HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-8-30, Page 84••••••••••••44444.••••••••••.+04.• 44-4.446••••••••••••••• 0 F. R. SMITC 66 al Upenki TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, is the eventful day, when new books aid school supplies will have to be got. The new stock has been open- ed up and we have everything that will be r,quired for the High School and Public School work. Nigh School Text Books There are several chauges—we have the new books— Science Note Books Drawing Portfolios Aud the Refills for these. Public School Text Books Golden Rule Books. Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 for Supplementary Reading, Children's Story of the War. We now have them up to No. 28— Price 120 a copy New Scribblers, Exercise Books and Note Books—the latest covers. Water Colors. Crayons, Drawing Pencils, Rulers, Rubber Erasers, Brushes and other Accessories used for Art Work. See the New School Bags and School Satchels, • Your Orders will have good Attention. 43 + + A O •S• evellop9G',g tn �,rtd FInicha And You Don't Wait Y„ur Filras and Prints are ready when promised--outbe dot. Not on'y will your work be done promptly, but just as well as up -to date metbccls and good chemicals can do it. Fresh supply of the different sizes of Eastman Films. Get that Kodak Film to -:lay. The New Fall Pictorial Review Fashion Book con- remNow in. Price 25C with con - rem good for 15e en a pattern, which brings noel of bnoll down to 10e. R F! i 8 "he Store dsl • Druggist and Stationer o •+ i_. +0+044.+6.+•+♦+0+0+0+•+0+04.• +•+$40+++44•04•2.+O Pat 31eteas Pius Hoc market is booming. SATURDAY will usher in September. HARVR+T apples are on the market, Scxoots re -open next Tuesday. Be on hand. THE music of the steam thresher is now heard in the land. TRT, has been a great season for cheese factories and creameries. RECENT rains greatly benefitted garden stuff, lawns and pasturage, TORONTO Fair is the drawing card and trains from the East are late as usual. MAITLAND river is very low but will revive, no doubt, before many months elapse. A Goon job bas been done in repairing the cement dam and it is now in better shape than ever. Holm, is going to be about half a crop this season. The wet weather caused a long delay in starting. A PRIVATE pic-nic was held at the Davidson grove Tuesday evening of last week that was greatly enjoyed. Tice Stteet Committee is having gravel hauled from the new corporation pit to sneers requiring attention, A PAM' boy was born to Dr. Fred, and Mrs. Gilpin, of Milwaukee, on August Isth, but the little laddie only lived a few days, we are sorry to state. ILLUOTSATED Bible Society Lecture Friday evening of this week in the. Methodist church Lecture room by Mr, Smith at 8 o'clock, This is a union meeting with no admission fee, GRT a rail Fair Prize List from Secre- tary Black if one has not been sent to you. A bustle will be in order to get vnur exhibits ready. Brussels Fair comes Thursday and Friday, October 4th and 5th, BRITAIN IN Was TIME.—Next Tues- day evening a Patriotic Travel 'talk will be given iu Melville church, Brus- sels, at 8 o'clock, under the auspices of the Willing Workers by Rev. George Gilmore, On ''Britain in War time.” Special music, admission 25 cents. Rev, Mr, Gilmore. epeut the past Summer in England, Scotland and Ireland so speaks of what he has seen. Hear him. HURON RED CROSS —The annual meet- ing of the Huron Red Cross and Cana - than War Contingent Association will meet in eliuton, Monday, Sept. 3rd, at is a. m, Miss Robinson, of St. Thomas, will speak on "Field Comforts" and the question of "Conservation of Food" will also be taken up. All ladies interested in this work are invited to attend, THURSDAY of this week the weekly half holiday arrangement comes to a close. It has worked very satisfactorily for the past two months and probably all will be ready to try it again next season with the addition, perhaps, of another month, Many a pleasant outing was taken and not a few odd chores attended to on the 'Thursday afternoons when business was called off GORDEN Ross etioutenso.