peterboro Pickering s. J lz0 The above competition is open to Rural' School Fairs held in S. S. No. P P 4, Turilberry ; S. S. No, 1 t, Morris ; S. S. No. 8, Grey, and ousel stints in Huron County. l3 r� the West,Floursold Reis •. `Wroxeter Clree,rll o'l•' d is by � Black, Miss Stile Livingston to back from a holiday ulca at t c 1 y a 1 es vat i. Mr. mi r mid Mrs. Graham, SrslI cele Oo were visitor's at Luke 0 Sheiven's, Mts: 0Ilthant Is a cousin of the host, AV1o, and Mrs, Ir,ine, Beltnore, and E, and. Mrs, Jackilon, Teestveter, were visitors witli'5) K. and MIS. Livings ,1 sl 111 Vith f ', 'wgr t e \ n 1 su ai] , ret v i ,cored tete e'id naves of the (teeth -0 Pme...',Allan MoIseptl, 011 September 4th, rt France. He died from his wounds received while battling for the cause of Free- dbm, AIM') was the son of Archie McLean, of this locality andwas well and favorably, known. The bereaved will share in the sympathy 01 the community. . Jamestown An11e'npinite was seen last Satur- day 3niteg, Last, IV. id. and.,Mrs. Lyiu, and Doreen and Fraser, ('int ie, were visitors with John and Mrs, Fraser, - Mrs. A. 13. Brigham, of Blyth i0- 2ality, ,vasa visitor at her parental home during the past week. The new teacher, - Miss McIntosh took her place in the Ramsay school Tuesday of last week. We wish herr success. Webster and Mrs. Baum end Miss Thelma, of Orosswell, Mich, are visit- ing at 13,obt. Messer's this week. They carne by auto. TownshipTre:surer and Mrs. Shaw were away for an extended trip ill which they dished Toronto, Ottawa, =N1o,treal and Quebec and enjoyed the outing very touch. Bei more - V,lno. McGrogan is very poorly we are sorry --to state, Henna, Hall, Toronto, spent last were with his parents here, Wm. Ferguson is moving into his house lately vacated by Mrs, Newans. Miss Jeosiri 13artem, Toronto, is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. G. Barton, 1701 Oon. Mrs. T. Seeker and daughter, Lily, spent last week with friends at Au - hum. 'oVm. and Mrs. irwin, Blanche Irwin, E. and Nirs. Jackson motored to Olo1irrieff oo Sunday. Mrs. ((Rev) Gibson and son, Canp- hellfortl, is spending a month with her parents, -,Inn, and Mrs. Inglis. - Friday afternoon there was great excitement when an aeroplane passed Duel: these parts, -It was sepeesed they were of a trip;frnot Tor,ntc to Camp Borden and lost their route. Henry Johan & 00. has disposed of Oki, stock in the store to W. Connell, Luoknow. iter. Johan, intends moving to the farm where they are busy building a new 1100150 11000, Ml r, Schwalm has the contract, Cranbrook Mrs, Spat•lirig was a visitor with Clinton friends this week. Mrs. Wm, Alderson, NPR, Wm. Hay- man and Mrs, Wm, Reuther motor- ed to I3eesall to spend a few days with their brother, Ite.v. J, F. Knight. Misses 13easie and Pearl Alderson spent a few days in Toronto last week at the Exhibition, Miles Lavinia Ald- erson and` James Duncan accompan- ied themhonse. - Tuesday' of this week a Diett'ict Nlis- sinnal y Institute ni'"'Conference was held in Knox Outsell here," There was a good attendance and an instructive and helpful program. :The Anniversary Services will be held in the Methodist church on the afternoon ouc1 evening of Sunday; Sept. 30113, and an entertainment will be held on the following evening. Next Sunday afternoon, the Rally Day service will be held in connection with the Met hodist Sabbath Schott!, emrt11111ed with the regular- service at 2,00. The pastor, will give an address,. Special ulasic, Mr. and Alis. King, Forest; 'Dirs. Brockenslire, .Crediton ; and A. A. Naylor and fernily, $,:Porth, tepee v' iters at - 1 n Is the ) ane of O. Seel, Mr. Ring and Mrs. Broekeesli i, e are beoth- er noel sister of Mrs. Seel and Ml's. Naylor a daughter. The party came 111 Mt', Naylot's ear',' W ingnam 8,50 Dw,s,T1d —0405 .Tohnstme, 8 yews 0111, son 1)3 Robt. Johnston, Who lives 4miles West of Winghem, died at 11 restock Sunday tu0rnieg flour the terrible Mores received Saturday aftetnnon, The little cheep had beets. visit ing.aI thehome ol'his Lwow, Sas. Lytc: 1Vith nth03' boys he was play- fugasonnd Il r0blesh fire, when his clothes became ignited. Mrs. Lytle