HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-9-6, Page 8Af$'''''' 1''''''6'1'03'"'da'''''O,kOd••'1.4•S"O•t'♦•I.O♦O+F03•'iR'°+"•d'O.1'O•F•'i' 0I d False Tee fi
$ Bought in any condition,
$t.00 per set or ' cents
per tooth. Cash by re-
turn mail.
+ The ki''' x✓Q r4 Store
Ill Y��[c.71
the eventful dab when new hooks
and school supplies will have to be
gat. The new stock has been open-
ed up and we neve e.vervthing that
will se required for t1,,, High School
anti Public School work.
Nigh School Text Booms
There are several 0114115;es---15e have
the new bock •-
Science Note Books
Drawing Portfolios
And the Refills for these.
Public School Text Books
Golden Rule Books.
Nus. 1, 2, 3 s.nil 4 for Supplementary
Children's Story of the War. We
now have them up to No. 28-
Pree roc a copy
New Scribblers, Exercise Books and
Note Books -the latest covers.
Water Colors, Crayons, Drawing
Pencils, Rulers, Rubber Erasers,
Brushes and other Accessories used
for Art Work,
See the New School Bags
and School Satchels,
Your Orders will have
good Attention.
Developing and
And You Don't Wait
Your Films and Prints are
ready when promised -on the
dot. Not only will your work
be done promptly, but just as
well as up -to date methods
and good chemicals can do it.
Fresh supply of the different
sizes of Eastman Films. Get
that Kodak Film to -day.
The New
Fall Pictorial Review
Fashion Book
N,.w is. Price 25C with COU -
1 putt good for 15c on a pattern, which
brines emit of book down to 10o.
illi Lie SWHTh
Druggist and Stationer
.p 'FO.0+O+4.4.G '4+0+440.O+4.4.++3 •Mod•O•i•4d•O+4+4.+O•t'•i0'I••'4.+03.0
a.ca1 Iletes lterns
SHORTER clays.
PoTATc crop is doing well.
MONDAY was a qu+et day in town,
THANKSGIVING Day will be the next
How does your label on THE POST
read 7 If not up to date kindly settle.
BRustxtn Fall Fair is only a month
away, viz October 4 and 5. Get ready
for it,
IMPROVEMENTS are being made at the
Agricultural to acre Perk, preparatory
to the Fair on Oct. 4 and 5.
Tice painter's brush has greatly im-
proved the bomes of Mrs I. Parker and
W. A. Lowry, Princess street. W. C.
Smith was tbe artist,
THERE was a great clearing out of
school teachers from this locality Last
Monday. Few sections of Country have
as many and efficient teachers.
Woax is proceedin r at the re•arrang-
iog of the Poultry Feeding station at
the G. T. R. Brussels and R. Thomson
will soon have things ready for the
Fall rush. A well has been drilled and
everything will be fitted up after most
modern plan.
BRUSSELS was represented et Walker-
ton Bowling Tournament by A. Strach-
an, A. Currie, R. F. Downing and D.
C. Ross. They did not bring home the
silverware but they showed some of the
competing rinks how bowling should be
THE brick cottage of Joe Sehwadron,
Elizabeth street, has been sold to Mrs,
John Coates, who recently moved back
to town from Cranbrook, Mr Scbwad
ron and family will remove to Toronto
about October 1st, 'They own Property
in the Queen City where they formerly
made their home.
A quartette of lawn howlers, consist-
ing of D, C. Ross, R. I' Downing,
Harry James, of town azul Dr. Feitd,
Owen Sound, formerly of Brussels,
went to Mitchell tournament in the
latter's oar last week, 'rue boys won
ist place in the Consolation, tete prize
being a fine casserole. Tournament was
a good one with 22 rinks in play.
Arthur Meigbeu, Solicitor -general, was
sworn in last week as Secretary of State
for Canada. He will continue to act as
Solicitor -General, Hon. Mr. Meighen
succeeds Hon, E. L. Patenaude, who
resigned two months ago on the Con-
scription issue. Mr. Meighen is a
nephew of Mrs, Fletcher Sperling, of
Brussels, and is a clever fellow who is
working his way to the top.