—Kincardine Reporter of lest week says:—Roht. Ross (formerly of Brtissets) received the fol- lowing telegratn from Ottawa :—' Sin• corety regret to inform you 67r71s, Pte. 1):lvid Gordon Rees, infantry, officially reported admitted to 23x+1 casualty clear ittg station, August tab, tgl7 Gunshot wounds in arms." The many friends of this gallant young soldier will be sorry to learn of his being put out of action, ted will hope that the nature of the wounds aro not serious. He went over with the Thoth Batt., in which he was a Sargeant,. but being anxious to get to the front he gave up his stripes and was drafted to France, finally landing with the 18th Batt. He was under M'+jor Kenneth McCrimmnn who stares he was one of the bravest and most Peerless soldiers he had ever met. Major McCrimmon was most sorry to hear of his being wounded, A PEW letters from soldier boys over seas aro to hand and will appear next week. "reser hominy will he Labor Day aud a Pnblie Holiday. Peotofnce hours 8 to g a. n1. zed 5 to 6 p m. Tcrrelas l,y Matomoltie has greatly in- creared this Summer and 400 miles by motor is only cr.urtecd as a jaunt now. Tins }larvesterP.' Excursions to the ' Wts are oat being so well patronized for the reason that men are scarce and the Ontario harvest late. FIRAT-Cr.AwA aomd cook eteve with reservoir, ,&e , for sale. May be seen et S. T, Plum's . blacksmith -hop. Hemet nm:l I t far ::n11. in nr,re ole, well tont- ed and in gond rondctlnn, Amply to L. W RCTTAN, Qaeen street. GIRL roomers want, d. Apply t0 Mao..3. Caples, Brume's. CnnrnlTAoT.n hells.- end good garden for sale Pretn•'ts in trend reuafr. Fnr further particulars anp'1y to Mee R T. HosnsTON, 31111 etreeb, Rruseels. Arlan .inLs. outside tire found. Enquire at TRn Arens Ment 1.1 the weekly rate for roomers will lin increased to 7:c per week by those cot- erie's to this need, WE are cele agents for the genuine Parold Roofing. manuf.,ntared by Bird e& Mon. Hamil- ton. Always buy Paroidand get the best. P. ANENT. Fon SAs.r:.—Re,Sdential property en Albert treat, Rru-solo Apnly to MRS. JANET M0- Q17tr,exR, nn the premises, Fm,2ALN.—A gae,titr of gond Round cedar cnrupr te-te trete 10 to is inches, also some Round cedar ambers Ss in, by 22 feet. Posts 51.00 to rl 2; peel) Have gond Durham cow due tio:4ve in ebont n week, for sale. Apply to D .7. Hnmrrntasos, Ethel, E}t, Lot 10, Con, 0, Grey tewnshin. CoEronTAoLr, ,.noir re..idsnee for sale or to emit. For tartieulere apply to 2lne. GEO. Ron enA, at 5' Dame.+. Br,Osels. Romig to rent over E. C, Dunford's store. Apply to M. ISr.ACx. A cru nN rune wanted to learn the printing busine... is:. if, or remale. One who has passed the High }'.^hoot Entrance preferred. Apply at Taw POST. TM= Shalt. Nom hulls frau 10 to 12 mortho old for sate. JAS, SPEm, Lot 20, CO11. 6, Morrie. Phone 160. DR. PaRat•:R, Oeteonathie Physician, visite Brussel, 'ahnrodnv alt rneon of each week. Chronic and.. • ,•� Anenee,fully treated, Visi••.,, ., consultation at Queen's hotel. MATR1:doNrat—Wedrresrlay, /5th Inst„ a Very inter. pl e[,g ,. a>, -musty was per- formed by R: ' W E Stafford, 13 A,, at the horse of P. aud Mrs, McQnarrie, Brussels, in ;IN p .sencs of immediate relatives a,nrt frie.udo, ween James C. Pridham,awe/ten, and Mips Anna L, only /laughter , t tl+e host and hostess, were nutted in marriage Ceremony took place in front of a bank of flowers and term under an arch of trailing vines decked out with Union Jacks, After congratulations tiles wedding party, num- bering, 3a, sat dawn to a sumptuous wedding breakfast. Toast to .ride and rancor Was n 1; proposed