The Brussels Post, 1917-9-6, Page 1GNU
)L.. 46 NO I o
.5o Per Annum in Advance
Now Advertisements
purse lost—Tun Pnar.
Muslosl—P, R, [atutheron,
Fortilizer—(3eoree E. Speirnie.
eta false teeth—R. A ()apemen.
Rarvesterie Fxaursions-0. P. R,
Ist±.t leba5
Alex, McI ercher is away on a trip
to the Week.,
Last week an operation Wee per-
formed on Miss Cassie Catheter, Lot 8,
Con. 4, I3owiek, for appendicitis.
She is getting along nicely.
Me.Kercher Bros. captured let p1 ize
$20.00 for best oat crop in the Stand-
ing Field Crop competition moiled on
by Brussels Agricultural Society,
There vete 25 competitors.
Miss Madge Lovell returned be Chi-
cago on Saturday.
Norman Harris left for his home at
Herschel, Sask., Thursday,
Mies Kate Healewood is holidaying
at Toronto and Bowtnanville.
A. McMichael and family left this
week for a trip to Saskatchewan.
Rev. and Mts. Stride at'ie spending a
few days with fie/nide at Wallace.
Mrs, P. Tracy, Detroit, is the guest
of her parents, le, and Mrs. Kitchen,
Geo. 4Veacriog returned on Tuesday
from a visit at his old home at Can-
J. Kalbfieisch, Milverton, is spend
lug a few days with his daughter, Mrs,
0. Reis.
Airs. John Muir and family, Strat-
ford, visited relatives iu this vicinity
last week.
Alex, and Mos. McDougall and Neil
and Mrs. White were visitors at Mil-
verton on Sunday.
Miss Ruth Hazlewood, Clifford, was
a recent guest at the home of het'
uncle, W. 0. Haziewood,
John Bernard, London, and several
members of hie family, visited over
the holiday with relivtives here.
Misses Kathleen Rutherford, Hazel
Van Velour and Jean Andersen left
this week to attend Business College
School re -opened on Tuesday with
the following staff of teachers :—Miss -
os Taylor, Toronto ; Shepley, Am-
herst -burg ; Olimie, Listowel ; and
Mueray, Gorrie.
The following shipment to head-
quarters was mode by the Red Cross
Society this week :-46 suits pyjamas,
0 flannel shirts, 43 towels, 8 pillow
cases and 43 pairs socke.
Juo. McNaughton, Turnberry, re-
ceived official word last week that his
son, Sergi. James McNanghtoh, was
suffering flout gun shot wounds in the
right wren. This is his first mishap in
18 months spent at the fent.
Amongst the teachers Irtwing on
Monday for different points were ;—
Misses W. soul A. Munro, 3. Allan, M.
Anderson, P. and L Ktuake, 13, Howe,
E. Hamilton, 13. Lovell, E. Hupfer and
Ashton Morrison,
Welcome visitors were Robert For-
rest, Atwood, and W. and Mrs. Alt-
ohieon, Spokane, Waah , at the home
of Jas. A. Edgar. The Penner is Mrs.
Edgar's father and is in his Mid year
but hi smart and unusually bright for
a man of his years, Mrs. Aitchison 3s
Mrs. Etigar'e sister. It is 24 year's siu05
she went West. Pte. !Edgar, who was
wounded in France, is now able to get
about in a wheel chair and it is to be
hoped he will be able to get home be-
fore long.
WROxETER Cou)b1L,—The regular
meeting of Council was held in the
Clerk's office on Aug, 28th, at 8 p. m.
Members peesenr, F. Davey, D. O.
Pope, John Douglas and John Adams,
tvith Reeve 0. Reis in the chair. 'Min-
utes of last meeting were vend and on
motion of Douglas—Davey were adopt-
ed. Moved by Douglas—Pope that the
late of Laxas Inc 1017 be 28 mills on the
$.—Caviled. Fnlinwingaccounts were
received :—BnvsenLs POST, printing
measles notices, cards, letter heads,
Voters' Live, .Be., 810 50 ; J, Brelhaner,
half year's salary, $50 00 Wm. Fin-
ley, work on streets, $2 2e ; Alex. 510 -
Dougall, work on atreets, $3 50 ; Law-
• renes Moffitt, half year ringing bell,
51250; A.B. Moffitt, running light
plant fol' July, 53875. Moved by
Pune—Adams that accounts be paid
and orders drawn on the Treasurer for
same.—Carried. Moved by Davey—
Mame that Council culion•n to Bed
Tuesday of Sept, or to rail of Reeve,—
Oareied, J. BuereIIAh7uR. Clerk.