Sco'rT-1'oan.-The wedding was 1
quietly celebrated on Weduesdey of last 1
week of Heleu Douglass, eldest daughter
of Rev. J. E and Mrs Ford. to William
John Scott, B. A., of Beaverton, Ont.
The ceremony was performed at noon at
the home of the bride's parents, Welling-
ton street, Goderieh, by the bride's 1
father, assisted by bet uncle, Rev.
J. Ford, L. L 13., of Glencoe, Ont. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Scott left on the afternoon ;
train to spend a month in Muskoka,
after which they will go to Kingston.
The groom spent a year with the Army '
Medical Corps in Egypt. and will now
finish a CIMINO et Q teen's University
Bride was a school teacher on Brussels
staff a few years ago. A Miscellaneous
shower woe given by the members of
the Eureka Bible Clegg of Victoria street
Methodist chtirclt Gorl.'rich at the home
of the President Mise Gertrude Sturdy,
in honor of Miss Helen Ford, whose
marriage took place keel wet:k. Many
delightful gifts cep, ss,rl s it hest Wish-
es of tile class, mrmh rs Rcf'ee.ltments,
follow cl by the singing ,f -Auld Lang
Syne,,' chink• led a ui'.ai enjoyable
evening of games and music
LIGHT frost Tuesday night.
APPLES are a failure around here this
THE fancy gray driving mare of 1. H.
Galbraith, Brussels, has been sold to
Nesbit Hamilton, a great lover of a good
horse, at a long price Probabilities are
she may be seen in the Fail Fair prize
rings this reason.
Tmc POST would like to see -
A business hustle,
Harvest results A r.
25 cars of coal arrive,
A'lie. to win at early date.
AC the sick people restored,
THE PVT circuiatioe iuerease.
Elect r•c Li:;ht assured for dark
POR SALE. Berkehlre hog 5 menthe old.
Apply to J. P. McIntosh, Lot 21, Con, 12 Grey
Twp. Phone 5511.
Lowe. - Somewhere between Brussels and
Gnderirh via Walton and Blyth, a ladies' bleak
Bilk purse with email puree inside containing
some 05 in money and a receipt for pickles.
Finder will h•' rewarded on leaving same et
I Tito Po.T, Brneeela.
C/naporcrAaT,n house and good garden for
sale. Pr;.pet tr in gond repnlr. E'er further
1 particulars apply to Mas. R. T. HtNORTOR,
55111 street• Bruaaele,
WE are ante acanta for the genuine Parold
Roofing, mannfa,•tnr,d by Bird &Son, Handl-
ton. A!were buy Paraid and get the best,
P. AalENT,
FOR SAr.'�.-Rreidential property on Albert
street, Bruesrls. Apnty to SIRS. JANET Mc -
Qua nem, on the premieea.
Fon SALE. -A quantity of gond sound cedar
corner posts from 10 to 10 inches, also some
sound cedar timbers 10 in. by 22 feet. Posts
MAO to $1 25 each. have good Durham cow
dna to calve in alrnnt a week, for Rale. Apply
to D .5. Hwvnnnceos, Ethel, 144 Lot 15, Con.
0, Grey township.
COMFORTARLF. 'Meek realdenee for sale or to
rent. Per particulars apply to MRS, GEo,
RmOERe, at A. (1 Dames, Brussels,
Boom to rent over l2, 0. Duntord'el store.
Apply to hr. BLACK.
APPnry'r,OF, wanted to learn the printing
butine•-r, male or female. One who hue passed
the High Sehoot Entrance preferred.
Apply at Tun POST.
Tntipi, Short Hern Bulls from 10 to 12
meth. old for eats. JAS. SiPRrR, Lot 20, Uon,
0, Morris Phone 100
DR. PAltKER, Osteopathic Pbvefoian, visits
Bruaaele Thor- ,,r, et each week.