hearing his screams, earl out doors and rnanagetl in srn0the,' the flames hr a blanket„ CVhen, trgtvuver 3011 tet tete i;)11 was 11.10(le t0 seamy 11 is Meese., flesh• fell front his body -in strings. \letlical' assistance ryas immediately summoned, but despite everything that could be .dune, death muted the little lily's ."nf.'fo'iu(r,s on Sendtty 113)111h, *, .B �side ( es his parents lh -1i111e boyl' is . i y l i s r sots sed t x one brat.her, Elgin and one sister, Elva,; A.iomori,`oss—Meeh011i08 freer the Royal Flying (01)3s at tenni) 13orden 01implelyd the loading esf Iten Mr - Wailes tvlhdrh Were Wrecked 14 oilier Nnt.'i1i of I\'inuhatn. 'They melt) re - tented t0 the 0At.n,p Mdondtty by motor 11110110, In 0 heist on Friday mot 011)3 0 planes piolited by Atrit+, i all Avia(nr' ft 0311 IncL3071)31)0(1 blanch, Arneri0tul Signal Corgte, wile are 1)1,01(0'(,, with the Royal Flying corps, landed be, Lind the barn of the farm of George 0001 teen, 1.1 miles Nm th of \Vingham, The mento3.7 Inst their way and be- lieved t11cy Were 110111' 1..11e Geo1.3ia70 flay when they landed, 11 of the 0 net(llin50 effected slmces:Puts flights after 111Th' landing, but 2 were damag- ed. One was rising Whew the migine tvolit (head and the w,tdhitle landed in an apple tree, 1?he second machine lire Paultr Will be reeeivecl Thursday or Next Week Sept. 20th Highest Price paid, W, Ge {EAE Walton i got up all right but "crashed” in a field beside the toad. Both 'planes were badly damaged, but the aviators escaped unhurt. Long distance- cote- munication with 'Camp Borden was established and mechanics with motor trucks were sent out to bring in Lhe mnar•hines. The airplanes were taken down and packed and an early start was made Monday morning, Bluevale Ream's OHORCIo,—There will be a special service at I31adie's Presbyterial elm) ch next Sabbath afternoon for the unvell1mig of their Honor Ru11. Many of the finest young teen of the chin ah have gone to the war and the coogragatioc will do them }moor next Sabbath. An invitation le' extended to all their relatives and friends to be present. Last week Joseph, McKinney rent'iv- ecl the sad news that Mia son Pte. Leslie McKinney, who went overseas with the'101st.kltlron Battalion, had beet, killed in Fiance. He was a fine young naw and his early demise is greatly regretted and the sympathy of the community extended to the beteaved, Pte. Charlie Forrest bad seen him a short time prior to his death and he said he was feeling tine, SoxtooL FAIR. -1310e vale School Fait will be held oe Friday, Sept. 14th, Liberal cash prizes are offered the children of the School Section for Px• Isibits in a wide variety of classes ie. eluding Live Stock, Poultry, Pets, Vegetables, Fruits, Flowers, Cooking, Manual Training, Sewing, Art, etc., and awards will be made for the best plots in the School Garden. The judg- ing will be under the direction of the Department of Agriculture and a Play Director from the 0. A, 0,, Guelph, is expected to he present to take charge of the afternoon sports which will 11 - elude a 'rug -of -war between the young men of Morris and Tuenberry. The ggeneral public are' medially invited to be present, There will be no adiniss store fee. In the eveoirrg an entertain- ment will be held in aid of the Red Oross at which the Belgrave Dramatic Club will present their successful play "Lodgers Taken In." Morris Council suet last Monday. Mee, H. M. Manning, 51.1.1 line, was a visitor in Toronto last week, We are sorry to hear that Robert Tervey, 2,1d line, has been laid up with qufrisy; We hope he will soon be o, k. The Jas, McCracken farm 5th line, has been Sold to a Mr. Cook from Clinton locality, who gets possession this Fall.. Miss MIattie.E. Maxwell and nephew, Master Thomas M. Wakey, spent the week -end with Rev.' T. Ti. and Mrs, Farr, Kincardine, F. 51. Sobel,, 7th line, has been par- tially disabled from ton attack of sent - Lice but we West he will soon bid goodbye to his trolblesome compan- ion. Thos. and Mfrs. .Pierce and family, who event to Cochrane, Alberts,, last Spring, ate here on a visit arid will prt)bably spend the Winter, We think they hitt