by Bert. Fridham and r sunurlud to in appropri ate w-•rris, by the groom and officiating ntinietee. The g„rd looking bride wore a beeoming navy blue tailored suit, with mete silk er.pe blouse, a golden French liar, •nnrl heat 1, noel of roses anti tern. Groom .:sift to 11.,• bride was a silver teal sen viceWedl,ntf protr•n10 included silver, rut gii tn. (read p :fitterlchina, fine linen, etc Among 110guests from a d'Manes wee etre. N T. Pridham, mother of to renal, A. ane Mrs. Prudh,m caul , n, :firs rd Pritltaam and daughter, Misa Joy, all of Toronto ; Harvey and Mrs, McGee, Auburn ; Mrs, K Kensir ly, Gnderirh and Miss Melee. (:o;vt, Brnudnn, Man, 'rhe bride end h+r not Motored to Toronto, where thee 'welt the 110..t! for a trip down 1 lake ()mein caul the St, Lawrence river }to Mimi. oat and other pointe They will in lse tui lr hone • in 'Toronto. Many good n r errs Dee extended to Mr. Rare iMrs. I'rirlhem for rt long, happy and successful. life, W. (. T. U —The regular meeting of Brussels Branch of the W. C. '1', U. will be held Friday afternoon of this week, at 2.30 o'clock, in the Audience Room of the Public Library, Rev. W. E Staf. ford, 13 A , will give an address on "'remneraace in the Sunday School.” A cordial Invitation le extended to the women of Brussels and locality to alteud. Leal' week an inspector of electric lighting plante was here on an official visit and scored our systent very freely, hardly anything being up to standard according to his rutins, If we could get the light going to lest out his pro. posa.s evetybucly would be more than pleased What the 'Fhuell Bros, the new proprietors, intend doing, we are unable to state TRE PORT would be geed if we could say light will be turned on by Sept. est. MRs J F. S'rEWART CALLED AWAY — Last Saturday their passed sut3denly away, at her son's home, g4 Indian Grove, Toronto, Mary Lecke. widow of the late John F. Steeart, aged 69 years, She had not been having very robust health for the past year, but a stroke of paralysis was the immediate cause De• ceased was the 5'h daughter of the late Robert Leckie and was born in Dell,ou• sie township, Lsnark Co The family came West in October, 1854 and located in Grey township, East of Cranbrook, where they were well known and were among the ear)settlers, 35 years ago the subject of tuis notice was married to I F. Stewart, who died in Montreal in rgo2 They lived iu Brussels and Dako- ta before going to Toronto Two sons, Harold and Athol, survive, both resid- ingSlemmon, Mrs. S. Sl mmon on - L don, and Mrs Garrow, Cobalt, are sis- ters of deceased, and J. Leckie is a brother. The funeral took place Tues day afternoon to the family plot, Brus- sels cemetery, the casket coming ou the 11 22Iraiu, Service wes conducted et Mr. Leckie's residence, at 2 o'clock, by Rev 0, 13 McRae, Kincardine, an old pastor of deceased and friend of the fam- dyfor many years Pallbearers were R L McDonald, J H. Cameron. F S. and P Scott, Wm. Gillespie and W. H. Maunders, The subject of this notice was of a bright, active temperament who made many friends, was always ready to leud a helping band and her demise is deeply regretted. The bereaved share in the sympathy of a wide circle of friends. Harold and Athol Stewart and Chas. Leckie accompanied the remains from Toronto Tuesday, PSasnNALs. — Misses Wiunifrid and Mildred Harkness, 'I'eeswater, were vis- itors with their aunt, Mrs, R Harkness. —Ira Gerry has taken over the hardware business formerly carried on by Gerry Bros, Fort William, owing to the de- mise of his brother, Bert. We wish him success. Both boys were former Brus- eelites and brothers of N. F. Gerry, of Brussels —Mrs. F H. Gilroy and Bar- rington are spending a few weeks in Muskoka, camping with relatives from Mount Forest —1 H. and Mrs. Camer- on and Mrs. S. Slemmon, London, were visitors at the home of J. Leckie during the past week.