Chronic end , , :. ns r'isaserl suceenefully
treatsd, HViotelain.r rerldaneee. Consultation at
CHORAL PRACTICv,-Teleaday evening
of next week, It' It ioet , at 8 o'clock,
Brussels (;her I Society will meet at the
home of A. std M; s. Strachan for the
first practice Members are asked to
attend promptly and alt who purpose
joining are also invited to be present so
that regular practices may be arranged
BASE BALL -The first Base Ball match
of the season, barring a few games pley-
ed by the girls, came off on:Victoria
Park on the afternoon of Labor Day
when a lively nine from Wingham came
on the 3.3o train and warmed up the
diamond with a picit✓ed up team as their
opponents Our lads looked to be hope-
lessly in the minority for 5 innings when
they had only r run to 5 tallied by the
visitors but the practice helped Brussels
to play brill and the find score was o to
12 in favor of Wingham, Robt, Fer-
guson was the umpire, The score was
as follows ;-
WINOIiAat R 0 BRnee.ELn R 0
J Crookthanl,s, n ..1 4 0 Beat, a
10Urnolrcbanks p...e 1 A Weitz, 1 0 11
S f,nokrklee, lb...0 8 AAox, 'lb I 4
X•T.nnkrld e, 2b. ..2 0 ATlmmpson, 2b.,,1 8
R Wolte, lib .....,. 0 4 W Ruehanan, Oh 1 2
A Sturdy, s e 1 8 13 rtnmpbell, a s 2 2
N Warden, if 2 8 I Thompson, rf, 0 4
S(.'asemore, et 1 8 W Tiar'kneee 01 1 0
E Hart, rf 2. 0 G Edwards, If 0 2
1227 927
Wingham»-2 1 1 0 1 0 I 1 0-12
Bruesele -0 0 0 0 1 8 0 1 2-- 0
What was lacking in ninnbers was more
that made up by tee enthusiasm of the
spectators VViugliatn boys looked quite 1 o
natty in their cobs-». Most of the t
Kunio tenni wore their usual Wardrobe. It
R. A. Colman
2570a Esplanade ave„ Montreal, P, Q,
PLANT your Fail advertisement i
you desire a crop of husluess'
The Canadian Bat:kets Association, i
co-operation with the Dominion Depar
ment of Agriculture, Live Ston
Branch. offers liberal cash prizes t
boys and girls who will feed and exhibi
calves or pigs at Brussels Fell Fair
Now is the time to get busy Ask th
Manager of the local Banks for full in
formation so es to get a good start,
prizes are offered FO there is a wide
Now IN FRANCE -Word has been re-
ceived from Lieut. H. 0 Moore that he
has gone to France Lieut Moore left
Canada as a Sergeant with the troth.
S'nce arriving in England he has quali-
fied For and has been given a commis-
sion as Lieutenant. Until leaving for
France be had been an instructor in
England. He is a son of M H. and
Mrs. Moore, Listowel, formerly of
Brussels. We hope Harry will steer
clear of German bullets and shrapnel.
BACK To THE FARM. -The Daily Ex-
positor, of Brantford, made the follow-
ing reference to a former Brusselite :-
Geo L. Walker, for many years a suc-
cessful business man here, conducting
the main line livery on Dalhousie street,
has purchased an extensive fruit farm at
Nofth Grimsby and wi'1 leave to assume
bis new duties shortly. Though Mr.
Walker is leaving the city in person, he
will leave many financial interests be-
hind h m here. While his many friends
regret his departure, they at the same
time wish hint success in bis pew adven-
ture and hope the things which he will
leave behind
may have e
a tendency encv
wards bringing him back
to Brantford
again to reside.
MonEL ScirooL -The Clinton Model
School opened with 16 pupils, all fe-
males. Following are the names :--
PeseeNTAn'IoN.-The Hemiote (Man.
Echo, speaks as follows of a young lady
well known in Brussels locality who is
now visiting her sister, Mrs. A, D.