Pam Joliet T. Eases KILLRD.—The
tragedy of war were 1gn011 brought
home in uv when nn Thursday last
Rebell and Mts. Earls, Iicwick, re-
ceived official inf.n•u11tinn 1lost thele
eldest son, Pte. John T, Earls had been
(tilled in action ne Aug. 16th. lie en-
listed ill the West with the 07th BitIl,,
going oversew in the Spring of 1010,
After may 2 weeks' 1n 'ling in Eng-
land he was drafted to France. where
be was wounded after a few days in
the tt'erin110a, Ere returned to Eng-
land, where he 1emained until June of
this year, when he went to the front
again, where, al'tet' a few weeks on the
fie ung line, he rust his death and is now
numbered with the thouannds of her-
oic sons of the Empire 00110 have given
up their lives for liberty and freedom,
Before enlisting lie had spent several
years as clerk at Belcarres, S,lsk,
CMS a fine character! and his death is
deeply regretted. His parents, one
brother and live sisters share in the
deep sympathy of the community, A
memorial service, conducted by Rev.
Me, Roberti', will he held on Sunday
afternoon in 111e Anglican church, of
which deceased was a member.
Friday, Sept, 14th, is the date of
Monkton School Fair. This is the first
attempt but by the fine Prize List and
special awards a lively competition is
expected. An active officiary has the
work in hand.
• Jamestown
Mise Jean Grant, Grey, was a holi-
day visitor with Miss Vinla McLeod,
Sapper Holt, who came back from
overseas, is in London undergoing
treatment for injuries received.
Light frost Monday night, Farmers
who have bean crops are a trifle anx-
loue nver the danger of their fields
euffering from this cause.
We are pleased to report, gond pro-
gress in (he ease of Greta, daughter of
L and Mrs. Eckmier, who underwent
two operations, Het' many friends
wish her, a speedy recovery.
`,Void was received that Pte. Thus.
L. Smith, son of Thos. Smith, of this
locality, who went overseas with the
157th Batt., has suffered from gas 10
France. We trust he will soon regain
his cuetnmary vigor.
Monday of last week Wm. Reid,
who has lived in thie locality for a
number of years, died at the home of
J. Wallace from anaemia. He was
about 134 years of age and worked for
Gideon Parks Inc years. The funeral
took place to Wroxeter cemetery.
Early threshing points to good re-
sults in crop returns,
Misses Alae and Irene Wilkinson, 4th
line, are visiting in Toronto.
Fall wheat sowing wilt have increas-
ed acreage this year in Morris.
Mies Eva Watt, Hamilton, is visit-
ing at the Lorne of her uncle, James
Speir, 8th con.
Airs. McOauley and daughter, Mar -
inn, spent Sunday at the home of Jas,
Fulton, Brussels.
Morris township Council will meet
next Monday. Tenders will be open-
ed Inc the Kelly and Bone drains.
Wm. Gray, 7th line, has gone to the
West where lie will spend the next
few months in the harvest fields and
Alilvert and Mrs. Sellers and Miss
Vera and Waldo and 'Mrs. Miller, of
Wingharn, motored to Aloorefield to
visit friends.
0. B. and Mae. Forrest, Misses Belle
Robb, Viola McLeod and Christie For-
rest motored to Blyth and spent the
day at the home of Harry incl Mrs.
A valuable !mond belonging to Wm.
Wilkinson, 40) line, met his death by
the poison route. The owner wits
sorry to lose him as he was an extra
gond one.
Mrs. Wilkinson and daughter,
Florence returned to their home in
Lundell, after a shout visit at the
home of Alex. A1cNeil; 5111 line, and
other relatives.
Mies Lillian Pollard, Weston, and
Allsses Edna and .Ethel Wastutttl, Olin•
ton, were visiting N. mai Mee, 110-
Ottuley recently. The ladies are atm -
sins of ML's, McCatrley's.