better decide to make the stay 50 years. A clearing Auction 5)110 of Fare: stook, implements, &c , will be held by Fi er1. Stephenson, Bast gravel road Lot 80, 8fd Nue, on Tuesday afternoon October 2nd, at 1 p. m. . F. S. Scott will be the (Mctioneer, Edwin, 800 of Frank and Mgrs. Mar- tin, and Miss Lillian, daughter of Sits. and Mos, 1i(At'te!, all of bub line, are attending the Onntinnatlon School at 131ussele. We wish them success and expect they will do well. This week George and Mrs. Wright, daughter and neice, of Miichigal, ware 110110ay visions in Morris and Grey with former friends. '1'I1ey motored over o,d will visit London Fele as they 1etnen, Mir. Wright was at form- or Alm eisite and is always welcome, Walter, 80(1 of Nelson and Mrs. Ourrie, 111 the West, footle]ly of Brus- sels, was wounded ht France. Fie event 00018Pe10 last °el,ber WW1 a UM vet 8iter 13a1teflon 1't ort Saskatoon. A younger brother enlisted a short thee ago, Old liriends here wish. Wall'RI' 11 levee'y ,'PcOVery. Alessi*, Shnrrie & Sharpe, 6th line, Rola 8young Yorkshire sows to Mrs, Olnse, Grey township, and los Clegg and 13. Carter, Motels, at an average price of 942 00. A hog 5 weeks old wens to Win Snttrb, Norris, nt S10. Thr reenter have rods, 7 young pigs left. so these wasting !:hell had betty,. 11)11)xn9 they 11re 0find ones. 1)1130'01'1:: N 7108 Ynuwix.—Sad I1ldrod eta., the mews on \Vednesday of last week when it beran,e known that the spirit, of Robert Logan, only and be- loved son of David and Mrs. Laidlaw. Mortis, had passed to its . eternal home. The bright little fellow had only been ailing a few days wheel very uor1pectedly heart. 00111,10 set 10 and despite all heat 10,09X30 aid and loving hands (mold eio he was called away, Ile was born September 2711s, 1005, and spent his life 0n his fettles's Seem, Ile will be sadly missed by his scftobl' ,nates and companions as he 5085 a general favorite ,f1 o velea old and young, uo g lie leaves besides his sosowh,g par- ents, 2 little sestets to ,Hoorn the lose of a loving, and kind little brothel J nn•tnl which ryas pllvert), look place from the family residence on Thurs- day, service being held et the house by Jtev. Geo, Telenet, 111, A , B. D„ for to 1 wed by 1 u I t into i P I hl t he Dillon cemetery, The p171.0130 and family int 00 much sympathy in their bereave - Meta. tares/ Fexec tun en, Anybody wishing Gann's Fer- tilizer phoned 0011 upp (teorte 9 Rpe3ren, Phone 5611. 9 e has a ottppiy oohs/id. 10-2 Next Council meeting on Sept. 24. Stns. Anthill Ifen, y anti St.ewerl, of Wiugha,sl, 11370 03.13crs Al the for- nler'4 parental home, 411, con. Mrs. Melvin Taylor, of Westfield locality, was visiting at the parental home with 0. and .Airs, 50601, 6111 Con. Chester lend Mrs. Ai rnstrnng were at Loucd'n this week attending the Western Fah and visiting relatives, Mies, Atostr•ong's parents and other relrttices reside in London, John and Sits. Stress and Wilson and Alia Lvans were at, Toronto last week taking in the Fair anti visiting relatives and old friends, . CAItn OF THANKS — \Ve wish to heartily thank the unary friends who came to our help in eonuectirn with lite 'wont dest0,1lion of our home by lire and shoe. We ale grateful for their aspire none, Y+'nr"Thankfully, - Jteo. KIBECQNNELL AND Festive. SCHOOL 341R FRIDAY.—The annual School Fair of 14' S. No. 8, known as Patton's, will he held Friday afternoon of this week, whet] a good time is ex- pected. In addition to the usual list of exhibits the School and Home garden plols will be judged, Good canted looked for. Pte, ,las. McKay, a returned soldier of Stratford, and Pte. Houston, who is now at the Sanitarium, Hamilton, where be is taking treatment for his nerves to counteract the gassing he received while serving at the front, were visitor's at Mrs. Blies Dickson's, 111h Cot, The former is a nephew. W. and Mrs. Iienthet and children, St. Marys, and Ales, \Vm. Hayman, Landon, ,vets recent visitors with James and Mrs. Cameron and W. and Mfrs, Alderson. Rev. Jno. Knight, B. A., Hensen, also called on them, The lady visitors and the latter are sisters. amcl brother to the hostess. W, Reuther is aeon