Grant, Stralford :-The regular meeting
at the W. M. S, held in Knox olinrch
parlors on Friday, July loth, was of uu•
usual interest. Mss, P. Straehau and
Mrs. W, Kirk, Home -Helpers Secretar-
ies bad specially invited our Home
Helpers to attend this meeting, a large
number of ladies responded to the invi-
tation, In a few well chosen Words Miss
Frazer welcomed our Home•Helpers and
explained the objects of this department
. in our auxiliary, Together with the
regular business of the meeting special
f music was furnished by Miss McLaueh-
1 lin, Miss McConnell and a duet sung by
Violet Kerr acid Jean Sutherland, Mrs.
,u Anderson gave n splendid talk on "The
fruits of Missions." At the close of the
kmeeting a dainty lunch was served by
Mesdames Strachan and Kirk. This
° profi tibia meeting together was brought
to a pleasant close when Mrs. A. Suther-
• land presented Miss Jessie MoLauchlin a
w.ist watch accompanied by the follow.
6 InR r•il*trens ;-DEAR Miss MCLAVCHLIN
-Having learned with regret that yon
are severing your connection with Knox
church we could not let this opportunity
pass without expressing to you some
words of appreciation of the devoted and
efficient service rendered by you to us
all during the past three years Ont.
side yonr faithfully performed duties as
choir leader, we owe to you a debt of
gratitude for the unselfish use of your
musical talent, and your willingness at
all times to lend a band to help others
with their responsibilities which we
cannot repay. In all organizations we
shall miss your keen ioterest, at our
missionary meetings, where you were so
willing to help, in the Sunday School
where little children have been blessed
by your teaching and the example of
your daily Life. On behalf of the moth-
ers, whose children attend the Junior
C, E., we wish to tender you our sincere
appreciation of your zeal and devotion
to the work of this Society. We hope we
shall be able to honor you by keeping
this light burniug brightly until we re-
alize the truth of the words, "A little
child shall lead them." Then, too. you
have beeu a means of grace to us in
many trays, as you have gone in and out
is, your denials, strong
personality and devoted Christ -like
character have been en inspiration to us
all, As a slight token _,..01 love and
esteem, we ask you to accept this small
gift fromout• lady friends of Knox
church, hoping it will always bring to
you pleasaut recollections of your asso-
ciations with us. We would earnestly
desire that after an extended holiday
you might return to no, vet if new duties
call you, with the offer'of a wider field
for year energies and abilities and a fol -'t
ler and larger extension of our Master's
kingdom, we wish you abundant success
and pray that God's richest blessing
may attend your work.
Although taken wholly by surprise Miss
IML auchlin, in a few well chosen words
made a most suitable reply.
Margaret Isabel Cameron, Tiverton,
Evelyn Campbell, Ripley.
Glenna Campbell, Elmwood.
Eva Rose Carter, G `Ii
Marion F. Coatewortit, Wheatley.
Grace Edwards, Watford.
Ida Margaret Elsley, Mount Forest,
Florentine A Mai (pais, Clinton,
Grace Ina Monroe. Hagersville,
Helen Agnes Morrison, Clinton,
Stella Henrietta Nelson, Clintun.
Isabella Parker, Bayfield.
Dora Scarr, Moorefield.
Margaret J Schrieber, Mount Forest.
Davidson Mary Short, Rockwood.
Sadie Wood, Zurich.
ing note wits received lrom Kennewick.
Wash :-Mrs. J B. Ballantyne and
daughter, Miss Lovette, of Brussels,
Ontario, who have been visiting recent
ly in this city, have been listed etn00g
the most enthusiastic boosters of the
Northwest that this city has seen for
many weeks: So impressed were they
with the wonder of the scenery through
which they passed on their Western
journey that they expressed the opinion
to friends here that the parson who had
an opportunity to choose the part of the
United States he should visit and did not
choose the Pacific Coast was making a
grievous error. The mildness of the
coast climate, tbe golden opportunities
it offers, until early Winter, for recrea-
tion of all kinds, augmented by thesceu-
ery, which they believe could ooshe sur-
passed by Europe's best, all make it the
ideal playground spot of the United
States, they say While in Kennewick
Mrs. and Miss Ballantyne were visiting
at the borne of Chas and Mrs Haas.