The new school house in 5, S. No. 4
will soon be ready foe ecra111atinn
School did nut commence 131 this
Section this week nn account of the
building not being complete. The old
school house was taken down and the
material utilized in the new one.
The 200 acre 1'iarvu of Alex, Forsyth,
Bt easels, is offered for Rale. Property
is located 2i, miles North of Brussels
and a good community. See the
advt. in thio issue, Fred. Stephenson
has been the tenant for the past 4
Miss Resste McQnarrle has taken a
sahon] at Oamperdown, Ont., and
cm»rnaticed bur duties last Tuesday.
We wish iter the hest of success,
SCHOOL PAUL—El nevale School Fait
will be held 00 Friday, Sept.. 141 h.
Liberal cash prizes are offered the
children of the School Section for ex-
hibits in a wide variety of classes in-
chiding Live Stock, Poultt•y, Pets,
Vegetables, Fruits, Flowers, Cooking,
Manual Training, Sewing, Art, etc„
and awards will be made for the best
plots in the School Garden, The judg-
ing will be under the direction of the
Department of Agriculture and a Play
Director from the 0, A. 0., Guelph, is
expected to be present to take charge
of the aftetnoor sports which will in-
clude a Tug-of-war between the young
Inc") of Motels and Turnberry. The
general public are cordially invited to
be present. There will be no admis-
sion fee. In th0 evening an entertain-
ment will be held in aid of the Red
Cross at which the Belgrave Dramatic
Club will present their eneoesefnl play
"Lodgers Taken In•,"
Fnatmi0A22n —Anybody wishing Gunn's Fer-
tilizer should nett op George E Ppeiran, Phone
6511, Re hes u supply on hand. 10-2
Miss Florence Ross, Ohesley, is a
visitor at Alex. Dunbar's,
Jim McCallum spent the week -end
at his home at Ethel. He is inspect-
ing shells at Seareri b now.
The new !louse of Jas, S, Houston,
180h Con., will soon be completed and
will be a comfortable home,
Last Sunday Rev. Mr. Walden, of
Fordwich, preached at Roe's and Un-
ion (Marches, giving good ser mons,
Mrs. Jus. Moses, et 11 Oon., and Miss
Bessie Muses Jam' -',town, were sight-
seers at Toronto Fair during the past
Sorne of the Giey township Path -
masters will have to get busy or they
will have stretches of bad roads on
their beats.
W. J. and Ml's: Greer and A. 13.
Musgrove, 51. P. P,, and Mrs. Mus-
grove, Winghaul, were visitors at
Jun. Pearson's.
MIS. Oliver Turnbull and sone An-
drew, were visitors at Toronto Fair.
The latter is attending Brussels Con.
tinuat.iol School this lel m.
Arthur SieInnis and Mrs. Reuben
McInnis and daughter, Norah, who
spent the past two months in Grey,
have returned Mune to Windthorst,
Sask. Miss Ida Frain is visiting at
the borne of the latter.
Mrs, Edward lineman, Wingham,
WAS a visitor with her daughter, lairs.
J. B: Lake, 4111 con., during tile pact
week. She also visited Mrs. \Vm.
I1a11, 8th eon., and Mrs. Sven. Jewitt,
Brussels, old ftiends of former days.
Roe's church has been undergoing
renovation. Exterior MIS painted,
new porch at entrance built atld brick
work repaired. IntproYemen ts rano
contemplated in interior and the peo-
perty will Inok much the better of it.
It is creditable to the congregation to
keep everything in good shape.
Miss Florence McGalinm has accept-
ed of a position in the millinery de -
purl molt, of the Robert Simpson Mail
Order, To'onlo. Her many Mende
wish her every snecess in her new pos-
ition. Miss Dully Metaatuo1 maimed
home to Toronto with her after spend-
ing an extended vacation with her
gI ttnduhnther,' Mrs. Tno. McCallum,
31d Corn.
A letter front ex -Deputy Reeve Jen.
Brown, from Massbauk, Sesta, says
Weather has been very dry and as a
result crops are short, some of the
oats will not be cut. Wheat is 41
pretty good sample. It looks nice to
see i 100 ara'58 111 nue field. North by
the Riding Mohrl1a11.5, a Galician
5,4llenient, they 10108 a good crop of
both wheal paid oats. They had lots
of ruin. BJiggeal nimble here is many
farm Inn 1111(011 Hud i'1n• the help they
have. You 0014 tell tine good fuu1110r
01.,•n on see the crop, Great auto
trsBie here. AIr". Brown and I have
Motored Orr). 500 Miles. We aro all
well out here. A. re with 0111 5011 Jae,
it• prev0313.