—Miss Emma Colvin, of THE POST stall, spent the past week in 'Toronto. She accompanied her sister. —Miss Hazel Lowry of the Standard Bank staff is holidaying for a few weeks —Mrs. S. T. Plum continues to improve and we hope will soon be as well as ever, —T. J. Gilpin who has been laid aside for several weeks from a disabled foot, shows improvement but it has not been very rapid,—Alex Crerar, of Biuscarth, Mao., was renewing old friendships in Brussels and locality, It is 35 years since he left town but has been back a number of times. Mr. Crerar is one of the in- spectors of the Grain Growers' Associa- tion elevators and is well posted on the situation as it exists in the West. The visitor is a brother of Mrs James Men- zies, a well known resident of Williatn street. The West is agreeing well with Mr Crerar, Old friends were glad to greet hint,—Fred and Merner Wood were holidaying for a week at Wasaga —Misses Lillian and Edith Tremble, of St Marys, were visitors at the tome of G C and Mrs. Manners —Chas Fraser aud son, Arthur, 'roronto, were visiles at the home of 1 T. and Mrs, Wood. The gentlemen are brothers-in-law — Simon Grant was visit'ng in town for a few days.—Miss Flo Buchanan is en- joying a holiday at Hamilton, Fruitland and other points.—Miss Mae Skelton was visiting with Harriston friends —Miss Nellie Fox is enjoying an outing with friends at Wasaga Beech —Miss Lizzie Downing underwent an operation for appendicitis on the 1gt:1 inst and is making favorable progress toward re- covery we are pleased to state —Miss Etta Jones, Montreal, has been visiting her cousin, Mrs, Jas, Fox. town.—Mrs E Ruckell and daughter, Evelyn, Ham• Ilton, are visitors with Mrs, John Man. ning. The latter is Mrs. Ruckelt's muther.—Miss Beatrice Curry opened her school in 'ruruberry township Tues- day of last week as she closed 2 weeks earlier than ususl date owing to illness and demise of her father, the late Thos. Curry, Queen street,—Wm. Stratton, of Lancaster, Ohio, was here on a tripcom• biuiug business and pleasure He was returning from the funeral of his brother at Toronto —Mrs, L. W. Ruttan was re• uewing old friendships in Bluevale — W, H. and Mrs. Kerr speut a few days with 1. Leslie and Mrs. Kerr at Clinton lest week —We are sorry to state Mrs. R Leatherdele has been on the sick list, but is regaining her health. She had been very well for quite a period and we hope will soon be as hearty as ever.—Angus Campbell had a spell off from an attack of pleurisy. He does not lose many days from his active life by illness but occasionally has his turn,— Mrs, W. Leslie and children, Mrs L Sehreuk, of Detroit, and Mrs T. Web. Der, London, were visitors with Mrs R Thomson last week. -12. S Pelton, Bele itor and Proprietor of the Mt. Lawrence News, Iroquois, Ont , has been off. duly through illness but is improving nicety new. He was on TRE PORT staff a num- ber of years ago —Miss Mary Ross is at. tending the Millinery Oponinge in Tor- onto ,fled pnrcha.ing bet Nall stock — Miss Iumap in spending s week or so iu the Queen City taking in the Fall MiIlIn- ety displays and ordering goods —Mrs. Angus M. McKay, of '1`yvait, Sssk., ar• arrived here last week for a visit with relatives and old friends. She is a daughter of David Ross, sr. , and is very welcome to Brussels, •-- Miss Beatrice Harris has been on the /tick list but her many friends hope she will soon be as hearty as ever.—A letter from Winnipeg stator that Mrs. J. R, Grunt, a former Brusselite, ha, not been having her use Sal good health but is improving some - Notre Anyone requiring MISERS ar JIIINT[S �•�---- should r---- should place their order at once as we will be only a short time manufactur- ing same, P. Ament what Mrs, Grant is 80 years old but has been a very active person, few think - int, she bad attained to so good an age, Mrs W. El Kerr, Brussels, is a laugh ter.