They returned recently to Brussels, Out.,
where they will spend the Winter.
fully and suddenly last Friday morning
came the closing out of life to a well
known and highly esteemed resident in
the person of Mrs, Samuel Wilton,
Flora street. She had conversed with
ber husband a few minutes previous to
Itis going to tho store and was apparent
lv as well as she had been for several
weeks. Heart trouble was the imme-
diate cause of her demise. The funeral
service was held at 9 a. m. in St. Am-
brose church, Monday, conducted by
Reeds Frs Fallon and Demi, the latter
of St. Augustine, being an old £rieud of
the family. Miss Rvan sang an appro-
priate solo. Pallbearers were M. Row-
land, Jno, McDonald, las. Fox, Jun
Wright, W. Gillespie audThos. Walker.
The fl teal tributes were numerous and
beautiful, Interment was made in the
R C. cemetery, Brussels Deceased's
maiden name was Mary A Long, being
adaughter of the late John and Mrs
Long, rith Coo„ Grey township, she
being born there Mrs. Wilton was in
her 56th year. 33 years ago she was
united in marriage to her now beteg
partner. The surviving children are ;-
Mrs. W. T. Coleman, St, Thomas ;
Misses Alice, Kathleen and Marguerite
at home and Joe, of the Standard Back,
Midland, John died June 14th, 1914
John Long, Brussels and Joe, of Grey
township, are brothers of the deceased
and Mrs A. A. Bacon, Minneapolis;
end Mrs. Edward Greensides, Atwood,
ere surviving sisters. An were present
at the funeral, excepting Mrs Bacon,
who was detained through illness The
subject of this notice was greatly belov
ell by her home circle aid the communi-
ty generally on account of her kindly
deeds, generobe spirit, hospitality end
wi ugness to help everybody need
ing her sympathy and aid She will be
greatly mdsserl and till long he renlem
bored. The bereaved share in the
sympathy of the community Among
friends from a distance were t --Thos.
Long, of Cedilloc, Mich. ; Wm, Long,
Toronto ; Miss Helen Blair, Stretford ;
Jae, au[7 Mrs, Turnbull, and R G.,.
Frank and Mrs. Wilson and Miss Ed.
Wards, London ; Wilber Barker, Gran-
ton ; W. A. and Mrs. Crich, Seaforth ;
W. and Mrs Burns Rnd family, Detroit,
The large congregation, that fi led the
harsh to overflowing, was evidence of
ha respect in which Mrs. Wilton was
old ,
People We Talk About
Misses Speer have returned to Gorrie,
Alf. Baeker was at Peronto this week.
R. Leatherdale visited relatives in
Jno. McLaucblin left for the West
last week
W. A. Lowry is away to Haileybury
and Cobalt with a load of horses
Gen Irwin, Toronto, was visiting W,
A and Mrs, Lowey over Labor Day,
G N McLaren and family ware visit -
fug in Toronto and Midland last week.
Mrs Wm Martin is considerably im-
proved in health we are pleased to state.
Mrs McPherson. Detroit, was here
for a holiday with A R. and Mrs Currie
Mrs H, L. Jackson was enjoying a
v sit with relatives and friends at Strat.
F. H Gilroy spent the holiday at
Hamilton with bis brother, Rev. Mr.
Alex and Mrs Lamont have'returned
to Wnikerton after a visit with relatives
and frieuda,
G. (,. an[7 M's. Manners were at
flamiltou for a few days visiting a sister
of the former.
Miss Hutchinson arrived back last
Monday to resume her position as mil-
liner at Miss Inman's store,
Lloyd Jackson will attend the Faculty
of Education at Toronto this term, He
is tooynuug to go to Normal.
Leslie Lamont, B. A.. who bas been
holidaying here for the past 6 or 8 weeks
returned to Region last week.