Fr�i Ihh tri�u
dditli+.nal Excursions
ADA via
AHEM PACIFIC Sept. 10th and 12th
From all Stations in Ontario, Ottawa, Smith's Falls and West
F3O3ISE BTiRNISD. — Friday of last
week, at noon, the hone of John and
Airs, Kirke/in/tell, 18111 con., was de-
stroyer by Bre, supposed to have been
occasioned by a spark from the stove
iu the Summer kitchen, Most of the
(temente were fortunately 0av0(1, In-
sutance was carried in the Howiek
Aiutua) Cnmpauy AS follows :—On the
holes 5800 • contents 5200. Vice -
President Edge). and Directorl1irton
visited the scene on Saturday and
made the necessary inspection. Tho
i1151)amce would not nearly replace
the house which was a 2 -story brick
veneer cottage. Mr. Kirkoonnell and
family have moved across the oonees-
sion to a vacant; house on the farm of
Archie Hislop, which will prove very
convenient under the circumstances.
No attempt will be made this season
to replace the burned building. The
community sympathize with the Klett-
commit family in being thus uncere-
moniously turned cut of their home.
Wedding bells are ringing in this
Wilt117., Harris spent Sunday with
Dave Fraser,
Torn McKee is helping Geo. Brown
with the haevest,
Burke Robertson Sundayod with
Cameron E. Stewart.
Mise Verna Harris has been spend-
ing a week at her home in Salem.
Wm, McKee is not improving in
health as rapidly as his many friends
Hugh and Mrs. Spence and Bei 1.
spent the week end at Harry Grain-
Miss Jean Doig is spending a few
clays with her cousin, Mise Jean
\Voo-d has been received tbat Pte.
Bowes el Smith has been gassed and
Mies Maud Onntrnings has returned
Mane lifter spending a few days with
hat' friend, Miss Sedie Seehaver.
G. and P. Ashton and the Misses
tu1, Hilda and Wilma Ashton
motored to Geo. Robertson's on Sun -
The harvest being well on there are
numerous ropes off binder twine and
nodonbtmight come handy to boys
desiring tie ropes.
Antos are not the main attraction
at Molesworth novo, but two rubber
tires and two steel tires on a buggy
is more noticeable.
morning, about 3.30 o'clock, the fine
bank barn of Counciilor Wm. Fraser,
was destroyed by lightning. It was
Bret noticed by Miss Ella Fraser, who
heard the sharp report and afterward
almost immediately saw the light of
the burning building reflected on her
bedroom window. Of acmes it was
impossible to save the barn and it and
the driving shed were s001) a mase of
burning embers. In the been were 8
acres of wheat, 5 of barley, 80 Loads of
hay, etc. Implements, cutter, har-
ness, a bunch of pigs also fell a prey.
The horsee were got out. There was
$1000 insurance on building and $1000
on content; in if1ma Mmtnai 00. It
will be a heavy loss to Mr. Fraser and
the sympathy of the neigbborhond is
his, Barn was 48 x 85 feet and was in
good repair.
P. 13. and Mrs; Gardiner and Miss'
Veto were visiting iu Toronto this
eTies Annie Ferguson enjoyed a holi-
day with relatives and friends in Tor-
Walton school reopened Tuesday
with Misses Dickson and Yell] in
\V. G. Neal combined business and
pleasure in a trip to the Queen's city
this week,
Dist Bewley afternoon 0apt, Bar-
clay, London, conducted the services
in St. George's church.
\V. H. and Mrs. Graham, Acton,
spent the ween end with A. and Mrs,
Gat dirler, Mrs. Graham's parents.
Among those who gone \Vest for a
trip is Loi. Blake, He will be absent
for a 111(01!1 01' 90. NO it is not a
wedding trip.
A large number from this locality
attended the funeral of the late Mrs.
Samuel Wilton, Brussels, last Monday
morning at the R. 0. ohurnh.
Qn!te to number from here attended
the anniversary set vices at Bethel
chin 011 and report an excellent time,
Rev, J. A. Agnew preached twnsplen-
did sermons.