—Capt, Geo Ross made a short visit to his wounded cousin, Corp Gordon Ross, in an English hospital. The for mer has been promoted to take charge of the post where he is statieued as Den. tis,—Mrs Price and her grandson, Her pert Price, Toronto, were visitors at the hume of Trios and Mrs, Ritchie, Mill street. --THE POST is sorry to hear that John Budd, John street, has not been as well as usual but we hope he will soon be hearty —Mrs James Rhodes. who is in Kincardine hospital, where she under went a couple of operations, is improv- ing and will soon be able to come Home we hope.— Mrs Fred. McCracken spent the paet week in Goderich, the guest of her sister,—Harold Lowry, Harriston, was in town for a few days —Milton and Mrs. McArter and children, Graven• horst, were here on a holiday visit.— Misses Norma and Florence McDonald, Goderich. visited at Fred McCrscken's during the past week—lobnuie Gray has removed his wife and family to Brantford where he has been employed for some months. We bope .play will prosper there —Mrs. Lounds and child ren, Ellen and Bert„ Hamilton. are vis- iting Jno. and Mrs, Hewitt. Mr, Lounds is overseas with a Medical Corps. He was also in the South African war, Mrs. Lounds is a sister of Mr. Hewitt and was a former resident of Brussels —Miss Mar- garet MnLauchlin returned to her post as nurse iu traiuing in a Detroit Hospit- al last Saturday after an enjoyable visit here,—Next Saturday. Miss Gertrude Ross will leave Brussels for her position as teacher in Fort William, after spend- ing the vacation under the parental roof. —S. M and Mrs. Pike, Hamilton, were visitors with J. H, acrd Mrs. Hewitt, Miss Rhoda Hewitt returned with her aunt for a holiday visit. Buffalo was also visited where a brother of Mr, Hewitt resides—Jas. Fox combined bus• iness and pleasure in a visit this week to Toronto.—Miss Elva and Milton Oliver are away to Bright on a holiday with their uncle and aunt, Donald and Mrs. Crerar, formerly of this locality And- rew Currie aud son, Douglas, left this week on a trip to the West, where they expect to spend the next few months — P. H Gilroy was in Mount Forest for the week -end —G A Deadman and Miss Edith are bome from Merlin, where they have spent the pest few montbs.—Miss Dorothy Cunningham, Palmerston, is holidaying at the home of John and Mrs, Cunningham —Miss Ethel Govier, Tor- onto, i5 visiting her cousin, Miss Jessie Cunningham, town.—Dr. R. P. Feild, Owen Sound was here this week and takes Mrs, Feild and family back with him in his car after a vacation of a few weeks.—Mrs Stewart, Clinton, was a visitor with ber sister, Mrs, T. Walker, Elizabeth street.—Mrs S. Carter and Miss Myrtle arrived home last week from an enjoyable visit of a few mouths in the West.—Mrs. (Rev) Thomson and son, Bluevale, were visitors with L. and Mrs Rurtan, Queen street.—las. A Laidlaw and wife, Sacramento City. Cal , and John Tarim -in and wife, Blyth, were weak -end visitors with Mrs. Geo, Jack- son, Mill street, Brussels—Miss Verne Walker is home from a holiday visit.— A, Fox, C. Best and '1', MoLauchliu are back Irom Toronto Work has slacken- ed in some of the munition plants. Church Chimes It is said Rev, Fleury Smith, Florence, will be the new Rector in St, John's church and will be here at an early dare, Capt. A C. Barclay, Landon, will conduct the services in St. John's church, Brussels and St, George's church, Walton next Sunday Last Sunday Rev 0 D. Thomson, Bluevale. preached 2 good sermons In the Methodist chureb here. Rev, Mr, Stafford was at Browntown conducting auniversary services For the past two Sabbaths Rev, Mr Gilmore, Ripley, supplied the pulpit of Melville church and gave grofltable dis- courses The pastel will resume his regular duties next Sunday morning after an enjoyable vacation, Remember the Union Bible Society Illustrated Lecture by Mr, Smith, Fri day evening of this week In the 'Lecture room of the Methodist church. No ed. mission fee bet an offering will be taken for the good of the cause. Lecture at 8 o'clock. Make a point to attend, Rev. Mr. Page concluded his 4 year pastorate in connection with St, John's church Brussels, end St. George's, Walton last Sunday. Large cougrega- tions attended to hear his closing mes- sages aud wish him Godspeed In his new charge at Ceurtright, Lamhton Co Faller notice next week. Wroxeter &Minn/ DRA'rlr.