Miss Jane Kelly keeps real poorly but
retains her old time spirit of pluck and
good cheer to a ma'ked degree
Misses Ness. Marjorie and Maude
Sillrnan, Toronto, enjoyed a well filled
holiday during the past week with Miss
Belle Henderson,
Rev. W A. and Mrs. Matthews, of
Colpoy's Bay, are visiting in town, Che
latter is a sister to Mrs. J. J. Gilpin and
W. H. Kerr, Brussels.
Mrs. I. W. Kingswood, Loudon, was
a visitor over the week end with her
sister, Mrs, A, j. Lowry and her father,
Jas. Sharpe, She was a former resident
of this locality
W. A. and Mrs. Crich and family,
Seaforth, were calling on old friends in
Brussels last week. Mr. and Mrs,
Crich spent several years as residents of
Brussels and have a waren spot in their
hearts for the carpet town.
Dr. j, M. and Mrs, Moore are hack
from Rochester, Min , where the former
underwent an operation. He is getting
along nicely and will soda be as hearty
RS ever, Mrs. Moore is a daughter of
Mrs, A, Hunter, Thomas street, Brea
Mrs. John Rallentvne and Miss Lo.
vette arrived'lhotne last week from a
delightful trip to the Pacific Coast and
California, visiting relatives cold old
friends en route. Sydney Ballantyne la
also back from itis holiday with uncle
and aunt at Oshawa.
'ring Pna'r is sorry toilette of the illness
of Dr, W. J. R. Holmes, Treasurer of
Huron County, Gocierich, an old anti
highly esteemed former resident of
Brussels, who stili owns property in the
town. Many old frieuds here wish him
speedy convalescence,
Miss Beatrice Harris has gone to Port
Credit, Ont., where sue haft taken a
position es assistant in the Contintud,on
school, She has splendid qualifications
MAC; Taal experience tsar will enable
her to do her part in first -:lass style and
good results should follow,
LOT'n tela
Advances to farmers are made
a special feature by this Bank. 238
G. H. SAMIS, ®E O Manager.
ti tw.
A-,wO a
P. R. Mulheron was "doing" Toronto
this week.
Miss Minnie Edwards spent the week
end at Listowel,
J. H. and Mrs. Galbraith are sight-
seers at Toronto this week,
Geo. Mayberry is visiting in this lo-
cality with his sister, Miss Elsie.
Mrs, J`. T Ross is quite poorly this
week but the (tope she will soon be re-
WIII. and Mrs Hunter, Oshawa, were
visiting here. The latter is extending
her visit.
Principal and Mrs. 13 S Scott arrived
back from their vacation Wednesday of
last week.
Mrs, Edward Lowry Sud son, Wrox-
eter, were visiting old friends in town
during lhe•past week.
Mrs. R. F Dov ping was a visitor at
the home of W. H. and Mrs. Pryne,
Walkerton, over the holiday.
A. G. McDermott, of the Standard
Bank, Toronto, was a holiday visitor
in town during the past week.
Thos Kellington and Robt. Douglas
have gone to the West to help out with
the harvest and threshing operations.
J. T. sod Mrs. Wond are away on a
holiday lake trip to Duluth and Cleve-
land, which we trust will prove invigor-
atiug to both.
Rev, W. E. Stafford was called to
Elora Monday morning on account of
WILTON,-Ia Brussels, on August SIsI,'1017
Mary .5, Long, beloved wife or Samuel
Wilton, aged 55 years, 7 months and 14
MOLAnornme.-Iu Gerrie, on Anguat Mat, 1017
Thos. McLaughlin,
REIn.-At Jamestown, on August 27th, 1017,
Wm. Reid, aged 04 years.
Farm for. Sale
Oontalnb,g 200 acres, vlz., 034 Lot 20, Con. 0,
Morris township. and Lot 1, Con. 5, Grey town-
ship Weil wetei•ed, comfortable house, bank
barn and manure aherl, driving house, wind
mill, orchard, i&o. 23, miles North. of Bru-cele
on gravel road. Rural mail and rural 'phone,
34 mile to school. Will selleither or both
farms. If not sold before October let will be
rented. For further pnrtloulare apply to
ALEX. FORSYTH, Proprietor, Brosaela, or
P. B. 0001V, brussels. 11•d
Nobler; is hereby given to Patbmaet era in the
Township of McKillop that unlesa the Noxious
Weeds on their several road dlvielone are nut
or otherwise destroyed to prevent their seeds
from ripening The Noxious Weeds Act will be
By order or the Mo%illap Connell,
&2 51. MURDIE, Clerk.