Mrs. (Rev ) Oreik received word
that her brother, Norman, is in hos-
pital in France with gunshot wounds
in ]eftleg. We hope 1e will have a
speedy recovery,
The School Fair will be Meld here on
Wednesday, September 12. It hviil be
the event of the season. An excellent
list of prizes is being offered and a
gond program of sports will be put on.
Pte. B. Olarit0 is back from Eng-
IlItOL His many friends are glad to
eeel'll Mime mine more His health
has net been good for considei'eble
time, tett we hope he will soon be las
hearty 58 ever.
School Fair next Wednesday after-
ltnen, Hear Jas, Fox the comic vocal-
ist. froin Toronto, at the Concert at.
night in Duff's 01111re11 eked, Plenty
11 1110111 for a crowd. Nn admisaiol
1 r
en for the afternoon prow alb Booth
F ,
l g
on the,,ggrnuud,
Thi5'Week 1',d, Miller left for Sea -
forth whsle he will lake the Ptartl-
Fnanit.y Entrance work at 1lie Colleg-
iate. led. le to clever yooth wbo htls
been attending Continuation Snllnol
at Brussels attd will give a good ac-
count of himself we have no doubt
Rev. and Mrs. F. \V, Oraik, and son,
$18.00 o V - Norman, are on holidaye and intend
visiting re1(1115l0 in Kitchener and
Thalnesvilte. In the absence of the
peeler, Fred. S. Savage, Seaforth, will
nominal services In the Methodist
Furl .he l particulate from Canadian Ptici0c Ticket Age 1111.
ehhr1h0s next Sunday, Sept, 011.
W. 3. lowArtn, District Ioronto
\Vtaltotl at 11 a. m, ; Bethel, 3 and
' Providence 11•t 7 P. m,
Men Wanted
Munition Work
A number of good relia-
ble men can secure steady
employment on Munition
Work, Apply to
The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co,, ltd,
Seaforth, Ont.
Campbell Flour Mills Oo. offer 4 spec-
ial prizes for a Bread Making Oontest,
exhibit to be made at Walton School
Fair next Wednesday. Competition
open to girls 12 to 17 years oft age, See
1111.0100 particulars in large advt. in
last week's BRUSSELS POET.
The sad news was received that Pte,
Alex. McLeod, of this place had died
froin wounds received in fighting for
the Empire in France. Alex. was a
heroic young plan and had won a
medal some months ago for conapie-
tlnue bravery. His death is deeply re-
gretted and his relatives sympathised
with 111 their 8o1 -(ow.
Miss Ella Pearson is visiting rela-
tives in Hallett,
Harvesting will be almost completed
around here this week.
Gond progress is being made about
the Methodist church.
A telephone has been Metalled at J,
A. Cole's home, No. is 3619,
Miss McLelland, Kincardine, is
visiting Airs. (Dr.) Ferguson.
F. Lynn, Fordwich, visited at Mrs.
Hansauld's and 0. Eckmiet's,
3110, McNeil and family have been
away for an auto trip visiting friends
at Hanover, Owen Sound, Oheeley and
Last Sunday Rev, Mr. Johnson was
at Fordwich preaching anniversaty
sermons. Rev. Mr. Walden occupied
the Methodist pulpit here.
F. F. and Mrs. Freeman and Harold,
and J. W. and Mrs. Joynt and baby,
George, Lucknow, spent Sunday with
0. and Mre. Eckmier. They came in
the latter's car.
Mise Ella Hansuld has gone to
Sent Co. to resume teaching. She
has a new engagement this term not
far from her former school. Miss
Hansuld is a successful teacher.
MVsicAL, P. ljr. Mulheron, organist
and choir master, of Melville church,
Brussels, will be at the home of W.
H. Love, all day Thursday, Septem-
ber 13th, for the purpose n£ receiving
pupils in vocal and piano study.
Miss Edith, daughter of Dr, and
Mrs. Ferguson, will leave shortly for
Toronto where she will enter on a
course of training as nurse. She
should be well qualified for such a
profession and we wish her success.
Something doing in millinery line 11,5
usual this year. Airs. F. James has
bought the millinery business from
Miss Hunter and engaged to milliner.
She will continue to do dressmaking
in the same place. G. M. Mitchell has
also engaged a milliner so the wants
of the ladies will not be neglected.