—The people of this community were greatly startled and saddened on Saturday morning, lith ins.„ when they learned of the death of Mee. Geo. Harris, wh}eh had taken plare in the night. She had re- tired as usual anti apparently in good health. About 2 o'clock her daughter noticed she seethed restless and abort of breath hitt before medical help could be aurnmoned she had passed away, Mrs, Harris was in her 69th year, was a member of the Presbyter- ian church, n Itind neighbor and lov- ing mother, Deepest sympathy Is Px- pressed for the family in their be• yeaeement. Deceased is survived b B daughters, Mrs, R. Leahy, Herschel, , Sastre who arrived in time for the funeral t Misses Mary and Cassie at eaT'n 1073 STMW T H g OF CANADA BEAD OFFICE ' TORONTO Your surplus earnings in our Savings Department earn inter- est at current rate. 236 BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, t 1 i Manager. home and three sorts, Gen., John and Norman, of Saskatchewan, MI. Har- ris died a number of years ago. • The funeral took place to the Wroxeter cemetery Friday afternoon, Service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Malcolm, Attendance was large and floral tri- butes beruitiful. NEWSY NOTE/a—Mrs. Thompson, Winnipeg, is attending her mother:, Mrs. Thos Sage, who, we are sorry to elate, has been poorly for some time, B, Harris, Toronto, attended the funeral of the late Mrs, Geo, Harris on Friday afternoon,—Mrs. T. Wilson and 2 daughters, Sardis, B. O„ spent last week with the £nrmer's brother, J. R. Wendt.— Gordon Morrison, London, is holidaying with relatives here,—Miss Alice Hamilton has gone to New York, where she will remain untll the navy hospital unit which she joined, leaves for oveyseas.—Robert Rae is visiting his mother, Mrs, Jas, K. Rae after an absence of 10 years spent in the '(Western Penvincea.— Mre. A. Lamonby and little danghto' have returned from an extended visit with relatives at Durmville.—Rev. A. 13, Farney, Sinnene, a former rentor of the Anglican church here was the guest of W. M. Robinson last week.— Miss 13. McLaughlin, Ford wieh, was a recent visitor with Mies Pearl Kea7te, —Reeve Reis and family have return- ed from a holiday with relatives at Milverton.—Mee, Wm. Wilson is the guest of friends at Beaverton. —Sgt. R. Abraham, Camp Borden and Wm. and Mrs, Abraham, Huntsville, are visiting at their home here.— Wm, and Mr•s. Irwin and Wm. and Mrs. Lowry motored to Listowel. —Rev. 1511'. Malcolm, Wroxeter, preached in the Preehyterian church on Sunday —Mrs. O. Sproule, visited at Jas. Merkley's.—Geo. Dane and daughter, Hamilton, called on old friends in this vicinity recently. Geo, was formerly in general business in the village. BORN BALLTNOALL —In Grey tswnehlp. on Auguet 17th, to Mr. and erre. Ballingail, a daugh- ter. OAnnrs9.—In Grey township, on July 18th, 1917, to Mr. and Mrs Mark L. Cardiff, n Aon Gatornntn: In Grey township, on Angest 0th, 1017, to M' and TSre. W Grimmer, a ann, GnprN —In Milwaukee, Min , nn August 18th, 1917, to De. Fred. and Mrs GIlpin, a eon— Leetia. MOLwNNAN—In Grey township, on Aacted 18111 1917, to Mr. and Mr, MoLaman, a ,on Harris—In Morrie township nn August 20111, 1917, to Mr. end hire Thos. Miller, a eon. MARRIED GRARAM—GAaniNER.