To -Contractors
The Municipal Correll of the '1'ownahip 05
Morrie are mating for tend ere for the cotiotrue.
tion of 1•
of op Kelly th ity and Tonna Drains. '.renders
will boo cued
P e Ti 'wnshtn Hall Mmulsv,
2 Te P
Th enSlar Store
fi r` A
♦ We beg to advise Our 2
customers who have
been waiting for some
time for us to get in
our stock of this very a
popular remedy that
we have just received 2
a good supply of it and 2
are prepared to meet 2
all demands, ♦
2 We have secured the
2 Sole Agency for
2 in this vicinityand
® any 2
orders entrusted to our
care will receive ion -
2 mediate attention. The
demand for
TMI L k.0
is perfectly phenomenal
over seven and a half o
$ million bottles being °a
•• sold in past 2 years.•
Never before has the
demand for a
toryever approached
the wonderful record +
that is now being made
by Tanlac, de,qi
$1.00 per Targe bottle ♦p
JH •
to ''� •
` h 6
the illness of his mother, Mrs, (Rev,) ,Sepptember 1011, at 2 p, m. Plans and Amend- p
Chas. E Stafford, cations may be seen et tete ltlerk'e r,"bd,'nea
Reeve and Mrs, Isbister, H, and Mrs. &aeiaaea$50 good [with marlrud chegns tvlth •
Davis Wi ha
the tender.
ng m, and Mrs. (Or.) Camp- A. MAGE WEN; JOHN SHORTREED,•
bellof New
, York, were visitors in town Clerk, Bluevale. Reeve, Walton.
Thursday of last week. They came in
the former's car. 6.
bliss Jean Mitchell has gone to the Farre for Sale
West on an extended visit with relatives 0
and friends. Thos and Mrs Alcock, SEALED TENDERS will be received by the p
14th Coo.. Grey, will move to her borne, undersigned no to Saturday, the 0th day of O
Brussels, South, September, 1017. for the purchase of The South
Con -
Joe Bowman, of Cobalt, was Visit• Half of Lot cumber Four in the Fourth Con- 4.
cession of the Tawnshlp of ?Jeer's. O
ing old friends in this locality He was On this Nem isaituate a largo -tone dwell- 0 DRUG STORE ♦
a former well known resident and is a ing, alarge bank barn, a driving shed and • •
brother to James and Wm. Bowman, of etonehog pen. It is watered by n spring creek •♦�'O••♦0.00000000400000000
Morris township. and two wells ; about eighty acres cleared and
P twenty acres of fairly good hardwood bawl.
Duncan 'Taylor, who underwent en
operation some Weeks ago is still a pris
oner to the house with sort of rheuma-
tism in his limbs His many old friends
hope he will hurry up so Rs to be ready
for the Fall Fair,
Cardiff Best has gone to Stratford Col-
legiate where be will take up a special
Mathematical Course, l inking toward
the School of Practical Science We
wish him the nest of success and expect
him to do well.
Inspector W. E. Bruce, Toronto, is
said to be in indifferent health. His
sister, Mrs Fuuston, of Bellingham,
Washington, U. S., is also i11 Both
were former residents of this locality and
are children of the late A, Bruce,
Harvey, youngest son of W. H, anti
Mrs. Willis, Wiogbatn, formerly of
Brussels, is in England with a Medical
Corps but expects to shortly be sent to
France, Mrs, Willis, who went to Fort
William to attend the funeral of her
brother, Bert. Gerry, has arrived back
to Wingham,
Miss Hazel Lowry, who has been on
the staff of the Standard Bank for the
past year, has resigned and has gone to
Welland, where she has taken a position
as school teacher. Miss Lowry has
taught before so is only returning to her
first love, We wish her the old time
success and enjoyable stay in Ontario's
baby city. Miss Nellie Fox ,is ber
successor in the Standard.
East Wawanosh Council
Council met August loth, pursuant to
adjottrument with all the members pres-
ent. Minutes of last regular and special
meetings read and passed.