James McLelland received the sad
news last Friday that hie nephew,
John McAfee, Bruce Oo., was killed in
action on Aug. 1011). He left home
some 15 years ago and went to Van -
enliven From theie he enlisted as
bandsman at the outbreak of the war
8 years past and has been on duty in
France 00er 2 years in a letter from
his eon, Sapper G. A, McLelland, this
week he said he had yielted hie enusfll
John McAfee on Ang. 12th and found
kiln in the best of health and was
wearing a military medal. He has
another brother also in the war.
Morris Council
Minutes of Council meeting held in
the Township Hall, Morris, Monday,
Aug. 6th. Members of Council were
present. Minutes of last meeting
read and approved. By -Law on the
Laidlaw drain was read and passed.
The contract for the construction of
the Hanna drain was given to R. B.
Alcock at the engineer's estimate,
Township rate was fixed at 3 mills on
the dollar.
Following accounts were paid :—
Gravel—F. S. Scott, $1 00 ; Dan. Mc-
Donald, 54:00 ; Wm. Taylor, '34.50 ;
Andrew Po110014, 58 80 ; Jes, Andel son
$18.40 ; Jae. Lawson, 52.80 ; Wm.
Bird, 54.20 ; Nelson Nicholson, 50.50 ;
4V w. Taylor, $2.00, and nee of scrap-
er, 600 ; Wm. Salter, 54,50 ; Thos.
Warwick, 512.80; A. MacEwen, $0.001
Ohae, Leopard, $8 80 ; H, 3305101311,
51.10 ; Richard Johnston, 50.50.
Shovelling—Earl Anderson, 5200 ; J,
H. Fear, 75c ;' Jas. Phelan, 54.00 ; W.
H. Kerr, printing and advertising,
$4.25 • Wingham Advance, $1.10 ;
Geo, Mason, stationer, 131100 ; 13. B.
Elliott, printing, $2.01 Thos. Stew-
art, cement, 818 line 541651 Alex,
Smith, shovelling, g, 50e V
m, 0raig,
rave line, 8• e a i
gravel r , 53, U , Jae. G bson, gravel,
81.00; Thos. 13ied, gravel, $12 00-; Geo.
nom gravel, 58.00 ; Jas. Andete(nh,
gravel, ;54.80 ; R, Shortreed, serving
notices on I4lnrrey-Lamb Ex34x90115-tension
drain, $5.00 ; John
es, serving notices, 5800 ; ,l. 'Tierney,
putting cement road at 81'd line
bridge, $80,00 ; Joe. Clarke, drawing
tile for McNeil drain, 510.00 ; John
McNeil, drawing tile for McNeil drain,
$5.00 ; W. Ferguson, fixing 13elgtave
bridge, 55,00 ; Peter Rutledge, gravel,
$840; Robert Young. gravel, 52.50,
and gravelling 52 00 ; John Short -
teed, freight on tile for McNutt drain,
$2,50 ; Phoe, Ryan, grading on Gr'igg's
bridge, 525:01) t11rd leavelting, 523.00 ;
Jae. Leitch, gravel, 53 20 ; Peter Rut-
ledge, genvel, .55 UU ; Thos. 31iller,
gravel, 517 80 ; A. McEwen, Clerk's
foss and By-Leaws, Laidlaw than,
$45 50 ; Fl ru411 liceniehentl, wood for
gredet, 54 on ; W. (3. Thuell, rli'living
,;lave! and et11it(t' on 1 ad, 0, i 1.051 ;
lI dix Kirta •t en 1e r dt .1,3in,
8300 00 1 J. .1. Mot 'tile le , 'm Myth
C 1'11 Ferteessit, drum elle llu.
Dtxtmeet lug, Septa/ease 1Urh.
A. MAC tvj':N, Clerk,
Presentation to Rev, R. 1 Page
Prior to hls Removal to meurtright,
Before Res, Richard E. Page took
his departure fur his new eheal'ge at
Courtright he wee kindly remernb.'red
by pt•eeen11ttione from b0111 tappnint-
ment5 on this parish,
At Walton threw 111terested Resem-
bled at 1),e home of Wm. and ,firs.
Stewart and 111e relit lug rentor 104(5
made the recipient of a fine Club 13:.g
and a purse. Address. was read by
Miss Alma Sholdice and Miss Ella Casa
presented the gifts.