—At the home of the bride's parents, nn August 14th. 1017 by Rev. Dr. Marsh, Toronto, Tor. W. K (lira - ham, Manager Bark of Nova Scotia, Aoton, Ont„ to Miss Ada Wlllralmine, youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. A. Gardiner, of Walton, Ont. PoaTarnetsnu. Accidently killed et Calgary on August 2066, 1017. (Mertes Layton, Rousted airiest sen of Wm. Porterfield, 18tH .Ave East, and o, dAencf are. Mery and the late Peter Porterfield, East Wawenosh, in kis 18th year, 9W Ss,1.,, on otoJs — At the 7. bye, ev ;T. NI, Fish., Jniv on28rd, Switzer, by Rev J. M, Seek., Mr. willarty 01n 0. y towns i , Huron ld, Fisk., formerly of FGreyrances township, Hnrnn ga , to Miss Alicia Frances Skuce, of Glem garriS, Co, Corer, leakiest, DIED OAMPEELt.—In Grey township, on Apgust21st 1917, Iva M.. eldest dnughter of Ivie and Mary Campbell, aged 1 � years. GHsst,l,—In Milwaukee, kiln„ on August 18th, 1917, Leslie., infant soli of Dr, and Mrs. Gil- pin, aged 2 days. STEwaiT.—In Toronto, on August 25th, 1017, Mary Leekie, widow of the late John F. Stewart, formerly of. Brussels, aged 09 yew* STebtemoN.—In Toronto, on August 8th, 1917, Robert Stretton, aged 71 years, BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat Oats Peas Barley Butter Eggs - Hoge Hxv Potatoes per hag Wool (unwashed) Wool (washed) 152 10 $2 20 70 75 2 25 2 25 l05 '85 40 41 17 000 18 00 6 0 6 05 00 08 Farm for Sale Oontalning 200 acres,viz., 05 Lot 80, Ooh 8, Morrie township, and ot 1, Oen, 5, (trey town- shlp. Well watered, comfortable house, honk barn and manure ehed, driving house, Wind mill, orchard, e&o. 95 miles North of Brussels 36 mile to eohool RuWilineellneitlier or hboth fa_rme, If not sold before October let will be rented, For further partieulara apply to ALEX. FORSYTH, Proprietor, Brussele, or F. S. SCOTT, Brussels, 0.4 To Contractors The Municipal Council of the Township of Morrie are neking for tenders for the couetrno• tion of the Kelly and Bone Drahm, Tenders Will be opened at the Township Hell Monday, September 10111, at 2 p, m• Plans ends ool&- oatione entry be seen at the Olorh'e residence. Enoloaoa $60 good,talth marked cheque with the tender. A. MACMWEN, JOHN SHORTREiOD, Clark, Bluevale. Reeve, Wetton. Farm for Sale SEALED TBNDTOR8 will 1,5 received by the undersigned Un to Saturday, the 8th day of Septetnber,1017, for the pursbnee of the South Half of Lot number Pour in the Fourth Con• cession of the ToWnehip of Morrie. On Mile form ie eitttate a larglte atone dwell• leg, tilargo bank herb a driving shed end stone hog pen, It 15 Watered by a spring meek and tWo wells 1 about Maltby nares clearers and twenty agree of fairly gond hardwood bash The term le Altura.) thrna'geeeeero of a Mile trend tern Village of Aelgrnva. Theme ny BALE• -Ton per 5ert en neonptauoe 51'tetdertmd heiaree1n thirty dayn Igust, t Winvhan tris TwanU{ety day of August, A. D. R, VAN8TONE, Winghem, Solt/Ater for the Exeontora of R, M. Andersen estate, NOTICE Notice ie hereby given to Pnth nn,etore In the Townebip of McEntee Mixt unless the Noxious Weeds on their F.averat road divisions are cut or otherwise destroyed to prevent their Reeds Prem ripening The Noxious Weeds Agit will he enforced. By order of the 610E1110p Clonsetl. 9.2 M, MUBDI81, 01a0k. Notice to Creditors Io the matter of the estate of William H. Humphries, late of the Village of Walton, in the County of Huron, merchant, deceased. Notloe is hereby given pursuant to "The Re. teed Statutes of Ontario,' that all creditors and others havin • claims against the estate of the Mid William II. Humphries who died et Walton, Ont,. on or about the First day of July, A D„ 1917, are required on or' before the Twentieth day of September, A D. 1017, to Bend by poet prepaid or deliver to W. J, Humphries. one of the Executors of the last Will and Testament of said deeeased, at Walton Post Office, Ontario, their Christian and