Followiug rates were ordered to be
levied for the present year: -Co, rate
3 8/10 mills ; Township rate, I 5/to
mills; special school rate, 2 1/10 mills ;
Provincial war tax, r 1/3o mills on the
Bylaw No. e, 1917, read fixing the
above rates of taxation and By-law No 8
r917, authorizing, as formerly, for the
collection of 3 per cent on all taxes re-
maiuiug unpaid after Dec. 251.11 were
both read and passed.
Following accounts were paid t-
A[]vance office, part printing contract,
$2o,00 ; Wm Geddes. tile for East
bdy, $1,32 ; P Vincent, gravelling on
Con 4 and 5, $4 00 ; Jos. Tamau, grad-
ing, $24 00 ; Thos. Kerniolr, under.
brushing 0u side line 33 34, Con
$2 00 ; J. 13. Tiernay, Commuted Sta-
lute labor tax, $7 5o ; Pat, Gibbons,
Commuted Statute labor tax, $6 25 and
rep. culvert, $3 00. Gravel -Mrs Pat-
terson, $2 Io ; W. Salter, $4 00 ; 0,
Campbell, $5 00 ; T, Brailnook, $6 6o ;
D Chamney, $5.00 ; W. Salter, shovel-
ling, $2 40 ; D Carter, shovelling
$2.Oo ; 'rhos, Robinson, shovelling,
$2 40,
Next meeting 01 Council will he held
Monday, Sept. 17th.
A. PoaTERFisLo, Olerk.
IlOOmm-Form,-In Godariph, on August 2511.,
1017, by Rev. W J. Ford, Glencoe, Helen
Donkey, deotrster of Rev- and Mars, J, E.
Ford, to Mr, W. J. Scott, of Beaverton,
W hent
Pntatoen. per 11,,ag
Wool Invitees tad
Wool (woshodi,.,,, ..,..on.,.,„,
30 00
$2 20
2 25
10 50
6 00
The farm le altuate three•quarters of a anile
from the Village of Bel grave.
TERMS OF SALx-Ton per cent on acceptance l Property for Sale
of tender and balance in thirty flays.
Dated at Wincham this Twentiety day of I property Par salt in_ the Voltage of Cranhrnek
Anguat, A. D. 1017. • blilmrgtng 5o t},e estate of Uta lata D. McQeer•
R.-PANSTONE, Wingham, 1 tie, For partieulers as to prierandternsap-
Solicitor for the Executors of R. ht. I ply to MRS. JANET hucQUARRIE,
Anderson estate. Brussels.
640040000000.4)000000040040000400•Hi'O0+.1 e+$44O.4•♦@4 •
• The simmer you enter, dill sooner you will be through ynnr
course acid into a good position.
tIV I G HA M, O 19P T.
This new College is a branch of the Central Business ('allege, Strat-
ford, and the Elliott Business College, Tumult', turd the saute high
standards will be maintained. To INSURE SUCCESS select the
School that can give you the BEST TRAINING.
Write for our Oatatpgue. It is free,
D. A. McLACHLAN, Pres.
A. HAVILAND, Principal.
0 ••0000000.00000.0000000000004000000000404040600000.0
++++++++++++++++4+4+++•l4+4 04444- ++444 44+44 +4++
R -'c aced
an Pracfor
1 ays
3argas for S ° 1 } .9l Feet
62 pairs Boots and Shoes, Women's Patent and. Fine
Kid, sizes 2zi 3 and 3.1, only, reg. 3 00, k°'
3.50, 4.0o and4 5 o. .. All one rice... ... ...
IM Ws Heavy Harvest Shl( es
In Mule Skin, extra good wearers and all
sizes in the lot. - Going at
Trunks and Satchels at !nut i tc
e < s6
i ,
..,J' r;e
Cash Place for Bargains in Harness 13e
Harness, uuts an1:"111(7('S
++++++++++++++++++++++4"1"i++++++++++++0003,+++++.64 -1•44
+++++++++++++++++ '+++++•i .+++++++,('+++0003,+t•+++.64 1.44