The reverend gentleman made til
appropriate reply and reeipio rued
the kited wishes of the address. A
short program followed and a delight-
ful lunch was served, "Gad be with
you 011 we meet 1443411" tanb sting, ,u:d
also the National Au them, after which
Good-byes were staid.
Following address was presented
Rev. Air. Page by St. (ieorge's Sun-
day Seined, %Valwu r—Dear FI.ieoe1.—
We, the members of St. George's Sun-
day School, Walton, Teemed With
sincere regret flint you are leaving for
another field of l :bora We would like
,Inn to know before you leave that we
have appreciated, )reciated, very rlint'11, the
valuablellessonsyou have from time
to time given 110 in our church. We
know fall welt that you have been
keenly in1eres4rtl !n our welfare and
we can 01117 hope that as these lessons
are appliedtoour daily lite we will
become efficient soldiers of Jesus
Christ , •-r Lord. Many times we
realize teat enough gratitude is not
given for kindnesses and help teceiv-
e<lbut wedesire to -4117 that you ac-
cept our sincere thanks for what you
have dune for tie. While we will miss
your chesty word and pleasant smile
we will con1ieue 10 think of you help-
iu other git'ls and buys to live noble
lives Inc our blessed Saviour. Assur-
ing 91)11 of our good wishes and pray-
ers as you journey to your new field
at Courtt•ight. We subserihe our-
selves, Yours sincerely,
Wednesday evening of last week
the Guild of S1. Jolirl's chtwel , Brus-
sels, a550ulbled. fn the Lecture room
of the church and after -Miss Emma
Colvin read an ,ulch'ess appropriate t0
the occasion, Rev. Mr, Page ,vas hand-
ed a purse of gold by Mrs. Thos.
Maxwell. Althoogh taken by surprise
the recipient replied in very kindly
terms and duped Many bright, happy
years would mane to tit, John's ()Larch
and wished the new motor and congrs-
ggalion the highest success, He and
Meet Page would nrvn• forget 13r0s-
eels and the tunny hind friends they
had met in the 4 years incumbency.
Rev. Mr. Page left for Cnn1iriglrt
on 1 huesdet going from Walton,
Brussels Council
Monthly etaei011 of Brnssels Council
Was 14111 Tuesday evening, Present
Reeve Plum and Cotulciliute Walker,
Best 1111(1 [raver.
Minutes of last meeting read and
Following accounts were present-
ed I ---
R.' ClivOr, salary..• .......... ....$ 45.00
S. T. Plum, s11at•pe111ng grader,
motor pante, hr, ,.. 15 00
- fed h G. .\. Beet, seentided I t a1., oci i b'
s )
D. Walker, !het above accounts be
paid. -Carried.
I3y-Law No, i), It117, relating to pay-
ment of street irnpi n0ernent for mltan-
edlam construeliol, Turnberry starlet,
South, was read three tithes and pass-
By-law No, 10, 1017, relating 1(1
Turnberry street, North, for Street
improvement was read 8 times and
Receipts ' from mitt'11at, scales for
August is 524.45. No. 11, 1017, for raising
$1000 for Imeal Telephone 00, par rue.
as for Cnrl•ent expenses rep to 'collec-
tion of taxes was read and passed.
W. H. h.ERR.h, i',ojhrteior
If you ha00 any
guests at your
home, are 54)1)314
out of town for it
visit, of know' of
any iuterrstitl4;
llett'5, let: tie hear
from you, We
always appreciate
such i'avots,
Phone 31 or 32
Thuell Broil. were present and intro-
duced the subject of Electric Light,
118104114 that a By -Law be enbmitted to
the people re the purchase of the plant
by the town. After a lengthy discus-
sion the proprietors agreed to prepare
a new echedule of rates on tlncount of
the increased price of coal, ale. They
will make a eauvass of Brussels and
if a enfBeient number of emits eats Can
be arranged the plant will probably_
resume 000'11 and if not the light will
not be forthcoming. A special meet-
ing of the Council will likely be held
next week to receive thie report, It
will be up to the people to aid the
pI'oprietols 1(1 their project as Thuell
Bros. made a most satisfactory run of
the plant when they fotmtnly owned
it. Everybody feels the need of the
light in the town and now is the time
to move. The Council is prepared to
back up any fair agreement tbat can
be made.