Surnames addresse+ and deseriptloue, the full particulars of their elating. the abatement of their accounts and the nature of ltssseen, itlee Of any) held by them. And further take notice that atter such lust mentioned date the said Executor, will pro. coed to distribute the tweets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re. gaud only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the mild Bxrentrrs will not be liable for the said aeeete Or any part tilere- ef to any person or perasne of whose• Asim notice shall not have been received by them et the time of such distribution. Dated. at Walton this 28th dap of August, A. D.1517. W..7, HUMPHRIEe, IHeeentore. MARGARET A. HUMPHRIES Voters' Lis,t - 1917 Municipality of the Vii.ago of Orueseia, County of Huron. Notice IN hereby given that I hays temnenit- ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Mentions 8 and 9 of the Ontario Vot.-rs Mete Act. the copies required by said Section to be so trensruttted or delivered of the lien made, puram,nt to said Act, of all persona ;towering by the 'net revised Assessment Roll of the Municipality at Eteetbm, for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Ili m1cipul Elec. Mons ; and that the said. li0t was first posted up In my office, in Brussels, on the 2101 day of August, 1017, and remains therefor inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said hat, mrd, 1f any omissions or any other errore ere found therein to take immediate proceed. Inge to have the said errors corrected acoord- • The Penslar,rtore • A Ar ® ApLI1 9ovrtymiggz sx'r. "ee-.zxt • u We beg to advise our customers who have been waiting for some time for us to get in our stock of this very ,, popular remedy that we have just received a good supply of it and are prepared to meet 0 We 'have secured the all demands. 4, Sole Agency for •, • in thisvicinity and anye • } 0 orders entrusted to our care will receive im- e mediate attention. The o demand for• •• 0 m 6 0 M TAN LAC 4. • o is perfectly phenomenal 0 over seven and a half • million bottles being e 0 sold iii past 2 years. ss 4 0 TANI. c ♦ Never before has the • demand for a proprie- tory ever approached the wonderful record • that is now being made aby Tanlac. $1.00 per large bottle at • • •0 a O DRUG STORE a 4. A 0 e • 0 • 0 4. • • 0 O • • • P- • •4••0••0404.0AO•o•0©0.000.0 Property for Sale Sug to law. Property for sale In the Village of Cranbrook Dated this 29th da of Angtut, 1917. belonging to the estetn of the late D McQunr- 7 rte. For mietieilars us to prIee and terms 85- F. S SCOTT, ply to MRS. JANET MCQUAICRIE, Clerk of Brussels, Brussels. e0000e000000000000000.000000.0.004,2 ENTER AT ANY TIME o Qr • a • • • O O 0 ♦ • This new College is a branch of the Central 13nsinPes Cnllegs, Strat- a p ford, and the Elliott Business College, Tot onto, and the slime High • ♦ standards will be maintained. To 1NSUR1, SUCCESS select the • O. School that can give you the REST 'i RAINING-, •4 0 • \recite fur our Catalogue. 1115 free, p D. A. McLAGH LAN, Pre. A. HAV1LAND, Principal. • • •.00000.300000♦00400000.093+0900000000000000000000000+ 0 FALL TERM NOW OPEN 0 The sooner you enter, the sooner you will be through your • course and into It good position. • O • • O •i • O• 0• ♦ 0 WINGHAM, OPJT, ++++++++++++++++++0+++11.+11,++0.1.+++++++.14+++++++++.1-e++ + • y0 •+i• + Barg Greaty Reduced in Price for 15 Days Ladies' Misses' Children's ALL SIZES Ins for Small Feet 62 pairs Boots and Shoes, Women's Patent and Fine Kid, sizes 2)1, 3 and 3? only, reg. 3 00, 2 25 z y 3,50, .00 and o. All one price... ... 4 45 en's Heavy H rvest Shoes In Mule Skin, extra good wearers and all sizes in the lot. Going at 25 Trunks and Satchels at Lowest d sp m 4. its a- •. rCash Place for Bargains in 1Jarness, Boots and Shoes +++++++++++++++++++++++++.14•44++++++00+++++++++++++++ N'