of George Reuther, of Oran brook and a former resident of that Locality, Ethel SL's, James Pearson sr., is ill with typhoid fever hot we hope she may soon be restos ed. We are sorry to hear that Oboe Knight, 10th Ocm., is dangerously ill with typhoid 00301.. E. and 00's. Eckert and family, Hnlyrood, visited at O. Raynard's and with other friends, Ethel Girls Patriotic Club is asked to meet at the hone of Miss McLel- laid Friday evening of this week. Mrs. McKenzie and daughter of Gaelph, were visiting et R. Barr's dur- ing the past week. She is a sister of Mfr. Bluer, Ott account of the scarcity of thresher's \'Vm, McLeod and N. Lamont are in partnership this year and 200' mining Due outfit instead of two for the present. The Ladies' All of the Methodist church will hold a Concert on the evening of 79muksgiving Day, Oct. S. Program will be given next week. The Fowl Supper will be later, J. McLelland received word that his eau, Driver 3, iI. elcLellarld, was in the hospital in France suffering from rheumatism. 1' says the Red Oross nurses ore doing noble work for the sick and wounded. Miss Edythe Ferguson is making preparation to go to Toronto. General Hospital, Salm day, to go into train- ing tar Red Gress MleSe, the most necessary work any young lady ,coned do at the present time. With TltoOoolo received a message last Friday saying his son. Pte. Robt. was killed in action on Aug. 2011h. It is :leo r'omnreil that his other son, Pte. Wilfrid, is in England at present possibly on his way home on 150000)11 ofp Ont• health. WOltEN's iNS'rITUITEC.— Regular Meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of {Ales. A, 11. SInod o,ioId, Thursday, September 20th, at 2 30 o'clock. topic, "How to teach the women 10 use the vote and what, it stands for," to be led by Mies, (itev.) \to/ullnclt and Airs. Will, Bremner. 1,01.1 call, gnotatioos from Whittier. Music, A good attend- ance melted. Meese 9m0hl Blss.umxn.—A shipment (I'' I 1 ' c c thuag will be made abort the cud of next week to the Reedy Belgians by tete \Vnman's Institne. Oast off cloth- ing in gond repair 00 new gonds 50111 be thankfully received to be sent for - weed. %Viid those who have sewing not yet templet ed • try and have 1t sent in by That tinte. Everything to be left at Mrs. Artist, Oiltvorth's, O on ,1otIN.Bhe Brantford Pxposi- to' speaks aks as follows o l l e f ive f a former elthelite:—Who's 1115 ''flying squad" from the Cenlra1. fits, station teas me 8000riltg the alarm eimn Pat"k. Ilvenee, Firemen John Lamont, the husky Pe.pOlieeman, performed a Omitting piece of acrobatic work in front of the fire station as the big truck turned Best en leaving the doorway. It le custnuntey whets an alarm 801.11-1d5 Dur elle theorem to jerk off their gaiters tend 110i11 on rubber, boots, John got the shoes off all right, bot by this thee the tl']tek was leaving the hall, Grabbing file boots in one hand, the late sleuth raced amt jumped on the footboard, but when the turn Wee [lade John was Sent sailing through another direction, When he events witty re thedler,a Mere the hero of bite escapade had hie silk hnelery .in the air and his bitted baek on the 300035ent. ltoalizulg that his positif ai was by no means dignified, John hastily got to his feet, for the 010- • meet undecided whether 10 "sock 91 borne" h or beat it back to the fire elate Deciding on the latter course and re- covering his rubber footwear, hand- some Jack did the disappearance act, . none the worse for his experience. Walton Live poultry delivery Thursday 'of next week at W, J, Neal's, Airs. Bending and infaot daughter, Olara, London. spent the holiday at A, J. Lyddiata's. Mfrs, John Rae and daughter leave for their 'home in Edmonton next week after an extended visit Ilene. A large number from this cotnruun'. ty were in attendance at the 40 bon's' Devotion held in the R. 0. church, Brussels, this week. - Airs. Lounda and children, Helen and Bernard, of Hamilton, visited last week at W. H. Shoidice's. The ladies are 00081115, - School Fair was held Wednesday afternoon of this week end was a greet success. Fine weather, well - tilled entries and big crowd. Report 