The queet.inn of coal teas spoken of
and the necessity of something defi-
nite being done 60011 if the necessary
Winter supply is not forthcoming at
an early date,
Church Chimes
Melville Ynunsr People's Society re-
sumed their weekly meetings last Sab-
bath evening.
"Victory awaits p'aye-" was Rev,
Mr Manns theme last Sabbath morning
in Melville church, At the evening ser-
vice he spoke on 'Three qualifications
for service."
Wednesday evening of next week the
union monthly Patriotic service will be
held in Melville church at 8 o'clock,
Rev. Mr. Mann will give the address,
175ua1 etfering will be taken for the Red
At the Methodist church last Sunday
the pastor spoke on the text, "%littera
there is 00 vision the people perish."
Evening subject was 'The slavery of
sin." Male quartette sang "Galilee"
at the evening service,
Rev. Byron Stauffer, pastor of Bond
street Congregational church. Toronto,
for past to years, has accepted a call to
the First Coogeegationai church, San
Francisco, the largest Pr,'teslant church
on the Pacific Coast. Salary will be
57,500. He supplied this church for $
Sundays this Summer.
annual Financial District meeting of
Wiugham District will he held in the
Methodist church, Biu0vat0, Wednesday
September tett. Business meeting at
e, 3o a. m. and Missionary Conference at
2 p. m. Rev B. J t ren, of Kincar-
dine, is Chairman and Rev. R J. Gar-
butt, Lucknow, Financial Secretary,
Brussels will send a delegation to ac-
company Rev. Mr. Stafford.
Tuesday evening Rev. Mr. Gilmore,
Ripley, gave a Lecture entitled "Britain
in war time" under the anspices of the
Willing Workers, in Melville church
Lecture room. It was veru interesting.
Misses Verne Walker and Isabel Strach-
an rendered fine solos. Rev. Mr, Mann
was chairman. Mr Gilmore was born
in Ireland and Occasionally visits his
native heath.
Mount Forest Representative of lest
week said 3—Re e. Mr. and Mrs. Wren
and two children left last week for Belle-
ville for holidays. The rev. gentleman
will be absent tram his pulpit for two
Sundays. Owing to indisposition he
had Rev. Mr, Sturgeon preach at the
evening Service in the Methodist 01(3101)
last Sunday." \Ve hope the short vaca-
lion will tend to fair. Wren's invigore.
tion. Too high tension is not good for
a parson or anybody rise.
Bins Soctery Neste eu —The annual
meeting of Hrussels Branch of the Up-
per Canada Bible Society was held Fri-
day evening of lav1 week in the Lecture
room of the Methodist clhurclt, with
comparatively small attendance for a
union meeting. In the absence of the
Preeideut, J. T. Wood, the ch1ir was
occupied by S, Bailey. After a hymo
heti beau Sung and graver offered by
Rev. W. E. Staffo1d, the minutes of
last annual meeting and the financial re-
pot for rote was presented 1134 the
Secretary -Treasurer. 5175 of were the
receipts. Report 0005 adopted. On
tnot104 of H. L. Jackson and R- Leath-
erdale, officiary for past year 0055 re-
elected with 2 changes. List is as fol-
lows .— President, J. '1', Wood ; Vice-
Presidents, resident ;mama ; Secretary -
Treasurer, W. H, Bert Directors, S.
Hailey, A E. Hersey, A. Stewart, W.
Vain Alex M<I tto5
A. Helm,
.1, Heine AH McDonald
and Duncan
McDonald The argent this year WEIR L
Smith, an Anglican student from Toron-
to, who gave en interesting and instruc-
tive lecture on "Through Canada with
the Bible Society," which wee well illue.
grated by numerous stereopticon views
A hearty vo'e of 1110/)115 %vas presented
to hila anti also to last yease4 Collectors.
on motion of Rev. Mr, Stafford end G
A. Derelmen. Atl offeriug totalled
52 73 Meeting 011)sed with the Na)Ion-
al Anthem and the Benediction. i'3ruia.
eels Breech le in the Banner tiet as it hag
the record of an average oferipg of over
$125 00 per year for the poet 3o yeer(1 for .
this splendid Societe that is the right
arm of Missionary effort end enterpriae, ,