1041109 Walton Women's Institute will meet Thursday afternoon of next week in A. 0. D, W, H11(1 at 2 80 o'clock, Brussele Ioatilute Witt visit Walton and take chat gr' of pl,egratn. L. and Mrs. Judk,os, Mee, W, Lett and daughter, Doris, London, spent last week end at W. H. Sholdice's. Mrs. Levi Judkins and Mrs, Sholdice are sisters. They motored up in the former's car, Captain Barclay conducted the son'• vice in St, George's church last Sunday and will be back for next Sunday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Smith, the new- ly appointed rector will commence his duties on the Sunday following, Sept. 23rd, Pte. Robert Forrest Writes from France To Nirs. Silas Johnston DEAR�.Q.ISyER REUA,—Received your letters dated June 10 and 18 and was sut'e pleased to hear from you and to know you are all well, also mother. This finds ire in good health, consider- ing the ter,ible experience we have gone through lately. Wrote a letter to you on June 30 but did not have e proper envelope so am sending it in this same envelope. Was greatly pleased also to bear from 0bas, this morning, written July 5th, so he isn't far from here but he can't say where he is, nor can 1, so you see how hard it is to see one another. - It seems so queer we are so close and in a way we are as far apart as you and I. He can't come to see me nor can I go to see hitn. He has escaped injury so far and I sure trust leve will be both kept from harm and return to you before 1naoy months, He says he hasn't had a letter for 3 weeks film yon, but I know it le not your fault in any way. I always receive your letter's but not as I should, they are delayed some- where. I am anxiously looking for that box. The pie in the lust one was moulded but tine might come in better shape. 'We appreciate those boxes and no matter what you send we make use of it, I hope you have sent some more tobacco as it is hard to get over here. You might send ole a 0011 of cocoa next time as we can make a good drink which helps nue a great deal, I know you will send me any- thing n. - thing I want and, as I said 19 my let- ter to Charles to -day, you are a good sister and if we get back safely we cal' return our kindness to you for the way you have used as when we are so far away. The boxes are sometimes jammed but not enough to hurt the coutents. It would make yolt feel bad if you could only see these poor lade who have no kind mother 00 sister, as they sit around and watcl, you with anxious eyes, open the box, iu hopes - of getting a shale, which they general- ly do. It seems so queer that along with meds a lad from Ethel, named •Strachan. Dan, Reuther, of Clean - !meek, married his sister. No doubt Bart, Speiser) knows Mint. I ant sure. I knew flim when I was around Or'an- hvonk. Also with 1118 are two lads front near Olinte». one of whom went to Clinton High Srl1ool when I, was going to Model. You me Always tell the lads who have carne from Ontario as these is some ditferenee between thein and the lads from the West, and it sure makes you feel fine to meet "tl Mend from your home town.", Whoever said "War is Hell" was sure right, in fact it numb be worse. There are many things I could tell you about since I crime into it but I cannot; put it hi words just how you feel. 'You woi d tet nk thele was no God who would permit such to go on and yon fee) as though this old world was opening up. But as 7011 gay, there must be some reason for this nett' 1111,1, whoa this ofd world is brought to its senses this war will close and we will have Peace again, Sti11 I don't want to see it end until such a tittle when We 000 restassured that itis over and militarism 15 put dowlt and this old e0nlltt'yy has been tevolnt101,iae,l 910111 one end to the othei ; when such mons arobs will reign no Inni'e, but instead we will hove people for Mir 00000,0'3y not those who wa)t to be at tear lurlT trying to claim the whole notice' and power. Well, Reba, 7. tenet close. ' Will Vette, es often as I can and hope you do the same. Give my lave to Silas and the boys. also mother. Your loving brother, lion, space, with the rnbbee boots going In Y In the Ficidy July Othr 1017,-